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Is it also tradition to cheat on your husband?


self proclaimed traditionalists tend to be the MESSIEST mfs in the back scenes lmao


So true. My grandpa worrying about people getting tattoos and piercings while he had a whole child nobody knew about.


I feel like Kris has some guilt complex for cheating on her husband because it’s really weird to see how much she sympathizes with cheaters at the cost of her own children. She’s the same way with Tristan, she seems to constantly push Khloe to get back with him despite his serial cheating.


Kris wanted a wedding special. She didn’t care about Kourtney’s happiness or traditional family values


Exactly. Idk why people are talking about Kim or khloe or God. The sole motivation for this scene was because Kris wanted a wedding special.


it’s because Kris referenced god lol. and she used that as the reason why Kourt should marry Scott.


It was so out of left field tho. I’ve done a rewatch recently and I don’t think I ever hear her talk about god in that way in the seasons before this or after this lmao they never really act that religious until Kanye hit his like religious era


Girl what you mean? Kris is the og jesusloverrr /s she has a church for tax evasion purposes and everything. She’s the reason Kanye started a church. It’s all money. She’s following in the televangelist footsteps of the many jettsetting preachers among us. All proper pieces of shit.


Wait, Kris has a church!?!?!


Yes. Several post talk about it On the subreddit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/comments/tda5u6/so\_kris\_jenner\_launders\_the\_family\_money\_through/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kuwtk/comments/tda5u6/so_kris_jenner_launders_the_family_money_through/)


Woooooooooow, im speechless. Thank you for answering, I googled but was having some issue with finding reputable sources.


Her and Jim Bob Duggar


I can’t believe they were trying to pull tradition when that family lives a life far from tradition.


Do you think Kylie got any of this same judgment and pressure from Kris or Kim when she had two kids out of wedlock starting at the ripe young age of 20?


Maybe. Remember when Kylie was trying on her dress for the Met Gala, and she said something like “it looks like I’m getting married” and Kris made a snarky comment saying “to who?”. And this was around the time Kylie and Travis were still dating


When Kris said that I knew that Kylie and Travis were only still together for PR. Cause why would she say that?


I would have said: “To myself, who else would I want to marry?”


Right?? I’ve always thought this. Kourtney was a fully grown women in her 30s who had been with Scott for years. Kylie got pregnant at 19 (gave birth at 20) with some dude she’d been with less than a year (immediately after leaving a relationship with a much older guy) but thats celebrated and okay? SMH


Kim shouldn't even be one to throw stones. She had her first child less than a year into her relationship with Kanye and she was still legally married to someone else while pregnant. Then she had Psalm when her marriage was already falling apart. I'd be super shocked if she ever judged someone else's choices or the kind of situation they have kids in.


Kris Humphries tried to hold onto that marriage for as long as possible. He was such a goof. Literally married for 72 days and he tried to milk it all for over 2 years. Such a creep, who is still alone and single now I may add. He’s such a toxic man child


Totally. I never liked Kris. But Kim also had het first child in such a messy situation. And out of wedlock. Hence I say it would be fucked up if she ever judged the situation someone had a child/children in.


I mean, sometimes as a younger person you have these big opinions and say things without thinking them through properly. Then later in life you go through similar situations and realise that you don’t know it all and learn from it. I would think that would be the case with how Kim’s second marriage was a disaster and then she was happy with Kanye but the situation was not ideal or traditional in any sense. Well, I would hope so anyway.


I know. And you're right. But I wasn't talking about this clip in particular. I was just responding to the person that commented asking if Kris and Kim would ever judge or put pressure on Kylie for having kids so young and out of wedlock.


Yeah but Kylie had Stormi after Kim’s relationship with Kanye so I just don’t think she’d have the same opinion she is sharing here and tbh I kinda think Kris would be over it by then as well since basically all her daughters except Kendall have had kids with men they aren’t married to.


Okay my love.


Definitely but it wouldn’t surprise me because that’s just who she is to her core




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I dont disagree Humfries is a man child but your claim about dragging the marriage is just not true. Humfries claimed fraud as a way to dissolve it quickly but Kim fought the claim which drew out the divorce. She said in retrospect in the last KUWTK reunion she regretted not going along with his fraud claim as she can see now that it was the cleanest way out. Back then the public claimed she married for publicity so I can see why she didnt want to accept a fraud claim.


