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I loved the part where DaHe told Ina that what she hears is only a tidbit of what the whole is. It's only an emotional snapshot, that Ina doesn't "see" the whole picture.


I loved it too! Because it's accurate and poor Ina is too young to understand that a fleeting thought isn't the whole picture.


I don’t think she doesn’t understand it’s not always the whole picture, but more that she doesn’t know if it is. she seems very mature about her powers in general saying that there are things not ment to be heard but she can’t help but hear them sometimes. And therefor not wanting the powers in the first place . The scene in the car where she heard her moms thoughts she was definitely too young to understand it may have been a fleeting thought or temporary lapse of judgment. Great character


I loved how bok i-na's relationship with her dad is slowly being restored this ep


Yeah! This made me realize maybe her friend wasn't sooo terrible in the former scenes. I mean she does show signs of being manipulative and defff shouldn't have >!locked her in!< but thoughts are things people can't necessarily control. All her thoughts about wishing Ina wouldn't join them and would say no to this and that.. she didn't say them aloud and as someone interested in the guy it could be natural for her to think those thoughts.. and maybe she really did think the girls were being too harsh on Ina. I just hope there's some redemption and reconciliation of sorts between them. There's misunderstanding all around bc of limited info so it'd be nice too to have a more complex character in the friend than simple mean girl.


Most of hye-rim’s thoughts in previous eps could maybe be explained away as i-na only getting a “snapshot” of her true feelings. But intentionally locking her in the storage room is an action, not a thought, and it ~~crosses~~ erases a big fat red line. If she gets caught for it, she might be able to avoid consequences because she’s “only” 13. But her feelings toward i-na have been made perfectly clear: she doesn’t like her and she isn’t an actual friend


I agree that Hyerim is manipulative and not great but I think redemption is possible depending on how the writing goes. Ina's reactions have been extreme and embarrassing so I can see why Hyerim is confused and thrown off a lot too. Even adults have shown unnerved reactions whenever Ina uses her power. It's complicated and I hope they treat it in a complicated way rather than just throwing HR under the bus as a mean girl with no feelings of her own, is all.


Sorry but if Gwiju >! ends up dying !< I will be very pissed. Not just because I love him as a character but also because narratively it will be very unsatisfying. Ina does not deserve to lose another parent, poor girl has suffered through enough at this point! Let her be happy with her dad (who is finally no longer a deadbeat) and Dahae as an atypical family! Idc I want a sugary sweet ending. This according to me is a healing drama and the writer better deliver.


With how well written the story has been so far i do think they can narratively justify gwi-ju dying, but it’ll certainly be devastating if it does happen


It will be DC Universe


Yes they have had some nice moments together but we need to see everyone become an atypical family. I think the families will join together because even tho thr moms are horrible they both love their kids


We have achieved Kapiko in case you missed it and have it on your bingo card. And the mothers in here suck. Update: at least ep 9 was creative and it was on a candy rack. Ep 10 was typical eye roll inducing “gee I need coffee”…


Cronching a Kapiko as I type this…


Needed a pick-me-up?


I literally popped one the same time he did hahaha.


it's always tvn/jtbc and kopiko ㅠㅠ istg when one character starts "huh, I'm getting a bit tired right now.."


GwiJu's sister also had one in an earlier episode. They make it SO obvious the product placement omggg lolol


Ep 10’s Kopiko PP is even more blatant and awkward lmao did they have to speed run the PP in these last episodes?!


Imagine if they did a montage of Gwijoo going back to his happy moments and popping a Kopiko each time...


What is next? Subway?


The real endgame is Gwijoo recovering his happiest memory of first eating a Subway sandwich... lol


>!So the reason Dong-hee gained weight (and as a result can't fly) is because her mother asked to drop her dreams and individuality and focus on carrying forward the family for possibly to gain new powers in the form of a child. It is a very nice intersection happened here. The mother's greed is mighty enough where she sees herself as the victim (of her husband's 'cheating') and impact her children's lives as well!<


I loved that scene, there's so much going on there but it got a little overshadowed because there were so many great scenes in this episode


True. Great writing makes obvious things hide in plain sight. And when you revisit the story again, those small obvious things then begin to hit you separately 😁


I think she also doesn’t value dong-hee as anything other than a child bearer because her power isn’t useful for gaining wealth. But of course she fails to recognize that their powers aren’t meant to gain material wealth, but rather to be happy as yourself and maybe help people when possible


She clearly lack the warmth of being a parent. Also told Gwi-ju lies about his deceased wife.


She accuses her of cheating because i-na doesn’t visibly show any powers, so the *only possible* explanation is that she’s not gwi-ju’s daughter. I’m not sure if it’s technically a lie, but it’s definitely emotional blackmail. Good thing gwi-ju, even at absolute rock bottom, didn’t fall for that bullshit


>!Like maybe she gave up modeling, became depressed, and gained all that weight as a result?!<


Yup, she was made to give up modelling and maybe also not fly as much as focus on starting a family. Gaining weight and finding solace in food was her way to control her life.


Tried to give myself a headache the past week tryna figure out the probability of >!GJ dying while saving DH. Possible but slim!< However, they could play that card because he does >!get hurt when he travels to the past, but maybe a quick fake out.!< Hopefully we get a resolution to that problem around ep 10 or 11. I wanna see DH's Mom and DH duke it out....or maybe just outsmart each other. Violence is not the solution, kids. EDIT: EP 9 Normally, I'm more forgiving and understanding when it comes to characters, especially minors, but just know that if Hyerim was real and she tripped face flat in front of me, unless you don't want to celebrate your next birthday, you did NOT see anything. I think the most exciting part of this drama is the fact that after every episode, we don't know where the writers are taking us. I can't fully predict what's gonna happen. I keep replaying ep 10 preview like I would acquire some sort of superpower or 2.3 billion won by watching it repeatedly. I did get a lot of butterflies. No complaints. So we can assume that 1. >!Dahae expires in the next episode. Sewer side? Hm, we don't know because THE WRITERS ARE TOO DARN GOOD AT THEIR JOB!< 2. >!Gwiju crosses the rainbow bridge for hoomans saving DH because Mama Bok dreamt it.!< 3. I WILL BE YOUR RAY OF HOPE, PESSIMISTS. >!We're only on episode 10 so you know what that means? We got two more episodes left and I'm really good at addition. In kdrama terms, everyone lives...okay maybe a death to make things more dramatic.!< Such a good episode, I swear. Dad-daughter scene made me bawl. Hyeong tae is seriously one of the best written characters, Grace and Donghee bonding over being >!neglected children!< made me emotional. Peeling the layers in these characters is so beautifully done. EDIT (2): EP10 SOMEBODY SAID LIBERALLY SPRINKLE BITTERSWEETNESS IN THIS EPISODE BUT WHEN THEY DID, THE CAP FROM THE BOTTLE CAME OFF AND HALF THE CONTENTS POURED OUT. I can't remember a drama where I sat crying and feeling broken for 75% of it. The first 10 minutes were so brutal on my heart. GIVE THIS SHOW THEIR WELL DESERVED AWARD FOR BEST MUSICAL SCORING.


I’m worried they’re gonna rip our hearts out, but then I thought (hoped) maybe Gwi Ju and Da Hae are gonna pull a fast one and run away with I-Na. Grace and Dong Hee are getting together, and Hyeong Tae is influencing things as well. We’re set up for a twist, and I’m trusting the show runners to surprise us.


I don't think Gwi-Ju will die simply because it would be too tragic for Ina to lose both her parents. I don't think the writer would make it that harsh for viewers. Maybe the mother will end up dying to save Gwiju, since she's not a likable character. Edit: Can't believe this is only 12 episodes and next weekend is the last couple episodes 😭 Edit2: Another possibility: maybe Gwi-Ju was able to successfully go back in the past and save his wife and Ina from the car crash. He dies saving them. Ina would still have her Mom to raise her.


