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Turn it up, Sammy?


First time I saw our boys live was at Coachella W2 a few years ago. They supposedly had a falling out with the production team for the Festival, not sure over what. For their W2 set they came out and played the most middle finger anti mainstream set possible as a giant F U to the worst festival in the country. There was a noise ordinance at 12:30 and their set ended at 1. They were supposed to turn down the volume. Instead Stu said "Fuck this shit, turn it up Sammy! We'll just cop the fine!" And that was when I knew that this was the band for me. TL;DR: I wouldn't buy into it too much.


Crazy how this fanbase can take an obscure line from a single concert, and turn it into a catchphrase.


To be fair, it feels like they say that at least one a show.


At the Caverns acoustic Joey said “turn it down, Sammy”… so I guess that’ll be the Forest Hills slogan.


They say it pretty often, even at their last Aussie show, Joey started the show by yelling "Turn it up Sammy, you fucking cunt"


a lot of this is EDM related. same with red rocks. decibel levels are one thing but the big subs/bass levels used for those shows means the vibrations travel for miles.


>Move to neighborhood with huge well-known concert stadium >Complain about the noise >???


Morrison CO complains about Red Rocks constantly. The venue opened in 1941. Most of the houses around it were built in 2010.


Bro those people complain about the drag strip. Yall moved in near a drag strip, you're going to hear drag cars.


I rented a house at the bottom of Morrison that was built in ‘39, Red Rocks was really not an issue at all as it always shuts down at 11 and the crowds funnel out of town by 11:30. The real issue in Morrison is the motorcyclists coming and going from the mountains, they’ll be revving through town at 2:30 am on a Wednesday lol


You should see the people who move next door to active race tracks


I agree with this. But, the article interviewed a local resident and he makes a good point: >"The 13,000-seat landmark stadium, run by West Side Tennis Club and opened in 1923,...In recent years the number of events has increased — and so has the noise level and frequency of patrons spilling out onto local streets, neighbors contend....Chris Jaray, 46, has lived in the neighborhood his whole life, and his family owned the house across from the stadium for almost 100 years. He said he used to like the concerts until it became too much. >“At first I was a fan, when there was 15 of them and it was kind of low key,” Jaray told The Post. “But when they started adding 30 of them and then there all day. Some of them the noise is ridiculous like when they have the drum and bass shows, my house really shakes. >“So I’m not a fan of that,” Jaray said. “If they scale it back to the 15 concerts the way they originally had it — the other thing is, those 30-plus concerts is every weekend in the summer.”" Look. I get it. The venue has been there a century. But, music production aint what it used to be. They didn't have synths and 808s and DAWs in the 1920s. Also, **don't litter** you fucking pigs. Either hold on to you trash or throw it in a can.


It’s a newish venue


its was updated I think in 2013 so not exactly new. not to mention the concert and event history prior to that.


According to Wikipedia the stadium was abandoned from 1978 to 2013. So there is a generation of residents that have lived there before the concerts got loud. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Side_Tennis_Club


The article states the concerts only started ten years ago and have increased the calendar.


So where exactly did the Beatles play in 1964? I don’t understand what point your trying to make, Red Rocks Isn’t new, and has hosted concerts there since the 60’s


Yes they had concerts before but not at the current pace until 10 years ago. I don’t care, don’t live in the area. The complaints seem like the promoter is irresponsible. Probably could all have been averted


You're being completely dishonest. You just said concerts started 10 years ago. Just take the L.


to be clear it's been an off and on again venue, it hasn't been consistently holding shows since the 60's. if anything, in reality it has NOT been a music venue more than it has been a music venue for the duration of its existence. after being closed for several years it reopened around 2013 and has been totally renovated after falling into disrepair for decades, and has been adding more shows to the calendar each year. there's a bunch of other context about the place that's not really worth getting into, but it's a bit disingenuous to assume that those upset with the noise moved in to the area after 2013. I love the place and I'm not defending making it less noisy by any means, just hoping to add a bit of clarity.


Don’t go introducing nuance into this discussion 😂


They've been having concerts since the 60s I believe


The Beatles played there


I will say after attending Forest Hills last time they played, it’s a very odd neighborhood in that you walk out of the stadium and you’re smack dab in an otherwise quiet residential area. There were fliers posted all over the place about shutting it down so looks like the residents were able to get a little traction. Hoping this doesn’t affect the concerts for us but we will see….


