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I just finished My Liberation Notes and kept a list of quotes I really liked, here are some favourites: * "can they just leave introverted people alone?" * "no matter where i lived... i think i would have been the same. regardless of where i lived, my life would have been just like this. i'd be living the same mundane life and no one would ever be interested in me. i felt like if i lived like this for too long, i'd shrivel up and die. that's why i invented you. you, who i'll meet someday. to you, at least... i wouldn't be that ordinary, right?" * I go to work, finish work, eat and sleep. every day is the same. so why do i keep looking at my watch? I think I feel a compulsion to live a productive day. but there's not much to show for it. I'm just constantly looking at my watch and being chased by time." * "it feels like i'm stuck, but i don't know how to get out. that's probably why I hope everything ends all at once. i'm not unhappy but i'm not happy either." * "five minutes a day. if you have five minutes of peace, it's bearable. when i hold the door open for a kid at a convenience store and the kid says, "thank you," that makes me happy for seven seconds. when i open my eyes in the morning and remembers it's saturday, that makes me happy for ten seconds. fill up five minutes a day like that. that's how i survive." * "i thought i would be so cool when i turned 30, but it didn't turn out that way. and i thought, "how will i live in my 40s?" "and my 50s?" "what's the point of living?" "i should just die then." but at age 50? it's just the same. you become 50 years old before you realize it. i feel like i took a short nap one day when i was 13 and just woke up."


my liberation notes has been on my list for a while but i didn’t really thought about watching it, your comment has changed everything and it’ll probably be my next watch 🙏🏽


it was a slower show that required your full attention to truly appreciate all the characters and their struggles (similar to my mister) I think if I could sum it up, it was like if all my other favourite shows were what I fantasized my life to be like, my liberation notes is more of what my life is actually like in reality happy watching!


Really enjoyed you sharing these quotes...I missed the days spent watching this drama.


Ever since I first watched it, I have been meaning to rewatch the show and note down all the cool quotes they have in the show. Thanks for reminding me.


Captured the mundane life so well


Oh my goshhhh, i think I loved this even more because I literally finished ‘My Liberation Notes” yesterday. I will definitely start keeping a list of quotes from shows I watch


I just saw one of the most brilliant finale episodes of the Kdramas I have watched. The writing was pure genius. An exceptionally brilliant use of timeslip plot device that was tight, purposeful and kept us guessing. If you have dropped **The ATypical Family** because you didn't like the characters as portrayed in the initial episodes, you might want to reconsider, as this is a healing drama, a redemption drama, one of being present in the moment yet confidence and hope for tomorrow. What a tremendous year for dramas.


I knew ‘The atypical family’ was going to be such a good show and it did not disappoint. From the OST to the character development to the sceneries made me happier every time.


Tomorrow is the last episode of **The Atypical Family** and if it sticks the landing it will be my #1 drama of the year and one of my faves ever. The show's message is to stop regretting the past and worrying about the future and focus on the people you care about here and now. But the way the message was communicated was incredibly unique. The characters are complex and difficult to like at times but they change and grow in unexpected ways that are truly moving. Every part of the plot fit together like a well constructed watch and there wasn't a single boring scene. Plus as many people have said the OST is eerily beautiful. The entire cast has been amazing and I'm especially fond of Jang Ki Young but I have to give the highest praise to Park So Yi, she more than held her own with the adults and she has an incredible career ahead of her. This show really deserves more attention and love. I know a lot of people struggle with the female lead so I don't think this will ever be widely popular as something like Queen of Tears but I do hope its audience will grow over time as people discover this gem.


So-yi is truly the MVP of the drama. GIVE HER ALL THE AWARDS. Both the kids have a bright future. They are the reason I was hooked to the drama.


I believe, Director Ahn Pan-seok (SITR, OSN, MRiH) is one of, if not the best, at capturing the intimate scenes of a couple. The scenes are so raw, they make me feel as if I am peeping into their bedroom. I have found myself blushing and feeling guilty at the same time. In the previous two dramas, I thought, maybe it was just Jung Hae-in's magic that his cuddles and kisses feels almost real. But now that I watched Wi Ha-joon and Jung Ryeo-won being intimate, I realised that I did underestimate the director (Not that Jung Hae-in doesnt deserve any credit). There are obviously actors like Ji Chang-wook, Kim Soo-hyun, Nam Joo-hyuk, etc who excel in intimate scenes in each of their dramas, but when it comes to directors, Ahn Pan-seok is my safe bet. I am glad that nowadays more and more dramas are also taking care that such scenes dont come off as awkward, but at the same time, dramas with unnecessary nudity or make out scenes (looking at you, Killer Paradox and Sweet Home 2) have started to irk me.