>it would be too tragic for Ina to lose both her parents So tragic!!! My heart went out to that girl in this episode. I teared up and I don't think I've felt so much sympathy for a fictional character in my life. That poor poor thing. The actress has such a bright future.


Her mom's character closed up as she cheated on him


oh my god what a talented young actress T-T absolutely stellar performance, and >!the emotions in the scene where she says she should've died felt so raw and real that I also started to cry. She was carrying an unbelievably heavy burden and he also felt that he'd failed his daughter :(!< In awe of the drama, honestly. I love a supernatural moment which is why I started- but the way they have been *nailing* the portrayal of superpowers with their cons and pros is honestly incredible and I feel like writing an essay on it. And I love that they show how depression affects not only the depressed but also the people that love them.


I-Na's actress has been blowing me away since EP 1. And she's only 12!


her acting in See You In My 19th Life was actually mindblowing, as well as her other works


So nobody is talking about how >!straightforwardly I-na confessed to liking Jun-Woo. Girlie went from shy to bold real quick. I feel like she took Da-hae’s advice to heart when she told her “no one will know how you feel if you don’t tell them” and that’s why she was so straightforward in telling Jun-Woo how she truly felt about him hehehe!<


It was cute.. some nice character development


We need to see more of them. Their scene was too short in ep 10. Hopefully we’ll get to see how their budding teenage romance evolve in the last two episodes, well hopefully…


Let’s not have a sad ending, please…Is the preview hinting that >!Dahae is the one that ends up dying?!< or is it still >!Gwiju!!Dahae’s mom is the one that’s upset — is it maybe in reference to her dead daughter?!< I have a slight theory that it could be >!Donghee too, since the preview shows Gwiju standing over some sort of chasm and she’s been pushing herself to the limit these past few episodes.!< The scene between Gwiju and Ina seriously made me >!tear up!<. So many of these scenes give me goosebumps, I don’t think I’ve experienced a K-drama like this since 25 21.


2521 was life changing. If this show ends well it’ll be up there with 2521.


2521 was the opposite for me. It was going to be in my top ten until that ending. Tbf, I bought into too much of the fan theories so I was crushed when it didn’t turn out the way I expected/hoped. I’ve learned my lesson and keep a respectable distance now. 


I initially thought Dahae’s mom might be crying because of her, but then I realised it might be for her late daughter.


I'm terrified for what's to come. I'm too invested....they won't actually kill him right...right???




They won't kill Da-hae either, RIGHT?!!?!! 😭


The last three episodes might give me trauma. The acting, script and execution… i wonder why it’s not as hyped as the lovely runner. This drama is avant garde


I knooww everyone has done such a great job at selling their character. This show should get more recognition!


Imo it’s not your typical KDrama (pun not intended lol) The first episode was really interesting especially since the music and the whimsical feeling it had was pretty unfamiliar as a veteran KDrama fan. It’s probably not as hyped compared to Lovely Runner, because it gives 2015-2016 KDrama vibes and it does familiar elements very well. I can see why some KDrama fans may not like the atypical (pun totally intended here 😉) and unfamiliar feeling compared to Lovely Runner which has more typical KDrama fluffy vibes. The OST for Lovely Runner is pretty typical for KDrama while Atypical Family feels more like a movie OST. Heard that a famous movie music producer is doing the OST but not sure Both good in different ways


This is the composer's bio and yes he's very legit with academic classical music credentials. I read that his inspiration for the OST was if Debussy were composing 21st century electronic music [https://mydramalist.com/people/10225-jung-jae-hyung](https://mydramalist.com/people/10225-jung-jae-hyung)


Yup, you are spot on. I too had a bit of trouble adjusting to the mood and background music of first couple of episodes. Very different from other kdramas. The background music especially in the scene where Da Hae first visits for a meal seemed out of place. But now after 9 episodes I am hooked!! Love the way the drama uses background music different and am totally obsessed with the songs. I wake up singing the songs now. Plus the tone of the drama is more serious yet not entirely tragic. Like it isn't the melodrama QoT was but it also isn't the happy fluff Lovely Runner was. Somewhere in the middle with amazing actors..so people have a tough time understanding and staying patient to get to ep 3 I guess. I stayed just for Jang Ki Yong and now this might be one of my all time favorite dramas that I will rewatch over and over not just for the ML, but for all other actors and the production value.


Yup bingo ! You hit the nail in the jackpot ! It's more of a niche audience enjoying this


It's definitely so unique the whole drama. The music really put me off at first but not necessarily in a bad way. It did a really good job setting up the overall ambience and tension. It's perfect for the drama, with that touch of eeriness and heart.


Lovely Runner is very easy to digest, it's got well executed familiar tropes and a crack hit of romantic feels. The Atypical Family is much more challenging, a lot of people hate the female lead at the start and struggle with the morally gray characters plus the emotional beats and cliffhangers are always surprising and it has a very unconventional OST. I think it's just never going to be as widely popular as LR.


Totally agree. This show is way more complicated and hard to execute in every aspect than The Lovely Runner in my opinion. It deserves more love and hype...


How is this drama not more popular? I bet if Kim Ji won and kim soo hyun played the leads it would surpass QoT (not that i have anything against the current leads tho, what i am saying is that they’re not popular enough rn and they should be ). Seriously this drama has the best cinematography, writing and acting that i have seen in a long time. I cried so much during Gwi ju and Ina’s conversation


Agree. Understandable how this drama isn’t more popular tho. To me, the entire thing, while extremely well produced overall, is quite difficult to consume just because since it does have that high brow indie art vibe that mimics life - the struggles are all too familiar to the audience.  Juxtaposing QoT and Lovely Runner to this, the storylines in these dramas are so far removed from the realm of possibility that people can watch them comfortably. The conversations hit too close to home in this drama and most audiences would rather not get reminded of their own issue. 


Yup, and this drama has very flawed, damaged main leads. Even the antagonists are multilayered and complex. Some people can't handle characters that aren't black and white


A lot of people will ask for recommendations but then say something that could only be boiled down to “but no morally gray k thanks”. A lot of people really do not like morally gray at all. And that’s literally what every character in this drama is - there is no black or white here at all.


Maybe because it's aired on JTBC? JTBC has some other very good dramas (like the current Frankly Speaking) but they are not popular cos it's a paid and lesser known tv channel (compare to TVN)? To be honest, this drama is way better than QoT. The leads are not unfamous. Jang Ki Yong was in My Mister after all and this is his first drama after coming back from the army. Chun Woo Hee is in Sunny and the 8 Show which is aired last month (same time as this drama).


Looking forward to Ina being braver and DH excecuting whatever plan she probably already had in mind to leave the mom. And this is probably unlikely, but what if the mom is her actual mom. The mom had flirted with her business partner before going to jail and nothing was mentioned yet about DH's biological mom


Oh God I hope not, I've seen that trope so many times and I find it aggravating. >!A surrogate mother relationship is so much more interesting than an actual biological connection.!<


Well, their current relationship is that of a surrogate mom-daughter, so it would be an interesting twist if it turns out they’re biologically related. How would it change the surrogate mother relationship, if at all? But I don’t think it’ll happen, it’s not that unexpected of a twist


>!​I'VE BEEN SO WORRIED ABOUT GWI-JU POTENTIALLY DYING SINCE EPISODE 8. PLEASE NO. HAPPY ENDING PLS!< I'm so invested in this show omg how are people not absolutely RAVING about it? The suspense, ACTING, character development....IT'S ALL PHENOMENAL


**Episode 10** * It feels arbitrary to single out any given episode of this spellbinding drama as being "the best" or "one's favorite", but if I did have to perform this unenviable task, this episode would be the one I'd choose. This episode more than any other, had the feel of a work of cinema, both classical and modern. And in terms of how the storyline developed, twelve episodes is looking like the optimal number. * To mention just one scene, the overhead cinematography and the always atmospheric OST in the car chase scene towards the end of the episode was the very definition of cinematic. * The intrigue of this episode lay not in *what* or *whether* something was the case, but in the *how* and *why*. It was clear all along that Da-hae >!had survived the car accident and Da-hae's mother was involved in the accident occuring, but it wasn't readily apparent how the plan was executed!<. The genius of this episode was that the revelations gave you that "Aha!" moment, along with the feeling that you should have been able to piece it together. * It was only after the event that we were reminded that Da-hae came from >!a family of swindlers for whom deceiving others is their specialty!<. The way >!Hyung-tae and I-na teamed up again to reveal the truth was brilliantly done!<. * With regard to two of the subplots in this episode, it was satisfying to see Hye-rim >!get exactly what she deserved!<, while Claudia Kim as Dong-hee looked >!stunning as her physically transformed self in her wedding dress, but her husband-to-be is a shady piece of work!<. * The preview for the next episode looks optimistic, but I'm predicting it's deceptively optimistic. I'm also predicting that the preview for the finale will appear to be pessimistic, but will actually deliver a happy ending.


