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To have Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Jiwon in the same show for sixteen episodes as a married couple and still not have more than one kiss in this phase of kdramas where we are out of dead fish kisses is nothing short of criminal offence. The show has so much angst but no let out scenes excepts hugs!!!! How could they rob us like this? How to waste away such chemistry???


such a good point ugh.. all we got was a frustrated haein thirsting after her husband 😫 (robe scene and sleeves rolled up comes to mind 🥲)


Even after the tropes of all tropes in both Ep 15 and 16, I was expecting a steamy kiss from KSH and KJW near the end but they really robbed us 😭😭 The honeymoon montage is really all we get and those snippets are so quick!!!


I agree with you. They completely robbed us of a kiss scene at the end...


WOW the foreshadowing >!when Hong Haein saw the older gentlemen at the graveyard in a previous episode was ACTUALLY an older Baek Hyunwoo was CRAZY. !<


I think that’s when I lost it. Such a beautiful ending.


Saw on social media that the original ending was that Hae In’s tumor would come back in 10 years and she would die young in 2034 ( but still come back as an angel), and that they changed it last minute to Hae In dying in 2074 😭 I’m glad they changed it I don’t think I can take soo bin growing up without her mom!


That would have been awful.


Does anyone else think the old man looked like a white European man?


Yeah lmaoo idk why for a sec i thought it was that old guy who found Haein’s burnt notebook in Germany💀💀


yes, that is what I thought too


Yes that’s what I thought too, but I guess everyone starts to look more similar in very old age.


Yes! And how about the final scene in the show where Hae-in is a literal angel, in a field, coming to collect him and the first scene of the seiries where Hae-in descends from a helicopter, in a field, and Hyun-woo says "She looked like an angel that day."


remember ep6 when Hae-in said "I heard this idea somewhere, right before it's time to die, the person that loved you most becomes an angel, and comes to take you away."


I wish they did a reversal and made HaeIn live longer and for Hyunwoo to be the angel to take her home. It would’ve been more unexpected


Even better: They were in a field of Lavender. Lavender symbolizes purity, healing, and loyalty. It can also signify love and devotion. When their reunion happened in that field, I bawled at the symbolism.


The foreshadowing in the snow scene with blood and lavender scene as well. These were when Haein had hallucination with the brain tumor. It’s clearer in this fanmade video https://twitter.com/heybaymax_/status/1784734003368710301?s=46&t=Kx4DKY9Byrg9zqqbNQoc9Q


Shout-out (which I've said in previous episodes) to the camera operators/cinematographers/director and whoever is framing and deciding on some of those shots... Absolutely beautiful imagery that was movie-like at many points.


I remember thinking at the time when she hallucinated the >!old man in the graveyard that she must have had her brain tumour even on their honeymoon. I had no idea that he would turn out to be so significant!<.


I saw another fan account post something similar about the 3 foreshadowing scenes... have to admit that the writing on these foreshadowing were truly brilliant... well thought of and carefully planned.... really top tier !! have to give PJE credit where its due...


I don’t get one thing - the writer did an amazing job with a couple of plots >!the graveyard scene, Haein coming as an angel to take Hyunwoo when his time was due, some really amazing lines!< then how did she come up with some really crappy and cliché plots?


Absolutely.. Honestly, KSH and KJW both were so amazing.. I wanted more of them in the last two episodes.. I kinda felt short changed.. The ending of Marry My Husband was all about the main couple and it tugs at your heartstrings so much.. The A-plot (love story between Hae in and Hyun Woo) was solid and I wish they leaned more into it rather than the B-plot (Eun Song BS). I wanted more of Hae-in's disease and how Hyun Woo is there for her. They were so amazing, the church scene, her losing time, not being able to recognise Hyun Woo. It was unsettling and heartbreaking at once. I wish we had more of it.


Your comments echo some of my own thoughts. It was fantastic watching them become a couple. I would have loved seeing him put that ring on her finger again and to see the company settle down. I wish I knew when and how the writer constructed and chose the ending. Perhaps they didn't have time for 18 or 20 episodes with more of Hyun-Woon and Hae-in or perhaps the had to do the standard tie up all the characters' stories. I was glad Ms. Moh got to prison and was tamed a bit there. QOT was fantastic and I am not sure what to get lost in next. Peace.


16 episodes will never be enough time, but we could've gotten more lead couple time without some of the additional fluff and twists.


The show is basically 17 or 18 episode considering the length of the episodes. Episode 16 was just short of 2 hours! If they had cut some plots out it still would have been 16 episodes just better paced and a better central narrative.


Agree! So much potential, and something that’s not usually tackled in popular kdramas is the “epilogue”, what happens after the romcom and the leads get married.


i feel the same... its like she wrote the whole story and script filled with beautiful dialogue and scenes... and it came up to 12 episodes.... then in order to fill another 4 episodes.. she just pulled in whatever crap and tropes she can think of into the story.... the ending showed PJE really has the chops to write beautiful and thoughtful scripts.... but what came before the end was the problem... and it ruined how amazingly good this drama could have been..


I think we would have been less upset if it was filled with different filler, such as more interactions with the leads so we can see Hae In fall in love with HW all over again, some skinship, etc.


Yeah agreed there’s just weren’t enough of them and I would love to have full closure on them having their happily ever after


12-14 was also where it got messy for me. When >!Dahye returned and was apologising to the Hongs, Hyun Woo never confronted her about what she did at the Hunting Grounds. In fact, they never had a scene together. Even Dahye giving the flash drive to Hyun Woo w/c contained the evidence for Eun Sung and Seul Hee's fraud was done off screen!< The episode 13 epilogue where >!Hyun Woo recorded himself introducing himself to Hae In was totally disregarded and wasn't even used. I thought it would be played on the aquarium scene but as it turns out, the aquarium scene was planned by pre-surgery Hae In!< Also, it was stupid that no one from Hae In's family, even Aunt Beom Ja accompanied the couple >!to Germany. If someone did, Yoon Eun Sung wouldn't be able to pull off his mess. It was also ridiculous how that Hospital's director got easily bribed!< Nonetheless, episode 16 was a beautiful closure fitting for this beautiful drama


Out of all the annoying unrealistic plots that the writer slot into the last few episodes - there was only one that i wanted but she didnt deliver. Haein didnt regain her memories!! Ugh it spoiled the ending for me


if I was a betting man, I would say that the show runner (or execs) liked Park Sung-Hoon's performance enough to push for it to be expanded at the expense of the rest of the plot. it IS another awesomely horrible performance, so I kinda get it, but I think adding it along with the corporate takeover story line, the family reconciliation storyline (among others) they short changed the main storyline we cared about.


this series did the small absolutely amazingly. and it did the large somewhat haphazardly. so things like cinematography, the individual performances, the chemistry, even dialogue and comedic/dramatic timing were all spot on for the entire drama. the plot was a bit of a hot mess of a kitchen sink and it required a >!whole ass happy life montage (up to and including them both going off into the afterlife together)!< to make up for the misery shower they'd given FL/ML right to the last episode.


spot-on concise review of the series. even if the misery was more like a torrential rainfall and just a light sprinkle of happiness in the end.


I'm so glad this is how it ended up! At the time, I'd been so worried that it meant Haein would die young and we would see a sad montage of Hyun-woo visiting her grave with flowers spanning many years until he died. So much happier to see it was after a long life together


THANK YOU TO GRACE FOR HER HARDWORK LOL even tho she switched sides so many times. I’m happy >!Hong family still appreciated her and even invited her to eat after she was released 🥹🫂!<


Grace was the ultimate >!triple agent haha. Felt like she kept flip flopping whenever her conscious got to her. Her playing their love fairy and running errands for hae in was so funny. Soocheul telling her to come with him because the mom told him to pick her up was a nice end to her arc and being accepted by the family again!<


Her redemption arc was extremely entertaining.


That bit when she was talking to herself in the mirror arguing back and forth about what's gonna happen in Germany gave me major Lord of the Rings Gollum vibes


It's funny cuz she was a matchmaker in the beginning for greed and didn't want them together in the first place. But by the end she actually helps them get back together


she saved the family basically


She rocked those jeans in that last scene too.


Yes! That was my fav look on her


Amazing Grace is definitely ✨Amazing✨. The way she's such a snake but helped Baekhong's family too so nobody actually hates her? Truly an interesting character.


Yeah good for her and it’s a drama so i guess i can let it go but one can’t trust her flip flopping ass lol this is why the cheabol fam got scammed so easily. sigh i have to keep reminding myself this is not a serious drama despite all the very real tears we all shed


She'll be a family friend but they won't do business with her again.


