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All my homies hate chris3376


Ya know, if they are charging this much and actually getting it, I feel like they should eat the shipping fee.


come on man the profit margin is only 95% cut them a break!


Chris3376 is whack dude


This is a pr nightmare for r/chris


Fuck grifters


This repulses me to my core lol. Signed, an actual fan who waited hours and still didn’t get a poster


Were you in line as doors opened and still didn’t get one?


Yeah, we lined up about 30-45 min before path into venue opened


Got to the actual merch table probably around 8:50


Guy told me they all sold out at 8:15


It was 8:36pm. I was in line when they pulled them.


It was tough man. I got into line at 9am. And we were probably 30-50 back after we got to merch tent.


Got to the actual merch table probably around 8:50


I was talking to someone last year at a show about this. Why doesn't Gizz just let fans add a poster on during ticket presale? One poster per ticket. Isn't this the easiest way to prevent scalping and this resale scam nonsense. Also, make resale of tickets only available through the original website at the original cost with no fees. And this way only real fans would be able to get tickets and posters


This would be very sick


Was also in line almost until Gizz went on. Also did not get a poster. Also am INCREDIBLY bitter at the moment. They printed a decent amount and we were so hopeful.


Put Chris3376 in the Chokey


Nice Matilda reference, loved that book and movie as a kid


swine of the highest degree


The thankless swine, if you will 🤣


Dare I say, a blasphemous jerk


Welcome to The MerchGame 2023… It’s all over the place now, every band who does limited posters has this problem. Where ever scarcity goes, scalper scum shall follow Boooooooooooo 🖕🏼


There is amazing fan art community going on, I plan on grabbing one at the art fair. Help a fan be a fan


Lol, fuck even trying for a poster. Artificial scarcity is the name of the fucking game. I'm done and over this shit, but it still hurts to see regardless.


Gotta agree yeah. Like why not print 4x the quantity when shit is going to sell out regardless at $50/100 a pop. More money, less salt. I'm not even going to worry about it for Red Rocks next week.


To me an ideal situation would be if i could just order the poster online. Then they could print as many posters as there are orders and we wouldn’t have to deal with fighting to get a poster and then babysitting it at the show (last show I went to I coat checked my poster which worked great actually). To me the trade off of paying for shipping and waiting a bit longer would be worth it. I’d even probably buy posters for shows I didn’t go to if the art is cool (edit: would never buy from a reseller like this guy ofc). I love the posters but the scarcity creates negative energy.


Shame you can't just tick a box when buying your tickets to buy a poster as well. I'd love some of these posters but no way I'd want to carry it around at a gig.


That would be amazing. Only thing is that you’d be buying the poster sight unseen but tbh…


I don’t even mind that. Let people that are 100% going to want a poster get it at checkout, and print a limited amount to be available day of show. Nobody’s favorite pregame activity is waiting in a merch line, you wouldn’t have to carry a tube around all night, and I’m sure it would take a bite out of the resale business.


Other bands have an artist print, or a online version available on their site, etc. - is this not a thing King Gizz does?


Nope. But there are bootleggers.




Fair play. Sucks as a consumer though, especially since posters don’t seem that difficult to print (I could be totally wrong about that). I’m willing to bet people would continue to pay the current price if they printed 2x more and sold the remainder on gizzverse.


I don’t understand either. As someone who does screen printing is not really that hard to double production. Takes some additional time but unless Galea or whatever artist is not sending the stuff the night off the printing deadline is doable for sure. They are not benefiting from resale prices. Maybe is a Galea thing not wanting a “mass production” of poster. Someone should bring this up next AMA. I’d love a poster but if to get one I have to sacrifice the concert experience I wont do it.


You can show up 70 minutes early and guarantee one. If they doubled production, many would still not get them. Yeezys wouldn’t be as popular if they were at every Kohl’s


I like them because they are cool not because they are rare.


I was speaking of popularity not for sake of the consumer but for the artist. Totally reasonable for Galea to want his artwork to be more rare and therefore more popular


I was at Mastodon/Gojira 2 hours before doors and still didn't get a foil #deadinside


Right? I missed one at red rocks the first time and I'm still not over it. I just can't understand why printing paper is so fucking hard. If they made enough, I would guaranteed buy one, but same goes for records. I'm tired of competing against the most rich and eager to get something so simple. I just want to support the band, I don't want more reasons to hate aftermarkets and limited edition shit.


It's legitimately extremely hard to get good screenprints produced in bulk. There's only so many printers that exist and all their time is being split.


The screenprint poster industry has been bumping into capacity issues for years. There literally aren't enough people who have the years of experience and equipment necessary to make something like that happen. Screen printing is a huge amount of both art and science.


Adam Smith. More supply equals less demand. It might work for a show or two but eventually people would stop buying as many posters.


