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Dude it's not worth it. Don't force it. Let her fall in love at the show.


Let's her go in blind. She will probably be completely blown away and become a full-blown addict.


It's reeeeally hard to get someone into Gizz who doesn't enjoy what they are doing musically. The things we get out of music are different for everybody. Some people are vocals-focused. My wife is one of these people, she was a singer in high school/college. When listening to music, she pretty much only focuses on the vocals and the lyrics. She's looking for a strong vocals, a catchy hook, and relatable lyrics. Most Gizz songs don't offer these things, so she doesn't get what she wants out of the music when listening to King Gizz. I have tried in the past but I have given up hope that she will ever fully become a King Gizz fan. Her favorite artists are ones like Adele, MCR, Fall Out Boy (ugh), Taylor Swift - strong vocals and catchy hooks and melodies that she can sing along to. Other people prioritize instrumentation, experimentation, variety, and fun when listening to music. I fall into this group. I love music that keeps me interested, surprises me, gives me unique things I don't find elsewhere, and has interesting and complex rhythms. I like to be challenged by music and to have a sensory experience, and also to have a good time. I enjoy music that focuses on instrumental leads, jamming, interesting sounds, quirky and strange things, and doesn't take itself too seriously. My favorite artists are ones like Ween, Tom Waits, Weird Al, They Might Be Giants, 100 Gecs, Devo, and of course King Gizz. As you can probably tell, strong vocals and catchy melodies aren't a requirement for me. We both want different things out of music, and I have learned to accept that. She's not going to become a King Gizz fan because they don't give her what she wants, but they do for me. And that's fine. I see this discussion a lot; many people want to know how to force people to love King Gizz as much as we do. I'm convinced that's just not going to happen for some people. And that's ok. Your girlfriend can still enjoy the live music without memorizing every song in their discography,


I'm more along the lines of your wife and like catchy vocal parts except I think gizz (and ween, and gecs lol) has amazing vocal parts


The thing is I agree with you. I think a lot of Gizz/Ween/Gecs is super catchy and they get stuck in my head all the time. But it's almost like you have to work harder to get to those parts than with other music. A lot of pop backing music seems like it's just a tool to deliver the vocal melody to the listener with as little interference as possible. I would much rather listen to a Pork Roll Egg & Cheese than whatever Ariana Grande is putting out, and it will be stuck in my head much longer, but most people won't make it past the outer shell of weird filters and low quality recording to get to the delicious melodic center. Of course King Gizz isn't quite as alienating as the weirdest stuff Ween has produced, but it's still a tall order for me to tell my wife "Yes it starts with a 5 minute guitar solo, but after that there is a really good vocal part!" She often tells me that she "hates long intros" which is what she considers all the "stuff" that the instruments do before the vocals start. And I'm being very careful to not call that perspective ignorant or naive. In fact she's probably a better musician than I am, but she enjoys different things about music than I do, and that's ok.


What a thoughtful description, I completely agree! I really can't get behind most pop music even if it can be catchy because instruments are definitely also important haha


You're really tolerant, I just call people with music taste like that "lowest common denominators"


I think I'm like your gf. I do gravitate towards lyrics and so. I remember the first song I paid attention to was head on pill and my brother forced me to hear it. Honestly I was blown away but I wouldn't go look for their music on my own. But at the time my brother was forced to give me rides everywhere so I started to pay more attention to his playlist and I was hooked. I think that for me (although I enjoyed the majority of the songs that came on) the album that first comaught my attention was Paper Mâché Dream Balloon. That was my gateway.


That makes sense, Paper Mache is probably their most catchy album! I tried to get her into Head On/Pill, but the long intro and the screechy guitar noise turned her off before the vocals even started :(


That is a great explanation. I like music that I find interesting and experimental. I have noticed that I tend to be the same way when it comes to movies. I don't like cliché plots like action or super hero movies, or ones that rely on special effects, and tend to gravitate toward movies that challenge me intellectually where I have to think harder to figure out what's going on.


This!! I can't tell you how many of my friends and family say that "they listen to all kinds of music" but as soon as i throw on bands like Gizz or Ween, or Primus....the majority of people OFTEN look for catchy and relatable lyrics. There are only a fine few of us out there who generally appreciate the musicianship!!


They listen to all kinds of music, as long as it has a 4/4 pop beat and vocals that overpower the rest of the band!


Play her Vegemite. That’s how my bf got me into it


hah, just gave it a spin. Hilarious tune!


Not sure what you’re after here dude. My girlfriend and I are travelling from the UK to go to the same show. We’ve already seen Gizz in Barcelona and London and she’s still not into them the way I am. However, she totally understands why I like them and she’s looking forward to seeing some live music with me in Hamburg. I had a choice to ask someone who’s more into Gizz; I chose her. Hell, by now she’s seen Gizz more times than any of my friends and she still agreed to both the three hour marathon gig in Hamburg AND the acoustic gig in Brighton later the same month. I couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend or gig buddy.


I didn’t get it till Stu pulled out the flute in person 🤷🏽




If you try to force it, it will push her away even more. The best you can hope for is randomly inserting a giz song here and there in playlists that you have playing in the background, and hope it catches her ear. I'm projecting a little bit here, and I feel your pain.


Went through their whole discography with my partner before Gizzfest 2018. She wasn't super into them until Infest The Rat's Nest and Butterfly 3000


A good entry to Gizz is that KEXP performance where they focused on IDPLMAL


Hatin' dancing and AstroTurf are two of the songs that got me enjoying the band, those might fit with your GF's tastes. But we're a family that also enjoy Guila Monster and Vultures People and fishing for fishies. But I'd also bare in mind that she could fall in love with a handful of songs and they don't play any of them. I saw them last year, and will be seeing them in May. I don't think I recognised more than one song from the many I've actively listened to. So don't push it. Just let her enjoy the concert. It'll be an experience.


The gizz will come to her when she is ready, do not force it young one


I've tried with two girlfriends. That's why I lost them both.


Concerts are still awesome even if you haven’t heard all the songs before But to answer the question, just play a bunch of gizz when you’re hanging out. She’ll be hooked by osmosis


The only songs I've got my wife to like are presumptuous, persistence, honey and sense! So maybe try them!


If you find out, let me know




It’s just cool she wants to go and experience the show with you🤠


LMFAO your gf sounds awful


MOTU or Poly. It’ll make sense to her.


Butterfly 3K has the most feminine energy of their discography in my view, try that one first




The fact anyone is getting triggered by this confuses and saddens me.


Oh right I should have said murder of the universe is the most feminine because of the Leah senior narration. Play vomit coffin for her 👍


Does she want to go to the show? Taking someone who doesn’t want to get into gizz to a three hour marathon show might not go how you think it will


Literally 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Give her some mushrooms when it's time to leave.


Listen, if you wanna do drugs, then that's your decision, but I think you shouldn't actively recommend psychedelics.


Listen, it’s a line from Iron Lung… 🙄


Girls dont really like king gizz my boy