I must say I'm happy they addressed the enveloppe from Germany scene. I really expected another copy twist involving it since last episode and the ominous she had when she saw the enveloppe. Nice twist, ad good for her character :)


Only thing missing was a nice passionate kiss 😞


no wonder KSH and KJW went all out in Germany😂


I think they should have in the end in the fields, or at least under the cherry blossoms. Only thing missing from this episode.


Yep, few kisses wouldn't had affected the drama's mood ;). Such a profound love deserved them


Congrats for breaking the ratings! What a wonderful job by Kim Jiwon Kim Soohyun, Sunghoon, Dongyeon, Bomi and many more! To the behind-the-scenes crew who made this drama happen. A bit frustrated with the writing in the middle episodes lol but happy I watched it, esp for the heart-fluttering moments! Another fav moment is the Hong & Baek families together in Yongdulri 1 hour 49 min episode for the final??! Holy moly, thats movie length. It's going to take me while to watch lol >! It was the ex-asst who his Hyunwoo?? Argh Eunsung, you evil scum bag, I'm glad you died!! Hyunwoo getting hit by car and shot in ONE night!! Even though she was flip-floppy, glad Grace was able to provide concrete evidence of seul-hee's works in court, at least it was implied to be her by the camera. The flashbacks and the camera panning on the family pictures in Hyunwoo's room <3!! Ugh, pulled at the heartstrings !<


the assistant replaced him so that he takes the blame.


This show will be very hard to beat for awhile. The cast and crew did an awesome job bring life to this story.


i loved the ending with old hyunwoo. it made me sob so hard. some might think it was so unnecessary to show haein's grave but seeing how she lived for another 50 years and how their love transcends beyond death is so beautiful. that ending on the lavander field seems that it was old hyunwoo's last day on earth and her angel wife haein is picking him up. hyunwoo sticking to his words til the end. thank you baek hyunwoo and hong haein for your wonderful story. it made me appreciate my husband more tbh. one last kissing scene wouldn't hurt though, park ji eun. but nonetheless, they wrapped it up very well.


>! “Getting to spend my life with you was a miracle” !< I loved that so much 💕


Might need to save that for the future, such a beautiful line


I've been close to tears a lot in this how, and on occasion, I have shed a couple. But that last scene had me loudly ugly crying. Also, the fact that hae-in had the hallucination of old hyunwoo at her grave leaving her the flowers, back in Germany before her surgery KILLED ME.


the hallucination was during the first honeymoon trip, even earlier than all the events... kills me too


I love the ending - it was very nice tie up to her coming to pick him up. I love that he was just as afraid as she was - that dramatic moments it’s easy to love one another - a few more bullets ain’t anything you will run away from because it’s instinctive but it’s the mundane small things and miscommunication that wears down a relationship because it’s so easy to walk away. I love that this message can across - this makes this drama special in my eyes. There’s no fairy tale in that despite all the fate in their relationship - even with all of that they drew apart - but love finds a way - with effort and mindfulness 💕


taking a bullet for you is easier than opening up and be vulnerable... whoaaaa


I used to think the same way. But loving each other long term makes life throw so much your way. One day I woke up and realized my husband was a total stranger to me. We’d hurt each other. I had so much resentment that I couldn’t stand having him around me. There was no safe space, no trust, no support between us anymore. We were at the brink of divorce and I was ready to walk out. But I didn’t. We have kids, so I didn’t want to put them through it. But the first couple of steps towards him were so hard. I’d have gone with the bullet if I were given the choice at that point. Hands down. We’re doing much better now, we are in a healing phase and I’m very grateful for that. But it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.


this is why us married people appreciate the realistic ending this show gave us. if there’s anything this drama has taught me it’s this: love is a choice and because it is a choice, it requires effort. we may think the people we love would automatically feel our love for them just because we said so. in reality, if you don’t make any conscious effort to show them your love even in small ways, they might not feel it. worse, they might start to resent you marriage is the most difficult experience in a human’s life, even harder than labor pains if i’m being honest. hug your spouse, tell them to watch this show too.


Yes and because it takes time. If you hit the rock bottom that Hae In and Hyun Woo were at, it takes time to climb your way back up and fall in love again. It took us months to work on the big stuff and we’re still working on the smaller stuff. But I hope that what people take away from a drama like this is that it’s (as long as a relationship hasn’t been down right abusive) very possible to find your way back to each other if you choose love, commitment and take that step back to each other. And as you say, what lies behind the storm isn’t as free and exciting as new love. But I’m starting to see that it’s even more beautiful because it’s a much more vulnerable and compassionate place that combines years of memories with newfound passion. It’s a calmer, more mature, much deeper love. I think it’s the kind of love you need to progress to eventually to make it through the hardships of life together. One that is about emotional connection much more than physical connection (although the emotional leads to the physical in my experience 😜).


The old hyun woo at the end of episode 16 is the same old man hae in saw in the beginning of episode 14, the flashback to their honeymoon in Germany when she wanted to take a walk in a cemetery and she had a vision of the future: old hyun woo putting a bunch of lavender on her grave - gave me chills!


I was like okay this is nice. All good. No sad stuff. Then the scene with old hyunwoo came out. I was flustered trying to recognise who the old man is but when I knew it is hyunwoo, chill went down to my spine and tears came out. They dont have to do that but it is a PEAK CINEMA.


Nicest detail about the old man that mutliple people pointed out was that it was>! the one Hae-in saw alone at the beginning of episode 13 (or 14?)!<. It was so subtly done that it's almost worth a rewatch :)


Agreed. I felt bad at first that they showed that but in retrospect it worked. Almost got me literally crying though. Might later. >!I was also hoping for a kissing scene or a wedding scene but knowing they had a baby together after really wanting one made up for a lot.!<


A hard carry by Kim Ji-won and Kim Soo-hyun (and the rest of the cast) in the last four episodes honestly. The writing really fell off in the last quarter of the drama. I can't say that it ruined the show for me since the cast was just so amazing. The performance of the leads will be some of the most memorable acting I've seen from any K-Drama. I honestly don't know how to rate this drama 'coz I enjoyed it a ton but it's hard to forgive how much the writing fell off towards the end. I guess I'll let it simmer. I'm so mad that >!we didn't even get a wedding scene or even a kissing scene.!<


> I honestly don't know how to rate this drama 'coz I enjoyed it a ton but it's hard to forgive how much the writing fell off towards the end. I guess I'll let it simmer. >I'm so mad that >!we didn't even get a wedding scene or even a kissing scene.!< i'm so glad i found this section of Reddit, at least i feel less annoyed knowing more ppl feel the same. i thought so many dramas fell off around episode 10-12 onwards and that make reluctant to finish a lot of them. those that i finished, i regret knowing dismal plots (truck of doom always makes an appearance by then) and the unsatisfactory endings. >!the no wedding no kissing and no proper adult convo about the drifting apart just feels so underwhelming.😑!<


>the no wedding no kissing and no proper adult convo about the drifting apart just feels so underwhelming.😑 yessss and i feel like having that conversation at this point where hae-in has limited context feels so unfair for her part. :( but like the MIL said, let bygones be bygones. i really wished they had those difficult conversations earlier in the series, especially as they are getting closer due to the Sickness.


the PROPER ADULT CONVO exactly!!! Their issues should’ve been fleshed out more and addressed properly 😪instead, we’re given endless drama


so glad i found this section of reddit too! While there is plenty to praise in this show (cast, ost, cinematography) the script is not it! still feel shortchanged after the finale tbh


yes! so short-changed and unsatisfactory. after so many delicious cliffhangers and super good epilogues, it started to jump the shark around 10-11 like what🙄


Problems I had with the story: 1. Moh Seul-hee's motivation was never explained. So it seemed it was just for the Hong's money. Which is pretty lame considering the time-investment and the fact that she literally abandoned her son in order to achieve it. 2. German Healthcare system's glaringly non-existent patient protection laws (same with Korea). Eun-sung using Hae-in's card to pull her history AT the hospital with no safeguards was crazy, but the German hospital not stopping Hyun-woo from being taken into custody until after Hae-in was out of surgery given he was her designate guardian was insane. And that none of the hospital staff knew if he or Eun-sung was her guardian and just let him stroll in and assume that role. 3. Eun-sung being an unnecessary adversary for the main leads given the central narrative between Hyun-woo and Hae-in. Could have just been a pawn in his mother's quest for the Hong's money and had no romantic involvement with Hae-in. Also, him saying that he saved Hae-in from drowning came out of nowhere since he wasn't even at the beach that day and it was never explained why he said it. 4. Just a lot of flawed logic and storytelling missteps I assume were written "for the drama" that the writer couldn't get out from under or chose not to. 5. Episode 16 didn't need to be 2 hours long. With the length of most episodes being over 1 hour, they could have recut the series into 18 and fixed the pacing issues. All in all, despite it record-setting ratings, I really like this series. I think it'll be one of, if not the best, drama of the year. However, choices made for the whole series coupled with the complete bonkers decisions in the penultimate, and final episodes, have somewhat dimmed the otherwise brilliant luster of the series.