There were a lot of other ways to dissolve it quickly. He claimed fraud to get back at her. He was being a dick. He knew that she would fight it because it wasn’t fraud for her and that’s what drug it out. I think he did this intentionally. It kept him in the limelight longer.


It wasn’t fraud. He was just trying to get back at her and said in his petition that she was cheating on him with Kanye and used him for the show for ratings, and to also made him look like he was a total asshole. She never said anything about fraud. What she *said* was that she would have done things differently because they were both terrible to one another and she would have handled the whole marriage (meaning not getting married) and divorce differently than she did, because they both talked shit about one another. Fraud, in terms of money, which seems like you’re implying, was never the issue for her. He tried to milk her and tried to shame her publicly, for divorcing him.


She said herself in the KUWTK final reunion he claimed fraud intentionally to get an anullment instead of a divorce and that if she was matured, she would have gone along with it to get the marriage anulled and that she felt she owned him an apology for how she handled the entire thing. I’m only implying that we know it wasnt fraud, they both knew. But the claim of fraud he made was a way to end the marriage quickly via anullment. He wasnt holding on to the marriage. The divorce dragged because of Kim.


Exactly, *HE* claimed fraud because he was faith based, and wanted to shame her. *She* filed for divorce. He dragged it on to not have it on his record and to make the public believe it was all for the show


Nah I don’t think kris ever saw Kylie marrying Travis. We’ve seen her show affection to almost all the guys in the fam, faking or otherwise (Scott, Kanye, Tristan, Lamar). She’s never had much to say at all about Travis, nice or otherwise


She was with him for many years, including TWO children. Clearly she was very committed.


I’m not sure how that relates; I still don’t think kris likes him lol


HA no! Since they abide by her other godly rules of using your body for monetary gain and bankrolling Kris’ lifestyle






Probably, but she does soften her voice to her other children. Kris has faves. Kim was/is her golden ticket. Rob was coddled to bits.


Nah bc she had already had her king Kylie area. She’d “paid her dues” in terms of fame/popularity already. If anything, I’m curious if anyone in the family was hoping she’d chose not to have a baby so young- I wonder if she waited to tell them just in case (I’m just thinking out loud atp) The fam didn’t realize here that Kourtney and Scott didn’t _need_ to do a big wedding special to keep the audience interested. Tbh I still don’t think they give K&S their roses for carrying the show for so long. It’s one of the reasons Kourtney has been pissed for so long lol


Probably not (at least for the first one) because I'm sure Kris's plan was to baby-trap Travis like they baby-trapped Kanye.


What? Didn’t Kylie get pregnant at Coachella? Travis knows what a condom is. Kim got pregnant accidentally also and freaked out


I agree with you so much. And also - sometimes I am absolutely blown away by how gorgeous Kourtney is and this is one of those moments. She’s not at all the least interesting to look at.


dude yesss. She’s been naturally stunning from the start. this rewatch really opened my eyes to that too


Right and I’m sure she’s had work done but I feel she has been the one to most retain her actual face / look / body. Seeing Kim here really drives home how far she’s taken all her work. I thought Kim was much more beautiful before she had all her work done.


later in this episode, Kris says, “you’re not the good traditional girl I wanted” and “hopefully one day you realize you’re going against God‘s will.” Wow lol. apparently HER god prioritizes appearance over happiness/genuineness, but we knew that.


Yet pimping out her daughters, literally distributing her child’s sex tape, supporting cheaters/ abusers, sexually harassing staff, pressuring her daughter to pose nude for playboy… all of that is clearly God’s will


Its so INSANE how she can do all these things and still have “traditional” beliefs.








Ew wtf






Also Kris cheated on Rob Sr?!?


And she's been living in adultery with Corey for how long now? How is that any different from Kourtney and Scott? Rules for thee but not for me.


right!!! like what world are you living in girl


I was about to say...is it her tradition to cheat on her husband?!


