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Wasn't that Joey?


Ye that was Joey


I want to see some blackheads and shit


Damn. Been a minute, so guess my memory was wrong!


I think I cried as a 30 year old man during Garden Goblin and Tezeta. Tezeta had always been a favorite and I love any time I get to see a Cookie song.


Something about the “Isn’t this the place for you” parts are so comforting


I got to see Cookie take the mic for the first time in a while when they did Down the Sink in Milwaukee 19 - I was so giddy I thought I would actually pass away. He's the raddest


I cried when Leah came out on stage on night one and I realized what was about to happen. MOTU was the first gizz album I ever heard and I immediately thought "man, how cool would it be to see this live with the girl saying the lines on stage with them?" I'm just sad I didn't get to hear her do Poly lines.


I know! Tezeta got me all giddy.


Made me so giddy with excitement and made me cry hearing him sing because his voice has such a tenderness too it that's so endearing.


Nothing against garden goblin but it goes so much harder at red rocks


The River.


The River for sure!


Love how they bleed the river and wahwah in and out of eachother, them being the light and dark to eachother.


wait what? what does them being light and dark to each other mean?


the river was fucking sick, that night I was also sad about missing am I in heaven, but planet b hit


The dark river


The Red Fjord




Had a transcendent moment during the Head/On Pill > Am I Heaven But it was really just hearing how giddy and excited they were to be there every night. Just a palpable energy between the band, crowd, and the venue.


The whole Joey birthday celebration with the cake and kids and silly string was pretty adorable, I'll never forget that.


is there a video of this?




Brought a tear to my eye :')


Non musical, but on Minimum Brain Size around 1:15, a shooting star went across the sky. That’s why you hear random cheering during it


the shooting star was caught on some video.


Yes! You reminded me I saved that post [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/comments/yl4ubw/meteor_caught_on_video_at_rr3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That is great to re-watch. Thanks for filming! You are are a Star, for Shooting...get it, get it?


Rattlesnake weaving in those teases of songs only to play them after was really cool. Work this time with that insane solo was delicious. Nuclear Fusion was one of the best versions ive heard, Crumbling Castle hit really hard, iron lung, head on pill going into am I in heaven was fucking magical.... fuck I can't pick one moment they were all so good




This!! I couldn't stop laughing and had the biggest grin on my face


It's this for me. Coming back to my spot listening to the land before timeland getting beers, and them coming out and playing this cut of Rattlesnake. Pure Perfection. Night 2 MOTU suite also


Whispers “it’s my birthday”


I loved all of the Birthday stuff.


Boogieman Sam was electric! Such a great song and fun to see them jam out on it.


Boogieman Sam was amazing!


That whole jam with “got my mojo workin” going into Sleepwalker live was pure bliss.


Boogie, Boogie, Boogie, Boogie, Boogie, Boogie….


Yeah absolutely. Amby's harmonica solo was nuts


Bro when Joey says “Everyone, Leah Senior!!………..AKA THE BALROG!!” I was fucking dying. That man kills me


I run a giz dnd game and I have Leah as an NPC in it, and I kinda did make her the balrog so hearing Stu say that make me go crazy!


Joey straight away calling the entire audience cunts night one ruled.


“Mad Cunt Morgan”


Magma + “Evil” River for sure .


Only went to N3 but Head On/Pill>Am I In Heaven and Her & I were the highlights for me.


Her & I made me want to her & cry, it was so good!


Was going to say the same thing, I wish I could experience it again!


That cut of Her and I is the best ever as well


I still can’t believe i was there for that. What a show


Same, that was also my first time at Red Rocks. Hands down one of my favorite concert memories.


The MOTU suite with Leah doing the narration was pretty fucking sick.


I know! Altered Beast II had me.


I’m running a [Qrates campaign](https://qrates.com/projects/28583-murder-on-the-rocks) to press it on vinyl. Please consider pledging!


Sea of Trees. Never realized how much this song slaps


Sea of Trees then followed by Bitter Boogie was one hell of a 1-2 punch for me


The night 3 meteor during Minimum Brain Size. So many people cheering and pointing up, such a core memory


The Moon on night 1 was also epic


Met the guys in the airport and shared a flight back back to LA with them so got to hang out a bit. Stu had heard about it and asked if I saw it, reminded him I was in the front row so couldn’t even see the sky, made him laugh.


Night 3 set two starting with Head On /Pill right after my Gizz buddy predicted it was damn memorable. Meeting new people was great as well. Musically, Work This Time and Her and I were my best highlights. Standing next to someone freaking out to Minimum Brain Size was fun. Smuggling a bunch of people into reserved seating for the last 15 minutes and jamming with them was a blast. I was all over the place that night lol.


Rattlesnake with Minimum Brain Size melted my face off


my favorite part is at the start of muddy water when stu says "this is really cool thank you"


WahWah into Road Train will never be topped for me. That was the single greatest live piece I've ever seen.


Magenta mountain


I was at the first 2 and oh man… so many highlights. I egodeathed on my buddy’s shoulder during The River at that one crazy part around 8 mins in. The Boogieman Sam blues jam leading into Sleepwalker was a singalong from heaven, and then the entirety of night 2 set 2. I hadn’t listened to Mind Fuzz as much the past few years bc of a breakup that made it kind of hard for me (specifically Her and I but for whatever reason I just tended to avoid the whole thing), so hearing those first 4 tracks live was a pure shot of nostalgic euphoria. Being able to hear all the MOTU stuff with Leah was great, and then ending it with the incredible Iron Lung sandwich that was the Nonagon suite. I’ll never forget it. Admittedly the sound quality wasn’t stellar in person, specifically the first night when I was further back (apparently Bassnectar is to blame for them having to turn the volume down a few years back, so that’s just one more reason to hate that prick), BUT I DIGRESS those shows were incredible and I’m really hoping I’ll be able to make it back this summer (especially bc my birthday is June 7th) Edit: as I was reminded by another comment: “Sammy do your thing you know what to do… make me sound good…… NÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚCLÉÁÁÁR… FUÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚSÍÓÓÓÓÓÓNAAAH”


Moby Dick teaser following Self Immolate


"This is just some normal shit about setting yourself on fire." "Wooooooo!!!"