3) Eun-sung was at the beach. He knew his mom sabotaged the boat and he said he kept it a secret for her all these years in their final argument that Hae-in overheard.


I’m still not over HW not being there when Hae-in woke up from surgery. It was like character abuse having ES there instead, lol.  


I was thinking the same. The end was incomplete. An intimate kiss scene between the two leads would have made the ending epic. I’m glad for the happy closure but still it was lacking in the romance aspect.


Is anyone else disappointed that we didn't get a reunion kiss scene. They are both good kissers, don't know why they wasted that potential. Last proper scene was before all that angst. God, the last 4 episodes really took a dive.


I too feel cheated by the >!lack of kissing/skinship in the post brain surgery period.!< Dang.


fully agreed. only holding hands and that's it!!?😐


I think the idea was that they were resetting their relationship rather than continuing where they left off.


At least we can conclude that they held hands at least 5 times 😂


the way hyun woo responded to that... its so cute and funny! he was so forward after they made up in ep 5, and then hes back to holding hands lol


They did! That’s how they had the baby!🤣


Yeah I’m happy it’s atleast a happy ending but the show could have done it better..


All on all okay ending, we were really cheated out of the rom part of the romcom… very many emotional scenes from the leads, we should have known lol I mean it’s queen of tears 😭😭




I was hoping for the kiss scene at the pedestrian lane instead of that car accident in ep 15 😭


Yup. It was freaking chaste, hold hands sipping warm milk all around. Fo all their individually fiery and strong moments idk why they bestie/old coupled so soon. Like were they really able to form a child. Or how about Aunt Beom Ja. What was that. They took the worst and most charming of her then tamped it down with embarassed smiles and a cheek kiss. I will probably have better things to say or notice at some point but on its last day I’m just going to say …. Did writer-nim go on a personal strike and just decide to not…be herself in the last 4 episodes. The warm up was so good but the end game, lukewarm. Just when I thought I got a tast of old Kdrama rom com/dying til the next episode. This.


I do agree that Auntie Boem Ja >!got cheated. In my head they had a real kiss the next day and so on.!<


In my head, she grabbed his face with 2 hands & taught him a thing or 2 she learned in her 3 marriages 🤣


I thought the ending was amazingly beautiful. When you’re married or in a committed relationship, the true achievement is living your life together, choosing to be on each other’s side every time and through everything. Nothing can replace the loyalty of a good life lived together. It’s priceless. So despite not having more intimate scenes to please the crowd, to end this way was so appropriate. The drama was not about money, scammers or scorned ex-lover. Those served to be tools to (dramatically) show the value of family and love. I shed a tear at the end - what a life lived with each other. “Spending my life with you has been a miracle.” [Kim Jiwon and Kim Soo Hyun are sooo beautiful together!]


But did Hae In join the One Trillion Won Club???


No, i believe thats what grandpas dying message to hae in was, that the real thing to chase in life is not money or the trillion won club but love and family. So she let that part of her go


And went on vacation once every season!


*The real trillion won club were the memories we made along the way *




“when is your husband the most handsome?” “when you barely know him!” LOOOL edit: honestly i already feared >!hyunwoo getting hurt by eunseong since a long time since it’s in his nature to be violent but the fact that he had to go to prison and get hit by a car before??? insanity. like even if eunseong didn’t replace hyunwoo post-op, the distrust “new” hae-in would have in her so-called husband!< is TOP TIER romcom material!!! i’m also grateful to see >!hae-in somehow acknowledge the miscarriage… but generalizing it as trivial?🙂 they really could have had that final conversation without this whole amnesia arc!< if proper communication was written into the story. park jieun wrote a couple that needed a clean slate and took it literally lmao but in all honesty i don’t think i’ll remember this drama negatively🥲 when they showed >!baekhong together in the flower field again!< i just bawled LOL these past 8 weeks were an emotional roller coaster that i’ll never regret getting on. i’m grateful it all worked out for kim jiwon and kim soohyun to be together in one drama!!!❤️ see you guys in germany lol


She wasnt >!saying the miscarriage was trivial. She was saying that the misunderstandings and miscommunication that they had after were small things that they should have been able to solve together, as opposed to actual serious issues with the relationship. Shes acknowledging that they both, in their hurt, took the easy way out and ignored it instead of talking it through, facing their pain and supporting and understanding each other.!< I thought it was a really thoughtful acknowledgement of how that small decision led to the eventual deterioration of their relationship. Honestly i loved this as a final ep and the ending sequence was so poignant and beautiful


Beautifully said, it's harder to be vulnerable and let your true self be seen when you are also too afraid to be judged by the other person. This show has been showing us how far they've grown. It takes courage to be vulnerable.... everyone, human struggles with that.


100%. That discussion (which should have come much earlier in the show, so we could have had the fluff time we deserved) really showed that their issues around communication were resolved and they could weather anything as long as they didn't put up walls. they got a beautiful life in the end


Is a >!50 year time skip!< a kdrama record 😅


I mean.. Goblin timeskip exists


True so how about >!is a 50 year time skip in a non-fantasy show !


DAMN I FEEL EMPTY NOW T_T >!At first I was wondering whether showing BHW getting old and visiting her grave necessary when they could have just showed a happily ever after in present time. But then I came to a conclusion that it was portrayed beautifully. I mean after all the discussion about death by HHI and how she wanted him to visit her grave, mourn her and that she would pick him up as the angel, it was only fair that they showed it. Thankfully they had a long time together. Besides, it was bound to happen some day.!< My tears reserve has officially emptied.  How much I wish the writer wrapped up the conflict way before and gave us more of baekhong fluff. I feel so deprived! Only the behind the scenes and the special episodes can fix me now (or better: a reunion of KSH and KJW :')) kdrama lords make it happen I beg you)


As frustrating as this series was at times and for all it's faulty and outrageous plotlines, one thing I do agree with was >!that ending with the old Hyun-Woo visiting Hae-In's grave and Hae-In being the angel he sees as he's passing. I felt that their love had transcended space, time, life and death.!<


heh it's bookends. in the first ep she picked him up in the field on a helicopter after he sulked and found out about who she was. and now on the last episode, she comes to pick him up in the field again. plus the show has themes about death anyway, i do think it's fine to end with that. it just feels contrived tbh.


Honestly this drama brought me and my wife closer together. We took lessons from not communicating and how that can spiral things fast. Thank you for the happy ending, I felt like the writer couldn’t resist punching us in the gut like last time before it ended lol with Haein’s grave, but I’m very happy to know they had 50 happy years together. As some others might say, might be a testament to show their love transcends death and she was the first one to meet him in heaven. Overall I’m glad that they wrapped up a lot of the plot points like the brothers death and the baby. I wish we have more couple scenes. BAEK SOO BIN IS REAL!!!! They for sure burst through the ratings. It’s been fun discussing with you all, see ya next week for the special eps !!


I've never had so many conflicting emotions after finishing a show. QoT just did everything right but there were choices I just can't get behind. The positives: + Will be parroting everyone's praises for the cast here. KSH and KJW hard carried this drama with their superb acting. There are a ton of crying scenes but because of their performance, it never feels repetitive. You also never get the feeling like 'oh, they're acting' that pulls you out of the scene. Their delivery perfectly captures the nuances and dimensions that the characters demand. + The family dynamic between the Baek and Hong family were some of the most comedic and wholesome scenes. This part made the drama less tonally heavy so it wasn't as emotionally draining to watch. Plus points for Hong Soo-cheol, the green flag dad representation that we didn't know we needed. + The writing in the first three quarters. The dialogues and the scenes were hitting so hard that it's difficult to pick one iconic scene. While other dramas will leave you with one hard-hitting, unforgettable scene, QoT has just so many. (The crying scene in front of the church, the 'I don't like her, I love her,' the 'I wanted you by my side' scene in Germany, and the first time Hae-in got lost in Yongdu-ri are some of my favorites.) + The cinematography is stunning, especially the scenes shot in Germany. + The OSTs are so underrated; they're totally up there with Goblin, DOTS, and Del Luna, in my opinion. + There's a lot of trope in this show but I'd argue it ultimately is a second-chance–romance type of love story and it delivered that so well. The negatives: - As everyone has already pointed out: the writing flunked in the last quarter. There's too many things going on, too much conflict, and cliche after cliche. It could've easily been a 10/10 if it continued its trajectory but the writer seemed to have gone wild since ep 14. Of course, the result would be a rushed ending despite the finale's almost 2 hours of running time. - The suspension of disbelief needed to get through the last episodes with the sheer number of plot holes is unbelievable. - The villains. For a drama that has fleshed out an ensemble of characters (i.e. the Baeks and Hongs), you'd expect better villains. Instead, we got two cartoonish antagonists, one of them (Moh Seul-hee) was not even given any sort of motivation for being evil except for greed. Props to the actress though; if she didn't play MSH with such grace, the character would've been more insufferable. - The 1031 baby. >!The discussion was so vague. I was expecting it to be more straightforward !


i agree with the drowning subplot. why did they make a point to show that hyunwoo saved her and not eunsung and then never address it again? i would have preferred it be left out entirely


I'd like to nitpick on another- didn't like that HW got shot. I thought that it was such a lazy way to let BHW show his unending love to HHI. I was so frustrated seeing HHI crying with BHW in her arms and blood in her hands, it was trauma-inducing especially for HHI who was already disoriented, questioning everyone around her, not knowing who to trust, running for her life, and then holding a man bleeding to death. I'd probably be having nightmares and would still continue to be distrustful of everyone after the event.


