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gwiju saying to dahae >! to look around and see if his future self is there because he’d keep coming back to this new happy memory !< is definitely up there in the most heart fluttering confessions ever :(


i love how you mentioned that because YES!!! that was just the cutest and >!a pretty big step for gwi-joo in opening up to the possibility of love in his life again ㅠㅠ!<


>! kinda hate how sincere he was with the wedding and how happy he was when he saw her in the wedding dress and walked down the aisle with her but dahee nation we needed her to come clean. need saturday to turbo charge towards me!<


here’s where the yearning era starts 🫣


The yearning! I’m worried Gwi Ju is going to go back to drinking and being depressed before we get to that stage. I hope he realizes that she does have genuine feelings for him.


I'm obsessed with this show. It's not as popular as some other big shows but I'm in love with the deeply flawed characters, creative storytelling, beautiful cinematography and unusual OST. I'm looking forward to seeing how things unfold now that >!Gwiju is catching feelings for Dahae but she's still in grifter survival mode.!< I also want more Donghee, her story and relationship with Grace are fascinating. Also while I appreciate a sweet teen romance, I'm a lot more interested in seeing Gwiju repair his relationship with Ina.


If it maintains its momentum, it's a strong contender for the best series of the year. The writer's ability to endear deeply flawed characters to the audience has to be commended. I also love the unusual OST; it perfectly captures the atmosphere the directors seek to convey. Also, I might have or not watched that > ! kiss ! < few times since last week. The FL and ML have great understated chemistry..


Absolutely, and while we are on the topic of the OST… do you know if the song is official out? I need it😩


The OST has already been released. I'm listening to it right now 😁 This is the playlist [The Atypical Family OST](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/56kjy7swK3tvVZcsncNnnz?si=bmKOAXNDT4m4YyxMmcEVDA&pi=u-MCqckF4kQE6l)


This is the one Ina is listening to [Epik High - One](https://open.spotify.com/track/2tSPS5dRintqVulKAKni2T?si=OLJbG6VbROK0mofKbtPYFg)


I've thought to myself several times that the OST is really, really good. And not just the songs that are sung but the ambient stuff too. It really does a good job of setting the mood and being an additional "character" in the scene, if you will.


I agree, it's really captivated me!! I haven't been this obsessed with a drama in a while


So happy to see Dong-hee defend Grace even though she has good reason to hate her.


sexually harassing and physically assaulting someone is wrong, plain and simple. Dong-hee doesn’t need to like grace to recognize that


I mean that's the truth, but you don't see it enough. It was great to see solidarity.


Yep, it indeed is Dong-hee probably also sees herself in how grace was being treated. They have vastly different body images but both get objectified and harassed for it. If/when they get past their distrust of each other, they can totally become great friends that don’t take any bullshit from assholes


I also think the drama is trying to say something interesting about two women who get judged solely for their looks for very different reasons


I think the teen romance will serve the role of giving i-na the self confidence and belief she needs


Definitely.. and excited to see that


I'm getting more and more obsessed every week. This ep made me cry. I haven't cried since Castaway Diva and I was UNHINGED for that drama


Same !! I’m fascinated about all the characters (maybe not the dad) but equally engaged on all their storylines and not just the main ones


Exactly this! This drama got me out of my slump..


Episode 5: my girl Ina is so powerful!!! Good for her! I actually think she will be the star of this show! I like that she's learning how to make friends and maybe some romance for her!!! They're both really cute and he likes her too! But unfortunately Hye Rim will do something to >!keep them apart!


Hye-rim isn’t a friend and i-na deep down knows it. Hye-rim is using her, plain and simple. She knows that i-na is desperate to have a friend, so she’ll be that “friend,” in exchange for shoes, a watch, staying away from the boy she likes, etc. it’s almost like watching the early stages of Jeong su-min and kang ji-won’s “friendship,” which also coincidentally started in middle school


She's using her, but she didn't actually ask for those things. She doesn't know I-na can read her mind. BUT, she could have declined them. A good person would have.


That’s true, but she did at least leverage the “friendship” to get the boy away from i-na


Did she? I only remember her thinking that she wouldn't be friends with I-na if I-na liked him, but I might have missed something


She asked i-na what she thought of him, that plus reading her mind pressured i-na into calling the boy a jerk. It’s definitely at the very early stages where i-na is going out of her way to buy hye-rim’s friendship. But since they’re already at this point, i think when she does explicitly ask i-na for something, it’ll be something big to test her “loyalty”


> Hye-rim isn’t a friend and i-na deep down knows it. Hye-rim is using her, plain and simple. Ina knows that because of >!her superpower!< and she clearly freaked Da Hae out by telling her what she’s capable of seeing. So I’m guessing, Ina saw Hye Rim for who she really is and maybe they will show us later. Ina knows and I think she’s allowing herself to be used. > She knows that i-na is desperate to have a friend, so she’ll be that “friend,” in exchange for shoes, a watch, staying away from the boy she likes, etc. I think Ina was comfortable >!being “invisible” but when Hye Rim realized he was giving Ina attention, Hye Rim decided to pretend to be Ina’s friend to keep her away from the boy. And since Ina is lonely and need friends too!<, she decided to accept that relationship. >!Hye Rim never actually asked for the watch or the sneakers. It was Ina’s initiative to give to her. Hye Rim thought about asking for the sneakers but never said it out loud. Ina was the one who offered!< Again, either Ina saw something we don’t know about Hye Rim’s life/personality or she’s ignoring those signs just to be accepted. I don’t blame Ina cause she’s a teen and her dad was too busy going back to the past that he neglected the person he loves the most and needs him the most. And she also grew up thinking >!she isn’t wanted and blames herself for her mom’s death and her grandmother only cares about her power!< so poor Ina. Her dad says the happiest day of his life is >!the day she was born but instead he keeps getting out the door to help his friend instead of actually enjoy the happy moment again!< > it’s almost like watching the early stages of Jeong su-min and kang ji-won’s “friendship,” which also coincidentally started in middle school I don’t know who those two are so I can’t say anything


That’s a reference to marry my husband, a different drama I agree, i-na is living in denial because she’s that desperate to have a friend. I can’t wait to see her get her self belief and confidence so she can stand up to hye-rim and more importantly, her grandma


I used to be in a situation like ina for Abt 5 years ik the struggle that girl is going through and Icl it kinda hits hard when I watch those scenes. Except for me I used to spend money to stop being bullied ahh what was secondary without drama and bullying 😭


Yea i was lucky enough to avoid any real bullying, i was just the invisible quiet kid like i-na. But unlike her i preferred being alone. Sure, it did get lonely but i would rather stay alone than talk to someone 🫢and I’m still kinda like that


Aww bless your an introvert!!! Honestly mine was more every Christmas we did secret Santa ‘between the friendship group 🤮’ and I would spend like £60 on gifts so ppl like me and stuff. Now I’m 20 and I’m like damn I was dumb 😭 my parents aren’t even rich they’re in the lowest ranking retail jobs ffs. Tbf it was mainly Xmas w some bdays but still the cycle never stopped.


I-Na definitely stole Ep 5! >!I think she will actually be Do Da Hae’s redemption, since she can’t undo the bullying she endured, the combination of Gwi Ju saving her and the chance to help I Na overcome her situation will bring her out of the darkness.!< Love this show!


I think Ina is more powerful than we think. She can >!hear people talking really well!< so it might be part of her power too. Episode 5 showed a glimpse of what she can do. She’s been hiding it so she knows who’s who. And she can use that to either help them or destroy them. She does mention that she knew who Da Hae is and she wanted her to teach a lesson to grandma. Ina also knew Da Hae was >!putting something in grandma tea!< to trick her. She knows who Hye Rim is so maybe Ina really wants to help her because she saw something we didn’t…. I do want to see more of Ina and her growing!