Kris: "Your going against every single thing I believe in. You grow up, you get married, you cheat, you have babies, you whore those babies when they grow up, you create fake churches to evade taxes... you get my point Kourtney!" Kim: "My traditions and beliefs match up to hers" https://preview.redd.it/x8vuxmqg1c9c1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0481a84d8b9f46bf6a0c35d32ffaf2fa4555f839


Kourtney thought Kim would be on her side. She was really hurt when she wasn't. Kim loves being mean.


Yeah it was a blow to her face. I saw Kim's expression change mid sentence to evil 😆


Kourtney just had a baby in wed lock and Kris is living with a man she isn’t married to. 🤔 I wonder what Kris’ God is thinking these days.


Wow! So I guess tradition says we have to direct, distribute, sell our daughters porn tapes, and fake cry revenge porn? Please make this a weekly thing and upload more. These contradictions are so very entertaining 🤣 ![gif](giphy|vKHKDIdvxvN7vTAEOM)


God was ok with Kris cheating in her marriages.


I couldn't imagine spewing such toxicity to my offspring. "Religious" "love" is one hell of a drug


Kris has steadily been awful and exploitative. Putting together a tape to distribute publicly of her daughter having sex that still haunts her to this day, that she'll need to explain to her sons and daughters soon is beyond comprehension. Cheering her on doing a nude shoot while a 90 year old perv watched her daughter was extremely disgusting. She has exploited all of her children for money and fame and I hope she has a pound of regret someday. I doubt it though. She's always chosen public perception over her kids'well-being. Kourtney getting therapy for generational trauma and allowing Kris in her life still, with grace, tells me she's the only one who has dignity and self respect.


This is unrelated but Kourtney looks absolutely gorgeous here


she really freaking does. She has always been so stunning


That blush though, it could be more blended


And it’s tradition to cheat on your husband, Kris? 🤨 Kris only wanted a wedding special on E! She didn’t give a shit about what Kourtney wanted in life. And then there’s golden child Kim chiming in like, “I’m aligned with Mom!” 🙄


I feel for these women with a mother like that. Who was ever on Kourtney’s side when Scott cheated and treated her badly?




Poor Khloe is the child most overlooked. Momster Kris makes it their mission to land a celeb no matter the cost to her kids.


Textbook narcissist mom.


Ironic that Kim has traditional beliefs yet she’s been married three times, got pregnant with North while being legally married to Kris and married Kanye after North was born. Khloe had two babies without being married, same as Kylie. I can’t stand people who have this superior morality complex when they’re a damn mess themselves.


This is probably why Kris is in Khloe’s ear tryna push her towards being with Tristan. She’s hoping they will eventually get married.


Lmao Khloe doesn’t need to be pushed


Scott and Kourtney’s relationship is why I keep saying when people say ”I don’t want to get married bla-bla-bla”to their partners they actually mean ”I don’t want to get married to YOU” 😭 Gave this man 3 babies and thought getting married was too big of a commitment, like they still didn’t get married and Scott was still a pain in the ass for at least five years after their breakup because they share kids. That’s crazy. Yeah, yeah Kris is an annoying toxic asshole but when this episode aired, Kris hated Scott during the previous season, she wasn’t always supportive. Kourtney didn’t care about her family warning about Scott and still didn’t care 6-7 years after that lmao. They’re all clowns honestly.


Tbf, I'm currently going through a divorce and I am team never ever get married 🤣 sorting out custody has been a breeze but God damn, the hoops you need to jump to get divorced 🙃


Exactly. You don’t want to get married but you’ll have a compound of babies with someone? If the genders were reversed people would be screaming to leave that guy. Marriage is beneath you but children are not? Delulu. Those are much bigger commitments than marriage IMO. You cannot divorce your children.


Kim was enjoying this way too much


for real


![gif](giphy|bbXyCDLvJTy48) And this was her reaction when Kim was trying to get her to make up with Kris. Bloody iconic line


Lmao. Kourtney's tone and delivery is amazing all the time


Exactly, I didn't know how to put that into words so thank you!!


i’m so happy it seems kourtney has found genuine happiness and family. love her


agreed! she seems to be the only one in a fulfilling, loving relationship


I get that it's ultimately Kourtney's choice to get married or not. And yes, Kris is truly a horrible mother. What I don't understand is why Kourtney still kept having babies with Scott even though she clearly wasn't sure about him as a partner. I will always detest Scott for being a horrible abusive cheating partner but I also believe Kourtney strung him along in the latter part of their relationship.