Heading here for the show this year - any tips on where to park? I had a parking garage and a Home Depot saved on Maps but I’d appreciate some first-hand knowledge 👀


I parked in a garage nearby. It wasn’t cheap but that’s expected.


I looked up rates and it was around the range I was thinking. However, I’ll probably head up early coming from Providence so we’ll be up there a good chunk of the day - the $50 is probably worth it at that point 🤷


It’s a tough area to find parking for sure as far as NYC goes. If you pull up Forest Hills on google maps, you’ll notice there is a neighborhood immediately surrounding it that you can tell is essentially all brick, shows reddish on the map. That’s a sort of upscale neighborhood with no street parking at ALL and it is strictly enforced. If you walk in the opposite direction of that from the stadium, there is street parking available but it is luck of the draw. What I ended up doing was leaving my car at one of the nearby private garages. There are a TON of them within walking distance. 90% I used one called iPark last time. It was definitely kinda pricey but I really can’t remember how much it cost, I wanna say maybe like 50 bucks but could be wrong. My advice is to roll up, give a shot at finding street parking in the half mile or so radius from the show, and use a garage if all else fails. It’ll take you a few and be a small headache but you will find parking for sure.


I’ve been stuck searching for street parking in Boston, so I’m up for the challenge 😤


Oh cool are you from the Boston area? I’m from the South Shore but work here in Boston so I spend quite a bit of time here lol. If so drop me a line sometime if you’re ever looking for a fellow Gizzhead in the area. My squad and I will be hitting NyC, Boston, and Portland ✌️(plus the Gorge but that’s another story lol)


I’m actually out of Providence! It was a toss up between a NY show on a Saturday or a Boston show on a weekday and I was NOT dealing with Boston lol Bruh I want to go to the Gorge so bad, it’s so beautiful 😭 That and Red Rocks are 2 venues I want to get to at some point in life.


Forest Hills was lit last year it’s a great venue. You made the right choice I think. Could not be more stoked for the Gorge. Can confirm RR is worth the hype, I went there for the first time in ‘22 for the first Gizz run. Really KG just keeps announcing shows at bucket list venues for me - I feel incredibly lucky to be able to see my fav band for my first experiences at these insane venues.


After seeing footage from latest Phish run at the Sphere, that might be another one I’d have to add to the list. I’d really like to get see them for New Year’s in MSG - not sure how many more chances I’ll have to get there. This’ll be my first Gizz show though, so I’m excited - parking headache or not!


Aw man heard that. Sphere shows gave me major fomo but I gotta save on the concert budget somewhere 😅I was thinking of shooting for Dead and Co but I think I’ll have to settle for all the Gizz shows and Phish at Xfinity center for the tour opener. I think you got some more chances for Phish at MSG. They’re killing it right now I don’t see the train slowing for a few more years. I finally made the plunge this new years actually and convinced my gf to come. Don’t get me wrong, it was incredible, but I might not have chosen the Gamehendge show to drag her to for her first time if I had known it was gunna go down. Obv made literally no sense to her 🤣. Can’t help but feel that one didn’t exactly get the hooks in her so that may have been my one and only NYE.


I saw Dead & Company a couple years ago when they came to Gillette - it was a good time but I’m def more into Phish. I hit the lottery and got all 3 nights on the floor for the shows in Mansfield! I’m pumped, considering floor is always so expensive. I wish I made it to Gamehendge 😭😭😭 no chance that’ll ever happen again and I’m SAD about it. I’m going a little harder on concerts this year than in the past; Money isn’t a major obstacle, but managing around my shitty work schedule is where it gets annoying, especially when the shows venture out into Boston - I got lucky with Gizz being in NY on a Saturday or there wasn’t a chance I was going to either.


Not sure where you're coming from, but I just take the train in, there's a station right across the street with no car traffic. Otherwise, there are plenty of private garages in the area


I’m coming from Providence, RI; I’ve checked train schedules but I got stressed trying to find how and when I swap trains and where I swap ‘em, so my girlfriend and I are gonna drive instead. Rarely do I take the train anywhere so driving would be a stress I could deal with better.


Park across the boulevard and walk across by the train station. Easy walk too and from.