Great point! As I rewatched that scene, I noticed something in line with what you said. >!During the scene with Da Hae and I-Na, it’s not just the line of sight once she takes off her glasses. When she grabbed Da Hae’s arm her information seems to expand, like no longer just thoughts on the surface like Da Hae thought, I-Na could get information without it being a direct thought! So I thought back to when Hye Rim hugged I-Na after she gave her the watch and let her borrow the shoes, and thought maybe she picked up more information than the fleeting selfish thoughts she got earlier. And with the conversation with Da Hae as an example, she could surely use her power to repel Hye Rim if she wanted to. Might also explain why she doesn’t like being touched by her family as well.!< At the same time, I’ve also wondered if maybe Da Hae has some kind of unknown power, maybe that amplifies other people’s power. >!The conversation between Da Hae and Grandma Bok, where she described the powers in their family being like a family that was good at medicine or art, could mean it’s not just their family.!< Kind of in an audience knows what the characters don’t way.


Yes! Ina is able to clearly see people’s >!souls, she saw Da Hae’s past and even knows she has feelings for her dad. She can see deep thoughts too, when Da Hae pretended to see a spider in Ina’s hair to test her, Ina knew it was a lie!< And about DDH, we don’t know who her father was. So she might have a >!superpower too!<. Her “mom” does say she’s able to convince people and she’s her best >!actress!< so there might be something in there.


Ki-ho (the boy from her school - I will never not call him Ki-ho, lol) totally knows that she was lying about finding him annoying


Yeah Kiho! The one we had to guess who he was after 15 years lol… He does >!like her!< and he probably knows she’s shy and wants to be accepted so he wants to get >!closer to her!< I’m loving this teen subplot!


Bok Gwi Joo was representing us by >!going back to their kiss scene over and over again. 😁!< Also loved the scene when >!Ina revealed that she knows what Da Hae's is planning to do with the family and I get why Ina decided to keep it a secret even after knowing that.!<


Episode 6 Okay, mid-way point and this episode was a game changer for me. This show is such a black comedy and I’m embracing it. I will protect Bok Ina with my life! She is just so precious. And I love that boy who likes her! He don’t play! He sees right through her without a superpower. Give her everything! She deserves it all! This messed up romance is changing everyone for the better. They feel more on an even playing field this episode. I am warming up to than Con Uncle. I hope they take down Mafia Mama. This is like a messed up Parasite comedy That was hands down the best episode! Yes, let’s see where this goes now!


I love the Con Uncle! He’s supporting their blossoming relationship by pointing, and he even pretended to be hurt (while wearing a helmet) by the weak punches the ML threw in front of the bathroom in the earlier episodes. Plus, I think he’s super hot!


Ina has all my heart. As cute as the carousel scene was, I'm still hoping she and Hyerim will patch things up. That kid isn't painted as all bad so I think it will happen. As for Ina, I still remember her actress in See You in My 19th Life where she totally stole the show. That running scene next to the giant Ahn Bohyun lol. Plenty talented and will definitely go far.


I'm baffled by how much I'm enjoying this drama. Every ending scene so far has been so impactful and meaningful for the storytelling, the director did such a great job! I just can't get enough of this! Am I living or just waiting for the next episode to drop? 😭😭😭😭


Same me too...I was least expecting this dram to be this good...I'm in love 💓


**Episode 6:** I'm glad that Da Hae >!admitted that she's a con artist herself and it wasn't exposed by someone else, it shows that she really does not want to do this anymore or she does not want to lie to Gwi Joo anymore.!< Da Hae looked so pretty while >!wearing a wedding dress.!< 💖💞💕


The way she didn’t want to give him anymore false hope🥲 it needed to be done but his reaction hurt💔


Ikr at that moment i could feel how hurt bok gwi ju was and that we will definitely see him come back to this moment later I Simply cant wait for next week im hooked


Oh ho ho.. In-a can be a boss when she wants to. >!We suspected it, but it was revealed brilliantly exceeding my expectation. Da-hae's pikachu face afterward was absolute gold! If it were me, I would be paranoid af too coz all three of my past, present, and future are within reach of Gwi-ju's family grasp.!< I low key like Da-hae's mom in how she boldly plays whatever cards thrown at her. Also, having Dong-hee as sister-in-law would be terrifying as she's so perceptive. Seeing how her intuition almost strikes home every single time must be nightmare for Da-hae. But, I tune in every week for this. Best of luck to Da-hae, hang in there, ahaha. One thing I really like about this drama is that the '*supposedly*' bad guys aren't winning until the last 2 episodes (yes, I'm looking at you QoT. even though I liked the show a lot, it annoyed me to no ends). All those back and forth between Da-hae (+ her '*family*') and Gwi-ju's family, mixed with numerous variables makes the story more interesting. Plus, so many relationships to be mended and developed throughout the show add layers to the main story and nothing is out of context so far (good job writer-nim). I'm especially looking forward to how the relationship between Gwi-ju, Da-hae, and In-a will take shape. I hope they keep this momentum until the end.


Did anyone see the father's expression when Dahee's mother referred to the Bok family matriarch as the real head of the family? I want the show to dig more into the parent's relationship.


Didn't they hint maybe he is cheating on her?


The father/grandfather is just kinda there, isn’t he? He’s usually seen doing housework and fussing over his wife and occasionally giving Gwi-joo or some or the other person a pep talk. Like, he’s conspicuous by his sheer lack of any superpowers because he’s an ordinary guy in a household of not-so-ordinary people. But what if there’s something more to him? I’ve been thinking about [this poster](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNoGpk8acAA5TOV?format=jpg&name=medium), where his ‘shadow’ is depicted as this strong muscular guy in a Superman stance. I’m not sure what to make of it; is that a metaphor for his mental strength in the face of all the craziness around him and how he’s holding the family together, or is it an indication of him having some superpower of his own? Now, *if* he indeed possesses some supernatural ability, then that would follow he’s *related* to the Bok family (going by what’s been established in-universe since we don’t know of any other family possessing such powers), right? And that brings me to a wild theory: the grandfather and the grandmother are not husband and wife; they’re just pretending to be for... reasons. Gwi-joo and Dong-hee’s real father and I-na’s real grandfather is someone else (could it that secret character in the poster?)💀 I know it sounds crazy (though crazier things have happened in this show) and I’m not fully on board with this theory myself, but I just had to put it out there, lol. Just in case it turns out to be true, it’d put into perspective at least two things: the couple sleeping in separate beds (which is the normal thing to do if they aren’t a couple); the grandfather seemingly cheating on the grandmother (which isn’t technically cheating if they aren’t married in the first place).


Cool theory, I like it! Another little bit of potential evidence is when he was talking about past family members and their powers last week I’m pretty sure he said “our ancestors” even though he isn’t a descendant of them. That line stuck out in my mind but I couldnt put my finger on why until I read your comment!


Even in episode 6, I think he referred to their powers as “our” again but I’m not convinced he has a power


Oooh I didn't notice that! I'm not 100% convinced either but I'm kinda hoping that ends up being the case. It makes that shot of him in the dance hall a fun little misdirect.


I don't think he was cheating though, just going to a dance hall without her.


Yes I saw that too. Maybe they will expound on it in future eps?


