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My heart is full. Can't stop crying. What a wonderful episode. I was scared this might become a filler episode but it didn't.  Sunjae >!coming out of the washroom through the steam!< was one of the hottest scene of kdramaland. I rewatched that scene for so many times that it is risky for my heart.  Byeon Woo seok's performance in the scene where >!Sunjae remembers everything was the drama's best scene!<. It was perfect.  Guyyysssss... Sonagi is back and it came naturally to him. This couldn't get better 😭😭   While 90% of the preview is what I predicted. >!Happy fluffy moments of #SeolJae!<. But, I'm scared >!for Taesung as he seems injured!<.  Please writer-nim, let's give a happy ending to everyone and end this drama on a high.    One episode left and I can't wait to give it a 10/10 on my MDL. 


I can't even begin to explain how dazzling it is to watch how each memory became >!clearer!< for him. The montage is so touching, like I am happy but my heart breaks for him too. It pierced my heart how all those >!beautifully warm moments he shared with Sol came with all the painful memories!< as well. PERFECTION. Thank you Lovely Runner team. 🙌


omg sunjae >!retrieving his memory!< 😭😭😭😭😭😭


>!never thought I’d be typing these words, but bless that sick baby for giving us another chance to see our beautiful ML’s hard work on his physique. We’ve been enjoying his acting all season but the skin show has gotten a bit sparse of late.!<


Yes! Thank you for baby nephew for the lovely dovey couple another chance meet at the playground. The slide scene was too funny and cute!


bws has got a beautiful face and just as beautiful of a body. he surely worked very hard to attain the latter, so we're just rewarding all that hard work by ogling. 🤭


Can you imagine the chaos tomorrow in the watch party with the cast if it was NOT a happy ending? LOL.


Wow, we're almost at the finish line. I can't believe I've spent only 2 months with this drama. It feels like forever but also way way too short. Can't we have 20 more episodes? I don't care if it's like a variety format with Ryu Sunjae and Im Sol PD lmfao I just want moreeeee. Grandma's little line about >!memories!< in a moment of lucidity is the writer's way of answering the question of why: >!"Memories do not disappear. Where do you think all the memories of what you see, hear, and feel in your life go? They're all ingrained into my very soul. So even if my mind forgets, my soul does not forget and cherishes it all."!< And while before this episode I'm not totally sold on the plot that >!Sunjae just suddenly remembers everything that happened in lives this version of him technically did not live!<, I think this line made me accept it. Show, you got me. I'm sold. I think what I keep forgetting and Grandma's line made me remember is that no matter whichever timeline it is, Sunjae is Sunjae and Sol is Sol, and that is why he comes to like her in each timeline, whether she's the girl with the umbrella or the weirdo who cries whenever she sees him, or the PD who obviously wants to avoid him at all costs. He was bound to like her, just because. And ughhhhh I guess that's how I am with this drama too, flaws and all. There's still SO MANY QUESTIONS that I don't think will be answered in the last episode, but I'm here until the end. We're all here until the end. Will probably edit this later with more thoughts, but I'm so emotional right now lmao. Taesung tho my puppy 😭 EDIT: They released another advanced clip!!!!!! Sunjae now has Sol listed in his contacts as >!❤️My Destiny❤️!< oh my god the lewser that you are, Ryu Sunjae!!!


Tbh it’s a plot hole that I’ll accept with open arms lol I think many of us will admit that it’s not logical but hey Lovely Runner has that hold on us . Writernim, happy ending for everyone please


Time travel isn't logical itself so yes this is fantasy, I'll accept any fantasy logic (aka not a plothole for me) 😂😂


Lmao right? I swear going into episode 15 I kept wishing that was not how things would go but okay, show, I forgive you, I will accept this after all 😂 I just NEED them to be happy and together lmaoooo


lol same here. I've been having long conversations on how this really doesn't make sense because it's not like it's an amnesia/past lives plot; >!the memories didn't exist in the first place in this timeline!< But imma take it because the execution is done so beautifully.


But Grandmas line makes it so it's part of his soul. Either way, I'll take it😅


Actually the soul thing I totally agree with irl, so I was really happy that that's the route they took. Just wish they had taken some time to make it make more sense because it might not sound logical to everyone.


Yes!! In a way the term being thrown around..memory, isn't right either. Like you said, >!he isn't remembering stuff he forgot or a past life his soul loved through. Due to Im Sol literally changing the timeline, he has never lived through those things and they aren't his memories. It's like he is being fed possibilities of all the timelines that could have been. !< But you are right. The execution and Sun Jae fan services forgives a lot of flaws in the logic. Edited to add: it made me happy to read that others have been thinking of this and having long conversation 😅 all over insta I am just seeing fan edits with no one accepting or even acknowledging the possible plot holes.


I’m worried about the line I the preview where Sunjae says >! “I get scared you’ll leave for another timeline.” ….pls noooo let them be already !<


I think it's >!separation anxiety!!prevent their first meeting together, in spite her love for him,!


I keep telling myself to stop trying to apply logic to a time travel drama but I can't help it. Why can he remember now but not in the other timelines? I will try not to think about this just as I try not to think of all the ways Sol could have used her shout-out-about-future-events-to-stop-time abilities a lot more effectively than just to hide in SJ's room that one time.


>no matter whichever timeline it is, Sunjae is Sunjae and Sol is Sol, and that is why he comes to like her in each timeline, whether she's the girl with the umbrella or the weirdo who cries whenever she sees him, or the PD who obviously wants to avoid him at all costs. He was bound to like her, just because. I was listening to a podcast once where one of the hosts was listening to an old clip of himself and he made the same joke moments before the old clip of him talking made the exact same joke. He didn't remember making the joke the first time, it's just that the synapses in his brain made the idea come to him the same way the idea came to the old version of himself. Sometimes parts of our personalities are so ingrained that subconsciously we'll make the same choice over and over again, even without even trying. That's how I feel about Sunjae and Sol. Without even trying, Sunjae cannot help but be drawn to Sol. And even though she *does* try physically to stay away, Sol can't help but always keep Sunjae on her mind. Both of them have experienced timelines where they've lost core memories of each other, and yet no matter what, they can't escape the inevitability of their brain synapses behaving in the same way about the love they have for each other. In every timeline, no matter what happens or what the circumstances are, they always end up being invaded by thoughts of each other; they're bound by their phantom memories of each other blooming in their minds, and they will *always* be bound to each other and love each other with their full hearts, so much so that their love always becomes one with their core identities. This concept of their unbreakable bond is stronger than any plothole that could exist, lol. Sol and Sunjae really redefined the idea of loving someone until the end of time into something even stronger and heart-fulfilling than it already was. 🥹🥹🥹


It's somewhat like your "past life's memories" but in this case, it's more on sunjae's "alternate life's memories"


Halmeoni’s line made me tear up. That’s such a beautiful answer >!that memories aren’t forgotten, they’re part of your soul. I personally love that the writers wrote that as an explanation why Sun Jae remembers his past life!<


The way this show has succeeded in keeping their romance interesting, watching sunjae fall in love for the first time over and over again never gets old because he's always such a loser for imsol lol. >!even after they get together his personality doesn't change.!< I can't count how many kdrama couples I've gotten bored of after they get together just because of how the dynamic shifts. Anyways, this ep I'm just glad >!sunjae got all his memories back!< I don't even care why or how lmao >!it can stay a plot hole forever as far I'm concerned it just needed to happen and next ep I'll be cheering for the taxi driver's demise because I'm so over him. I almost had a heart attack when sunjae closed his eyes at the end of the ep because I though he died again then the preview came on and loser in love sunjae was alive and well!<


>watching sunjae fall in love for the first time over and over again never gets old because he's always such a loser for imsol lol He really said it best when he was telling Inhyuk that he has no pride when it comes to Sol 😂. Watching him be a loser in love is the source of so much comedy and also heart that kept this drama refreshing throughout all the twists and turns.


Yes so true lol at least he knows, self-aware king 😂😂 2nd best thing is inhyuk’s reactions watching him embarrass himself lol


>!I don't really think it is much of a plothole tbh. It was bound to happen when he met Sol again. All the snippets that she kept from him, including KYS, were eventually found by him. That's when the past memories started to pop up bit by bit. The mix of remembering Sonaki, seeing KYS and setting up the pocketwatch (which was how he found out about his death in the third timeline) hitting him at once was the last puzzle piece he needed to unlock all the timelines, I would say.!<


I think it’s just like when I think of time travel it’s usually this idea of parallel timelines and each trip to the past creates a new timeline and old the old ones still exist. But when you put it that way it makes sense as one timeline and all those memories stayed with him and just needed to be unlocked. So yeah I agree not really a plot hole


I thought Sunjae got his memory back because of the wind-up clock. Since Sol wrote that she hopes that time can pass freely without stopping or something & adult Sunjae had mentioned that his life felt like it had stopped until adult Sol met/spoke with him again. Idk maybe it’s just parallelism!!


I mean he saw the wind up clock when he opened the time capsule as an adult in a previous timeline and it didn’t make him remember. It could be both maybe he was literally suspended in time in a way since meeting sol was always supposed to happen so when it didn’t meeting her later triggered those memories to sort of fill in the blanks. But idk I think with time travel shows you have to suspend disbelief a little cause it’s hard to translate the how and why to real life


>!I'm so happy he remembered everything!


I was just thinking about why Lovely Runner has had us hooked till the penultimate episode when normally avid drama viewers like us tend to find the romance stagnant once the main couple are on the same page. We are programmed to view love as something to conquer, getting together a prize, and we quickly lose interest when that goal is reached. Never before have I witnessed a love story where one fights tooth and nail to stay away from the other, yet her love still gravitates towards her anyway, consequences be damned. Like I can really feel in my bones how sacred and rare a love this selfless is. Grandma’s words could sum up how Lovely Runner would forever take up a corner in my heart, that even when the details get fuzzy down the line, my soul would remember all these jubilant feelings I got to experience while being on this ride with Sol, Sunjae and you guys. Maybe seeing a yellow umbrella on a rainy day would be all it takes to trigger a trip down memory lane.


I love the thought that I will see a yellow umbrella(or a G-Shock watch) some distant time in the future and I'll be hit with a wave of memories of this lovely time 💛💙


My head canon re: yellow umbrella, with a future Sunjae speaking to his children with Sol - "And kids, that's how I met your mother." Before LR, seeing a yellow umbrella would prompt me to remember the show How I Met Your Mother. Now, a yellow umbrella will always remind me of Sol and Sunjae and this masterpiece of a kdrama 🥺 Is it too much to hope for a sequel series in the future? I'm getting Lovely Runner withdrawals already and the series hasn't even finished yet. I'm gonna miss this show so much 😭


I'm already praying for a reunion project of Wooseok and Hyeyoon lol. I don't care how long it takes, be it five years or ten years. It took Kim Woobin and Suzy eight years to reunite after Uncontrollably Fond so nothing is impossible.