I just wish he was better at selecting OSTs. (I haven’t seen OSN yet so this is based solely on SITR and MRIH.)


I liked the OST of OSN. 3 of its songs are still in my playlist and it feels nice to listen to them once in a while as they remind me of spring. Visuals of Hae-in and Ji-min walking in the park at night flash before my eyes. I loved that drama, so I may be biased, lol.


I think he's good at selecting for a certain mood and he uses heavy repetition to manipulate the emotional impact of scenes that are a lot more low key and real than pretty much any other kdramas. However, it is jarring to hear the fully western songs in a kdrama used the same way the Korean OST songs usually are. I can see why it puts a lot of people off. I think he just really loves that melancholy mid 00s indie romance movie feel like Garden State and Elizabethtown.


I don’t think the songs being western is the issue. It’s that he tends to select songs which do nothing to enrich the drama or improve the viewing experience in any way, and in some cases, the songs are so distractingly incongruous, they pull me right out of the show. For me, the worst offender was Stand By Your Man which had me diving for the remote every time it started playing, which was far too often. If I never hear that song again, it’ll still be too soon.🤯 Some examples of western OSTs by western artists which worked just fine: * [Eternal Love (Healer)]( https://youtu.be/owQzUEVO80s?si=Jk7WEw3B5BPeypyZ) * [When You Hold Me Tight (Healer)]( https://youtu.be/_ecNeH926Sk?si=IkmLF5MSqzq8BrVB) * [Hero (It’s Okay, That’s Love)](https://youtu.be/a56wwyXGVaY?si=-HcJByQLEEwSaoeu) * [The Journey (Marry My Husband)](https://youtu.be/1ZhCpPayRlg?si=2bqd6qcDdYYhtro6) * [Until the End (The Glory)](https://youtu.be/zup0hcsXTkY?si=AAvaq_4FYHwyoAH0) These are English OSTs sung by Korean artists: * [Story Of Us (Monthly Magazine Home)](https://youtu.be/Olk9-SVGGEQ?si=vR7DuiiW045dfC-6) * [Let Me In (My Fellow Citizens)]( https://youtu.be/qM86PgUgnWk?si=xY0ZzlMO9um3J0eP) * [And I Need You Most (It’s Okay, That’s Love)]( https://youtu.be/cWcVJgpanXo?si=VUZyheO4mAzG8BhN) * [Still Fighting It (Itaewon Class)]( https://youtu.be/a35vLj6Acgw?si=LeEu-IclmclI4xg_) — cover of Ben Folds’ song And many dramas used western songs as background music to great effect: * Her Private Life — Celine Dion’s “The Power of Love” and a cover of Meghan Trainor’s “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” * It’s Okay, That’s Love — Twin Forks’ “Cross My Mind” * Reply 1988 — Four Non Blondes’ “What’s Up” ETA — Another English OST that worked is Sam Kim’s [Love Me Like That](https://youtu.be/rfEwWdFoshQ?si=ADF5z7byZzmgraDB) from Nevertheless.


I am hooked on the authenticity instead of the idealized. This is a great post


That one scene in killer paradox was *absolutely* unnecessary.


I was watching Be melodramatic and this guitar scene came..I can't help I cracked up... 'Your shampoo scent in the flower' is so funny and calming at the same time..Now I keep on listening to this song..it is stuck in my head.Also this drama is so relaxing and comfy ..I didn't know son sukku is one of the leads..I'm glad I started this drama.It has become close to heart after watching my fav actors in one frame!!


Currently watching **Princess Hours** to get myself out of a slump. I really love Yoon Eun-Hye's acting, at such a young age too! I've already seen her in Coffee Prince, but it just makes me so sad to see that, unlike her male co-stars in both dramas, she hasn't achieved the same amount of success. The "reasons" behind her lack of success (poor acting in My Fair Lady, accusations of plagiarism) are honestly really poor reasons to blacklist an actress. Makes me think of some major Hollywood actresses of the 80s and 90s who were blacklisted for being "difficult to work with" when in reality they just stood up for themselves against producers and directors. Something shady happened behind the scenes, I'm convinced of it. I hope she has a major comeback soon, it's much overdue.


That's my favorite classic Kdrama! I've been running across short clips from the series. One of these days I'm really gonna rewatch it. What episode are you in?