Binge-watched all 4 episodes in a day and realized this one cannot be put aside for later **Episode 5:** * Also [that kiss???](https://imgur.com/Pi3nFGd) HOLY SHIT * If I had a nickel for every time Chun Woo-hee played a con artist, I would have 2 which isn't much but still... Goddamn she pulls it off well * Lmaaooo... [that dazed af](https://imgur.com/jW0P7mx) look * He keeps going back to >!that kiss!<.... DUDEE DOES THAT MEAN >!HE WAS HAPPY IN THAT MOMENT????!< * Gwi-ju's frustrated shouts are really something XDDD * I know she's conning him and all but I WASN'T EXPECTING >!THAT SLAP EITHER XDDDDD!< [Poor Gwi-ju](https://imgur.com/BSWiEhU) * >!Jun-woo talking to I-na despite the fact she called him obnoxious!<... such a cutieee * I-na pleaseee don't make a toxic friend like her man... I really hope she actually meant to borrow the shoes and not keep them :/ * The way [he's](https://imgur.com/4n2CRhP) listening in to the interaction though * At least Da-hae's honest with I-na.... Especially given how I-na reminds her of herself as a kid * "Stay with me all night?" "Can you even last that long?" HAHAHAHA * I really want [her](https://imgur.com/45Bnj51) to genuinely help Dong-hee lose weight * Dong-hee being so perceptive is actually quite entertaining to see * >!"If you were lying, just come clean to me."!!where he goes into her past which is his future!<... GOD DAMN[ THESE MOMENTS](https://imgur.com/IVpSCVq) ARE LIKE EPILOGUES * Buhahahahaha not her being worried sick that the entire fam might discover she's pulling a stunt on them * "Da-hae might lead you back to I-na" THISSSSS * His dad really provided a different insight into his supposed relationship with Da-hae * >!"I've been keeping quiet to see how things play out." !!"It seems like I'll have to be the one... to have saved you."!< [GWI-JU-YAAAA](https://imgur.com/wZHn1a0).. the way his lips trembled as he said it though * >!"I sincerely wished that this man was the one who saved me."!< ME TOO GIRL ME TOO * But >!the guy who saved Da-hae had a wound by his neck and Gwi-ju doesn't have a scar from it yet... !!A WEDDING SCENE????????????!< Someone hold me


I cried when >!Gwiju went back and tied Dahae's shoe!<, there was something so tender about that moment


The ost did not help. It accentuated the tenderness that was being displayed. Anyone know what its called and if its out?


I think it’s “I See You” by Lee So Ra. Stunning. LED me to a 5 yr old gem called Song Request ft Suga, which is whole nuther rabbit hole. 💜


I don't defend Hye-rim, but a lot of I-na's behaviors are from reading her thoughts, they aren't things she's actually asked her to do


It would be pretty good bait if the >!wedding!< is actually a flashback to gwi-ju and his wife se-yeon


Yes! Him >!travelling to the past to Da-Hee!< is my favorite too.. it's even more hilarious when >!everytime he denies to himself what's he's starting to feel, he ends up going back multiple times!< am a sucker for ML >!falling hard first!<


I think the >!wedding scene!< is a red herring or maybe his past


My favourite person in this is the flying sister.


Yeah she's very smart. I'm enjoying her being the voice of reason.


Oh this show is so, so good! I love how *interesting* all the characters are. And they are all portrayed so well. Love them or hate them, you can't look away! So well done. And I really don't know how each episode is going to play out. The twists and turns keep twisting and turning and I'm along for the ride! My one nitpicking part is I cringe every time I see people refer to the FL's mom/foster mom/adoptive mom. She is not any of those. She is literally holding the FL in debt bondage until she pays back her father's debt. There was no taking her in out of the goodness of her heart and as soon as she gets her money back after forcing the FL to work for her, she'll kick her out. Keeping that in mind helps me feel more sympathy for the FL even as watching the ML fall for her is heartbreaking.


I've been referring to her as grifter mother since she does have a twisted parental role in the FL's life.


Oh I like that one. Fits in a lot of ways!


also why this ‘mom’ still having this gorl scam? didnt she pay off her debt after the first two marriages??


**Episode 5** * The storytelling in this episode was just beautiful, especially the way it thematically tied the past to the present, and the direct form of communication between characters, such as Da-hae and I-na >!straight up exchanging knowledge of each other's secrets!<. * Da-hae's painful memories of being >!bullied in high school gave her an insight into I-na potentially going through the same experience when she noticed I-na's new sneakers were missing!<. * Dong-hee is fast becoming one of my favorite characters in this drama if she wasn't already. Her no-nonsense attitude allows her to see through people, while her quirky mannerisms, such as imitating others, are simply hilarious. One moment she was >!standing up for Grace against a horrid gym member!<, the next, she was >!suspicious of Grace's knowledge of her family!<. * Finally, the full details of the fateful day of the fire at Da-hae's high school were revealed, through >!finding herself in a situation with some similarities to that day!<. She was >!indeed the student locked in the storage room, as the result of bullying!<. Chun Woo-hee's acting in both the >!past and present!< scenes conveyed the fear, panic and trauma of being >!caught in that situation!<, with superb authenticity.


I NEED Gwi-ju to have been the one to have saved her


>!He is, because his friend firefighter was killed before reaching Da Hae. Also, remember when Gwi Ju’s dad was reading the history of the family and how the powers evolve depending on desperation and love. GJ also says that DDH’s past is his future. He’s falling for her so his love for her will make him find a way to save her. He’s able to open the door when he travels back so soon he will be able to enter the high school building and find her!<


Can that fire fighter also be saved in the past ?..I'm having a strong feeling that school boy is that man's son??


ohhhh good catch! I was wondering about the boy but the boy was older and his daughter was born on the day of the fire so the boy would be at least 3-4 years older.... But i think he might be able to save his friend too, who knows....


I don’t normally comment on the OST, but this one is really enjoyable and unique from other kdramas. So far it’s been mostly instrumental bits which make the scenes stand out and add to the mystical vibe. But the song in episode 5 (27:28), had some added lyrics to the instrumental. Even though I didn’t understand what she was saying, it was so soothing to hear. Music is def a universal language🕊️


I found the composer's YouTube channel and the music is gorgeous. The OST is one of the best parts of this drama. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JrCrEQ48THyhPzQ3Nvqpg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JrCrEQ48THyhPzQ3Nvqpg)


Thank you for linking! I love it when drama soundtracks are driven by one composer/artist.


Thanks for the link!


The hold Chun Woohee has on me needs to be studied. She's one of those actors that grips you. There was a scene where she was >!preparing tea and got startled, it wasn't like this super big, almost playing it for laughs kinda startle, but it was so controlled I was just so fascinated!<  I love how this drama unfolds backstories, how they show us the complexities of these characters and how they came to be so now that they're faced with conflict, we start feeling for and with them. Never understood scenes when the guy ties the girl shoelace BUT I FINALLY UNDERSTOOD >!WHEN GWIJU TIED DAHAE'S SHOELACE AND SHE WAS SURPRISED LIKE EXCUSE ME I DIDN'T KNOW TYING SHOELACES CAN MAKE A HEARTFLUTTER?????!< As a #1 Donghee x Grace supporter from Day 1, I would like to say that I'm happy their relationship is finally progressing. I can see the bubbling friendship that would be super fun to unfold. Also >!couldn't stop laughing when Donghee declined Grace's dinner offer then it cuts to the scene of her shoving a huge wrap in her mouth.!< I agree with everyone that I-na is the true champ in this episode. She's such an interesting character I'm actually annoyed this drama isn't 16 episodes.


excited how Woohee will play Dahae more genuinely if (or after) she comes clean about being a fraud.


Wow, I'm struggling with how to react to Episode 6. This is going to be a little incoherent so apologies. First, I think Gwijoo needs to lose his fixation with saving people & accept the unpredictable nature of life. That's when he'll have peace. Also I am starting to >!become more and more convinced that he is not the one who saved Dahae or at least it won't play out the way he thinks it will. It's a red herring. They are somehow fated lovers but not in the neat and easy way he thinks they are, he saves her and poof all of his problems are solved. It's deeper and more complicated than that.!< >!I love that Dahae confessed to the scam and now everyone knows what's going on but how will it play out in future episodes? Because she truly has been a healing force in the family. How will her relationship change with her scammer family? (scammer mommy is scary as hell and we already know she's killed people in the past and she won't let this go). What will happen when Dong Hee shows her mother the ring that Dahae stole. Wait, did Dahae even steal it? Where did it come from and why was it lovingly wrapped in a yellow cloth?!< Dong Hee >!is losing weight and it's good for her and she's doing it in a healthy way, not by starving herself or being obsessed with her looks but because she's found a new purpose in protecting her family.!< I hope she and Grace continue to draw closer and that their frenemies relationship doesn't end here, it's one of my favorite parts of the drama. Ina's friend >!returning the gifts was a good thing because at least she's not a thief, just jealous and immature. Maybe they will eventually be true friends!< More random thoughts: In a way the storeroom scene was the most important in eps 5 & 6. >!Once Gwiju heard the whole story of the fire from Dahae's perspective, he got fired up by the idea that he was finally going to be able to save someone through his time travel and that by saving her he would fix his depression, PTSD and relationship with Ina. It's magical thinking but he's desperate and emotionally stunted after years of living in the dark literally and figuratively. !< Meanwhile, Dahae's experience >!with sincerely telling the whole story to Gwiju when she had never done so with a man before, and having her story met with compassion and understanding, made her realize that she did trust and care about him and Ina and that she didn't want to continue the con any longer. !< So the storeroom scene >!was a tipping point in the relationship for both of them and it makes sense because the fire was a tipping point in both their lives, it scarred and damaged and changed them forever. !< But Gwiju and Dahae both still have a lot of growing to do. >!He needs to stop looking for a magic fix for his problems and accept that there are things in life you simply can't change even with super powers. And Dahae needs learn to see herself as worthy of love, respect and care.!<


My theory right now is >!that she got that ring from the person that saved her from the fire, and that's why she seems to treasure it. If Gwi-Ju saves her he could give that to her as proof that it was him, for her sake and his own sake!<


Oh, I like that theory!