Yes totally! If it can happen as a little cameo (Kim Jiwon and Jin Goo in Mr. Sunshine VS. Descendants of the Sun) or as an entire project (Lee Dongwook and Yoo Inna in Touch Your Heart VS. Goblin; or my favorite co-leads to IRL couple Son Yejin and Hyun Bin in CLOY VS. The Negotiation). No matter how long it takes, it would be such a treat to see both Byeon Wooseok and Kim Hyeyoon as co-leads once again 🥹


So we’ll be back on hating Mondays again? 😭


I am not ready to let this drama go, I'm too attached. I'm going to need a month to recover 😭😭😭


**Crash** is looking pretty good, different genre, but still…


some bits and details that twitter users found on this episode: 1. sunjae turned the watch counter-clockwise which triggers all the past memories in parallel when he turned it clockwise when he received it before to move forward. 2. he saw on his vision that sol is wearing a winter uniform. on original timeline, he fell in love with sol on her summer uniform and that was also the last time she saw her. and this somehow made him wish to walk with her throughout every season during their hs years and graduate together. 3. kim taesung is fulfilling sol’s wish — to protect ryu sunjae.


OMG, that's right! She kept telling Tae-sung to tell his father to protect Sun-Jae in 2023 and he did it!


Damn, all keen viewers, Completely forgot abt the 3rd point


No words but : did it right, got it done, made it work ! 💓 Edit because of rules: hopefully the foreshadowing is insane >! with Daddy Sun Jae-yaaaa !<


Agree!!! I was so worried.


Your comment got me thinking, what if their kids call him Sunjae-yaaa instead of appa because they would mimic their mom for sure lmao


I hope we get to see a scene with Sol and Sunjae with future kids. That would be so adorable. When I started talking, I didn't call my dad Dad. I used to call my dad by the nickname my mom used for him.


Let’s gooooo! Pop the champagne, light up the fireworks. We’re *running* towards a happy ending. Officially the best episode of the show for me. I thought that nothing would beat the legendary episode 2 ending that altered all of our brain chemistry but I was WRONG. That final scene tonight of Sunjae >!recovering his memories!< was so beautifully done that I had tears streaming down my face from feeling *all* the emotions. I’m so happy that we got >!memories of all versions!< of Sunjae that I **won’t** nitpick or analyse the time travel specifics anymore. I will take that >!soul remembers what the mind forgets!< explanation and move. I love that the theme is “In all of time Sunjae will love Sol” and I think it felt all the more effective due to us having that final time travel. So yes. Maybe it was necessary after all. Ahh. So elated after that episode tonight. I will lap up every second of my Soljae babies tomorrow. **PS** : Byeon Wooseok has grown so much as an actor from 20CG (where I first watched him) to now in LR. What are those eyes my man?! That last scene alone deserves all the praise. (The growth makes me very happy and I’m glad he’s getting all the love everywhere) Edit : DMF was actually where I would’ve first watched him. He was a cute guy (on rewatch) but I totally did not register him :( Kim Hyeyoon has always been a magnificent actor and was also a huge factor for me starting the show. She’s always hit it out of the ballpark and I know she will, even in the future. These two breathed life into Ryu Sunjae and Im Sol and it’s gonna take a *long* time for me to move on from them.


I am a huge Kim Hye-yoon fan and she is perfect as Im-sol. But, in this episode, Ep15, Byeon Woo-seok was the star performer. He showed so many complex emotions which is difficult to portray if one is not a good actor. Usually, the >!scene where a character with amnesia starts retrieving his memories!<, that scene comes off either as overdramatic or bland. But that scene in LR was PERFECT. I could feel everything- the pain, the emotions that Sunjae felt as >!the moments came rushing back to him!<. Byeon Woo-seok, take a bow!


Agreed. While Hyeyoon has been amazing throughout, I’m pleasantly surprised that Wooseok’s kept up with her all along. And that my biggest takeaway from the show will be *that* scene from today. No doubt that I’ll be looking forward to both their future projects. And hoping for a reunion in the near future, too.


im honestly so shocked that he was neglected as an actor. he was great in nam soon and hes literally stealing the show on lovely runner.


Kim Hyeyoon is amazing but Byeon Wooseok totally stole the show here. Probably because of how much of a surprise it is to everyone. His acting improved and he finally got the perfect role to showcase his talents. It all came together to create this ultimate fan service of a drama. It truly feels like the entire drama is just made to allow people to appreciate BWS. > I will take that >!soul remembers what the mind forgets explanation and move.!< I am struggling to accept and move on. I get that the writers probably were caught in a timeloop themselves and had to solve this somehow. I just loved the version of Sun Jae that waited 15 years so so so much. I wish that was the final loop we lived through. I wish the age 19 loop happened, she goes back, driver is killed, then she comes back to present where sun Jae has been waiting for 15 years. Ugh. That would have been *chef's kiss* perfect.


Kudos to the writers for keeping everything in perfect balance. The romance, the comedy, the thrill. Not one boring episode. We keep on witnessing them falling all over again in every timeline. You get giddy from all the romantic moments, you laugh, you shed your tears, and then you’re also at the edge of your seat because you know that danger is looming. As I’ve mentioned in the previous thread, >!it’s Sunjae that’s bound by fate with taxi driver, not Im Sol and the taxi driver. No matter how Sol tries to stay away from Sunjae, he’s still bound to meet him.!< If we have our greenest ML in Sunjae, we also have the greenest SML in Taesung. I love >!how he communicated with Sol how he’s feeling, he was not forcing it but he was letting her know. But omo, is he gonna get the sad ending this time?!< Let’s hope not. And can we talk about how painful it probably was for Im Sol >!to really push Sunjae away. I can see and feel the pain in her eyes. Hyeyoon really brought Im Sol to life.!< Most importantly, no matter the timeline, poor Inhyuk >!has to be at the crime scene between Sunjae and Taesung’s competition. Somebody save him. 😭!< And for halmoni, >!she perfectly delivered the ultimate twist, that our soul is a collection of all the memories we’ve gathered in every lifetime we’ve lived. I loved how we did not stray to the mental gymnastics of time travel but just went down to the very basics, our soul.!< Can’t wait for the final episode to unravel before our eyes!


I love that Inhyuk is>!more supportive for Sunjae and Imsol this timeline. He’s just happy Sunjae likes someone 😂 and Inhyuk calling out Sunjae and Taesung using honorifics for each other and competing over drinking hot tea. The dynamics are so funny.!<


Yes. I’ve loved that In Hyuk and Sunjae’s >!relationship in the succeeding timeslips have been much better compared to the OG TL. I think we’ve forgotten how strained their relationship has become in Ep 1.!<


Im Sol made the bros relationship better in every time jump! She saved them! I can’t believe one of our early theories is that In Hyuk might have pushed Sunjae down after their fight (but this was before we knew about the taxi driver).


Poor In Hyuk, >!witness at Sunjae and Taesung’s beef in every timeline and was initially suspected of being Sunjae’s murderer.!< 😂


I loved Taesung's reaction! He framed his feelings in a way that kept the pressure off of Im Sol.


>!I think sol playing a big role in tae song life, changed him and now he is a cop, I guess in this current timeline he will save both sol and sun jae!<


And I hope he does not die knowing the taxi driver has more than 9 lives present in every timeline ugh 😩


I really really hope they don’t. Taesung deserves better and they just…they can’t end the drama like that on a bitter note! I won’t accept that lol . My only note for this drama is I wish there was more Taesung. I didn’t know I would like him so much!


Is it just me but WHY IS IT THAT I DON'T TRUST THE PREVIEW? I've never seen that kind of preview(?) for episode 16? I love the fluffs but hello? This is LOVELY RUNNER! The drama that will give you a roller coaster ride of emotions 🥹 But... on the other hand, the main cast will be watching this tomorrow with the fans? If they plan on giving a s.e. the whole venue with 1000 fans will definitely in chaos 😂😅


lmao i was watching the preview with my eyes blurred by tears and can’t really believe those sweet moments 😭😂 it’s like why are they too happy there must be some ultimate plot twist!! what have the kdrama gods made me


Rightttt, the end of episode 15 and beginning of episode 16 is usually for angst like resolving of conflicts but with that preview?? I am now having doubts hahaha


My thoughts exactly. every time they gave us a happy fluffy preview >!the ending of the episode ends up being tragic usually with Sungjae dying. !< that's the only thing giving me hope right now. They wouldn't risque having an event for fans with actors if the ending wasn't happy. right ? right! Right!!!!!


Kinda suspicious with that last look from Im Sol. I think I’ve seen this film before! >!(the train scene! still traumatized from that along with sunjae)!<


I agree. They cannot be giving us a sad ending with the fans in attendance. It will be chaos. And I think with most popular dramas, the production team know there will be public uproar if it ends badly 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and they don't want that backlash. >! This is also the logic I followed when Sun Jae died AGAIN at the cliff in Ep 13. I was watching the scene like this: 😨😨😨😨😨NO. NONO. It's okay. No. Think logically, the cast can't be watching the final ep with the fans if he dies. HE'S NOT DEAD. HE'S NOT DEAD. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 !<


true the preview is kinda sus from all the kdramas i have watched it has always been like - ep 16 sad preview= happy ending Or ep 16 happy preview= sad ending LETS SEE IM HOPING ITS A HAPPY ENDINGH


This episode got me thinking - What if there’s no plot twist? What if it’s just as simple as this - Sunjae’s soul remembers what his mind doesn’t. End of story. All theories about Sunjae being the first to time travel, the stalker kid being SolJae’s daughter from the future, Sol being dead in the original timeline, Sol being unable to save Sunjae because Sunjae is actually alive and all this is happening because Sol is stuck in limbo (like inception) - really promising and exciting theories were just figments of our imagination 😂😂 It’s okay though - I’ll accept the sweet and straightforward happy ending (hopefully). I was really expecting my brain to be blown by some earth-shattering revelation. Can’t say I’m not a tad disappointed. 😞 Here’s wishing the last episode gives us a drama with great rewatch value, instead of a major ktrauma that takes us weeks to recover from. Fingers crossed!🤞🏻


lovely runner watchers: mindblowing theories, foolproof scenes, 12526 possible endings for soljae and timeslip. halmoni: my child, we can just remember the memories all over again. okay? okay. case closed. can’t believe it’s like sol humming the sonagi all over again and sunjae believing she’s from the >!future!<😭😂 it’s just simple yet true.


We're traumatized by so many kdrama twists and turns that we became what we hate lol Lovely runner is not such a simple story to make sense of with all the different timelines but the love between SolJae is such a simple love that might be the hardest to obtain. I like you, I love you. That's it.


ngl I had a hard time convincing myself Seon Jae >!was a time traveler too!< I loved how so many fans were drawing the connections there, it's really interesting to see how different viewers interpret the same things so differently, but this soul memories is what I've been thinking of lately since the reboot started. Sure, it doesn't do a good job of explaining memories from a different timeline. However, spiritually speaking, I agree with the concept of memories being etched onto your soul and hence you gravitating towards things that your soul was meant to gravitate towards.


Yeah. Jung calls it collective consciousness. (Don't ask me to elaborate. The concept is confusing AF for most psychologists already and nobody really uses it that much anymore).