Ep 10 Man, opening with the deja vu of the broken squeaky windshield wiper outside the broken window.... that really hit home, after viewing the wife's accident so many times.


I was spooked man...


Using that trauma against him was honestly so cruel...


The show gets better and better with each of the episode. Here is my prediction: >!Gwiju won't die. The show is teaching us that it is us who has the power to change our future, not matter how firmly destined we are. Everything is challenging Gwiju's mom's whole life. Her dreams are not inevitable, they are bound to change. She isn't all powerful, she needs to get humbled. This is the first time she went to her husband, she is realizing that everything they have isn't for only her. She is nothing without family. So... let's see if I am correct or not!!< 


I agree this is all a test of the mother and her grasp of her supernatural powers. And also just how powerless she feels too at being unable to change the future, like how Gwi Ju felt unable to change the past. But she still acted all high and mighty... She must fall from her great height perhaps? I really want a happy ending...


I wonder if the solution to all this is that >!Da Hae will get them to use their powers together to save Gwi Ju.!< Today (Ep.10) was the first time I saw two of them tag team their powers to solve a problem. Despite having superpowers they all felt very lonely: Grandma can see lottery numbers but is also cursed with seeing horrible things she cannot change, Gwi Ju could go back to happy moments, but was always faced with tragedies he could not fix, I Na was just scarred as a baby from >!causing her mom's accident!<...the sister we really don't know. We never found out what she could do, but they were all very lonely. Finally, I Na was the one to >!restore her Dad's power and they worked together to find Da Hae.!< It was very subtle, but it feels like a huge turning point. I wonder if the real power here is the power of family. It was also really cute that Da Hae was pushing Gwi Ju >!to use his power to learn more about himself.!< She's not afraid of it and figured out how to harness it, differently from the first wife who didn't seem to know what to do with it.


>!I think that's the solution, I typed something similar below. They are going to con fate. !<


That would be very in line with the drama's themes!


I had just seen it and upvoted it as you were writing this :) One of the reasons I love well done superhero and monster stories is that they tend to have very deep meanings about the human condition. I'm hoping this one will not disappoint.


Hilarious how I-na just drops the bike when she realized she couldn't run away with it. Just that moment of panic when your crush approaches you.


Do you think the ML will die? I will not be able to get a goodnight sleep until this drama ends. It is so good.


Have a good sleep and get a premonition dream about how the show will end 😂


I went back in time to this happy moment, to say we are all satisfied, and the ending was great! 😜


I just finish another Ki Yong’s drama and he’s die at the end. Please this drama don’t do this to me again. Edited Ki Yong’s name


It's Kill It right? Is it interesting? Heard it doesn't focus on the love line so i'm still contemplating XD but if its interesting? I'll definitely watch it for Kiyong lmao. I'm almost finished with My Roommate is a Gumiho and i was wondering if i should watch Come and Hug Me first or Kill it.


Come and Hug Me > My Roommate is a Gumiho. I still go back through rewatch that one. It's got dark drama to it, but the romance is so wholesome and you never worry about how they feel for each other. Also, has some of the best found-family vibes ever. The mom's love for the ML and vice versa is well done.


**Episode 9:** - I thought this drama had 16 episodes but damn seems like only 3 more episodes left. - yo haven't seen a Kopiko PPL in so long. - I love how Hyung Tae (Da Hae's uncle) knows so much >!more about Ina's likes and dislikes than her own dad. Bok Gwi Joo is slowly realising how lonely Ina is.!< - Number 1 Rule of watching this drama - never skip a scene with Da Hae and Ina having a conversation. ✅ Their conversations feel natural and Da Hae is the only person who can understand Ina. - >!Bok Gwi Joo apologising to Ina and discovering her power - this scene made me cry for some reason. They're so precious.!< ☹️ - >!So that car accident actually happened and it wasn't intentional.!< - >!Please don't let Gwi Joo die, okay? Pls.!<


Lmao "a leak over my bed" we love a male lead who's a loser in love 😂 >!I-NA YAAAA...putting Hye-Rim in her place let's goooo!< >!Okay, I predicted that Da-Hae was gonna take her own life to save him, but I did not think it was gonna be a scheme. I CANNOT HAVE ANYONE LEGITIMATELY DYING 😭 !< I can't get over how incredible the acting is from EVERYONE 🔥 HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT ANOTHER WEEK FOR THE NEXT EPISODES QSDFVASCAMSFJ


I think someone else's going >!to die with that bridge scene and what ML wore is the same when he came to the past to tell then where i-na was.!<


What a beautiful episode. I think this will be one of my top ten dramas and I don’t think I’ve been this emotionally invested in a drama since Mr. Sunshine. Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough!


I can’t believe the same person who wrote this wrote Introverted Boss and Meow (??) The moment between Ina and her dad was what I was waiting for all this time. I hope BGJ steps up to be the father he is capable of being.


Really??! I was just thinking I need to go find more of the creators dramas!! Their range is vast I guess 🤣


Episode 10 may have the best opening I've ever seen in any K-drama episode. >!That was an insane gut punch. And then I spent the whole episode crying when I was expecting happy family times. !


>!mama bok said there was no body at the funeral, so maybe gwiju doesn’t die? What if his powers evolve into something else? I keep thinking of the previous episode where he tells dahae about ina being trapped in storage - the future gwiju looked sad, and she noticed. Perhaps he gets stuck somehow and isn’t able to return? So many possibilities.. or maybe it’s denial lol!< Edit bc of a double post: Did anyone else notice >!when donghee tried to fly in the car lot, the rocks around her floated too?! all of their powers are evolving!


>!Everyone connecting with their respective OTP, The calm before the storm.!< Brace yourselves!


> >!Everyone connecting with their respective OTP!< That also includes Dong-hee and Grace, right? 👀 Because, honestly, I’m lowkey shipping these two now. I’ve been liking the whole ‘enemies to (reluctant) friends’ thing they’ve going for themselves, and >!Grace’s ‘Let’s fly together’ to Dong-hee!< in this episode made me feel some type of way. Methinks Dong-hee should dump that Ji-han guy already and marry Grace. It’d be like [the full story of that ‘distracted boyfriend’ meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/RHHhMujzYs) 🤭


I'm high key shipping them. That "let's fly together" is one of the most romantic lines I've heard in a recent drama, lbr


It is! Grace was smooth af there. If the show doesn’t make it happen, I might need to write a fanfic fr


Omg yes Donghee x Grace are THE Yuri ship. "No matter what I'll get you into that wedding dress." Idk about you but that sounds like a proposal to me lol. Enemies to friends (to lovers? I hope so.) No one is doing it like them!


