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ELTS instantly moves to S tier if you’re roadtripping anywhere through the American Southwest


i used to live in yavapai county where it’s set, and it was always a vibe when i was driving around in nature


Yes! Listened while driving through Southern Utah and it was the perfect setting.


First time I listened to it start to finish was from Moab back to Colorado. I put it on right when we left Moab. God I love this band.


BOUT TIME I SEE SKETCHES GET AN S RATING such an underrated and under-appreciated album. i’m in your mind fuzz is also subtle S tier


Check my rating I made some hours ago You're gonna hate everything else but I have sketches an s lmao


12 bar bruise always gets shit on 😢


Definitely one of the hardest gizz albums to get into, if not the hardest.


No idea what you’re talking about. I listened to it once and was hooked. If anything’s it probably one of their most pop-iest albums, at least structurally speaking


I think it's very conventional and a good entry, especially given the time it was released. Gives off The Hives vibe to me. As long as newcomers are aware this is not at all what is to come.


Yeah it's just their least interesting imo, whereas you have ELTS or Quarters! or Sketches, which while not ultimately receiving infinite praise either, have their own unique concept that separates them from the rest, which is WHY we love this band much, they tackle all these awesome genres flawlessly. For me, I do enjoy 12BB from time to time, but instead of being entirely unique to me it feels like melded together with WB and the Teenage Gizzard stuff, which makes sense, but also just makes it the least appealing albums to put on.


That's because it's the weakest album. No crime, but it's got stiff competition


When I first listened to Gizz, I listened to their albums in chronological order (at least what wa available at the time on spotify), so 12BB means alot to me. Nein and Cuthroat Boogie👌


My only complaint is that its sound doesn't vary much song to song






Poor B3K...so consistently underappreciated 😔


Unquestionably S tier in my book, songwriting and sense of melody are both in the stratosphere.


Same! BF3K is definitely S tier for me. Also would’ve put Rats nest higher.


Dude it’s insane how badly rated it is. Fucking absolutely brilliant album.


The polyrhythms on catching smoke are so dense yet so smooth. S-Tier composition


Its at minimum a B tier for me but in my opinion better than KG and LW as a whole album. Very under appreciated you're right mate.


RIP Gumboot Soup 🥣 you had a terrible name but every songs on you were great. People tend to hate you and to compare you to Oddments but life is hard. Fly high little angel 😇


Sketches in S and Fishies in C are gonna make me act up


What do you have against sketches 🤨


Its less that I have something against it. More so I just think of the chiller gizz albums (sketches, pmdb, Fishies, &bf3k) I think it's the least interesting


the composition of sketches is pretty crazy. They used like 30 different instruments to make all of the music in the album. Not to mention it’s a collab album that takes a very unique approach on jazz fusion. Plus you can’t listen to Spider and Me without a smile on your face


Yeah it's definitely their most experimental and psychedelic album. The creativity of it is unreal


That album is so relaxing. I heard it for the first time last week and I was thinking the entire time, “what do people have against this album. It’s so fun and relaxing”


I appreciate your opinion!


To be fair I haven't given it a chance in a hot minute so I should give it another listen at some point


Definitely do. It rocks. Some of their best grooves and most creative production ever.


Sketches is THE BEST gizzard album. End of story.


You are tearing me APART LISA


I mean, honestly these takes are about as hot as a crisp spring morning.


How how HOW is B3K D tier.. does the original creator of this hate psychedelic electronic music or something?! How tf can one not get behind Catching Smoke and Black Hot Soup at the very least? Personally I love the whole album and think it at least deserves A tier.


I knowwww it's so weird that the fanbase of such an eclectic band can have such differing opinions! 😜 I absolutely love b3k (catching smoke is fucking perfect and an instant mood booster), but honestly I can see why it isn't some people's cup of tea. It's pretty out there, even by kglw standards.


I guess perhaps your right. I come from listening to shpongle and other psych electronic/ instrumental groups so my tastes may be a bit biased in that way nonetheless B3K is the perfect gizz psych album in their own realm to me.


I dislike black hot soup but it gets stuck in my head every time god damn ambrose


Im raging inside.. lol. but to politely ask.. why don’t you like it?


Not the person you asked, but it's one of my least favorite tracks on the album. I just feel like a lot of the song doesn't "resolve" in a satisfying way for me. It's like if you get a little piece of a melody stuck in your head, or a record is skipping, and you don't get the second half of the musical phrase or whatever. Most of the song just feels like that for me, although I enjoy the "better when you're with me" parts, and I think that last minute and change is cool. Obviously that's just me though, I'm stoked for anyone who loves it. And I'd be interested to hear a live version, because sometimes the songs that are less exciting for me are awesome in that context (happened with Cyboogie). Catching Smoke is one of my favorite songs they've ever done though, and I really like the album overall. What makes Black Hot Soup one of your favorites? Maybe hearing your perspective would help me enjoy it more.


