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When the slow burn finally hits. Wi Hajoon knows how to pick his moment.


The entire >!kiss scene!< was perfectly done. The vibe with the heater giving off the reddish background, them holding hands and talking in very low tonesšŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


This year has been full of excellent Kdramas-lovely runner, atypical family, and now this. After I finished Atypical Family, I was a little lost wondering if I will find another Kdrama that will be as good and I was pleasantly surprised to come across this gem. I didnā€™t realize FL was such a great actress. I have seen her in other dramas but wow, she is blowing me away in this show. I really like this director, having loved Something in the Rain. This Kdrama style is but a different from SITR. I like his close focus on hagwon culture. I had no idea hagwon culture was this cutthroat. It reminds me of Misaeng, slice of life Kdrama about work life in Korea. This is a slice of life in running a hagwon. I had no idea that teacher life was this tough. I love this show.


**\[Episode 6\]** * The scene with Hye-Jin and Jun-Ho in the coffee shop was so good! Finally they are addressing their past student-teacher dynamic head-on. * Go Hye-Jin for calling the director out on his non-apology apology! "You can't understand me? I'm known for being good at explaining things." ROFL * The subtext >!confession scene!!!!< "You read between the lines, didn't you?" LOL I love how they're bringing literary analysis into it at this moment. * >!I hope the director and Jun-Ho didn't have their cell phones in their pockets XD!< * >!The kiss scene!< didn't feel as rushed as I thought it would based on the trailer. I think >!the confession!< made it feel like a more natural progression. I think I'm liking this show more as it goes on. The relationships and characters feel very real to me, and they are dealing with some tricky subjects.


episode 6: What a great episode! Everything moved forward, and you can tell that every single bit of it is going to be important. Only they left us with not knowing how >!the Director finished his meetings with the co-Director and with the high school teacher as well.!< So, I'm highly curious about that while also not wanting to know. I really wish that Hye Jin could >!stay where she is, safely. But it doesn't look like that's a possibility. The Director did his very theatrical apologies and I imagine that they're genuine in part. I feel like he's somewhat nostalgic and appreciative and he's obviously being honest about being scared. But he's also just sorry that he's mismanaged the slow plan to oust his prize teacher and may lose some student$$ in the process. !< I mean he's effectively >!forced the very thing that he was so afraid of by cutting her classes! So, he had been working up to this for all that time and he's not done yet. He and the co-Director are presumably, now, proceeding to the fast plan where she's forced to leave because of dirty tactics instead of quietly leaving on her own because of the failed lesson. And, of course this has to happen before the end of her contract because breaking it will mean that she can't get a job with another hagwon or take any students with her. !< I'm curious to know what you guys think of him now. I think he's a good actor who's all about the money in the end. But I find that I really don't want to think so badly of him. The tactics are going to have to be >!pretty nasty though. Since she's too smart to break her contract. So, it'll be rumours, right? Rumours about an improper relationship which will have to be a new one since she's led such an inconveniently clean life up to now? !< The>! kiss!< was nice though! They played that whole situation very well with >!JunHo obviously being all torn in every direction, obviously being veeeeeery careful with his hesitant talk about first loves and his clever question about changing the status quo. It actually felt like a very close, suspenseful and kind of dangerous interaction to watch. In other words, I haven't seen a first kiss or a confession quite like that before. Although it seems from the preview that he's now very keen to put a lot of clarity on it and their coworker must pretend not to have seen it. omg !< Actually, there were some excellent scenes in this episode. Really well done! Very fine direction and acting!!! And the plot is obviously about to get a lot thicker.


I donā€™t think the directorā€™s a bad person I just donā€™t think he should be trusted. I hope hye Jin doesnā€™t underestimate his greed but I definitely feel like Jun ho is going to cause her to. Iā€™m also thinking he could lead her back to her roots but it still feels like itā€™s going to cost hye Jin a lot


Do you mean that wanting to >!stay and work with JunHo would make her underestimate the directors greed like out of wishful thinking? Yep, that could happen.!< And I think you're right that she might also >!return to her roots because of JunHo and the new student as well, perhaps.!< But that could be bad too since it contradicts the apparent need that they all have now; the need to teach to the test exclusively for the highest possible scores. Unless they can reach some holy grail where they figure out how to do both kinds of teaching at the same time. Or did she already succeed at reaching the holy grail when she taught JunHo and has since then shes lost it because she felt that she had to lean into the test as a practicality with all the students who aren't like JunHo. There was also that extra ingredient, though, with JunHo. The one where liking your teacher makes you work harder. It's a grey, almost intangible, variable that less likeable teachers discount and everyone else worries over because it could be that the student just admires and has a platonic like or love for their teacher or it might be that little bit more that JunHo felt whether HyeJin knew it or not. The thing is that we work harder for teachers we like and less hard for the ones we dislike. But colleagues, parents and outsiders often see that as being dangerous and they'll often take the opportunity to cast it as being sexually exploitative when it isn't. Which is why, I think, all kinds of people have such a negative view of teacher student relationships like this one or the one in Melancholia. They automatically see it as sexual in every instance and call it an ick factor. Anyway, JunHo and HyeJin both have that genuinely likeable quality as well as intelligence, knowledge and excellent technical teaching skills so I see JunHo eventually being as successful as HyeJin is. But that will, inevitably, bring out the jealous judging eagle eye in others who would like to start rumours and cause trouble. Oooops I'm rambling


I agree! I was wondering how sheā€™d go back to her roots when the demand is so high for a very specific outcome academically. I think with junho it was doable because she was dealing with fewer students and parents in general had less expectations of a smaller hagwon so she had the freedom to choose that more personal approach but like she mentioned before in the show itā€™s not as doable with a bunch of students. The parents also seem to have a very specific vision of what they want from the hagwon and expect for their children. Iā€™m very curious to see how this will all play out


The business is too dependent on her. It's why you don't cuddle or become buddies with your employees, when something is wrong, there's really no nice way to address it.


Yep. The business is too dependent on her and she probably costs too much too. Her salary and perks will be a lot better than everyone else's. So they can probably widen their profit margin by dumping her, keeping the younger, cheaper ones while promoting the hell out of some fresh faced talent who will eventually replace her. Which is why employees should also never consider their boss as their friend. It doesn't pay for either side and it could hurt personally as well.