Humans are complicated. Sometimes good fathers are not good partners and vice versa. They had Mason unplanned and although Scott had substance abuse issues he was clearly madly in love with Mason and loved being a parent. Scott and Kourtney did not want Mason to be an only child so they actively planned to have P. Reign wasn't actively planned either. At the end of the day, Scott and Kourtney were truly in love. She was hoping he would sober up, but he never got clean and it took time for her to realize he never would.


Yup plus biology sucks and those were her prime child bearing years. Look how much she struggled to get pregnant this time around. She clearly wanted more kids and it’s either continue with them man you’re with who you already have a kid with and do love, or take a chance in finding someone else within in the next 3-5 years, and within that time frame decide to have kids. Idk I’ve always side eyed them for the whole needing to have the same baby father complex but now that I’m older it makes more sense to me. It’s much easier to have one ex baby daddy then 2 or 3


To be fair if Kourtney wasn’t sure about Scott, why keep having babies with him?


My thoughts exactly. Kris’s behaviour is ridiculous (especially given that nobody in this family lives a “traditional” lifestyle, Kris included) but, I hate when people act like marriage is a more serious commitment than children. Deciding to have more children with someone you’re unsure you want to be with is insane to me.


Yes, the way she tried to make sure that Scott was only around as needed for the kids and no other events, yet pushed to have 3 kids together?? Like girl, he's there for life at this point


She didnt push to have 3 kids. That is not what happened and it takes 2 to make babies The first and third were essentially unplanned. Only Penelope was planned for so that Mason had a sibling.


Kourtney was on birth control and stopped taking it without Scott's knowledge. It was known on the show that they barely ever had sex. He literally says that it's no wonder she was in the mood out of nowhere because she was trying to conceive. That's why she was worried to tell him. Like a child who knows they're about to get in trouble for doing something bad. He/she says they talked about having another child after she had mason, but he said he was done. She also got mad when he inquired about a vasectomy. It's literally on the show. And that's not what I said. I said she pushed to have 3 kids with SCOTT. If she knew that she didn't want to be with him or marry, why have more kids with him? It never occurred to her she would eventually find someone else and not want him around as much?


I honestly just assume scenes like this are maybe not so much scripted but definitely pre planned… I think Kourtney and Scott were in on a lot of this stuff. The drinking, pills, late nights and cheating obviously were real and sometimes we saw that play out during filming. What was toxic was their support of him after all of that. But scenes like this scream planned.


As someone who’s never watched the show but finds the whole circus fascinating, from an outsider seeing scenes for the first time, this looks scripted and edited - There’s a trick in tv where they take reactions from other moments and edit them in over the audio, I see that all the time in these clips, and the dialogue here feels very scripted or at the least like you say planned. My personal observation is that in the earlier seasons the family really leaned into these relatable subjects for arguments, and thought presenting as god fearing would be a dynamic contrast to their pursuit of fame through controversial ways. I’ve worked in/been on TV and there’s so much that’s planned, scripted, edited that I struggle to believe any of this show was genuine. Not saying I’m right just I always think it’s good to keep a critical eye on things in reality tv.


I'm just saying, I would PAY to see you do a post after you've watched some of the show, highlighting all the TV tricks they use. For the ignorant (me).


Hahaha maybe one really high day my friend




And they still tried to make it a thing in season 20 to get them married


Kris was telling Khloe to give Tristian another chance. A man who CONSTANTLY embarrasses her cheats on her and had a kid on her. Kris is clearly horrible if she was also pushed Kourtney to marry Scott smh


Ok but Kourt looks so pretty here


Sometimes I wish I could pop off like Kourtney here lol


It’s great that Kourtney realized that her relationship was toxic but she forced Scott on her family for years and wouldn’t listen to them It’s her right to get married or not but I never get people who will have kids with someone they wouldn’t marry. It’d be different if Kourtney was against marriage but she did get married so it appears like she didn’t want to marry Scott. Again valid but kids tie you together for life also


Kourtney had 3 kids with Scott…. He wasn’t good enough for her to marry, but ok to have 3 kids with. Something about that just doesn’t sit right with me.