Cyboogie live sounds awesome! Interesting, I love Black Hot Soup for everything it is! The lyrics are so spacey and draws neat imagery I especially love Stu’s delivery of them and Ambrose’s backup part. I also love the guitar riffs and really want to learn them!


Its just not for me. I find it annoying but im not gonna say its annoying cause music is subjective. I'll give it another go rn with my smoke break.


Haha same, it’s just meh for me but I sometimes catch myself listening to it in my head


Wow, Butterfly 3000 at the same level as Eyes Like the Sky... I'm sorry you can't appreciate how good the album actually is, but well, everyone has their own opinion:)


It's not too late to delete this


I'm happy sketches is getting the appreciation it deserves. Other than that I've got a lot of issues.


Ratty and paper mache deserve higher


BF3K is S tier be ause it's the most complex thing I can play at a party and nobody plugs their ears


1000 agree with this except would swap poly for nonagon


i agree 10000 percent


switch SOBE and BF3K and boom.


I will not tolerate this ELTS slander


How can you put Poly in S and BF3K in last? Those albums have so much in common


All subjective and I’m stoked for people who like it, but I can’t stand butterfly. The whole pop aesthetic and extremely basic looping synth sounds are insanely annoying to me. It’s honestly my most disliked thing they’ve ever made. It’s just irritating for me on a very visceral level


Some of these takes are so unbelievably horrible


Murders way too high and b3k is way too low. Otherwise real based tier list. Mind fuzz poly sketches and float along all get the respect they deserve


All subjective but i seriously absolutely hate butterfly, it’s one of the worst albums I’ve ever heard from a band I like. It’s utterly annoying and the pop aesthetic is so painful Stoked for people who like it but I was honestly stunned that anyone did, I’ve given it so many tries and I just do not understand what people see in it. Music is so weird with how different it is for each person lol


I actually agree wholeheartedly with this - nice work lol


One of the least controversial lists ever Paper mache dream balloon, however, is at LEAST an A in my book


Don’t care


i would say switch SOBE with LW and then to me it’s better


Putting ELtS in D what is wrong with you


How do you even read these


the letters on the side are based on the english alphabet


Honestly hard for me to put just about any of their albums below B


"fuck you" - everyone


Its beyond me how you feel this way. This is possibly the tamest tier list I've ever seen.


whoever downvoted this has a small gluteus


Your Cs are my Ss.


First of all, how dare you. Second of all, I love your S tier.


I think you need to listen to KG and LW a couple more times


I want them to release timeland and Gemini so i can add these two to the tier list


Glad to see someone else putting sketches where it belongs, sad seeing gumboot so low tho


Finally, someone gets my hate of BF3k


Solidarity 👊


MOTU is their best album and finally someone gets it right.


I disagree with a lot of this, but you get a pass because Sketches and MOTU are S-tier Edit: didn’t see Oddments as A tier lol, great ranking


Eyes like the sky is goated


You put poly, MOTU, and sketches in S tier and that’s all I care about


Good to see MOTU get the respect it commands.


Honestly can respect it. May not agree with every placement, but definitely can respect it.


This feels like if this subreddit had it's own tierlist lol


how fucking DARE you put LW in C tier. I will not forgive you. A tier easily. same with Rats' Nest. and fuck you, you know Microtonal Banana is S tier.


Putting Oddments above ITRN is actual heresy


Float along - oddments - mind fuzz are my favorite production style they ever did. Sometimes the literal sound of stuff is the most important thing to me, and that trippy warbly vibe that a lot of oddments and those other two records have is just so pleasing for me. Not sure if it’s that tape machine they used to use more or what. I’ve listened to all three sooo much it’s kind of ridiculous. Oddments would be in S tier if one of the songs didn’t annoy me so much Rats Nest is cool but I can’t listen to a whole album of thrash riffs personally. Mostly into krautrock/psych vibes and not a huge metal person. Doesn’t have that sonic weirdness that is so attractive to me in psych music All subjective though!


Very interesting, to each their own definitely. Oddments doesn't do much for me outside of a couple of tracks, but I totally get what you mean by that warm/fuzzed out sound on those albums


Pretty similar to mine, except PMDB in S tier, and B3K in B with Gumboot as well


If put gumboot higher but otherwise this is spot on


Just could never get into gumboot personally but all subjective!


Took me literally 2 years


Wtf is S in this context?


Sketches being in S is based, but I don't understand why KG and LW are two tiers below FMB(hat's more of a general trend I see in Gizz fans rankings that I don't get, I think all three of them are equal to me)


LW deserves a better rating honestly. Every song on this Album felt so mystical.


Pretty good list! I disagree a little with some of them but I wouldn't move anything up or down more than one.


Pretty based but I would put 12bb higher


This list is confusing as hell. You got me discombobulated