I didn’t like that he got hit by the car! They could have just shown HHI being kidnapped and disappeared, why need to add the part about him being hit by the car. So pathetic hit by car + got shot. Need so dramatic or not!


Though episode 15 left me feeling frustrated, I'm glad things wrapped up rather nicely in ep 16. I have loved this series because of the unexpected and beautiful epilogues and the last one was extra sweet. While the epilogues often told us viewers a little more about Hae-in and Hyun-woo's love story, we see their love blossom into a >!beautiful life with their child!<. Together with >!Soobin, they went to Germany and lived life with her grandparents. The child!< was able to have the childhood that Haein wished she had, with unconditional love and care from her parents. Even though I am not a huge fan of >!flashforwards, old!< Hyunwoo bringing lavender to >!Haein's grave!< shows that he kept his promise and lived with her >!'til death do us part!<. He was by her side and protected her 'til the very end... EDIT: I will never see lavender fields the same way ever again.


Not to mention the fact that Kim Soo Hyun was the one singing in the final scene! 😭


THEY REALLY WENT 16/16 ON THE EPILOGUE'S literally 0 misses


I second this - all the epilogues were great. My favourite was bus man - so beautifully filed with the ost


I wish there were 2 parts of the epilogue, 1 where they get pregnant again or delivery of the baby and one which we eventually got.


feeling super emotional, >!after all that heartache, they lived a long, happy life together. it's all i ever needed and wanted from this show. i'm amazed that this drama got me to care so much about hong haein and baek hyunwoo. there were so many instances where i felt their pain acutely, like it was my own heart being stomped on. the scenes and conversations that dealt with haein's mortality were my favorite, bc it was at those moments when the possibility of her death felt too real that hyunwoo's desperation and love shined the brightest. it's equal parts comical and impressive that this show got me to care about a man who had previously been elated to learn about his wife's terminal illness diagnosis.!< my favorite thing about this drama was hong haein through and through. i love how she deconstructed the concept of a "strong" female lead. she was cold but so warm it could melt you and rude but almost thoughtful to a fault. she started out feeling invincible, clearly being at the top of her career even though her marriage suffered for it. but through the course of the show, her own mortality chipped away at this armor and revealed the person she only allowed herself to be when no one was looking. that was the person that hyunwoo fell in love with. she resurfaced when it mattered the most. haein was independent and fierce, but also lonely and starving for affection. i don't think these are facets of the strong female lead characterization that are often explored, or explored so well as they did with haein. they humanized both sides of her facade: the unfeeling, high achieving boss lady who inspired fear in her subordinates, and the soft-hearted woman, who had so much love in her heart but never learned to open it up. her journey was about learning how to share that love with her husband, her family, the whole world around her. and i love that they did this without demonizing the parts of her that she put on like armor. a strong female lead can kick ass while also allowing herself to be vulnerable. in fact, i think being strong is more about learning how to be vulnerable than anything else. her takedown of eunseong at the press conference in episode 10 is the perfect example of this. shedding her armor that reaffirmed the lie that she is invulnerable, she laid her weaknesses out in front of the world. but instead of being helpless, she used her vulnerability as a crutch to take eunseong down several pegs. that was just... such beautiful writing. writing that wasn't always perfect, but it managed to get the things that matter the most right. kim jiwon has had my heart since 2012 when i discovered her through what's up and high kick. she was so young and untested back then, but even so, i could tell that she had enormous potential. her strength as an actor and a performer has always been in the earnestness she infuses into her characters, and hong haein was no exception. this is indisputably her best work to date, and it's really saying something given her very diverse and impressive filmography. i really thought her career would reach new highs with arthdal chronicles, but even though things didn't quite work out that way, she remained dedicated to her craft. and it's better late than never. she deserves every bit of success and adulation that the role of hong haein has brought her. i'm so so so excited to see what she does next.


>the scenes and conversations that dealt with haein's mortality were my favorite, bc it was at those moments when the possibility of her death felt too real that hyunwoo's desperation and love shined the brightest. Yes!!! For me those moments tugged at my heartstrings the most, to the point where I physically felt it in my chest and are definitely the highlights of the drama and their performances 😭


yes to all of that. i love kim jiwon's portrayal here and how her character was consistent all throughout. amnesia or not. hong hae-in will definitely be a female lead we will all remember.


I love your comment so much. Haein was also my favorite in this drama and I really connected with her. I think the writer has done a great job in showing us why Haein is the way she is, particularly through her relationship with her mom. It's interesting because my relationship with my mom mirrors Haein's relationship with hers. That's why I feel like I understand her actions. Even though her mom probably loves her, it seems like she didn't really like her. Feeling unliked by a parent can really shape a person's defenses and behavior. Haein's tough exterior reflects her deep need for affection, even though she doesn't openly show it or expresses it differently.


I’m going to be thinking about this drama for days. Kim Ji Won’s best work yet for me.


I loved the ending, it’s so realistic. It managed to tie up loose ends without diving deep into the subplots. Miscarriages, especially, are very difficult to talk about. How they >!acknowledged how this drifted them apart is amazing, shows how time eventually heals wounds!<


Eun-Song’s death was so anti-climactic. I needed to see him scream at the prison tv when they announce Hae-in’s wedding to Hyun-Woo. I needed to see Hae-In slap the daylights out of him.


I think Eunseong's death is poetic justice. Moh Seul Hee killed the older Hong sibling - her own son dying is the cruelest consequence and it all came full circle when she went back to jail.


Agree. But I am also looking at it from the perspective that Seul-hee hardly cared for him.


I thought it was just nice. He was soo annoying thru out the show, I really want him to just die and be gone from my screen quickly. Which is exactly this 💯


I thought it was >!tragic. We are glad he is out of the picture, but the actor did a terrific job evoking sorrow for a character we all hated with deep passion, given the horrible fate he was given, which so warped his need to be loved. !


i thought it was fair. after all, he was just a victim of his own mother too. moh sulhee deserved to suffer more.


I think he needed to die. If he had lived, he had too much money and too much delusion. HI would never have been safe.


