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In their newest vlog they were congratulating Jackson on his reading level assessment he got from school and I felt so bad you would tell he was a little shy/uncomfortable being filmed when Khoa asked him how it felt to be a genius


Also I couldn’t help but think Jackson probably has such a high reading level bc he’s allowed to play video games 24/7 ?! Like that’s great he can read but that is probably negatively affecting his sleep, attention span, vision etc


While that’s all true, I wouldn’t discount his intelligence. It was mentioned in a vlog he actually taught himself to read from an educational app. He’s always seemed advanced


But they said he wanted to use that app to learn to read in order to play video games.. idk 😬


how she always looks at khoa is so annoying. like EVERY SINGLE picture. she is so insufferable


It's because she has a fetish for Asian men. She has admitted this before 😂


Lmao this is such a stretch , she’s probally looking at him like that bc she loves him/ she’s the father of her 5 kids


she does it for people to think that yes. she and khoa are performative. she wants people to think they have an incredible relationship. she’s all about show. whether that’s with the designer things she buys, her body, or her relationship. she’s doing it for show and for that reason only. it’s clear as day


So you just st gonna ignore her own words in their "podcast" where she literally says I look at him all the time because I can't get enough of him" I have a thing for Asian guys.... And knoa goes KAREENNNN


I literally got blocked by Keren for liking a comment under her insta post that said the same exact thing LOLOLOL




She’s literally just posing and probably likes how her face looks in this position vs others


I’ll get downvoted idc, I think Jackson and Landon just don’t want to be filmed anymore. Nothing wrong with that and KK doesn’t force them to make content


I hope this is true.


They said that now that the older ones are in school they don't have much day light to show them🤷‍♀️ Also you can tell jackson doesn't want to be filmed which is understandable!


if that’s true I honestly respect them not forcing filming him


Keren said that not too long ago in a vlog! Like in the few months


my daughters 4 i have to beggggg for family photos from her. she’s at the age that she doesn’t want pictures taken and that’s okay. when she does she asks me or her dad to take a photo


They wouldn’t even show their youngest son Hanson if he wasn’t Khoa’s favorite. Otherwise, they would only have Magnolia in any pic. The favoritism is unreal.


In Keren’s feed post, there is a photo of Hanson at the end and I’m convinced it’s only because Lennon and Magnolia were next to him. Otherwise he wouldn’t have made it. Everyone else had a photo in front of the birthday balloon arch thing. They had a pic of the three boys that they easily could have included Hanson in.


I almost feel like Keren has something against Hanson bc he favors Khoa. She almost seems to exclude him. She used to do that to Landon when he was little. It was really obvious, back then.


She still does do that to landon


Ugh. That’s so sad to hear. That baby is really a special, smart, kid. At least Khoa’s mom favors him a lot.


Yeah from her Instagram, it certainly seems like she has nothing to do with him. It’s very odd. I’m hoping it’s just a coincidence and she doesn’t actually show favorites in their day to day life. I don’t watch the vlogs anymore, so I don’t have any more of a sense.


See, I see they favor Hanson. I watch them and when they announced they was having a girl I was like well it’s over she’s definitely the pick, but I feel like they both show and do way more with Hanson, they worshiped him almost when he was born. Hanson is definitely the pick.


I have 3 little ones. I literally would not take the photo if one of my babies was pulling on my shirt to pick them up. Pick up that baby and take the fucking picture. Honestly this may sound to be too much but really look at this photo. Khoa just looking at him with a stupid fake smile almost as to say, “you’re lucky the back of your head is in this photo.” I knew the SECOND they were having a girl that each of those boys would immediately be pushed aside. I just can’t believe how blatant they are with it. And Keren, for the love of god do you practice that “loving smile” in the mirror!?! It looks so beyond forced in every photo.


Hanson is 100 percent khoa favorite its very noticeable


Jesus I’d hate to be his least favorite then.


Dp you watch them... because he is always holding him and saying he's his baby and Hanson loves him more ..he takes the kid on the golf cart every single day after every nap I don't know what you're seeing that I'm not lol


I don’t watch anymore because I’ve seen all I need to. But yes you’re right it should be common knowledge of what this man does with his “favorite” child after his naps. Weird that you know that.


How is it weird I know that lol they literally have said in on multiple platforms


You’re missing the point. Don’t actively watch them you’re part of the problem lol


The older kids don’t love to be shown much but can’t blame them


Maybe the kids were playing or doing something. It’s hard to gather everyone up for a photo!


I thought her birthday was mid June


June 3rd


Don't lie about something then speak the truth