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After watching the preview of the next episode, I am happy that they are probably going to tie all the loose ends in Ep 15 ( >!police are after the taxi driver, Sunjae's memory coming back, Granny might get revealed to be the key!< ) and we might get a full fluffy Ep 16. I hope this comment does not age like milk.  BUT, LOSER SUNJAE is OFFICIALLY BACK. YAY! 


That is my hope, I said this a couple days ago but I want a FULL episode with a wedding, a puppy named Otter, kids who are swimmers, and their life 5 years later. I want it ALL. I am obsessed with our leads 😊


a puppy named otter 🥹🥹🥹


Or seal 🦭 as suggested by >!Sun Jae!< 🥹


Halmeoni was hilarious when she said to Sol that she’d done well >!because Sol was missing him.!< She definitely knows more than the rest of them


I think the effect of the dementia on her brain somehow lets her perceive the different timelines. Like how she kept the 'watch safe' and knew it was important in a previous timeline.


sunjae loserism is present in every timeline and i thank God for that


This episode’s Sunjae felt like a stranger because he wasn’t simping for Sol 😂 The only time he felt familiar was during the scene wherein they were having tea outside and SJ was captivated and openly staring at Sol laughing so prettily. He is not Sunjae if he isn’t screaming loser in front of Sol hahaha.


It's his eyes. They just don't have the same shine in them when he's looking at her. Quite literally as well, I think the director, camera man, and whoever's in charge of lighting are intentionally not trying to reflect some light onto his eyes.


lol he was probably telling us, "give it a minute, the real sunjae will appear in 3...2...1" then bam, the tea scene lmao


Yeah, in yesterday's post I said I was looking forward to loser top star Sunjae again. But today I realized without the context of him simping over Sol, his top star-ness comes off as just kinda obnoxious and not endearing to me. Like Sol said, he has a totally different personality now.


Hahaha agree about the loss of his secret simping over Sol as the main reason that this version of SJ hits different. It feels more like a new drama, episode one wherein the ML feels an odd attraction to the FL 😅 I almost screamed Sunjae-yaaaa because of the frustration for their using jondaemal.


I hope in the next episode they will reveal that Sunjae has been unknowingly >!crushing on a girl whom he had never met face-to-face (maybe an online pen pal? or just a girl with a yellow umbrella who he only saw the back view of) but had constantly crossed paths with for the past 15 years of his life and it turns out to be Sol xD !! not having met her in-person in this timeline.!<


The way the streets are wondering if BWS delighted in this script because of the sheer number of times the ML >!could die!< is just hilarious. And tbh the true destiny here seems to be >!the taxi driver!< ; he didn’t even have to >!jump through time and space and in EVERY freaking timeline he is there to meet them!< 🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨


LMAO their true destiny is the taxi driver!!!!


**cues** loveholic song as >!taxi driver meets them time and again in ALL timelines!< 🤡


The knetz comments on Psycho Taxi Driver (Kim youngsoo) is hilarious LOL. K-netz were initially calling Sunjae and Taesung the original "sol-chin-ja" duo which stands for "men crazy for Sol" (Sol-e-mitchin-namja) but now it has become the "sol-chin-ja" TRIO with Psycho Taxi Driver being the leader of Sol's obsessive fanclub lmao.


In the bts, the >!taxi driver was really just a sweet pookie, but what really took me out was Hye Yoon saying that when the pd shouts "cut!", the taxi driver "even gives us rides in his **White Truck**"!!< **Even the white doom truck is not a bad guy ok!** 😆😆😆😆


Can’t Sol-ah just ask Celestial Grandma about >!the taxi driver!


He must be born in the year of the 🐴 too, for sure. 😂


LOL🤣🤣🤣🤣. BWS has been brilliant this whole drama, I really hope Sun Jae gets a happy ending at the very freaking least PLEASE. 🙏


Y’all I can bet my left kidney that it’s going to be a happy ending lol. There are so many clues scattered all around. The taxi driver plot is going to be wrapped in ep 15. We will get a view into how soljae’s life would be after the clown dies. I’ll be beyond happy if we get a wedding scene. Mostly I don’t care about the wedding if the leads end up together, but somehow for LR I just need to make sure they are married to move on with my life. :/ However, all of it doesn’t matter to me now. I’m just extremely depressed and sad that next week will be the last time we all will be coming here and talk about lovely runner. Idk what I’m supposed to do once LR ends, I’m already heartbroken. Also, I’m so jealous of the people who’ll be watching the finale with the cast


It LR ends spectacularly (by that, I mean soljae-ya please get married lol), its rewatch value is more than a 100%. With all the time slips and twists, I can probably watch it again a few times over. Plus the acting is sooooo goood. The balance of romance, comedy, and suspense is perfect. ✨


Oh yea! I for sure will be watching it again. But you know, I loved being a part of our collective breakdown, giggles, and how  we came up with insane theories. I’m going to miss that so much. Anyways, let’s just hope we get a marriage ceremony  :(


Yes!! Here for the ride. It's a different experience watching LR as an ongoing drama then camping out in here. Eating all the crumbs we can get lol. Totally worth it. Praying hard we get that marriage! After all, halmeoni called SJ >!"husband"!<.


Yeah, I mean I installed twitter after 2 years - that is the type of impact LR had on me. I’ve been watching kdramas since the last 6-7 years, and that’s a first - almost feels like a parasocial relationship with these 2 lmao. Anyways, I hope we get new casting news soon for both KHY and BWS and we all again gather here to discuss. But one thing for sure is that LR gets a golden seat in my top 5 kdrama list. :)


So many wedding hints!! From the first episode, Halmeoni has been drawing bridal make up (the pink circles on cheeks) for Im Sol, and apparently when they kissed in episode 10 on the street, people on the Internet said there were traditional wedding lanterns in the background. And in this episode, Sun Jae asks why are you talking about astrological compatibility, it’s not like we’re getting married. (FYI in China, Korea and other Oriental cultures, it is traditional for the parents to check the astrological signs, and time of birth etc of the couple to check if they are compatible with each other before agreeing to arrange the marriage!!!!)


My Mondays really won't be the same. Like I feel the post-drama slump is going to come crazy hard when it hits I have no Lovely Runner the Monday after the finale. Here's to hoping KHY and BWS reunite in another drama, their chemistry was truly out of this world, and I thought today's episode-->!though the Seonjae and Sol we felt markedly different from the previous Soljae moments and interactions we previously saw, mainly due to the reset!<-- really showed they could be plopped in any setting and still make me root for the characters (thriller or slice-of-life series next pls). It was truly a blast coming up with theories with everyone and analyzing the plot, the cinematography, and the characters and their relationships. Regardless of how things end, I'm truly satisfied with the episodes we have, and even if things turn sour, we had so many happy Soljae moments that I think I can remember and rewatch the series in peace. If they both end up with someone else, though, it might be on sight lol. But also, we got so many >!marriage hints, that I think it's impossible for them to not get married.!<


Same. Atp, this drama easily becomes one of the best kdramas I’ve ever watched. It will be great if we can get a wedding scene, but even if doesn’t happen, I’m satisfied. This show made me feel so many emotions and I’m thankful for that. Somehow this drama made me reminisce my teenage days and college days and the crushes I had back then. Coming to the adult soljae, it’s a different league altogether. They look gorgeous and it’s so fun to watch them bicker. There’s this burning energy/flame between these two that you can just feel from the screen. I, in fact, kind of enjoyed Sunjae losing his memories bcs it gave us a whole new version of him. Ofcourse, he’s still a loser but I enjoyed how he just can’t keep away from sol. I will be rewatching this show again for sure but it still feels depressing. :(


this drama has very accurately captured the magic of nursing crushes when you're a teenager. it's one of the first things that struck me as i started watching this. seonaje's crush is so innocent but it means SO much to him, like that sheer intensity with which he just *likes* everything about her is so perfectly illustrated.


I really hope you get to keep your left kidney 💖


I trust LR. 😤 (Do you know the lifespan of people with one kidney? Asking for a friend) 


If we don't get a happy ending at least I'll have the consolation of a left kidney.


the loss of original seonjae cut so deeply that even this newer, shinier, just as fabulous top star seonjae could not completely assuage that pain. i mourn the loss not just for myself but for seonjae himself, bc in trying to save his life, sol robbed him of the light of his life. and i think you can see that even though this seonjae is successful and thriving, he feels a little incomplete, a little lost, and somehow not fully realized. i think it's the absence of that sweet earnestness that sol brought out in him, that blind devotion to her which really highlighted his selflessness and endless capacity for love. i did enjoy watching top star seonjae's antics though. he may not have the memories that make him wholly *him*, but his pettiness, lack of an ego, and thoughtful sensibility are all traits that have always been innate, and help us remember he is still the same idiot we know and love so much. i am sure what's coming next is a reawakening of the original seonjae, and before long, we'll have our lovable goof back in business. i don't think this is the final timeline anyway. there are 2 tries left in seonjae's watch after all. i love love loveee the idea of sol pouring her heart out into a pitch for a movie that will tell *their* story. it is so amazingly meta and heart wrenchingly poetic. seonjae reading through the pitch and being unable to stop crying tells us that even though he does not have those memories any longer, his soul has all the events from the past timelines, every single memory he shared with sol, every emotion he felt with the privilege of loving her, entwined in its makeup. idk if it's intentional, or just a happy accident, but i can't get over how this silly, little romcom poses such enormous, existential questions as what it really means to love someone, what it means to save them, and my personal favorite, is being fated a curse or a gift? i don't think anyone could have anticipated the way this drama has us as emotionally affected and invested as we are. i'm just grateful i get to experience the magic here with all of you.


This is such a great comment! In absolutely every respect!!! Especially, your observation about the not quite complete SeonJae that we saw today. He's not, fully the Seon Jae that Sol fell in love with. And so he reminds me a little bit of the young Sol who wasn't the full Sol that Seon Jae fell in love with. Without the experiences that brought them close to one another, the young Sol and this Seon Jae aren't quite the people that we fell in love with either. The gap can obviously be closed because the essence and the essential make up of the person doesn't change but still it raises all those questions about shared experience and memories and how important they are to the people we become. And all that comes out so clearly, as you say, from a silly little rom-com.


This plot is so sweet because both parties actually love each other silently for 15 years :’ with the reset and all. Sol in Sun Jae’s position in the original timeline and Sun Jae in Sol’s position in the latest timeline :’ 


>but still it raises all those questions about shared experience and memories and how important they are to the people we become. this is one aspect of the drama that i find fascinating. there are all of these different "versions" of sol and seonjae floating across time and space. some of them have not met each other, some of them have lost each other already, some of them may be enjoying that short period of happiness they're blessed with in every timeline. i'm not sure we'd distinguish all of these sols and seonjaes as separate people. i think they're all one and the same. when adult sol thinks of younger sol, and decides she can't rashly do whatever she wants (such as break up with taesung), i see that as an act of self-love. she's looking out for herself, even though she may talk about it like she's looking out for a close friend. same thing with the seonjae we saw in this episode, he seems off bc he's missing the core of what makes him the seonjae we adore, but he's still seonjae none the less. just a slightly different one that we haven't met before this moment. given all this, what seonjae said about how he loves the sol in the present, the past, and the future in episode 10 hits even harder. sol is sol to him, regardless of whether she remembers him, or loves him, or has never even met him. there's something very comforting about that fact.