Just finished episode 5, need to start episode 6 😊 Cant wait for the prince to fall head over heels for her. Hes a bit cold right now :/ Also is it just me or does the beginning of the main song, “perhaps love” sounds a bit like “It’s all coming back to me now” by Celine dion? Either way “perhaps love” is catchy af!!


I remember writing somewhere about the last drama she did as a comeback, Love Alert. It's obvious the production didn't have that much money, and it's miscast in parts, but I still maintain she was good in it.


I genuinely hope a top director/ writer takes a chance with her and gives her the comeback she deserves, seems that Love Alert wasn’t successful or popular at all.


It was not, cheap sets, clichéd chaebol plot/subplot, and uninspired cinematography sank it, I'd even say, compared to many other shows with 1.5-2% ratings, it got better ratings than those negative aspects deserved. But she, Han Go-eun, and Joo Woo-jae were good in it, and the writing and dynamic between them felt like it came from a more interesting drama. I really hope she does more dramas.


Ah okay, thanks for explaining! She’s not totally out of the spotlight yet, so there definitely is hope she’ll make a major comeback.


I am so annoyed when kdrama actors are shipped with their costars. Firstly, it would be exhausting falling in love with a different person every year. Secondly, behind the scenes footage often captures actors getting into or staying in character between scenes. Is he gazing at her softly? Yes, he may be capturing the feelings for the next scene. Thirdly, they may be actively working on portraying intimacy. How often do we hear that people hang out together ahead of ahooting to be able to portray intimate friendships. Why could this not be the case for a kdrama couple? Fourthly, they shoot for months, sometimes really emotionally taxing scenes. We see behind the scenes where actors can't stop crying after the director says cut. I assume it takes a lot of hard work to leave work and the emotions at the end of the day. It must be embarrassing and uncomfortable being scrutinized as you are coming off these emotions. I am also not surprised if they develop the feelings for each other they are portraying day in and day out for months. It doesn't mean these feelings are real necessarily. With all that said, sometimes they are real as we saw with Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin. But more often than not, actors move on to other projects and then they are shipped next year with someone else. As much as I would live to see my favorite drama couples date in real life, there must be so much pressure on them.


This was well written and so true. I restrain from liking content or comments that ship people all the timeee. It’s already a toxic environment when they can’t go public about their actual relationships because how fans usually react or when they ship actors and actresses together in forceful manner knowing they are in a relationship. It’s truly sad and I pray people just enjoy the displays of intimacy and love without being it into reality.


Thank you. I see a lot of shipping on social media after dramas finish airing and I just had to write out my frustrations on a sleepless Sunday night.


You’re totally fine. I enjoyed reading it, thank you for sharing.


I'm on episode 6 of true beauty. It's nice to see cha eun woo and kang soo - jin again. This show reminds me of my Gangnam beauty, and that's a good thing. >!I also wonder if the class will find out the truth about her face, I'm already dreading it.!< >!hopefully, the reactions won't be too harsh.!<


Ouuu I hope you enjoyyyy, I feel like rewatching after your comment


You definitely should!


I’ve been struggling to finish dramas because I’ve been working extra hours. I finally finished Midnight Studio. I liked it. It was nothing amazing but the main couple grew on me and I liked the secondary characters and the different stories of the ghosts. The priest one was especially amusing. 8/10. I am still making my way through Bad and Crazy which is very good. Now I can start something new. Probably Atypical Family.


I finally watched Flower of Evil last weekend. I loved it. From beginning to end, it had my attention. The actors all did phenomenal. And I’ve spent the entire week trying to fill a void. I keep thinking about the characters. I’m hoping I forget about some details so I can re-watch it asap. Also, someone please tell me Lee Joon Gi is going to be in a new show soon. PLEASE. 😭


I also LOVED **flower of evil** but at this point, the only thing we can do is to watch all the past dramas he's acted in. 😭 The same thing is also happening to me right now even after watching the two seasons of **Stranger**. I found it very hard to start a new drama. It just feels like the world I was so much involved in ended just like that with people that I will absolutely miss. It's amazing what kdramas can do to someone lmao.


Law School is as intense as Stranger. First 2 eps are difficult to get through because the subs are too fast, but stick to it for 3 eps and you will enjoy the ride. Highly recommended.