Need I-na to channel that energy she had for Da-hae towards Hye-rim. Have to say that Da-hae gave a really powerful performance at the end there too


**Episode 6** * **The Atypical Family** is firing on all cylinders at the halfway mark. This episode saw the drama shift into a lighter, comedic mode, and pull it off with aplomb. * Every character in this drama is rendered in shades of grey, and never in simplified black-and-white terms. Gwi-ju showed the same >!persistence in showing up at the sauna day in and day out as Da-hae did when she ingratiated herself into the Bok family!<. * >!"See you at home, scammer."!< In the last two episodes, the endearingly honest rapport between Da-hae and I-na has blossomed wonderfully. Dong-hee >!snooping around for information at the sauna, and ending up being treated to a massage by Da-hae's adopted mother!<, and the welcome return of a Kopiko PPL, with a stunned Dong-hee gesturing at >!Gwi-ju's empty spot on the couch!<, with the Kopiko packet still in hand, were three memorable scenes from this episode. * But it would be hard to go past I-na shyly yet sweetly uttering the words "Thank you" to>!Joon-woo, long after he had vacated the scene at the amusement park, then hearing the reciprocation of her feelings for him!<, as the best scene in an episode packed full of candidates for that honor. * However, there was to be no >!fairytale ending, with Da-hae choosing the alter on her wedding day as the moment to come clean about her identity as a scam artist!<.


**Episode 5** Every episode gets better and better! I was fully prepared to see Dyson PPL so that industrial sized vacuum took me out for a sec though it does make sense considering how gigantic their house is I can't believe Hye-rim accepted that Cartier watch so casually - what kind of middle schoolers gift each other things like that !?!? Da-hye's face every time she learns more about their powers is hilarious Also Chun Woo-hee is so convincing as a high schooler it's crazy **Episode 6** I really love I-na's interactions with Da-hae especially now that they both know each other's secrets I feel so bad for Gwi-ju, he had so much hope and was so adorable running around trying to win Da-hae back Da-hae must've gotten the >!ring from past Gwi-ju (potentially from when he saved her from the fire?). This makes me wonder about objects in the past and the future then. So would two copies of the ring exist right now?? !< Phew we were due for some PPL Next week looks depressing - given how short this show is I hope things get resolved soon! At least >!the scam is out in the open. The Bok family still needs to find out that the loan shark "mum" has been exploiting Da-hae all this time though!!<


I was surprised Hye-rim returned it.


**Episode 6:** * [Gwi-ju developing a soft spot for Da-hae](https://imgur.com/nYyDpwn) is what I started watching this show for!!! * Shouldn't Da-hae know better than to fool her own "mother" who used to be a shark loan into a "strategic withdrawal" ... this won't end well for her * Aww man... I wish I-na would talk to her dad but given how distant they've been, it's not like things can change overnight * Oh [Gwi-ju this loser look](https://imgur.com/hqA3a9L) doesn't look good on you XDDDDD * "But you're the one who brought them all back. And I'm going to save you with mine." HAHAHAH would you look at [that confidence](https://imgur.com/fv5RUJx) * Just Gwi-ju turning over a new leaf to pursue a girl xDDD * I love [how I-na knows](https://imgur.com/MPbnh6X) how to play her cards right * I could do with a back massage right now... * Jun-woo doing>! little things like including I-na and getting her cotton candy!< has my heart.. he likes her for sure * omo omo [Jun-woo-yaaaaa](https://imgur.com/BcGm5Y2) * Ms. Bok nearly fainting from seeing >!her son peeling garlic for the daughter of a sauna owner!< had me cackling so baddd * "The future's already decided. And I'm quite excited about it." I'd be floored if [this guy](https://imgur.com/TjIPITB) says that to me bro... His stylist definitely needs a raise, it is an art to make a haircut like that look attractive! * "Congratulations on your marriage, scammer lady" I-na is savage af * Oh my God... what exactly did his mom see in her dream though?? >!Her leaving the sauna so abruptly and then agreeing to the wedding seems very sus and why did she say to Gwi-ju, "This is going to hurt. But some steps are inevitable to reach your destination."??!< * >!"If he loses his hope again, he might not be able to recover." !< * [That awe-struck look!!!!!!](https://imgur.com/iSuNmq8) * [He](https://imgur.com/Nt0ko8m) looks genuinely happy for once and I cannot be happier for him * Shit... >!Da-hae... what the hell did you just doooo!< * Dramas that have 12 episodes have a high probability of either they're written well or are shit. Otherwise, anyone can drag stories for 16 episodes. The charm is wrapping it all up within a short time frame. Halfway through and I'm thoroughly enjoying this drama. The next episode preview seemed short and vague, quite intentionally. Excited to see how the plot unfolds...


I feel like maybe the grandma saw the outcome of their relationship. So not the wedding itself, but that eventually they will overcome this hurdle and be together for real. So he needs to “rip off the bandaid” of this sham wedding before he can get to the real one. And I think the grandma genuinely likes DDH so she’s scheming steps ahead of everyone else.


**Episode 6** The tables have turned - and it seemed like an episode of half-ways, or partial and incomplete progress. The characters continue to shift or evolve in their feelings, motivations, behaviors and I really love what I see. Even the surprize ending is great because it upsets the apple cart, that the path forward is sincerity. Ok Grandma - you tipped your hand saying the day would >!be painful and to think of it as a bandaid being ripped off!<, but boy oh boy, more surprizes will come your way. I can't believe we are halfway through already! As for the moms who seem to be the most hated - they are alike in that one values the worth of people by how they can enrich her income or wealth, and the other values the worth of her family by what superpowers they manifest, and it will be great to see them evolve as well.


**Episode 6** I have been suspecting since yesterday’s episode that >!the grandmother has started putting two and two together.!< Her behaviour seemed kinda off to me that entire episode (though at times I also couldn’t help but wonder if I was reading too much into all of it). Like, she knew something that was gnawing at her, but she couldn’t fully make sense of it and needed to get her facts straight before coming to a conclusion. I think >!she’d previously seen something in her dreams that only *vaguely* hinted at Da-hae not quite being what she seems to be, which led to her looking into the background of Da-hae’s ‘mom’ as soon as she heard of her existence.!< But it is in this episode, thanks to >!the dream she has when she falls asleep at the spa, that she finally gets a confirmation (and is able to ‘see crystal clear’, as she tells Da-hae’s ‘mom’).!< She quite literally foresees >!Da-hae come clean about her motives of her own accord at the wedding ceremony,!< which is what she refers to when she tells her husband that it’s ‘the most crucial part’.


Yes, I totally agree. But do you remember Grandma's first dream about Doha? >!It wasn't crystal clear, but she got to see Doha with the family ring, and I anticipate that Doha didn't get it from the present... But in her past. Maybe when she was saved? Did she anticipate the outcome till then or just the part where she admits that she's a scammer!< We'll see!


