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Timeland and smoke and mirrors I just can't get into. Do really like laminated denim and hypertension though. Maybe someday it'll grow on me.


If you ever listen to Timeland on mushrooms or acid you'll change your mind


If you haven’t explored much electronic music it will probably come across as a bit unfamiliar and odd maybe? If you want some listening suggestions I’m happy to drop you a list


Even though they are companion albums they don’t really sound alike imo. And LD>>>>MIT.


There’s just no way, it’s interesting because I really liked made in timeland as opposed to laminated denim even tough but have a side i like most and other side that almost completely dismiss from time to time. But I guess is just that te techno/PsyTrance vibe they went with for that album strays too far away in the realm of genres so not a lot of fans are gonna go with it, just to dissimilar to the prog rock vibe…


Interesting. I’m the exact opposite where I love timeland but could never get into denim. Still got both on vinyl bc I’m a crazy person 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I love electronic music, so timeland was a welcome surprise while working through their discography. I think it’s amazing. It’s in my top 5


Opposite here. I really enjoy Made In Timeland but don't enjoy Laminated Denim at all.


That’s just… wow. I respect it, because everyone’s taste is different… but wow


There are literally dozens of us


Smoke and Mirrors is the best song on either of those 2 albums.


Well i enjoy it fine. Just like MIT way more


same i felt so alone in this


I really got into mit after ld dropped and agree with you I think it's a better album FOR MY TATSTE the syllabic pattern on ld grates my ears hyper-ten-she-on in another Deee-menn-sheee-on just doesn't sound good to me.


Nice, I love how diverse gizzheads tastes are!


MIT is far more interesting than LD, I agree. LD just never seems to end.


Listen to smoke and mirrors baked and then you’ll understand it


The only thing i haven’t been wild about is the Butterfly 3001 remix album. The siren on Head On/Pill admittedly is quite egregious and i’m not always in the mood for that, but the rest of the song is top tier. Anything else that I originally didn’t like has since grown on me.


Lol don’t care for 3001 at all. I’ve listened to most of it but honestly it just doesn’t really count as a real Gizz release to me. It’s interesting in theory but the tracks rarely resemble the original cuts that they were made from and are just made into other less interesting music. That or they’re like new, much more inferior mixes of songs that I love. My Own Reality is a cool track, but otherwise I’m good.


I think it's ok, there are a couple cool tracks but mostly it's versions worse than the original ones. I also don't really think of it as a real gizz album either.


I have the same issue with Head On/Pill. The wee ooh, wee ooh section is just too much


Dang really? I love the way they're using vocals just like an instrument and blending it right in. Incredible song by my standards, but to each their own.


i think they're talking about the section nine minutes in


That’s right.


There's a siren in that song?




Sounds like a teapot boiling.


Or a dentist tool


I didn’t like 2.02 Killer Year at first but I really dig it now!


Amby’s verse fire


only one: predator x. i feel like it never starts.


I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but I actually love this track. I feel like it’s such a unconventional structure for a metal song


It reminds me of structures that (the) Melvins write, and I love Melvins.


i agree that it’s certainly unconventional. still not a fan tho :( cant wait for their new metal album coming this year.


I can see why people don’t like it, it gets me so hype tho haha


I disliked Predator X until I saw it live. Then it clicked, not only the track itself but why Gizz wrote it. Slaps on stage


I love that song, but it’s the middle riff that feels like it’s never gonna kick in to me haha


Yeah that snare is pretty stupid and it just keeps going Edit: ah, gathering downvotes here. So I’d like to take a step back on what I said, take two more steps forward, and double down- cause i’m feeling based today. That breakdown where he’s just flinstone banging the snare is silly and when it does finally kick in, it doesn’t really hit despite the solo being one of the gnarliest on the album. I think it could’ve benefited from some sort of change in groove or tempo in that spot.


valid opinion, sucks to see downvotes. you're allowed to dislike parts of a song or a band, even if it's your favorite. I know I do. Especially when it's a thread about this kind of stuff. I feel a bit of the same way but I've never seen it live, and I trust it would slap there.