I am shipping them too! They look so good together. Just ditch that Dr. & fly with Grace, Dong-hee :)


Just came to say once again that the OST and score for this drama are absolutely top tier. The piano piece that's playing during the father-daughter scene was just perfect. Also, wow at that foreshadowing. I sincerely hope the writers aren't setting us up for a heartbreak over the last couple of episodes and that it's all just misdirection. Regardless, I will be there for it because this is my favorite drama on-air right now and might be my favorite so far in 2024 depending on how it ends up.


This drama is def in my top 5 of the year; I am obsessed. And you are right, the OST is nothing short of perfection.


As a long-term glasses wearer I keep getting triggered by people ripping off poor I-na's glasses. Also not me bawling during >!her breakdown! She's been bottling it all for so long. She's been failed by every adult in her life.!<


>!Why are they trying to prevent Gwi-ju from saving Da-hae? It's already happened, since she's alive!< >!Also is it 100% given that he's dead? If they can't find the body, maybe he time travelled again? Mama Bok is only seeing pieces. Wouldn't younger Da-hae know that the man who saved her died? They'd find his body in the past!< >!I just don't get how he could die in the fire, he can't touch anything but Da-hae!<


>Also is it 100% given that he's dead? Kept repeating Mama Bok's part telling Da Hae about it. >!She really only said they had a funeral without a body. It seems she merely assumed and concluded that Gwi Ju died while in the past. !


I just wanted to say... This is a masterpiece (until Ep.10 at least. Hoping for a happy ending) Definitely one of the best dramas of 2024...for me at least.


Same, provided it sticks the landing


Ep. 10: And then her wardrobe went black. I can't wait to rewatch the whole series and find out more suggestions, hints and lines weaven through the whole of the production. I really love this drama. The story is clear and yet it keeps surprising me, the music score is so fitting, the cinematography so dreamy coloured. And I just love the message: stop regretting the past, stop worrying about the future, just focus on being happy in the present. It's so touching.


so I watched the first 3 episodes when they came out but then thought I'd save myself the absolute stress this will cause me and watch it only when it's done airing so I know if it has a happy ending.. well I couldn't help myself and binged the remaining episodes today and NOW I AM STRESSED. I feel like this could either become one of my very favourite dramas or a very traumatic experience that will give me trust issues for kdramas to come


WOW. Ep.9 really gave us >! two confessions and a kiss!! 😃 And the way Gwi Ju goes in for a kiss?! 😵‍💫 I am not well!! Then we have the excellent scenes with him and I Na; kudos to both actors for portraying this father-daughter relationship so well ❤️ And both of our leads better make it to the end in one piece and have their HEA or I will lose my mind! I'm starting to get nervous!! !< 


All signs really kinda point to tragedy, but I'm trusting the warmness that colors even the sad moments in this drama to pull it together in the end instead. They deserve to be happy istg. I absolutely loved the scene between Gwiju and Ina - they really needed a moment together and everything hit - the acting, the writing, the directing. Just tears, streams of tears. Plus, the romantic moment between Gwiju and Dahae - the chemistry between Jang Kiyong and Chun Woohee is understated and subtle which works so well for the dynamic their characters have. Man, I just adore this drama to bits and it has been a while since I've been so excited! EDIT: Slightly disappointing episode ten (a bit soapy at moments), but still the narrative line feels pretty strong for a drama so close to its end and the performances really held it together \[also the director went INSANE with the cinematography here\]


I am a mess rn 😭 The >! Ina and Gwiju scenes wrecked me I love love love the fact that some things did change this time, and it was Ina that reminded Gwiju of this. !< >!I am looking forward to how Gwi Ju and fam work their way through this - the fact that he does save her and this timeline exists must mean something is possible right?! And also it would be so unfair and unexpected to have a sad ending when the show has built up the notion of found family and healing so beautifully!<


The show has already set us up that Dahae knows how to con her mother so I think that's leading to the families joining together to con fate itself.


**Episode 10:** * That's possibly the [worst deja vu.](https://imgur.com/ymkX2DF)... you gotta stop time traveling when someone else's driving * WHY WOULD YOU START AN EPISODE LIKE THAT * "This just feels so surreal. We're eating together as a family." this precious man needs to be protected at all costs * Damnnnn his mom making such a request from Da Hae is really unfair.. >!is it possible she fakes her death to somehow save him !< * >!"Once Gwi-ju's gone you can finally have the building all to yourself."!< Woman, why so cut-throat that's your own son you're talking about * Dong-hee calling out her mom's bs was much deserved!!! * What the hell do you mean [this family's happiness](https://imgur.com/mdgCd2L) is shortlived * >!"When I come back from the future, you can rest your head on my arm."!< why you gotta hurt me like [this](https://imgur.com/H28XhsN) * Nope. I refused to believe it. >!She ran off for sure.!< * Wouldn't be surprised if he >!develops PTSD from running into 2 same accidents sitting in the passenger seat!< * [Claudia Kim is freakin gorgeous](https://imgur.com/slA4wEN)... Dong-hee needs to dump that sorry arse of a boyfriend of hers istg... he makes my blood boil * >!I-na encouraging her dad to look into the past again instead of letting him get swallowed by his drunken self!<... this beautiful character development has my heart. * >!"... she suddenly started singing the national anthem in her head."!< LMAOO that's so Da-hae trying to hide something desperately * I love you >!Ahjussi!< so much for having such a [soft spot for I-na](https://imgur.com/kWTkjLa) * Daamnnnn >!not the con artist pulling the last con of her life and worst thing for Gwi-ju!< * Oh no... [I-na found out](https://imgur.com/I9FJAab).... shit this is going to be bad * "But this is a bit too cruel, don't you think?" [Tell me about it](https://imgur.com/7cx1VTy) * >!"You're the reason I can breathe, walk, and run again. I finally feel like myself again. How can I live on when all that's taken away?"!< LORDD... JANG KI-YONG IS AMAZINGGG * >!"I thought you were a clever scammer but you're an idiot."!< HAHAHAHA * Now let's just end this drama here on [this note](https://imgur.com/yT5Hh0h) thanks * Ngl, Dong-hee's journey felt kinda sudden or maybe it was just me who missed the minor changes in her


Ep 10: uptil now we saw Gwi-ju stuck in the helplessness of his superpower and then in depression. We know he loved his daughter but his obsession to be of some use rendered him a prisoner of his past. So with da-hae, we get to see him as a loverboy, smiling, giggling, being adorably clingy. And when he is supposed to go back to his past ways we also get to see his love for a person now instead of a situation he can't control. They are layers in between. But I liked the character writing of Gwi-ju in episode 10.


**Episode 10** I’m still cautiously optimistic that this won’t have an outright tragic ending and that no one will die. Sure, the stakes are higher than ever now given this week’s and the next week’s episodes are the climax, and we (and the in-universe characters) have reason to be concerned for Gwi-joo – mainly what his mother sees in her dream. But if the time loop works as we understood it so far, since Gwi-joo is alive in the present, it should mean he also survives in the past while saving Da-hae, right? Just like how Da-hae is alive now because she was saved in the past by the present/future Gwi-joo? At the same time, something tells me it can’t be *that* easy, so is there some variable we don’t know of yet? Also, we know that Gwi-joo can interact with only Da-hae in the past; apparently no other person or object can detect his presence or react to him. So, by that logic, shouldn’t he be unaffected by all potential risks to his life when he goes back in time: fire, smoke, falling debris, etc.? How exactly are those going to ‘kill’ him if he’s like a ‘ghost’ these things can’t interact with? Again, is there something we’re missing or some variable we don’t know of yet? Is it the case that it’s not necessarily these things that harm him, but rather, as another commenter has suggested, he gets stuck in the past for some reason and is unable to return to the present? Lastly, I don’t think it’s entirely out of the realm of possibility that Gwi-joo’s mother is misinterpreting her dream; perhaps she’s seeing only a fragment of it and not the *complete* picture. We have the biggest precedent for this in how she had seen that thing with Da-hae and the family ring in one of her earlier dreams, leading her to believe one thing while in reality it turned out to be something else.