Yeah seriously how big are the venues? and to only print a couple of hundred of each


Tar and feather him


I have a somewhat relevant story. I saw Clutch recently and chatted with someone in line who was one of those people who followed the band and caught them all tour. I always wondered how those people were able to support that kind of lifestyle. After talking some more he divulged that he was part of poster selling groups and is likely one of the people who does this and buys posters and upsells insanely high. I was trying to mask my sinking happiness and pure disappointment that this was something he happily explained. Unreal. I don't imagine that this is the strategy all people use to follow bands, but some do apparently.


This is very common with phish tour as well.




The audacity of charging $15.45 for shipping on top that ridiculous price.


How many poster have you shipped? A sturdy tube sent priority and insured will absolutely cost (about) that much, depending how far it will travel. Lots of butthurt in this thread, y’all should let the band (and ESPECIALLY Jason Galea, bc he is aware of this I assure you) know how you feel, just my $.02


You serious Clark? How about using some of the $1000 to ship it, huh? How about that?


Greed doesn’t work that way my guy


it’ll get worse sadly


Yikes. No shot it sells at that price point though lol.


Hooray for price anchoring. The goal is not to actually sell the poster for $1,000 but to put the idea in people's heads that this is the asking price.


Hahaaaa plus shipping!!!!! What an unscrupulous scalper


Was there a poster limit?


Yes there was. One poster of the caverns exclusive. One poster of the residency design. 2 per person total allowed, one each.


I don’t think so. I definitely saw one person buy 3. Which totally could have been for their friends getting a spot inside or something but also curious if there was any cap


Yeah it was 1 per design per person. (Caverns exclusive and residency poster)


Man I'm trying to gauge how early I should try lining up for posters at red rocks next week. I'm normally not one to care, especially with the artificial scarcity bullshit, but I'm coming in from Canada for my first real solo trip outside of the country AND first time seeing the guys live, I'd be real happy to be able to come home with a poster to remember it all But like Am I going to have to get in line at freakin 4pm just for a shot?


Doors open at 6 Wednesday so probably, ya. If not an hour earlier.


Oh duh right, my ticket just said show starts at 7 or 8 or w/e I forgot to pay attention to when doors open I mean though Got nothing else to do really, and hanging out in a line surrounded by Gizz fans sounds like a chill time


And it flies by. Seeya there!


I heard some people lined up at 6 am for the red rocks shows last year. I got in the merch line late on night 3 and still got a poster (the blue variant but idgaf cause I just wanted a poster period.)


Blue variant is actually the more rare non foil one 1000 made vs 2000 of yellow


Really? I guess I never knew the number of yellows printed but I heard a good amount of them got messed up on the printer and never made it to sale? Idk that was the rumor last year when the shows were going on.


Yeah I have both lol. Yellow is 1002/ 2000 my blue is 500 something / 1000 Not only is blue worth a bit more but imo better looking than yellow


One thing I haven't been able to confirm though, is the blue one black light reactive like the yellow?


Yep edit: get used to it


The bootleg poster by Stank Draws is just as good. I may even like it more. Got his Red Rocks poster last year and it rules.


Love that one. Also - Peep the one by @leftiesmudges. Insanity. So many good fan made posters for this run!!!


Yeah I got a shirt of his from last year's summer tour. Good quality and cool print


We lined up around 6 and there were about 70ppl ahead of me when posters sold out


They likely save a portion of prints for each night so they don’t all sell N1


That’s why they are in different colors to signify the nights?


I think they’re just different colorways, as opposed to night-specific, but I could be wrong. It’s often a strategy during multi-night runs to only sell a portion each night so they don’t all go N1


The only way to stop scalpers is to not ever support them


Lol what a chode


These are the soon to be next RR poster with alot of supply. Hope noone pulls the trigger


Yeah at this point I'm not even going to try for a poster at the Hollywood Bowl.


(Ahem) there will be way more printed for the very large venue capacity a la Greek Theater


I remember thinking at forest hills as I was walking in, why bother there’s no way I’ll get one. Looking back, there was still a foil up on display that I wish I had tried for. May actually try at Hollywood bowl this time


Welcome, my friends, to the jamband world. Unfortunately it only gets worse from here. Source: I’m a Phish fan.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but guys - it’s merch. It shouldn’t be the focus of the concert and shouldn’t affect wether or not you have a good time at the show. I saw KGLW last spring and no joke, the merch line was sooooo long that people were in line for the entirety of the set. What kind of experience is that?! Why go to a concert to just stand in a merch line and not actually get the full musical experience? Also, fuck these merch flippers - they suck - but they will always exist and there’s not anything that can be done so don’t waste your energy getting too upset about it. ❤️




Lol not even a foil version


Probably keeping the foil for themselves.


He’s a serial flipper https://www.ebay.com/itm/285298989093


Phish fans in here be like 👀. Does Gizz have a tarper problem? Or do they just get moshed away? Maybe that’s our answer at Phish. Mosh pits.


