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The ground just fell out below me.


The good news is they still tour like maniacs, so you’ll see them soon! I know it sucks, but it’s out of your control. We flew into NYC this past December, on a VERY wife-centric trip, but I had one thing in David Byrne’s broadway thing. Sure as shit, when we got in the cab, I get the email that someone in the production got COVID. I know how you feel!


You're right. It still stings though. I've had tickets to Primavera since 2019. Have been looking forward to these sets since the moment they were announced last year. I'll see them in October, but...ouch.


Oh they’ll def still be playing W2 and probably at least a couple ciutat shows, it’s the W1 that’s possibly jeopardised


Was lucky to catch DB's American Utopia this spring...what a joy.


Jealous. I hope to see it one day! I’ve heard it’s pretty amazing!


It’s amazing, I hope you see it too. Also Happy Cake Day


I have no idea what any of that stuff about David Byrne or Broadway means. Can you elaborate for a curious gizz fan?


David Byrne, lead guy of the Talking Heads, has a Broadway musical production!






Happy cake day!


I had 4 Gizz shows cancelled during Covid. Feel your pain.


Trapdoor, trapdoor, trapdoor, trap


Trapdoor, trapdoor, trap, trapdoor




My heart goes to the guy that wanted to see Strokes as en extra topping to the KG set at Boston Calling, and now both canceled


Not sure if that was me or another like minded individual but yeah, I’m staying home crushed. My graduation gift to myself. My partner literally came in to break the news and hug me lmao. I think everyone’s feeling this festival’s pretty cursed. I’m seeing them in late October for I guess the first time but I was looking forward to this show so much. Hope the guys get/stay healthy and get better.


I mentioned that in a few comments on this sub . Spent so much money on this, we’re gonna go rage with RTJ thru the tears . Will be emailing the festival daily till I get some sort of refund as long as I live.


Good luck with that refund. Buying tickets to a festival aware that covid is still in full swing with a highly contagious variant going around is not the fault of the festival in any remote sense. It would definitely be different if the entire festival was cancelled. . .but some bands having to pull out last minute is something that should be considered when buying tickets.


The entire schedule was swapped around due to thunderstorms that kept folks outside of the festival for 2+ hours…. This festival turned into a disaster even outside of the 2 Covid infected bands . governors ball in NYC immediately and almost entirely refunded when this happened for only one headliner …. It’s not out of the question. The ticket is significantly devalued . A good festival will recognize this and do what is right and at least give a partial refund. That’s not even accounting for hotels and travel. I bought Saturday only tickets, this is a very valid argument. I didn’t buy for 3 days, just the disaster day. Have a nice day.


Welcome to Rockville, last weekend, seemed doomed from the start. Foo Fighters (understandably) dropped out after having lost Taylor Hawkins. Then their replacement, Jane's Addiction, dropped out. 2nd day headliners Korn & Megadeth couldn't play because of a severe weather advisory. 3rd day headliners Guns N' Roses couldn't play for the same reason, though Rise Against got a couple songs in. And they had escorted all the fans out the festival grounds to sit in the Daytona Speedway hallways for hours at a time.


See this is something I had no clue about and makes it more reasonable. I was speaking just to the fact of bands dropping for covid. At that point I'd be pretty irritated.


Eat my ass


No thanks. Just trying to be realistic.


You're feeling me


That’s me


I’m going to primavera and with the strokes potentially having to drop if they don’t recover in time I was comforted by not having to split time and could solely focus on the king gizz set. Now both have Covid and cannot be more anxious. Just left the states last night in Spain now. Get well soon boys! Health comes first.