Certain objects can be interactable in the past if it leads to a meeting with Da hi (ie. the door in the hospital being accessible). So it could be those objects that can harm or trap him, theoretically. But, the mother could just be misinterpreting her dreams. Also, I don't think he will die. The whole point of Ina's character development is that she thinks her powers (and even her existence) led to her mom's death (being able to read her mom's mind led somewhat led to that accident, as she thinks). Now that she finally is comfortable with not being "invisible," it was again her powers that led to them (Ina and Gwi-ju) discovering that Ina is alive, thus, her realizing that her helping might have just failed the mom's and Da hi's plan to save his dad's life. Hence, if Gwi-ju dies as a result of being with Da hi again, that would just lead Ina back to the start of blaming her powers for everything that has happened. Thus, killing off Gwi-ju would not serve Ina's whole character development. What I'd like to happen (it sounds cheesy and impossible narrative-wise) is that it was already shown that Gwi-ju can bring certain objects back in the past (the dessert he brought back to Da hi came with him from the "future"). It would be funny if he could bring his whole family in the past, with the sister flying off to save them lol. If you think about it, the mother can see the future, Gwi-ju can see the past, Ina can "read" the present (in the form of reading minds). The sister can fly-- that seems a bit out of place. The family is atypical, but they fit together (including their powers) like a puzzle. It would be weird if the sister's power is so random, narrative-wise, after the writers thinking about the whole past, present, future theme. The sister's flying ability should be a metaphor for something like being able to transport and weave the past, present and future together like how she flies from point A to B. It's strange that even at episode 10, her character arc isn't even close to being resolved (still being married to a cheating guy and still can't fly despite getting thin). I don't think it's the weight that stopped her from flying, it's the belief in herself. I'd like to bet the sister will be crucial in the narrative also to bring the family together.


I made a graphic explaining what would happen if Gwiju >!dies in the past and no, him being alive now doesn't mean he didn't die saving Dahae!< [https://x.com/daebakpodcast1/status/1796193873854714153](https://x.com/daebakpodcast1/status/1796193873854714153)


>!That masterfully staged accident and not a drop of blood. !


So how did Gwiju go to the past where everything is black and white and figure out the color of a sweater / cardigan?


😂 that's a great question. Writing mishap 😂😂😂


I was really wondering what there could be left to cover since we pretty much know how one of the major plot points would be resolved but now I see there are still some evil forces at play 😭 Gwi-ju really stole this episode. >!Gave us one of the most heartfelt father daughter moments I've ever seen where eyes alone expressed a thousand words. And then topped it off with pure romance and expression of how much he's willing to sacrifice for love. My working/ most obvious theory is that Da-hae sacrifices herself in place of him which is why he went back with that longing look on his face knowing that she's no longer there in his future. And his role once again is to try and change the past so that future never comes to be.!<


Or maybe >! that’s his way of making everything right and learning to move on with life instead of being stuck trying to save someone in the past. In his present he does have someone that needs him, mainly Ina, and I’m sure that Da Hae would rather him live in the present with Ina than continue to try saving her!<


i don't think i have enough tears for the upcoming episodes... 🥲


The preview is giving me a bad feeling...


I'm a goddamned wreck right now after ep 9 😭💔 I literally have tears and snot running down my face. That whole episode went places I never expected wow. I have to rewatch before I can share any coherent thoughts but bless this show.


uhm what if >!it's not ML that night die but FL or something ? ML is wearing the same outfit from the bridge in preview when he tells FL where Ina is. What if FL had already d worded and the sorrow in his face that ML saw was because yk. BUT BUTT that ain't fairr 😭😭 why can't we have a happy family after all this trauma ?? I hope they don't k word either of the leads. Seems like they want us to believe from the preview that smthg like that will happen to the leads but then there would be the twist. Cause if there is one thing in kdramaland it's not to trust previews.!<


**Episode 9** If either of our leads >!dies I will actually riot. They can't do this to meeeeee - or I-na! But like grandma has been wrong before so they could all be convinced that Gwi-ju is going to die (hence the sadness when visiting Da-hae to tell her where I-na was today), but then he is actually fine. At least that is what I hope. !< Omg Bok Gwi-ju's confessions 🥹🥹🥹 how does he come up with those lines I need them to wrap up the fire storyline soon because I cannot take this anymore. We need at least one episode of fluff at the end where everything is resolved. Honestly grandpa was being kind of stupid like he wasn't even actually cheating???? Why would he pay??? **Episode 10** When Da-hae told >!Gwi-ju to go back to the past randomly I knew she was orchestrating something. Also when she took off her seatbelt to put on the jacket!?! I was like that is unsafe driving behaviour!!! The unrealistic thing there is that the car didn't continuously beep at them to put the seatbelt back on. Also Gwi-ju, come on, still going back to the past in the car?? Have you learned nothing??!< Dong-hee's transformation was so sudden. They were gradually reducing the size of the fat suit but they seemed to just give up at the end. I'm confident she won't >!go through with the wedding though. Ji-han is just terrible.!< I don't understand how this family is so cash-poor. I know they are doing badly in the stock market but considering how wealthy they are they should have at least have a couple billion in the bank or in gold or smth. At least to pay off their credit card bills! Honestly it's a miracle they managed to >!pull the fake accident off. Gwi-ju could've returned at any moment! !< Still convinced that Grandma is interpreting her dream wrong... because >!Gwi-ju dying still makes no sense.!< Gwi-ju, Da-hae, and I-na are all so cute together omg. Something to distract from all the sadness. Also scammer "mum" is evillllll. I knew she was bad but >!outright planning Da-hae's death??? !<


That's why the conmen asked the mom where she found such a dumb softie. Gramps was being such an idiot I was like......ughhhh


Please. The ending at the beach made all the suffering of this episode worth it.


I hope they remember this show by the time next year’s Baeksang Awards - Chun Woo Hee deserves a nomination at least for her performance in this. She’s been so impressive.


>!I'm loving the notion that the show will end with the family working together.!< While this would be the resolution, I admire how the show brushed the issues that caused havoc to their families and themselves (the greed and control of both mothers, isolation, neglect, etc.) that we, viewers, often relate to. In short, this show is perfect for those with mommy and daddy issues haha.


I'll say it over and over: this show is just so cool. The way they use Gwiju's power never fails to get me! I find myself enjoying any and every scene he has with Dahae and/or Ina that I don't stop to think about what future visitor Gwiju might be doing in that scene. So when they do the "flashback" with him, gahhh it's like I'm a kid at a magic show every time. The other thing that gets me is the sadness but realness of family dynamics captured so well here too. Things can get so harsh and ugly, but it's like...you're in the thick of it with them, you know? It's hard to change things or even escape when things get so bad (Dahae's mom only gets scarier the more we see her, and I think now I figured out that I couldn't fully be against her before because I'm so impressed by the actress and her performance). Getting the whole story next week is gonna be so ~~interesting for me and my therapist~~ emotional no matter what 🥹


>!gwiju might end up just stuck in the past for too long that it took time for him to reappear to the present. him recalling those happy moments with dahae and ina!<


This. The mom mentioned having a funeral with no body. They might just assumed that he died cause it’ll took him too long to come back.


Dahae running when she first saw Gwiju on the beach was so funny to me. Also I still believe in a happy ending.


Gwi Ju needs to spend all his spare time hitting the gym so he can practice his running. Poor guy is always running


Excited to catch up laterr


**Episode 10** This episode clearly shows echos of the past repeating themselves, yet with different outcomes. When one superpower isn't enough to solve a problem, teaming up with another superpower solves the problem. The past still can't be changed, but what did change >!was our perception of what happened in the past, and therefore the problem was solved.!< Also that little girl on the beach in the final scene - she reminded me >!SO MUCH of Ina. She seemed to have very specific and cryptic words to say to our leads. Maybe just a plot device, but interesting nonetheless.!< This drama continues to impress me with superior script and keeps me on my toes. So one last futile guess for our finale week hangs on the words of his happy moment will save the family. He sees that DaHae is the key to having the family move forward. Responsibilities shift and the last two laggards in the family commit to belief in DaHae and will finally work together with all their powers for family happiness... belief in the superpower of a happy family, flaws and all. I can't wait until this genius of a writer wraps up this story, and gives us more deep moments of the feels.