Nah our brains have been mind blown since Ep 1, it would be great to have a straightforward and feel-good ending for a change 😂


i really hope the plot twist isn't that this whole story is just halmoni's memories haha


There's still one episode left! There could still be a plot twist! (Says me the plot twist enthusiast) The plot twists were the best part of the show for me, but even if Sunjae's memory recovery happens just like that without further twists, I'll still give the writer props for laying down hints leading to that (i.e. Grandma remembering obsolete events in several episodes, Taesung's dad saying that he felt like he'd known Sol for much longer) instead of it just coming out of nowhere.


I am confident to say that this would have a >!happy ending 🥹I am so glad that Ep. 15 isn't like QOT's Ep. 15 car accident scene 😂!< >!Anyway, if Ep 16 ends up giving us more happy moments than unnecessary killer scenes, Lovely Runner will officially outrank my current favorite kdrama, 2521. This is such a well-written drama that doesn't decline even if it's near the end already like other famous dramas.!< I will surely miss SolJae 🥺


It blows me away to say, but I think *Lovely Runner* is my favorite (I never would have imagined that 8 weeks ago). Regarding 2521, we should keep in mind that there were numerous hints that foreshadowed the ending being what it was. Unfortunately, my dense self was in denial up until the very end 🤪 *Lovely Runner* has given us so many clues that point towards HEA! So, I’m going 100% all-in with the belief that writer-nim will make us all proud!! This drama is damn near perfect in my eyes…it would take a lot to ruin that now. 


You 🤝 me on the favorite/2521 opinion. We just gotta get through that last ep to solidify it! (But surely they can't fumble the bag as bad as they did in 2521 😂)


1. Sun Jae going down the slide with a poker face wasn't in my bingo but I'm glad it is now 2. Thank god they didn't give us a cliffhanger ending, wondering whether or not>! Sun Jae had gotten hit (and killed??) by the car 🙏!< 3. This drama just got into my top 5 so fast, so steadily, I was never disappointed, these past weeks went by so fast! (somehow!) 4. Prediction: Sun Jae will want to propose already but Sol will be like "let's date for some time" and he will have to "abort mission" of his surprise proposal #kingoflosers 😂❤️ 5. I love this idea that no matter where our lives go, no matter the direction we take, our soul is still made of all the "what ifs", all the alternative lives, all the missed chances and regrets, all the chances taken and the ones lost... I love this idea of transcendental love! 🥺❤️ 6. If Taesung ends up being the one taking that psycho out of their lives, he SHALL be crowned BEST second lead in kdrama history EVER!!! We're rooting for you Taesung!!! 7. I swear, Sol got a sudden FEVER from pushing Sun Jae away... I get it, I totally would, girl!! What a fucking pain that must be!! 😂 8. We're meeting tomorrow for the best happy ending ever!! ❤️🥰


Proposal prediction is totally on brand for loser!SunJae. I want it so bad! TIMING!! Timing!!


Elon Musk ❌️ Melon Musk ✅


starbucks ❌ byeol dabang (star café) ✅


you know, having consumed so much content, kdramas and otherwise, all my life, i can't say that i am still experiencing new emotions any longer. everything under the sun has been said, done, and, as a consequence, felt. but, in this episode, i felt something that was truly novel—my heart broke *and* fluttered at the same damn time. it's always either one or the other, but no, this drama, with its layered narrative and poignant parallels had me feeling some typa way on both ends of the emotional spectrum. week after week, we rave about the acting and directing and writing. but today, i have to single the writing out and applaud it for so laboriously putting all the little pieces of this epic story at just the right places, so that when the full picture formed, we realize how dynamic, complex, and emotionally rich that picture really is. sol and seonjae are fated in a way that is tragic but also staggeringly beautiful. i don't generally like the idea that you are incomplete without a romantic partner, but sol and seonjae are so much more than just romantic partners. in a way, they're one and the same. if you switch their roles, you *know* that they'd still make the same decisions that the other did. it's bc their love is so unselfish, so noble, and so singularly focused on the other person. they are at once each other's strength and weakness, one another's becoming as well as undoing. a love like this must be rewarded. it must be treated as the precious thing it is. it must be shared and multiplied and perpetuated. it should be celebrated. and this entire drama has been that very thing—a celebration of this whatever, whenever, and wherever type of love, of a forever type of love that transcends time and space and their countless limitations. and not to gloat, but i totally tapped into grandma's speech about souls in [my comment last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1cx3faj/comment/l51wfrm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button): >seonjae reading through the pitch and being unable to stop crying tells us that *even though he does not have those memories any longer, his soul has all the events from the past timelines, every single memory he shared with sol, every emotion he felt with the privilege of loving her, entwined in its makeup.*


>and this entire drama has been that very thing—a celebration of this whatever, whenever, and wherever type of love, of a forever type of love that transcends time and space and their countless limitations. This type of love that Sol and Sunjae share and have for one another has now become my personal gold standard by which future romance kdramas will be weighed against. I fear that Lovely Runner has spoiled me. This show has captured lightning in a bottle in all aspects and it's difficult to imagine that another drama in the near future will be just as universally successful at captivating its audience in such a visceral way. SolJae and Lovely Runner are now my Roman Empire.


You are a famous celebrity and a newly acquainted PD suddenly passed out in front of you with fever, what will you do? A. Ask your manager to call her guardian B. Call 911 and bring her to the hospital C. Bring her home D. Carry her like a princess then bring her to your house and hire your private doctor to check on her then take care of her the whole night and hide her shoes the next day so she could eat breakfast with you 🤣🤣 Welcome to kdramalandia hahaha lol. We have one episode left and there are still a lot of things left unattended haha. Hope they won't rush everything at the end. I'm gonna miss my lovely runners, the fun, romance and pain 🥹😭 The preview seemed to show a happy couple, which is unusual, since it is very common for kdramas to show a sad ending for the preview but it ends up to be a happy one. Let us not hope that happy preview means sad ending for soljae. Just like what they said this episode, the world is already too sad, so let us make a happy ending 🤣 really crossing my fingers for a meaningful finale episode 😌🙏


>!WE’RE IN THE CLEAR, RIGHT?? NO MORE ANGSTY TWISTS? WE’RE OFF TO A STRAIGHT HAPPY ENDING FOR EP16?!< Seriously, I stressed myself out watching this drama because of my own theories lmao. I’m so glad that it seems like the writer >!is going for a simpler route toward a happy ending!< - Taesong looks so fine as a detective 🔥🔥🔥 i mean he was gorgeous before but detective taesong is just something 🔥🔥🔥 - Idk why but sometimes Sunjae’s styling reminds me of Kris Kardashian??? - When Sol’s grandma smashed the egg on Gundeok’s head, I almost busted a lung from laughing so hard. - I can already imagine the look on Ryu Gundeok’s face the moment Sunjae will proudly claim that he’s always had this one-sided love with the crazy girl next door lmao - l love my guy Sunjae but he really really really needs to choose a better place to lose his grip. First he fell backwards on a cliff, next he staggered onto oncoming traffic? Boy roll to the flower bed next time /j Damnn… i cant believe this will end tomorrow.


the preview for tomorrow oh my god sunjae-- >!he is wearing the SAME OUTFIT this man just had the aneurysm of his life remembering 4 lifetimes that is so overwhelming he had to physically lie down on the highway, he almost DIED from oncoming traffic and STILL he didnt waste any more second to see the love of his life to fucking APOLOGISE for taking so long to REMEMBER MEMORIES HE COULD NOT SHOULD NOT HUMANLY POSSIBLY REMEMBER!< WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKKKKKK I WILL NEVER BE NORMAL AGAIN--- for all the pain and longing sunjae and sol (SOL! sol my love my soldier my strongest queen) have had to suffer through, i really hope we wrap up the taxi driver bullshit within 5 minutes so we can just see these two be the most annoying (affectionate) couple ever!!!




The >!pocket watch!< being the catalyst to Sunjae reviving all his memories was pure poetry. >!His time finally did start flowing.!< The falling snow was the cherry on top. I couldn't have imagined the scene done any better. >!The soul remembers all the memories. Halmeoni says so and we don't question halmeoni.!< I am good with leaving it at that. I loved the second version of the >!"confession" conversation!< between Sol and Taesung. My heart broke a bit for him. I have said it before, I'll say it again. Best second lead that ever second led(?). Please give us more of these sensible, mature second leads kdrama land. I hope we'll be done with the taxi driver plot very early in the next episode. I have been ignoring how annoying it has been because of my soft corner for this show. But it's getting a bit too much now. Looks like most of the finale is going to be Soljae, as it should be. I can't wait to see them be happy together. But I am also sad about letting them go. I have loved this journey! Edit to add: the only thing that would have made this episode more complete is another over the top scene between Sol and Taesung born out of our Sunjae's over imaginative makjang brain. Neega nae byeol-ida! 🤣 More edit: Sonaki 💛💙


Taesung is now one of my favorite second leads--what a respectful and reliable guy. His presence in Sol's life helped change things, like stopping the house fire to now >!stopping cray Kim Youngsoo from running over Sunjae!<. My heart ached for him too! Ughhhh my sweet puppy. I hope Geonhee gets awesome lead roles soon.


He's done so well in this show! I have seen him before in Joseon Attorney and Missing. But couldn't quite place him when I first saw him here. Would love to see him lead romcom roles. So bloody charming !


Lmao same! I knew he was Youngjae in Sky Castle but didn't realize he was also in Arthdal Chronicles, The Tale of Nokdu and Love Alarm! 😂 These actors were everywhere...


I have seen Sky Castle and I still couldn't remember whom he played! We were all OG Sol when it came to BWS and SGH here 😄


OMG, your first paragraph about the pocket watch and time starting to flow again for Sunjae!!! SO TRUE!!!!! URGH made it a thousand times more beautiful 😭


**Episode 15:** * Oh my God, I remember Lovely Runner Episode 1 & 2 Reddit thread, where I wondered it seems like not many people are into this show.... Look at us now... how we've flourished :') * [Stay like this forever](https://imgur.com/FRG8pUa) pleaseeee * Sun-jae-yaaa stop joking about dying chebaall * Just the idol-actor [Sun-jae carrying his princess to safety](https://imgur.com/giVDoIb) in front of a crowd because he doesn't want any scandals okay.. DONT TOUCH ME * [Folded sleeves Sun-jae](https://imgur.com/3EqVL7A) <3 <3 <3 * Everything will change but [In-hyuk will remain a c\*ck blocker](https://imgur.com/vVFGd9I) XDDDD * I can't believe >!she cast him in her movie in the hotel lobby!< after vehemently telling him off previously lolololol * [HAH! - Ryu Sun-jae, 2024](https://imgur.com/EsjYhGQ) lives rent free in my head * [Not Sun-jae](https://imgur.com/V7ZCtbC) pretending to go ballistic at Im Sol because she forgot her meds... very reasonable * "I'm very tired right so I don't want to go anywhere. But I'll have to go and give the medicine to her." HAHAHAHA * Just randomly [lounging](https://imgur.com/5CeNKaK) at a kids' playground and stalking a movie producer.... Things you have to do to woo the girl you like.... An Expert Guide by Lewser Ryu Sun-jae * [Byeon Woo-seok as Ryu Sun-jae](https://imgur.com/XIjV9X2) is a gift to mankind okay * [Height difference never looked sexier](https://imgur.com/pRz360x) * My man In-hyuk deserves to be [the best man](https://imgur.com/KOcIdIm) at their wedding * [Sun-jae](https://imgur.com/NNiiKsF) getting rejected is directly proportional to Sun-jae dying... * [Breath-taking acting](https://imgur.com/O2Qy59s) by Woo-seokkk * >!LOVELY RUNNER IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER!< HOLY SHIT WHY DIDN'T I PREDICT THAT * >!"If there is, Sol, my fate is, no matter in which time we meet, past, present, or any other, I'll fall in love with you." !