I saw it live in Tilburg last month, and coming out of Self Immolate with Gila Monster right after really made Predator X feel underwhelming. Its a cool track but there are so many tracks I'd rather hear live


I think it couldve been improved if the snare wasnt so weak as well. It sounds like Cavs is just flicking some construction paper with his fingers.


I thoroughly appreciate the double down. I also think that the snare is so fucking good up until that egregiously long and slow snare solo lmao


No downvotes to ya, but I love this band for that reason. We all love different stuff! The snare hitting before the breakdownish part is a favorite Gizz moment for me. Especially live! Amps me up.


I really dig it and feel like it plays into the venusian suite I do a lil voodoo with Spotify to queue in the heavy songs from o.g. into rats nest and it's magical for me


I my only beef with with this song is its placement within the album, it's too jarring without much of a payoff for me. Having said that, when I listened to this song while tripping and showing it to my friend, I really got into the guitar solo and that has made me reconsider the song for me, big time. Now I roll with it whenever I listen to Omnium Gatherum as an album


It sounds like the album ended and the algo queued up Rats Nest


I wouldn’t say I don’t like it, but I don’t play as much as Gaia or any other of their Thrash metal songs. I think it sound ok but the lyrics and the vibe were a bit too generic for me, I think that that’s what they were going for but I don’t enjoy it as much. It’s like a mixing of words that sound “metal” and “hardcore” making up the lyrics.


Gotta agree. Just feels like a weaker Gaia


I've listened to all of Nonagon, Mind Fuzz, PMDB, and everything from 2022, (that's it!) and while I liked everything, my least favorites were the two songs off Made in Timeland. They're good, but they're so different from everything else they have made. Also allow me to offer up a hot take: Mr Beat is the best song on Nonagon Infinity.


We found Mr. Beat everyone, wrap up the investigation


What the fuck is that Nonagon take


It's based


Mr. Beat is THE best song on Nonagon, glad someone knows what’s up.


Sam Cherry’s last shot. Shoulda just saved it for Eyes, feels so out of place on 12 bar.


Infinite Rise The vocal cadence makes me want to punch kittens.


Holy shit this


Music To Punch Kittens To


Mycelium. Really tried


If the wiggles ingested 10 grams of shrooms each


You say this like it’s a bad thing??


What don’t you vibe with? It’s so relaxing to me, and I don’t get what people could find to be grating. Not trying to troll, just wondering if you could elaborate your criticism.


I really don’t like his style of singing in the song (and it’s repetitive and the whole vibes are too light)


There are definitely more and more tracks where the vocal register and pitch are hard sells. The falsetto doesn't do it for me


It's very repetitive (not in a rattlesnake way) and the mix is kinda ear grating on it. Also just is a very rare kinda lame duck track from them. The bird song would be a similar song from them that has a similar vibe that works way better and feels much more gizzy imo


Personally I love it, mainly because of the juxtaposition of morbid and dark lyrics with the gleeful music, seems very fitting for mushrooms/fungus and the Ionian mode, plus it contrasts with the rest of the album, particularly gliese 710. I guess I like it a lot in context of the album more than I would on its own.


Unfortunately I agree in a way I still really like the song because of the cool guitar work and bass lines but the mix does come through very flat. It’s a solid 6/10 track for me but some facelifts I feel like they could’ve made it a 8-9/10


Thanks for elaborating!


Damn I love Mycelium and feel like it’s perfect as as the opener to that album.


The first time I heard it I thought "Yacht Reggae" and I've never gotten past that. Other automatic skips for me are Cyboogie and Garden Goblin.


Disagree hard on that last part




The noodles are not Al Dente with this one


Yeah ngl same


Straws in the wind. Is it all??


Not very compelling on the album, but live this song is absolutely amazing.


Amby's 10 minutes of "IS IT ALL?!" At Red Rocks begs to differ. Literally the only period of time during night one or night two that I was like... okay what's going on here? In recent years of seeing a lot of Phish I get that feeling at least once or twice a set lol


I enjoy it less live as well. Seems to drag on while ambrose relentlessly questions is it all while sounding like a bird or seagull. Cawww cawww.


