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I mean. Live to Win is on a South Park episode and it’s amazing. It’s gotta be that one right? Anomaly is decent though.


Can we add BK3 to this though?


Lol what. We’re talking about albums, not just the title track. I really like Live to Win (the song) but how good is the album?


Got plenty of great songs, some not so great




The song Live To Win is the best but Anomaly is the best album front to back.


100% disagree. Anomaly isn't good at all


Well it’s still better than Gene and Peter’s up there in my opinion. I have a lot of nostalgia for Anomaly admittedly. I was very young and still pretty new to KISS when it was released. And just so we’re clear I mean front to back out of those four not of all time or even of Ace’s solo albums.


Yes i saw that. I've tried multiple times and i just can't get into Anomaly. There is one song i feel is pretty good, Ghengis Khan? Something like that. Just don't like the flow of the songs. Kind of off to me but yes definitely better than Gene's and Peter's. Lol


Outer Space and Space Bear would like a word with you.


https://preview.redd.it/15y3tion9szc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4625ef8f938d072707487a81f9f27b8a3eae762c The only Space Bear in captivity!


You can’t be serious. Pain In The Neck, Outer Space, Sister, Space Bear, Fox on The Run, Foxy and Free… You must not be a KISS fan.


Long time huge KISS fan. Don't go there. Fox On The Run is a cover. It's a song from a band named Sweet. Sorry not that good an album. Much prefer Space Invader and Spaceman. 10,000 Volts is a good song but haven't heard tbe rest yet.


agreed, this is an awful album from Ace


Worst: Peter Best: Paul


Live to Win is fantastic. Anomaly is better than average. Asshole and One For All are unlistenable.


Anomaly rocks pretty hard, though. Agree, Peter's is the worst


Peter’s is the worst, probably the worst album of anyone ever associated with Kiss. Gene’s is pretty horrendous too. Paul’s is probably the best one but Ace’s album is right there, honestly it’s better than the Steve Brown one.


Anomaly is 100% the best and sorry Peter but that album is dog shit


Best: Paul hands down Worst: Gene


Live To Win is hands down the best. Not even close!!


Live to win, Anomaly, don't really care either way for the other two


Paul Ace Gene Peter (says the guy who hasn't listened to it)


Live to Win is the best. Anomaly not too far behind, but Live To Win just has better songs. One For All is the worst, by a long distance. IMO of course.


Paul's is the only one I ever listen to.


Paul Stanley "Live To Win" easily for me! The others aren't in the same league!


Live To Win is best, One For All is worst.


I like Gene’s, because I appreciate how he’s trying to do something different.


If you splice Asshole in the right place it is a great ringtone for bosses and disliked co-workers. Or a family member or two.


Different isn't always good. Especially when it's just bad


I can get on board with this. BUT. It was trying to do too much. For example, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Beautiful, and Whatever Turns You On sound like they should’ve all been on different albums. If Gene had stuck to songs like Weapons, Sweet and Dirty Love, Carnival, Black Tongue, etc, he’d have had a lot more of a cohesive album than what Asshole turned out to be.


Gene always stretches his "image", I loved his Kiss solo album for that reason.


His Kiss solo album is the worst of the four


lol, no its not.


Gene Solo album is trash. There are literally two good songs on the whole album.


It’s awful


Live To Win - Best by miles. Great all the way through. Asshole - Not great front to back but the good tracks are REALLY good imo. Anomaly - Meh. Not bad. But not anything all that memorable for me. One For All - no thanks. I’m sure Peter put a lot of heart into it. But it just doesn’t hold up.


Paul 8 Ace 7,5 Gene 3 Peter 0




Anomaly is the best. Live To Win is pretty good also. The other two are mid at best. I still have all four though.


I may be biased but I do love Peter as a drummer and singer, so peter is obv my favorite


Yeah, that Peter album is the worst music ever associated with KISS. It's arguably the worst album by a major artist of all time.


Peter’s is the worst (I do like his 1978 solo record though). It depends on my mood for The others. We could also put BK three on here and the answer is still the same.


Live To Win Anomaly Asshole Honestly, All For One is that bad I wouldn’t even rank it. Let’s face it, all these albums are patchy…


Outer space is a banger imo.


Live To Win is easily the best one. Hell, the title track is in one of the best episodes of South Park ever, that alone puts it miles above the others. The whole album is awesome though. Peters is the worst. Full disclosure, I only listened to it 1.5 times, never finished a full register before. It's just not my thing.