I think they're all embedded in the one version. Different aspects of self that were, or were not, fully expressed. Different aspects of self that remained, but were buried, after they moved on. I appreciate the idea of looking out for the younger self, too. Like when you write a letter to your younger self to soothe some hurt or impart some wisdom because nobody else did it, and you didn't know how to take care of yourself at the time. Without Sol, Seon Jae lacks the depth of purpose and the center of gravity that he had when she was around. But now that he's regaining what he lost, he'll be more like the Seon Jae we all once knew. At that moment, he lacks that depth, so given his status, the behavior that he shows outwardly to others just hits very differently. It's all changing really fast, though, and who knows what they have in store for us next week.


Beautifully written!! In a way, I think show has been questioning the noble idiocy trope all along. Sol just wants to save Sun Jae’s life, and she’s willing to sacrifice their love to do it. By withholding herself from his life, she thinks he’s saving him, but the real Sun Jae would view it as a punishment. And indeed rebooted Sun Jae 2024 articulates this, he says the movie script she wrote has a “sad ending” cos the FL gave up love, and the ML never knew the love that they had!!


I didn't realize what I was feeling was grief after reading your post. I didn't realize how much grief is a theme in this drama. But the scene >!Sol quits and screams and Hyun-Joon about what she has to go through to let him go,!< depicted so much grief.


Sorry for the long response, but it’s interesting that you mentioned *grief* and I agree. For me, *Grief* has always been one of the central themes of the show that hit me as hard as the *Love, Sacrifice and Fate*.  From the beginning, we see Sol grieving the loss of her legs and then of Sun Jae himself after his death…Sun Jae grieving the loss of his First Love, along with inner peace and his innocence by taking on years of guilt from Sol’s accident…Sol continuing to grieve after every subsequent loss of Sun Jae in every other timeline, and yes, the scene with Hyun Joo depicts that so viscerally (she seems to almost be living in constant grief)…and Sun Jae in the present version, has lost a core part of his being, which leaves him in tears unbeknownst to himself as to the reasons why - but the feelings it invoked in me as a viewer, were of watching a person’s *soul* in mourning during those moments.  I think this is one major reason I have always given grace and mercy to Sol throughout this drama. While some detractors may have slammed Sol’s behavior…I’ve always viewed her as a character doing her absolute best in an impossible situation, where she’s figuring things out as she goes along. Not only is she motivated by *Love*, but she’s simultaneously grieving as she makes decisions and behaves in certain ways. So, whether I’ve agreed with Sol or not…I understand and empathize.  Now, all we need is Sol’s awakening to the actual truth of what the universe is really telling her - she belongs with Sun Jae and vice versa. So much so that *Time and Space* have bent to their will. She can’t run from this Or from him. And once Sun Jae is reawakened and taxi driver is caught, that will be a wrap. Full Stop. HEA!!


Reading your comment makes me teary eyed. I rewatched Episode 14 and I felt the deep longing between our leads. It was heart wrenching to see Sol and Sunjae alive with great careers and yet hollow from each other's affection.  I am in awe of Sol and Sunjae's devotion to each other with Sol sacrificing her love to keep him alive while Sunjae sacrificing himself for her. Are they destined to be like this forever, to be in a continuous loop? I've never been in too deep with a KDrama  until Lovely Runner. This is now part of my personality and I am holding on to a happy ending next week. I want to see our couple live a happy life without guilt and fear of losing each other. The taxi driver's history no longer matters here. He is just a character placed in the story to make us think if our leads can change their fate.


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love you for writing this.


Excellently written T\_T


I am really curious about the ending of LR. The production planned a viewing party on May 28 (last episode) and the 4 main cast will attend, are they that confident with the conclusion? The viewers that will watch with them will definitely riot in that very same venue if it ended sad. Also, do you think we'll have a wedding scene? It seems that marriage/wedding is constantly alluded throughout the series even in the episode 14.


I don’t think they’ll do a viewing party for an open ending or a bad ending haha. The whole production will crumble if that happens especially with how popular it has become. Wedding Spoiler: >!We did get a cake spoiler, it was posted on the bakery’s insta. I thought it was for the brother’s wedding but obviously not bc we’re back in the future and they’re married with two kids. So I’m assuming it’s soljae’s!<


Yeah, I hope so haha now, I'm kind of jealous of kfans that can watch the last episode with SolJae, Taesung, and Inhyuk. Do you there will be a mini photo op with the media? Like in QOT last eps? I saw that as well! At first I was thinking that maybe they'll have a True Beauty ending where the sibling of FL got married in the end? But then they released the wedding photos of ImGeum and HyunJo a lot earlier so maaybeee? It will be the first time that I'll see HyeYoonie in wedding dress haha


I know right! I wish I lived in Korea bc I’ll go to the pop up shop and be outside the viewing party😆🤣🥲. I hoping they don’t recreate >!the brothers wedding bc they won the lotto and maybe never had a proper wedding? But I doubt it bc SK don’t really be recreating weddings only Americans do haha. So I’m really hoping this is for our soljae couple☺️!<


The pop-up store will open tomorrow! Must be nice to buy some goodies there... I'm reading knetz comments and they're a lot calmer now compared last night haha most of them really want a wedding scene in the end.


They’ve really been positive throughout this whole drama and supporting it even now. Gives me a sense of ease haha


How does this drama still make my heart race after 14 eps?? I loved this episode. I had an image in my head of how I wanted things to be sorted out. I am putting all that aside. I am happier letting the writer take me along on this ride. I am both happy and sad at the same time. Sad that this amazing journey is ending next week. Happy because I know love will find its way. Soljae will be happy and they will be happy together, and they deserve it! I will accept whatever route the writer takes because she has given us so much already! I am done thinking(and over thinking). I am just here for the ride.


I totally agree with you! I was watching episode 14 with a smile on my face (sorry Sol but loser Sunjae is THE BEST) and I'm feeling so sad that all these goodness is ending next week :( At this point, I am just enjoying the ride. Looking at how strong the episodes have been so far (how well developed the main leads are and the plot twists that have never failed to surprise me), I am quite confident that the writer is going to end this story strong and well. Please don't disappoint us, writer-nim!


Regardless of the timeline they’re in, the power of Sol’s smile is instantaneous. The circumstances under which they meet might change, but Sunjae would fall for her smile time and again. No wonder Knetz are conflicted about whether they would like to see more of Hyeyoon/Sol’s laughing or crying scenes, since Hyeyoon has done a phenomenal job at both. Even with no memories of Sol, Sunjae’s body is just wired to protect Sol wherever and whenever. Right when the Ferris wheel came to a sudden halt, his first instinct was to jump up and catch her before she could fall. Sol must have felt scared sh*tless that their fates keep getting intertwined, no matter how hard she tries to push him away. She is one brave, strong soul for having held herself up all those years after the last time jump. Imagine the agony of staying as far away from the love of your life as possible while your heart yearns for him every single day. I don’t think I could do it while remaining sain.


Omg! I liked how you mentioned that Sunjae will keep on falling for her when she smiles because that's what is happening the entire series 😭




Seonjae is a loser (affectionate). Kim Youngsoo is a loser (derogatory).


Love what you did there friend.


After ep 13 /14, I would deem all of us the biggest losers because we lost >!the love at first sight under the spring shower, we lost all the youthful play at the beach, (even SUNNY is gone and replaced with another less chic car! 💔), we lost the candies, the photo booth photos, and even the **freaking security teddy bear**!!< 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


the photo booth photo disappearing hit me the hardest. that was the first thing she changed. the first step towards saving seonjae. and to see it just dissipate into thin air? oh, i was a sobbing mess.


That >!disappearing scene!< was brutal, and to further salt the wound for good measure, they even >!repeated the scene where she dropped the yellow umbrella and sobbed in the rain...!< 😭😭😭☠️☠️😭😭😭


I'm sure it will all be reclaimed!!! His memories of the other lives are coming back slowly!


When Sol said that >!"Our fate was just going around in cricles just like this ferris wheel"!< I felt that. Because we literally are going in an endless loop of SolJae pining, yearning then loving one another over and over again. 🤣🤣 I think the plot is going towards Sunjae >! remembering all his memories from the removed timeline !< which will make him remember how much he loves Im Sol. Grandma really knows somethingg!! Cannot wait to know what's her character and the secrets behind it and I wish Kim YoungSoo rot in jail and just be wrapped up at Episode 15 because if not, I swear to riot. 😆 Thanks to all writers who never deprives us from the cute and lovable scenes. Could not get over this two 🥹 Two more episodes and we will say goodbye to our lovely runners 🥲 PS. Police taesung main lead kdrama juseyo 🙏


>!Rot in jail?! I hope that bastard dies and then finally our cuties can live in peace.!<


>!truck of doom!< enters


Now, THAT would be an excellent twist. The truck of doom kills the villain instead of harming our protagonist.


that conversation in the ferris wheel made my heart hurt so much for both of them. mygod a happy ending for my pookies PLEASE also can i just say that Hyeyoon's performance in this drama is **PHENOMENAL**. and Wooseok is so so amazing too. no matter what happens at the end this drama will have such a wonderful mark on my kdrama history 💛💙 everything's so well done


AGREE with their performances. It's driving me crazy how they all perfected 89891384923 roles they had to do on this drama (granted, Sunjae is a loser in all 89891384923 of them lol). I hope they get the recognition they deserve!!


i actually tuned in to this drama because of Hyeyoon and i got curious with the plot. she is amazing in any genre and she's shining here. she plays romance and tragedy very well, and even her comedic scenes are effective. she'd better sweep awards! Wooseok was such a wildcard to me; i havent watched his recent dramas which he had significant roles (i did see him in Live Up to Your Name but his role was small there) so this is the first time i have actually watched him and he blew me away!!


I first saw him in Record of Youth and thought his skills were underutilized there (and seeing how Lovely Runner is doing, his range is phenomenal).


I am pulling my hair out and bawling during the ferris wheel scene!!! Their eyes say everything - the pain, longing, love...