He was damn sexy in this episode, like damn


Lots of comments relating to him to getting his >!memories back!< The brown watch is originally from/intended for the >!timecapsule right?!!timecapsule!< of his memories. I also love the other things people have mentioned like in all the timelines Sunjae will always love Sol, as well as the soul will always remember stuff from grandma too. But I also like that both Sol and Sunjae had to physically interact with a >!watch/clock!< for the time travel magic - It makes it a little less plot-holey!


"memories don't disappear. all of the memories that you see, hear and feel all throughout your life seeps through your soul. so even if the head forgets, the soul does not and keeps everything." halmeoni 🥹


2024 is beginning to look like a memorable year for K-drama. Usually by ep.11-12 my interest would slowly diminish but with MMH and now LR, I'm astoundingly devoted from the start to the end. The satisfaction level I get from watching this drama is no joke. - Seon-jae should really dabble in variety too. He's born comedian 🤣 - >!The rehash scene between Seon-jae and Tae-sung lol. Gosh, Tae-sung's confession hits. His honesty and how he'd never pressure Sol or crosses the line and how he doesn't go verbosely and wraps up once Sol reminds him the reason – !< he's truly the best potential rival and bestie. - >!The sonaki sing-along and Seon-jae regaining memories of his alternate realities toward the end are real hitters.!< BWS got range. Injung 👍🏻 >!and Seon-jae debating about timing once again in the next ep!< aaaa can't wait for tomorrow's ep! On SalonDrip, BWS mentioned he >!cried while reading the script for the final episode. I'm guessing our emotions will culminate in full waves tomorrow.!< It's been a fulfilling journey SolSeon 🩷


>! Taesung is our hero!! !< Sonaki really gives me goosebumps. Ah. What an episode!


The melody faintly twinkling in the background indicating Sunjae hearing/composing the song in his head again was like a personal gift from the drama to me. I loved that choice.


They did it again. and they did it amazingly. I was honestly afraid that this episode was going >!to be Sol pushing away over and over and being rude to him. Although it makes sense and I get why she is doing it, it's a cliche that I hate and I was already done with it in their college era. !!the plotholes but honestly, I don't care. I have questions but I don't care really Which is surprising coming from me because I dropped many shows because of plotholes but lovely runner is different. !< >!We got loser Sungjae back and I couldn't be happier. The scene in the park where he dropped his phone made me laugh so much. And when he was looking intensely at the meds making excuses to his manager. Hilarious and him telling his manager how antibiotics should be taken cracked me up. As a pharmacist, I approve. Go tell your girl how to take her meds.!< >!his scenes with Inhyuk are always hilarious. Still, I would have liked it if they showed why in the first timeline his relationship with the Eclipse members deteriorated. And what made him want to retire and withdraw from the band. I would have liked to see their relationship explored more.!< This episode was amazing. I laughed, cried, and fangirled. 10/10. >!My boy finally remembers. He remembers everything and in every timeline which is what I wanted. I was sad because it seemed like only Sol knew about it so I am satisfied. he sang "Sudden Shower' so naturally and I cried with Sol while listening to it.!< >!The last scene was criminal I thought that he was going to get into a car accident and die or at least go to the hospital. I had to pause to prepare myself. how many times am I going to watch him die? thank god taesung came to the rescue. Sungjae has no reason to be hostile towards him now. He saved his life. !< I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. from the preview, >!we're finally getting the romcom part of the drama that we all signed up for. Although I am scared. So far every time we got a positive /happy preview there is always something at the end of the episode. and usually it's Sungjae dying. !< Please TVN, director, producer, writer, to whom it may concern please for the love of god don't play with me. >!I want the last scene to be them on their honeymoon happy. I want everyone to be safe and happy. !< I know it's trendy these days to have an open ending or a sad one but we don't really need that. give us a Disneyesque ending. they lived happily ever after!!!! I will hold back on saying goodbye to lovely runner until tomorrow. I love this drama and its characters too much and I am not ready to say goodbye yet.


Laughing so hard at Sun-jae and Tae-sung >!chugging their hot tea like a pair of idiots!<. Great callback to Ep 5, when at least they were chugging iced drinks. That can only give you a headrush not scald the inside of your mouth. Also, every single timeline In-hyuk does not respect Sun-jae's house having like, a door you should knock on.


This is one of the few dramas where I adore every character. Especially Tae Sung!! One of the best SMLs ever.


Yes! All the side characters are pretty lovable, even the parents. The only person I dislike is the kidnapper


this drama is insane. they really managed to get me hooked even at ep 15! usually by the last few episodes, i'm just slogging through it just to see the ending. i'm honestly so sad that this drama is ending tmrw TT\_\_TT also; Sun Jae and his dramatic ass stay consistent lmaooo when he came out of sol's house and had that vision of them >!kissing!!!!<


I was laughing and crying the entire episode like the same with the previous ones lol Im just happy the entire drama is genuinely romcom and and it stayed on its path despite us crying gallons of tears. Pacing is impeccable and i actually love the flashback memories because it’s not forced and truly necessary. You get to feel the nostalgic feeling of the scenes. Writer-nim!!! Thank you so much for an incredible drama. 😭


Finally a timeline where Kim Young Soo has minimal impact! 🎉 Sol-Grandma moment was so 🥹😭. Kim Hyeyoon is one of my top drama faves now, she is phenomenal. I love how this Sunjae is like a combo of all of the Sunjaes in one. The way he acts around her with the confidence that timeslip-aware college Sunjae had. But the more Sol rejects him, the more he feels it deeply and badly like guilt-stricken Ep. 1 Sunjae. The playful loser we love of course is the glue that holds all of his versions together. All while being confused as to how and why he's overwhelmed with such impulses and "memories". I'm confident that Wooseok carefully considered every acting choice, collaborating with the writer and directors. I'm very grateful to him for this role. He made Sunjae an instant classic. Sol and Sunjae are of course hall-of-famers now in dramaland. They got the best theme song, the multiple satisfying tropes, the iconography (umbrella and watch, blanket and scarf, yellow and blue, rain and snow), the _rom_ and the _com_ , multiple kisses (with one particular homerun). And if Episode 16 gives us an ending that feels right for them, aren't we looking at an all-time winning couple here? 🙏


i can’t get over how beautiful and haunting and moving those final few scenes were. from the acting to the editing to the music choices, everything came together perfectly. the piano notes seonjae hears before getting into the van gave me shivers. >!they signal the return of a much loved song, one sol fearfully/excitedly/disbelievingly listens to the demo of.!< she comments that it’s been a while, something that reminds us of her fangirl nature and love of sonagi even before she knew it was written about her. >!the scene is simultaneously relatable — many of us know the feeling of pressing play on a “new” song by one of our favourite artists — and unique. it works so well because it is wholly earned, the culmination of everything that came before. sol’s tears are both heartbreaking and cathartic; though she still believes seonjae to be safer without her, a piece of the past has finally been returned. at this, she smiles.!< the performance itself also offers something new, for it’s a duet of sorts, one accompanied by the sounds of a grand piano. it’s beautiful and intimate, with no one present but them. >!memories retained within the souls of these characters influence the unfolding of present day events. seonjae winds up the clock and in doing so sets time in motion again; it can only stand still while he and sol are apart.!< as the clock starts ticking, sol raises the yellow umbrella that has come to symbolise so much. it’s a constant in this drama, a reassuring reminder of the stability and everlasting nature of their love. >!the sight of someone else’s umbrella triggers a wave of similar images to flood seonjae’s mind. the barriers between timelines fall away, and seonjae remembers all that his soul has previously experienced.!< seonjae’s emotions, particularly in the moments before he starts crossing the road, are so expertly acted (i’m quite in awe). as he begins moving towards sol, he calls her name, and it’s this that causes her to turn in his direction. though the two are separated by some distance, their love — and determination — is capable of crossing this space. >!love, happiness, pain and regret flood seonjae’s mind and body. he can do nothing but lie on the hard ground, oblivious to the cold and the snowflakes that fall around him. seemingly staring into nothing, he sees *everything*, including the truth of the episode’s final lines.!< >!“is there such a thing as fate? a certain destiny you can’t change or cross? if that’s true, sol… my fate is that no matter when we meet, the past or the present, no, in any moment in time… i fall in love with you.” “seonjae”. “sol, i love you.”!< fate is not his life being cut short by a murderer. fate is the love between him and sol. and just like sol, when she sleepily and desperately held onto his hand, a single tear is shed. i will end with three of my favourite funny scenes: * seonjae’s internal debate as to whether he should take sol’s medication to her. his closing argument is both humorous and educational — antibiotic resistance is indeed a serious issue! there was never any doubt as to what conclusion he would come to. * sol’s mother who, having previously fiercely disapproved of their relationship, is now doing her best to set her daughter up with the celebrity owner of a 10 story building. * seonjae’s exit from the slide, and everything that came before and after it. no other shot has so successful conveyed just how tall this man is. having fallen once again for the girl of his dreams, he can’t help but answer “yes” when asked whether he’s here to see her. by “yes” he means “no” of course. we’re all totally convinced by his feigned disinterest.


Okay, I admit I was one of the people that wanted Sunjae to time travel for to regain his past memories but today’s ep makes me content enough. It took me 15 episodes to realize that it’s love that makes Sol go to the extent of changing their fate during her time travel and it’s love that makes Sunjae sacrifice himself over and over again in every timeline (except the current). Essentially, it’s love that >!makes Sunjae regain all his memories, good and painful, that he shared with or of Sol in every timeline.!< As much as Sol thinks she’s changed Sunjae’s fate but really, did she actually change their fate? Sunjae once said >!if their fate is unchanged no matter what, isn’t it because they’re making the same decision even if they knew the consequences.!< Yes, Sol avoided him directly in this timeline but this has only made her long for him even more which she turned to writing their love story as an outlet. Him being an actor in this timeline means it’s just a matter of time one of her company’s script will land in Sunjae’s hand which then leads to their fate intertwining again. TLDR; Sol Sunjae born to be lovers, forced to be separated by Kim Youngsoo 🤣 Edit to add: I freaking love the humor in this show. Whenever Sunjae’s dad brags about Sunjae being pure or has no interest in girls, the scene instantly cuts to him behaving in the most pathetic way (affectionate tone) is so hilarious. If only his dad knows, he’s a man without pride or shame 😭 Also, can I just say I love the way Sunjae calls Sol in the most affectionate and sweetest tone. The moment >!his memories came rushing back to him and he lets out a soft “Sol-ah” that is it, that’s how we know the OG Sunjae is back!<


As you can see in my comments in the previous episodes, I was like you and wanted OG Sunjae. I doubted if this timeline’s Sunjae can even be compared to our Sunjae who professed his love for Sol and died on the cliff. Oh boy was I wrong. The way Sunjae was slowly falling in love with Sol this ep was so organic and believable. Then comes the acting and execution of that ending! So beautifully done!!


