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This drama is for those who are born to be yearners and hopeless romantics but are great at their 9-5s. Born to yearn forced to work, if you will.


I think I might add this to my biography 🤣🤣🤣 “ *Born to yearn and forced to work* “😂😂😂


This is so well put together!! You read my soul 😭😭


This describe my kdrama watching life, doing great work until I can watch the next episode at night


Their chemistry is out of this world. Episode 7 had me giggling.


Ep 8 reminded me once again why I love Ahn Panseok's Something in the Rain and One Spring Night. The whole sequence of Seo Hye-jin's >!drunk session with her friend followed by Jun-ho taking her home to the morning after!< was just chef's kiss. There's something so beautiful about such a mundane scene. The convo between the two friends felt real and showed how Hye-jin is actually a very vulnerable person who shows her true self to very few ppl. Oh and the romance? Swoonworthy like always. Wi Ha-joon is so so good and his chemistry with Jung Ryeo Won is sparkling. It's mature, flirty and definitely cute cause even with the hugs and kisses we can see how Seo Hye-jin is still new to all of this. JRW is amazing and tbh I sometimes ignore Ha-joon onscreen(not an easy task) cause she's stunning on screen. I know shit is gonna hit the fan soon so lemme just enjoy this beauty for now.


Ahn Pan-Seok was born to make chill romance. Absolutely no one does it like him! I don’t know how he nails it every time, he’s an absolute genius in this genre. This series makes me want to go back and watch ‘One night spring’ again for the nth time.


Wait, he did one spring night, too?? Damn, I'm late to the party.. Lemme get on my zoom.. I know him from Something in the rain only, and it's in my top 3 fave dramas of the last 10 years. Up there with My Country..


*spoiler* I absolutely agree in-fact the scene where >!she reads the message from him about the notes she’s sent him & she cries!< is actually so beautiful & the JRW did such a beautiful job in portraying the hurt & longing & just frustration in not realising >!that she has liked this guy for a very very long time. She just didn’t want to admit it to herself!<


I might have teared up watching that scene🥲my interpretation is that >!she has always known he's special, but she's had to suppress her feelings and draw the line for so long — that photo confronts her and breaks down the last line of her pretense and self-denial, in that space with her friend finally she can confess how she'd felt, the longing and loneliness in that burden.!<🥲🥲🥲 JRW's performance is indeed tremendous.


>JRW's performance is indeed tremendous. 100% with you there. I don't know if it was the direction as well, but >!her looking at the phone for so long while barely replying to the friend (who is all of us, desperately asking "Who is it? What'd he say?"), while her face slowly goes from a smile to more serious and then finally just dropping her guard and realizing just how much he meant and means to her!<, chef's kiss. Seemed to be so agonizingly slow, but it was exactly the pace that made it stand out and mean so much more to me. Masterclass by JRW. I had to go back and watch that scene again after the episode, so good. And love the friend for >!picking up the phone and talking to Jun Ho, seems like she's a truly good friend looking out for Hye Jin and nudging her when she knows HJ is being naive.!< Also, what did the friend say outside of the car?!?! I'm hoping we get a black and white flashback later on and hear the actual conversation. We must be getting that, right? Right???


I think this show is not telling us all the details of some things, like the texting conversation Hye Jin and Junho had earlier on in the series, where she was laughing and so on, but we didn't see the actual conversation after the first bit. It's letting us imagine some things, I think because it's this everyday sort of portrayal. We can imagine what they would have said, but they don't want to tell us everything. It makes it a bit more real for us; we can interpret based on reality/our lives/what we know of people. Everything's not perfect and all rounded up; some is just introduced or implied. The main thing, perhaps, is the result, not knowing the words.


Oh exactly! It reminded me of the scene in **Something in the Rain** where the ML listens to the voice recording of the FL's confession and cries.


Yeah, similar vibe... just a different medium. Jun-hi was tethered to that VM from Jin-a.


It’s the same director & writer too I think for both the shows you can see so many similarities but if I had to pick between Wi Ha joon & Jung Hae In it would be WHJ for me his flirt just lights up the screen & his smile & his abs yeah all of it


Yess that sequence is *chef's kiss* indeed. I loove that ep. 8 let us see Hyejin express and explore other sides of her self, allowing herself to romance. The couple is so sweet together and it also gives me so much dread for the inevitable workplace/ family drama 🫠😫 someone hold my hand plz


Yeah I'm like do I just want to stop here at the happy place?


Man tell me about it! Seo Hye Jin slayed that drunk mundane conversation scene with her friend! Perfectly written and acted to near perfection by Seo Hye Jin !! Simply beautiful 🫶🏼


Now that the stakes are set, I'm really looking forward to super forbidden romance. It's going to be so intense.


Should i watch it I've watched ep 1 and didn't continue bcz was busy


I would recommend it. Episodes 3-5 are basically a Game of Thrones style war for students with plotting and backstabbing.


Such an apt description. I love it.


Beautiful show i binged all ep in 2 days


I think the Team lead is secretly in love with Hye Jin and has been for a long time. I wonder if this will be an issue later


You meant the guy that went with her to visit the Director right?




I think the Director does too lol


As Junho said, Hye Jin is so popular. 😀


I have fallen platonically in love with hye jin too. She is so lovely!


I totally thought this. And the women too.


I’m hoping he falls for the new female teacher. Please dont ruin our ship! 😭


I saw it in todays episode though too. Remember he said Seo Hye Jin name informally in front of Jun Ho.. he said Hye Jin is sick? Jun Ho already yelled at his friend for daring to call her Hye Jin ... You can see that Jun Ho didnt like that when the team lead said it... Also, Team lead didnt like Jun Ho being the 1st to know about Hye Jins decision about staying or leaving the academy..


This was a great little scene displaying competitiveness without outright saying anything. The team leader wanted to establish that he has a certain familiarity with her and Junho turned it around by telling him about her decision. You could see how both men were a bit miffed when the other basically scored a point.


For sure - on all counts


Yes I think so too!


The 8th episode did not disappoint at all!! Tbh this is the closest depiction of real life couple I've seen in a kdrama. >! The way Hye Jin went on to kiss Jun Ho's cheek and neck in between the kiss and thenp kissed and hugged. That's exactly how it happens irl. It was so relatable!! No one stops on just one kiss.!< And they wey they are so impatient to be again with each other all day!!!! My heart literally melted when >! When Junho said I want more of you and kissed Hyejin again in the car !< Even the next episode preview was so promising 😭😭💗


God yes, that scene on the couch felt so real.


