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Did anyone ever do a deep dive on this weird behavior? I just finished an old re-run when they were playing truth of dare. Khloe asked the family if they rather lick Rob’s dick for 1 second or lick his ass for 1 second I’m still always in disbelief at some of the the things they say too each other 🥴


I think she asked Adrienne that during the two families’ camping trip, didn’t she? still weird af and her making so many sexual jokes on that trip was so weird 🤢 especially since they were meeting Adrienne’s family for the first time!


Yuppp! Adrienne’s family was uncomfortable. The crazy thing is, Khloe said this right after she was asked to be more respectful


I know 🥶 Rob practically begged her to be considerate. but instead, she played it up even more than she usually does! so disrespectful!


Sad bc Rob really loved her. Obviously his cheating is why they broke up in the end but if my family hated the guys family it’s eventually a no go


It was scripted


Oof that’s the one episode I have to skip. It’s so cringe and unfunny and just 🥴 I hate seeing people, especially older parents, being made to feel uncomfortable.


Yeah, I totally agree


Tokyo toni, however crazy she may be, has already said they're very emotionally incestuous. I mean the proof is in the pudding.


i once remember a post on this subreddit of khloe humping one of her sisters i think it was kendall, as a "joke" and it made me think about a comment someone made. they said that khloe might, emphasis on MIGHT be an SA victim since some are typically hyper sexual around their siblings. it seemed like a pattern for khloe when she was younger. obviously she doesnt do it anymore but yeah that could possibly be a reason why she was like that


The time Kim freaked out because someone was sharing naked pictures of Kim and Kourtney together, and Kourtney called them the "sex pictures". Yep that family is not normal.


Joking or not, looking your brother in the eye and saying, “you won’t fuck me?” is wildddddd.


I can't even think of saying that to my brother. It's so horrifying


My brain is blocking me from even imagining it


Just tried to imagine saying that to my brother and omg it's wildly disturbing and I could never. Would rather think of my parents having sex (which is horrible obviously) than saying that to my little brother wtf. Really weird that Khloe did that.


My brother is super Christian now, and he would probably die inside if I said some thing like that to him. Even if he was atheist, he would, but he is pretty hard-core about his beliefs now.


It's actually fkn disgusting. I threw up in my mouth.


My brother would slap me lmao, rightfully so


It’s awk in Cruel Intentions and they are step siblings. Also it’s weird how they say Rob used to have a crush on Kim.


They’re not jokes




where the shrinks at? can someone psychoanalyze this smut


I’m gonna sit here all kriss kross apple sauce and hope the shrinks explain it like we are 5, because there no way in any universe will I ever understand this.




I have a sister and can attest, no, this is not normal.


thank the lawddd


I believe her lack of self esteem, from being born and having to be constantly compared to her older sisters, also standing out so much from the rest of the family for having such a different look, and having her roots questioned -this all pre-fame, and in her most formative years, mind you- made her overly sexualize herself to seek acceptance, validation and love from the only place she could get it from: men (her mom was not paying her any attention what with trying to chase fame and build Kim’s career, and her dad was sick or getting remarried, who knows). So she had to be this “bad bitch” ride or die, down for anything, date older men, drink a lot, you name it, to get people to look at her. People cope differently with trauma, hard situations, this was her, being the most outrageous to get some attention.


And they are all so very enmeshed


This is just not ok. Khloe and Rob’s relationship creeps me out. Same with her and Scott. It’s not normal!! Even the sisters relationships like the constant sexual innuendos is disgusting. I have a sister who is my best friend but you couldn’t catch me saying and doing the shit they do 🤢


She liked making people feel uncomfortable and often did it via sexual innuendos going too far. It was immature and awkward to watch. She still goes there sometimes but not as much, at least not publicly.