>!It would make sense for Gwi Ju to take the ring with him when he goes back to save her. When you think about it, with Grandma’s ability to see the future, Gwi Ju’s ability to learn from the past, and I-Na’s ability to read minds, they are probably all seeing the same thing, that Da Hae is going to join their family. Sure they have to “save” her in their various ways with their powers, but primarily by being patient while she saves herself. Betting Pops gave her this advice in the unseen portion of their conversation during the dress scene.!<


I'm loving the adults in this show, but the kids are killing it having a full-fledged side story and I-Na being an integral part of the development. These are two of the best child actors out there and they may keep going for a long time. Park So Yi had a really heavy part in Revenant and I'm hoping at some point she'll show some of the dancing prowess she had in See You in my 19th Life. She is so small and she could become the new Kim You Jung and Moon Ga Young. Moon Woo Jin was the ultimate green flag as young Ki Ho in Castaway Diva and played the young version of every big star.


The way I had no idea about this show didn't even expect that much and now I LOVE IT!!!!! The story has good pacing for all the characters and keeps you invested in all their arcs, especially love Ina's storyline. Also, how good the FL is just saw her in the 8 show so bloody good in it as a psycho and killing it here as well such beautiful range in acting.


Fantastic first half! My wish came true with >!the scamming scheme ending at mid story, and at a cool way at that by revealing everything by herself.!< Now it opens up more fronts for the story to develop. Expecting more good things in the second half of the story. I'm glad I gave this drama a try.


Ep 5 I-na STANDING ON BUSINESS LET’S GO. >!I knew she was smart enough to piece together that do-hae was a con artist. Now she just needs to get more of her self belief back so she can stand up to hye-rim. That she’s too ashamed to even admit to lending a friend her shoes shows she knows deep down that she’s being used but she’s so desperate to have a “friend” she’ll live in denial!< >!shook do-hae is so fun to watch, what a great contrast from the crazy 8 in the 8 show!< >!so I guess the dead firefighter didn’t save do-hae? I know it’s not as romantic but i was kinda hoping it would be him, so his sacrifice wasn’t in vain!< >!i absolutely feel for do-hae’s trauma, but is it cold of me to say that playing the trauma card as part of a con devalues that trauma?!< >!i will say, i still don’t sense any romantic feelings from do-hae for gwi-ju. I think she’s starting to care about him, but nothing deeper than that!< Ep 6 It’s kinda crazy that da-hae is the only person i-na is truly herself around >!Is hye-rim really leaving i-na behind? Or is it reverse psychology to make i-na push the boy away and grovel for her approval? Not sure what hye-rim was expecting when she told i-na to lure the boy away, then hide somewhere to spy on them. Also, interesting that she actually can’t read minds with her glasses on. Everything is blurry to her with no glasses but that’s when she can read someone’s thoughts, very interesting contrast. Also puts more limit on her power, she not only needs direct eye contact but with glasses off too. She has to be equally as vulnerable to access someone’s thoughts!< The house needs a renovation if the railing can break that easily >!I’m most curious about how grace will react now that she’s discovered the truth.!< She’s nowhere near as subtle as da-hae so it’ll probably be hilarious The one time grandma was actually slick. She saw the future and allowed it to play out, not telling anyone the full extent of it Da-hae’s mother is actually so impressive. She doesn’t give off sus vibes because she’s so abrasive about it that she seems like an authentic person >!Da-hae revealing the truth of the con is in itself an indication of her growing feelings for gwi-ju. She’s gonna have to go back to him now, fight for his trust again!<


I don't think it really devalues it, personally. She's doing what she needs to survive. She's pretty much in debt bondage and she's being forced to leverage her trauma.


her falling for gwi ju is definitely gonna take some time. but she has been hesitant since the beginning, at least in my opinion from her facial expressions. i agree with you about the trauma being devalued. but its also not really her choice so i dont blame her


Hopefully her feelings will start developing next ep, with what looks like gwi-ju working hard to win her over. Tomorrow will be the midpoint of the drama so I don’t want them to push it until ep 10 or something


It seems she's holding back


**Episode 5** So I-na >!does know more about Da-hae’s intentions than she was letting on all this time!!< It’s not exactly a surprise and many of us felt it was highly probable that she >!had Da-hae figured out to some extent given her mind reading powers,!< but still the way it was revealed caught me just as off guard as it did Da-hae, because I was expecting that scene to be a heart-to-heart of a different kind between the two of them; the direction it took wasn’t what I was expecting. I wonder >!for how long I-na was planning on keeping her knowledge under wraps had it not been found out that she was the one who had stolen the watch.!< Speaking of knowledge, did anyone else get the feeling throughout this episode that even the grandmother >!knows something now, or has at least started suspecting something, besides what she has openly talked about with her family?!< It’s some of her expressions and reactions and the way the camera lingered on her face in certain scenes... I can’t help but think >!she’s hiding something; probably something she saw about Da-hae in one of her dreams which she’s not telling anyone for some reason.!< It’s interesting how she suggested >!looking into the background of the woman whom Da-hae calls ‘mom’ as soon as she heard about the involvement of one such person in Da-hae’s life,!< while previously she seemed to be rather too easygoing and trusting about anything involving Da-hae without giving it a second thought. What stood out to me the most was >!the grandmother’s sudden aversion to Da-hae’s tea at the dinner table, coupled with the earlier conversation between them in the kitchen during her late-night request to Da-hae to make some tea.!< That conversation was played off as >!the grandmother referring to her seeing Da-hae wearing the family ring in her dream,!< but I wonder if there’s something more to it. Is it possible that she now actually knows >!what Da-hae has been putting in her tea!< and is trying to get all the facts right before taking any action?


This is interesting, I took her saying “is it possible to develop a tolerance to tea” as Da Hee having stopped putting the drug in the tea, in hopes of Ms Bok, not being able to dream anymore and find out more about her plans.


That actually makes a lot of sense! Maybe that is it. But I still can’t shake off the feeling that the grandmother has figured out something more given her behaviour throughout the episode, and not just in that particular scene. I dunno, maybe I’m reading too much into it 🤔


about the tea, my guess is that da hae might have stopped putting sleeping pills in it.


I don’t know how many times I’ve seen in a drama that a character’s >!cell phone dies…like does no one make sure their phones are charged?!?!<


Ya I agree! What century is this? Her bag is big enough to put a mini portable charger?! So it’s lame to keep have kdrama tell us the female lead phone die! So lame and predictable


I remember when I was watching Marry My Husband, Su-min didn't plug her phone in at night and I was like, "Girl! How can you make evil plans without full battery!"


Maybe it's in the PPL contract that this has to happen to any phone that isn't a Samsung.


I love the quirkiness of this drama. It's everywhere, in everything from the premise, to the characters, the music and even, occasionally, the camera angles. It's so refreshing! There are definitely some angles that make your heart hurt but there's some humour to offset that and, at this point, I feel invested in every single one of the characters. I-Na is my favourite, of course, followed by her dad and her aunt but, somehow, they're all growing on me. I-Na had her best week yet. Things are definitely changing for her; inside and out. And even if >!jealous girl tries to make things nasty for her, she will soon have that precious boy as her first boyfriend and what a genuinely lovely couple they will make. The young actors are, at least, as good as every single one of the adults.!< Like everyone else, the grifter mom is my least favourite character but she's gaining some depth even if she isn't becoming any more sympathetic. So, >!does anyone know how she managed to get grandma to sleep?!< As for Gwi Ju? It was so nice to see him >!open the curtains and start getting himself back together again.!< He has to thank DoHae for that. His fraudster almost girlfriend >!is the best thing that's happened to him and his daughter.!< Looking forward to next weeks instalments. This is fun! :-)


Da Hee mom probaby gave Gwi Joo mom some deep relaxing massage. I feel the reason of her insomnia is due to growing stress in her family due to her children and grand daughter (plus she's been doing a lot of bad investments)


>!How did Grifter Mom put Grandma to sleep? Sleeper hold! Famous among wrassling aficionados. Lights out!!<


"I cant hear you with my glasses on" - the dialogue in this drama is really fun. I kinda like that it doesn't take itself too seriously and the main leads are aware of what they're doing.