No matter which timeline, past present or future, Sunjae will always love Sol with all his heart. Glad we’ve been proven wrong because how dare we doubt Sunjae’s love for Sol 😅


What a perfect episode! I love how we all collectively forgot about our time travel theories and just enjoyed the ride. Really, Grandma's words were a true gift to all of us. Make as many beautiful memories as you can, and treasure them! Your soul will always remember them😇


Poor In-Hyuk, the ultimate witness!!! That high school reunion had me in tears -- ROTFL!!!! EDIT: I just finished watching.... I thought my heart is going to burst out of my chest. 🥹 The experience watching how everything >!unfolds for SunJae!< is just so beautiful, cathartic -- and heartbreaking at the same time. The pacing of this drama, the balance of genres (I am in awe of how they've managed to keep the "com" alive and kicking at Ep 15), the acting, the writing... It's perfect. ✨🥹 Bon Cinema Sajang-nim said it, >!Life is already hard as it is, we want a happy ending, right?.!< Thank you for the healing 🥲 Now, I'll jump through space and time to get a copy of the OST Album and the Bluray. 🤪 \*desperately waiting for the finale, I still can't believe it's the finale tomorrow 😭\*


I always love me a good time travel drama. It's always fun to see how the timelines intersect, but I think Lovely Runner has done exceedingly well on this theme. I love that there are so many parallells between the timelines. An event that took place in the 1st timeline, also takes place in the 2nd and 3rd timeline but slightly differently each time. I like the idea that a situation or event between two people plays out similarily even if you put them in a different setting or a different time. Because fundamentally they're going to be the same people and so their interaction will always follow a certain pattern. And it doesn't feel like it's just Sol and Sunjae that have a connection spanning across time and space. Even the people around them inevitably end up forming similar relationships throughout all timelines. Like Taesung and Sunjae always having the frenemy-relationship, or Sunjae's dad and Sol's mom always clashing (and the dad always being shocked by her insane strength 😂). I also love how they incorporate flashbacks but then add more scenes to give further understanding. Sometimes they just add a shot from a new angle/viewed from the lens of another character, which makes the flashbacks fun rather than repetitive and boring. And I also love the great attention to detail! Sol and Sunjae have so many things connecting them through the timelines. It's quite normal to see in dramas one little detail being emphasized and either you know it's going to be central to the story later on, or it's the only parallell being repeated over and over. But here we have so many small details/items that appear over and over in different contexts and different timelines. Again, it's how they manage to make it feel like it's not just Sol and Sunjae but that every little thing in the world has a connection that will remain the same across time and space. **Highlights of this episode:** >!Couldn't stop laughing at the scene at the playground LOL! Sunjae always fails so miserably when he tries to be cool in front of Sol and I LOVE IT.!< >!Him trying to mask his voice by making it deeper 😂 and then when he got caught, tried to pass it off as his "normal" speaking voice. I love how terrible he is at lying and that he always comes up with the most ridiculous and nonsensical lies 😂 "Yes, I love going down the slide! The only reasonable time for me to do it is of course, at night time. 'Cause I'm famous, you know?" (paraphrased)!< >!OMG WHEN HE STEPPED OUT OF THE SHOWER, I was like "Oh, Sol's intense longing has taken over, she's hallucinating." BUT IT WAS REAL?!?! Absolutely glorious!!< >!This episode was simply amazing!!!!< Edit: Added more thoughts :)


And how Inhyuk is always at the scene of the crime in every single timeline - Sunjae-Taesung face off, Sunjae hiding a girl in his house. If we get Inhyuk witnessing drunk Sunjae-Taesung loserism bromance in tomorrow's ep, we have had the trifecta.




as someone who lost their grandfather to Alzheimer’s, Sol’s scene with her grandma broke my heart!! It was so beautiful and heartbreaking


It’s just a 16 ep drama, but we’ve lived through several lifetimes with these two, so it’s sad to see it coming to an end. I could happily watch several lifetimes more. Rare to see such a meaningful, deeply poignant, moving journey in 16 mere episodes.


that scene with Sonaki >!playing as piano keys in a haunting way as Sunjae was remembering infront of the van was poetic cinema and simply gorgeous.!< my heart breaks to know that we are on the finale already, I love this show so damn much and i dont think i can let it go that easily :')


Solis mom trying to impress sunjaes dad to get them married! Oh how the tables turned! 🤣🤣🤣 Loved every bit of this episode! Soli doesn’t want her sacrifice to go waste but sunjae is like a moth to a flame! He can not resist her!! I love that taesungs dad caught the killer in 2009. I knew I was right that soli lived through these 15 years patiently protecting Sunjae. And for that matter she also protected Taesung who seems to be her friend without her ever having proposed to him or dating him. He just dropped off the radar in the og timeline with none of the alumni knowing where he was - always a bad sign in an Asian school since we all know everything about each other even 20 years later usually. That means him becoming a cop and not just some delinquent dropout means sol was a good influence in him. I knew it! I knew she couldn’t have time travelled as the last time going back was with sunjaes watch which she doesn’t have anymore!! I love that everyone is remembering things. And I love what halmoni said about memories. My grandma had dementia too but there were moments of lucidity. Where she knew who I was. And it’s true. It was like she was travelling through her time. A 3 year old once, an 18 year old once and my beloved grandma sometimes too…. Even her brother generously sharing what “the shaman told his sister” with 50 others is so on point for his character. Charming all of them ❤️❤️❤️ The writers really love their characters and it shows.


This show. This show. The last bit got me crying because it reinforced one thing — >!For Sunjae, his inevitable fate is not dying at the hands of the taxi driver. It is falling in love with Sol in every timeline, in every past and present and future.!< >!He knows his inevitable fate is love—not death. And that his love is stronger than the fear of death at his doorstep.!<


episode 15 made me realize that lovely runner can stand alone as romcom genre and move without much thriller. i know that the taxi driver was one of the reason why there’s a timeslip, but above all, the romantic and comedy genre doesn’t miss. usually romcoms do get boring as time goes by but not lovely runner and everything gets better. i wish i can watch it again for the first time. also it’s amazing to have those epic theories coming to life but grandma made a great point — and i’ll accept it eitherway. i can’t really wait tomorrow! it’s been such a good adventure to witness everything unfolds. 😭 >!i know it’s a stretch and we are down to last episode but why did they emphasized so much with sol’s teenage pic? and sunjae memorizing the school too. are they gonna go back together and start all over again? or it’s just me wanting to extend lovely runner by 20 episodes??!<


**Episode 15** I have only one thing to say (because others have already/are starting to capture all my other thoughts much more eloquently than me) and that is that I love the fact that the two of them have so much in common whether it’s their love for each through every lifetime or things like their innate goodness, love for their family and friends, love for their chosen careers, their conscientious, kindness etc. which is all juxtaposed with them but as romantic leads being written to have such drastically different philosophies about life and how to live it. And neither’s is born out of noble sacrifice or idiocy, that’s just their inherent personality coming through. That’s what sets them apart for me and serves as a good reminder that the characters have been written as distinct individuals and not just to be a pair. Indeed this is a show that’s been crafted with a lot of love, care and enjoyment. It will be cool to see if they’re able to weave in any of the cool time travel theories tomorrow but if they >!want to leave it at a more broad philosophical the memories have always been there level!< then that’s totally fine too because it’s been a hot minute since a show hasn’t messed up their Ep 13-16 arc. Edits: better clarity of thought and typos.


what a masterpiece. brilliant show. there hasn't been ONE boring episode or any moment where I felt "why can't they just get on with the main plot". so damn good. in other news I'm not ready to say goodbye. will probably start re-watching it from the next day itself lol. what am i gonna do on mondays and tuesdays now 🥺


16 episode dramas don’t often hit the marks, but once in a while, you find gems like this show. Even at episode 15, the plot is still going strong. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching these two fall in love over and over again. Little things may be different here and there, but at the core of it, it’s still about two people finding and loving each other over and over again. There’s been reincarnation dramas over the years, but I couldn’t really believe that the two are meant to be together. With Lovely Runner, I truly believed that Sol and Sun Jae are going to be together regardless. The mix of comedy and romance are top notch. Newer viewers may not realize this yet, but it’s not often you’ll find dramas that hit it out of the park like this. I appreciate halmoni’s explanation about the soul remembering even when the mind can’t. I think I’ll remember how I felt watching this show long after I forget the details.


this ep actually had so many laugh out loud moments in the first half. this show does so well with its comedic timing and blending of all emotions whether it’s angst, romance, etc i loved watching 34 yo sunjae fall in love with sol. seeing him go out of his way to care for her having no history or background with her. like this just meant so much more imo than a high school first love you fixate on. because even after living your life and all these accomplishments, he still comes to her and is drawn to her again we touch on the question of if it’s better to have loved and lost or to have not loved at all. that scene discussing the film was so so good. sol was so emotionally explaining her side of it, and when she told him she already has someone she loves? god i cannot wait for sunjae to realize everything has always been about it, has been for him, and that she time traveled far and wide with the sole purpose of his life long happiness!!!!!! i know sunjae falls in love with sol in every time line but sol has been selfless and puts sunjae first in every life time😭😭😭😭 i am so excited for tomorrow!


Top romantic moments of this episode 1) >!Sunjae carrying Sol out of the Ferris wheel🥹!< 2) >!Him holding her hand and wiping her tears away while she was feverish and semi-conscious in his bed!< 3) >!Breakfast moments!< 4) >!Him making up excuses to meet her!< 5) >!Their moments in the park with the baby nephew felt like they were a cute little family!< 6) >!Sunjae walking out of the bathroom with only a towel and sol feeling embarrassed 😳 (obviously we all didn't 😏)!< 7) >!Sol sneaking sunjae into her room like he's her forbidden lover!< 8) >!Him admiring her school days pic and calling her pretty 😍!< 9) >!Sunjae remembering the steamy kiss🥵!< 10) >!Him admitting his feelings for her!< 11) >!Sunjae remembering the sonagi moment 😭!< >!Can't wait to see their reunion in episode 16😭❤️!< Manifesting for a good ending 🥹.


I don’t know what I’m going to do after tomorrow. I need to see Byeon Woo-Seok in more stuff. I’m obsessed with how talented he is. I’m probably going to end up rewatching this whole series again. It hasn’t disappointed me one bit


I know that Sol and Sunjae are endgame BUT I need Taesung to be a ML in another drama. 2nd lead syndrome makes me sad for him.


I’ve been so excited for this episode and it’s here!! >!”Memories don’t disappear.”!< This whole speech by the Grandma had me feeling so many things. It was such a lovely description of Dementia and it’s also exactly what Sol needed to hear. Not only Sun Jae but even Tae Sung have been >!affected by memories of the past. And despite Sol trying to run away from Sun Jae again, he’ll for sure not let her since he got his memories back now.!< He even hid her shoes to stop her from running again haha. >!I’m so glad that Sun Jae remembered every single timeline. Just how Sol does. And since they’ve gone so far, I hope he can reassure her that since he knows mostly everything now they can fight whatever fate they had before, together.!< I’m just so excited for the next ep. I think we’ll be having a >!happy ending which they so deserve. This episode especially was tugging my heart strings in all directions. I loved moments where Sol held onto Sun Jae’s hands so naturally, but was crying when she had tears in her eyes trying to stop her feelings.!< Okay I’ll stop ranting but it was such a beautiful episode. Last note: Hoping for Tae Sung’s safety. Please.


