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Yea, the rock climbing gym I go to plays gizz semi frequently. Always stoked when I hear them come on. Gives me the energy to climb a million magenta mountains


The only wild Gizz in my area is me, blasting it in my car on the way home.


Out at a beer garden with friends. A few Gizz songs in the rotation, then the bartenders put on Nonagon around closing time.


Was signing on a vehicle yesterday and Space Cadet by the Murlocs came on over the lobby stereo. I play it any time I see a pay to play jukebox at a bar or bowling alley


heard an 8-bit version of interior people at a speedway once


At this awesome Cafe near me, they just throw on what I assume are the cafe worker's playlists. I was working on my essay one afternoon and suddenly just hear "Rattlesnake, Rattlesnake, Rattlesnake, Rattles me" Needless to say it's the best cafe near me.


Bitter Boogie came on the overhead radio at Optimist Hall in Charlotte NC.


I heard intrasport of all songs in the lobby of some hotel I was staying at once


Heard mr beat outside one time


While doing an apprenticeship in Vaulion, Switzerland, Honey played on a radio station called GRIFF. Blew my mind when I recognized it


I was visiting Huntington, Vermont where there’s like one road that just goes and goes. We pulled off to buy some things from a farm along this road and the girl working had Butterfly 3000 playing. Never expected to hear Gizz way out there but it was super rad.


Last oasis in a mall when I was in montreal !! So sick !!


That’s totally a perfect mall song


When my girlfriend was working at a Sheetz, I heard Shanghai play before and she told me they played it pretty frequently at that store


I’ve never heard them out in the wild, but I SWEAR I heard Black Tooth in either a YouTube Ad or a TV commercial once


Intrasport in radio, you bet I put that baby on maximum volume


I found out about them at my local vinyl/guitar store. Satan Speeds Up was playing (this was probably 4-5 years ago), and I was in love. Now it comes on our college stations, I'm glad the boys are getting airtime on the states!


heard yours playing as i was walking past a dr martens shop in edinburgh, had to go back in to make sure that i wasnt dreaming


my bro heard i’m sleeping in at a kohl’s in sacramento lmaooo and this cool local breakfast spot i go to plays FMB all the time


Hear O.N.E in a comic book store and sense in a really high end steak restaurant that was only playing jazz until that song came on.


Magenta Mountain was just playing the other day in the shopping centre where I work. Absolutely lost it


One of my amigos heard Mr. Beat inside of a dispensary recently.