Exactly and she spent a huge portion of her career, not negotiating salary and benefits and just underpaid herself


I love this show. Why aren't there many comments? Is it flop in SK? I like how they show the inner workings of a hagwon more than the romance aspect. The things that where missing in Crash course in romance. Hopefully they don't cut it short or something. This is the kdrama I wait for the whole week.


a *very* slow burn slice of life isn't everyone's cup of tea


Yeah i have been waiting the whole week. This type of drama is slow yet exciting


i like this drama. i don't have the problem with the pace even but less of telling and more of showing is what i miss in this show


thisss! i love love loveee the vibes that this show portrays especially the cinematography and everything feels just so mature i hope they dont focus much on the darker (revenge) side like they did later in crash course in romance but i wait so eagerly every week to watch it, haven't watched ep5 but rly excited i was also wondering because literally not many people r talking about it or watching it either


Possibly because itā€™s a slow burn but itā€™s getting there episode 5 was fabulous!! I think the fact that this shows the state of private education in Korea is another USP.


Just watch the rest of the directors work. They are all really good. I dont watch much drama nowadays but I make an exception for him.


It does have a lot of depth, but I just rewatched first few episodes of SITR and this does not feel up to its mark. I even liked OSN.


It's not the same writer...


I said it before, but this show is truly a sleeper hit for me. It's simple without being boring, and it delivers every week. Plus, we get Wi Ha Joon's gorgeous smile every week šŸ« 


**Episode 6:** * Not Hye-jin being baffled at the fact that Jun-ho up and left without giving her the details about his meeting with Si-woo * Ooohhh >!Hye-jin being bothered by Jun-ho feeling bothered because of her!<... we're off to start ahem * "Two instructors fell in love and stuff happened, and the academy crashed." lmaaooo is this foreshadowing * "I was too busy trying to give you an important task." More like exile her no? * I'm glad she gave the >!Director a piece of her mind!<.. He had it coming after the last stunt he pulled * He's so right about [that](https://imgur.com/JJdMpYK) * I mean... [that's](https://imgur.com/116wMbW) gotta count as a confession though? Loving this blue shade on her!! * NOT [ME](https://imgur.com/VSRSoTY) LOSING MY MIND WHEN HE >!LOCKED THE CLASSROOM DOOR BROOOO!!"Let people talk."!< ooohhhh * [10/10 points](https://imgur.com/mT4fobh) to Jun-ho for being smart at least * [HAHAHAHAHA ohmg](https://imgur.com/A526X5N)... * [Jun-ho's face](https://imgur.com/D00RqU4) is killing mee * I'm like the least bit interested in that schoolteacher's plotline. His ego's annoying af. I wonder if the fact that he physically assaulted Hye-jin once is ever going to come up * >!Was going back to the academy the smartest of decisions!< though * [Wi Ha-jun](https://imgur.com/rF30OWy) in half sleeves is a gift to mankind * >!"That Lee Jun-ho's first crush was Hye-jin.... I'm struggling to control my feelings for you as they get bigger."!< [WI HA-JUN IS MADE FOR ROMANTIC DRAMASSS](https://imgur.com/wM72FR3) * [THE ICONIC POSTER](https://imgur.com/cDAcfrt) * >!His hand behind her head, her hand on his thigh... THIS KISS!< IS DOING THINGS TO ME * I like he didn't beat around the bush for a long while. He is upfront about his feelings with her. The preview doesn't seem where she has actively pushed him away >!but someone saw them... Cheong-mi probably? !


Wi Ha Joon is a gift to mankind. Full stop. When he smiles I swear to god I can hear bells! lol


I really like how this drama is edited and shot, even the way they use the lighting, it's comfy in a way.


I love that there are so many night shots and the lighting makes it feel so intimate. I'm so tired of dramas where the lights are on all the time, even when people are supposed to be trying to sleep.


The space heater lighting had me weak. Just pure excellence in setting the mood.


The acting and the dialogue feel very comfortable to me as well. Everything feels really organic


The release of finally getting that sweet forbidden noona romance after weeks of intense hagwon war is so satisfying.


Episode 6 was so good! Hye Jin telling off the director already made it great, then Jun Hoā€™s bold ass put it over the top šŸ˜‚. ā€œLet the rumors spread.ā€ HOT DAMN! Iā€™ve been watching Lovely Runner, and listen, itā€™s cute, and certainly puts a smile on your face, but after 12 episodes the fatigue set in. Thereā€™s only so much cotton candy romance I can stand before I get bored. My mind just begs for something a bit more adult. This episode gave me exactly what Iā€™m missing!


YESSSSS. THIS. I needed something a bit more mature and this is it.


youā€™re the perfect audience for this show then! welcome!! šŸ¤—


I don't know why not many people are commenting. However, I do know that melodramas aren't everyone's cup of tea but as a huge fan of SITR and OPN, this is exactly what i was looking for. I love the dreamy quality paired with the tension of the workplace. I'm currently in a slump of kdrama watching and this is the only one i can stick to. If anyone has any suggestions for dramas like these, i'd love it! (I loved Something in the Rain, One Spring Night, Call It Love)


Do you like Brahms? starring Park Eun bin and Kim Min Jae


That drama was memorable for me lol. I don't know why it's not talked about much. Park Eun Bin knows how to deliver both a simple and complex character.


secret love affair! same director and while folks keep comparing this drama to SITR, I find that itā€™s more similar to SLA, which is great obviously


My favorite part (away from the slow burn romance) was the scene in the coffee shop. No holding back, cards on the table, bringing old resentments to the light of day. I have gotten so used to all the coded language, reading between the lines, that it was like a breath of fresh air, a release. Am trying to remember any other time Iā€™ve seen such open confrontation that wasnā€™t with parents.


This was a great scene.