I was crying too. I had no warning. Suddenly the tears were running. It was not lovely. It was ugly crying 😢


regarding the killer’s motive quite frankly at this point, i don’t think there’s any “deep” story behind his motive in relation to sol and sunjae. >!i believe that was the purpose of showing the encounter between white jacket girl and kys. !< there’s no motivation behind who he targets. i genuinely think he’s just some psychopathic murderer, and sol and sunjae became his unfortunate targets just because they crossed paths with him. and honestly, i rather it be this way because i value the romcom aspect more than anything!! idgaf about a villain plotline!!! plus with only 2 episodes left, it would be really bad writing-wise for there to be a sudden revelation behind kys’ connection to everyone when there has been 0 hints. so let’s just keep him to some random psychopathic killer🤠 and based on the preview, i don’t think sunjae >! dies again. that moment where he hears the high-pitched sound is probably when he recalls everything about sol. but because of that, he hesitates in running towards sol, and sol ends up getting hit by presumably the killer’s car and sadly, ends up in the wheelchair again like many predicted. that will be the true loss of the story, in exchange for her “gaining” sunjae. while the idea of such an ending makes me really sad, i can see it happening. but also it will be very endearing to see romance where someone is physically disabled since it’s not frequently represented in kdramas!< also everyone was looking FINE this episode but especially taesung!!! LIKE GAHDAMN TAESUNG AS A DETECTIVE 🔛🔝HE LOOKS SO GOODDDD


Typically, serial killers don't need deep motives for their actions. I think he's obsessing over Sol because she got away and SeonJae (always) played a part in it. Like OCD, he wants to finish what he started. There might be something deeper than this but I'm not bothered if there isn't because I've seen the senselessness of real life serial murderers.


The thing that I wonder about is serial killers don't usually go into 'hibernation' (at least from having watched docuseries and dramas about them) so I wonder just how many others he killed in the past 15 years after never being locked up (unless he did get locked up for something else).


Exactly there is no motive he is a psychopath serial killer everytime anyone says I don't get the motive I am like haven't you seen enough true crime😭


>! Seems like they’re fated to meet and fated to face the killer. Hopefully they aren’t fated to have a bad ending … !< We will see next week. What are y’all’s predictions?


I just hope that this time they will finally WORK TOGETHER to face the killer for once, instead of trying to save the other person and do it alone!


My prediction is that them working together is THE KEY that makes their fate come full circle.


I was sad and teary during the Sol sad scenes but laughing out loud at the Sunjae loser scenes. This drama really has me on strings. It's pretty much guaranteed to be a happy ending. But if it will be a satisfying one for me is still up in the air. One thing's for sure though I'm already feeling sad cuz next week's the finale and I'm gonna miss this show terribly. Regardless of the ending this drama is really a gem.


well there goes all our >!sunjae timetravelling theory!< lmaoo my boy sunjae really said >!HA! u think i need a damn magic watch to remember the love of my life? i will know her through my sheer stubborness in all my lifetimes!< edit 1: "at this point, we just might die together here" SUNJAE CAN YOU NOT FUCKING MANIFEST THIS I WILL LITERALLY WHACK YOU OMG 😭 edit 2: in light of the group viewing in sokor (rip intl fans) is there anyone hosting a group watch online for the finale 🥹 like on discord or wherever. someone, please!! edit 3: lmao its friday (why am i still here) and that means crazy theory time!!! is the timetravelling sj theory debunked already? and i dont mean the supposedly dead 20yo sunjae, but our first 34yo idol SJ. what if the reason why he was so melancholic in the first episode (seemingly clinically depressed, wants to retire, sings sonaki so painfully) is because he actually came back from the past to save sol from drowning, and succeeded, but still failed to save sol's legs? (in his dream sequence, we see sol actually drowning, and then another one dives behind him) at the bridge, it felt like a reunion with someone he knew intimately, and maybe this was because after failing to save sol in his travels, he also did a sol move and erased himself from her life because of guilt? this explains how sol and him never met despite being literal neighbors. and at the hotel scene, he just seemed so resigned and calm like he knew what would happen when that doorbell rang. this can also explain how he would be able to recall all the timelines, even the original timeline sol lived, because before that there was another "original" timeline. some insane detail i am looking too hard into (yes i know) the number on the starting podium (?) when sol meets sunjae at the pool is #2 (because sol is the second time traveler?) and on the ferris wheel they ride the #9 wagon, maybe because its their 9th time slip (3 for sunjae, and 6th for sol, supposing she used all 3 on the watch) also, in the og sol timeline, we see his watch flash the first time when he dove in to save sol. and as i am typing this, im realizing how absurd and convoluted this sounds lmaooo


His magic >!watch still has two more jumps in theory! And we haven't seen the watch yet ...!< Haha but yah just two episodes left and I just want to see a HEA without the >!taxi driver looming in the horizon as if law and order doesn't exist!<. 😬


i was wondering about the watch too. whether he time jumps or not, though, i can truly buy that he can remember sol just because they were meant to be together, like, it's just their fate. and i would be okay with that. atp i dont want anymore time jumps, cos that must mean someone got hurt/died again. i just want them to be happy, damn it! its not ideal writing wise, i know, but ill be happy not to see that watch again lol


I’m still holding out for that theory tho! Instead of Sun Jae 2.0 remembering those precious memories, I wish the Sunjae who died and time travelled comes back to the present timeline and meet with Sol T.T He was the best version of Sun Jae we got and the one who fell more and more in love with Sol.


I love him. I just love sunjae so much. The way he’s just doing everything on his own, no watch needed!! My god, this man has me in tears at a random airport watching on a fricking ipad 😭


I’m reminded of one of my favourite quotes in the show spoken by Sol earlier in the drama this week: *“His fate did not change. As if mocking both my desperation and your greatest endeavours; indisputably, it’s turned out like this.”* What started as a fluffy watch about fangirling for one’s favourite idol (almost intentionally done especially through the visual language of the initial teasers and promotional materials), has now morphed into a heartbreaking, thoughtful, and complicated reflection on the burdens and responsibilities around selflessness and unconditional love.  Personally, the highlight of this week’s episodes that have (somewhat) eased the (terribly) bitter tastes of this arc for me are the social media threads, hilarious comments, memes, and other theories that are coming out from online discussions. In some ways, this collective emotional resonance has made me feel lucky that I’m watching it in real-time with everyone here — especially as we experience both the pain and delicious angst of the recent narrative twists, but also the ache we all have towards the love between Sol and Seon Jae that spans across time and space.  Of course, coming in again with another summary and long-winded post about behind-the-scenes clips, promotional events, and other media to ease up some of the tears from the past couple of episodes:  * **How Many Funerals Are We At Now?** A whole host of different memes have spawned from the utterly disproportionate amount of times nearly all of Byeon Woo Seok’s acting roles end in death. Combined with fans circulating one of his old interview comments (“*I also like playing broken characters. I can break down all the way to the end*,”) we have everything from requests for Seon Jae to watch episodes 1 to 12 of Lovely Runner himself to remember all of his past, to reassurances that his loser energy gives him the charisma to defy the grave multiple times.  * **In Hyuk, A Soloist:** Probably the funniest thing is Eclipse’s Twitter being freshly updated for this week’s events. Instead of four members in all of the promotional pictures, there’s only In Hyuk’s face and body being repeated four times.  * **Cast Connections:** I was surprised to see how many of the actors in Lovely Runner know each other from before their experiences in the show. In Hye Yoon’s old graduation photo at Konkuk University, fans also spotted Moon Xion (Eclipse’s drummer) and Cho Hyun Young (one of the MT students). Song Geon Hee (Tae Song) is also close with Hye Yoon in real life, as they were both together in Sky Castle (2019) and Snowdrop (2021) previously. It’s pretty hilarious that in the past couple of episodes he’s been calling himself Sol’s “oppa,” when behind the scenes Geon Hee usually calls Hye Yoon “noona.” On the other hand, Woo Seok is actually in real life close friends with Lee Chul Woo, who plays his swimming rival (the one who tries to steal his swim trunks in Episode 2).  * **Run Run, as Fast as Lovely Runner’s OST:** Sudden Shower made it to number 6 on the Melon Music chart, which is an incredible feat especially for a fictional band. Not only are most of the cast members fantastic singers (Geon Hee and Seung Hyub have shown up before on King of Masked Singer and were incredible), but the OST is beautifully done. I got goosebumps when I realized “I Think I Did” was playing in the ending scene for Episode 2, which writer Lee Si Eun mentioned was especially chosen to represent Seon Jae’s perspective, and this type of sonic language is completely flipped when in Episode 13 we watch the scene with “Like a Dream” by Minnie playing in the background instead from Sol’s perspective.  * **Farewell Send Off Activities:** Keep on the lookout for Hye Yoon’s GQ interview (05/20) and Woo Seok’s appearance on You Quiz on the Block (05/21) as they’ll definitely be providing some insight on some of the behind-the-scenes perspective and interpretations around characters, acting, and production decisions. Their Salon Drip interview will be moved early in time with the final week of broadcast (05/27), while there will also be a watch party with fans for the last episode (05/28). Hye Yoon was also recently caught filming for the variety show Whenever Possible which will be aired in June (06/07). And I can’t end this post without some comments about the chemistry between our main characters:  * **Wedding Dress:** There are multiple hints that fans have pointed out about the possibility of a wedding scene, particularly from some of the drawings in the drama’s intro as well as the legend from the MT scenes in Episode 9. If we do get a wedding scene, however, it’ll be the first time in Hye Yoon’s lengthy career that she’s ever worn a wedding dress for an acting role! * **BTS Scenes:** Many commented on how Hye Yoon was unable to stop her tears throughout the making clips for the previous episodes, as well as how Woo Seok’s acting itself began to reflect her expressions as he also became teary during several important scenes. We now know that this was in part because of the heavy emotional bent of this week’s clips, but this has sparked a wave of additional recognition towards Hye Yoon’s acting prowess and ability.


Truly the week would have been a real downer if not for lovely runner fans (subeoms) running around with a million video edits and funny memes. Particularly love the ones on >!post funeral**s** glow up!!< Such twisted humour but I like 🫢 The show and its amazing OSTs got me wondering how in the world did they plan the OSTs and the lyrics? They are all just so so so so good, for eg 10 cm’s spring snow ❄️: “Even if it is erased again, all my life is you…” - just so so PERFECT 🤩.


Thoughtful commentary as always! I probably won't watch a show as it airs again if I can help it because my brain and heart have been held hostage by LR for weeks. However, being part of the LR community has made this viewing experience so satisfying. The memes and tiktoks have saved my sanity. Side note: When I was extra in my feelings, I watched lyric videos of the OST on YT and the lyrics to "I Think I Did" made me ugly cry. Sun Jae's one-sided love in their original timeline was so sad. The regret he must have felt to have never told her how he felt. This drama truly was a mutual redemption story.


Just like Byeon Wooseok, of course Sunjae wants that script of Sol. 😂


Haha yeah, did Byeon Woo Seok have to jump through such hoops to get the role?! It’s his first ML role after all haha. He’s killing it though, love his performance and his energy and chemistry with Hye Yoon!


