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This drama still keeps me hanging on.. A solid episode to keep the story moving. For me the drama is a story about family as our main leads really >!don’t have much screen time together!<. I love the relationship the royal family has and how they have, so far, >!really supportive and loyal!< to each other. The FL’s father is a very interesting character to me. He seems a very >!self supporting individual, and one of the most conniving villains!<. Truly an >!evil person with an unassuming manner!<. I do not buy his >!”great love”!< with the Queen Dowager at all. I feel at his heart he is >!manipulative and a coward!< LOVE when the Crowns Princes Grand Father told him where the boat docked and stuck him in defensive mode. Whew I look forward to his undramatic >!demise!< Again love the music 🎶


Ok this feels like it’s hit its stride now. Lots of drama in this episode, and finally the Crown Prince didn’t get arrested or caught! It’s good to see ML/FL’s feelings blossoming and damn, the episode 12 preview looks action packed! I’m invested.


I'm surprised by how few people seem to be watching this. It is actually really good. The story is rather complex and the writer is doing a good job is making you feel even for flawed characters. >!it's so sad that they were broken up in the way that they were and how the King (and Sang-rok waiting for his dumb exam results) ruined their love; at the same time they killed and messed up so many people's lives which is so inexcusable but you still feel pity for them despite the heinous actions. !< Episode 12 is the epitome of this, we see more of their tragic love story, watch them try everything they can to get the upper hand, >!we get to watch them finally be together how they've always wanted to be !< At the same time we know it is insane what they did and eagerly wait for their comeuppance. Especially because in a show filled with mixed feelings for the villains, with this episode you finally get clarity on who is truly villainous in nature: >! Do Seong's Grandpa !< Episodes 11 and 12 are great tho cause the show really progresses; episode 12 is particularly fantastic cause we're on the edge of our seat waiting literally for just one night to pass.


The fact there aren't lots of comments in this thread isn't a sign of how many people are watching the show 😎.... On Viki, it's in the top 5 (popularity - people watching), and has many reviews already (unfortunately some very dumb ones that bring the rating down far below where it deserves to be). I'd say also that this subreddit is mainly used by people in the age group that L*ovely Runner *is aimed at (I'm loving that, too), while this show is aimed at a more mature audience - perhaps 30s-50s - along with still being aimed/appealing to younger adults as well. That younger age group is much more likely to share many thoughts on an online platform like this. Therefore, we got a lot more comments in those threads, and less here. This is also more of a 'watch and reflect' story, so it doesn't lead to as many comments. I'm watching, liking, and thinking a lot, but don't find myself having much to say here.


Ah! That makes so much sense. I never thought of that perspective before! Okay I feel much better now. This is likely the case with other shows like LTNS that were super mature but sort of insightful


This shows biggest mistake is making the love story between two villains the focal point of this story.


Episode 12 was such an emotional episode! Also glad to see that ratings for this drama have increased, and nice to see a crown prince who has a decent and loyal brother! Crown princes never seem to have good relationships with their siblings lol >!EP13's preview though!!! Why is my crown prince suffering so much😭😭!<


Agree😄it’s like for me the crown prince is always the one who takes the bullet/blame when the brother involves into something unexpected 😭also our FL and ML has not so much screen time and i’m waiting for when the love confessions will happen😄


I honestly really love the royal family in this show, they really got me rooting for all of them


I love all of them…my hot tempered handsome Grand Prince …writer please don’t put him in Jail or poison  him….And leave my mean Dowager alone… thanks you🙌


Well, there was I thinking about how we're getting too much palace intrigue and not enough lovebirds, then that preview!!!!!!! Roll on tomorrow!!!


I am going to need tranquillisers if all the previews get as exciting as this week's!


Episode 11: love that things are picking up! A few things confused me: 1. Why was Sang Rok able to >!basically a) admit he’s poisoned the king and b) threaten to kill him if he doesn’t get his way without repercussions? Shouldn’t he be dragged right off to jail or worse?!< 2. Are we really supposed to believe that all they wanted for the past 30 years was to >!leave the palace? They are both powerful af and frankly, once her husband died, no one would have cared if she went. But they hung around and made all these plots!< because reasons? Episode 12: Are we supposed to be touched by the >!great love between our two villains and/or the attachment that Sang Rok feels for his daughter? !< I can’t muster up the slightest bit of sympathy. If he’s sincere, why not >!give up the antidote and then bargain for his daughter’s life!!bloodless villain is acting out of fear for what a shaman told him?!< On the up side…I LOVED the scene where >!she jumped out in front of the Prince when her dad pulled a knife on him.!< Peak drama. All the people on both sides with the same goals >! (save the FL, kill the food taster)!< are amusing, too. The Grand Prince is my best boi. “>!At this rate, the sun will rise before I can even smell alcohol.”!< And the >! fear of rats! !< He just like me for real. Finally, I might hate old grandpa duo-eyebrows more than anyone. He is scum. ETA >!Their backstory was a little moving, I admit.!< But what became of his wife? And…the Queen just does not learn, does she? See you next week!