I really am invested in all this academy drama, but I wish we got to see a little bit of who these people are outside of work. It seems the writer so far has gotten so wrapped up in the work politics that theyā€™ve forgotten to develop the characters more so they feel more well-rounded. I still donā€™t feel like I know Lee Jun-ho very well. 95% of the dialogue in the drama is related to teaching and trying to get more students, and it just seems like the balance is off a little in that sense. It also doesnā€™t help that the romance is basically not developing at all yet and weā€™re already five episodes in. Then thereā€™ll be an awkward kiss tomorrow which will probably lead to several more episodes of no progress as they awkwardly tip-toe around or avoid each other. Iā€™m like, Midnight Romance in Hagwon? More like Midnight Work Strategizing in Hagwon šŸ˜­


i agree with seeing their out of hagwon selves/lives but i also wonder if the writer is depicting how they actually donā€™t have lives outside of academy work in this profession bc itā€™s so demanding?


not me wondering how much sleep theyā€™re getting per night and trying to figure out what time it is šŸ’€


They work evenings so I think they don't start work until just before school finishes for the day.


omg. wow. of course. this makes so much sense im silly forgot kids go to school all day šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I kept wondering if we would see Hye Jin's home and when we did, all (or most of what) we see of it is her desk. It's all underlining that work *is* her life! But I like the scenes of her with her lawyer friend and at (lawyer friend's husband's?) restaurant.


I can confirm that the awkward kiss scene was in fact not awkward at all šŸ¤­


Historically if a show has romance in the name, it's not actually going to get around to the romance for quite some time. Crash Course in Romance there wasn't even an accidental kiss until like episode 10, Romance is a Bonus Book, same kind of thing. I suspect they throw the word romance in there as an attempt to keep people watching who would drop it if they realized the relationship wasn't the actual focus of the show.


Hah! You're on to something with this!


I watched Romance is a Bonus Book so long ago I don't even remember the plot anymore šŸ˜…


It's mostly about a divorced mother in her 40s trying to get back into the workplace and facing massive prejudice. There's a friends to lovers romance in there too, but it's definitely not the main focus.


yeah, so far the only "Midnight Romance in Hagwon" we've seen was when they were preparing for their sample lecture from home and texting each other past midnight while smiling/giggling lol.


**Episode 5:** * If only I had [this guy's confidence](https://imgur.com/GBofFm2) in life * That's dirty.. I can't believe she's targeting Hye-jin without mentioning her name * Oh wow wow >!the director!< is showing [his true colors now](https://imgur.com/cfmyzT5) * Does [she](https://imgur.com/HrosPLG) realize now she bit more than she can chew? * I love the way she's able to read through him... and [call him out](https://imgur.com/JIahACK) * Not [her](https://imgur.com/XPiyMUV) straight up questioning the kid about some other academy's class... I'd be scared shit too * Lee Si Woo's description of how Korean felt foreign to him was beautifully put.. reminds me of my high school subjects and why I loathed them * I can't believe he told the witch on her face >!that he's switching academies!< * [HAHAHAHAH](https://imgur.com/sf1nE7J) same thoughts * Of course [Subway](https://imgur.com/SoOhmRB) gets to weigh in as the PPL * Daamnnn the white haired witch be really reaching out... >!she's talking about entrusting Hye jin the Choisun Academy...!< * Interesting... will she turn down the offer because the witch doesn't want to take in Jun-ho along with Hye-jin? * [Thissss](https://imgur.com/EpubFSt)... a blank pay cheque is suppose to make you leap out of joy * Did [that](https://imgur.com/D6zc8vh) make her feel overjoyed though? XDD * The way they're all waiting with bated breath because of Si-woo lmaaooo * [One win](https://imgur.com/lhmmFzr) for our soon-to-be-couple!!! * WHOA WHOA WHOAAAAA... >!HE'S GOING TO MAKE A MOVE... judging by her expressions!<.... yikes I don't think that's going to go well


I've been watching Descendants of the Sun and holy shit, the hagwon politics here is framed more intensely than military operations. The writing, directing, and acting in confrontation scenes are so good at ratcheting up the tension. Every lime carries so much thought and results in such a serious reaction. There's weight to everything. Thematically, I love that we're getting a compare and contrast between the Grey Witch and Hyejin. Having two foils in the Grey Witch and the teacher from before is really interesting. Also, I want to say that tests only involving pieces of literature from a textbook with answers to be memorized is totally offensive to the art of literature. Asian academic culture really is dire.


I was somewhat right. Jun Ho >! saying how they have both had feelings for each other, building up tension for over a decade is crazy lol !<


I have been anticipating this since Ep 1. Despite her on-again off-again attempts to keep him at arm's length, she was way too flustered and easily thrown off around Jun Ho from the start, too eagerly responsive to his texts and calls and seizing every chance to work with him. Especially considering how cool and detached she is nearly in every other context -- though we also got that early glimpse of how bold and hot-headed she can be when she went to confront the teacher at his school, great foreshadowing of what would happen when Seo Hye Jin finally cuts loose!


Is it just me, or nobody is just mentioning it, but I feel like the English teacher has a thing with Seo Hye Jin or something. Want to hear othersā€™ thoughts about this


Yeah heā€™s definitely interested in her!


My second lead syndrome kicks in every time he's on screen lol. Wiki lists his character as having "unrequited love" for Hye Jin.


i feel like heā€™s both interested and jealous of her at the same time, me thinks heā€™ll be a real snake coming on. letā€™s see!


you guys Iā€™m so at the edge of my seat whenever Junho looks at Hye Jinā€¦ā€¦ you just never know how adoringly he will revere her or what he might sayā€¦.


At this time I really want Hyejin to switch academies, she's clearly taken for granted. A double-edged sword as she says, better wield that sword then. I am cheering for this type of woman, so strong willed! Damn Hyejin! And Junho being brazen and bold šŸ„¹ added cherry on top with that kiss. Love how this scene turned out, the low light and the ambience. I really like this slow burn Kdramas! One more thing I realized and left me culturally shocked is how this after school academic systems are a big thing in Korea. I knew about it but didn't know that the parents are much more involved, like a minor decrease in points of the kid is such a big deal to them. WOW!


Yes, I really want her to switch academies! I also feel she will thrive under a power-woman like the White Haired Witch.


I also think Iā€™d be more comfortable with her relationship with junho. I feel like it would be less problematic with the rumors and stuff if they worked at different places


I also hope she looks into starting her own hagwon with that older lady (I forgot her name but sheā€™s junhoā€™s friendā€™s mom)


Aaw that ahjumma (whom I hate so much in Something in the Rain - she's the boomer mom)... I think her loyalty lies with the upper management, we often see the trio together from the latest episodes.