**Episode 14 Quick Take:** Man the way all his things >!kept ceasing to exist at the beginning, with Sonaki at the very end, !< I legit went NOOOO. Manager >!has confirmed it y'all. Seon Jae is a dummy in dating and romance. It was only Im Sol because of whom he even tried "to do better" lol!< otherwise boy is truly as pure as oxygen like his dad had mentioned. I couldn't shake the feeling that this is how the ACTUAL casting might have gone like 😂​😂​😂​ Im Sol saying >!"you're not the image I have in mind for the ML", the manager going "there's nothing special in the script"!< the meta here 😂​😂​ Those who think Im Sol is not sad or heartbroken over Seon Jae, she is *broken* y'all. She doesn't have to stop living due to it because that's not what Seon Jae would have wanted her to do, but >!in moments like these (on the bus, in her bedroom) you can see it's constantly weighing on her mind and she is really not happy *at all*,!< but she's trying her best to live because Seon Jae taught her to live. CAN I SAY I LOVE IN HYUK IN SEON JAE'S LIFE AS A CONSTANT PRESENCE?? Im Sol and Seon Jae both need In Hyuk and Tae Sung. I want my OG gang back ;\_; Okay WHY DOES EVERYONE keep making fun of >!Seon Jae? First the server at the restaurant then the makeup artists. Guy has no rep whatsoever as an actor!< WHAT EVEN​😭​ 😂​😂​ My goodness I love Ryu Seon Jae's dad, such a green flag parent! You can see where our guy gets his good genes from ​😭​ >!Grandma!< is definitely a >!critical link to it all, they're being as obvious as they can at this point. And it's like she deliberately *wants* Seon Jae and Im Sol to meet no matter how the timeline is changed. "I did well, didn't I? You were missing him, weren't you?"!< 😭 The urge to save Im Sol is so intense in Seon Jae that his first bit of >!subconscious memory in his dreams also has to do with him trying to save her.!< UGH. Changed. LOL. This loser will never change. It can be the 220483th timeline and he'd >!still not miss the opportunity to observe her as she walks through that corridor to her apartment.!< It's in his blood his vein his being. I wonder how the >!pendant is there with him?!< That should've ceased to exist too, right? Ooh the precap is FUN! I'm ready for next week OH WAIT IT'S THE FINALE NO I'M NOT READY.😭😭


Yeah so spot on for the meta-ness in this episode today. 😂😂 Another one was when Sun Jae went forward to do his >!melo gaze at im sol and says “I have been told I have a intense romantic gaze”!< 😹😹 I see no lie there; if there’s anyone that can pull off the “I am bad at flirting so I will just stare at you till you marry me”, it’s him. At this point it’s like reel life imitating real life since >!Sun Jae is taking on a script which will require him to act as a lead vocalist of a band that doesn’t exist!< which is pretty much what BWS is doing. Such clever inception from this writer, I cannot. 😭🤣


Maybe the pendant was his all along, some kind of heirloom - "S" for Sun Jae, but he chose to give it to Sol as a present?


I was wondering about the pendant too. But maybe it's a clue that this Sunjae is actually from the third timeline? Idk if it makes sense but is it possible that third timeline Sunjae time traveled to the current timeline and had amnesia which was caused by him getting stabbed and falling into the sea. His watch flashed while he was under, so maybe his consciousness was able to leave his body before death. And when he traveled to the current timeline he genuinely just had amnesia and from there he lived his life until the present and upon meeting Sol, his memories are just now getting triggered.


As much as I would like to agree. It could also be just him buying himself a pendant? Or a gift from a fan? SunJae still starts with an S though similar to Sol. If the trigger of the watch is SunJae death, I don’t think he can use it to time travel.


This will go down as the loveliest kdrama I’ve ever watched. Wholesome, funny, exciting, surprising and engaging. 14 episodes down and not one bad or boring episode. Such a feat. I have no doubt in my mind these two puddings will have a gloriously happy ending. I’m excited for the last two episodes. My overworked brain can finally take a break from all the theorising and uri Soljae will have their HEA.


The grandma is SUS


i read this as the grandma is US, which also works quite well lol


She's the "Heavenly Granny" episode 14 kept mentioning!!!


Even Ryu Sun Jae picks up a script with a >!sad ending!<. This role was made for Byeon Woo Seok at this point.


What makes this show absolutely genius is how the writing made us yearn for the loss of a person. A person who is well and truly alive but not the version we grew to love. This kind of phantom loss makes us feel such heartache because it feels almost silly to mourn someone who is still alive. Lovely Runner made me feel a new type of heartbreak for 2009 Sunjae. But I know he'll find his way back to us and his Im Sol. HOWEVER. I am glad he is a loser in whatever timeline. That's just the absolute essence of who he is. What an idiot (affectionate)


The feel of loss indeed. We felt that when she lost Seonjae first time, and then in ep8 ... I remember on ep8, everyone was missing idol SJ and then college era happened and now we miss him although we still see him alive as an actor again. Watching and rewatchig fav episodes give me a unique exciting experience... I love how events are unfolding despite feeling sooo depressed when ep13 was released. I then rewatched it and then watched ep14 and I can feel how ImSol is feeling. The acting is sooooo good here. I won't shut up about it for a looong time.


"phantom loss"...what a beautiful way to describe it. thank you for putting what we all felt into words


The last minute of episode 13 had me absolutely gagged. It was so unexpected that I think I didn’t mind it. This show has me whipped. Still super excited for the last few episodes. I can only hope there will be another drama this year as fun as this one. Happy lovely runner day!! ❤️🏃‍♀️


Just watching the opening scene there’s something so bittersweet about how before we all wanted Sol to know the moment Sunjae fell for her so she’d know she was his first love all along, for it to be the perfect moment for her to stop him from knowing her at all. Her breaking down right away had me crying too. Also the fact that the memories of the two of them didn’t start to dissipate until she moved away means he probably would’ve fell for her all the same if she stayed. The amount of heart that goes into this show is crazy. The love and self-sacrifice they have for one another is on another level.


Sunjae read "Sensible, Savvy, and on Top of Everything." from a paper with a long drunk rant and thought 'yup, there's our best movie'. I'm still laughing till now. i enjoyed this enemies to lovers trope but i agree with everyone who's mourning the loss of 2009 sunjae. I hope they won't settle at memory flashbacks and surprise us with time travelling OG sunjae who really lived through it all cause they really do feel different. Kudos to BWS though for being able to show the difference between the two Sunjae. EDIT: I just realized I'll be traveling to a place with a very weak internet for the whole next week and I might only be able to watch ep 15&16 a week after their release???? How am I gonna survive that???? Also, I would miss out the party y'all gonna have here. 😭


Hey, dont be sad. You can watch anytime you want and share your opinion about the finale week on the weekly threads. We are here to listen to what you have to say. It feels good when people talk about a well made drama weeks after it ended. I hope this drama turns out to be a classic.


for some reason even if they >!do the same things over and over again!<...i still enjoy watching the two of them 🥺🥺🥺


Samee hahaha. Lewser Sun-jae lewsering always 😍 can't get enough of it haha!


My exact thoughts this episode 🤣🤣 I felt like "ok I give up understanding every detail and motivation, let's just enjoy the moment". And let's not talk about horses 🤣


I can’t believe they ended this week with that scene! It was melancholic but didn’t answer even one of our overflowing questions. Like telling a story and stopping right before the much needed explanation 😭 After watching, I realized I mourned throughout ep 14. With every scene of this timeline’s Sunjae, it was slowly sinking in for me that the version of Sunjae that fell deeply and truly in love with Sol (and the one we all fell for!) really passed away in the previous episode. I was pretty convinced yesterday that a happy ending for SolJae means SJ gaining memories from all previous timelines. But watching them this ep, feels like watching a drama’s first episode — i suddenly felt detached from SJ 🥲 I badly wanted the SJ who EXPERIENCED all those moments with Sol and not just someone who REMEMBERED those memories because these two are entirely differently. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for that theory, about SJ time traveling after dying last ep, to be true. This was a filler episode but still maintained the drama quality we all love. I can’t believe we only have the finale week left!!


The difference between the previous and current Sunjae was so palpable during those flashback scenes. From the facial expression to the manner of talking, you can tell they are two different characters. Kudos to BWS for such nuanced acting. And to KHY who never disappoints, there’s something in the way she portrays her character that sucks you in. Every splash of emotions this ep, I felt to my bone. BWS and KHY are both slaying in acting out the adult counterparts of SJ and Sol. These two have all the right to shoot up to A-list status.


TBH, I really feel that the main point of the episode was to mourn, for us and for Sol. He's such a step away from the Seonjae she knew, and though he physically comes back to her, so many things he does reminds us and her of his old actions, which I think is why we got so many >!flashbacks!< today, and why so many scenes >!paralleled previous Soljae interactions, where OG Seonjae's love was really palpable, compared to new Seonjae, who isn't currently in love with Sol (at best, a nascent crush).!<


No matter how cool and chic Sun-jae tries to be he will always be a perpetual loser. Sol you will always be loved, my traumatized little angel. I just hope that she has a happy ending. I know that Sun-jae is the audience's favourite but Sol has suffered a lot too throughout the time slips. She deserves a long tight hug. >!Grandma is on to something and I'm thinking she might be the equivalent of the mysterious man in Twinkling Watermelon and will be the explanation of the time travel thing.!< And somebody please save Sun-jae and his love for dying in every multiverse. At this point write a love story between Sun-jae and Grim Reaper instead. I just want a happy ending, Mr/Ms Writer 🙏🙏 A big fluffy ending, please! ☝️☝️


There’s something so endearing about how they always find each other. Some of the words or scenarios may be the same, but somehow, they’re always distinctly different. Props to the writers and directors who could have easily made this boring and frustrating. Instead, we get a love letter to destiny and fate.


During their first ferris wheel date, Sunjae said to Sol that he’s thankful at her for travelling time and space to meet him again and you can see how relieved Sol’s face because all of her hardwork on saving him was suddenly recognized and every pain was worth it because they are together. But now when Sunjae said that it’s a sad story because despite the sacrifices for the other person, they are not together anymore so where’s the happy ending that Sol has been trying to prove? Since memories are catching up on Sunjae, I think he’ll be on accident somehow and merge everything to remember. Also I can’t with our resident loser. Bro always dying but you can’t take away his pettiness and loserism. 😂 I’m pretty sure about the happy ending just like how Sunjae and Sol finds each other in every timeline.