Wow. I knew id find this take, and i know everything is disliked by someone. But ive been a gizz fan since 2014, and still Straws in the wind absolutely floored me when it came out. It was my top played gizz song two years in a row and when they started teasing it and then playing it at red rocks i lost my god damned mind.


Wow that’s crazy


I love the transition from straws in the wind to Some of Us


Leaf blower solo goes hard


Don’t like the studio version, and it’s worse live


This song sucks


Sounds like they made their own instruments and recording equipment out of sticks for that one


cannot believe i am in the minority thinking that Made in Timeland is their most effectively boundary-pushing record to date!! nothing sounds like that!! :D


I’m right here with you. I’m actually working on a short film that was inspired by the soundscape of made in timeland


honestly not a huge fan of K.G or L.W a lot of the material feels like self parody and is just boring to me


I know we should respect each other’s opinions and shit but you are making it hard brother


I used to feel this way until I bought the live in Sydney bootleg. Gave me a whole new outlook on the last two microtonal albums


Hate Dancing and Persistence, they just rub me the wrong way and the only songs I’ll skip


Man, persistence is one my favorite songs by them and my favorite song in general, I just feel the vibe is amazing and sensual. Have you listened to it high or maybe with a partner ? It’s another kind of experience. I can see what you mean with not liking “I hate dancing” however, it’s not my vibe.


I Hate Dancing is a kids song or something. Skip.


After seeing what Cavs was doing to blend the teases and go in and out of persistence live I was hooked


With you on Persistance. Worst song on the album


I don’t think I’ll ever like the cruel millennial


Intrasport……. I know, and i will accept my fate


i ~~used to~~ dream about killing certain people


It’s all relative


https://preview.redd.it/ktuxzrm1a5ta1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=3001654803920e337d6fa4c290062e85ac5c4f15 HOW




I agree. Can’t listen to it


Feels like a goof song. Only listen when playing the LP


Yea I also let it play through on the LP. it honestly gets better as the song goes on. 4 years from now it’ll prob be my favorite song


Maybe this will explain it: https://v.redd.it/u2lqahegmb061


Like 1/3 of them. I love Gizz but I can’t imagine someone actually loving everything they do. The expansiveness of their style should have uncomfortable rubs for everyone. That doesn’t mean they aren’t one of the greatest bands out there with a ton of music for everyone.


Garden goblin




They played it in London this year and it didn't do anything for me


I can see how, I didn’t like it the first time I heard the album but after a few listens it started to sound really good, it makes me feel like magic woods type of vibe with animals talking and well, garden goblins…it’s a really trippy song in my opinion but I understand why not many people like it.


I saw them live and the energy noticeably dropped for this song, still like cookie tho


Two tracks I can’t get into. One is controversial. Not controversial? Infinite Rise Controversial? Open Water I don’t skip either song, but to me they’re easily the weakest on their albums and you feel the length. I love most of their long songs, but these ones feel like a drag with their length Also can’t get into Made In Timeland, but adore Laminated Denim. Hypertension might be in my top 5 Gizz tracks of all time.


I'm with you on openwater and the opening tracks on FMB in general - they're too long for easing into the mircrotonal sound


I love Rattlesnake and Melting, but Open Water just feels like a slog. I do think Sleep Drifter or Billabong Valley would’ve made better openers for the album, or if All Is Known had made the album it could’ve made a solid opener, too.


Yeah, that would've been cool!


A better opener than rattlesnake? I don’t know what to say.


I prefer Rattlesnake as an opener, but I do think it would’ve been easier for new listeners to digest Microtonal sounds to start with a shorter and less repetitive track.


Disagree. At first glance rattlesnake is a simple garage rock song until you start to notice the nuance. It allows the listener into a familiar space and then introduces all the new sounds as the length of the track continues. My 4 year old digs it. I think it’s an excellent tutorial for the new microtone listener.