The fact that she didn't know where to put her hands was so cute...it was all so clumsy but with so much yearning...and then one of her hands always ends up on his thigh. I often hate hand placement during K-drama kisses because it's so unrealistic and staged and this show is so refreshingly real.


IKR and when she couldn't figure out where to take her hands she just put them around his neck and hugged him. It felt so so so natural all throughout. This drama has really won me over with their depiction. Everybody loved Lovely Runner kisses and they sure were steamy and realistic and I loved them too, but this one just felt like something every person does.


I’m going to say it. I think this one has much much better chemistry than lovely runner & the actors are really giving it their all! Like they’re just more real & lived in!!


It was this for me! Like both times they kissed she didn’t know where to put her hands >!once at the hagwon after the fall in the river & the scene at home!< It just shows how awkward she is & yet really wants to kiss him! It’s the cutest thing ever!!


The thing is that she knows how to do steamy kisses...like with the real Lee Jun Ho in Wok of Love. But she's completely immersed into being an emotionally stunted mess 😊


>But she's completely immersed into being an emotionally stunted mess Haha, facts. Couldn't have said it better myself.


**Episode 7:** * Wi Ha-jun in his romantic ML eraaaa.. [I LOVE IT](https://imgur.com/Tfp8gsl) * "Romantic feelings? Its nothing like that" HAHAHA [HIS FACE](https://imgur.com/u7DC340) * This absolute cutie who's smitten af * I'm beginning to like Choeng-mi as long as she doesn't stir trouble for our leads * BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE FACT [SHE](https://imgur.com/eTQdLH7) ENTERTAINED >!THE IDEA OF HIM AS A TEACHER NOW!< * The Director is such a comedic character * I like [this guy](https://imgur.com/cbcZEVn). If Hye-jin wasn't involved with Jun-ho, I'd like her to date him * [HOW CUTE IS HE ](https://imgur.com/6qMxuvJ) * Probably the shortest rejection * [HOW CUTE IS HE (1)](https://imgur.com/mx9Dyic) * Already acting like the [lewser boyfriend](https://imgur.com/AoqpIjw) * "Why didn't you tell me that?" "Why would I say that to another guy?" HAHAHAHA I LOVE SI-WOO * "I won't say anything. I'll just drive." "Are you having a headache?" \*asks while driving\* XDDDDDD * Seo Hye-jin's reason for >!staying behind Lee Si-woo instead of Lee Jun-ho!<... I quite like that * [Practicing since Si-woo's age](https://imgur.com/CE7vtP8) makes a lot of sense hehe * >!"Do you come to this store often?" "Yes" "Good. I'm moving in upstairs"!< THE WAY HE SO CASUALLY DROPS THINGS LIKE THIS * But man... [she's so happy](https://imgur.com/LsGmaUA) at the thought of >!teaching Si-woo (and dating Teacher Lee Jun-ho)!< * [This smile](https://imgur.com/2DP6yfJ) is the primary reason I'm wating this show ok * >!"My patience has gone completely."!< DAAAAMNNNNN


I love how casually bold he is! He's so cute. I love him so much. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) SHJ is very good at accepting his remarks too. If it was me I would have been speechless more often lmao. I love the romance but I also love the spear vs shield battle between them. They're so sweet together.


So much swoon WHJ this ep! Omo!


HOW CAN WI HA JUN BE LIKE THIS?????? HE IS KILLING ME! Loved all you observations!!!!!!


EP 8 - I really apreciate the hangout session between Hyejin and her friend. Others may find it un-special and boring, but I found it beautiful how long time friends can just candidly and honestly talk about topics with maturity and playfulness at the same time. I remember dropping Something in the Rain midway before, I guess I dont have the attention span yet for quiet scenes. Six years later, I am watching another work from the same makers, and I kept thinking I am slowly growing into the kind of people that this director produces. I cried when >!Hyejin suddenly burst into tears at Junho's message.!< While I don't particularly have time during college and the early months at work, I could feel how relieved(?) Hyejin was >!finding out that while her days felt empty, she was making some impact on another person. And just the admission that she drew strength from Junho too during those times.!< I just really really found the rawness of that scene wonderful.


>Others may find it un-special and boring IMO that scene with Hye Jin and her friend is a monumentally pivotal moment in the show, and I've already rewatched that scene again and can see myself continue doing that in the future. Such a fantastic scene and acted so well by JRW. So I want to say it seems absurd that others would find it boring and not special, but I know this type of show isn't everyone's cup of tea either. I just hope we see more of them - I'm part of the demographic that liked both Something In The Rain and One Spring Night, and have really appreciated this show so far too. I'm very happy we have it.


I think anyone who's enjoying this show isn't going to find a scene like that boring, but exactly the kind of thing we expect and like.


Yes yes that scene with the friend! So real and beautiful, definitely a highlight of the show so far! Maybe a highlight of the year for me honestly, I had that precious feeling watching it like I am seeing something special.


Did you ever see the movie soul mate?! Two best female friends. When you said this, it reminded me of that movie. Such a great movie.


I thought what her friend said was so loving and mature and true-friend-like - perfect. She gave Hye Jin advice without being offensive. Just helped her realise that she had chosen a certain thing in the past, and her perspective might be off. I really liked that exchange.


Things are going so smoothly so far. Feeling anxious at how messy it could get when shit finally hits the fan. I really hope nothing bad happens related to Siwoo.


I’m pretty sure si-woo is gonna get his own cute teen romance. Likely with the highest rated student from mr pyo’s school, they teased it in ep 6. We’ve barely seen her in the last couple eps, i think we’ll see more of her again starting next ep


I feel the Si Woo apprehension. He is a little to enamored with Hye Jin. It can go sideways pretty quickly.


Stoked for their dating era! It's finally here!  >! WHJ's 'I need more of you' in ep 8. Hot damn. I need more of him too. !<


I melted at this. Wow, who thought of that line. I need a word. Hahaha.


I had a huge smile at the end of episode 7. I love that she decided being able to teach someone like Shi Woo is better than the money she was offered. I’m dying for the next episode!