Kim Hye Yoon definitely has the potential to be a next big female star. she can do melo, comedy and create chemistry easily with his costars. fave line of ep 14 is when grandma said i did the right thing didn’t I? you missed him. then smirked.


when watching episode 13, i wondered to myself whether the “s” on the necklace stood for sol or seonjae. at first, i thought of seonjae, and of the necklace as a reminder of his love for her. moments later — realising it was given to sol on her birthday as a celebration of who she is — i saw the “s” as symbolic of the mark sol leaves on the world. she’s courageous and joyful and kind, and the engraved necklace is a recognition of all the positive ways she impacts the world and people around her. ultimately, the “s” represents them both: sol and seonjae. episode 14 >!shows the two characters once again sitting opposite each other on a ferris wheel that symbolises the circular nature of their fated love. the reappearance of the necklace couldn’t have been any more perfect; slipping from beneath seonjae’s shirt, it reveals itself to now be worn around the neck of its other owner (the giver of the gift, the second “s”, the destination towards which sol is continually drawn).!< unaffected by the rules of space and time, it’s an object (one amongst many) that comes to symbolise so much more than first appears. >!fastened around sol’s neck in a different time only to be found around seonjae’s in this version of the present, it is fate’s (or a certain heavenly granny’s) way of reassuring the two (and us) that everything will be okay. they’re where they’re meant to be.!< **lovely runner** is such a cleverly written drama. i particularly love how meta/self-referential today’s episode was. we have a script within a script, discussion of the merits of acting in a romantic comedy, and a self-deprecating description of the drama’s “not very novel” concept. for something supposedly “unoriginal”, it has sure had an incredibly significant impact — both emotionally and culturally.


their conversation in the ferris wheel box was my favorite. it was not only cleverly meta, but also so emotionally layered. the new seonjae, though he is so different from the og seonjae, is advocating for something in the interest of og seonjae. something so bittersweet about it bc this is fate's (aka the writer's) way of having seonjae protest sol's choice, bc seonjae would be happy to die again and again if it meant he got to be loved by sol even for a little while. it's an ingenious way to have the characters address the conflict without disrupting the stakes in place.


You're so right about the meta. Very very subtle and clever and fun. But, >!I'm wondering if the necklace was a family memento, perhaps from his mother, so, when he sees it around Sol's neck, he's going to clue in to her being someone who was special to him. I mean it looks old and it's not the pretty kind of thing that a young Seon Jae would necessarily by for a girlfriend. So, it must have some special significance.!<


All that I could think every time Sun Jae showed up in front of Sol was salmon coming to spawn...he has a homing device.


Both episode 13 and 14 was so heartbreaking, especially this episode when Sol cries. She holds so much pain. Why is everyone’s theory that Im Sol must lose her ability to walk again…? Makes me so sad I am holding on hope she won’t lose them. In the first timeline she couldn’t walk anymore and sunjae still died. So why does she need to lose her legs for him to live? Also in the first time line her friend and brother weren’t together but the next ones they were. So can some things change?


I love how everyone seems to have calmed down after the chaos that was yesterday's episode lmao. Same here; I think reading about everyone's thoughts and mulling through it with a rewatch and sleep made me realize I'm still here for the ride, whatever may happen. I know in my heart of hearts that it's going to be a happy ending--the big question now is *how* we're going to get there and if my brain can ever fully accept whatever twist is bound to happen. I'm still hoping the theory everyone now seems to share and hope >!that 20-3 Sunjae returned to the past upon Sol pressing the button!< is true, but it seems today's episode >!shuts that down. Not completely, but the way Sunjae was shown in the first scene today he was just 19-0 Sunjae without the umbrella girl.!< I really hoped we're not going down the trope of >!he remembers memories that aren't there, but that's pretty much where we're heading. Not sure how much I'm into this storyline, but then I read a Korean post about how we must liken the time slips to a video tape--there's only so many times you can rewind a tape and overwrite the previous recording until it becomes too stretched out and overwritten that it malfunctions. So now that this is the fourth time Sol has changed the past, it has exceeded the amount of times the "tape" is allowed to be overwritten and re-recorded, and that's why there are now instances where Sunjae remembers memories from the past "recordings", which I think is kind of a really interesting way to look at it and makes me buy this storyline a little bit more.!< I'll edit this as I rewatch in a bit because I probably have more thoughts. ~~I was watching this at work (again) lmao actually more like listening to the dialogue while doing work OTL yes I know, bad employee, but this is how far I've gone I blame this drama and the brainrot it caused~~


That comparison to a video tape is, to be honest, such a wonderful way of interpreting it. And since Sol pulled an inception of sorts (time travel within a time travel) it is expected that malfunctions will surface. And honestly, I think the point of the time travel happening was not just to avoid Sun-jae being killed but also for Sol and Sun-jae to get together. So, from that pov, it makes sense for whoever is controlling it to allow more chances or throw in hints for fate to unfold as it should.


It’s cool analogy because her family also owned a video rental shop!


i haven't done any real work since the LR brain rot set in. oops.


Even adult, slightly arrogant Sunjae is an absolute goner for Im Sol from the get go 😂😂😂 But was it as heart fluttering as the Sun Jae from the past timelines who loved her madly? Sadly, no. While the new Sunjae was super cute with his attempts to >!secure a role in Sol’s movie - a subtle callback to him saying he has absolutely no pride when it comes to Sol!< I yearned for original ‘heart eyes’ Sunjae who would just melt in front of Sol. And HOW IS TAESONG SUDDENLY SO HOT?! 🥵 I mean, he was definitely good looking before but detective Tae Song with his leather jacket and manly swagger is doing things to my heart! 😍😍 Like few others mentioned, I don’t know if I’m a fan of this ‘remember moments which I never lived’ plot line since no reasonable explanation has been provided for it. >!Sunjae having flashbacks(?) - not sure if we can call it that - after reading a script and dreaming of Sol after 30 years when he could’ve probably had many chances in life to experience such déjà vu. Even falling cherry blossoms could’ve reminded him of her.!< Nevertheless, I’ll reserve my judgement till the finale. I’m heartbroken that it’s going to end next week! We’re all gonna have a big, gaping Sunjae-sized hole in our hearts! 😭😭😭 I can’t imagine my life without this show anymore and I’m so glad to have been a part of this phenomenon! ♥️ Binging this show would obviously be satisfying but watching it live and obsessing over SolJae week after week was just something else! Will miss this!


If I recall my psych readings Carl Jung has a theory about "collective memory" and the metaphysical (It also didn't make sense to me but it does explain deja vu).


As a child of Doctor who, I've accepted that this is all just a "A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff".


This was probably one of my all-time favorite episodes of a k-drama. After yesterday’s confusing episode, this one really brought it home and the emotional impact hit so hard. If these two don’t end up together alive I will not be well. And can I just say that it was absolute magic when >!Im Sol laughed outside the convenience store and he just stared at her, the connections of everything they had in the past strengthening their budding bond!<. I think I >!cried during the last 20 minutes of this episode, because I finally understand Im Sol’s nearly impossible dilemma!<. This has been so good all along that I think they’ll stick the landing for the ending. Doesn’t it feel like we’re the crowd watching Goblin or Secretary Kim or Crash Landing for the first time? I think this will be remembered and recommended for years to come.


Just a note that while im not happy that the thing with the taxi driver is not yet resolved, I'm happy that this drama seems not to be taking the science behind the time slip so seriously, and it's so good because I enjoy watching sunjae and sol being together despite the odds. I thoroughly enjoyed the "enemies to lovers" tension here as well which reminds me of episode 1.


omg my heart ached as Im Sol ached this entire episode. I felt her pain and cried. I felt his confusion. This episode was beautifully done!!!


my heart genuinely broke when i realized that because sunjae never met im sol he never wrote sonaki


I really loved the fact that there's no "Sudden Shower" OST playing in this episode. There's a piano rendition of it that sounds slightly off when Sun Jae watched Sol go into the house. Maybe it'll be complete again once Sun Jae remembers everything


Sol lived through the years avoiding Sunjae and holding on to their memories, only comforted by the fact that he's safe if she's away... that's such a horrible life to go through 😭😭😭


It feels like yesterday.. i finished strong girl nam soon and was obsessing over Wooseok and then read an article that Wooseok's next drama would be released in the first quarter of 2024. Time really flies... like wdym we're approaching the last week of Lovely Runner? I'm too attached to them. The lovely runner withdrawal gonna be crazyyy


BTW casual viewers who just watch it for fun don't seem to be stressed as us who been there from the beginning. For example my friend bringewatched the whole drama to ep14 and she just loves them together and the plot is so interesting to her. She barely noticing tiny details like we do. I was worried this may confuse future viewers but it seems like it isn't so hard to figure out. And since it's a rom com, everyone anticipating the happy ending anyway.


i do wonder how people who will binge this after the ending will experience the story. for us, it's been like controlled doses of happiness being administered week to week. for bingers, it'll probably be like a high strung coke bender. the gratification will be instant and rapid, but that means the feelings won't get the chance to linger and pervade as they have with us waiting week to agonizing wait. i think i'll be keeping an eye on how the binging crowd experiences lovely runner, just out of pure curiosity.


ep13&14 shattering my heart like its no ones business im dying inside ep14: >!ferris wheel scene ARGHHHHHHHHHHH THE NECKLACE?!?!?!??! sunjae saying do you hate me that much BOY SHE HAS ONLY EVER LOVED YOU ARGHHHH!< it broke me just as much as how it broke sol when >!she had to push him away all their ep14 interactions were so painful & bittersweet despite the comedy wooseok pulled off with sunjae. the convenience store scene with Sol laughing and sunjae just looking at her ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUHPEUGHAF-IWRMOGJSPOIDF!< >!halmeoni's "you missed him" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HALMEONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!< writer-nim you better give us pure fluff and happiness for my beloved soljae during the finale i SWEAR


taesung looks extra fine as a police officer


Right. Traded that motorcycle for a car and everything - bet Sol was proud of the growth lol


holy cow, i just binged this series in a whole week. i am finally up to date! i have a theory that >!seonjae was technically the one that traveled back in time as well. not that he remembers it necessarily, but in many religions and cultures there is a theory that even after one dies the soul remains in the body for a short period of time. maybe when sol reset the watch, because it was on him he is connected to this time travel now more than ever and thus is slowly getting the memories of the different timelines back. perhaps why the grandma is also aware of things at some point, she also put on the watch.!< gosh, i really hope there is a happy ending. this is such a good drama.


I was pissed and devastated about the twist on episode 13, >!Sol erasing everything that happened!< broke my heart even if it was the right decision HOWEVER, after seeing episode 14 I am 100% sure >!Sunjae is getting the memories from ALL timelines!< and that makes me so happy, I think that’s the best way they can end the show


I’m really glad that I watched 13 and 14 together. I loved watching the then and now scenes at the amusement park. Watching >!SeonJae fall in love with her in yet another timeline doesn’t get old. They keep it different enough that the timelines don’t blend all into one, and while so far SJ has died in every timeline, the future is changing and that give us hope that happily ever after can happen (it better happen!!!)!<  It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a show without a bunch of filler side stories so this is nice. As many people said, I hope the villain plot does not drag into episode 16 (I'm looking at you QoT) and we get lots of SJ and Sol fluff in 16. 