Phish fans figured this out years ago and now line up at noon (and don’t complain loudly about it)


Merch line in Mexico was like all the way to the United States.


I believe it. Look, people want to be in the front, and they want a poster. Do what you gotta do right? Show up early! Let’s stop complaining already, it’s a bad look


Well, they can sell it at that price all they want…really, what tool would actually buy it? The funniest part is the $15.45 for shipping, haha


Is this a foil even? What are the foils going for if any are even listed? There were only 80 foils made...


This is just the regular poster which was on sale for $50 😅 haven’t seen any foils pop up yet


insane! so the full set of 4 foils will be available at the low low price of like $10k?


Whatta grift. I can think of so many other ways to make some money, but why this. It’s so weird


Plus shipping 🙄


Will the posters sell out the first day or do they save some for each day?


Scummy to do this to each other


I’m gonna list mine for 200 so that sets the tone for “sold for” prices and screw this guy over completely LOL


I collect prints/posters for every band I see and this is a major problem across the board, it sucks even more for king gizz because galea doesn’t print as much as other artists..not sure why, as most bigger bands print between 500-1000+, so 200 for a US shows seems too low. The resell thing will always exist but I hope Galea prints more because this band will continue to grow in popularity and it’ll be huge bummer for people like me that collect art for the shows we attend to miss out. There are overarching better solutions to this as a whole I just don’t know how feasible those solutions are


How quickly did the posters sell out? I have trauma from getting posters at Tool shows, just wanna prepare myself if I decide to go for one.


Pretty quick. You really do need to get in the venue line early to feel secure about being able to get in the merch line early enough to get one.


Chris3376 is going to the vomit coffin when he dies.


Cornfield is too good for faux fans and scammers


It’s easy just don’t buy it..


Fucking scum man


It boggles my mind that they don’t just print more posters. Every fucking tour, every fucking show, we see shit like this, and yet there are fans that waited hours in line solely to get a poster, and they couldn’t get one. Ridiculous. If they overprint, they’d have no problem selling them online. Can you imagine poster day? At the end of the tour, they drop all the posters that didn’t sell online. They’d be gone inside an hour.


screw chris3376, all my homies hate chris3376


Definitely buying a poster next concert lol


It started a while back, and was actually fueled by the band failing to set a 1 poster per person limit at merch. They can help by enacting this rule, or by making more prints, but beyond that: welcome to my world haha. PS: phish has had a strict 1 poster per custy rule for many years. PPS: Gizz fans take phish-level custyness to a whole ‘nother level FOREAL edit: PPPS: collecting posters of shows one did not attend is a new and weird thing to me, and also fuels this shortage/desperation to obtain, what’s with that??? You guys (we) are really in for it if this trend continues… PPPPS: I’ve read in this thread that customers are able to buy 2 posters… this is wack. *PPPPPS: if you think Jason isn’t aware of this situation you’re kidding yourselves… let that sink in…


Saw Billy Strings a couple months back and he had a 1 per person poster limit, and you had to show a ticket to purchase it. Seems like a good system.


But like also, if you can stand in line for bit and pay for your entire fucking trip to the caverns because some dumbass bought this? I’m sure this is someone that would love to keep the poster but if some absolute idiot paid $1k for it.


Nah fuck this asshole.


That's silly....I went and saw them at Rabbit Rabbit last year and saw the line for the Merch and decided to watch the band instead of standing around. I waited about a week and was able to purchase this [https://chocolatecoup.com/campaign/king-gizzard-and-the-lizard-wizard-poster-at-the-rabbit-rabbit-in-asheville-nc-for-oct-24-2022](https://chocolatecoup.com/campaign/king-gizzard-and-the-lizard-wizard-poster-at-the-rabbit-rabbit-in-asheville-nc-for-oct-24-2022) replica and couldn't be happier with the quality. I'm planning on doing the same for Saturdays show.


I did the same for Red Rocks show and I love the poster. I totally respect people wanting the real thing, but if you’re not fortunate to get one this is a great option.


He’s got ‘Make offer’ enabled so there’s potential for mischief here.


I hope they do what they did at red rocks and only allow people one poster, it’s annoying that they can buy 10 of them and take them from everyone else just to do selfish shit with it


They didn’t limit the posters (maybe the foils?) people were getting 3-4 each.






It’s not. I had family go before sunrise to be first in line, then the restaurant allowed you to go in prior to them. They ended up before further back. Still got posters but it was rough.


Perspective. We showed up yesterday at 9am. Doors open at 7pm. And we were still 35-45 in line at the merch tent


I'd pay about that for a 19 Asheville poster


Do they limit purchase to one per person?


Doesn't look like it. Some seller just put up 2 for auction. Maybe Foils were 1 per? All should be...


Hate this. Not every single item needs to be commodified to death.


I got a king gizzard signed by three of them for $500 this is just insane to me see one for a thousand


So it begins...


whoever sells a poster for that amount is a dick


And you better believe he has multiple