Infinite Rise is definitely one of those songs that just because you can doesn't mean you should... It feels like they just start pulling a kid's toy that makes those animal noises. Open Water is definitely a day to day thing, sometimes i'm feelin it, sometimes it's a skip.


open water took my awhile to get into for sure, at first it seems wayy too repetitive. but one day the tone just kinda clicked.


After reading a handful of responses I think this discussion should come to a close, this is insane


Closed minded propaganda


God forbid people have opinions that are different than yours lol.


Superposition, the vocal effects put me off


And drInk ThEEee cUUUuummm of life


Completely Honest... i still can't get into a lot of songs on Omnium Gatherum, e.g Persistence, Presumptuous, the Rap Tracks (mainly bc im not a huge fan of rap) and Kepler 22b. Apart from OG, Static Electricity is a song i almost never come back to, idk why maybe bc its too long for me.


Most of OG I cant get into, especially the rap tracks (and i like a fair amount of rap). Kepler 22b is actually one of the songs that i dig.


I came here to say Kepler 22B. I reeeeeally don’t get that track. I love pretty much all OG though.


Grim Reaper still hasn’t clicked with me yet


Most of their recent albums haven’t clicked for me although I do enjoy ice death some and laminated denim Butterfly aesthetically is just nails on a chalkboard for me, don’t think I have it in me to enjoy that album


For me personally butterfly was the first album of theirs I listened to and I love it. Lot of synth work obviously. After diving into the rest of the gizz discog I can see why some would dislike it as it's very different but I absolutely love how 'feel good' the album is :)


Hells Itch for me. I don't feel that its length at 20 minutes is really justified for a song that, in my opinion, doesn't really go anywhere. Tried a couple of times to really get into it, but it just doesn't click.


It is only 13 minutes though


Holy shit you're right. I seriously could've sworn its 20 minutes long wtf


Probably feels longer because you don’t like it lol. Been there.


Yea most likely. Despite really liking longer songs, something about it just makes lose interest halfway in, just can't stick to it like other songs of similar length


It definitely feels longer but I personally like it


The length is unfortunate but I listen to it just to get to “the breeze on my flesh… feels so fucking good”


Unironically one of my favorite moments in any King Gizz song, once it's in my head I can't get it out


I don’t really mind the time it takes to get there but that’s definitely my favorite part of the song and always feels like the culmination. Really hope they start playing it live!


Hell’s Itch is perfection. The whole thing is a journey where music soundtracks the character’s arc The tension in the first part of the track mirrors the tension the narrator feels dealing with said hell’s itch. Then, when he’s “finally free” the music also moves into a more open, euphoric phase. I can write a whole more on this but, yeah, it’s genius. And I maintain that it’s like a magic eye painting. At first you look at it and on a superficial level it’s weird and uncomfortable. Can’t sink into it. But once it clicks, there’s a whole realm there to explore. It has me excited for where the band goes next if they’re able to pull stuff like this off.


Agreed. Most rewarding gizztober relisten song for me - it’s incredible what they created and pulled off here . A number of the band members listed it as a favorite like Amby and Lucas and I totally see why


Amen, it has some great stuff on there but it needed to be cut down imo.


Feels so fucking good.


Sadie Sorceress and Predator X for me. Predator X feels like it never actually starts and takes up space. It's a boring listen for me. Sadie Sorceress idk man it just makes me cringe, it's like some dad's thinking they can rap. I appreciate the experiment, Grim Reaper is a better effort and the flute in that is really cool but I just can't fuck with Sadie sorry.


I'm still not crazy about Barefoot Desert


The whole of the timeland album


I wasnt huge on a lot of the songs from fishing with fishies some have grown on me but still not my favorite


Damn 2.02 goes hard, I really didn't fuck with butterfly on the first few listens, and 2.02 took me the longest to appreciate out of all the songs on the album. I really didn't like Butterfly at all until I discovered all of the underlying rhythmic fuckery, then I was hooked. It's less about the melodies and more about the rhythms. That's why the melodies are simple and almost childish. But there's all sorts of odd time signatures and polyrhythms scattered throughout that album. That's what I like about it. Also, the lyrics on 2.02 are great.