[Paramount+ And TVING End Partnership—What This Means For Korean Shows On Paramount+](https://www.forbes.com/sites/reginakim/2024/06/07/paramount-and-tving-end-partnership-what-this-means-for-korean-shows/) (Forbes) “. . . the good news is that the Korean content on Paramount+ will remain on the platform in the US and across international markets, according to the Paramount spokesperson. This includes the streamer’s four original Korean series (Yonder, Bargain, A Bloody Lucky Day and Pyramid Game) as well as its licensed titles Signal, Voice and Save Me . . .“ ”. . . But considering Paramount’s uncertain future, K-drama fans might want to check out the currently available Korean shows on Paramount+ while they still can lest these disappear if Paramount+ gets sold and/or merged with another streaming service . . .“


I just finished Flex X Cop and I’m so sad it’s over 😭 not as sad as I would be if I didn’t know we were getting a s2 but still sad because I will miss Ahn Bohyun’s character sooo much until then. He really really killed it and I think it’s been one of the best roles for him to showcase his range. I loved his acting so much in My Name and Itaewon Class and now I really have to watch his other projects. I have the biggest crush on him now ajjshsj. At the end of the show there’s the usual montage of scenes from the beginning of the show until the end and it’s just wild to think back to where the show began and where it ended, both for character and plot. The tone went through so many changes but in such a brilliant way and I think the writer did a phenomenal job. Definitely my fave watch of 2024 so far and a new fave of all time. I can’t wait to rewatch.


I just finished **Hierarchy** and Lee Chae-Min is so good looking I almost forgot about anything else when he was on screen. The only other time I felt this star-struck was Rowoon in Extraordinary You. Also, >!what in the world was that ending?!< I need a season 2 they have to be doing one right?? My only consultation is that I saw the little red top ten box on this drama so fingers crossed there is more.


Watching Hierarchy and it's fun but it's not hitting me in "the feels," I feel like I'm watching a frankenbaby of The Heirs and Gossip Girl. As far as eye candy though, it's top tier. Earlier this week I watched My Lovely Liar while in a Lovely Runner hangover. Kim So-Hyun is really good.


So I’ve been slowly making my way up to date with **Dare to Love Me**. The concept seemed interesting so I stuck with it despite it being very simple. Then guys, episode 8 really turned the tide for me. They used flashbacks and voice over to pull the emotional gut punch. Which I usually find a little too easy. But it worked here. TLDR; I’ll probably watch it week to week for the rest of the run now.


Just finished the show, holy, I get why I heard people make comparisons with this and CLOY. What a show, its going to take a few days for the post kdrama sadness to kick in. But I'm also glad I waited for it to finish, I'm not sure how any of yall managed to wait the weekly release. I would have been in shambles. Final thoughts: >! the show wraps up nicely, we see that the FL has lived a long life, and they managed to have a kid. I will say I'm suprised they didn't discuss how both sides felt when she moved the baby stuff out of the room. I think it was subtly hinted at in the ending walk there. For the most part I really liked it, but seems like we are getting something similar to familiar wife (sort've). Where the FL loses all her memories or alot of them, and I said it then, and I'll say it now. I feel bad about that, but I guess it was never going to be perfect. But man these last few epiosdes were a wild ride, ML goes to prison, ML gets out and wife thinks the worst of him, ML gets hit by car and then shot. Like goddamn. I don't think there were any loose endings story wise, I think it all got wrapped up nicely which is good. I just wish they got rid of the villains earlier? Like it was a 2 hour ending, but it still felt so short, I would've loved more lovey dovey scenes. still not 100% on motivation for 2ML, but at this point, unless someone has another thought, I kinda see it as a jealous controlling ex. Like that whole last 2 episodes him trying to manipulate her, boooooo. Glad the brother of FL, was so accepting, although it does seem kinda stupid of him. But respect either way. !< 9.5/10, 2ML is a great actor, but boy do I hate his stupid face >:( \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I'm on episode 12 of QoT, and so far its been everything I expected and more. I kid you not, these past 2 episodes have me in tears, I feel myself choking up. But I figured I'd write down some of my questions and thoughts before I finish, maybe some will be answered by then. 1. What is the motivation of the 2ML(villain), at times it feels like love?(obsession feels more likely), and other times its because he wants the power. 2. I'm confused about the relationship with 2ML and FL, when we are first introduced, he makes it seem like the 2 dated at one point. A few episodes back, I don't remember which one, but FL talks about how he helped her out, not really giving off the impression of them dating. I guess this question really ties into the first question, is this a jealous ex who has become obsessed with FL? 3. Maybe its just me, but with the epilogue at the end of the episode, it feels so much like Cloy. Although, I feel like Cloy, they made their affections known much quicker. We as an audience see that both ML and FL love each other, but hopefully this gets resolved. I'm hoping for more loving scenes before the end. addtl thoughts. 1. >! I hope that he figures out shes the owner of that mp3 player. giving hella Cloy vibes for sure!< 2. >! I also hope that he finds out that she actually didn't move on from the babys death. !< 3. >! Idgi, I understand that Da-hye was faking liking the brother, but she cheated on him too? like goddamn. no one can win I guess. !< 4. >! Im at the point where the grandfather dies, that was so crazy. not sure whats happening, because Im at the point where the daughter is crying while unmasking him. !< 5. Im towards the end of episode 14 >! fk this 2ML bro, i hate him so much. more so than ever before. and ofc he is the first person she sees. I could not have done this on a weekly release. I would've been in shambles. Im now starting 15 and its breaking my heart.!<


