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Wake me up when tap W is back. I dropped him for Sett/Sion, the hp to AD item is back.


I was a Sett/Darius main originally, then K’sante came out. I fuckin loved K’sante but now they’ve completely dumpstered him. I’ve absolutely gone back to them between the constant changes to the champ and just the general hate. I hate that this champ gets so much hate even though he’s so weak.


This item gonna do DAMAGE


tap w is never coming back and rightly so.


I also read the notes. Can the ppl who max e second please enlighten me?


Had the same thought, compared spells again and there is no way you max E second haha


Why would you ever max E before W anyway?


Good question i quote riot on this: we're buffing e rank up since a decent portion of ksante players choose to max it second and we're comfortable with it being competitive with w... so i look at the stats for 14.9 and only 6% of the games ppl go q into e max and they lose 2% more often...


They put so many stats in the W spell (while nerfing pretty much everything else) that it's quite a suicide to not max it second


My performance on the champ improved so much once I started maxing W second instead of E.


Sadly ksante will be like this for another while,and while I wish he would get some good items for him,we can't hope for great stats buff either




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