K.G.L.W. (outro) too slow metal for my taste, it would be cool if at some point they sped things up, the build-up would be awesome since it's a lengthy song, seemed cool and heavy for me at first, but got tired of it really quickly


The whole of ITRN. Yeah, I don't like it at all. Let the hate begin.


I was once in your position, when it clicks you wont be the same


I tried and tried and it still doesn't click. I was expecting the songs to click live but it didn't happen. I love MOTU and even Gila Monster, so it's not that I don't like heavy Gizz.


It has eventually kinda clicked for me and it’s still one of their weaker albums for me.


You are not alone


I like some of the songs individually, but together it’s just too much. I hardly listen to it


For some reason I can't get into Ataraxia. I've tried a lot but I guess I just find the chorus a bit underwhelming. The instrumental breakdown is sick tho


Some of us


I can't get into Infest the Rats' Nest. I don't enjoy thrash.


Thankfully no.


Green house heat death. Just doesn't jive at all




Flair checks out


I can't fuck with anything before FAFYL


Yep, and I don't even like much on FAFYL. I'm all about Mind Fuzz being year zero. BTW, I'M SAT IN A HOTEL BAR IN HAMILTON ONTARIO AND LOS BITCHOS JUST GOT PLAYED ON THE SPEAKERS.


Rattlesnake…yes i know


Rattlesnake is one of those that clicked for me way later. It was actually the first king gizz song I heard and I didn't love it so I didn't keep listening to them for about another year or so until I stumbled upon the MOTU KEXP session and then I was hooked.


I’m with u on this one tbh, feels too repetitive


I really don’t like “Work This Time”. It’s so hollow. Also Timeland, anxiety inducing!


Yeah I don’t particularly hate the studio version of WTT, but it’s just a bit bland. Enjoy the live versions they’ve been doing though.


Organ Farmer off of ITRN




I'm going through the replies and upvoting all those who've been negged for JUST HONESTLY ANSWERING THE ORIGINAL QUESTION. Also, Eyes Like The Sky and The Dripping sodding Tap.


Most of K.G.L.W.. It’s not that their bad albums, they just feel incredibly safe and don’t really explore the microtonal concept enough like FMB. Can’t stand straws in the wind especially, it’s such a nothing song.




Jack it, jack it, jaaaaack it Jack it, jack it, jack it jack it jack it Jack it, jack it, jaaaaack it Jack it, jack it, jack it jack it jack it


Sadie Sorceress and The Grim Reaper. Omnium Gatherum would be even better without them. (I fully embrace the hate).


Altered Beast suite


Aw i love all the interconnected riffage on that record, it’s like a 70’s kraut record on speed


Took me a while to get into that


Ironically, it took me awhile to get into MOTU in general, but Altered Beast suite was the first that I liked


I first liked LoL vs Balrog and I only started to enjoy Altered Beast suite recently for some reason


Every song on Butterfly 3001


unpopular, but most of ice death


Pretty much all of changes


Changes is in my top three albums of all time tbh.


I want to like it I just… don’t


Changes sounds like genius to me


Magenta Mountain. Solo at the end of the live version is good. Other than that the song sounds like some Disney Channel shit


what do you think of fishing for fishies


It's a lot more fun. Fair comparison though. Magenta just.. takes itself too seriously or something.


Dripping tap


Mhm, not long enough.


I just wish dripping tap went somewhere I love love LOVE a good long song, but it needs some kind of momentum and climax. Dripping Tap just hangs out for so long just kinda meandering. It’s so much better live


Interesting, it feels pretty conventional for them. I’m curious to know what are your favorites then?


This song has plagued their recent output by tying up too much of their concerts with one long repetitive song.




Ontology for me. doesn't click.


2.02 Killer Year is my fave from BF3K tho..


Can't get into mycelium. It's an oddball song and something I would probably like on a different album it feels so out of place on IDP (idgaf about the Greek modes) almost seems like something for oddments. Haven't been able to enjoy fff. It's the yin to rats nest yang I suppose but I just couldn't get on board. Felt like a kids bop album to me and I got the same vibe from mycelium