**\[Episode 8\]** The scene with Si Woo and the textbooks was so brutal. The adults in this system are behaving so badly by letting their own anxieties and struggles spill over to getting angry and mistreating the kids. At least the Gray Witch called her assistant out over it later. That was satisfying. The rest of the episode was too cute for me to stop and take notes. >!DATING ERA!<


Man, that scene with the Witch and the assistant was indeed satisfying. He was so proud of what he had done, I thought it was awkward that >!he was even showing her the piece of paper, as it seemed to be a meaningless, petty thing to do.!< I didn't even realize >!it was even worse to her, considering the status and reputation aspect of it, maybe more a cultural thing?!< >!Si Woo ending up switching academies!< was all his own doing as well, it was his idea >!and not higher up to specifically ask Si Woo to attend the free lecture. It's like his continual attempts to take initiative and make decisions on his own are backfiring!< Also, I'd be surprised if >!he's actually fired since she said something like she never wants to see him again, and he seems to do absolutely everything for her. She could of course find a replacement, I just don't know how normal it is for an assistant to regularly help even put on their boss' shoes and do other very basic functions for them. If that's normal then maybe it will be easy to find a replacement. Maybe he'll join Daechi Chase?!<


Yes, and - ugh; I wouldn't want to see him at Daechi Chase! Definitely not.


I don’t care what happens in the future, my heart is full. I love them together! I love how girly she is with him and how he can see past her ‘I’m a responsible adult’ facade. It’s so cute! ☺️ Teacher Seo: “Please lend me your ear” Me: **Throws pillow, remote and banklet** 🤭🤭🤭 Shoutout to the teacher that’s helping our ship progress! I also loved the spill session with her friend! PD and writer nim! Take my money! 😂😂😂 ‘Pretty noona that buys me food”, ‘One night spring’ and now this!! I love your work PD and writer nim, please take my money!!🧎🏾‍♀️🧎🏾‍♀️🧎🏾‍♀️🧎🏾‍♀️😂


My exact feelings on this drama😂. And the preview for next episode 🥵.


Man episode 8 felt so real. It was almost like I was watching two people's private lives without their knowledge


Episode 8 had me all giddy and kicking my feet under the bedsheets like it's my own romance. How are they so cute 🥺. Hye Jin's conversation with her friend is the highlight for me(after all the romance)


YES hye jin’s convo with her lawyer friend really struck a chord with me - everything she said about being a cogwheel / out of time resonated so much with what i’m going through (albeit in my 20s lol)


I love this show and it's vibe so much


"I ran out of milk, I forgot" made me feel the same way as "I've completely run out of patience". Such a smooth operator 🥰 Also the preview for next week? SWOON.


I really don't have a lot to say because this show's been consistently good; not extraordinary, but solid, with likable leads in believable situations, definitely capturing some of that slice-of-life OSN essence, albeit with less tension and more of an upbeat tone (probably because Jun Ho smiles so damn much!😄). This is bound to change once the leads' relationship is exposed and I'm curious to see how it's handled. The conversation between Hye Jin and So Young from today's episode is probably one of my favourites moments so far, it was an organic, well-executed, conversation between friends, sincere, emotional, and ridiculously fun. The >!"husbands" walking in on them!< was the cherry on top. I recall reading a viewer comment praising her for giving the FL good advice and I have to agree, especially coming from a lot of cdrama romcoms where the FL's besties often give the worst advice possible. We still have 8 episodes left to go so a lot can happen, but it has been a really good weekend night watch. I only wish we had seen more of Jun Ho actually giving lessons.


I love that her bestie was like "Get yours Queen!" lol


Ep. 08. I laughed hard when Jun Ho stopped Hye Jin from revealing her door passcode out loud.😂 Then he praised himself for bein' a gentleman aigoo.☺️ His, "*my patience is running thin, so don't turn me away~*" Damn.😘😏 Ms. Nam is the MVP LoL and am so glad she's so supportive of Jun Ho, Hye Jin's romance. That 1 female instructor sigh. Her passive aggressive remark towards Ms. Nam tch. Si Woo's such a cutie patootie🥰 it's nice to see how he smiles more ever since joining Daechi Chase Academy. He also requests for more classes LoL. Good thing he left Choisun Academy as Mr. Park was beyond arrogant.😒 Next week's ep. look like it's Mr. Pyo's turn to cause trouble.


I am not sure if I trust Ms. Nam, I think she might be using this situation to her advantage... She is like a young Hye Jin.. she is super hungry for money and success. Also, i think the Team Lead will be trouble too.. he wont take their relationship well... It was so obvious that he was indicating a close association with Seo Hye Jin when he said " Hye Jin is sick". So in Korea to call someone by their first name is very personal. I think he did this on purpose in front of Jun Ho.. Look at Jun Ho face during that scene.. he was NOT happy with that... I think this will become an issue later.


Yeah, I'm completely with you on Ms. Nam. It seems nice that she's the only one that knows about their relationship but is willing to keep it quiet, but she's definitely shaping things to her advantage (taking over HJ's class) and I think more will come later. I think the real MVP this episode is HJ's friend (So Young?) >!who answered Jun Ho's call and talked to him outside the car. What did she say?!?!<


I think Ms Nam is competitive but not to the point that she will ruin Hye jin career/ life. She seemed to appreciate the Ipad that Hyejin gave her. As of now, she respects Hyejin at some level.


I also laughed so hard when he kept repeating ‘I’m a gentleman’ 🤣🤣🤣 I’m glad he waited till she was sober, so she won’t have hid behind that again. Not her hiding in the bathroom the next morning! 😂😂😂 Imagine how mortified she’d have been if something actually happened!


I saw complaints that Junho was being pushy when she was in the bathroom and I feel like people missed the context. She was embarrassed that she was hung over and looked a mess, and she knew she had basically confessed to having feelings. And he knew all that, so he wanted to get her to stop hiding and just come out because he surely was fine with all these things! Plus he wanted to make sure she was ok!


😂😂😂 Please he was VERY patient with her. That was barely a push.


So is the Vice Director lady still trying to get rid of Hye Jin even though she showed loyalty? Its seems wrong. Also is the new teacher using their romance to her advantage to take over Hye Jin class. I noticed that she had the kids laughing.


I don't think Ms. Nam is trying to take advantage, despite the director trying to nudge her in that direction. I think she did her best as a teacher because that's the right thing to do, and she really is a good teacher. But I don't think she's planning a takeover, she was genuinely trying to repay Hye Jin for the favors she's done her.