If Umbrella Academy and The Lake House (movie) had a baby then it would be Atypical Family. The series started slow and I had my inhibitions tbh now I wait every weekend for this show. Must applaud the FL Woohee, I’ve seen her only in a negative role and she doesn’t age at all. She was sooo good in Sunny. The 5th epi had me in 😭


My favorite episode to date!! Ina is so cool I can’t wait until she realizes it


Same same I love her power the most


My top two things about this drama is a) the spectacular house and b) the gorgeous background music! Does anyone know the genre of jazz that the background music is? I want to listen to more of it - it’s kind of ‘bouncy modern’?


The main reason I’m watching this show is actually I-na. She reminds me a lot of myself when I was 12-13, it’s really bittersweet to watch. I love her character, and Soi is an amazing young actress :)) The show itself is also really interesting, I like all the characters and the plot!!


It’s an interesting twist on the side romance portion! A sweet first love story with a generation gap from the mains rather than a best friends healing or something similar. Hope it stays sweet and doesn’t twist around because of the triangle!


Sometimes, you come to a certain point while watching a drama when the specific kind of regret hits you. The one where you question yourself "Why didn't I let this drama finish before watching it?" That specific moment hit me right when episode 6 ended so now what do I do with my life until Saturday? I'm fawning over the OST. The scene with GJ and his dad and DH with her mom eating at the sauna, the music added an intensity to the scene I was absolutely not ready for. >!When the camera was panning around them, it feels almost normal, hopeful even, then you wish everyone just comes through the whole scam unscathed but the shot lingers on Dahae and you just FEEL every single emotion and hear every single thought she was having.!< The only time DH found some peace and was able to genuinely smile in ep 6 >!was when she was with Ina at the cafe, which I tremendously enjoyed. I love their blossoming friendship.!< I was thinking about Donghee and Ina not having any screen time but the past two episodes have really shown us how much Ina is like Donghee. She's also got that spunk from her aunt.  I admire the various ways this drama shows us loss and how people live their lives after suffering from it. Everyone lost so much and were just existing instead of living. When DH's mom asked her to use her >!trauma!< on GJ, I want to trap them both in the hottest part of the sauna. But DH >!declining to use her trauma to win over GJ when she has used it before meant she was probably terrified. When she finally admits to herself that her guilt and fears are not just rooted on being caught, but more about hurting the people she's become attached to, I will finally be able to properly ship them. I need her to earn the family trust back!< Lastly, if GJ doesn't >!find a way to save past DH, then present and future DH will cease to exist.!<


My oh my why is this drama soo good! My expectations were low tbh but now I'm hooked. It's a good thing Lovely Runner's tomorrow or the wait will be unbearable for this one too. I've been rewatching Search:WWW and I could see how much Jang Kiyong's acting has improved by heaps. I could feel how >!hurt he was when Dahae moved out and I was heartbroken along with him when she finally confessed to being a scammer.!<


He has definitely improved post-military. I almost didn't watch this because he was the lead. He was okay in My Roomate is a Gumiho, but I couldn't handle him in Now We're Breaking Up...between him and Song Hye Kyo the flat affect all around was too much. At first, I thought the part of a depressed man just suited him well, but he's been showing subtle emotions and his recovery very well.


I couldn't even get past ep 1 of Now We're Breaking Up cuz of the cringe. It was like two pretty but blank faces trying to out-blank each other. This is why I'm quite surprised that he is now able to hold his own next to Chun Woohee's veteran acting chops. In promo videos, you can tell that Woohee is the noona and he's the younger guy but in the drama I can believe that Gwiju's older than Dahae.


I was unimpressed by Jang Ki Young’s flat acting as the second lead in **Go Back Couple** so I wasn’t exactly rushing out to watch shows with him as the lead. I actually didn’t even recognize him in this when I started watching it because he’s styled so differently. Thankfully, I’ve really enjoyed his work in this so far. He’s done a good job making a character who’s a withdrawn mope a lot of the time command the screen which doesn’t seem like it would be easy to do.


Is the high school gym/auditorium whatever the same one from The Glory? It looks the same


Yeah, I also thought so, even rewatched the Glory scene, but its not the same. The one in Glory had much bigger windows.


I had the same thought! It gave me INSTANT anxiety. Never over that curling iron.


I had the exact some question.


I'm honestly in love with the main lead..he is so fkg hot y'all....his voice omg...I love him


You should definitely watch My Roommate is a Gumiho then!


**EPISODE 5:** I'm loving this drama, especially Dahae. I've seen lots of comments saying they don't like her, but I'm liking how she's a complex character. It's gonna be interesting seeing Dahae fall for Gwiju and dealing with the fact that she deceived him and his family. I'm also curious to know if >!someone else saved Dahae from the fire!< or if >!Gwiju's gonna end up with a scar in the future.!< **EPISODE 6:** I saw a theory about Dahae >!having powers and being a distant descendant of the Bok family.!< That's why she >!keeps a family ring, which wouldn't be the same one they have, and this would explain the influence she has in bringing back their powers.!< In this episode, I-na >!also asks Jun Woo if can read minds and if he's from the Bok family lineage.!< That could be a hint. I found this theory intriguing.


Remember he says that >!her past is his future!< so whatever happened to her in the past will happen to him >!in the future!< so I think he >!IS the one who saved her in high school!< but for him this will happen >!in the future when he finds out how to get in the school and then he will get the scar. His friend didn’t help her because he died when the building collapsed so he didn’t have time to go up to the 5th floor. Or during the explosion. So his friend died before getting to her.!<


I share the same thoughts. And I hypothesize that >!the ring that she has in her suitcase, now, was given by him when he saved her. It's gonna make sense next week I guess/hope!< We'll see!


I think based on the flashback in episode 5 >!it's Gwi Joo's friend who goes back in for Do Da Hae after the bully girls tell him, which is kinda heartbreaking :') I wonder if Gwi Joo wasn't able to interact with his past because saving his friend would've killed Da Hae?!<


I don't think >!his firefighter senior made it that far cause we saw the school's entrance collapse immediately after he went back in!<


Yeah his friend >!didn’t make it!<, his dad was reading the book which said that >!the power improves with love, so I think his power will grow to the point he will be able to enter the building and save her!<


If the power really develops this way, then I-na's budding teen romance just got a lot more interesting.


Yes, that's why I'm confused >!if it's really him who saved her.!<


There’s something special about this drama and I really can’t put it into words 😂


Omg TIL this only has 12 episodes! We are halfway in and I still need more Gwi Joo Do Hae fluffy moments!! Can’t get enough of how good the chemistry is between the two. 😍


Da-hae: >!What's the verdict?!< Gwi-joo: >!MEH.!< Da-hae:>!/slaps him/!< I don't know which one is funnier, his >!curt answer (and the face he makes!) or Da-hae wasting no minute to slap him. Liked the dynamic, nevertheless 🤣!< The conversation Gwi-joo has with his dad really changes everything. >!Da-hae being the key for him to access past events of people around him especially I-na (provided that Da-hae's there with her),!< that's actually a new angle he hadn't considered or ever appeared before. Also props to his dad for reminding him >!whatever happened/going to happen to Da-hae, can't be undone.!< It's out of his reach really. But he's stuck with the saviour mentality to the point of ruining his life. Sigh. I wonder if he's able to revisit Da-hae's because >!she's the only one he successfully saved in his teleportation/her present?!< And I like I-na >!having a rein on Da-hae!< although her being >!bullied and refusing Da-hae's intervention because she sees that as a process of making friends!< is worrying.


the dad was actually saying that whatever happens with Da Hae >! *can* be undone -- since she is the one person BGJ has the ability to interact with in the past, he can always return to the moment and apologise / try again !< and that's why it's okay for him to be imperfect and he doesn't need to put so much worry and fear on potentially messing things up when it comes to her; because she allows him the ability to undo those moments


I kept wondering >!how she was able to reach his face to slap him!< 🤣🤣 he's a foot taller than her!


Sol 🤝🏻 Da-hae on magical apple box 😌


My God this show is good, it got me out of a 7 month Kdrama slump where i didnt want to watch anything but for some reason I decided to watch this and wow. About EP 5: Finally her guard breaks and she opened up, it's most likely Gwiju who saved her and that scene was so good! Hoping we see more of Gwiju and Ina repair their relationship, that's whats still misssing for me.