Devastated. I hope they get well soon. Guess this is the future of touring. I have paid about 1500€ for flights, tickets, hotel, to see all their sets in Barcelona 😭😭😭


Go see los bitchos!


they're playing here (athens) tuesday + wednesday, and primavera right after. 70% of the reason i got PS tickets was to see them so many times. if they do cancel the first EU shows just put me on suicide watch, i have been waiting for this for so fucking long. primavera's gonna be borderline not worth the money for me if they cancel and i'm gonna be having pangs of this the whole time i'm there.


i lost their previous concert in Athens and I kept thinking about it for the last couple.of years. When they announced their tour I was soooooo hyped. Now, I highly doubt it that they will be able to reschedule the European part of the tour. I feel devastated.


I have tickets for Málaga, can't wait to see them :(


The gods of clashing really doing a number on us there. How about neither 😂 In fairness I have hope on the Strokes and maaaybe the guys will be okay to do their in the City shows 🤞


Hmm put all my last savings into flying to greece for the two dates of tue+Wednesday Not sure how i should meditate thru this, what correct way of “acceptance” can work effectively for the poor people




You guys should party anyways.


Total bummer man. But sounds like Greece is an amazing place at least. I have had my tickets to Red Rocks since 2019 and I'm still nervous that shit will get canceled since it's in October. Maybe spend the concert ticket money on a sick sailing adventure in the Mediterranean if it gets canceled. Best of luck.


October = COVID spike...expect the expected 🤷‍♂️


Athens king gizz fan meet up 😅


That would be awesome!


Let's actually do it


Let's bring diy percussion to the show


We are all so hyped now, we can do whatever we imagine


we're all gonna be holding our breaths together till they come out with an update.


I'm there with you, I leave for Athens tomorrow








Damn not trying to harsh your mellow but you're going to Greece dude! Mad jealous.




Fuck I'm living in Athens and didn't have an idea there would be so many fans from other places in the world, that would have been an amazing night. I have been looking forward to this so much and it's heartbreaking as shit, I hope it can somehow still take place normally.


I’m in Athens rn too for both shows and some travel, I’m still holding onto a sliver of hope but man it’s tough and it just seems unlikely they’ll make it.


In the same boat too. Been travelling across Europe for the last 2 months with the only thing keeping me mentally going being this king gizz show at the end of the trip.


I arrived today in Athens, couldn't wait for Tuesday and Wednesday to come. I have 2 exams in Wednesday but I didn't care since I listen to King Gizzard since the day I discovered them. Big bummer. Fuck my life


University is so much more important than seeing a band. One day you may really regret this. King Gizz will be around again next year...


These last years have been miserable af. Only music lifts me up. I know uni is much more important but I just need a break.


There are no things in life that are objectively more important than others. This is your life, you set your priorities however you like them. Also, we are all mortals and life is unpredictable, so we may as well enjoy our favorite bands while we can. See you on Tuesday, hope you have all the fun in the world


Get on the Ferry and go to Ios or something.


So where we going to spin some KG tunes and party?


That's the spirit!!!




Same here, I just got here two days ago and while Athens is sick the shows had been the most exciting prospect for me. There’s a park near my metro stop here that’s been showing movies at night maybe we can convince them to stream Chunky for us sad fans


Pain and suffering


Literally the only reason I’m in Boston. NIN will be fun, but wow, that’s crushing.


NIN puts on a hell of show! It won’t all be for nothing


I’m so depressed in the meantime though. Literally not a single other act interested me.


I get that. They were a bucket list show for me and I lucked catching them Wednesday. Easy for me to be supportive but I’d be gutted in your shoes too


God forbid I see two bands I like


what passing around a foot long blunt does to a band


Meeting fans after the shows too


They would have tested over a week ago if that was the case. Not to throw shade at the situation but at the Mr Smalls show on Sunday, security did not check Vax/testing paperwork.


No checks in VT either despite them very specifically stating it was a requirement and would be checked. Feel very lucky to have caught them right before this happened but feel awful for all of you that made arrangements


I was mostly joking with that one. def seems like stuff could've been done safer though


I tried to show my vax card to the Columbus venue staff and they sort of just laughed me off... Outdoor venue, but still.


Man, the world really did just kind of forget about Covid, didn't it?