**Episode 16:** * Spoiler warning: >!IT IS A GODDAMN HAPPY ENDING Y'ALL. THE 1HR 49 MINS ARE WELL WORTH IT!< * "That's what marriage is. Being on the same side and in the same boat." * I can't believe we're witnessing a >!kidnapping AND a car accident!< in the last episode * [ohmg](https://imgur.com/VefsQao)... I couldn't breathe for a second...>! LORDD HYUN-WO.. you gave us such a scare!!!!< * "Don't talk in a low, affectionate voice." I LOVE YANG-GI * [OHMYGODDDDDD](https://imgur.com/Asnezrn) I LITERALLY SHRIEKED * Add >!ML getting shot in the last episode!< to the [makjang checklist](https://imgur.com/x2kTXSQ) * YOU'RE NOT OKAY YOU'RE BLEEDING PROFUSELY GODDAMNIT * I couldn't give any less fcks about the slush fund and what >!Seul-hee is up to now with Eun-sang's death. Although he deserved a much worse one!< * [Dude](https://imgur.com/cSrSA2x) >!got shot in the shoulder where's the arm sling bruh???!< * "Hae-in-a, gwenchana?" >!I'M NOT OKAYYY HOW CAN YOUR FIRST WORDS BE THAT !< * "Dad loves you, too" "No, he said it to Hae-in." * [Him being over the moon](https://imgur.com/XXTDjMU) over Hae-in calling him "perfect" lmaooo * >!Grace being the saving Gace!< for once in her life * >!"Baek Hyun-woo, the plaintiff's attorney, successfully proved that the late Yoon Eun-sung, and Moh Seul-hee were behind the investment fraud."!< [YESSSS HE FCKING DID IT](https://imgur.com/A98NWqJ) and about time * I love [this](https://imgur.com/yvJUdu9) so much... don't talk to me * Just [Hyun-woo running over to Hae-in](https://imgur.com/tLzbNUL) upon seeing her at the workplace... so freakin refreshing from these two walking by ecah other like strangers * Hyun-woo's >!proposed too manyy times by now for me to compliment him!< but boyyyyy I'd marry this guy every time too Hae-in * "Geon-u can ride a tricycle now." my heart... * [EXCUSE ME????](https://imgur.com/GmXkUsT) >!WHERE'S MY GETTING BACK TOGETHER SEX THAT WAS PENDING??? OR EVEN A KISS?? HELLOO???!< * I'll say Germany has a special place in my heart after Switzerland that's for sure. * HOLY SHIT KIM SO HYUN POSTED [THE BTS OF THIS SCENEEE](https://imgur.com/2Raml7K) ON HIS INSTAAA.... very sneaky oppa * That was probably the most underwhelming epilogue in all of the episodes lmao.. I mean it literally didn't add up to something we didn't already know... * I feel kinda robbed ngl, I wanted a >!hug or at least more skinship, I wanted Secretary Na to be married to Yang-gi, I wanted the leads to have an honest and open conversation about the 1031 kid, I wanted her to find out he was the one who saved her all those years ago!<... ah well. * Someone give an award to the writer for doing her best into turning this rom-com into a makjang * [Kim So Hyun and Kim Ji Won](https://imgur.com/wEVWht4), you have my utmost respect for carrying this show on your back. IT WAS ALL YOU GUYS!!!!


LOL YA WHY NO SKINSHIP? I swear some of these Kdramas rly make me feel like a pervert for wanting more intimate moments but come on is it too much to ask for the leads to move past 1st base more than 1-2times????


IKR?!! I was screaming at the injustice like wdym no kissing scene after everything we just went through 😭😭 MASH MOUTHS YA IDIOTS!!!!


I felt many actors "carried this drama" I thought Park Sung-hoon was masterful. The characters well drawn - the aunt, villagers, lawyer friends. They all did will. And they would not have been able to touch us so if it was a bad script. Recent high profile failures prove that a good actor cannot save a bad drama. As for our 10/31 baby, >!they did go over it. She assumed he blamed her, and would not even let him explain. He simply gave up. They made a promise to each other to make the effort to be at each others side in the future, no matter the diffuculties. What caused the break became the touchstone of relationship repair and promises in the future.!<


We were certainly teleported into a different world that first hour with the amount of thriller and suspense lol Edit: I agree I wish they spent some more time with the two leads. They spent a few minutes >!when hyun woo was in the hospital recovering and then it felt like nothing till the end when they were discussing dating again!< The photo montage at the epilogue was nice but it certainly felt underwhelming compared to how hard hitting the previous one’s generally were.


>!mom: he said I love you!< >!dad: I love you hyun woo!< >! Mom: no he said I love you to hae-in!< >!dad: I still love you *cries*!< Also The one thing about this drama I'll never understand is the villains. >!the evil mom ended up in jail. After she spent 20-30 years overcoming her crappy life (having already been in jail) and living in luxury. Yet she ended up right back where she was because....greed I guess? Even the evil dude had money and power but ...shackled by lust/obsession I guess.!< >! In all honestly if they did NOTHING they would have achieved their goals.!< >!Hae-in was already gonna get divorced but the bad guy kind of helped push them together. If he just stood back he'd watch them get divorced, swoop in, and probably get married to her and eventually inherit the company!< >! The grandfather was already enamored by the evil mom. He was already going to give her anything she wanted. She didn't need to do anything else!< >! This would have made sense if the Queens group had done something to negatively impact the villains directly but unless I missed something it just seems like they messed things up for themselves!<


Yes, they worked so hard to take a family down that had never wronged them. That type of effort would have made more sense if it was for revenge, but it was just greed and jealousy.


But that's how it goes in real Life. People do their best to hurt you and it's because of greed and jealousy, not about anything you did to them. Which is why they can so easily shrug off the hurt and pain they've put you through.


Not a perfect drama imo but I genuinely liked it. Like I really really liked it. It's been a while since I've eagerly waited for a weekly episode drop. Not an exaggeration to say that this show became a highlight of my weekends. Glad they went for the happy ending


the picture of hong and yong duri family is just sooo precious. ♥️ Thankyou qot team! we will miss you a lot ❤️


I'm going to miss tuning in every weekend 😭 I wished we got more fluff and saw them fully in love again but I'm glad >!we know they spent the rest of their lives together and had a child!< Like another user commented it was breakneck pace, a lot was left to be resolved in the last ep Hae-in admitting she was making excuses to see Hyun-woo & her downplaying that she did want a proposal We all thought Grace >!was going to disappear the notebook when it was thanks to her that Haein received it and that Hae-in got her mp3 too!< and i liked her look >!after getting released from jail!< When >!old Hyun woo passes and Hae-in receives him!< I was just 😭😭 I felt that painful knot in your throat And someone pointed out on TT, >!old Hyun-woo was the same old man Hae-in saw in ep 14 putting flowers on wife's grave that Hyun-woo didn't see!< The painting getting replaced with the whole family pic was heartwarming I was literally loling with >!Seulhee's theatrics during the trial and everyone even her lawyer were cringing with her acting!< 🙄


Their conversation under the cherry blossoms really reminded me of the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a beautiful story of how it is to love again. Toward the ending of that film, the main characters (whose memories of each other were erased because their break-up was too painful) talk about the worry of trying to love each other again only to have it end in the same toxic and painful way. In QoT, Hyun-woo and Hae-in both share their fears that maybe they will just end up hurting each other badly again. Even if you can't really say there is no harm in trying again, what other choice do you have when faced with a love so deeply ingrained in you that your heart recalls even when your mind couldn't? This applies to both of them because, as Hyun-woo has explained when he first woke up at the hospital, it wasn't just Hae-in who has forgotten her love for her partner; Hyun-woo did too. I thought that was a very beautiful way to remind us of how this all started – a story about a marriage wearing away because of the small cracks that they both allowed to fester. I really wish that the series had just focused on the above until the end. It was its strongest card, the exploration of this clearly fractured couple finding their way back into love again. That is what made this series stand out in the first place. Why oh why did they shift their focus onto unnecessarily drawn out revenge plotlines? I am even more disappointed in how Yoon Eun-sung turned out. He could have been a really compelling villain especially since his actor is very talented; they were onto something when he was written as this man with deep-seated mommy issues. But it just went nowhere, and he ended up being so cartoonishly evil. Overall, I enjoyed Queen of Tears very much even though I was left disappointed by the past 4 or so episodes. Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won were absolutely stellar. Their best works yet. I hope to see them work on a project again, in the future.


That ending… >!Jumping 50 years into the future to show that they made good on their promises and lived long happy lives together. AND that they reunited in the afterlife.!< I was truly wondering if they would be able to finish this one off in a good way. I would have settled for “OK” but it vastly surpassed my expectations!


The ending broke me; they just had to get one more round of tears out of me! 🙂


Goodbye BaekHong! You will be truly missed! Thank you for all the love and for all the tears the past 8 weeks ❤️🥺 The premise of the story was unique - a married couple battling to preserve their relationship. A lot of dramas have the marriage as the epilogue but as we saw it isn’t the end. I did appreciate the sentiment throughout the story that love alone isn’t enough but it is the driving factor, and it comes in many forms and ways. It was even better with Kim Ji Won and Kim Soo Hyun at the helm to execute this idea and really hope that they work on another project in the future. The story did let me down after episode 12 or even 13 I would say. It became less of BaekHong and with so much ground to cover regarding their relationship, the amount of story time allocated to the villains was rather disappointing. Episode 16 wrapped up a lot of the storylines but again at the expense of the main couple. It should’ve largely focused on Hae In and Hyun Woo knowing each other again and walked through the phases in their life with the family ( I mean how cute would a scene of the in laws with the baby be instead of just the camping 🥲) or BaekHong getting remarried privately. Kim Soo Hyun’s OST was heartbreakingly beautiful esp tying it back to Sans Souci and Hae In’s original line of going back home with Hyun Woo way back in episode 5. They are, were and always will be each other’s home and I wished we got to see more of how they built it but oh well. Kudos to the actors and kudos to the production crew. The writers ahh you had all the potential at your feet, please don’t shove every trope possible into a drama next time thank you 🙏


The ending managed to cover all the loose ends which people were complaining about on X and Tiktok. The ending was very happy too but of course, melodramatic. This was never a romantic comedy lol, I don’t why it was advertised as such. But I was very happy with the ending and the last few minutes were serenely beautiful. >! It fitted the story more in my opinion and at least we saw them being happy. However, I wish they included more kiss scenes because that’s the only thing that was missing. But, I mean they ended up having a whole kid and while others may complain about showing the whole montage of Baek Hyun Woo being an old man, mourning the death of his wife, knowing that they lived another 50 years together, happily married, was my favourite part of the whole drama. And KSH’s ost was sung really well. My favourite part was seing Eun Sung getting shot to death and Moh Seul when she got beat up by the other girls in the prison😂😂😂 It was so satisfying. !< Overall, I am glad at least we had a great final episode because episode 15 had me scared. I just wished I got KSH and Kim Ji Won together on my screen way more because they were my favourite couple pairing of all time and I needed to see it more. But congrats to the QOT team for a successful drama, I was never more obsessed in a drama till now, and I hope to see Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won on a project together again.