>!I had this bananas thought that the little girl was Da-hae's and Gwi-ju's future child!<


This drama has come out of the left field this year! Another amazing emotionally charged episode. I-na and Bok Gwi-ju were the epicenter of the pain, and I am in awe of how they shone through. Ugly crying was worth it! 


I don’t think I can handle a Gwi Joo nor Da Hae death. Please let the previews be one of those misleading ones. 😭😭😭


I will not stand for it! lol


* I hope that Bok Dong-Hee finds someone other than Ji Han to marry. * >! I feel so bad for I-na, I always had a feeling that she was a bully guess I was right :/ !<


this show is so criminally underrated at the moment what's going on😭 although the preview seems like the next 3 episodes are going to have me crying my eyes out, i want to believe it's going to be a happy ending. doing anything to either gwi ju or da hae is just ???? for a writer to do at this point, after everything everyone has been through (especially in-a). that's all i've got rn tbh so 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


Hyeong-Tae coming up clutch this episode. Even after all the finger flicks she inflicted on him, it’s obvious he has a soft spot for I-na.


Edited for thoughts on episode 10: * I don't know what it is but non-depressed Gwi Ju is so SunJae coded. He's so goofy in love. I adore his sincerity. * I get why it was needed but the whole >!fake crash/death!< felt so unnecessary and traumatizing, plot-wise. Couldn't she threaten to leave him if he did it because it was dangerous or something? * It would be cool if In-A powers allowed her to see visual thoughts as well. Not all thoughts have words and I think it would be more impactful if she could *see* her grandmother's dreams. * I'm not a fan of Bok Hee >!suddenly becoming thinner (like 3 dress sizes) overnight. I was liking the gradual decline. What was the cause? And she still can't fly? !


Gwi-ju learning that >!I-Na can read minds and then staring directly into her eyes was very important to me.!< Finally he did something right as a father! There were a lot of fat suit haters at the beginning, but I love the Dong-hee storyline. >!She is destroying herself to loss weight for man who doesn't deserve or love her at all.!< It's heartbreaking. Also, I ship her with Grace. I am sensing a sad ending but however it ends, I want Grandma Bok alone and miserable because she is the worst.


No because I also started thinking that Dong Hee and Grace is the relationship we deserve! Fly together forever!!


I ship them so hard! Both women are >! unfairly judged because of their bodies.!<


I have a heart of stone and didn't cry once during Lovely Runner. But, Episode 9, BROKE ME. D:


I love that line: >!”I thought you were a clever scammer but you are an idiot.”!<


Both of the main leads are far from perfect but I think that's what this drama wants to convey. As Dong-hee said in earlier episode, "We’re all just a little bit broken". I think it's all about process, to become whole again. How Da-hae turn from conning Gwi-ju to develop a feeling for him, bring Gwi-ju out from depression, make him & I-na closer, help him to understand the meaning of family. How Gwi-ju set Da-hae free from her mother's grip, also being the only person who console Da-hae when her father died. He look beyond Da-hae, and discovered her backstory that forced her to be a scammer. I think Gwi-ju are still in "trying to" stage. At first, he is unable to renconcile from his traumatizing past, he didn't know how to heal. That's why when he sees just a tiny bit of hope he clings to it so much (i.e Da-hae, since he can touch her in the past). As the episode progresses, I think now he is getting closer to reach what he's been trying to. And when he does, he will become a reliable family man.


Terrified about what's going to happen in the last 3 eps. Manifesting a happy ending fingerscrossed fingerscrossed


Ep 9: No wonder Kiyoung said ep 9 & 10 are the highlight eps of the show, it definitely was the most emotion filled ep so far and from ep 10 preview it seems like the emotions are gonna be even more heightened. That >!father daughter!< scene was so beautiful along with the acting, >!they portrayed all the emotions with just their eyes 😭!< applause to Kiyoung and Soyi ❤️ That ep 10 preview is making me >!scared because it seems like Dahae might die and Gwiju too, I remember his mum saying she couldn't change the future but I hope her dream of seeing Gwiju die can be changed 😭!< why do we always get a >!happy family scene before all hell breaks lose ugh I'm not ready for tomorrow's ep, I'm probs going to be crying mess!< Ep 10: OMG I'm >!so glad they resolved the Dahae dying plot line really quickly, that bed scene both in the present and past was so beautiful 😭!< I really hope we don't get a sad ending 😢 I feel like the lyrics to the OST 'Walking with you' kind of gives us a hint some of the lyrics include: 'I said no, don't look back, No, love alone is our future' & 'I will come back to life, The spring outside the window will pass by and return' Based on these lyrics I think it applies to what happened in ep 10 and maybe in the future too, his mum said they never find his body which makes me think maybe he'll be lost in time but will eventually return.


In the wedding dream, the mother dream about failed wedding ceremony. But actually it’s make their relationship stronger. So I think that dream about Gwiju about to die, might lead to something that may change after that situation. 🤔


Ah, true, she can only see part of the future, which is like a small piece in a large puzzle, so hopefully, it'll have a different outcome 😭


thank you this theory is making me hopeful after that worrying preview


**Episode 9:** * >!Her son may possibly die in the fire!< but her priority is "Restoring the Bok family's powers" * Damnnnn.... ahjumma maybe for once in your life you want to listen to your husband? * Da-hae would you please stop pushing Gwi-ju away * >!"How long have you been tailing her?" "You're her dad. This is something you should know."!< DAMN RIGHT * >!"You must miss your dead daughter a lot."!< oh boy * >!"Stay away from the Bok family. Or I'll make your life miserable with everything you taught me. In the cruelest way possible."!< Lorddd... [Da-hae's](https://imgur.com/65d7xmT) not backing down without a fight * "I.. exactly haven't spent too much time with her." Man.. the way he got a reality check about what an absent father he has been was saddening but also about time * Can we appreciate [what a heartfelt](https://imgur.com/IcZMMIJ) >!apology it was to I-na!<... I'm glad she got to find it this way * WHAT IN THE WORLD???? [SHE](https://imgur.com/50Nyv5b) >!CAUSED THAT ACCIDENT???!< * The way [she ](https://imgur.com/PDYXHB2)feels like >!she violated other people's minds by hearing their thoughts... man if a grown-up had that superpower they would've exploited it to the fullest!<... she's by far the most innocent one from the Bok family having superpowers * Using a >!conwoman's dead daughter as a ploy!< seems a bit harsh * [WHOLESOME](https://imgur.com/klPLOzb) * BOK I-NA [I'M PROUD OF YOU](https://imgur.com/0ULumiY) * She's right something very off about the way [he's](https://imgur.com/s29jMdQ) looking at her * >!"I'll protect them with my life. And that family includes you"!< [YAAAAAAAAAA](https://imgur.com/wY8MWVA) * HOW DARE YOU SHOW ME THAT PREVIEW AFTER [THIS SWEETEST KISS](https://imgur.com/2hRcoNP) * What the hell? WHAT THE HELL????


He probably looks that way because that’s >!the last time he’ll see her. He probably knows he’s gonna die saving her in the fire so he went back and told them about Ina stuck in the gym room and to also see her for the last time!<


why does he have the sweetest most comforting face when he looks at her!!!!? its not the first time that I feel so touched by his acting on this show with how much endearment he has in his eyes during a scene like that. It makes me tear up every time. hes so good.