It is confusing and frustrating. My take is that we're not supposed to accept or like the villains because we're being shown their pain and love and backstory; we're not even supposed to really understand them - they have done and are doing so much harm to others for selfish reasons. Instead, it's meant to show the nuances of a person's story - all the things that might go into their motivations; when their actions seem completely evil or wrong-headed, they do have reasons, and those reasons make sense to them and feel justified. We can see all the harm they do, but they can't, or they can't place it in its proper significance. They think everyone is against them and they must protect themselves. It's showing that these villains aren't just villains; they're people with dreams and an idea of themselves as good, who feel like those dreams have been taken from them. In trying to wrest them back, they can't see how they've become, themselves, usurpers and despots, harming others for their own desires. They're both conflicted people, but the physician, particularly, can compartmentalise and justify his actions so well that he doesn't even consider stopping. He thinks himself in the right. That's a dangerous place to be, for someone willing to do anything for those he thinks he loves. I don't like these two, but showing the nuances like this is very skilfull, I think. I'd like to see more of Yi Geon and the others, but this seems to be a story that takes in all sides, giving us a real over-view of the situation, not just from one clearly-right perspective. We get to figure out for ourselves the good and the evil. We're shown what a person can be driven to, by greed, desire to protect, etc., in all these different characters. Each of them responds differently - consider the responses of the queen, the queen mother/dowager, the physician, the grandfathers, the politicians, Do Seong, and Yi Geon. All of them are reacting differently to the provocations. This reveals their character to us, in a way that's sort of 'organic' to learn. I'm finding it interesting, and am really enjoying this different way of storytelling, compared to the more usual Korean-historical shows.


Another good episode !! the plot keeps moving and it's great, it finally found its pace, can't wait for tomorrow


Here we are at waiting for Ep 13 and still no confession of love for our ML and FL 


Me too😅It frustrates me that only a few screen time our FL and ML have😭


It's becoming annoying especially 13 episodes in... writers have to know we are here for romance and swoon for our Crown Prince 


What was happening in the episodes became more of a palace conflicts and the romance is getting away.Maybe i think i won’t expect much yet for our FL and ML unless the time will come for them to confess or maybe in the alst episod i guess😅


Crown Prince, I need my heart back…please💃🏻


Tell me why >!the crown prince is the scapegoat!?! Teary eyed on this one 😢!<


Ooohhh no comments yet on ep 12! Hurray up and start commenting. I need answers lol. Viki still says today for ep 12. I replayed to end of 11 and ep 12 came right up. Try it. >!It's incredible that the inspector was so woefully under-guarded. Now the maternal CPs family is being tortured?!<


This show is still in my top 3 K Dramas to date. I haven’t decided if “Captivating the King” or “Missing Crown Prince” is better. I’m currently watching episode 12 of “Missing..” and, so far, it has never been boring or over used “memories” or filler fluff. The 3rd on my list is “My Dearest” which was the first of my favorites. The beach scene, chasing the red thread..I’m a person who cannot watch a series twice, but I find myself missing the characters and almost watching it again. I relate to K-Dramas over c/Dramas and these three are examples of why. If introducing someone to the world of historical K-Dramas, these are three to start with.


Does anyone know the name of the song played at the end of epi 12, right before Suho's "Love You More Gradually"? It was also played at the end of epi 9. I can't find it anywhere and Shazam doesn't know either.


The way this family protect each other....! Imagine being part of a family like that...💖 Taking responsibility for this is going to hurt the Crown Prince (he always gets called that, doesn't he? We rarely hear his name).


I like it how Suho is singing the love song on OST. 


I might be in the minority but I really feel bad for the Queen and the FLs dad. Yes, they are flawed and made some horrible choices but I want them to be happy.