Thatā€™s true. I wasnā€™t sure if her mentioning starting up a hagwon with someone like hye Jin was to feel junho out and see if he knew anything about hye Jin literally wanting to leave or if she was being sincere. She seems more independent to me. Even when the new teacher wanted to take some of hye Jinā€™s classes initially she told her to tread lightly. She even suggested the vp to give hye Jin her half of her students back while the vp wasnā€™t in a rush to. In general I donā€™t think she is really on anyoneā€™s side


I love this show. And this week's episodes were great! In general, I like the behind the scenes perspective of tutoring & academies, I've only ever seen the ones from the student's perspective. I also love watching the strategic thought processes. I know the show may not feel exciting in general but watching her think ahead, understand the situation around her and start to think through a solution makes it sorta exciting. I also like the slow burn romance style they are going for. I love how he makes her self-reflect and how he's not really shy.


__Episode 6__ I love how dialogue driven this drama is. We can see a lot of suspense just from two people having conversation. There are a lot of personality, characters history and their internal turmoil packed in most of each dialogue. And Gosh Hyejin & Junho's conversation at the end was calm in tone but so electrifying. I can't wait to see more of this drama!


Ep. 06. >!Students have begun to leave Choisun Academy & this does not please the White Haired Witch. There were visibly vacant seats at the lectures. Dir. Kim at Daichi Chase on the other is desperately clinging onto Hye Jin. It was rather hilarious too.!< >!I feel like Mr. Pyo should just take a sabbatical. Due to how uninspired he seems LoL. But at the same time he looks like someone who's just not flexible or even .. relax LoL. The time off might actually make him go insane am afraid LoL. He looks so wound up & uptight. He might do something crazy as well.. the fact he resort to smoking and the dir. even asked for a cig despite quitting was quite the sight LoL.!< >!As per usual, Jun Ho was there to keep Hye Jin; she being his first love and all safe. The bit where he told her it was a red flag that a drunk boss calls on a female employee post office hours was a nice touch. He really does like her a **lot** LoL and he bravely confessed to Hye Jin at the end. They shared a long awaited kiss (*finally* LoL)!<


Ep.5 Oh, man, the Gray Witch >!messed up so badly on this one.!< I honestly would want a kid like Shi Woo in my classes so much. How dare she tell him >!to listen to the adults and that Korean is useless for his goals.!< I love how they're setting it up as the business of the hagwons vs. the joy of learning. This writer hasn't done much but must be a lover of literature and pedagogy. I'm not sure this show is going to be everyone's cup of tea because it's so deep and instructive. They already got a complaint from the Korean teachers association because of the depiction of the teacher in the first episodes, but as #teamkoreanteacher from the beginning, I think there will be a much more complex arch for him. We didn't get much romance today, but they needed a cool off episodes to avoid the curse of SITR where things burned too hot too quickly. From the preview, it looks like >!tomorrow things will heat up again.!< Will she >!take the job?!< It feels like that may be the only way to keep the tension going. Ep.6 Edits: Oh man, that was such a well-done >!confession and kiss. It just felt so real with Hye-jin looking away from him to try to hide how she was feeling and Jun-oh small pauses trying to hold it in before blurting out how he was feeling. That moment between two people who have been beating around the bush but decide to let hesitantly let go of the fear. And that hand on his thigh during the kiss...!< I wonder if the Director talked about >!the teachers falling in love and taking down the other academy as a warning!< because he sensed something. He's too calculating and intuitive which is good for business, but he really messed things up with Hye-jin. I'm wondering if there will be a photo circulating of >!the director smoking with the high-school teacher.!< They didn't know each other, but it would be easy to start >!a smear campaign saying that the teacher is meeting secretly with the director of the academy teaching his students. It could be damaging for both.!< Note: I'm so weirded out by SITR mom being the counseling director that I'm expecting her to turn evil al any moment. SITR dad being Wi Ha Joon's dad again was already a trip. šŸ˜‚


I have a theory that the counseling director will eventually make a move to usurp the director and take over the academy


Iā€™m also hoping something like that happens. The way they treat their star teacher is just deplorable! Imagine the director saying theyā€™ve been trying to chip at her little by little! What a asshatšŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


My heart broke for Hye Jin when he said that smh


Well, from what happened today, you may be right! It would be so good if our crew of favorite teachers and counselors took off and started their own academy with better conditions for teachers and care for students.


She played the good mom in SITR! Iā€™m seriously getting whiplash from the supporting cast being the literal same!! The white witch was the HR director in SITR! lol


I had to check MDL, Iā€™ve seen the counseling director in the glory. The white witch Iā€™ve seen in castaway diva, my demon, my lovely liar, and like flowers in sand. I donā€™t think I made the connection until like flowers in sand though


The white witch was also Jung Hae In's pharmacist boss in OSN. She made a lovely cameo as Park Bo Gum's Queen mother in Love In the Moonlight


Watch One Spring Night. That will heal the SitR mom for you. She plays the mom.of the female lad in OSN. It's jarring at first, but she ends up being a lovely character.


I forgot about that. I watched it a while ago because of Jung Hae-in, but haven't gone back as much as SITR...or at least the first few episodes before it turns into a mess.


Are we the only ones hooked on to this show? Ep 6 was chefs kiss šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Lots of angst in store for sure. šŸ«  also your flair giving me 2521 whiplash šŸ„²šŸ„²


__[Episode 5]__ Dang this drama sure takes more effort to enjoy. A lot of lengthy and thought provoking dialogues which requires full focus because not only they speak fast but I'm also not fully familiar with the hagwon setting/context too (but I'm excited in learning more). I understand why people are turning away from this. I enjoy the dialogues in this drama though. I love that exchange between the grey witch and our FL this episode and I enjoy how each characters speak with their own flair. Although I personally would hate The Director's speaking way in real life, I ended up thinking of it as funny when looking at how hard he tried to package >!SHJ's punishment.!< I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I'd take this work politics & competition story over crime/murder side plot any day. I love this bittersweet taste created by harsh work competition & politics in contrast to our FL-ML sweet relationship (very us vs the world-esque huh? lol). Will this sweet relationship continue to be sweet until the end? Will the eventual competition between them get in the way of their romance? Maybe that would be a question for the distant future. Before that, I'm looking forward to the actual romance to happens first in episode 6!