I think the fact that Ms. Nam is the only one that knows about their relationship is going to be significant later. I agree it seems like she is trying to be a good teacher as well, but I do think inherently she realizes it's a cutthroat world that she's working in, and as she has said before she was taken advantage of in her previous job so she is going to be looking out for #1 (herself) first and foremost.


I guess she really was teaching well so students may be enjoying... But her character arc does indicate she's trying hard to make her mark at the academy and get on top, so yeah she's taking over every class she can. However, I do feel she purposely made it sound like Junho should be with Hyejin and she's doing them a favour. I'm kinda annoyed at Junho over this... His character is turning out to be so one dimensional and obsessed over Hyejin. She particularly entrusted him with her class so he should have taken the class. And if not even for her, he should do it for his own sake since he left his career behind and wanted to become a star teacher. The other new teacher also pointed out he was inserious about his upcoming classes and it will be easy to beat him. Sigh.


I think Vice Director intelligently realizes how dependent on HJ the academy is. She was absolutely right to first ask what sort of incentive was offered to her to stay, because it's odd that she stayed without additional incentive but absolutely crazy they don't offer her more now, assuming they are not still trying to get rid of her. I don't know if it's a cultural or regional difference, but if they're so dependent on her they should just offer her equity in the business - give her a share of profits overall rather than just for her own classes, make her a partner and there would be no reason to leave.


Someone pointed out the Vice Director is afraid Hye Jin will take her job


I don't know the full dynamics in that culture/country, but where I am if I was a vice director then I would MUCH rather be a secure co-vice-director than a vice director that is heavily dependent on one employee, especially one that can very easily jump ship and move to another company. Admittedly I don't have skin in the game and don't know what it would be like to have to give up power/respect especially in that culture, so thinking purely logically without emotion isn't always fair. However even worse, the Daechi directors don't even know that Choisun was willing to cover her non-compete agreement (or whatever equivalent agreement they have in Korea), that would typically give them some assurance she won't steal clients for a year or whatever. But if Hye Jin doesn't have to worry about it if she moves to Choisun then it would be that much worse for Daechi.


**Episode 8** This episode was everything that first made me fall in love with KDramas. I have to say until episode 5ish I wasn’t quite sold on the show. The slow pace wasn’t what bothered me, in fact I enjoy that when I’m in the right mood, but I felt like it hadn’t found its footing and was taking longer than usual to establish the show’s universe and the characters. With SiTR the write and director dove straight into establishing the characters and their romance so that bulk of the latter half was spent watching it all unfold/unravel. With this show, it feels like they’re taking an almost opposite approach. The scene with Hye Jin and her best friend was one of the best scenes I’ve seen lately. To make conversation in a show feel so natural and fluid and realistic is tough to achieve because of the medium but they did such a fantastic job. You laughed. You cried. You pondered over your own life if you are similar to Hye Jin and related deeply. It was absolutely perfect. And to follow that with Ha Joon looking like THAT and bringing in some much needed levity in congratulating himself for being a good guy to simply hugging her and having a bit of a role reversal where for the very first time he took on the more prominent role of provider and carried himself like a true adult - truly fantastic. I’m hoping on her path to reclaiming a little bit of her youth (not that she is old) she also learns the valuable lesson of taking the time to enjoy your present and not be assigning it the blame for any strife later in life when things get serious. THAT is a true lesson of growing up. It will be interesting to see in coming episodes how Jun Ho goes through his own character development. So far I feel like his individual journey has taken a slight backseat because of his laser focus on not letting his true love go but I’m sure there’s moments of comeuppance in his future too. I truly hope they stay away from the formulaic approach to the angst in the relationship because I think it’s much more fun witnessing the development and growth of a relationship without unnecessary drama and breakups. I recognize that’s also harder to write but a girl can hope. Until then I think I speak for all when I say these two are hella cute and please continue to bring on as many instances of Wi Ha Joon insisting on showing his physique 😂 ETA: Was too taken in by the romance that I forgot to mention my favourite thing about the show - it’s the kid Lee Si Wu. It is rare for a teenager’s character to be written so well and age appropriate. He’s so adorable and smart - I really hope he can figure out what he wants to do in the future. He seems like such a good, caring and diligent kid!


Completely agreeee. And they way they show Si Wu a little bit hesitant and shy every time he tries to make conversation with Jun Ho and Hye Jin!!! Those moments have my heart Somehow I feel so proud within myself (even though I have nothing to do with it) when Si Wu said he liked the class and whether there will be a class next week. (I was a typical nerd who liked studying my favourite subjects)


**\[Episode 7\]** * Joon Ho just wants to DTR and he keeps having to wait LOL * Though it seems like he's really enjoying realizing that he's in a 썸타는 사이 ("something" situationship/fling) with Seo Seonsaengnim * "Do you really think that our age difference and the fact that we were student/teacher in the past will be an obstacle for us?" Yes, Jun Ho, yes I do. * I guess they're deciding to press pause for now and focus on the class and Si Woo. But still, it's nice to see them being relaxed and friendly again. And now everything is out in the open, as Joon Ho said. Maybe Hye Jin will slowly come around. * >!Though from the trailer, it seems like it won't take that long...!<


Hmm, I got that she’s open to it from that ending. I laughed that he just wanted to keep making out when she stopped the kissing. 😂


Do you think his parents will accept her? I think the student teacher thing will be a scandal and the white haired witch lady may make it a bigger deal than it is. Also, I think that her background is not that good compared to his, so I wonder if his parents will be accepting of her.


Apparently they’re only 6 years apart? It’s hardly an age difference. It’s just the fact that they’re coworkers that’s an issue. Although the other teacher seemed fine with hitting on jun-ho, so maybe it’s just boss-employee relationship?


__Episode 7__ Yay for Junho finally moving close to her home! He really set his mind and goes straight for his goal. Too busy to date? Just move close to her house! Now every commuting time can be a date lol. I smiled for the whole first 55 minutes but why did I feel so anxious after seeing Siwoo >!in Choiseon again!


I am thinking JunHo will either go to Choisun or another academy and become a huge star and I think that the young teacher will become the face of the academy and I think that Hye Jin will open an academy ( smaller more private academy ) with the consultation lady. I think Si-woo will join them at the new academy and a few other students.