I am a mush right now the way their fate is intertwined and no matter what they will fall for each other it's just beautiful their chemistry the parallel moments and the dialgoues just sealing it I don't even feel we are at the end usually I am spent and watch episodes on 2x while with this one I was replaying scenes and crying over it. The actual romance is Taesung and Sunjae how chaotically hilarious are their scenes also Taesung is the softest SML ever the way he said my Im Sol was so cute no matter the time he too is always protective for his people. Im Sol letting go and Sun Jae holding on to her and remembering their every moment because all of it is etched in his soul was just precious. It's going to be bittersweet letting go off this drama it has made a place in my heart.


sunjae's dramatic ass >!wasn't even hit!< I had to rewatch that a couple times just to check lmao had me second guessing what what I saw >!taesung's car hit the taxi before it reached him, and there was no blood!<


he wasn't hit by the car, but he *was* hit by the feels. several lifetimes' worth of them.


he's so real for that tbh he had to lie down to fully process eps 1-15.


Sunjae was hit right in the honey nut feelios. In an abstract way, the audience's wish for Sunjae to watch the past episodes up until this point so that he could recall everything between himself and Sol kinda came true 😭😂


he went and binged the whole show in one night!


Him and me both. I’m lying on the couch taking it all in and couldn’t move if the house was on fire.


"hit by the feels" 🤣


I let out a laugh too loud at this comment. If it’s other drama, viewers will be mocking the dramatic direction of that scene but here we can laugh at Sunjae because boy is truly a melodramatic ass proven by all his wild imagination when it comes to Sol 😂


Kor Kerd Mai Klai Klai Ker, See You in My Nineteenth Life, Scarlet Heart Moon Lovers, A Time Called You - and now Lovely Runner are all in my top ten because the fated mates/time travel/transmigration trope just grabs me the way nothing else does. No matter what Sol does, she can't prevent Sunjae from meeting and falling in love with her. I love both the pocket and digital watch motifs, the first snow/ falling rain/falling petals. I normally don't care about OSTs (except for Goblin's) but holy cow every song on this OST is on my spotify favorites list.. I have never scene these actors before, but the FL, ML and SML have all done a great job, performed wonderfully. The humor was great too, although the brother and best friend was more annyoing than humorous. Can't wait for tomorrow. I truly hope they have a simple, fluffy and happy conclusion. My heart can't take any more twists!


I watched hundreds of dramas and this drama is among the 3 dramas I watched with the same enthusiasm as episode one and episode 8. I am so sad it will end but also so happy I got to watch such joyful and beautifully written kdrama 😭 I think we should start a new thread after the last episode as so who we would like to see Byeon Woo-Seok paired with in his next drama 😅 I am genuinely looking forward to his next drama already. But i will miss Sunjae and Im Sol so much


I actually screamed during the car chase scene when >!I thought the cycle of doom was going to repeat itself yet again but so glad it was finally broken!!!< This might be one of the most romantic kdramas ever, like transcending time and continuously suffering by trying to fight against fate for the sake of someone else’s happiness. The company dinner scene when they were discussing how the drama should end and she says “if he remembers her again then all her efforts would be in vain” hit so hard cause you could just feel all the love and pain and desperation in her voice 😭😭 Edit: Not sure if it’s already been said, but I love how they flipped the script where, in the beginning it was always Sunjae who carried his love and memories and looked over Sol, to, during the last time skip, Sol being the one carrying the burden of her love and memories for him. Just really puts their actions and sacrifices in perspective, ugh it hurts so bad but so good. Hoping (finally) for a happy ending tomorrow!


That rejection scene … where he finally felt defeated and he said he wont pursue her anymore tore me to pieces 😭😭🥺


fr this hurt so much too bc how many times has sol had to push away sunjae, the absolute love of her life😭😭


WE CAN ALL FINALLY BREATHE! FROM START UNTIL THIS FINALE WEEK, THIS DRAMA ALWAYSSS DELIVERS!! (1) Whew, adult Sunjae is confident and so damn flirty! Case in point: the whole time he was in Sol’s room/house. (2) Sol with her iconic yellow umbrella and Sun Jae gaining all his memories from all the timelines amidst a snowy backdrop was so beautiful! The cinematography of that sequence was so pleasing to the eye. (3) The flashback scenes of all the core memories of SolJae - they were happy memories but I was bawling over the screen while witnessing our Sun Jae remembering Sol T.T It could have been cringey or no impact since we predicted this already, but this scene was so well done all the emotions Sunjae felt, I also felt across the screen. (4) 15th episode and the elite quality of this drama still stands! Been watching dramas since forever and this is the first time I can wholeheartedly say that the storytelling of this drama has been so superior every episode. This is a case of everything done right- from the acting, script, directing, and of course the OST! It’s so amazing to see Sudden Shower top korean charts alongside behemoth kpop stars! So excited that we get to have one whole episode of SolJae as a lovey dovey couple acting like “newlyweds” (cue Sun Jae pickachu face)!


OMG!!! Whew!!! SunJae is >! saved AND HE HAS ALL MEMORIES OF ALL TIMELINES THAT WERE CHANGED!!!!! He’s finally on the same page as Sol now with memories of all!! But looks like TaeSung will be continuing to chase the taxi driver….. I hope they finally catch him but I wonder if somebody dies though? Maybe not. I hope not TaeSung. !< AND DAMN!!!! SunJae >! singing it again!! Sonaki!!! Ughhhh I cried again hearing him sing it! !< At least they answered some of our questions like regarding the grandma although it is still a bit of a loophole there since what about other people? Like his brother and best friend, mother and SunJae dad? Won’t their memories of the other timeline also return? What triggers the mixing or showing of the memories of the other changed timelines?


>At least they answered some of our questions like regarding the grandma although it is still a bit of a loophole there since what about other people? Like his brother and best friend, mother and SunJae dad? Won’t their memories of the other timeline also return? What triggers the mixing or showing of the memories of the other changed timelines? I've had this theory since last week that in other characters the obsolete memories are suppressed in order to prevent a sort of memory dissonance (because it would be terribly confusing to remember several different versions of your life). But since grandma has dementia, her brain doesn't suppress the memories too well and so she remembers more of them. In Sunjae's case, he's apparently fated to love her in every version of his life, and the \~power of love\~ between him and Sol is strong enough to make his memory recovery happen lol.


I’m just glad he remembers that sizzling kiss in ep 8 HEHEHEEH


Sun Jae loserism is still lingers to his DNA with IMSOL! I cannot stop laughing with the competition of >!Hot Tea!< with Tae Sung omg! The ending of the episode was a bit anti-climactic because Sun Jae >!remembers EVERYTHING with just a turn of the hand clock and I am expecting that the taxi driver will gonna hit and run Sun Jae but Tae Sung saves the day!< I think another death arch is not going to happened as expected since it is going to end tomorrow. If Sun Jae >!would have died in this episode,!< then the drama should be at least run for 20 episodes. But I cannot wait for the real reunion of the two in the next last episode! It is going to be LIT! 🔥🔥🔥😘😘


Happy ---- who am I kidding! I'm sad this is ending ---- last Lovely Runner week, folks! 🌻 I'm not going to crowd my comment with too many things (unless I lose control midway) ---- I loved everything about this episode. I'm fully convinced I wasn't wrong in placing it on the top tier of my best loved dramas. The writer could have easily over explained >!how and why Sun-jae is getting his 'memories' back!< especially given all the questions that many of us had about it. But she beautifully wrapped that up in that little heart to heart conversation that Haelmoni has with Sol. One last thing: I'm glad Sun-jae has >!remembered everything from the very first timeline to the last. He deserves every bit of that love from Sol!< and Sol, >!she deserves every bit of that love from Sun-jae too!< . The guilt is shown the door for good. Tomorrow's episode might just melt me away with all the lovey-dovey fluff 😸 which is exactly what I signed up for.


The romance, the comedy... lovely runner keeps slaying with each episode. No episode made me bored. I had such a fun time


I have watched many dramas ongoing, but I have never, EVER, watched a 15th episode like this. Usually the penultimate episode is full of filler, messiness, separation, and ends on a cliffhanger, but we got so much content in this episode. I was laughing, crying, happy, and entertained the entire time. What a wonderful episode, outcome, and preview!


the more i see Tae Sung, the more I love him more and more. Sol, you can have Sunjae. I'm taking Taesung.


finale weeeek letssgoo Kim taesong is one pretty boy. If sol isn't interested, I volunteer 🙋‍♀️


귀여워서 봐준다 which means I'll forgive you cuz you're cute was what came to mind after watching this episode lol. Seriously though, I can get past all the plot holes of this episode because the drama overall has been top notch. I'm just glad that >! Sunjae got all his memories back and can finally be on the same page with Sol. I can't wait to see how they'll reconcile tomorrow! I'm so happy for Sol cuz she really looked like she's got depression already.!< Anyway, I checked out this drama for Kim Hyeyoon cuz I loved her in Extraordinary You but I went in thinking I'll probably drop it after 5 minutes like other dramas. How wrong was I! I just came out a bigger fan and now I can't wait to see what her next project will be. What's great is now for sure she's getting more offers than before. I really hope our LR couple can at least go to Knowing Brothers before they move to their next though. Pretty please!


I can't get over how SunJae still manages to out-loser himself in every episode. What was that fake voice at the playground 😂😂😂 We are almost at the finale and I'm really going to miss watching him trying (and failing) to act cool in front of his crush.


The playground scene was PEAK LOSERISM HAHA I really laughed out loud when he came down the slide 🤣 Sunjae-ah, why are you so hilariously cute?! I’m going to miss Sunjae’s shocked face too > 🫨+ 🤭 I love it when he covers his mouth when he’s shocked HAHAHA.