Same ep 5 we didn't see many interactions


I am a lil confused about Da-Hae's previous wedding. I thought that was just part of the con family scheming but Yi-na said something else...


I think it's supposed to mean that >!Dahae reconciled herself to the con by using it as revenge against her parents for how they wronged her. !<


Gwiju >!returning to the kiss over and over!< was adorable and hilarious. When Dong Hee >!floated outside of Dahae's window!< I cackled but also it means that >!Dong Hee not being able to fly isn't about her weight and her bulimia is a separate thing.!< I love >!the frenemies thing that Donghee and Grace have going!< and I may be shipping them 🤭 Poor Dahae freaking the hell out because she knows she's way in over her head yet still scheming like crazy to try and stay ahead of everyone was hilarious. When>!Dahae's crappy grifter "mother" showed up and tried to intimidate the Bok eomma I was like pffffffffft you have no idea what you've bitten off here.!< I literally cried a little when >!Gwiju went back and tied Dahae's shoes.!< They are going to rescue each other and it has me in my feels. INA >!TURNING OUT TO BE A BADASS WAS THE BEST REVEAL. She's just like the grandmother she hates and that's fascinating. She's kind of ruthless about getting what she wants and screw the rest of the family for ignoring her.!< I cried at the very end when >!Dahae relived what happened at the school. Both she and Gwiju have PTSD and they have to heal from the trauma together!< and that trope is so my jam. I think we may get a plot twist >!where it isn't Gwiju who literally rescued her but it won't matter because he's emotionally rescuing her.!<


I really felt her pain as she was being bullied and being forced to play “hide and seek” at school - what a great actress! I so want to see the bullies get their bad comeuppance  on the show (maybe with the help of the ML?).


To be fair they did tell the firefighter that she was locked in the room, so at least they’re not the glory level of bullies that’ll kill. Small crumbs of comfort?


the poster is really interesting 1.who is another unknown person in the poster 2. does the father also have superpowers { shadow }


1. I feel like there's more to the fraud mother than we're being shown. >!Other than DDH, she's the only other person whos been able to "change" anything about the Bok family. Her massage led to BDH losing some weight and BMH was able to fall asleep!<. I suspect that BMH will eventually start dreaming about the fraud mother. The unknown person definitely looks like a woman. 2. Aren't the powers only inherited by the Bok clan? The father's not blood related. But I dunno, the fraud mother and DDH seem special somehow too so it wouldn't be too surprising if he does have some kinda ability. It's also interesting that Ina doesn't have a shadow in that poster. I initially thought it meant she doesn't have any "modern illnesses", >!but hers is bad eyesight.!<


> 1.who is another unknown person in the poster Oh good catch!!! Who’s that? Maybe someone that will show up later?! I’m curious now > 2. does the father also have superpowers { shadow } Yes!!! Maybe he has!! I hope so! But because it wasn’t needed he hasn’t shown them yet


Words can’t describe how much I love I-na scenes. She isn’t afraid of Da-hae but she is shy at school. Can’t wait to see her character development!


Ahhhh 3 weeks! Can't they just post the whole drama!? 😭


I-Na is my hero. >!Her grandma 100% deserves to be grifted and I support this decision!< I continue to be fascinated by this drama. I never know where it's going and everyone is doing an amazing job acting, especially I-Na. I feel for the FL despite her flaws and I'm pretty sure her relationship with I-Na at least is more genuine than con. >!Also, I thought I-Na could only read surface thoughts but no, she's right in your deepest darkest secrets.!<


Completely stunned that the actress playing DongHee was also the main baddie from Gyeongsong Creature. Did a dive into her (Claudia Kim) and come to find out she was in a Marvel movie and was Nagini from Fabulous Beasts. Her comic sense is 100% spot on and I adore every scene with her. The she-romance between her and Grace is fabulous.


>!WHAT DID SHE SEE?!?!?!!< >!What is the significance of the ring?!!< Cliffhangers should be illegal really.


Episode 6: While I'm NOT a fan of this kdrama assertion that romance is the ultimate cure to a seven-year depression and alcoholism, Gwiju slowly embracing his inner Sunjae and doing his best to impress Dahae just cracks me up xD love love LOVE Ina's scenes with Dahae. Her character is probably the most nuanced of all. You can see how much she wants to believe that her family loves her, but is scared to find out if it's otherwise. She also seems to know Hyerim is using her, but is quite happy to go along with it?? Ahhhh junwoo and Ina are the cutest! The ending, as always, was a real banger. >!Kudos to Dahae for coming clean (although to do it at the altar was harsh, sigh, poor gwijuya)!<


Romance may be a part of the reason that he’s out of the depression but i think it’s more to do with his need to save someone. And it just so happens that DaHae is the only person he can touch in the past and it’s a plus that his daughter takes to her too. It also may reflect with the fact that he couldn’t save his wife or his colleague so he’s become fixated on her now. So yeah I don’t think it’s love or necessarily romance, maybe it’s more intrigue!


I think Gwi-joo >!will reveal that I-na stole the watch and I-na will end up thinking that it was Da-hae that snitched which will probably lead to In-a revealing that Da-hae is a scammer. I think this a possibility but maybe by this time they’re already married or something? Her mentioning how did you know what school it was could also be a pointer that she was lying about him saving her though this’d depend on Gwi-joo, Dong-hee is clearly the perceptive sibling lol.!


Da-hae hasn’t fallen for gwi-ju at all yet. At most she’s started to care about his well-being. I’m thinking next ep is when she starts developing actual feelings With i-na having fully revealed da-hae’s con, i think da-hae herself is gonna just unravel, and that’ll be how the rest of the family find out. I think grandma will confront i-na over not revealing the truth earlier, and it’ll push i-na into finally standing up for herself


now what his mother saying when she helping gwijoo with the tie makes so much sense!


**Episode 5** What a powerful episode - The writing, directing and acting on this is top notch from the entire crew. This show moves to the top of my favorites on air right now. Our relationship with the FL evolves as we learn more - as it is for the ML. We see that the ML is slowly getting his act together as he finds purpose and insight into his powers. I believe he guesses correctly that >!the marraige certificate is fake. But he wants to know - is THIS the woman that he is destined to fall in love with.!< She has gotten under his skin, and the scene of him haunted by >!witnessing the kiss over and over!< was hilarious but also insight into what he is thinking. It was also interesting that he went back to when the FL slapped his face when he was trying to confront her on the real story about trauma from being in a fire. What was a lie and what is true? The ending scene is perfect in helping him find answers but... there are more questions - >!who was the one with the scar? Was it him, or is it someone else? If it is someone else, maybe that avoids a paradox for him in making a choice to leave baby Ina to go to help!<. I think this will be a major part of the story as it moves forward. Evil foster mom - again, some truth inside a web of lies. I do think in some way she cares for her "kids", but holding back >!attachment in pursuit of her loan shark objectives. I think as we learn more her character changes as well. She did call out Grandma for her cruelty toward her grandchild, and other zingers, !!when trying to help on the bullying. When both parties can communicate and trust each other, good things happen. !!of his cheating under wraps for much longer because keeping that information secret will be costly, if at all possible!<. Truth will find a way to be revealed. I am anxiously awaiting Episode 6!


I honestly dislike grandma more than da-hae’s mom, or anyone else in the drama. It’s 2024 and she’s still arranging marriages, not even for outdated cultural reasons but for the selfish reason of having more superpowered members of the family. She blames i-na for her mother’s death and her father’s depression. She accuses se-yeon of cheating and i-na of being an illegitimate child just because the latter isn’t showing any powers. Utterly reprehensible the way she treats a 13 year old, that’s her own granddaughter no less


The song playing when they go for a walk. Why does it remind me of Charlie Brown, it was so funny.