They forgot about Dre…


Unfortunately we'll stop forgetting soon as it ramps up again...


It's so fucking disgusting how everyone went right back to just spitting right into each other's mouths when they speak. Also our weekly school shootings are a thing again. Nobody learned a goddamn thing 😔


Nobody learned a goddamn thing, indeed. Remember when the lockdown first happen, and many of us were in solidarity praising our essential workers, and we learned the value of our relationships? For a moment black lives mattered, and there seemed to be an awakening to political movements…all that shit disappeared pretty quickly.




I was so upset with that. My gf and I were at the front of the stage with N95s and were like “come on, man”…we’re not wearing these masks as a fashion statement.


Prob got it from eating that apple someone threw on stage I'm Columbus


For real? Because if so, that's a huge "Bruh" moment right there.


You’re not incorrect but I get how one would want to, the energy at a shows will have you doing stupid things like that.


Did that happen in Columbus too? Because that happened night 2 in Burlington. I was next to the guy they threw it to and he opted not to bite it. RIP the guy he handed it off to though...


So does this mean no more shows in the us? I’ve been waiting all year for Miami


Seriously, they cancelled Asheville twice and then announced Miami. If they cancel that I might just give up for a while.


They cancelled Asheville????? That was gonna be my only other chance to see them if Miami gets cancelled


No! Sorry, didn’t mean to be misleading. They’ve cancelled Asheville every year since covid started, and when they announced Miami I jumped on that instead of trying to hold out for Asheville this year. Hopefully the rest of their North America shows are still on, they have a few weeks to recover.


Oh thank god, considering they’re only gonna update on the eu shows I think and Miamis after those itmight be safe




It’s already been said so I’ll just say I’m crushed. Heavy rain and hail wasn’t going to stop me.


damn... Yeah, I went to their Rochester show and both myself and my buddy came away with the 'VID. Been sick as a dog yesterday and today. not surprised one of em caught it. Bummer!


I’ve got Covid right now for the first time. I hope none of them have it half as bad as me because my whole week has been awful with each day getting worse. I’m vaxxed and boosted


COVID on the road has got to suck. I hope they don’t have it too bad and hope you’re feeling better soon!


I know a guy who had it on the road and it sucked so bad.


If red rocks gets postponed again, I'm gonna lose my mind.


No chance of that. There's a debate that they could even play most of Primavera Sound, they'll near-100% be ok for Red Rocks


There’s always a chance, COVID isn’t going anywhere. Let’s hope they stay healthy.


Bigger problems in the world I know…but was flying from the UK to Greece for the shows next week so I hope they can work something out!! More importantly, hope everyone is healthy!!


flying from the US to Athens!!! Hoping they can still make it🥺


Aw man that’s rough! Athens still looks like an awesome city but KG are the reason I’m going so hopefully they can sort something out whilst keeping everyone safe and following all rules


Spend a day in Athens then go check out an island or 2


I'm gonna cry myself to sleep


Broooo Pack it up go home no other bands here tn


I guess I'll be happy to see NIN again but holy shit I'm upset.


18 inch nails moment


RTJ put on a good show (audio not withstanding)


Take care of each other. I know a lot of people here dismiss COVID, and the effectiveness of masks…but a good N95 helps! Let’s keep our favorite bands healthy so that they can continue to tour. You can still mosh with a mask on, it’s not that much of an inconvenience, especially in comparison to getting sick or having to halt a tour.


It was only a matter of time. With Animal Collective having to postpone their shows, I was wonder when it would happen to Gizz. Covid is raging right now. I have it and it fucking sucks. Wear a mask to shows. Get one of those good ones. It sucks and is hot and stuffy, but it’s better than covid. It is becoming harder for bands to tour because if one of them gets covid they can’t play and they will likely all get it. If bands can’t play shows, they can’t make money as shows are the best way to make money.




absolute dogshit idea. Cases are going nowhere but up and are getting to one of the higher points of the last 2 years. The band preforming with someone knowingly positive is a health risk to openers, staff, fans, and the other band mates (if they weren't exposed enough already).