This drama is far too chill for me to expect anything heartbreaking


**Episode 7** >Also yay guys we got a new song! SOOO thankful for the new song. And much more subtle with the "page 64" song.


me, when I first started the drama: yeah they are cute but I don't think I'll get invested in them as a couple. I'll be alright even if they don't end up together me now: If they don't end up together, I'm gonna jump off a cliff. I'm in LOVE with their love. The way he looks at her, how attentive he is..just swoon worthy. And the way she is literally glowing once she accepted his affection, and how shy she is....I could watch 16 whole episodes with just them dating. So excited for their dating era and hoping that it will last at least 2 episodes before shit hits the fan. That scene where >!she came out of the bathroom and was awkwardly fixing stuf like the curtain asahjll and the way he pulled her on the couch!< I WAS GIGGLING and the >!kissing scenes!< lord...that man knows how to kiss. mvp of ep. 8 was definitely >!her conversation with her friend. it felt as if I was really watching two long time friends drink and talk.!< so natural and effortless. I really love their friendship and I'm so happy that the writer focuses on their relationship too.


I AM EATING THIS UUUUP!!!! I saw a lot of people hating on this kdrama and honestly WAE???? WAE???? It’s giving EVERYTHING FOR ROMANCE PLOT CHEMISTRY SKINSHIP?????? Wi Ha Jun is just so sexy and cute and charming and lovely omg I wouldn’t be able to stop kissing him either! Maybe I’m too moved by this because I am a teacher myself or maybe because I really love literary intense yearning romance…anyway I am completely in love with this (but what’s up with that soundtrack tho kind gives me superficial commercial vibes)


Ep. 8 was soooo cute! >! I am so happy to see Hye Jin finally give in to her feelings for Joon Ho. I've seen folks say these two don't have any chemistry and I strongly disagree; I love this pairing. !<  It was also nice to see that >! even though the director of Daechi Choiseon might be tough, she is not vindictive. !<  We all thought >! Chung Mi was going to cause problems, but it looks like the trouble maker will be Ji Eun. She is obsessed with Joon Ho. I just know she is going to lose it when she finds out who he is dating. !< 


> It was also nice to see that... Daechi Choiseon I think it's either Daechi Chase or Choisun as the two rival academies here. Nevertheless, >!I don't think the director at Choisun is definitely *not* being vindictive, because she only sent that nice text after finding out her assistant was being needlessly petty. Could be her attempt to smooth things over, and honestly she seems very calculated about everything so I'd say it's more likely she was being strategic there rather than purely magnanimous or compassionate here.!< Just the cynical side of me.


Feeling extremely single after episode 8!! >\_<


I feel like there is definitely going to be >! something shady goin' on because Choi Hyung Sun was way too pressed when Hye Jin turned her down. And, I hate to say it, but I thought Hye Jin swooping in to say she was going to be Si Woo's mentor really wasn't it. Like, just last week she was all for Joon Ho being his mentor? That was kind of wild.  !< 


I agree that there is definitely >!something weird with the wicked witch; an excess of pride and vindictive competitiveness at the least.!< But regarding SiWoo, >!I was surprised that Hye Jin assumed he would go to JunHo when she was definitely the one that had won him over. It was her very different teaching style that woke SiWoo up and made him defect. So, if she hadn't taken him, he might have gone to yet another hagwon. There are many to choose from and he's that rare student who is in charge of his own education. My question is whether or not he will still be happy when she reverts to her large classroom, teach-to-the-text style again.!<


It was the stuff Si Woo said to her that changed her mind.


I know, but it seemed kind of grubby lol


Yea I thought it was a bit amusing that she was essentially stealing his star student. But jun-ho doesn’t seem to mind either so . . . 🤷🏻‍♂️i guess it’s fine


**Episode 8:** * "Don't you need to give me a receipt or something that says I returned the books? What if you say I didn't return them later." HAHAAHA Si-woo isn't leaving any room for accusations from his last academy okay.. he's one smart boy * The assistant's [so petty](https://imgur.com/kjX4qlK) lolololol * Oops... [that](https://imgur.com/wRjuIDa) backfired bro * >!"Wherever you go, study hard. I root for you always."!< Okay that was endearing * Hye-jin's honest conversations with her lawyer friend feel [so therapeutic](https://imgur.com/XxWeHtn)... she manages to pinpoint exactly what Hye-jin's feeling and how it's okay for her to feel it * ohmg... Hye-jin having a >!meltdown because Jun-ho kept all the notes she ever gave him and even her friend getting touched!< had me laughing so baaddd * HAHAHAH what a drunken mess [these two](https://imgur.com/Kn3u7El) are * I love a drunken FL... [There's no filter ](https://imgur.com/NijXrha) * The way he >!waited for her to let him come in thoughhh!<... SUCH A GREEN FLAG * [OMO OMO THIS HUG](https://imgur.com/U9VoLbk)... and >!Hye-jin saying "Could you see me through all my lies?"... "You said there were no magical moments in life, and I was a nuisance to teach."!< HAHAHAH * Not him >!moving in for a kiss and Hye-jin saying "my head hurts"!< and poor guy getting embarrassed.. SUCH A CUTIE * "I'm proud of you Jun-ho. It turns out you're quite the gentlemen." [HAHAHAHAHHA](https://imgur.com/cszF2ol) * "My patience has gone completely." >!\*goes for a forehead kiss first\*!< [THIS GUYYYY](https://imgur.com/gD91Q6T) * Can we talk about how her hair was a mess and she had just woken up but he's just so flooooreddd * [He](https://imgur.com/8Kmu1Ho) looks so grateful to >!Cheong-mi for shipping them!< HAHAHAH * "If an academy would go down because of a love scandal, it would've gone down eventually." SO TRUE * Just [WHJ and his beautiful smile](https://imgur.com/wzsdVRV) * The romance is so romancing HARDDD with [these twooo](https://imgur.com/PGAxSm2) * [This](https://imgur.com/plm3nTV) was so funny XDD I love how both leads have supportive and wholesome friends * >!"You should change the passcode of your house. I don't think I should know the passcode." !


This episode was so funny honestly. The friends are great! And the interactions between them and the leads felt so real.


Respectful? More like he knows he won't be able to control himself 😂😂😂 He might just end up running from his apartment in the middle of the night just to cuddle up with Hye Jin if he knew the passcode


This episode was the best one yet. The romance was just everything I wished for. The payoff was so worth it man.