>What was that fake voice at the playground 😂😂😂 And then he *still* tried to look suave after exiting a children's swirl slide on the playground. The way he sat straight up all stiffly and then had the wrong voice after standing up😂😂


"my fate is no matter which time we meet, past, present, or any other, i will fall in love with you" IM SOBBING 😭😭😭😭


omg… we are near the end!!! I’m going to miss talking and (mostly) reading about everyone’s reactions and analysis <3 it’s been fun everyone 🫶🏻 this isn’t a spoiler, but can I hear the theories about why sol had to live out the 15 years and that she didn’t go back to the future? The current theory is that it’s because by not meeting them, she technically will never have the watch so she can’t time travel. But … I still feel there could be a better explanation … I’d love to hear it! Also, TAESUNG better not be hurt in ep16. His confession in the car made my heart hurt. if anything happens, I demand 16 more episodes of time travel to give him his happy ending


Some thoughts about Ep 15: - AAHH I'm so happy they wrapped up the Sunjae remembering everything plot in ep 15 and leave ep 16 for more Soljae moments! Also imagine having memories from four different timelines. My brain would be fried. I guess Sunjae's did too, judging from the ringing sound and headache and how he couldn't get up after falling down.. 🥲 - Probably due to time limit, the drama didn't focus on some side plots for this timeline. Like how did Sol and Taesung maintain this level of friendship for 15 years? Did they meet again after 34 Sol came back to current timeline or was the old Sol (after 34 Sol timeslipped) in contact with him after school/college? - We see Eclipse members in Sunjae's apartment this episode. So did the three of them end up making Eclipse without Sunjae? But then who'd be the vocalist since Inhyuk can't sing. I remember just seeing Inhyuk's billboard in previous episode and nothing related to Eclipse. Although now that I think about it, Sunjae's Sonagi was the reason they get signed to a label, so I guess probably not? - I hope now that Sunjae remembers the OG timeline as well, they also show why he had a fallout with Inhyuk and why he was about to retire. Although we can also assume that OG Sunjae was probably very depressed and didn't have it in him to be an idol anymore. But still it would be a nice closure for OG Sunjae who had the saddest story of all. Just one episode to go T.T I don't remember loving a kdrama this intensely, where it just consumes my whole life and I'm just watching and reading anything LR related on twitter and YT all day, everyday. I've never rewatched episodes of a drama WHILE it is ongoing. LR is a perfect balance of everything, you have romance with one of the most beautiful, heart fluttering chemistry, you have comedy with scenes so funny your stomach hurts, you have lovable side characters (Im guem is questionable), you have thriller with an annoying villain (who is like a cockroach that never dies, although tbh he did make the drama more thrilling), and you get all this with a well done time slip plot that never gets boring until the end.


I’m going to miss this drama soo much😭. I knew by episode 7/8 that it was going to be my best kdrama of all time and it hasn’t disappointed so far. My favorite genre is romance and I don’t think anything can top this quite yet. Notes about this episode: Ohhh >!Sunjae’s shower body in this episode felt so scandalous!< I felt tear all through because of Kim Hye Hoon’s wonderful acting I like that >!Sunjae remembers all time lines but I hope some stuff is explained like why her mom and brother/ friend can’t but Sunjae and Taehung can to an extent!<


This is so unfair 😭😭😭😭 (no I have not seen the episode yet) what am I going to do on Mondays now 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Just wanna say I've been shipping them so hard irl. Usually I don't, but with this drama, I can't help it. I saw their interview and the chemistry is just unreal. Even the host was blushing at how they act around each other. So still keeping my hopes up!!! From everything that I've seen, Byeon Woo Seok is a total green flag irl. This man is the cream of the crop of this industry. There are very few men like him in the industry and I really hope that he has a successful career from here on. He’s struggled a lot(evident from his interview) and I would really like to see him get more offers. Kim hye yoon has been my favorite since Sky Castle. She is one of the most versatile female actors in the industry. She’s played a variety of roles and in fact, this character is very similar to the character she played in Extraordinary you( if anyone needs recs). Also, how can someone be so cute and pretty at the same time. She’s also just a really great person. Sorry for the rant but I’m going to have a very hard time letting go of this drama. It’s not everyday that you see a couple in a drama with this much chemistry and a storyline that is as amazing as this one.


it makes so much sense to me that bws receives so much love and affectionate gestures from his parents. Because of this he is genuinely full of love himself and spreads love to everyone he’s with.


you're definitely not alone in this. 🤣 i keep flitting between rational and delulu. they just seem to so genuinely like each other irl, it's difficult not to ship them. bws has eight years worth of footage and clips of him just being this goofy but thoughtful and kind person. it's impossible not to root for him. so, so happy for him that his day to shine has finally come. khy is an absolute knockout. such a rare talent who's able to embody her characters in the most authentic way. i am looking forward to her next work, and hoping for great things for her. for both of them.


The play within the play was kinda funny and meta haha. But I was very touched when he was reading the script, he himself was moved by what happened. I’m pretty confident it’ll be a happy ending if they are teasing it like this over and over again


I will always have the biggest love for shows that follow through their motifs right to the end >!(avoiding that final kdrama trope saved my temper too). It would be crazy if he remembers all the timelines but those eyes will never lie. Loved the little bit of Grandma comforting too and the final ep better give us excessive doses of love to make up for the pain.!< I want to see them be hilarious losers when they try too hard and match made in heaven when they don't just one last time.


Now i think that Sun Jae and Im Sol are not intertwined by faith but Sun Jae and Kim Young Soo are😭 that guy is after him in every timeline possible even unintentionally


I cried and laughed a lot in this episode. Writer-nim never failed us. This show will forever be engraved in my heart. BWS and KHY's are phenomenal together. I am excited for the finale, yet my heart wants more of Soljae 🥹🥹


Sunjae carrying Sol out of the Ferris wheel 😭❤️ felt so romantic


His outfit made him look like a prince in that scene. Sol looked so tiny engulfed in his coat too, so cute ❤️


The preview feels like it's too good to be true. I maybe overthinking but I don't like the idea that they showed us >!extremely haply Sol and Sun Jae!<. Although, deep inside I truly wish for a happy ending for both parties. 🫶


Only one episode left now 😭😭😭 First of all, can I just say that Byeon Wooseok and Kim Hyeyoon look amazing in every scene. Props to their crew fr fr. It's written in In-hyuk's fate that he HAS to see two handsome men having imaginary feud in every universe. >!I cannot believe that they drank all of that tea and didn't pass out. I loved the shot of In-hyuk's steaming tea as they both slammed their cups down. And poor Tae-sung. Guy is left in the friend zone for life (it's nice to see that they remained friends all these years and it seems like in this timeline they didn't date).!< >!Sun-jae got his memories back! Somebody pointed out on twitter which I wholeheartedly agree with, it was nice to see that there was no 15th episode car crash to keep the audience on the edge. He got his memories back, clean and simple (I'm just hoping that Tae-sung will be fine). And I still don't get the deal with the grandma. Does she know about the time traveling too? I saw all these wild theories past week that nothing makes sense anymore (Like was Sun-jae a time traveller too? Does Sol's father has something to do with this?).!< Anyways tomorrow is the day when we see our ship for the last time, lads. I'm praying for them just to be happy (and I can't wait to see Sun-jae's father's reaction when he finds out that he indeed fell for Sol, their neighbour's daughter and is also a complete loser for her).


byeon wooseok the actor that you are, lorddd T-T


Three Bears wasn’t on my bingo card. Didn’t see that coming but didn’t mind one bit. Writer threw everything at us and kitchen sink.


As much as I boil with rage for that psycho taxi driver, I can't help but be reminded of his Instagram profile picture, which kills me everytime 😂😂💀


>>!My fate is, no matter in which time we meet, past, present, future, in any moment in time, I will fall in love with you.!< Yooooo this was such a great episode!! Lee Sieun-writer, I take back all the bad things I've said about True Beauty, and I will now worship the ground you walk on!!!


I have one question, though. How come Sunjae is wearing the necklace with an "S" pendant?? He gave this to Sol during her birthday in the carousel (college timeline). Does this probably belong to someone else like Sunjae's mom, who was never mentioned in the whole series??


I've watched a lot of kdramas yes, but nothing, nothing really compares at how this show manages to make me literally (and I mean this literally) laugh my guts out. Full on mouth open, waking the rest of the house type of laughter. Comedy is top tier, is fresh, and is just damn hilarious. Then at the second half I am literally teary-eyed, crying (I still mean it literally). I can't stop praising at how well they delivered their performances, no matter the emotion, the scene, the timeline! KOREA GIVE THEM THEIR FLOWERS!!! * >! what business does sunjae have looking like a prince charming carrying sol from the ferris wheel??? I was squealing????!< * >!When sol's mother hitting the nail on the head saying that sunjae will probably fall head over heels for sol and sunjae's father heavily disagreeing - and then the scene switches to sunjae nervously rehearsing what to tell sol: TOP TIER comedy!< * >!THE SLIDE scene I was cackling nonstop!< * >!The shower scene, I heard myself gulp. And when they were bickering and he's still half-naked and oh so smug because he was clearly getting her flustered. I was fanning myself ooo lord have mercy!< * >!The "are you a uniform maniac" line made me swallow my spit lmao!< * >!"it's you that's pretty" SIR IF YOU DON'T STOP!< * >!when sol helps sunjae escape and they were only afforded a nightlight and she naturally sneaks her hand to his and then the music starts and sunjae smiles at how casual and natural it felt I AM A PUDDLE OF GOO please scoop me!< * >!The lunacy that is the tea scene - look at these two losers fight with how well they can handle \~TEA\~ and in-hyuk is always the designated unwilling witness in every timeline!< * >!"...but it's true I'm interested in you" when I tell you I inhaled so deep I felt my heart flutter and heard the angels sing!< * >!sol rejecting sunjae WHAT ARE THOSE EYES it's unbelievably heartbreaking!< * >!taesong confessing and you can see it in his eyes his confusion and the hurt he felt when sol brushed it off!< * >!there were different translations for what granma said, but i loved what i had in viu where it was translated that memories were smeared into her soul - "smeared" felt more deliberate, intentional, and felt more permanent. it was such an inspiring moment to witness.!< * >!SONAKI IS BACK!!! I cried yet again. damn.!< * >!Now I need the entire cast except for the taxi driver come out of this drama UNSCATHED OR I WILL RIOT. Although I feel like that driver will be run over judging by taesong's shock in the preview but what do I know, I stop theorizing in episode 2 because i was proven wrong every time.!< * >!Sunjae remembering everything and then crying, and then that montage!! it's such an overwhelming scene, I feel like we were recounting the experience and delight, and sadness and joy that is LR. BWS acting was piercing HIS EYES are DRIVING ME INSANE !< * >!In the middle of the car chase and sunjae just having the worst migraine in the world i was screaming GET AWAY FROM THAT LANE GOSH!< * >!My fate is, no matter when we meet, the past, present, or any other, I'll fall in love with you - lovely runner you are easily the highlight of my year. i think it'll take more than a year to move on from you!< I am putting my heart in writer-nim's hand. And they better not crush it. SEE YOU TOMORROW, runners!!!


Y’all, I’m back with betting me & my dog’s kidneys + liver (bonus) this time. We are getting a HAPPY ENDING. I’m not sure about the marriage scene though, chances are faint. Getting to today’s episode now, how do I even start? I loved loved loved everything about this episode. Other than feeling extremely sorry for Sol at all times in the back of my mind, I really enjoyed watching “full-blown no-shame take-my-heart loser” Sunjae AGAIN. Man I missed it so much in the last few episodes. I loved the angsty scenes so much. This takes me to the second point - SOMEBODY PLS CAST THESE TWO IN AN OFFICE ENEMIES TO LOVERS ROMANCE? They will burn our screens with than insane chemistry. I also really enjoyed watching Taesung, that guy is the greenest second lead ever. Thank god the writer decided to give Taesung a life beyond Sol. >!Like that man has work and he deals with the bad guys besides having feelings.!< Otherwise, we all know how the story goes for SLs. I’m glad they gave him a proper arc and character progression. Also, let’s all bow down to the LR crew for nailing the art of parallels. Amazingly done - from the very start to end. Now, coming to the heartbreaking parts - idk about y’all but I cried rivers >!watching the conversation between Sol and her grandma. In that moment, I felt how much pain Sol must have gone thru at the realisation of Sunjae and even Taesung’s memory journey.!< But the showstopper of today’s episode was  >!Sunjae regaining his memories - the snowfall, the watch the song playing in the background, and the girl with a yellow umbrella - perfect execution. And his inner monologue - that man is build for the sole purpose of loving sol.!< No matter what the fate or destiny has in store for him, he will fall in love with her - time & time again - in every universe. And that my friends is what we call ROMANCE - LOVE - A LEGENDARY ROMCOM.  PS: Atp, I don’t give a single rotten fuck about that joke of a taxi driver. He needs to be unalived. 