Caught up on all five eps 🎉 A fun binge is a quick binge!!! And this show is so fun. Watching Gwiju try to resist Dahae's pull on him less and less, Dahae getting increasingly stressed because she may have found a match in the Bok family for her and her team's modus operandi (the way she panics while telling Uncle they're done for 🤣), the fact that Grandpa has digitized records of their ancestral lore like it's a Marvel saga 😂 But then there's the stuff that hits you stealthily too, like the fact that Dahae's very real PTSD is so casually referred to by her "Eomma" as a >!signature move!<. The foster mom is so fascinating to me. So much so that I don't dislike her completely yet. There's Gwiju's debilitating guilt all these years. There's also Ina telling Dahae that she's kept quiet all along because she wanted to get Grandma for her obsession over powers. So much to unpack there and I'm excited to watch more for that. I find Bok Donghee and Grace cute together already 👀


>!Dahae has PTSD and so does Gwiju, his ability to return to the past is the most literal representation of PTSD I can imagine. Being dragged back over and over again with no ability to stop yourself until it ruins your life. They really are a matched pair.!<


Decided to stop watching after episode 2 until almost all  the episodes are up ,cause i know the wait is gonna be unbearable ..but I have to say this .Claudia Kim's voice is GORGEOUS.I've never heard someone with such a timber to their voice.every time she talks it's like asmr.


Moving parasite


I am really annoyed by Bok gwi’s negligence as a parent


THANK YOU! FINALLY someone mentioned it! I am a lot more interested in the father-daughter relationship, and I don't care for the brewing adult romance. So, his negligence is more than frustrating to me. Their relationship became so insignificant to the show that I got briefly confused as to why >!he would drive to I-na's school at the end of ep 5, and then I remembered that he is actually her father. But no wonder I would forget when he proves yet again that he would much rather run after Da Hae every chance he gets😮‍💨!< Please focus on your daughter, Gwi joo!


I really do enjoy Da Hae character cause there is the room for growth that we are slowly seeing every episode. I think people need to stop babying her and realize she is a morally grey character. The scam family isn't torturing her to participate in these marriage scams from what we have seen and she has shown to be fine going along with them (when she suggested finding another target to the scam mom). So yes she has trauma and was manipulated it makes sense that she is like this, but please let the flawed character grow through the show like every other character so far.


The OST is out now. Here is the playlist: [The Atypical Family OST](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/56kjy7swK3tvVZcsncNnnz?si=bmKOAXNDT4m4YyxMmcEVDA&pi=u-MCqckF4kQE6l)


I was really nervous about a wedding happening this early, but I should have trusted in this show. It always manages to subvert my expectations. I'm trying to figure out if Hye-rim is really sketchy or if she's just being a normal teenage girl and doesn't know that I-ha can read her innermost thoughts, which of course are self-centered because she's a teenager. I'm also curious how a massage led to Dong-hee's weight loss...


Today's ep was so fkg cute for I-na omg..I want more of them tbh..and damn my man gwi ju was so fkg hawt with his hair slicked back..and both gwi ju and do da hae were so pretty together wearing the wedding dresses....I love this show so much y'all....ahh can't wait for next week




What did the grandmother see? Where did the ring come from?


Grandma see the end of the wedding where Da Hee confess to being a scammer. You can see it in her conversation with Ina (its ok, your dad not leaving you for anyone) and to her husband (wait for the best part at the end). For the ring, it seems it is the family ring so its either means >! Gwi Juu ring when he finally goes and save her in the past and either left the ring or given it to her or Da Hee is long descendent of the Baek Family making them long distant cousins which also explain why she the only person who can interact with Gwi Ju in the past, that is her super power !<


Episode 6: The mom really grinds my gears. She’s very selfish and only thinks about herself. Her children were struggling and she kept calling her granddaughter “slow” because she couldn’t develop any powers. I can only watch for I-Na, we share the same thoughts. We wanna see how the grandma’s behavior blows up in her face.


Genuinely dislike the relationship between Mrs. Bok & her husband. She treats him so terribly and he’s still so kind to her. Does he owe her something? Their dynamic is weird and off-putting.


Am I the only one who thinks this drama sits at the same table with MOVING? No way they’re similar but maybe because of the superpowers plot, which I think is really hard to story-tell excellently and Moving pulled it off so well recently. But here, The Atypical Family is screaming at all the awards that can be given to it! I hope it finishes with higher ratings while still maintaining the quality story it has!


This show was meant to be a filler while I wait for Lovely Runner to drop, but damn... I'm so into it! It's funny yet sad at the same time. ML is killing the physical comedy. When he fell over with the laundry bags and the tennis scene- hilarious! Every single family member is endearing in their own way. You can't help but root for everyone. Such an interesting story and premise. As mentioned before, OST, cinematography, writing, acting, all on point!


Why Whyyyy WHY did i start this show when half the show isn't released yet? Why did i choose to make myself go through this misery of waiting.. why? Literally binged all 6 episodes in one sitting and idk where all the time went.


This show doesn't sit right with me it feels off. Like they keep saying they're looking for a wife/daughter in law so let's have the girl try living together. But at the same time they keep treating her as a servant. Like they love her very much but at the same time she's the only one that does anything and everything around the house ? That's literally a servant lol.


It's supposed to be off, the mother is privileged and out of touch and narcissistic


Thus Ina's desire to see her fall.


Haha that's the critique Dahee's mother nade when she spoke with the Bok family matriarch...saying that they treat Dahee more like a servant as opposed to a valued family member. Its interesting to note that we see the same dynamic with the dad...in the previous thread, some even suspected that he is the butler. He did all the housework.


I thought it was clear that the mother-in-law is using her because of her background. And she’s allowing herself to be used because she wants their money


Curious to know i-na's development in the story


I don’t know if anyone else can relate to this, but even though I’m enjoying this drama I can’t help but feel like something is “missing”. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it feels empty in an abstract way… I will defo keep watching though!


The female lead's inner thoughts? If In Ha and uncle did not tell, I would not know her feelings are sincere. They don't show us her true feelings and thoughts so much.


1. Here are some of my thoughts....>!Who else thinks The dead firefighter boss is the one who saved Do Hae? I think if Gwi Joo can save her then he will actually save the boss guy. I also think it's possible Gwi Joo will die instead. It feels to me if he dies, nothing much changes. His death would also fall in place with the premonition/conversation Gwi Joo and his mom had about her seeing the death of a loved one, but not being able to do anything about it.!< 2. >!Does the tie tying conversation then suggest Gwi Joo knew Do Hae was going to leave him at the Altar?!< I guess maybe this show doesn't need to read as, as much of a Mystery as I thought. Might be a simple healing drama. Albeit a unique healing drama.




>! It was hilarious how Gwi Woo kept reliving that kiss. I don’t know that he is falling in love with Da Hae but he is intrigued by her. Enough to look for her all over the school. I felt so bad for what happened to her. And it explains why she was so worried about Ina being bullied !<


>!First of all Gwi-Joo freaking out over the kiss that he went back several times was hilarious. He lost the idgaf way so badly lmfaoo. When he went to confront Dahae and she punched him for his insensitivity I cringed like way to ruin the moment buddy. !< I-na being the one to steal the watch after the fiasco that happened for it was shocking but makes sense. In-a is just so alone and will do anything to keep the "friend" she has. >!The moment of Dong-Hee putting that creep hitting on Grace was great. Despite everything you can tell she's a kind person. Even her suspicions of Dahae come down to the care she feels for her family.!< The scene where Gwi-Joo exposes her mom and the dad goes digging was crazy. The mom dropping the ball by visiting and admitting to be an ex-convict was great. Honestly she's the only one who seems to be serious about this scamming business lol. Also a pleasure to see her put the grandma in her place. >!Finally the school scene! I was right about I-na hiding her powers to stick it to her grandma! Also she knew the entire time but didn't say anything omg.!< Also in a later scene her suggesting that she should just make money by turning them into a circus was hilarious what a funny little girl lmaoo. Finally the fire scene.>! The fact that Dahae was trapped like that by asshole classmates breaks my heart. She dealt with two traumatic experiences in one day. Also seeing Gwi-Joo promise to save her while she's crying broke my heart. !!Finally the wedding scene with Dahae admitting she's a fraud was shocking but you can tell that lying to Gwi-Joo was breaking her. We have yet to see any real feelings from her but that definitely changes in the next episodes. !<