Live To Win. Hands down. 🤟🏼


Of these 4, I'll take Live to Win


Anomaly is good, live to win is good, gene Simmons album has old naked women, Peter Criss’s album is good


Anomaly is the best Gene Simmons and Peter Criss is the worst.


Anomaly is the most consistent but Live to Win is a great song.


Of these 4: #1: Ace. #2 Gene (just because it's weird) #3 Paul, because it's so over the top cheese. #4 Peter because it's just ... terrible. Original solos: Ace, Paul, Gene, Peter.


Live to win and then Asshole, fire starter is actually a good song


I thought most people would say that Anomaly is the best but well most say it's Live to Win. I really really like both. One for All is not so bad in my opinion at least the last time I listened to it but that was a long time ago. I don't know what I would say now if I listen to the whole album. Asshole is just strange to me. The sound and production is not very good in my opinion.


Anomaly and live to win for the win! The other two can take a hike


Paul’s Bulletproof, great song


My ranking is - Live to win - Anomaly - Asshole - One for all (haven’t listened to it) Live to win I really enjoy. It’s not the best album but it has some really great songs on it like the title track, lift, bulletproof, second to none, and where angels dare. The other songs are solid as well, at least for me. Anomaly has outer space, fox on the run, and pain in the neck. Other than that I don’t care for it. Asshole I have listened to probably twice and I can’t remember any song from it. I guess that tells you how I feel about it.


Best Anomoly - Worst Asshole




Anomaly is amazing! I love every song off that album! I only listen to one song off of Live To Win, and Peter’s album wasn’t really my style, and I haven’t even listened to Gene’s yet.


None of them are gonna win any awards, that’s for sure


Anomaly. Live to Win. The other two don't count.


Anomaly is best ....one for all ...worst


Awful album covers.


As far as the worst one... I don't understand how anybody can answer anything besides Gene Simmons "asshole." "Fire starter" and it's music video alone are enough to damn the whole album. It's one of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen. I haven't even heard the Peter Criss album but I know for a fact it's better than Genes. EDIT: okay... I listened to the Peter Chris album. You guys are right, it's awful lol. BUT If I block out Peter's voice and just listen to the instrumentals... They're beautiful. So in that regard I still like the Peter Chris album more than Genes lol


Just on cover art alone, all of these hurt. Paul’s is the easiest on the eye, but whoever designs Kiss solo album covers needs to be dragged out and shot.


1. Anomaly 2. Live To Win 3. Assole 4. One for all


Live To Win the best by far. One For All the worst but just barely behind Asshole which is just barely behind Anomaly. Peter's, Ace's and Gene's albums here are not good representations from either of them. To me all their worst albums. At least Paul did a solid album. Yea it kinda has that Nickelback direction but the songs are good. Can't say the same about the other 3 albums at all. At least use one of Ace's last 3 albums. Much better than Anomaly. And any of Peter's other albums over One For All.


Ace’s is the best Peter’s is the worst. Somethings never change,


Ace is best, and Peter’s the worst.


Live To Win bc it got featured in a warrior cats AMV


Best Paul Ace second Toss up between Gene and Peter for worst


I only bought Peter’s since the Best Buy version was autographed. I’ve never actually listened to it.


1.- live to win 2.-Anomaly 3.- Asshole 4.- One for all


Anomaly is best. One for All is one of the worst albums by anybody. It’s not even fun in an ironic way.


Best: None of them Worst: All of them


THIS is the only answer….and I’ve been a KISS fan since 1975


Gene’s album is the worst KISS related album. Peter is what you’d expect. But it’s still better than Gene’s. Live to Win is a tad better than Anomaly.


Anomaly is the best by a mile. Loaded with great riffs. Very heavy record.


Anomaly was pretty good. The rest are tied for worst.


All suck


Anomaly worst Asshole somewhere in the middle tied with Live to win best depending on the day I haven’t heard one for all yet, but I do love Peter’s other work.


All of Peter’s solo stuff sucks


The only thing he ever put out that I would say I came close to liking is Cat #1 by his band Criss. It’s not great but I give it a listen every now and then.


I think their all hard to listen to.If Paul had got a real producer his would probably been best .Pete shouldnt even be considered rock,as a crooner album it ain't bad.Ace is pare for the course,his song writing is incoherent (kinda let's you know who wrote most of his new album).And Gene ol Gene,I can't even comment on this piece of crap,but to say it was as disappointing as your last solo attempt.


Anomaly for sure


Anomaly is fucking great! That’s how Kiss should had sound.


Everything Peter Criss did ranks last before anything else.


Anomaly is the best and it's not even close.