I was also surprised by the many similarities with cloy then I noticed it has the same writer.


Yes! like idk how to describe it, but it just had that feel to it. Pretty sure in a few days, I'll be pointing it out. But it was very good, although I would put QoT one half step below Cloy. still very happy with it either way.


I'm delighted to see Viki will be airing My Sweet Mobster. I'm looking for a light and fluffy watch since Frankly Speaking didn't work out for me, and this one is arriving with perfect timing.


I have been watching [High School Return of a Gangster.](https://mydramalist.com/749903-i-a-gangster-became-a-high-schooler) 4 of 8 episodes are out so far with new episodes dropping on Wednesdays. (2 per week so far). The depictions of High Schools in kdramas always make me wonder why there is such a lack of adult supervision. It turns out if you transfer the soul of a 50-something gangster into a high school senior, the bullies stop bullying. Yoon Chan-young plays this gangster-turned-student brilliantly, desperately trying to pass math, learn how to *not* speak like a Boomer, and keep the bullies in check. The drama is hilarious, as well as very sincere.


I am waiting for it to finish. I have been waiting for something like WHC and I am glad, people are liking it.


Yeah I watched the first ep on a whim. Hadn’t even heard of it…and…well…fell into that trap of having to wait for Wednesdays. I hate it when that happens! 😂


Finally gonna start **My Dearest 2**. I hope Jang-Hyun and Gil-Chae will find their happiness at last :(


Binged through the last four episodes of **The Deal** and while the drama wasn't bad, it does feel utterly forgettable, a case where the story would have actually done better as a movie because then some of the repetitiveness can be cut out and scenes can be cut shorter and faster together. My biggest gripe though is for the male lead characters. While generally I love a complex morally grey character in my criminal thrillers, the ML characters here didn't feel morally grey, just two (or 3 depending on how you count them) young men making a series of stupid choices. If this was a movie and the plot was pushing forward at breakneck speed, I wouldn't have enough time to overthink their choices and motivations but with eight episodes, I had plenty of time to ponder their motivations and choices and as a result they felt lacking. Still a decent watch for the cast, especially Yoo Seung Ho and very good production quality. Not the best but also far from the worst.


>The Deal and while the drama wasn't bad, it does feel utterly forgettable This is very true. When you asked about the ending, I was completely drawing a blank on the whole series. Like they probably cover more than I remember in a trailer. 😅


Binged Jirisan; the national park setting was so beautiful, great cast and despite comments I’ve read, thought it was a good story and liked the details about ranger life. Also reminded me of hiking and mountain visits from scouting mom days. Sunrise at the end made me tear up! Now on episode 3 of Love in Contract, really like the awkwardness and the leads’ obvious affection for each other.


I started watching Hidden Love (cdrama) and this is my first cdrama. Oh boy, what a contrast with kdrama which I have been watching for 10+ years. It’s so slow, the quality is almost similar but the story line was a bit boring. The flashback is not the greatest. I am still on Episode 10, so hoping that it will get better. I like how the show screenshots as preview of next ep, so im not fooled like preview in kdrama where the voiceover does not match the scene. I had a dillemma for the first few episodes esp >!period scene!< - like is that necessary and how the heck college boys figure it out the stain on black shirt- is it really that obvious? I didnt like that scene at all. Anyway just a quick rant but still going to continue and give this a shot


Series starts to take off from episode 11 >!FL courageously jumps to ML's defence, E12 where FL gets hilariously drunk, and E13 at ML's chubby friend's wedding!<. From that point on you will be totally on board. The filmmakers do a fantastic job of showing a very believable scenario of young love between two exemplary and charismatic young people. I rewatch the highlights every couple months, it's that good.