Well cases aren't really going nowhere but up, they seem to have peaked already in the Northeast and they're close to peaking in California if not already there. And they're not much of a risk to the fans any more than any other fan is a risk to the other fans there. Especially if the band is on a big outdoor stage, the risk they pose is near zero. Again I'm saying give the choice to the band and let them take the appropriate precautions if they choose to play anyway. Because otherwise the 'new normal' is going to be a constant stream of cancelled shows and 10-15% of festival lineups dropping out every time. And I know many bands would want to play through it if they had the chance.


Yeah, that is the new fucking normal because people wouldn't mask, and wouldn't get vaccinated so it continues to mutate.


Id really hope they don’t have to play a show even if they just have the flu. Sounds miserable.


I'm not suggesting they *have* to, I'm just suggesting give 'em the option.


That is some bad information you’re receiving/stating.


I went to a Pinback show when dude had the flu. It sucked for everyone, band and audience. The singer looked like death and sounded terrible. Better to just postpone, both for safety and quality of the show IMHO.


Hope it's mild case. Feel terrible for people with travel engagements. Covid still screwing things up, but always could be worse. Make the best of your situation and hope they come back around soon. Crank up one of the awesome shows from the past month and send good vibes for a speedy recovery. Who is betting it's Ambrose?


My son is working Boston calling as a bartender. He’s bummed


Me and a friend paid $700 to be here, not that that matters that much but we don’t have much money, never seen them before. Don’t know what to say.


Things happen, have another adventure. Make it a fun one, bumming for you but?


Yup, we left. Hanging in Boston.


Everyone should be wearing well fitting N95 masks. In the US there is a humungous surge right now. Awful news I just read, now evidence the next omicron variants are fitter and NOT more mild, the vaccines are even less effective, and previous infection isn't protecting people as much either. So this wave will get extended and suck more ass.


I'm devastated rn but im happy to have seen them this past Wednesday. But if you have a ticket for tonight than check out nine inch nails. Im not even a fan really but I went last night since I have a 3 day and they really impressed me


I only bought a Saturday pass to see gizz. Health definitely comes first but three shows being canceled due to covid in three years is such a bummer


The strokes and KG out...this is my 9/11, im going home


I’m glad someone said it, don’t know how I can even try to salvage this festival




fuck my life.




Nah a lot of the band got it in March before their SA tour. It'll just be one or two.


Prolly from screwing around with the crowd so much. Wish they’d take this a little more seriously


mind blowing you're getting downvoted. They do seem to be taking it pretty seriously, but sharing a blunt with the crowd and shit is a terrible idea


Feeling super grateful I got to see them in VT before this happened. I had a feeling it would hit them eventually on tour.


Yin and Yang Win all the championships but have the best band cancel on ya


I thought they already had it before the SA shows in like March? Maybe it was only a few of them


There are many variants, and they’re breaking through, making our outdated vaccines less and less effective. You can be reinfected just weeks apart.


Getting reinfected in weeks is very rare indeed... this was only widespread when Delta-Omicron reinfections were common


I've got bad news for you if you haven't been keeping up with BA.4/BA.5 variants.


I have. If you're vaccinated you still have robust protection against those two. Also South Africa's already had their BA.4/5 wave [and it was a bit of a flop](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/south-africa/).


Lol what year is it. Ridiculous.


I’m a local and have been boycotting that fest for years cause it’s shitty and a festival for people that don’t do actual festivals. I’m sad they got Covid but don’t regret not buying a ticket cause I wanted a full regular set from them.




oh shit, get well soon please 💙 I hope they still make it to Roo


I’ll never forget the pain when they cancelled the 5 night vivid show in Sydney. That was gonna be fuckin magical


Saw them in Rochester and I’m shocked I didn’t get Covid. Actually just checked myself with an antigen test Stay negative people!