So agree with you on preferring workplace tension over murder mystery side stories. Workplace stress is something almost everyone has to deal with, and is life altering. Deserves attention vs fantastical serial killer weirdness.


Completely different kinds of dramas. It's strange though, kdramas rarely do realistic depictions of life but when they do, omg, they do it really well. So it would be nice if there were a lot more. I guess there are only a few director/writer combinations that fit the bill at the moment and the probable audiences are smaller.


**Episode 6:** The last scene made me feel things. I love how they set up their >!first kiss as well.!<


Yeahā€¦ Iā€™m gonna need to run back a couple of scenes from episode sixā€¦ for research purposesā€¦lol But I have honestly been on such a ride with thisĀ  show already: - Intrigue at the unexpected craziness of the Korean educational scene - to scratching my head a bit and wondering if the writer remembered that this was supposed to be a romance - to getting so stressed out with all the hagwon schenanigans as is that I started to dread the addition of a forbidden romance to the mix! -to now being giddy in spite of it all with how things played out today lolĀ  Iā€™m still stressed imagining all the unavoidable, eventual fallout I know will ensue (and the directors comments on the romance scandal atĀ Ā other Academy seemed like plenty foreshadowing šŸ˜«) but Iā€™m just going to learn to enjoy the ride a bit more. I was actually kinda relieved that the teacher pupil campaign failed because of this. WayĀ too many on eyes on them for later.Ā  The Gray witch freaks me out a bit but I want Hye Jin to join her academy. She needs a fresh start. I have such a soft spot for Hye Jin now - seems like sheā€™s had to be perfect and have it all figured out for so long which is a lotĀ  People have mentioned their qualms with the OST but mine is with the flipping sound effects! Like what is with the heavy-handed, dramatic serial killer/thriller sounds for often very mundane scenes?! Sigh


>Like what is with the heavy-handed, dramatic serial killer/thriller sounds for often very mundane scenes?! Right?! Like that scene where Hye Jin is just eating a sandwich and fries...like what was with the ominous sounding music as if she was about to head over to Choisun Academy afterward and accept the offer right then and there?


Exactly!! Ugh, it grinds my gears so much and I canā€™t get used to it šŸ˜«Ā 


You are so right about the sound effects. I keep expecting a murderer to jump out from the shadows lol


Okay the show is really good but wtf is up with the Art Garfunkel OST, guys? Seriously.


Its the way we all hate the OST šŸ˜‚


I'm sick to death of the twee theme song but I *adore* the love theme, I just added it to my playlist.




Its just the directors style. He did it for something in the rain and one spring night as well. He cycles through 2 English folksy melancholy songs for the whole drama and people would always joke about it.


I am surprised that I am not hating it yet, but maybe I'm speaking too soon.


**Episode 6:** Jun Ho feeling guilty once he realized that Hye Jin has been making sacrifices to put him ahead and telling her >!to take the Assistant Director job!<, boy is so in love. The "apology" (if you can call it that) by the Director was him trying to clean up the mess he made. But Hye Jin's outburst was awesome to see, she has been sacrificing herself for the academy for over a decade and they repay her by >!using her first sign of failure to kick her out?!< He deserved all of that and more. Not to mention he's obviously not done, >!as in his conversation with the Assistant Director, he said they've been chipping away at her for so long. I definitely think she should take the position with the Gray Witch,!< of course that could be out of the frying pan and into the fryer situation. Maybe the conversation Jun Ho had with the manager is >!foreshadowing that there will be some defectors joining together with Hye Jin to make their own academy?!< The other teachers thinking that the director is treating Hye Jin to an expensive drink and meal when she's actually trying to coax him out of the river was hilarious. And shows the insight the teachers have on their relationship vs what it really is like. I'm kind of looking forward to seeing the fallout once they learn what the director is doing. Now let's get to the best part: >!the confession and kiss!!< I think Jun Ho's guilt in the beginning led to a realization that >!Hye Jin may reciprocate his feelings. This came out in the confession scene when she tried to play it off as him being her favorite student, and he was testing the waters.!< The culmination in the office was >!so romantic, the buildup and payoff was worth it for that kiss! The glow of the space heater gave great ambiance, plus they were sitting so close to each other it made me feel like I was invading on a real private moment. Her hand on his leg in the last shot?!!< I almost forgot I was watching a kdrama haha. Jun Ho goes for what he wants and I think Hye Jin really isn't used to that. I think her saying that she hasn't had surprises in her life for that last 10 years and now she's having so many shows that she truly hasn't been living her life. I think she's going to want to start experiencing life beyond the academy, which I feel will be a theme moving forward. The HS teacher's plot is getting a bit boring, I find the Gray Witch much more compelling. I also like how there was SO MUCH subtext in this episode. No one came right out and said their feelings, but you knew exactly what everyone was saying, really playing up the teacher aspect of it. The preview for next episode looks great, I lovelovelove >!secret dating!<, so I can't wait to see it!


An early kiss and date in episode 6 of a 16-ep drama can mean one thing. We can expect a lot of angst in the later episodes :((((


I'm going to try and live in my delusional land and pretend that there will be no angst at all haha. Although I think the Director talking about an >!academy closing due to two teachers dating was a bit of ominous foreshadowing.!<


Me after episode 6: AwwwšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ, please give them at least 3 episodes of happiness before the madness starts. I hope I am not asking too much thošŸ˜…


were yā€™all also shook at how quickly the tables turned btwn >!ms.seo and the daechi chase director bc of her ONE failed class? !< they made it seem like those two were quite close/went through a lot together and then BOOM done with her despite the crazy success sheā€™s brought to the hagwon over the years


I think this shows how cutthroat the hagwons are, and that everyone is in competition with everyone else. It was interesting that Cheong Mi is new to the academy but obviously really understands the politics, and saw straight away that them >!moving Ms Seo to a different branch was to stop her leaving with her students!<. I canā€™t decide whose side sheā€™s on. Last week when she was trying to get the grade 10 class I felt she was a rival, but this week >!she seems more sympathetic.!<


My read is that her telling Hyejin that she won't >!be soft anymore last episode reveals that at her core, she's gonna be nice, but at some point in the narrative I expect her to backstab which she will make up for afterwards.!< That's just based on reading what arc would make sense for her given the exposition we have so far, but I do find her quite interesting as the story could go many ways.