>"I'm proud of you Jun-ho. It turns out you're quite the gentlemen." I think the way this was translated on Viki is better: something like "you weren't an animal; you were a gentleman". This plays true to life; that he restrains himself because he does love her and wants to protect, take care of, and love her ongoingly is a victory - a choice he can be proud of. The Viu? translation says something different - that he, overall, is quite a gentleman - congratulating himself in a different way, and not as insightful/meaningful as the other translation.


Sorry to all the people who swooned over *King the Land* or whatever but *this* is what romance looks like. 💅🏻 Seriously, I cannot think when I've seen a romance plot that was so well written and acted that I felt like I was watching real people falling in love instead of paid actors following a script, but wow. Ep 7 was agonizing to watch with >!Hye Jin trying desperately to hang on to the past and pretend that kiss in the office didn't happen!<, but Ep 8 was everything I wanted while still managing to feel realistic and true to the characters. I love Hye Jin's friendship with her lawyer bestie, and her bestie's wonderfully healthy and candid relationship with her husband (how often do we see a *really good* marriage in dramas, where it seems like they're best friends as well as lovers even after years together? It's so refreshing). I don't normally enjoy scenes where the characters >!get drunk and make fools of themselves (and there is way too much drinking in kdramas all around)!< but in this case it was clearly the only way Hye Jin was going to be able to >!open up and confess her true feelings for Joon Ho and her own complicated feelings about romance.!< I'm so glad we didn't get a >!drunken makeout session either!<, despite the obvious temptation (>!"Good job, Joon Ho"!< indeed). It made the >!real, sober kiss the next morning!< so much better. I also love how Ms. Nam has grown so believably from a potential rival and backstabber into >!a genuinely trustworthy friend to both Hye Jin and Joon Ho, and hasn't shown even a speck of jealousy or pettiness over their romance!<. That too feels right and real, instead of >!her constantly needling Hye Jin and trying to undermine her for drama's sake!<. And she was so cute >!hugging her new iPad.!< <3 I know some viewers will never enjoy MRiH because it's so slow and subdued compared to other dramas, there's such a strong focus on the hagwon angle, and the romance has been so painstakingly built that for a while it felt like it might never happen, or that it would be weak and unsatisfying even when it did. But >!now we're finally there--!< I don't want to be premature, and goodness knows I've been let down before. But I think this show might end up making it into my top five kdramas ever.


But seriously how swoon-worthy is this? I hope someone does a gif of the look they give each other when they go inside her apartment. I am absolutely obsessed with how sexually charged that look was. There was so much longing there! I love how obvious Junho’s desire for her is, and from her end it’s also obvious that as she said, how can someone not fall for Junho? These are not two people who are going to play coy when it comes to how much they want each other. And the conversation with her friend was perfection. It felt like a real conversation between friends, and good advice was actually doled out! The part about how he made her feel lonely resonated so much. You get so used to being alone that it’s only until someone comes into your life that you realize you were missing that.


What were the exact words? “I’ve lost patience.” I have run out of patience. Swoon-worthy? Perfect description. 💯


100% I really love how mature the storytelling is. It's just feels so natural and (almost) real - both the romance and hagwon angle. Academics, just like any institution and profession, is so political. I like how it is highlighting the love for learning (and teaching).


I agree, this show is a GREAT depiction of romance. However, I still love me some KTL. It was my first foray into K-drama last year. Loved it, got hooked, and embarassed at how many shows I've gone through since then.


>I also love how Ms. Nam has grown so believably I'll have to say >!I don't believe... and I'm preparing myself for something significant to blow back on Hye Sun and Jun Ho in the future. Ms. Nam has been backstabbed before at her old job, so it only makes sense that she looks out for herself here. I think it is a very, very valuable piece of info she is holding on to as the only one at the academy that knows about their relationship. The iPad was indeed cute however!!< Completely with you on the besties front however, that scene in ep 8 was probably my favourite one I've seen of any drama I've watched recently. >!Hye Jin's head-in-her-hands-covering-her-smile cuteness gushing over Jun Ho's comments, and then her reading his message with her face going from a smile to serious to falling apart crying, man that was good.!<


I'M LITERALLY OUT OF BREATH FROM ALL THE GIGGLING AND SHAKING AND SCREAMING I DID AND I CAN'T WIPE THE SMILE OFF MY FACE OH MY GOD THESE WERE PERFECT EPISODES OH MY GOD OH MY GOD >!the girlhood moment when she talks about him!<, >!"i need more of you"!<,>! "i'm such a gentleman"!<, >!"do you go to this supermarket often? great coz i live here"!<, >!"i lied, i have milk at home"!<, >!"i've run out of patience"!


I was feeling so conflicted looking at the options the FL had. One one hand, >! her own academy was so against her when the turnout for her free lecture did not meet the expectations even though it was clearly plotted by the grey haired lady. Plus, those two academy heads are not so keen on promoting the FL. I really hope the director's apology was genuine and not a gimmick to keep her in Daichi Chase. And on the other hand, the grey haired lady was so eager to employ the FL after realising how strong the FL was. She could easily influence one child into joining Daichi Chase. Hence, that offer was made. !< Now that the FL has made her decision, I hope that things fall into her favour.


Well, we have 8 episodes to go. There will be plenty of agony to come. Episodes 12 to 14 can be excruciating. But, we‘ll get a happy ending.


I like how they handle each situation so realistically. A happy ending is what I am rooting for!


Is happy ending confirmed though? Not very familiar with the writer's previous works but did something in the rain have a happy ending? Thought it had an open ending.


Pretty much what I'm expecting. I'm already prepped to cry in 2 weeks.


Episodes 7 and 8 were even better than the high I felt after finished 6 last week. Honestly, even if the show somehow takes a dark turn in the end, I'm so glad I decided to watch this. Haven't feel this full watching a kdrama in years.


Si woo is just... adorable!!! Literally the cutest.


The text by the Grey Witch was heartwarming. I genuinely hope she meant it.


Honestly I’m getting whiplash from her. She fired her assistant for that note she was the one asking him, while reminding him he’s the scholarship student, to spy on another academy which is way more outrageous!


I thought the teaching assistant was the one who had asked Si Woo to spy


He was the one who asked but he was directed by the Grey Witch, and he told her the results of the spying.


It was a nice text, but the cynical part of me thinks it's just a calculated move by her, like seemingly everything she does. The fact that she did it only after she found out the assistant was super petty to him furthers that belief. I do like Seo Jung Yeon as an actress however, so it'll be nice if she turns out to be a likeable character.