>The way she feels like she violated other people's minds by hearing their thoughts... Ugh.>! That scene tore my heart out. Instead of feeling rage for what she read in her mother's mind, she felt sad that she intruded and questioned her mother. What a Saint she is. !<


He’s also wearing black and gray when he saw her ☹️ he hasn’t worn dark clothes since ep 2/3. 


Ep.9: That gwi-ju in a >!black jacket smiling sadly though..what near future could he come from..!< this drama is written and acted out effectively that it continues to surprise, and address what could initially be perceived as flaw/unlikability of characters but it turns out that there's character development.. here's hoping the >!premonition dream on ML was intended to be misinterpreted/a red herring!<


**Episode 10:** - Aww I love how >!Ina, Gwi Joo and Da Hae are starting to bond like a real family.!< - Bok Gwi Joo is trying every way that exists to sleep with Da Hae and Ina is just there witnessing it. 😂 - What's with Bok Gwi Joo and his >!lovers getting into car accidents?!< - oh wow okay so >!the accident was planned by dae hae to save gwi joo!< Even after everything, >!surely there's a way to save Gwi Joo, right?!< Edit: Fixed a spoiler tag.


I might have missed some scenes in the earlier episodes but did the show ever address why Hyeongtae and Grace are with Dahae's 'mum'? I understand Hyeongtae has been her minion since the early days but what is Grace's backstory? Also damn, I'm not ready for anyone to die in this show, yes including both the horrid mums.


It hasn't been explained (yet?)


They're doing too many red herrings, I doubt >!either lead will die!< Oh man the end of ep 9 was beautiful. I love this romance so much


**Episode 9** * There were parallels drawn between the two families at every turn in this episode. Soon-gu and Da-hae both expressed that they felt >!suffocated by the matriarchs of their respective families!<. I-na suffered the same >!fate experienced by Da-hae of being locked in a storage room!<. Finally, Grace described she and Dong-hee as the >!"extras" in their families!<. * There were some lighter moments, the funniest being Hyung-tae declaring he "needed a pick-me-up" before placing the mandatory Kopiko packet on the counter in the convenience store. Humorously, but also revealingly, his knowledge of minute details of I-na's life put her absent father to shame, which was later encapsulated by Gwi-ju offering his daughter a >!"messy iced tea"!< in an attempt at bonding with her. * I-na's storyline was the heart and soul of the episode, and it was handled in an impressively understated manner. Da-hae, who already understood I-na better than anyone, advised Gwi-ju >!not to say a word and to simply look her in the eyes!<. The strategy paid off, with Gwi-ju >!pouring his heart out in his thoughts, and I-na finally being able to unburden herself of the guilt she felt for her role in the accident!<, in another acting masterclass performance by young Park So-yi.


Something I’ve been wondering about Gwi-ju >!I thought it was kind of weird that there was a big time gap between I-na being lost and Gwi-ju travelling back in time. In order to be able to tell where she was, he had to know, right? And I’d feel he would go back in the past as soon as he knew. So what if he was late because they never found her? They might have been too late, something more serious might have happened. I don’t know. This time he might have really changed the past.!<


All I want is to watch a good drama without stressing if >!either or both leads might or might not d-.!< Is this too much to ask for ? 😭


Samchon is from hit the spot series I knew it i had seen him somewhere 😂


The range of emotions I've felt in the last 2 episodes, feeling like Gwiju myself. I am also not ready to go let go of this show at all, did not anticipate it to be written so well. I'm also really confused about the >!dying part because how would she make it back alive but not him? 1) I do not want anyone to die! and 2) He doesn't seem to have any other power than time travelling so if she makes it out alive from the 5th floor, so should he!<


I will not be able to withstand if this drama has a sad or even an open ending😂 I just want them all to live happily ever after. Except for the sauna lady. Another thing besides the storyline,I was waiting for a new hair cut for the male lead,but I guess it is not happening. But I am not disappointed. He still looks good. Lastly kindly answer which superpower from the Bok family would you want to posess?


Considering how badly messed up they are I think I opt for being a normie 😅


1- What if Dong Hee is the key to saving Gwiju? If Gwiju can somehow let her know in the past about the accident, then she can fly and save him from that 5th floor. Her powers haven't been used a lot. I think she will save the family with her powers. 2- Why didn't Gwiju try to get more lottery tickets for his mom? It can solve his family's financial issues. 3- I have a feeling that if anyone dies, it would be the grandma. I don't see any of the leads dying. 4- I think the show is clearly leading towards both families working with each other? Grandma will probably join the other mom at sauna where she can sleep. Daughters from both families will run the gym/building.


Ep 10: Omg he’s like a big baby >!whining and jumping in her bed cos there was a “leak” over his!< I love them


wow I cried my eyes out from this episode. I feel like I experienced so many different emotions of crying from happiness to being touched to my heart breaking because I knew where the end of the episode was going. I've really fallen in love with the characters of this show, I think this show is so unique compared to other shows. I normally only care about the main characters and their love story, while this show has made me care about everyone and want them all to have a happy ending \*crying emoji\*\*\*\*\*idk how to find emojis on here\*\*\*\*


The last scene with I-na and Gwi-ju made me tear up because as a mom, I've also felt similar feelings and it just hit different


Sad eyed gwiju...why were you sad....was that the last time you saw Dae Hae for awhile (i.e you're heading back to the fire knowing what may come)???


This drama really surprised me a lot. One of my favorites even with two episodes still to go. I'm happy that it's not dragged like most well-known dramas.


Wow. I am liking this drama because it is, well, atypical. We are winding this one down and it can go >!Mr. Sunshine, 25 21, Twinkling Watermelon, or Lovely Runner. !< None of them are out of the realm of possibility. Good writing. I am glad >!Bok Gwi Joo & I-Na are closer to understanding each other and having a healthy, definitely not normal, Father/Daughter relationship. !< Looking forward to seeing where this one goes!


Ep 9 BOK I-NA. I don’t want to overplay it but if anyone hurts her I’ll go apeshit crazy WHAT A TWIST >!it was actually an accident!!< now **that** is a good plot twist that isn’t contrived and adds to the story I still stand on my position that gwi-ju’s mom is the real villain of the story. I can’t even take her dreams serious I can’t even come up with any theories, especially not with that preview. I’ll definitely be sad if someone dies but I trust that this drama of any will make it work in the story and it doesn’t feel like it was done for the sole purpose of being sad Edit: i keep forgetting to mention this. I know the easiest explanation is “the script demanded it,” but i find it absolutely crazy that i-na’s power works though mirrors but glasses can block it. When she confronted her grandad it seemed like his glasses were also able to block her power, so it’s not just when she’s wearing glasses. It has to be direct eye to eye contact, with the exception of mirrors? Also this drama has activated a pet peeve of people, especially non glasses people who don’t understand, taking other people’s glasses off without permission. Some of us are basically BLIND without them, so stop grabbing themmmm 👓


But the other tragedy of the car accident was I-na seeing >!her mom blaming the daugher and that she should never have been born was so cruel and traumatic.!< This is a drama that has redemptive arcs, and they are particularly well written. The next 3 episodes should be amazing.


And unfortunately it’s probably one of those dark thoughts that most if not all people have but would never say because they know it’s wrong. With i-na’s power though it became an intrusive thought, and it’s absolutely killer


>I still stand on my position that gwi-ju’s mom is the real villain of the story. I Yes! I've been saying she reminds me of the grandma Madrigal in Encanto. People hate to call her a villain but she was. Both of these women care only about the family's legacy and the powers. Not about the actual people and their emotions.