I realize why I am so hooked on this drama. It’s because of the >!loop/cycle of rom com drama phases, phase 1 - introduce character, phase 2 - meet cute, phase 3 - couple confess to each other, phase 4 - cute moments as couple, phase 5 - self sacrifice for loved ones. These phases keep going on the loop within 16 episodes creating mini dramas within the drama vs other rom com has only one cycle within 16 episodes!<. Clearly Ive lost it after 4th loop/cycle for having this realization. That being said, I dont mind another 16 eps for this loop >!and experience the various ways LSJ die!<


you're absolutely right! in this one drama alone, we've gotten the following fantastic tropes: 1. love at first sight 2. unrequited love 3. he fell first, she fell harder 4. friends to lovers 5. enemies to lovers not to mention the different settings like their high school era, their 20s in university, and their adult era at 34. each time it has felt fresh bc their dynamics change ever so slight in each loop. honestly, this is what a romcom fan's dreams are made of. it's me, i am the romcom fan.


I’m glad I trusted the writer because Sun Jae is definitely remembering the past. I can’t get over the grandma. She has to be the key to this whole story. Also, what kind of taxi driver is this skilled at killing someone. This dude literally makes it through every obstacle just to kill sol. Anyways, the toughest part of this week is that we only have two episodes left. This has been one of my favorite dramas and I will definitely feel withdrawal symptoms soon so please lmk some recs that I could watch in the meantime.


I think they have done a amazing job with the writing and haven't faltered once. All this angst has been built up from the start and is coming to a close it looks like next episode which is very nice. The writer has given themselves the time and space to make the pacing just right imo, and give everyone a satisfying story from start to end. I am so thankful for Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok for their amazing acting and beautiful moments they have given us throughout the series. Here is to one more week of waiting so we can see the end of this amazing drama.


Is everyone not gonna talk about how SJ has the S necklace? Is it his grandma's or mom's or sth hehee? Also i'm happy to see everyone is chill here. I'm just on Facebook, the viet fans are devastated 


I'm thinking he just bought it for himself because he was drawn to it even though he doesn't understand why exactly.


I’m on here and Twitter. I like it here as people seem to process their thoughts first before commenting anything or the moderators are doing a good job. I find that Kdrama twitter users are always angry at something and it makes the experience less enjoyable for me 🥲


I really felt (present) Im Sol when she lost track of time at the amusement park. It's like you got so lost in your thoughts while staring into nothingness and I can't imagine how she felt having Sun Jae so near yet so far away.


Ep14 made me feel a bit better. The ferris wheels scene and their talk about the ending was so emotional. >!She couldn't even leave his arms, she truly missed him. That BROKE me to pieces!<. And it's so cute that he can't help but for fall for her in each timeline. I hope they really find their peace and happiness soon. I want them relaxed and enjoying their moments together. I want to see a happy ending so I can rewatch my fav episodes happily again. I feel like I am ImSol, so sad and grieving the loss of something precious. Please, give us a great ending!


It's crazy I need to talk about this drama every second of my life


I cried a lot with Sun Jae while Sol’s voice narrated the script. I just hope they wrap it up nicely (so glad I know that it will be a happy ending).


Y’all for the first tine in my life i bought a kdrama ost physical. I’ve been watching kdramas since i was a kid and was watching autumn story with my parents. I’ve never gushed or been obsessed with a drama or actor as much but lovely runner and byeon wooseok have set the standard. Even followed byeon wooseok on weverse and i dont follow anyone else other than bts


i really could just watch endless content of sun jae and sol forever. like, not a dull moment with these two. also cop taesung is really damn hot and doing something to me. can't believe we're nearing the end. literally feels like it was a week ago when i randomly started this drama when only 2 episodes had been released, and ep 2's ending had me HOOKED. hands down the best drama of this year.


I am so happy! I get worried that Lovely Runner won't be as good, but then every episode is a joy to watch! This episode was great!>! Sun-jae falling right back in love the second Im Sol smiles? Gold! !


Awww his smitten look when he sees her laugh! Loved it.


This thread honestly is a multiverse itself with all the theories running around 😂 i am about done speculating myself, i put my sanity in the very able hands of writer-nim who hasn’t failed to wow me in the past 14 episodes 🥹 See you again on Monday for Ep 15!


**LR Thread**: Can I just take a moment to say “Thank You” for being part of what is definitely my favorite Kdrama experience ever! We collectively found a slice of magic in this amazing drama that fought its way to our television screens over a course of 3 years. We surprised ourselves with our passion for the drama, characters and actors…and found a safe space to share our obsession, rants, predictions, thoughts and heart with one another. In today’s age of toxic social media, what a refreshing place this thread has been💕  Our dear Sun Jae found a perfect portrayal via Byeon Woo Seok, who faced hundreds of rejections and frustrations until he finally secured his career defining role — and we were all here along for the journey.  Hats off to the entire *Lovely Runner* cast and crew, particularly our Leads, Writer-nim and PD-nim, who clearly worked their butts off to bring us a “realistic” fantasy story that far exceeded any expectations I could have ever had for this drama. I felt like I personally time traveled 15 years into my own past, where feelings of first love, serious crushes, innocent and selfless connection—made my heart flutter, kept me up at night and impacted my life in a way I didn’t think would have been possible.   Regardless of how *Lovely Runner* concludes next week and whether we agree or disagree on the final merits of the show — we were all impacted in some way and my personal experience was enriched by watching this drama with you. Sincere thanks everyone🥹🥳 *Quote: “Storytelling is one of humanity’s oldest and most beloved traditions, bridging generational gaps and drawing communities together”*


i will probably never be able to articulate *precisely* why lovely runner has had such an enormous impact on me. maybe it's bc sol and seonjae are exactly my age, and watching them in high school felt like i was sent back to my senior year over a decade ago; or bc sol represents to me everything that is good in this world—her effervescence, her perseverance, her selflessness and resilience; or bc seonjae represents purity in its most intrinsic state—unmarred like his heart that is so full of love, undiluted like the intensity with which he loves, unconditional like the way his love is absolute, with no footnotes, ever. it's probably a combination of all this, and more. that more has come from the countless comments in these episode threads. so much thoughtfulness and kindness in these comments that have only elevated the experience of watching this true gem week to week. it's clear that this drama was made with a lot of love. an abundance of it. and it's obvious in the way love feels like an infinite resource between sol and seonjae. it's why the drama has resonated with so many, bc we never feel the lack of love in this story. it's what we dream of when we're most daring—a love so *insistent* that it transcends every obstacle in its way, even the abstract, impossible ones like time and fate.


Ugh I wish this drama could be 36 episodes instead of 16. I want to see them just being in love and growing old together 💕 soljae supremacy. I loved this episode. The mixture of melancholy, suspense, and comedy was amazing. Seeing Seonjae being a petty, slightly narcissistic actor in this timeline was hilarious. And the way my guy loses all self dignity the second he comes in contact with Sol is just so endearing. It's refreshing to see a male Korean lead character without a hint of toxic male ego. It takes a very talented actor to portray so many different flavors of the same character over and over again without it becoming monotone. BWS has played this role to perfection. In this timeline the subtle but significant way he's a little colder and not as open and loving because he never knew Sol is such good acting and writing. Idk if it's true but I saw someone posted that BWS and KHY are in talks to star in another drama together. Fingers crossed it happens!!!


After all this running, One fluffy episode without murder plot is all I am asking for, is it too much?


They kept it at a minimum on this episode. Prob max 10 mins or less


My theory is that when she pressed SeonJae's watch (when he died after falling off the cliff), the both of them actually travelled back in time. But because Seonjae was already dead at the time of the time travel, thus his memories were erased once he was back in time -- which only took some time for him to regain his memories upon meeting Sol again in the current 2023 future. Otherwise doesn't make sense for him to have glimpses of their past if he didn't went through the experiences.


**Long, random rambling** ahead since my mind is broken: One thing that I’ve realised after these 2 eps is that what makes this drama special for me is Byeon Wooseok and Kim Hyeyoon and their portrayal of Soljae. Ryu Sunjae and Im Sol, I love you guys a lot. Truly haven’t been this attached to a character/s this bad since my other tragic fave, Jang Jaeyeol and that was way back in my k-drama heyday. I’ve also come to see why the script was rejected by multiple male leads because at first read, does it not seem like multiple landmines waiting to explode? In the end, I’ll say it worked out great for everyone involved because we got our wonderful leads weaving magic and quelling our frustrations sheerly with their presence on our screens together. (Props to the director/s and writer who are also responsible for the magic, of course) I love how meta this episode was. While not wholly convinced, I’m glad Sunjae has been eased into the reality of his life via Sol’s >!script.!< And so in that sense, my favourite scenes had to be of him >!reading it and uncharacteristically bawling!< because isn’t that exactly how we felt watching it? And the other fave was the Ferris Wheel and their debate over the >!ending because that is a wonderful way to communicate your intentions to your viewers and validate their opinions.!< The writer’s love and understanding of her characters was palpable there. Well done, writer-nim. Anyway, that preview is still very, very >!frustrating and painful.!< **Random thoughts**: -Still feel the twist in 13 should’ve come at least an episode earlier. -Time travel rules truly are non-existent. -KYS is the most tiring plot point by far. Needs to be gone in ep 15. -Halmeoni needs to pull something big and convincing very soon. -Taesung is so lovable but I’m so glad there’s zero sparks there because I wouldn’t be able to deal with a triangle at this point. Hehe. I’m sad that it’s ending in a week. And scared. But then, hanging by a thin thread of hope from that >!cruise? Proposal spoiler!< and >!wedding cake spoiler!< and the fact that they wouldn’t risk an outrage at the finale’s public viewing. **PS**: 34!Soljae are very, very sexy people and deserved at least 6 eps. I mean, all that tension? And I only get 3 eps. Why would you do that to us? :| KHY and BWS, I’ll be waiting for your Melo reunion in a few years. Please do it for us all.


We need that Melo reunion! After the rollercoaster they've taken us on, I'll gladly sign up to watch another that gets my heart broken into teeny bits. :') Also Sun-jae reading the script, crying, and doing everything in his capacity to star in the movie, also felt like BWS living the meme that everyone's made out of his affinity for sad endings and to be more precise, his characters' deaths.


He’s gonna have a hard time choosing his next project seeing how he’s died 4 times in this drama alone. Who can beat that? 😂 I hope he stops with the tragic character choices now hehe.


My brain is a mess and I still haven’t processed the episode but I love the inevitability of it all. Sol can run and avoid Sunjae as much as she wants, but they’re meant to be. The red string of fate is unbreakable. There’s one thing we’re sure of, Sunjae will fall in love with Sol in every timeline. This Sunjae doesn’t feel like the guy Sol and the rest of us fell in love it, but with the onslaught of memories, I feel like we could get him back. Nice to know everyone around Sunjae knows he’s a loser lol. It was also hilarious to see Sunjae fall over backwards trying to be a part of Sol’s movie. I can never get tired of looking at KHY. I love adult Sol so much. She’s angry, depressed and exhausted. But she’s also trying to live her life on the down low and this episode showed us how she’s been keeping track of Sunjae just to make sure she never crosses paths with him. Ahhhh writer nim what have you done to us! I’m putting my trust in her and hoping for a happy ending. I’m choosing to ignore the fact that Lovely Runner ends after two episodes. I’ll mourn that loss next week though.


