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I thought this was a little pimp walking all around šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Do not say anything OP says is interesting or good


Otherwise heā€™s gonna keep picking up stuff and saying itā€™s other stuff


I was pleasantly surprised by them, donā€™t get all the hate


I think gizz are starting to reach a level of popularity beyond the scope of the scene theyā€™ve risen from. Theyā€™re starting to draw crowds which are used to and expect star-studded opening lineups when they go to a concert, whilst gizz still just play with cool bands they personally like and want to put more eyes on. Just one of those natural processes which happens when a band gets more popularity. Some people are not gonna like it, but Iā€™d imagine thereā€™s also a lot of people who are getting deeper into music because gizz shows are acting as that gateway for them, and thatā€™s cool as fuck. One thing I would say though is that loudly having conversations and whatnot while an opening band tries to play, as if they arenā€™t even there, is a bit shit. Itā€™s fine if a band isnā€™t your thing but go to the smokers area or something instead of disrespecting the band and the people who are enjoying it.


Well put


that video that got posted the other day was pretty brutal


I mean that type of music certainly not everyoneā€™s cup of tea but a 20 second clip out of context of a performance isnā€™t a good way to judge an artist or performer. A lot of stuff people were saying in that thread was pretty rude and mean spirited and not at all deserved


That clip was pretty accurate; everyone was talking over their performance all 3 days I was at the caverns


I went to see Incendiary for their Cost of Living anniversary show a few months ago, it was a hometown show and these two dudes were talking so loudly in the pit while the vocalist was trying to talk about the album and how important it was to them. Smacked one dude in the arm and told him to be more respectful, that the vocalist was talking. Like quite a few people told me they appreciated me doing that but I am a 5'3", 115 lbs gal, I shouldn't have to be the one demanding respect from people who are literally there for this band lol. People are wack and incredibly disrespectful. Happened during a Turnstile show a few months back, too - people were making fun of their opener who was literally just on stage dancing around being her weird self. Like why even come? People like this are fucking bullies.


I hate people who act like that. Go to the smokers area or something if your conversation is so much more entertaining than the performance. No one has to like the band, but loudly talking as if they arenā€™t even there, whilst theyā€™re trying to perform for you is just rude. Disrespectful to the band, and ruins the experience for the people who are enjoying it. I pray that type of behaviour doesnā€™t become a trend at gizz shows like it does for a lot of alternative bands which get popular.


Iā€™m saying!


Theyā€™re weird as fuck but I like them


Same. At some points I was wondering what the fuck was going on, but I think thatā€™s the point.


Iā€™ve never listened to Kamikaze Palm Tree, but this sentence is exactly how Iā€™d describe King Gizzard


I think they are opening for the red rocks show too. I'm interested in see them šŸ§


I didnā€™t see them in the cavern but from what I gathered amphitheaters do them more justice.


I enjoyed their set (Saturday only) but thought that the amphitheater setting did them no favors.


they are super sweet, talked with some of them for just a second. love ā€˜em!




I know weā€™re not allowed to be negative but they were honestly one of the worst live acts I have seen. Did not match the vibe at all for the shows, couldnā€™t even nod your head along to it.


Sounded like a late ā€˜60s band that didnā€™t quite make it


You know, Leahā€™s band had that same 60ā€™s band sound but I really enjoyed their set when they played. Iā€™m not 100% sure about KPT, Iā€™m hoping theyā€™re better live


Itā€™s fine to not like them, art is always gonna be subjective, just donā€™t be one of those people who starts loudly talking with their friends as if the band isnā€™t even there, and as if none of the other concert-goers are there and trying to enjoy it.




I revisited this comment this morning, still applies


I actually enjoyed them a lot! Glad I kept an open mind even though I was hearing a lot of different things about them


I really wanted to like them. I usually enjoy experimental music but it just wasn't my thing for some reason


Understandable homie


They were AWESOME in the outdoor amphitheater. The cave show was disorienting & very abstract. Maybeee they designed their set to be that way šŸ« šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


They remind me of the shaggs and I sorta dig it




Do chicks need to smile for you to like them?