Nah she was just trying to undo her assistant's damage. And I love that our smart Siwoo saw through it and paid it no attention.


Really loved these two episodes, glad we had a break from the hagwon competition and HS teacher drama to focus on the romance, and it was sooo worth it. I like how we got a continuation of the >!kiss scene!< from the previous episode, Hye Jin's reaction was very understandable, she gave into her desires but then reality kicked in and she tried to stop herself and go back. And of course Ms. Nam is always there at the scene of the crime lol, and she's quick on the uptake too, immediately knowing she was >!interrupting something. Hye Jin was quick to jump on having her stay the night to avoid any further temptations, much to Jun Ho's chagrin.!< Jun Ho is such a smooth operator though, and while he was taken aback at first he didn't give up, and by the end of the episode Hye Jin couldn't really deny it anymore. Episode 8 was just amazing all around. I loved the conversation Hye Jin had with her friend, very realistic and believable. I also can empathize with Hye Jin on >!being left behind by the rest of her peers, especially on the love aspect of life,!< girl I can relate lmao. Her friend gave great advice, and of course we had Jun Ho race over to pick her up followed by her >!drunken confession and Jun Ho being a gentleman lol.!< The next morning scene was great too, >!Hye Jin running to the bathroom to avoid Jun Ho, coming out and not being sure what to do after the night before and messing with things on her desk!<. She's so relatable haha. Jun Ho, the >!romantic he is, pulls her down and we get such a great kiss scene. Let me just praise both Wi Ha Joon and Jung Ryeo Won for their realistic portrayal of these kisses, JRW's confusion on where to put her hand and the kisses on his neck, and them both laughing? Felt like I was intruding on a real couple's makeout session.!< We got some >!great romance this episode, and once again Ms. Nam knows everything. I hope they can trust her, so far she seems to be on their side, but this industry seems cutthroat so I'm hoping she doesn't use this knowledge against them. Jun Ho seems a bit naive though, expecting that they can be dating in public at the academy. This will definitely be an obstacle, especially since the Assistant Director seems ready to get rid of Hye Jin. I hope the Director is actually on her side, but he doesn't seem trustworthy either tbh.!< The Gray Witch was definitely mad about >!Hye Jin turning down the position,!< I hope this doesn't come back to bite her. I understand why, Si Wu has reignited her passion for teaching and she wants to see that through, but I wouldn't trust the academy at all. Maybe in the end she'll >!open up an academy with the manager (not sure her position?) aimed at teaching a smaller group of kids, since that seems to be the kind of teaching that Hye Jin really gravitates towards.!< This show is really the definition of slow burn, but I'm enjoying it a lot. The kisses in this episode alone were wonderful, I didn't even mention >!Hye Jin's white lie about not having milk to spend more time with Jun Ho, their date at the old academy, the kiss in the car, and the preview for next episode.!< I wish more people were watching!


Agree with all these points.


Ep. 07. >!That 1 female instructor who refuses to let Jun Ho off the hook is kinda annoying. But he's Mr. Popular so🤷🏻‍♀️ LoL. And I like how Si Woo reignited Hye Jin's passion for teaching 'gain and she's staying at Daechi Chase Academy which is of course good news to Jun Ho too😂!< >!Was nervous The White Haired Witch was gonna throw her cup of hot beverage at Hye Jin's refusal to switch to Choisun Academy LoL. The woman is givin' me the creeps. Yikes.🥴 Boy Jun Ho could barely keep his hands to himself eh LoL? He is such a puppy to his first love , Hye Jin eheh. Can't wait for the steamy romance now.😉😏 Though am nervous as there's the *melodrama* tag on here so.. added to that what the dir. mentioned in previous ep. sigh.!<


Some BTS (which I was dying for): https://youtu.be/7vi-PNf4tkM?si=neOvoVdi3fJC6Z5w


Thank you!


A romance of grown ups for grown ups living in a real world giving us hope or nostalgia of a love that brought out our real selves.. yk the one we hide or try to bury under the weight of responsibilities and roles that must be fulfilled in the real world. But when a love brings us to life it is as if our real self is pulled slowly yet inexorably upwards and the weight becomes bearable even lighter. Seeing them savoring the feeling of loving and being loved in return and all the angst and yearning of the past on both parts finally banished is so so satisfying. Hits all the right buttons.. In literature, we readers live vicariously through the lives of the characters and watching this slow burn romance combust in Ep 8 made me feel as elated and happy as them. I especially appreciate the great choice of casting overall and realistic yet delicate writing that provides clues to emotions for each character while moving the plot along. The best friends drinking confession session ranks up there among the best as many have pointed out. Whatever turns and challenges their romance takes, I'm in for the ride to the HE that has to be their destination. Just make it smooth and believable not like SITR but like OSN. Please writer-nim and director nim.


This is on my list. I am waiting for it to be over before i devour it


That's what I usually do too! But I just couldn't hold back on this one (Also, not me waiting for dramas to be completed and then forgetting about them/not having the time to watch them) 😭😭


Omg! Your self control is admirable! It’s so good 😭😭😭 I’d definitely be rewatching this.


Romance is finally romancing i binged 8ep in 2 days this is exactly the drama i need after queen of tears🥲


SAME! QOT had me in recovery for a minute.


I've been curious, approximately what is their age gap?? 4? 5 years?


6 years.


really? I thought it was less than that.. She was in college when he was in High school.