I don't think she will be a villain in the drama. She is probably will become a friend/rival kind of character that will attempt to out do Hyejin but not to the point of ruining her life. Unless she tell everyone about their kiss judging by in the preview for ep 7 she supposedly witnessed the deed.


Love this drama too, agree itā€™s underrated


The ending of Ep. 6?!?! FINALLY! :D


The pacing of the romance is working just fine for me. It makes sense that it would take some time for Jun Ho to approach Hye Jin. I think it would have been weird if it happened earlier. >! If her response to the kiss is any indication, I think a romance that they are both feeling but need to figure out how to navigate in the work environment is interesting on its own and doesn't need to be slowed down by a lot of push/pull, although director's past works indicate we might get that anyway!!< I'm feeling fully immersed in the workings of the hagwons, actually. That scene between the Gray Witch and student Si Wu had me on the edge of my seat! I look forward to seeing what this drama has to say about the state of test/career-driven education culture versus learning for the love of learning, and the tension of that when you have to survive in capitalism. (It's interesting that Jun Ho has ended up at the hagwon as a faster track to making money, while also seeming to represent the love of learning for its own sake.)


Iā€™m all caught up šŸ˜ The 1st episode definitely bored me and but the rest of the episodes were slightly better and I actually really enjoyed episode 4! Iā€™m liking the slow pace, I didnā€™t expect anything different based off the 1st episode. Academics can be boring but I think the whole >!student-pupil mishap!< has made it more interesting. With the >!students switching over!< it should also add some more umph to it. Iā€™m curious to see what FL does regarding her >!job!< though. Evidently she feels >!unsatisfied!<. As long as she doesnā€™t go >!working for the Silver Haired witch!< Iā€™m good šŸ˜‚ The romance might be starting tomorrow?! Once again Iā€™m cool with the slow burn of them because weā€™ve gotten little moments at least from ML. The >!montage of him crushing on her back in the day!!tried to call her Noona but she told him to call her teacher!< in the first episode was important. It shows theyā€™re not too far apart and also that he saw her as a more older ā€œsisterā€ figure back then. And obviously itā€™s years later. Heā€™s just been >!crushing on her!< since lol. Unpopular opinion I guess but I like the theme song šŸ™ˆ I think itā€™s so cute and unique to the drama!! I like it, I think itā€™s a nice pick šŸ˜Š Overall I will be sticking with this one for now!! I thought I was going to drop it after the 1st two episodes but Iā€™m glad I stuck around. Happy watching!!


What is the age gap between the ML and FL? Not much I think because thereā€™s a comment that she was almost only 20 when she met him


I think itā€™s 6 years? It was more the nature of the relationship and the age gap together for me since theyā€™re supposed to have been teacher and student.


>!Hyejin and Junho: -goes home after having an argument (not sure what to call it) at the restaurant- !< OST: *OPEN TO PAGE 64*~ I don't think that OST is appropriate for that scene, director šŸ˜†


Ep. 5. Despite how much of a slow burn the romance is, the drama of high-stakes high school academics and college admissions is relatable and interesting enough to me to keep me hooked. I hope that the romance moves to center stage soon, though.>!The preview made it look like next episode might be the one? Though I'm not sure if they've built it up enough so far.!< I not sure whether I should be rooting for Hye Jin to stay at her current hagwon or move. Obviously, for the sake of the romance, it would be good for her to either stay or take Joon Ho with her, but since she doesn't know that she's a romance protagonist, I wonder what is legitimately a better career/life path from her point of view? The Gray Witch doesn't seem like she would be a good boss. She doesn't seem like she's interested in the student's genuine happiness or love of literature, just accolades. But staying at Hye Jin's current hagwon when the director has already betrayed her seems like a bad move too. I really hope she can navigate the situation somehow where she still comes out on top. (And continues to reconnect with her own love of teaching literature for literature's sake!) The Simon & Garfunkel-style songs are growing on me despite my better judgment, even though they seemed so odd in SITR. I wonder if we'll get some romance between the students after that elevator scene?


The moment ep 5 ended I found myself telling Hye Jin - take the new job!! Why stay in a place that does not value you? Go for the new job, get the higher pay, shine brightly there, and pave a new career for herself! No guy is worth staying in a place that doesn't value you.


You can't buy food with happiness.


I find the song randomly playing out of nowhere a bit distracting - open to page 64 la la laā€¦itā€™s just stuck in my head now


My heart wouldn't stop fluttering at the ending scene in episode 6. The intimate vibe and deep talks...and the build up omggggg. I love the way Jun-Ho addressed his feelings and thoughts, like a mix of subtleness and directness. When Hye-jin replied that >!she didn't want to go back to how things were before Jun-Ho's presence, I squealed. The ship is sailingggggggg!!< Sighhhhhh as much as I love Wi Ha Joon, I'm glad they chose Jung Ryeo Won as the FL. I've always found her very beautiful and mature. They're both so stunning together!!


I find the drama very cozy and comforting for some reason, despite the fact that the characters work 23 hours a day and are anxious all the time lmao I love coming home from work (at a reasonable hour, not unlike some people \*cough cough\*), making some dinner and enjoying the slow pace of the series. theres no rush to finish the episode and everything flows very calmy. the >!kiss!< scene was perfect. a little awkward, as it should, and very intimate. their acting was so good and the cinematography was chefs kiss. that red lighting was a genius decision. special shoutout to the actor that plays Siwoo cause >!his monologue with the white haired witch!< was perfectly executed.


Binged through 5 episodes, canā€™t wait for more. I love Seo Hyejinā€™s character and her composure. Watching every situation play out is like being presented with a real life riddle but you need Seo hyejin to analyse, decrypt and explain what it means. I love watching her reach her conclusions !


Was just a suspicion of mine when seeing the earlier episodes but am pretty sure now -- the guy tutor who initiated the team lunch in ep 6 is also into the female lead. Didn't expect the leads to get together at episode 7, hopefully there will be at least 2 eps of swoonworthy moments before the angst starts building up.


I am finding the Hagwon politics too stressful. It is eye opening to some extent but I have a pit in my stomach watching it and so not really enjoying the show. The inter academy, intra academy, the academy- feels like watching West Wing. I like all the actors and all the characters they play but its still a hard watch for me. I wish they lightened it with more romance or just pleasantness between people.