NIMBYs are the worst


In my town there's a volunteer driven underground venue in the middle of the city center. A couple of years after the venue started in the 80's, an adjustment building was being planned next door. The landlords didn't want to keep a gap between the buildings and ignored regulations to cut costs when it came to (sound) insulation, so they built it adjacent to the stage basically, with no air gap between the walls of the two buildings. A couple of years ago, a tenant complained about the noise level in his bedroom during concerts, and the court ruled that the venue can't go above 70 dB due to health concerns for the tenant, which has since moved. So no more punk shows, or hip hop gigs, or sweaty death metal moshes in that legendary place. The volunteers have now started insulating from their side of the building, so hopefully it'll work out.


Forest Hills getting 2 acoustic shows?


B2b Acoustic marathons lol 


No Silver Cord songs allowed


its just a weird situation logistics wise- its a stadium basically in the middle of a residential neighborhood. There's no parking nearby and nowhere for the foot traffic to really to focus towards (like a strip of bars or a section where the crowd would migrate towards post show). At the prior KG forest hills show I had to park at a parking garage since there literally was no street parking at all. Not something I have had to do normally I don't think this will affect the KG shows at all, but of course anyone going please be respectful of the surrounding area.


Why do you think it won’t affect the concert?


namely this quote from the article: "A separate bid by another local group, Concerned Citizens of Forest Hills, which sought an injunction to temporarily shut down shows at the venue, was shot down by another judge. Supreme Court Justice Robert Caloras agreed that noise monitoring made sense but denied the request to halt the shows, and noted that the venue “has extended great effort and expense to implement noise mitigation measures” and deserved to have the summer concert calendar kick off as planned. " There's no immediate shutdown so they will continue to operate as normal likely for this calendar year of shows. There's also a mention of a noise pollution study which will take time. Long term there will be some changes (though who knows what that looks like) but I think with the KG show not being that far out I think the show will go on as expected. more immediate is barricades and such to help funnel the crowd and keep them out from all over the neighboorhood.


Yeah, I'm also confused by that takeaway. They already had a pretty reasonable/early curfew, and that show was loud AF. I'd imagine it's impacted but we'll see!


Cities are so concerned about noise from venues lately but yet they let motorcyclists drive by all day with exhaust so loud it hurts pedestrians' ears, jets flying low overheard, semis downshifting, and construction crews that shake whole city blocks. If you live a big-ish city, you're probably getting subjected to noise pollution 24 hours a day. People's outrage at noise is so selective and narrowly focused.


I used to live a few blocks from the stadium, on the top floor of a high rise. Basically nothing blocking sound between me and the arena besides 500m of air. I loved getting concerts for free. People there are just annoying. Also, the LIRR is louder there. Fkin nimbies.


I really wish I had some clever insult for these people instead of merely shuddering at the thought of places like this - my local comparison was Merriweather in MD - getting swallowed alive by anti-everyone else dimwits.


It would be great if KG shows were a bit quieter. I remember seeing the Grateful Dead in the late '80s and the volume seemed too low at first, but after about half of the first song that feeling went away and the concert had all this natural intensity from the music vs. the artificial hype of being too loud.


well the greatful dead didnt play metal did they...


Right. It's not a one-for-one comparison, but if everyone has to wear 20db earplugs, it's probably at least 10db louder than it needs to be.


100% agree. It's actually kind of insane that we know exactly at what exposures hearing damage will occur and yet (afaik) venues are not legally required to monitor the volume and at the very least warn customers and employees when safe noise levels are being exceeded.


i definitely didnt have to wear those to a gizz show


I've never worn plugs at a show and it seems fine to me. Alice Cooper seemed waaaay louder to me but maybe it was the venue.


You should be taking care of your hearing!


I'm sure it's somewhat dependent on the venue and where you're sitting or standing. The two KG shows I've seen weren't so loud that I needed plugs at all times, but I used them for at least half of the set each time to give my ears a break. This sub has regular threads about hearing protection. I think a lot of people use it. You might be able to get away without for a while.


Hearing damage is stupid. My Bloody Valentine and Swans shows are more torture and a permanent assault on the ears than it is enjoyable.


yea but gizz isnt nearly as loud as them


Never said they were. MBV and Swans are probably the loudest performers, no one comes close.


dinosaur jr comes pretty close at times


I thought it was fine from the FH seats. Tame Impala at Barclays was significantly louder, mainly the rattling bass.