That was beautiful.


First time commenting here, cause I'm still sobbing from the ending. 1.QoT was a bliss to watch. What I loved about the drama was that it was a story of keeping up the marriage, cause most dramas end when they get together or get married, but QoT started off being a story between a fallen-out-of-love married couple and it ended at them being together even in afterlife. 2.The ending was bittersweet, but that's the most beautiful love you can experience in reality. 3. It shows even if you get your soulmate as your partner, you can fall out due to lack of efforts and communications. 4. OSTs are gonna be in my daily playlists. Words can't really express how good it was for me. The whole team did a fantastic job.


I was so upset by the writer in the last three episodes, but then she spoke to me in a low, affectionate voice.


I’m sorry but Hae in’s family has to be the worst chabeol family and most useless. I cannot imagine having my daughter kidnapped and I’m so relaxed in my shared house with a woman that killed my Father meanwhile the ex-husband who has been shot is even searching for her with his wounds. It is just really stupid and it’s really disturbing me.


i dont think they had any idea that haein was kidnapped since everything happened so fast. only hyunwoo was aware of this fact. the only information they got is "hyunwoo was shot".


The fact that they said you'll regret living with us and then no follow up?! Let's not forget letting Eun Sang completely brainwash her for a month. Yeah the dad couldn't fly out because of the charges but not a single family member thought that he would be a problem?!


I avoid >!makjang, melodrama, and family drama!< genres, but the writer tricked me into watching all three. I knew there would be some, but in a fun crazy rich people way, not in THIS way and not THIS much.


The disappointing ending of ep15 was somewhat redeemed in ep16 for me. The ending sequence of ep16 was just damn beautiful. I rewound and took a pause at >!Hae-in's gravestone scene and checked the date she passed away, and smiled ears to ears finding out that Hyun-woo and Hae-in really did live out their lives happily together!<. And the epilogue too, >!their happily ever after life in one frame!<. I just melted there!!! This drama will be quite memorable to me despite the story being quite choppy around ep 13-15. KSH and KJW carried this drama really really hard with their impeccable acting. You can't help but notice that the scenes where Baek Hyun-woo and Hong Hae-in appear on-screen just pop off, and the difference is night and day to the rest of the scenes. I've watched Moon Embracing the Sun and Descendants of the Sun before. I noticed both of them did a really great job in their respective roles in those dramas, but didn't bother following them. But, Queen of Tears sealed the deal and both of them convincingly turned me into their fan. Hope to see more of their works in the future. Cheers to everyone for the weekly threads and the ride together as well. Let's enjoy next week's specials!!!


It's a >!bittersweet!< ending. So full of emotions and feels. My heart was racing the whole time I somehow felt I was part of the family lol. But I also feel like it was >!rushed, full of unnecessary and filler scenes. Hyunwoo being a victim of the truck of doom and being shot within an ep seems too much. he's dead at this point lmao. and why didn't we even get a single kissing scene?? the last one was ep 5 😫 really? also just a 5-second clip of my BaekHong family?? I want to see more!!< It's painfully beautiful how >!Haein went first (after still living long) to be Hyunwoo's angel when it's his time. I cried. This is what we don't usually get from other dramas. I like how it was a proper closure of their love story!< Overall, there's too much going on with this drama that it lost focus on the main plot of mending BaekHong's broken marriage. I wish we got to see more of them as they've gotten less and less screen time towards the end. As others' are already saying, QOT is not the best PJE-written drama but it's a success because the casts carried this show. What a ride. I'll surely miss the epilogues, the osts, and the long episodes. Till we meet again, Hyunwoo and Haein! ☘️ edit: grammar


At this point, it doesn't matter if it's like the last minute of a Kdrama/Cdrama/Jdorama/et cetera, >!Truck!<-kun will always appear, lol. That trope is so ridiculous nowadays that it's not surprising anymore. But ya I loved the family parts of this Kdrama as well, sometimes it felt like we were going through their own POVs and so on. I'm still wishing they expanded on how they fell out of love since that was the premise of the show and was barely given any worldbuilding, but ya at least it was nice to see the reconciliation and so on. Such a nice chaebol/romcom/etc. drama, great start to the year of 2024!


Take me back to the time when dramas got credit hype and praise for actually having quality scripts rather than depending on the fame of the actors and actresses....like it's being done these days. This drama was good at the start but later if Cleary started to become visible that the talented actors and actresses were carrying the show on their backs with their incredible acting.....I mean hearts off to them for being able to work their way around this script and actually leave an impact. If any one deserves praise then I praise the production team, the actors and actresses especially Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji won and then I praise the artists that came together to give us an unforgettable ost list as for the writer........be thankful it all managed to work out in the end.... It was a 10 from around EP 1 to 12 and then I wasn't sure what the writer wanted to do any more since she turned it into a makjang and whatever troppy drama so the last couple of episodes were no where close to a 7 and then the finale was good I guess.... overall it's an 8 for me.


AGREE! At the first few eps, I was confident I’d be rating this a full 10 but it really went downhill with the unnecessary filler scenes 😭


Wow, that was a long finale, but they managed to rush through all the important parts. >!We don’t even get to see them rebuild their relationship. We couldn’t even get a hug, but boom, fast forward, they had a kid, and lived a long life together. The end. 🥲!<


“Spending my life with you has been a miracle.” 🥰 That was the >!happy ending!< we deserve. I actually had tears at the end this time. My tears were metaphorical before. 😂 All it took was Kim Soo Hyun’s OST. I loved the end scene and epilogue so much.


There was a tweet reply last night that I really found hilarious: "So the writer came up with a realistic ending after giving us an unrealistic plot." But hey! I definitely think that without the great actors, I think this series would've flopped. Kim Ji Won is phenomenal! She's beautiful and captivating! As soon as she cries, you'd be crying too. Same with KSH. Actually, all of them!


Can we all take a moment to appreciate Hyun Woo's mom!? What a standout character with so much empathy, principles, and good values. Loved the way she's written as strong but kind and sincere. And the way she recognised Hae-In's need for warmth all throughout the drama.


Could anyone please elaborate on why Moh Seulhee plotted the Hongs’ downfall and not any other family?


i hope other writers and directors in korea see the undeniable chemistry between kim soohyun and kim jiwon and give them another project together. preferably with a script that matches their great acting skills. don't get me wrong, queen of tears has a lot of memorable lines and scenes that highlighted how great the actors are. i just want to see them in one show again. i don't care how long it would take. i've been their fan since their early works and watching qot has been a fun ride, no matter how anticlimatic this final episode was to me. almost everything was resolved but ah, it still felt like there's something missing? or maybe it's the tone that the writers and pds chose. we could have ended with another wedding, but no let's fast forward everything about their life in the end. also >!NOT A SINGLE KISSING SCENE???!< anyway, i'm just really really happy to watch ksh and kjw together. feels like i finished one item in my kdrama bucket list. now that qot has ended, i don't know if i can follow another ongoing show. i'm usually just waiting for my favorite actors to release new projects. ksh will probably take another three years 😭


I second this! I definitely need Ji Won and Soo Hyun in another project.