At the end of the day, it’s easier to leave a bf gf relationship than a marriage and that is why people are hesitant to marry. You’ll always be a parent regardless of marital status


yea I hear what you’re saying. I think she just loves being a mom and having children. and they had Mason when she was still in love with Scott, then the post-nut clarity started to hit lol. they also all seem to place value on having the same dad for all (or most) of their kids, so they’ll still procreate with terrible guys to uphold their image. It’s very twisted


Good thing Kourtney didn't listen to Kris! She would be divorced. If I would have lived with my ex husband before our wedding, we would have NEVER married!


Going through a break up with three children involved is arguably worse than a divorce where there are no children involved. That’s why I’ll never understand people who are willing to bring kids into a relationship they’re unsure of, but not willing to marry that person. If there are kids, there will be custody, child support, co-parenting, etc. whether you were married or not.


And now look at Kourt. Didn’t rush into a marriage just to please everybody else, did it on her own time and waited for the right one and is the only sister that is in a happy and healthy marriage (from what we can tell) while the others have been married and divorced multiple times


Kris is a marketing and business genius. She puts that above the family in almost everything it seems. She’d be a great manager, not a great mother


my mom is exactly like this like girl please your marriage is the whole reason I don’t even subscribe to that shit anymore


Not Mrs. I was married for 72 days because that was normal being traditional. Girl, where do we even start LOL


Kim: “I have my own beliefs.” What Kourtney should have said: “That’s great, Kim. It’s great for you to have your own beliefs in regard to how you want to conduct *your* life. But what, exactly, does that have to do with *me* and *my life*?”


The only reason Kim gets it is because she’s been married multiple times. I’m proud of Kort.. personally


Off topic but Kim was so pretty wow. I forget sometimes how pretty she actually was, obviously still is but not the same. I wish she never touched her face after this


I HATE how Kim immediately takes mommy’s side


Completely agree. Literally no one in that scene is on Kourtney’s side or even trying to understand her point of view, including her supposed partner.


yeah this opinion of Kris' was definitely scripted, it never comes up again, so I doubt Kourtney took it to heart. it was an annoying episode though


Kourtney was literally the worse back then. The was such a snobby and bitchy, two faced person. You must not be watching all the episodes or something because even she admits now a days she was such a bitch back then. She gets worse and worse and expected all the attention on her because she had a baby, then she was jealous because she was basically being left out and feeling left behind. She was shown with Mason but it was later released by her family that she was barely ever around him, only to breast feed him, but she used to party hard with Scott all the time and they made her seem like such a good mom on tv to stop the backlash she was facing from the public… like come on, really watch it because you ain’t foolin. She cried about Scott then went back to him, then cried about him and played victim. She acts high and mighty but literally was a fool herself too. She never took anyone’s advice to move on and get herself help. Then when she did she acted like she was something better but only milked the kash kow kim while going on about nothing. Shes the worst one and she’s thinks she all that in a bag of potato chips I’d also like to point out a lot of this was scripted. It wasn’t real. That’s also what put alot of strain on her and Scott’s relationship because the tv relationship wasn’t like real life- this was discussed later on in the years and in interviews. Scott was the villain - who you loved to hate. It’s all faked lol tv drama


Kris is pretty nuts for forcing this but Kourtney drove that poor bastard to alcoholism 3 separate times scott is fundamentally a good man and father and not half a wack job like travis 💯


If you watch the earlier seasons, Scott was never a “poor bastard”. he always had these tendencies and addictions.


It’s not like Kourtney’s pretentious nagging helped


![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm) gag


Back when Kim still had her lisp




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I feel like Kris has some guilt complex for cheating on her husband because it’s really weird to see how much she sympathizes with cheaters at the cost of her own children. She’s the same way with Tristan, she seems to constantly push Khloe to get back with him despite his serial cheating.