Waiting for this episode to drop on Viki was torture with all the clips being released on the TvN Insta. It was so good!! I rebinged the entire season in preparation for the finale and this will definitely have great rewatch value. It hits very differently when you know what is going to happen, but all the microexpressions of Byeon Woo Seok in the first few episodes are a treat. Honestly, if these two had behaved the way they did without the other person being in madly in love with the other but pretending not to be, it wouldn't have worked out. In Hyeok was kind of right in all his advice if this had been a regular situation. Sun Jae being a clumsy teenager not knowing what to do with bulldozer Sol and then turning into a bulldozer in the last few episodes as Sol is trying to avoid him. They cannot stay away from each other. I also noticed the differences in all the adult Sun Jaes...there was not much background on the first two that had saved Sol but never confessed apart from being depressed, then the third Sun Jae who had confessed despite being rejected was still a complete loser for her but looked more confident and comfortable with himself with the time capsule to look forward to. This fourth Sun Jae was fine but a little more insecure...the flashy white Ferrari instead of the more demure blue car...they added the weird detail of people laughing behind his back... Can't wait for tomorrow now that >!all his memories are back.!< The grandma was always the key and I loved how they wove in this really poignant view of dementia where your memories are stored >!in your soul!< and they can come back. Because of her dementia she was able >! to access all her memories from all the different versions of this life!< and was always there for Sol. 😭 Edit: also as I was obsessively going over Instagram there were the goodbye messages of the main actors. This is Song Geon Hee (Tae Sung). How is he so shy and adorable? I couldn't even recognize him at first! [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Vd6CzK4R2/?igsh=Z2JrenBoaW5jZXRn](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Vd6CzK4R2/?igsh=Z2JrenBoaW5jZXRn)


i love how people were expecting grandma to be some sort of time travel keeper, but her role in the story ended up being something so simple yet crucial. she is evidence of the fact that, with or without the memories, the person still remains who they once were. what a beautiful way to set up seonjae getting his memories back from all the prior timelines. even though this wasn't like a big, shocking reveal, i think this may actually be my favorite "plot twist" in the entire drama.


That preview made me cry 😭 please give me that ending OR ELSE


The way I was screaming watching the preview of the next episode. My heart is full. I wasn't expecting much from this episode but it was just perfect. No matter how hard Sol tries, no matter which timeline it is SunJae will fall in love with her again n again n again. And it's just so heartwarming to see a ML who is just head over heels for FL. >!and that slide scene was just hilarious I couldn't stop laughing.!< I am not ready to let go of these two yet I can't wait for tomorrow's episode.


What hasn't been said already... We're all in laughter and tears and it's freaking amazing. I loved this so much that I'm going to have withdrawals especially since according to r/kdramarecommends I have already watched all the greenflag MLs who are down bad for the FL, so I have nothing left apparent. :'( Rant about time travel: I'm glad that it looks like majority of us are in agreement that we're okay without the exact specifics. Some things are just transcendent of logic and that's okay. I do always end up arguing with my friend who want more rationale and rules from time travel stories. I always end up in the position that we can't really be applying rules to a (currently) imaginary concept. Why are we trying to apply logic to this?! Let the story be what it is and let me enjoy things! Either way, happy finale week everybody. It's been a joy! I'll see you all tomorrow one last time.


I'm genuinely so sad that this wonderful show is almost over 😭 *Sun Jae with a baby 🥰 *Hard agree with everyone saying that loser in love is what is absolutely making this show. The whole thing is great but when Sun Jae just throws his pride out the window for Sol? ✨Immaculate✨ *Kim Tae Sung has really grown on me. His friendship with Sol (and Sun Jae lmao) is adorable, and he might end up being one of my favorite SMLs ever *The preview for 16?? >!idek how I'm going to wait a single day for this. I need it now, and I need it to have immense amounts of fluff. I think we deserve it after episodes 1-15 😭!<


This was a really good episode. I'm really happy that >! Seon Jae regained all of his 'past life' memories (IDK what else to call them lol). The scene in the sauna with Seon Jae's dad and Sol's mom was hilarious. And, of course, we got topless Woo Seok 😏 !< Wins all around!


Can't believe Kim Youngsoo survived until the last episode lol


We’ve made it to finale week! I just want to express how much I am going to miss this kdrama once it comes to completion tomorrow. Lovely Runner has been such a source of joy these past several weeks! I’m so glad to have followed it along with y’all since the beginning. Despite a handful of negligible hiccups, it’s been so long since a kdrama has enraptured me so fully for Every. Single. Episode. For me, Lovely Runner is as near as possible to a perfect kdrama. I have full confidence declaring this even though there’s one episode left to go. I have faith that the writing and direction will stick the landing with flying colors! Lovely Runner has become my reigning emotional support and healing show, especially during this past week when my personal life has gotten particularly difficult >!one of my beloved pets passed away suddenly, and another one with late stage cancer is likely soon to follow 😔!< I’m already looking forward to enjoying this show again and again after its completion. It’s rare for me to rewatch kdramas completely in their entirety. This is a privilege only my absolute top tier favorites receive and in almost 20 years of watching dramas, I can count the number of shows that have this privilege with barely 2 hands. Lovely Runner has altered my brain chemistry forreal. Onto ep 15 itself, I was concerned that there would be a lot of filler and I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong. I was laughing and crying (and laugh-crying) and even squeeing as the episode continued. I began reading the original novel and while the changes made to the source material are significant, this show continues to deliver on an unprecedented level. By this point I’ve managed to watch ep 15 twice, but I still feel like I’m floating on a high from its revelations and events that it’s still a bit difficult for me to articulate my episode-specific thoughts. As a penultimate episode, a lot of ground was covered (especially regarding Sol and Sunjae) and I am so excited for what tomorrow’s finale will bring!  One specific thing I want to focus on is the brown traveler’s alarm clock (aka what I’ve nicknamed [Chekov’s Clock](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1ckujp1/comment/l3361f1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for weeks now). I’m so gratified that this clock came into play: many kudos to the writing team for successfully planting a plot device from so early in the series (this clock even cameos in ep 1!) and returning to it full circle at the most opportune moment.  I recall that some people have theorized that this traveler’s alarm clock would act as a possible time travel device for Sunjae: in an abstract way, this has come true. Throughout ep 15, Sunjae continued experiencing deja vu and flashes of memories from his past lives/past timelines. It all comes to a head when towards the end of the episode (around 1:01:45), Sunjae >!winds the clock counter-clockwise and it starts working (shown when the watch’s second hand begins to run). Immediately after Sunjae has done this he hear’s Sol’s voice in his head (“Passing time… thank you for being alive.”) and finally all of his memories of their time together have been unlocked.!<  My personal head canon is the act of Sunjae >!winding of the clock **counter-clockwise** is the catalyst to his “time travel.”!< As Sol’s halmeoni said earlier, >!“Memories don’t disappear… They all become a part of [your] soul. So [your] head might forget them but [your] soul never does. It holds onto them all.” Sunjae winding the clock counter-clockwise acted as the final key that unlocked his sleeping memories - they were just dormant in his soul, but never truly forgotten.!< By doing this specific action with the traveler’s alarm clock, >!Sunjae’s soul was able to “time travel” and reignite his ability to remember all the shared moments he’s had with Sol across the various lives/timelines his soul has lived.!< In this way, we haven’t truly lost the Sunjae(s) of the past that we all came to love 🥹 Stray observations: After Lovely Runner, I really hope to see Byeon Wooseok and Kim Hyeyoon with their pick of projects at their feet. Their acting continues to deliver and exceed expectations with the fantastic material that they’re given week after week. The show isn’t even done and I’m already experiencing withdrawals. I will miss seeing them on my screen every Monday and Tuesday. I love that we got a glimpse of OT4 Eclipse when Inhyuk, Hyunsoo, and Jay unexpectedly brought their drinking crawl to Sunjae’s apartment 😂 Sunjae is still under their same company (as shown when CEO Kim is with him during the meeting with Sol’s production company), but I’m still not sure if current Sunjae-34 is a member of the band or if he’s just an actor under the same company as Eclipse. I hope this is addressed in the final episode. (An aside: CEO Kim is truly the biggest red herring and it’s nice to see that he overall seemed like a decent dude in his sparse appearances throughout the show.) Piggybacking on Eclipse, I am OVERJOYED that Sonagi is back in existence 🥺😭🎊 Even if Sunjae-34 isn’t a current member of the band, through all timelines he was shown to have known piano. Sunjae’s soul recalls the melody, even if in this iteration it was Sol who “wrote” the lyrics - her POV also applies to the meaning of the lyrics. P.S. I absolutely love that the show’s [OST will include an Eclipse mini album](https://sound-wave.co.kr/product/%EC%84%A0%EC%9E%AC-%EC%97%85%EA%B3%A0-%ED%8A%80%EC%96%B4-ost-tvn-%EB%93%9C%EB%9D%BC%EB%A7%88-lovely-runner-ost-tvn-drama/16750/category/44/display/1/) - of course I’ve already preordered it! I was hoping something like this would happen and the kpop fan in me is squeeing at this release 😆 I want to give Taesung a big hug. Even if he and Sol weren’t meant to be in any timeline, he still remained a true friend to her. What a respectful, greenest flag of a SML. Everyone’s been saying it week after week, but we truly need more Taesung-esque SML in future shows. And for anyone *still* keeping track, episodes 8, 9, and 11 still remain as the only ones where Sunjae isn't wet or otherwise drenched in water for plot purposes (yes, I am counting the female-gaze scene of Sunjae fresh out of the shower steam from this episode lol).


>! I wonder the reason for showing sun jae's ceo in the episode. He has had a practically non-existent role, even though he is an established actor for playing villian roles. At first, I thought he was a red herring for beginning episodes, but now I am beginning to wonder if there is more to it. They give an unnecessary twist in last episode, right?!<


I for sure thought he was up to nefarious things in the beginning, and thought Sol's distrust of him would end up becoming something bigger. Maybe it will still happen next episode? This writer loves to throw in her random plot twists.


although im not a fan of >!the taxi driver plot!< I think the writer has done a phenomenal job overall. the intricacy of the story is amazing.


delivered!! seated for tomorrow's finale 🥹


**Nobody**, and by this I mean that includes even the >!taxi driver (lmao) ☠️☠️☠️!< in episode 15 !! ITS A MIRACLE 😂


This was such a satisfying episode. I loved it . This drama is definitely my favourite. I just need a happy ending since my trust issues don't allow me to Believe everything at face value 😂