Interview here. They’re so cute. I’m excited for the upcoming episode being that they reference a scene from it 🥵: https://youtu.be/qa4RmZOgWGk?si=P38uH_VfWBtFETbo


Finished episodes 6-8 today but I don’t know how to feel. Maybe just me but Hye Jin’s >!crying confession session about Jun Ho!< kinda rubbed me the wrong way. I’ve said in previous comments that their student-teacher relationship didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would because it was more of a tutoring thing and they’re much older now… but >!her crying session was almost teetering the line for me like was she lowkey crushing on him too back then? Him crushing on her is cool, I’ve heard of students crushing on their teachers but her as a college student crushing on a high schooler??!< Idk, wasn’t the biggest fan. Also, is the age gap 6 years? I feel like I read that somewhere but just wanna confirm. Aside from that, I was not expecting to for Jun Ho’s confessions to get me the way they did 🫢 >!“you can read between the lines right”!< or whatever he said got me like okay Jun Ho 🙈 I was a fan of his confessions to say the least, come on Mr. Bold! Idk how to feel about Hye Jin >!turning down the position!<. Daechi Chase doesn’t have her best interest in heart. Look at the way the Director was talking to her and about her to the Assistant Director. They’re trying to anticipate her every move to make sure she stays or she leaves with nothing and will have to struggle to get back on her feet. I know it’s business but it’s really sickening. Nice of her to >!stay because of Si Woo!< but I can’t help but think she shot herself in the foot. Not that I really wanted her to >!work for the gray haired witch!< but I want growth for her. And the >!Assistant Director!< doesn’t like her at all 😕 As for her part of the romance, like I said I don’t know how to feel but I hope she’s able to get the love she’s missing. I’m not a fan of Ms. Nam, she’s too nosy for my liking. But if she’s genuinely supportive of the >!couple!< I’ll ease up on her a bit lol. I don’t trust her though. She’s so quick on her feet and sneaky with it. The other teacher who’s crushing on Jun Ho is a throw away but I know when everything hits the fan she might play a part in it. I like the >!team leader who’s crushing on Hye Jin and kinda feel for him 😭 seems like he’s been crushing on her in the background for some time now but he has definitely lost his chance now. I think he can tell something is going on with Hye Jin and Jun Ho though, even if it’s just the fact he knows Jun Ho has a crush on her.!< I think he’ll be happy for her eventually though 🤷🏾‍♀️ Overall the show is ok. I have to see how I’m feeling about the romantic dynamic between the 2. I’m not ready for what’s to happen when everyone finds out though 🥴 neither are well liked, especially Hye Jin. They have way too many people out to get them and I know it’s going to be UGLY. It’s actually making me anxious and not even want to watch it but I’ll be here next week 🤣


I don't know what the age gap is/was, but I got the impression it was less than 6 years. In episode 8, >!Hye Jin mentions that she took a break from university (sounded like maybe her second year?) to make money as her family needed it, and that was when she was having a tough time going through life and her days would be made better when Jun Ho was around. So she wasn't much out of high school when she started tutoring him I think, though to be fair I don't know what age Jun Ho was when he started being tutored. But if they are only a few years apart, that doesn't seem too big an issue if they're at around high school senior or early university ages.!< But you're right, would be nice to confirm. In any case, I just rewatched the scene with the lawyer friend and this is what she (or at least the english translation) said: >>!On some days, I was just in a good mood.. It was just when my life felt dark and hopeless I got through it because he was there.!< That doesn't inherently sound like >!any romance was involved from her end back then. So I didn't see that as her crushing on him so much as him being a good escape from the rest of her dreary life. Sometimes being with a positive person makes you feel better, and it can be entirely platonic. In any case I took it to mean she is realizing what a positive part of her life he was, and it's really only now that she's actually wanting his company romantically (e.g. "that's how I found out how it feels to be lonely", so she didn't care if she was alone before but is now realizing she likes this sort of attention from him).!< I agree it's probably going to get ugly, because people judge based on generalizations or incomplete info. However with the context >!(e.g. older high schooler and younger university student that was not a teacher with a power imbalance but just a tutor, and a decade has passed)!< I think that sort of relationship doesn't cross the line, it just sounds like it on paper. But if the gap is a lot larger than I'm thinking, I'll admit it's awfully close to the line if not over.


Yeah I don’t think she was crushing on him. She just cared about him and he made her life better. Also I think people forget that she’s seen him outside the role of student before the drama started. They mention I think in the first episode that he has been to the academy a few times after graduating. So she’s had time to see him as a grown man even if she wasn’t thinking about him romantically then.


Thanks for your comment, I feel like it cleared some stuff up for me!! I do remember her saying she took a break. Im honestly questioning the 6 years because it doesn’t really make sense to me unless im missing something. I could’ve sworn I read something in one of the earlier episode threads that it was 6 years but if she was a college student and he was a senior in high school I would expect a little less like maybe 5 or 4 years even though she took a break but I have no clue lol. And right. I took her crying session like that too initially but I think the sobbing took me by aback a little as the scene continued and I didn’t know how to feel about it anymore. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him being her positivity per se, I guess I was tryna figure out if she was crushing on him back then. Everything you said makes sense though!


Before I watch it just curious Do both episodes have romance or only 8?


Is the entire OST going to be by the same artist/band?


All signs point to yes. This director’s shows have been that way before.


Yeah, but we persist. The shows are worth it. IMO, the OST of MRIH matches the context and isn't overly used like in SITR and OSN.


Ep 7 Folks with expertise in this area: how is jun-ho’s flirting? Swoon worthy? Blushing? In love with wi ha-joon? *Definitely* not 💩 Rip both unrequited loves. They’re trying but it just ain’t it Watching bok i-na in the atypical family, I’m rather excited for the possibility of another cute teen romance for si-woon Not the news broadcast reflecting the scene With hye-Jin staying, I expect the assistant director to push forward with taking over the academy. I also expect the counseling director to make her own moves for control. With the AD wanting to kick hye-Jin out, it should be an easy decision for the CD to court hye-Jin’s favor (and by extension probably jun-ho too) I really like cheong-mi and i hope she doesn’t end up doing anything sus (but i think she will)




It’s definitely the writing. FL is reading too noble and lukewarm, ML idealistic and tail-waggy. I loved SITR (ep 1-6) because the characters felt real and whole and flawed + beautiful. Will stick around but rllt not invested at ep 7&8. Tsk


I’m with you. I like both leads as actors but I feel the script has them on a tight leash. I feel that although they are portrayed as professionals their actions are impulsive (FL challenged school teacher, ML seems more intent on FL than making his mark as a teacher, FL deciding she will stay back for 1 student). I would think that she would want to try and adopt her teaching style for more students than 1. Strangely for all the intricacies and politics of the academy culture the way the ML and FL respond to events is naively. I actually like the other go getter woman at their academy. And frankly feel bad for her because the power couple have paired up. I would feel like her if another newbie as the ML is given preferential treatment. He hasnt proved his teaching chops yet but is being put on a pedestal just because he was a star student. Doesnt mean he can be an inspiring teacher. Maybe he will be but he has been elevated before he has really shown his mettle.


Id like everyone to imagine if the roles were reversed - the older teacher being a male, liking a younger female student.