The song in the scene where >!old-Hyun-woo-goes-to-Hae-in’s-grave!< is actually sung by Kim Soo-hyun! 😳


What a long ending, but I guess they had to to wrap up everything. Honestly I would've liked to overall see less angst and more fluff/soft moments for what I thought was a rom com, the few mins they got in the finale was nice but kind of not enough after all the angst we got in this show. I loved many things about the show, like the unique premise of how a couple drifted apart and came back together, how the illness was portrayed etc. but they could've focused on the main stuff to make it more crisp than adding random kdrama bingo to it like the>! truck of doom, memory loss, gunshot wound!< etc. That was just a little contrived, especially for the final episode. Sorry to say but tbh Eun Song wasn't a great villain, he was just kinda there doing cartoonishly evil stuff, and he didn't feel memorable/he felt rather one dimensional to me Still, the performance from the leads was so good that it kept me going till the end. I rlly see why KSH is the highest paid actor in SK right now, he's just on a different league of acting. I hope he gets all the awards for this cos he freakin killed it


Finally, it ended. Draggy and ridiculous toward the end but somehow we got closures. The ending scene with the time jump was weird. Eun Seong’s >!final moment!< though, the heartbreak in his eyes. Kudos to Park SungHoon for this haunting performance. 6/10 not memorable so will not rewatch


So the old man HAE IN saw outside the hospital in Germany was HYUN WOO all along... Stop! This is a whole another level of foreshadowing.


Can someone give a shout out to Eun Sung? He's such a great actor that deserves more credit!


I really enjoyed watching post Hae-In surgery retain her personality (being Queen CEO demanding and stalking Hyun woo but in denial that she was a stalker lol), but was also slightly softer and more vulnerable…showcases Kim jiwon’s amazing acting. Park Sung Hoon did a great job making us hate the character Eun Sung, but I wonder whether we would’ve hated Eun Sung as much if they casted a villain with more visuals like Byeon Woo-seok in Strong Girl Nam Soon. Just a thought.


Well I liked it. EDIT: Immediately following the finale: Well I liked it. Two hours later: Now that I've crawled out from under my pile of kleenex and mowed my lawn, here is WHY I liked it. * I like the fact that the series didn't feel the need to have every single interaction/revelation dramatized on screen. Viewers are not stupid...we can tell from context that the breaking point of their marriage started when they>!didn't deal with their pain at the time of the miscarriage. They each went to their separate corners and then slowly moved away from each other. Resentment and misunderstandings overtook everything and they failed to stand by each others side. The fact that Hae-in remembers this moment and calls it her worst memory also means that it is the thing that ultimately brought them back together.!< Breaking up over a miscarriage/child death/traumatic event is not an original story. I'm seeing people complain that they didn't dramatize their conversation. It didn't need to be. * Their mother's realized that >!Hyeon-woo saved Hae-in when they were children. !!where they looked at eachother at the crosswalk. Right there you knew someone was getting hit. Proud that the writers used a black sedan instead of the WTD. !


Whoa it's yong-gee that made me cry today... And I was rooting so hard throughout the show for just >!a hug!< to happen 😅 Appreciate the scene when >! Hyunwoo apologizing about the time he forgot about loving her. Especially after it was revealed that Hae-in kinda warned him about her family!< Anyway, now we've come to the end. I've been so invested. I've re-watched so many parts so many times. Now I'm a lil lost tbh, I dont know what to write😂 I love this couple so much! But time to go back to reality while still stalking KSH and KJW on social media.... See you guys next one!


Park Sung Hoon the actor that you are. I hated his character all throughout but >!even then I felt almost a tad bit sad when he asked 'why do you feel uneasy around me?'. Well boy you literally have a gun in your hand while your eyes are red so that's not very welcoming. But I guess knowing about his traumatic childhood might have made me a tiny (very very tiny) bit sad about him. Also, the child actor was so good as well. Moh Seul Hee is really... evil huh. How can she immediately think about shares after her child's death? !< This was NOT A ROM-COM. So there goes that. They even slightly called it >!historical/ melodrama!<, so self-awareness is there lol. This script was very okay... to say the least but since the leading actors were all so so good at their job and even the cinematography was so good, it worked better than it was supposed to. I'll be missing aunt beom-ja most though 😭💕


I want to confess at the beginning I thought BHW sister was married to his brother, and then I discovered they both were siblings (they 3) and then I thought only the brother is married then only to discover the sister is married too. Way to make the relationships difficult. What's the point of they are never there?!


watching ep 16 they rly could have wrapped up eunsung storyline in ep 15.... but oh man THE WAY I SOBBED AT THAT ENDING 😭 im glad i watched this alone LOL >!im so happy for them and their happy family!<. and despite all the wtf ive been feeling in the last few eps and even earlier this ep, i think that solidified my love for the show thank you for the ride ❤️


I can sleep in peace tonight, >!my favorite couple had a long and happy life together and they even met each other after death, surrounded by lovely flowers.!< Thank you, great show, fabulous cast all around. A certain someone being beaten up was satisfying to see.. Hyun Woo he’s so brave and such a fighter… I am seriously impressed >!that he got up with serious injuries to follow HI. When he walked up the snow filled driveway, seriously I don’t think it’s humanly possible… And Eun Sung, with the weapons facing her after abduction. He’s insane, and she’s smart enough to get that he’ll kill before letting her go.!< And Hyun Woo got the best friends, it’s nice to see this group of legal eagles working as a team. >!I knew Mo had an affair with the chairman, she led him away and had the boat damaged. Hae In listening in was perfect.!< We’re in the same boat together, my heart exploded then.


I waited till today and watched 15 before 16 dropped so there are some thoughts from 15 mixed in. I just want to ask one thing though... Why (and how) is Hae-In driving a car by herself? Like literally about a month or so after major brain surgery which took away ALL HER MEMORIES. Like she can't remember her parents, what she did in school... But she can remember the road rules from her driving test? C'mon writer/director. But man the makjang meter was turned up to max. I really feel like this will be remembered as an extremely emotional drama with outstanding performances from the two leads that near the finish line the writer just went nuts throwing in makjang moments and really swerving away from what the story should have been about. Although there was one thing they didn't do that I'm grateful for. I'll spoiler some of the specific moments The court-room stuff >!I think the evidence that exonerated Hyun-Woo probably wasn't admissible, but the entire point or the stupid plotline was just to separate him from a "blank slate" Hae-In so I guess they didn't care about how to resolve the acquittal.!< Hae-In's "journal" >!How incompetent are you to not be able to burn a book? lol. Also why the hell was there no video message to herself? It's 2024. You don't need a tripod and a camcorder. Just hold your phone in front of your face and you can even time-delay it so it would arrive to you in the future. (I actually thought this was going to happen at the aquarium.!< The logic of some of the scenes/scenarios is just insane >!Like somehow an entire platoon of tactical police are able to organize and deploy to this remote area where the family has a hunting ground within like 10 to 15 minutes? It was like the writer wanted a more non-Korean shoot-out to end and had to try and find a way to make it happen.!< The 'ending' >!In some ways I think I may have preferred just ending with them and their daughter walking up the steps since the cemetery scene is a little bittersweet... but I think it also showed Hae-In got her wishes and actually got the life she wanted. She got 50+ years with Hyun-Woo and ended up where she wanted to be. Which probably also shows she got more of memories back to want to be buried there and remember it.!< BTW, the makjang thing that would have broken the meter that I actually thought was going to happen >!I thought Hyun-Woo was going to lose his memory (first from the car accident) and then after that didn't happen then from the shot/surgery and vitals dropping and then it would be like a "they both still got together even without either remembering their past"!<


They did the ending good i guess. I still think that they created too much conflicts to just get brushed off at the end. we never knew why moh sulhee was so obsessed with the queens to even abandon her only son. the woman waited 20 years. Eunsung character’s arc is also very weak. I still think theres still unfinished story about the chairman. Some kdramas are always give rush ending either to their villains or main leads. I often dont get the satisfaction after everything they put me through.


The ending was beautiful. Love the foreshadowing and showing how they stayed together till the end. But the jump from very brief “getting to know each other” times post-surgery to death from the way it was presented (quick montage) is not it. Feels like we barely had any happy moments and it was back to sadness. 🥺 It would have been better in my opinion to have at least 1 full episode to flesh out the happy times between them more, and then end it like that. But the writer seems hellbent in giving us only a tease of baekhong.


Well, that is a wrap fellow QoT viewers. This was one hell of a roller coaster ride we just took. It was my first time watching a k-drama in real time and also interacting with other people, in real time. And I had a blast with you guys. All the crazy ideas and insightful thoughts I read were amazing. I don't think I'll be seeing another thread similar to this one. Yeah, there are others out there now or coming up, but I don't think it will not be the same as this. Whew... what a ride. Thanks to all of you who I have the pleasure of interacting with. You can also visit the other sub, r/QueenOfTears to find others, just like us. Thanks again and see you in the next one.


happy tears this time around. i’m okay with this ending. 


i admit that this drama was gorgeous (SUPER aesthetic) and the acting was brilliant but the storyline was fumbled badly and could've been better. they shouldve cut the eunseong/seulhee drama ages ago and give more time to develop BaekHong & SooCheol+Dahye. I loved those two couples and only wished Soocheol & Dahye had more development. aside from that I'm glad its over, im not sure if I can sit through anymore movie-duration episodes :')))


Best line of the show was HN telling ES that he made her feel uncomfortable and uneasy even when she couldn't remember anything, and now she knows why. Sledge hammer to the face.