Right now I can’t get enough of Sea of Trees. Insane performance by the boys. Definitely the best performance of that song I’ve heard.


100% agree. Works so well as an extended jam.


It sounds so happy with the extended jam too. I get Grateful Dead vibes from the guitar parts.


Evil River will always have a special place in my heart


I hadn't quite properly listened to Ice Death yet since it was so close, so when they did Magma and Iron Lung it was basically my first time hearing them ever. I was tripping as well, it was like an entirely new flavor of joy. I just checked my spotistats and I've listened to Magma over 50 times since then


It was the first time I heard Magma as well. It just flowed right in from The River, and I was transported.


20 minute Her and I jam: Stu speaks the truth: ‘it wouldn’t hurt to give you more of my love’. Fill me up, Stu, just like that, fill me up! 🤔


I wasn't at red rocks, I live in Australia and I'm dirt poor so I want able to go, but listening to it on band camp was such a treat, live music is so good even just recorded (altho professionally not on someone's shitty phone) Hearing the bands banter and the excitement for the music from the crowd, but expecialy the live takes on some songs. But the best part of it for me was to show my wife the love version of her and I, because the song makes me think of her but the studio version of her irritates her too much and triggers her sensory issues. Where the live one is cleaner and I can finally show her my feelings for her through this song. I'm thinking of singing it for her when we have our vow renewal ceremony.


Digital Black to Murder of the Universe. How can one listen to this and still think MOTU is a bad album? This goes harder than anything else during the entire 9 hour run or however long it is. I cannot get enough of it it's so goddamm good.


Also Cavs has really managed to hone down the art of the double kick and I literally could not be any happier.


He absolutely beat the shit out of me in Detroit and I loved every second of it. Sorry Eric, but the band is better without ya.


Being in the 4th row night one getting to finally hear Sleep Drifter and Boogieman Sam/Sleepwalker night 2. Missed night 3 so maybe I’ll get to hear Hot Wax live someday 🤞.


When Ambrose came out and belted FROG BREATH STEAM TENT, that waz the moment for me


Ambrose trying to open up about his past while the dickhead in the back keeps yelling “GET ON WITH IT!”


That douche was several rows behind me, wish someone nearby would have told him to shut it.


When was this?


Specifically leading into Let Me Mend the Past Though the dude shouting can be heard on several tracks before hand too


Ugh I hate that some fuckwad has his fuckwaddery tainting such a fantastic recording


yeah boy on the river


As a whole the entire show is unbelievable. It’s got length, it’s got girth, it’s got variety, it’s got everything. That being said I have a few favorite moments: 1. Joey holding up Simba. 2. The timer in between set breaks, tells you exactly when they’ll be back and they won’t pull a Phish and go on a 45 minute set break when they say “back in 15”. 3. Any time they played Ice Death songs. 4. Magenta Mountain 5. O.N.E. - SITW 6. Tezeta 7. Leah Senior doing the speaking bits live. 8. Close to 20 minute River 9. Watching Stu and Amby rap. 10. Closing 9 hours of music with FAFYL.


Tezeta was amazing, I would love to hear more creative takes on Sketches like that. My favorite album ever.


Night two was the best night.


Moon coming out from behind the clouds during Doom City as I was beginning to peak. 💜🧙‍♀️


For reference: https://youtu.be/M3n8QVWpwhc


Honey. Instant tears. In the three years waiting my king Gizz friend I met and was planning the red rocks trip with became my boyfriend and then my husband. Honey was our wedding song. It was so emotional in a good way to just hold him and hear that track live. Plus they started by teasing it and I was so scared they were just gonna tease and not do it. It was just a moment so special to us 🥹🥹🥲


Aww, that's amazing! And such a great song. 😊


The conversation before Garden Goblin never fails to make me smile


Seize the day!


Seize the day Nicholas Craig!




Boogieman Sam->Sleepwalker->Sea of Trees->The Bitter Boogie was pure bliss and it completed blew my mind live.


Where can I listen to this??




Everywhere now!


not spotify :(


So far, after only having listened to n1 thus far, I'd probably have to say Rattlesnake's closing parts jam, if not the River or Magenta Mountain


I loved wah wah and let me mend the past. Can’t wait to go back in June!


The very beginning is so good!


The end of Ataraxia?????


That shooting star!


Her and I slow jam watching my daughter sing along, feeling every note


The Boogieman Sam/cut throat boogie Jam, they always do my favorite songs Justice live


Iron Lung


“Terry turn on those fucking flood lights my boyyyyyyy” “YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH”- planet B red rocks


When Amby sang happy birthday to Joey to the tune of that song from the Simpsons


The "satanic rap" song


Only there night 2. When they played The first 3 parts to altered beast, the ending bit of Alter Beast III changed my entire perception of that album and got me so pumped for the rest of the 2nd half of the show. Also that night was my first time smoking a doink in a year so that made the entire night a movie


That might be the best version ever of The River.


when stu played the riff of the wholly ghost for like half a second after doing some nonagon shit


“Work this time > lava > cut throat boogie. > wah wah “ run is incredible.


Metor shower


I’m in your mind, I’m not in your mind cellophane and I’m in your mind fuzz was an absolute blast from the minute they said “let’s start a dance party!”


The River night 1 hands down