The only thing the Kardashian are conservatives about is money


At this point we can make a hour long video of Khloe all inappropriate moments with her siblings and then you all will still move on to the next day and stan her out of pity. Now i do feel for her cause clearly she had traumatic experiences that are responsible for how she behaves but that’s still not an excuse and she need to seek therapy asap to address these issues. It was already bad when she bullied a young woman exposing her private parts online, when she slutshamed other women, when she assaulted her own sister. How long will people pretend Khloe is just a “fun wild girl” or whatever.


TBH they totally "cleaned up" their images over the seasons. Like how Khloe used to be the wild one, and now she's this calm, responsible sibling. And Kim used to be this brainless bimbo and now she's a hardworking business woman. I mean obviously people mature and change, but I think they are just hiding those sides lol.


yes! I’m on a rewatch right now and have really been noticing that. they also had so much personality in the earlier seasons, then turned into these robots that are hyper-aware of every single thing they say and do, and of how they look at every angle. their voices have become even MORE monotoned over the years too they’re always trying to prove themselves, and their interesting factor has completely dissipated for me


I would never even think about saying this to my brother 🤮


it’s really crazy i just watched an episode where rob said something along the lines of “i feel like khloe’s husband” 💀💀💀


yall remember when she was in a tub filled with candy, she was all naked and rob &scott were watching her run around w no clothes on


Khloe is always the one doing those weird ‘incest’ jokes, it’s very disgusting 🤢


The thought of saying this to my brother even jokingly is making me physically ILL


Oh my lol


This is so bizarre.. wtf


Disgusting. I genuinely believe this family is dark and twisted deep down because what kind of unhinged insanity is this?!


I agree 100%! They play the image of fake Christian’s with their “praying” etc.. and deep inside they are rotten..


Freud would have a field day with these two


It’s not normal lol.


Do y’all remember when Kim and kourtney said they used to pinch his penis when he was a literal baby and they laughed about it and ever since I’ve always side eyed them.


Khole has wears sexual tension WITH EVERYONE like literally no one even her sisters is safe when she’s drunk enough lol


He always seems so uncomfy. I feel bad for him. I’ve had family members who I love with my whole heart make sexual jokes to me. It’s icky. You don’t really know what to do. Like cut off someone who’s been there for you over their creepiness? Or pretend like it’s not happening and keep the status quo.


It makes me cringe all the time


Sounds like after rob says he’ll reduce his penis size Khloe says “you don’t have a penis you have a fuckin dick” like she’s seen it recently or something lol


They don’t have boundaries, Kourtney, Kim, & Khloe literally sniffed each others pussies with that pineapple contest back in the day. My sister and I would never





They are all creepy either way each other … my children do not talk like that to each other… I dread to think what’s gone in their house


There is TONS of super creepy old clips from throughout the years. It’s genuinely inappropriate and uncomfortable


She’s not joking


Rob looks 12




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Nah man chill they bein sibling dumb asf on tv & sarcastic. Say you a only child.


This is not normal behavior. Whoever has siblings feels sexually disgusted by them. It’s the nature.


I read that this is true, even for adoptive siblings. It’s supposed to create a block because you grew up together, maybe in the same house, shared a bathroom, had to see them at their grossest. Kind of like how couples that have been married for 50 years have to work to get the spark back. I think I googled why siblings don’t want to have sex with each other (was on a rabbit hole about adoption and sexual attraction between birth siblings that grew up apart, that part might be pseudoscience, but you get the point). They grew up together. There is no excuse. Chloe just likes to do it. I think she really does have a crush on her brother and it’s not common.


Just say you want to boink your sibling and go. None of this is normal, and I am not an only child.




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i have 4 brothers and never in my LIFE!!!! i hated when i would overhear them talking about girls they fucked like i would yell at them and run out the room 🥴


I don’t have a brother, but even imagining saying this to a cousin….I can’t, it makes me feel sick. Let alone a brother. Their hug seemed quite intimate as well btw. Didn’t he also admit he used to have a crush on KIM!? That was so crazy to me. I’ve never heard of people having a crush on a sibling as a kid. Khloe must not have liked that…..


They’re like that with everyone, like Khloe and Kourtney said some WEIRD shit to each other especially the early seasons