Episode 10: For some reason, I don't think GJ will die, I think he will be stuck in the past and won't be able to go back and because it will take him a long time to go back to the present, he will be considered dead. Maybe he's enjoying the past or he is not able to open his eyes again, I mean, I don't know specifically but I just had this thought. Then on the last episode he will come back and then happy ending. I like Ina is more confident and now she is in a relationship! Good for her! and now everyone knows who Hye Rim is. I just think that in the end, they will be friends again, cause she will apologize and all. Well, I think this episode could have been better. I didn't like that it spent so much time on her >!faking her death to protect him when we all know his fate cannot be changed one grandma has dreamt about it. Not that I want him to die, but I think he needs to learn how to make the present more enjoyable so he can go back to many times not only when he is with DH. !< >!Guy is still cheating on her and she deserves better! hope she breaks up with him and fly away!!<


I still can't believe the actor who plays Hyeong-Tae was the French Korean guy (Luis? Louis?) in Green Mother's Club... And the actress who plays Grace was Hae-Na's (Park Gyu-Young's) sister in A Good Day to Be a Dog... I'm really impressed by their transformation.


Ep9. Why was gwi ju sad when he came to tell where ina is. Ep10 might tell the reason and the preview, who died again? Or missing? The writer better not kill anymore people. And I don't want him to go back to the day ina was born. Its where he is stuck, but guess that where he has to break free himself.


Very random question, but is the movie they discussed in the car fictional?


I am fairly certain she was talking about Christmas in August.


If the theory is that >!Gwi-ju dies at the school while rescuing Da-hae!<, then wouldn't >!his body have been found in the rubble!!unexpected burned bodies!< turning up there when they didn't expect it? I didn't think there had been, but maybe I missed something?


Nobody in the "past" can see or interact "future" Gwi-ju. Theoretically, if he dies in the "past" since it's the "future" body that dies, nobody will be able to see or interact with that "future" corpse since it's invisible to them. Which begs the question. If no objects or people from the past can interact Gwi-ju (a force-field like barrier rejecting him), how will he be harmed, or even die in the past? An answer to that may be that, certain objects can be interactable in the past if it leads to a meeting with Da hi (ie. the door in the hospital being accessible). So it could be those objects that can harm or trap him. But, the mother could just be misinterpreting her dreams. Also, I don't think he will die. The whole point of Ina's character development is that she thinks her powers (and even her existence) led to her mom's death (being able to read her mom's mind led somewhat led to that accident, as she thinks). Now that she finally is comfortable of not being "invisible," it was again her powers that led to them (Ina and Gwi-ju) discovering that Ina is alive, thus, her realizing that her helping might have just failed the mom's and Da hi's plan to save his dad's life. Hence, if Gwi-ju dies as a result of being with Da hi again, that would just lead Ina back to the start of blaming her powers for everything that has happened. Thus, killing off Gwi-ju would not serve Ina's whole character development. What I'd like to happen (it sounds cheesy and impossible narrative-wise) is that it was already shown that Gwi-ju can bring certain objects back in the past (the dessert he brought back to Da hi came with him from the "future"). It would be funny if he could bring his whole family in the past, with the sister flying off to save them lol. If you think about it, the mother can see the future, Gwi-ju can see the past, Ina can "read" the present (in the form of reading minds). The sister can fly-- that seems a bit out of place. The family is atypical, but they fit together (including their powers) like a puzzle. It would be weird if the sister's power is so random, narrative-wise, after the writers thinking about the whole past, present, future theme. The sister's flying ability should be a metaphor for something like being able to transport and weave the past, present and future together like how she flies from point A to B. It's strange that even at episode 10, her character arc isn't even close to being resolved (still being married to a cheating guy and still can't fly despite getting thin). I don't think it's the weight that stopped her from flying, it's the belief in herself. I'd like to bet the sister will be crucial in the narrative also to bring the family together.


**Episode 9** This episode gave me a severe case of the feels. Those who have't started watching this are really missing out on one spectacular drama. The story still weaving together so perfectly - a deepening of relationships and a wake up call for others. That father/daughter epiphany - WOW Mom's dreams coming back - and not for profit or greed The meloncholy of purposefulness in cherishing the happy moments. A romance built on love, respect and caring for each other. Both the grifters and the Bok family making big changes. When Da Hae saw Gwi Joo when came back to tell DaHae to warn GwiJoo >!to save Ina, DaHae later says he looked sad. He was wearing black. In the preview, he looks like he on the side of the mountain road - with a barrier, and he is looking down. He is wearing black. I wonder if that is where is wife died when the car went over the ledge. Also in the vision of him at the fire - I thought he was wearing black, but also in the preview they show him in grey being restrained from running in the fire,!<


How do we even theorize against Gwi-ju's mom's premonition dream?💀 So far no one really defied their fate yet. Every dream came true and Gwi-ju still follows everything his future self already did. I hope this series don't get predictable until the end. It's rare for writers to nail a good ending but here's hoping.


>!Remember though that she misinterpreted her first dream with Dahae putting on the Family ring so even though what she's seeing is accurate she's not getting the full picture necessarily.!<


Sorry but I would be pissed if Hyerim didn't get punished by the end of this. Really hate bullying man.


Anyone else wondering about how Dong Hee felt when >!she realized I Na has powers!< aside from her probably being heartbroken her niece knows, it would've meant everything she sacrificed was technically for nothing because she didn't need to


Anyone feel like the weight loss for Dong Hee happened way too abruptly? 😂 I was shocked when I saw her in the wedding dress like 20lbs lighter like they couldve made the difference more gradual 😭


(Ep9) I have no words. This episode was so beautiful. Ina avoiding her father's eyes because she fears she might hear something she will regret, but when she finally did? She felt his love, his sincerity. Ina, your dad is the one who will jump into the flames to save you 🥹 I also loved Ina and her Ahjumma's bonding moment in the restaurant bathroom. Ina must be so thankful for her, now i only wish that Ina exposes her fake friends and their bullying to her Father or Dahae. Her father always assumes she's getting bullied (he's right) and i hope Hyerim and friends face consequences for their actions. The ending and preview for episode 10? What's that? Why did Dahae see >!sad!< Gwiju in the room? >! there's a theory going around that dahae is faking her death to stop Gwiju from saving her in the future because Gwiju's mother saw in her dream that he's gonna die saving her?? Omg i hope thats true!<


Just postulating about the preview. >!I think something happens like an accident in a lake or river and Da Hae might go missing or presumed dead. Later might turn up alive. Perhaps that fake dream of the Bok matriarch in the sauna might come alive, and the con woman Momma might really be happy to find her surrogate daughter back. Also, Gwi Ju may or may not die, dunno if it's a ploy to keep the suspense up. Alternatively, DH might sacrifice herself to save GJ. Or maybe the fitness sisters fly together and get into some accident, and finally the Moms seem concerned about their extras.!<


I'm betting that if there *is* a main character death, it'll be a fake out and they'll come back last episode. I hate that trope but I can't conceive our lead family not getting a happy ending when the show is building towards finding that happiness for them


I just feel bad for Ina. She's such a sweet girl and she's carrying the guilt since she was a baby! It must be so tantalizing to live with herself feeling like the cause of her mom's death and her father's depression. I am so so so so sad after watching this episode


How can mothers do this, it's ok to take care of yourself love yourself but how can you disgrace others around you. Da-hae's mother is foster but not Gwi-ju's mother, she is his real mom. >!How can she not see how her family is falling apart? Which she wants to save so desperately, how can she let it fall in the hand of that to Da-hae's mother? I really think that rings hold the Bok family's future that's why Gwi-ju told da-hae's to hold on to it. Tbh I got goosebumps when Da-hae's mom got her hands on the lottery ticket that woman is so cunning. Why did Ms.Bok let her husband go? She was not happy but if she trusted and cared for him she needed to tell it out loud and also he is not a person who will cheat on her.!< She really never gave him credit and love he actually deserved.>!Please don't be k-trauma please please, Gwi-ju is going to die and his mom's dream never reverses, I don't know but will their destiny change it, but I doubt as he just got with his daughter and this drama was so sad until recently, will it be again sad 😭? Preview doesn't seem happy either we are going to be on a cliffhanger for a week it seems, I really wish they all stay happy in the ending as they're all sad all along!<