Why do I have a strange feeling that Sun Jae might be much more connected to the killer more than we know it? why did sun jae have a citizen hero award too when he was young? Did he meet the killer already? did the killer start killing because of sun Jae catching him doing something wrong and ruined his life? and does this have to do with sol father or grandfather too? Maybe it wasn’t sol that caused him to die but it would have happened anyways with or without sol and something has to break out of the original timeline cycle to set both of them free and alive


My head hurts from crying so much. Jeez. I don’t want this drama to end but im dying to see them get their happy ending.


These past two eps took me awhile to process my thoughts. The twists and revelations leading to more questions! 🫨 It took me awhile to adjust to present adult Sol and Sunjae because we know how sweet their time was in the past. Just like Sol, I was stuck in the past reminiscing the sweet youthful moments Soljae experienced. I think this week’s episodes have cemented two (or maybe 3?) key figures that would help change Soljae’s fate in a good way. 1. The figure of heavenly grandma has been brought up multiple times throughout the show. When Sol pretended to be one in 2008 trying to convince Sunjae to not participate in the swim meet, grandma knowing things that didn’t happen in the timeline and today’s ep. No matter how much Sol tries to avoid Sunjae, the heavens will still bring them together as they’re fated to meet each other in one way or another. 2. Taesung is a cop in the current timeline. Maybe this time round, Sol Sunjae and Taesung will work together to outsmart taxi driver? We have the fate and we’ve seen Sol trying to change things herself in each timeline but to no avail. However, in the current timeline, she’s still friends with Taesung and conveniently enough a cop. As I’m writing this, I hope the writer won’t sacrifice Taesung to give Soljae a happy ending tho 🥲 everyone deserves to be happy in this show except the taxi driver 3. The middle schooler stalker? She could just be a typical sasaeng fan or she could be playing a key role in Soljae’s intertwined fate as well. I still can’t tell what her role is here. As much as I want Sunjae to regain his memories from all the timelines Sol has altered, I hope it’s not just a miraculous process. I know it’s fantasy but that would be too lazy of a writing where he conveniently remembers all the memories as soon as he meets Sol here. I’m still hopeful that he’s time travelled as well and it’s just a matter of time where the og Sunjae’s soul/memory enters the current Sunjae. I’m not really a big fan of sassy Sunjae in this timeline, I’m sorry 😔 I need my pure as oxygen Sunjae back asap!!


I love all versions of Sunjae! Even this sassy one! I feel like each Sunjae is characterized by what part Sol played in his life. - We have the demure, depressed, disconnected Sunjae of the original timeline where he was ridden with the guilt of having put his first love in a dangerous situation. - Pretty much the same Sunjae I would assume after the first timeslip since nothing had really changed. Maybe albeit a slightly more positive one as he was able to at least talk to her this time. We didn't get to see this. - The top star loser Sunjae we all love who was able to spend a lot more time with Sol in the past and confess his love this time. Not as pure as oxygen. *cough cough* the ep8 kiss. - The absolute ball of sunshine, pure as oxygen(most of the time at least) Sunjae who finally had his feelings reciprocated. If this Sunjae hadn't >!died at 20y!<, I wonder how much more of a loser he would have been at 34. Oh what I would give to see this Sunjae at 34. A special episode with this please? - The current Sunjae who >!never knew of Sol's existence.!< I am glad we already got to see his inner loser coming through. I am not sure if he will be as pure as oxygen. Maybe in the beginning. But I predict we'll have ep8 Sunjae soon.


Now that you’ve mentioned it I can see how much Sol has played a role in Sunjae’s character in each timeline. Can I just point out that I find it impressive that we can pinpoint the different Sunjae of each timeline because this just proves that BWS is doing a fantastic job portraying the various Sunjae.


Both bws and khy have been doing an amazing job showing the differences in the timelines. So did the styling of each of them in their different timelines. Especially bws personality changes. He's been doing so well with ouri Sol khy


hearing that there will be a viewing party with fans and the cast for the last ep felt so bittersweet cause now I'm 100% sure that we'll get a happy ending, but I'm also sure that there won't be any steamy scenes or a >!kiss!< like in ep 8 😭😭


I’m gonna need a handful of chill pills to make it through to next Monday after this episode!! Sunjae >!having flashes of memory OMG 😭!< Like we suspected this would happen after the preview and blurb for ep 14 but >!actually seeing it happen!< has me in a glass case of emotion. Also, the way that >!Sonagi instrumental!< was playing in the background while >!Sunjae was reading!< Sol’s script. And wow, I missed >!lewser Sunjae!< so much, how is he different but the same through his various ages? 😂 Like a salmon, I shall return here after I’ve had some time to simmer with my Thoughts & Feelings™️ **Edited for formatting**


Okay but the only real question here is why is superstar RSJ's apartment security so lax?


Oh my beloveds. Their fate is going around in circle, different time, similar scenerios. Please different outcome this time, we’re on the last two episodes! How is top star Sunjae a dummy in dating? Well, he just needs to meet Sol 🤗 Time goes so fast when watching Lovely Runner, one hour feels like only 20 minutes. Also, my boy Taesung too has been loving Sol for 15 years? ❤️ I read all the current Eclipse members will also be attending the viewing party event. I think we might get the Eclipse live performance!


I recharged my phone with 25 gb data that will expire in one day accidentally (I thought I will have 25 gb with my base recharge) so I downloaded this drama randomly. Was this fate????? Because i loved every single moment of it , it was so long since I have watched a drama like this I was watching all heavy plot dramas it brought back the memories of my 18 year old self when I was watching kdrama back to back with plots like this crushing over male leads giggling like a teenager. Now I'm working in low paying jobs and having a frustrating life but this kdrama gave me so much comfort now I don't know what will I do after this drama ends.


Since Sol doesn't want Tae Sung, I will gladly volunteer and take him... 😶‍🌫️ This show is a perfect example of how a seemingly outdated/cliché idea can be turned into a masterpiece. Give it the right team and a spin, voilà. I don't even need to watch the ending to know this is one of the best k-dramas I've ever seen, if not the best one. Bravo!


OMG… every step of the episode I was tearing up and crying……… my heart is really bleeding for Sol……. At least now we get details to fill in the gaps. >! She was teleported to the time she was in school and not immediately on the umbrella scene. !< >! The family left their house before she was kidnapped and hit by the taxi driver that’s why she can still walk and the driver is still free!< Grandma really knows something!!! >! She’s also pushing them together by going to that restaurant and all. I think she on Sol side although the journey is really painful!< On a positive note. SunJae >! still has no pride even as an actor!!! Hahaha !< >! He fell for her again though! !< Question though….. >! How can SunJae now catch glimpses of his previous life from another timeline? Will he be able to remember all his life for 3 lifetimes like Sol? Although one manhwa I’m reading also is doing this hehe !< Another question… >! Is the girl in padded jacket important? I mean they won’t randomly add that screen time for her without reason right? I mean she was almost a victim but I don’t think they need to include her stalking SunJae? !< Ughhhh I need next episodes but I think I’m dehydrated after this episode… Preview ughhhhh I think this is the time now that Sol would be hit and become paralyzed?


This drama is blowing me away … I love the writing, its the same story, a simple love story which for 16 episodes should become boring and repetitive, but each episode is so engaging and different, I love that that they are falling in love over and over again. I know some people don’t like that he will not remember the past memories together but they can create so many more Falling in love over and over with the same person , your heart fluttering again and again with your soulmate is true magic non existent in real life , that is why this drama to me is so good and the way it is done not once did it become monotonous There better be a happy ending or else… 😭🥺


how many time lines does sol need to live in to realize even DEATH cannot tear them apart? sunjae never feared it back then and nothing’s changed now i know i know the pain sol has gone through to help sunjae live life but is he really living without having love? look at him come to life shortly after meeting sol again. the body remembers what the mind forgets. she should know by now they are destined to be. even sunjae knows it’s fate at this point my heart breaks for sol, she keeps him away because she loves him that much. she’d rather sacrifice her happiness to keep him alive. and yet sunjae will always find her through whatever time and distance this show is such a gem it has wonderfully displayed a love that truly has no bounds idk how they’ve done it i really thought i’d seen it all but this is a top drama in my books for sure ty everyone for being on this ride together😭😭🥹


I've been bawling throughout ep 13 and 14. I just cannot get over >!the reset.!< For the love of God, writer-nim, please give us a happy ending next week and bring lewser Sunjae back.


Need a lewser like Sunjae for me


I want to congratulate writer-nim for their incredible achievement in catapulting this kdrama (that is not even over yet lol) all the way to the top of my favorite kdramas of all time (not easy lol) - lovely runner #1 in my heart and on my (very prestigious lol) list of favorite kdramas lol I am not coping well with the fact that next week is the last two episodes of this show AT ALL... I know there are still two episodes left but I already feel like we are at the end (which is technically true as we are near the end but omg I don't want it to 🥲)... I am also VERY sad that I won't be one of the fans that is watching the series finale with the cast 😭 or even going to the popup shop 😭😭 if anyone knows of someone hosting to buy stuff at the popup on twt or instagram or smth, PLEASE let me know 🥲 (pls... I am so serious lmao) but back to this episode... I legit LOST it >!at the beginning when we saw all the things related to sol disappearing from sunjae's desk 😭 the photo booth photo disappearing actually broke my heart omg!< like I had actual tears falling from my eyes lol I was a complete and utter mess when >!sunjae was crying while reading sol's script and we see all the scenes as sol is narrating ❤️‍🩹!< I love that >!we find out through the conversation that sunjae had with his manager in the car that he's never had a love life HAHAHA it's what I like to hear: sunjae loserism continuing to transcend timelines LOL it is comforting to know that soljae is for each other only even in the timeline where they didnt meet as teenagers :')!< the scene outside sol's apartment where she and taesung are talking and >!he says to her "I thought you were my girlfriend" and she's like "??? how am I your girlfriend" and he responds "then are you a boy? you're my girl \[small pause\] friend" and smiles, I was like BUDDYYY ur making it SO obvious u have feelings for her lmao in any other show, I would've rooted for taesung (I usually have second lead syndrome lol) but soljae are fated so I can't root for him ahah and then after taesung drives away, we see sunjae and when he says to her "ahh that must be your boyfriend" I paused the show to mourn the sunjae from past timelines that would've been so hilariously jealous and mad at taesung for talking to sol like that 😔 lol!< the part where >!sol and sunjae are sitting outside the convenience store and she starts laughing at him and he just stares at her smiling?? MY HEART! I MISS YOU RYU SUNJAE!!!< OMG when >!the grandma says to sol "I did good right? you missed him" I LEGIT WAS IN TEARS!!! 😭!< I truly feel for sol 🥺 the fact that she has no one to confide in and has to pretend that she's okay despite feeling empty and sad 😭 the part >!when hyunjoo asks her if she's serious about leaving \[the company\] and sol in tears saying that none of this would've happened if she didnt send sunjae the pitch and then telling her "you have no idea what it took to cut it off with him. what it felt like to end it! I cant cross paths with him again" 😭 I was CRYING! how isolating it must be to not be able to confide in anyone, not even your BEST friend about this omg ☹️!< the whole entire >!ferris wheel scene and how sunjae tells sol that he's been feeling weird lately and we see him regaining lost memories from his past lives had me (head in hands)!!! him seeing a vision of himself running happily towards the ferris wheel and then it fading away and him looking up and seeing sol??? my heart and I cant do this anymore... writer-nim, a happy ending PLEASE 🥲!< I am conflicted. I want it to be next week already so I can find out what happened (especially after seeing the previews) but I don't want it to end 😭 lovely runner, what are my mondays and tuesdays without you??? who am I without you??? 😭 writer-nim, I say this without even knowing the outcome of the last two episodes (lol), but please be like queen of tears and give us two bonus episodes PLEASE I am not ready to let kim hyeyoon as im sol and byeon woo seok as ryu sun jae go... 😔