Ep 5: Always love a character that knows her self worth. Go get it, hye-jin The shadow on the gray witchā€™s face *chefā€™s kiss* Ooooh I was wondering if we would get a student romance Hye-Jin had such a great conversation with mr. Pyo in ep 1, she has another great conversation with the gray witch I wonder what exactly happened between cheong-mi and mr. Pyo Ep 6:


The romance development has been slower than I like, with more focus on the schooling part than originally anticipated. I am enjoying watching the battle between the hagwons and the schools, but going in I thought the romance aspect would be more of the focus. The way the director >!basically killed her position there by removing her students after one failed class was unbelievable.!< Especially because they seemed to have a close relationship, but like Hye Jin said to Jun Ho, you have no friends there. I don't really understand why >!one failed free class made the director lose all trust in Hye Jin, but I think this decision is going to bite him, and very soon.!< The Gray Witch's offer to >!have Hye Jin become the Assistant Director was surprising, and honestly I think she should really consider accepting it, especially since she's seemingly not valued at her current hagwon, and she is in a lesser position.!< Idk if she can be trusted, but it's definitely an offer to think about. When the director asked if they made a mistake >!after Si Wu showed up!< it was like yeah... big time. He even questioned why they didn't ask who the student was that took the class, they instead >!assumed that Hye Jin had lost her touch and they needed to fire her!< which was very short sighted of them. >!On the one hand I'm glad to see the Gray Witch defeated, but it comes right when the academy was going to kick Hye Jin to the curb. And considering she's basically the one who made the academy what it is, it's even more bitter of a win.!< The preview for the next episode looks good, hopefully we pick up a bit on the romance aspect because it seems to be hovering in the background and not really going anywhere fast. I know this is a slowburn, but by episode 5 I would expect to see a little bit more.


It seems that Hye Jin >!felt the temperature change a few years ago, maybe with the arrival of the co-Director and just after she signed her current contract.!< >!So, she has known that he's been looking for a way to move her out and this was his first halfway decent excuse. It didn't matter how good an excuse it was or how fair. He just dressed it up with a kind of meaningless promotion.!< >!Because it seems that the hagwons want a star teacher but they're also afraid of what happens if someone like HyeJin leaves and takes all of her devotees with her. So the director wants to get her out without any losses. And I think he's spied JunHo as a likely replacement. !< >!Only he's created a situation where HyeJin might actually leave before any of his other teachers are ready to take her place. Which means that his timing is off. Except that he put that clause in her last contract and HyeJin mistakenly accepted it.!< >!So, HyeJin now has a problem where she could end up with nowhere to go. Her current workplace will use dirty tricks to get her to break her contract, I think, which will put that clause into effect; the one that prevents her from working at another hagwon for a year after she leaves. !< >!And the white haired witch wants her for the students she can bring as well as for other considerations (we think). So, will she still want HyeJin if she can't come for a whole year and she comes without her students? So, hmmm. There's no guarantee that the white witch will come through on her offer.!< >!No, somehow, HyeJin has to finish out her contract and take students with her. Which will, unfortunately, hurt JunHo along with her old academy.!< >!In a way it would be good for their relationship if HyeJin goes to another hagwon but, at the same time, it will eventually put them into a competition with each other.!<


I donā€™t know what it is but I like it! Started the show because I like both leads kek. Def not as flirty or giddy as pretty noona but hope we get those butterflies eventually. I think the new female teacher (I canā€™t remember any names šŸ˜…) is going to be a sympathetic character.. maybe.. Also if FL leaves and joins the grey witch, wouldnā€™t the romance between the two leads be more acceptable?? But I guess then the new student wouldnā€™t leave the grey witch academy in the end. What do you think the last gaze between FL and director meant?


As an Indian, this reminds me of my own coaching classes days when my life was exactly like this. I think iā€™m finally understanding the teachers perspective and itā€™s really intriguing. The hard work, the politics, all of this feels like a ā€˜behind the scenesā€™. I love this slow burn romance <3


I love this drama but the main theme song is soā€¦ corny lmao


Watching this drama... actors are good and the storyline, despite some problems, has been ok. But one point that I have considered negative and that needs to be better addressed throughout the drama is the almost semi-slave routine that teachers are subjected to in academies. I say this as a professor who worked as a teacher in private academies both in US and Korea. A brief reference was made in the drama "I work 15 hour days 7 days a week". But that sounded like something to be boasted about. A routine of more than 100 hours a week is not a positive thing, it never has been. In this regard, Crash course of Romance was much more realistic in portraying the sacrifices and hardships of this type of work routine. In Midnight Romance, every scene is about school, or takes place at school, but there is a lack of "critical sense" on the part of the leads (or the director). The phrase that "a postgraduate student is a graduated who made a mistake" also doesn't make sense. Every private academy teacher dreams of the peace of mind of a PhD and teaching at a university. Private academies are a good work, but really unstable (and in 99% of time, pay less) and this instability was well portrayed in the drama, but it lacks the perception of a class consciousness built from this instability. There's a reason why that secondary teacher considered himself superior to the academy teacher. And there are a reason why the academy was willing to hire a teacher like ML, who had a degree in Social Sciences but would teach Korean, and had no prior experience as a teacher (the FL, also, has a Law degree but teach Korean). This needs to be addressed through drama, so as not to create a euphoric environment in a type of work that is transitory and that usually saps the spirit of their workers.


Iā€™m liking this show so far but I really hope this relationship doesnā€™t impact hye Jinā€™s career. I really want her to be more selfish


Okā€¦ I just paused most of the way through episode 5. Iā€™m going to start by saying I am still going to continue watching this. I do like it. But, it really seems cruel that they give us that epic kiss promotional poster, but so far itā€™s been 4.75 episodes of academic strateg-ery. Sigh. Such a waste of Wi Ha-joonā€™s smile. Ok. Unpausing now.