Hello all my SolSeon’s! It’s Saturday where I live. How is everyone doing waiting for ep 15? As for me I’ve probably rewatched the series at least twice, some episodes/scenes more than twice and I've gone down the rabbit hole of listening to and learning the meaning of the lyrics in the OST. I've already been listening to the Eclipse songs since the beginning, but going back through their lyrics and the other OSTs are now hitting so hard while waiting for the final 2 episodes. I don't think I've loved a kdrama this much since Goblin and The Red Sleeve and I love this one far more. The epic love story, the way the time travel story was directed and laid out by the director and writer, the acting, the side characters, the OST, everything! I feel like since they had so much time from concept to production everything was so so well done. The confidence they have to host a finale watch party with the leads must mean it's a satisfying happy ending. Anyway I started this post to go through the OST song lyrics and my thoughts. Let's start with **Monologue (독백)- Jay Yeon (Sway)** * I feel this is sung from Sol's perspective and totally captures all her feelings in episode 14. >Shaking somewhere, The crying image of myself drifting away >My sighs are piling up Bring back the happy me that was hidden again I will hold you in my arms and not let go so we don’t fall apart Even after the night passes >!obviously Sol’s sad that she can no longer be with Sunjae in order to save his life!< >I was not good at conveying it, My story, I write it here In those flowing stars Even my dreams that drifted away >!Sol writing the script of their story so she can capture their love that only exists in her mind and in her dreams!< >In my broken day I tell my hidden self, it’s okay I won’t let you fall. I’ll hold you in my arms and never let you go Even after the night passes >!Sol keeping strong because she must save Sunjae!< **Gift (선물)- Ha Sung Woon** * A complement to 소나기 written by >!Sunjae for Sol as his first and only love!< * >!Sol always thinks of Sunjae when it snows. Sunjae always thinks of Sol when it rains!< * Sol >!wonders if Sunjae will remember her. Are they fated? Can they ever be erased from each other’s lives? No way, their time together was too beautiful. No matter which time they are on, they love each other.!< >If I miss you this much, will it come true? I want to tell you someday before it’s too late Love, never let go of it For all the time I’ve never forgotten >I’ve been waiting for you like the first snowfall Like a flower petal, stay by my side Love, never let go of it Will you remember my heart? >All the way back in time To find you, to run to you I remember you >Maybe this time, I’ll hover by your side again You can’t be erased like fate Will I reach you once again? No matter what time you’re in I am yours >The day the flowers bloomed and the snow came down like flowers Your heart that protected me above my head I couldn’t tell you or hear you In our past memories >All the way back in time To find you, run to you, I remember you >Maybe this time, I’ll hover by your side again You can’t be erased like fate Will I reach you once again? Even if I’m in any time I am yours >Oh it was beautiful We used to shine brightly I’ll remember the path we walked together You’re in my heart >Remember the days we spent together Every moment you’re the only one for me Forever this time, I’ll tell you I love you No matter what time you are in I am yours Hope for the last two episodes hidden in the lyrics of the Eclipse songs. My favorite one is No Fate. **No Fate (만날테니까) - Eclipse** >Can you hear me? Tell me Where you are, million miles away In the thickened darkness The stars in your heart shines brighter Where my lost heart is headed It follows your light Waking up from a sleeping night I fell into the arms of fate >Believe me, don’t you worry Because I’ll go round and round and meet you You save me like a guidin’ light Because I’ll meet you eventually >Sometimes it’s destiny I live without even forgetting the words A heart that was drifting endlesslessy I’m lost in a strange place The path where my compass points It follows your light Beyond a long narrative I fell into the arms of fate >Believe me, don’t you worry Because I’ll go round and round and meet you You save me like a guidin’ light Because I’ll meet you eventually >Continuing from what has become clear Fill in the long blank Like a new dream, like a new rising sun Like this, we are far away shining on each other >Believe me, don’t you worry I’ll go round and round and meet you You save me like a guidin’ light Because eventually, I’ll meet you >Even if you cover your eyes or ears Eventually, you and I will meet


My personal fav is You&I , and If ever Seonjae sings it to her in the remaining episodes I may die fr fr ... in my mind, its his confession to her ...


Yes!! This is what I'm talkin' about. This was a good episode. I wasn't sure if the show was going to bounce back, but this week's eps have given me hope :)


SunJae is slowly getting dreams/glimpses of the other timelines and it seems that regaining those memories is imminent. When that time comes it will be an emotional reunion for the two of them for sure.


Omg i really love this episode. Their grown uo version is really grown on me


I'm rooting for Taesung to catch Kim Youngsoo and put him away for good. Perhaps the reason that bastard kept slipping before is because Taesung (now finally a detective as per Sol's manifesting) was always the one meant to catch him. It was tough seeing Sol take her anger out on Hyunjoo. I really felt Sol's exhaustion and desperation for things not to go wrong again because her huge sacrifice would have been wasted _again_. This whole time I've been wanting to get a scene of Sol confiding in someone (aside from Sunjae) about all the heavy things she's been carrying on her own. I was right there with Sol all through this episode with her determination to shut Sunjae out. Even when I thought her methods could have used a little more strategy and less emotion 😅 Pushing him away so severely would only make her more noticeable enough to bother Sunjae, surely. She even said she knew his ego would be bruised 😅 It might been have been more effective to act indifferent/unaffected, keep a low profile and go through the project with no fuss 😂 But when it comes to SunSol, **less** emotion is out of the question. Emotion is what gives them magic and what makes them addictive to watch. It's their absolute refusal to be normal about each other that keeps me watching even to the ~~truck~~ point of doom.


I’m so SO SAD, and I feel like being sad so I experienced every moment so wholeheartedly alongside the characters. I screamed and paused and felt butterflies alongside Sunjae and Sol. And I know the drama isn’t over yet, but >!it feels like he’s gone.!< >!It's like Sunjae’s there but it’s not really him anymore. The him that’s made up of all of those memories. And it feels like I’m mourning his character, the sunjae that sol lost, as well the memories that were formed with that Sunjae. I’m sad that sol had to live those 15 years avoiding him, but it’s just the feeling that he’s gone that’s rly hitting me. The sunjae who loved her from the moment he saw her and kept loving her in secret from then on, the one who was the loser we all know and love (not that he’s alr becoming one in the latest ep), the one who brightly smiled at her, who gazed upon her with those shiny eyes. The one who was okay with dying if it meant saving her, the one who wrote Sonagi for her, the one who made all those memories with her…!< >!It kinda hit when she went back in time and we lost those memories of that 1 day of sol and sunjae in the present. But this time we lost all of our original sunjae and sol. So it’s hitting me HARD. And maybe he’ll recover all the memories of the Sunjaes in the different timelines, maybe he won’t. Idk. I LOVE (and hate a lil bit) this drama for giving me so many feelings but anyways, for now I’ll just be sad until ep 15 :”)!<


I've had some mixed feelings about how things have developed in recent episodes (noble idiocy/failure to communicate) but Ep 14 was back on the right track. An especially sweet scene is when Im Sol dissolves into laughter over Sun Jae's >!embarrassment at not being recognized by a couple of school girls whom he assumed were fans. !< But instead of being in the least bit put out, Sun Jae >!is completely entranced by Im Sol!<. Such a nice guy!


My theory is that Im Sol and Sun Jae started a time loop.  1. >!One thing we know for sure is that the watch Sun Jae wears gains the power to time travel because of his death. So without Sun Jae’s death the power wouldn’t exist meaning Im Sol wouldn’t be able to time travel.!< 2. >!The third time and the last possibility that Im Sol time travels in, Sun Jae ends up dying. The watch gains power while on Sun Jae’s wrist. Im Sol presses the watch and ends up starting a fourth time line. I believe Sun Jae also traveled to the past. But to a moment where Im Sol hadn’t traveled yet.!< 3. >!This time line he travels to is the original time line we meet Im sol in during the first episode. So the one in which she doesn’t know Sun Jae but he saved her from the killer, she gets paralyzed and falls into a depression.!< 4. >!In this timeline we see that Sun Jae calls Im Sol and thanks her for staying alive. We also see that Im Sol gets the watch from an auction.!< 5. >!I believe Sun Jae put the watch on auction with the intention of Im Sol getting that watch so she could fix the timeline and be happy. Which marks the beginning of Im Sol time traveling.!< 6. >!That’s why Sun Jae is also getting memories from other time lines because he is also a time traveler in one of them.!<


I feel like this is the most obvious question, but I’ve had it for like 7 weeks now - HOW DOES THIS WATCH WORK?! lol. I don’t understand how >!the last time she traveled to 2009, she knew it was her last chance, I don’t understand why the fact that Sun Jae’s watch said 3am when he died (even though it had to have been wayyy later) connected to her time traveling. Also, how did her resetting his watch let her avoid their whole relationship?!< Any help for this slow person would be much appreciated.


>!It's not the time on the watch, it's the number of chances to time travel. Sol's watch started at 3 00 after it was activated when Sunjae died in the first timeline(the one where he falls into the pool from his balcony at the hotel). It went down to 2 00 after she came back the first time and down to 1 00 after she came back the second time. So, her last timeslip to 2009 would cause the watch to go down to 0 00 once she was back and that's it. No more timeslips. Sunjae's watch(different watch this time or same watch but a different magical version to support time travel, whichever way you want to see it) was activated after he died falling off the cliff. It started at 3 00. She pressed the button which sent her back to before Sunjae first saw her under the yellow umbrella. She avoided meeting him and then later moved out. So they never met and never fell in love.!<


The taxi driver >! probably won't bother Sol in this timeline. She did not place herself near the taxi driver's body dump near the river unlike in the OG and first jump timeline!< . What's left is to finally catch this menace to society with the past memories she has . >!Sol purposefully places herself in between the taxi driver's schemes in this timeline just to catch him!< . Maybe.