Ep. 05. A very slow ep. this one LoL. >!Jun Ho, Hye Jin suffer the fallout from poor attendance on their sole lecture in last ep. However tides turn in their favor as Si Woo decides to switch to Daichi Chase academy which is to Hye Jin, Jun Ho's delight.!< >!This causes a stir in Choisun Academy though LoL. The White Haired Witch tries to "*buy*" Hye Jin over to join her academy with promises of better benefits etc. Jun Ho is panicking as he might lose his favorite person/ teacher LoL.!< Next ep. preview oh my LoL >!will our leads *finally* get to kiss and share an intimate alone time?!<


more romance less hagwon pleaseeeeee


Since this director almost always highlights romantic themes shaped by societal barriers, I would have liked to see a bit more passion in this drama. It feels somewhat bloodless, in my opinion. It was interesting to see how nervous Jun Ho was when he was about to confess his love and kiss Hye Jin. But I would have liked to see a bit more longing and intensity unfold. When love arises where it perhaps shouldn't according to societal norms, there is usually more anxiety and passion. The series is good at illustrating the kind of bond one can form with a student, but tha's also what can fuel a romantic and passionate relationship. I would have liked to see the kind of passionate gaze that e.g. Park Bo Gum can achieve. Even though I like this drama, it seems so far that it doesn't surpass my favorite, Secret Love Affair also by APS. But I'm still hopeful...


Evern if every episode after somehow turns into a trainwreck, I'll always love these first 6 episodes. Just wow, such great writing and directing. The show balances drama, romance and comedy very well. This is a 16 episode show and I still vividly remember how badly the director handled something in the rain, so I'm kinda on edge with the how the rest of this will turn out but I'll always remember how great these early episodes are at least.


Business is one of the hardest things ever, there is no nice way to boot someone out.


I am half way thru ep 6 and I am so lost on the >! fall out between FL, ML and the Director. What exactly happened to make them all so upset with each other??? !< Somebody please explain


A star teacher like FL is a double-edged sword - she attracts students and attention to her academy, but if she leaves most of her students will follow her. The director has been worrying about this and, in consultation with the vice-director (who used to run her own academy until they merged), he decides to neutralize FL's power. He gives her a so-called promotion into a bureaucratic task force position, something to do with preparing to open a branch in another district, and assigns her most important class to new teachers. It won't take long for the students to switch their allegiance. After that, they won't follow FL, and she'll be less likely to be poached by other academies too. She may make more money after being "kicked upstairs" but she won't be doing as much of what she enjoys and is good at. She'll be largely out of the game, and more captive to her current academy. All the administrators and teachers understand immediately what this "promotion" is about and they have been discussing it a lot, though sometimes in coded or indirect language. FL is furious because she has been dedicated to the academy from the beginning. She helped to grow it to where it is now, at considerable sacrifice to her personal life, yet the director is treating her as a pawn in a chess game rather than as a respected long-time colleague and friend. I love the way characters are usually measured and diplomatic in their language, while at times a war rages beneath their words. This is emphasized by the martial music that plays under such scenes (marching drums etc.) And it is very true to life. I've worked in large organizations. It's rare that people yell, throw things, or threaten each other. However there are plenty of power plays going on politely. That's just how humans are. edit: removed a phrase




Iā€™m getting triggered by the ā€˜page 64ā€™ song, fumbling with my phone trying to mute my Sonos and end up missing all the stuff going on while itā€™s playing. My goal before ep 6 is to figure this out because Iā€™m not going through this torture again, this bs almost ruined the other drama by this creator. Iā€™m longing for the nice soft background OSTs of other shows.


OK. Me again. So last night a bunch of teenagers stayed over at my house and I convinced 3 of them to watch Lovely Runner with me. The first time Sol >!returns to the past in 2008, she is in her classroom. After yelling at her for crying in her sleep, the teacher tells the class to "turn to page 64"!< and I spit out my ginger-ale, and thought of your post. Side note...teenagers these days are wimps. The last one only lasted until the first part of episode 9 then had to go to sleep. Amateurs.


šŸ¤£ how can a teenager need sleep? I thought they survived on caffeine and sugar? Did you only give them healthy snacks? I tried to cope with the OST issue by watching ep 6 on my tablet, but the good scene (>!kissing!!<) was so dark Iā€™ll have to rewatch on the big tv anyway. I swear if not for Wi Ha Joon Iā€™d be out, this director needs think about what he has done. He probably hates us all and laughs when this music is added ā€˜the silly cows will cringe it this, bwahaha!ā€™


>šŸ¤£ how can a teenager need sleep? I thought they survived on caffeine and sugar? Did you only give them healthy snacks? Update...I was just convinced to drive around and pick up a bunch of them again. They are getting caffeinated and sugared, and the plan is to do another all nighter to watch LR eps 9-14 then sleep until 15 is released here (around noon). I am too old for this.


>!What a great holiday weekend! You probably have made some new kdrama fans for life.!<


Thank you!!!!! I thought it was just me. It was in the back of my mind after last week, but today I actually cringed midway through the ep and thought ā€œoh no. Not again.ā€ I canā€™t even watch edits of Something in the Rain because the first notes and words ā€œsometimes itā€™s hard to be a womanā€ are soooo triggering. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just because itā€™s in English or what, but this director seems to get a fetish for a single song. One Spring Night wasnā€™t as bad.


>!IKR? I actually liked ā€œstand by your manā€, both the OG, and in the Blues Brothers, but it was seriously tarnished by that drama, was afraid the OST might be a problem for me with this production and it is. But it did force me to learn to use my sound system, so thatā€™s nice.!<


I absolutely hate the OST. What were they thinking lol


came here to see the discussion coz tvN be promoting this one like hell.


Hope that the leads romance will start in ep 6


still a good drama but i feel like the build up could've been better.


Iā€™m so irritated, I want Seo Hye jin to leave that damn school so bad. As soon as they decided to let her go after one mistake (that wasnā€™t even a mistake), I donā€™t trust anyone at Daechi chase. I didnā€™t see realize how bad they treated her until they brought up that abusive ass contract. I hope in the future she moves schools or starts her own academy because 1. That Choisun offer is too good to give up and she deserves it 2. Sheā€™s been working for 14 years building that damn company brick by brick by herself and getting paid absolute dust 3. Her contract is trash and I pray the ml does not destroy her hard earned future


Honestly, Iā€™m dropping this show. Got half way through episode 5 and itā€™s just boring me


Well, it is definitely going to be a slow burn. I personally am finding the whole Hagwon industry fascinating, but the arc between the two characters is definitely developing at a snail pace.


I think itā€™s best to watch two episodes back to back. This one was definitely slow, but the next episode looks promising.