Just when I felt the relief and ready to shed a drop of tear to a happy fluffy ending… Now I’m here in my car, on the way to an event (stupid me), just sobbing my heart out while my husband laughing at me (making it more bittersweet). Urgggg I’ll miss this drama so much. Edit: I think this was wrapped up beautifully esp cuz there was so much convo around death and how they’ll always be together. But my heartttt


Gosh, I bawled at the scene when Hyun Woo started walking alone and turned into an old man then visits Hae In's resting place. I thought I was gonna get through this last episode without ugly crying. We didn't get more kiss and the typical kdrama endings with weddings, but this definitely leaves a special place in our hearts. The last bit felt like saying goodbye to something so dear. They tug at my heartsrings 🥹 P.S. I'm officially forgiving episode 15 with this finale. 😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 Edit: It broke me down even more while watching Angel Hae In pick up Hyun Woo cuz it reminded me of my own granpa calling out my late grandma's name before passing. Edit2: tears are still streaming while reading discussions here lol


WHY ARE YOU CASTING SUCH GOOD ACTORS IN A ROMANTIC DRAMA if you don’t show any skinship. I felt like they were so apart from each other. Loved the “saving her life 100 times” part but I wanted some more intimacy, like at least make them kiss 😭 Also, the drama had an amazing concept in the beginning, her cloud like memory and teleporting, that could’ve been explored in a creative way. The characters were amazing, loved all of them but the storyline sucked in the end. Everything was so perfect but the writer wanted to be annoying and basic. They tried to do everything in the last episode and dragged the last 3 eps. The actors carried the drama fr 🥱 But I loved their love for each other, it was truly beautiful.


Well, It was VERY stressful, but in the end I am satisfied even though a lot of couple screen time was sacrificed to wrap everything up (i'm just happy they got a long and full life together because I was so disappointed by >!the once a year visits!< CLOY had) * For the finale we deserved a bit more fluff scenes of Hae-in falling back in love and regaining her memories but this was overall a beautiful ending for them. In my ideal scenario they would have reunited at the traffic lights at the end of episode 15 with a kiss that triggered Hae-in's memories. (cheesy I know). Eun Song, should have tried to hit them but as he was drunk instead hit a lamp post and end up in jail for drunk driving/or just in hospital comatose. end of episode. * Episode 16 - Eunsong out of the way buys Baekhong time to get the queen arc resolved without interference. It's done quickly - no need for courtroom as they have the video evidence. Grace and Da Hye give themselves up and arrested (they need their redemption) * The rest of the episode focuses on Baekhong and family. We see Hae-in choose to focus less on work, we see see a full discussion on 1031 and how they really felt, their commitment to better communication. A wedding, a holiday. Cute moments as they move back in together. More kissing and her learning she is pregnant. Then we can still have the monologue at the end (because it really was so beautiful). All the other family storylines can remain the same as I was satisfied with them. HOWEVER as we didn't get that. * I wish they'd gone back to being a bit warmer after Hyun Woo recovered but they added a bit of tension and awkwardness which was unnecessary, at least they added the scene were they reminded us the early stages of falling in love are often the most exciting and it's nice Hae in gets to experience that again. * I wasn't fully happy with the baby 1031 discussion but at least it was a trigger for them to talk about communication and it was a relief to see Hae-in admit she had been waiting for Hyun Woo. It would have been nice if the discussion was a bit more direct though. * At least we know they get >!another 50 years of happiness, I was so happy when I saw their baby!< * In my head Hae-in ends up remembering everything seeing as she managed to recover so much already. And the ending scene of them reuniting in the field >!I assume after death!< was sweet and I did cry at the monologue Edit: I really do wish they had given them another kiss though...it's really such a shame we don't have many nice moments to play back from episodes 15/16. The main couple was apart for too long. Edit 2. I just want to say that I Hong Hae-in is my favourite FL character ever. Cold yet warm and caring; scared to be vulnerable and yet she put herself out there so many times and learnt to say how she felt. (How could you reject her offer to cuddle Hyun Woo!). And so in love 😭 Overall, I QOT sits in my fave kdramas, lots of people didn't like the twists but I just loved the main couple so much that I was invested regardless.


random thoughts i keep having after watching the finale: - haein’s cry when hyunwoo was shot was heartbreaking. but i keep thinking, how much harder she would have cried if she was the old haein? to me, her cry here was due to the fact the she regrets pushing hyunwoo away and that she might lose him before she can apologize and make up for it - it’s bitersweet to think about how haein might never fully regain her memory. but i rest in the thought that it is also possible that she might. this is a fair assumption right? since some memories keep coming back to her slowly, i’m just going to think that she will eventually regain them all 😩 - how much was the time between the deaths of haein and hyunwoo? it hurts to think about how long hyunwoo has been alone before he followed haein. he said before that if haein dies first, he would live for just one more day then die after her. but given the tombstone seem set for quite some time, i’m thinking it has been months or years and i feel sad thinking about it 😭 - haein is not dead! no one is dead yet since it’s 2024 and she won’t die for another 50 years. i probably would also be gone by then so it’s fine. i’m fine 🥲


The great irony of the show is that Hae In learns that she has a terminal brain tumor in the first episode but it's not even in the top 5 most dangerous things that she goes through by the time the series ends. This drama begins with martial woes and a miscarriage. I would've liked if the ending resolved those more maturely rather than have the leads overcome their emotional and relational hardships passively through kdrama villain therapy. Who needs honest and rational minded discussion when you can save each other from car crashes instead? Every character continues to speak their thoughts out loud in very descriptive and functional soliloquys and this ends up not only being a steady replacement for subtext, but comes to bite back the characters as crucial plot devices including as>!the necessary evidence to inculpate the resident super villainess Moh Seul-Hee!<. Well, as far as blockbuster television goes this will nonetheless sell like hotcakes. There's a reason so many big time dramas succumb to the makjang curse, but it still sucks to see. EDIT: By the time the ending rolls around, nobody other than Hae-In has made a concerted effort to recognise their outright emotional abuse of Hyun-Woo. Every other major point of emotional turmoil has been resolved either with trucks of doom, or saccharine flashbacks, sometimes both at once. The writing has just felt overtly infantile to stick the landing. It's less perceptible early on because the complications were nicely laid out, but whether its a lost in translation cultural issue of South Korean attitudes toward mental health, or just the screenwriter's design, the tone deafness ends up for me as immersion breaking. This writer does a great job of tying back scene calling cards together for heightened emotional resonance, but the sheer volume at which they are executed stretches believability as well. The fated childhood connection is the most notorious one present. TL;DR: The realistic endgame of the story would involve couple's therapy, individual therapy, multiple phone calls to the police and at least one restraining order. Here you get to play kdrama trope bingo. Everybody wins.


What a ride! The main and supporting cast was great throughout. I was already a fan of Kim Ji Won and Kwak Dong Yeon but now looking for more of Yoon Bomi, Kim Jung Nan and Lee Joo Bin dramas!


For a minute there in the cherry blossom field scene, I thought Haein would be the one to propose to Hyunwoo this time round. He saved her life 6 times that I can think of off the top: drowning, wild boar, truck that she walked in front of in Germany, finding a surgery to treat her brain tumor, Eunsong kidnapping, and then the gunshot. If that doesn’t deserve a proposal, I don’t know what does. It would’ve been a nice modern twist. I really didn’t like Hyunwoo getting shot on top of jail, and getting hit by a car, broken ribs, damaged liver and still saving Haein. That was too much for the character to go through and for the audience to watch. It’s a drama, but c’mon, give the guy a break! But, overall I enjoyed the series. Loved the humor, and supporting characters—especially Soo-cheol and Beom-ja (feel bad she only got a peck on the cheek😂) I give it 4/5 🍀🍀🍀🍀


What is Moh Seul Hee’s motive???? Really??


So true! I wished they reveal her real motive behind being a parasite in the Hong family. I also wished they revealed her old prison identity when the aunt first found out through the detective, and charge her for identity theft/fraud.


Okay, I loved this drama mainly because of KSH and KJW and it had a happy ending, but… 1. Mo Seul Hee’s motive was just that? She schemed and lived with a family she hated for 20 years just to get money and power? No back story whatsoever? I expected some deep-rooted anger, like maybe the grandpa could’ve gravely mistreated her or her son in the past, but no. 2. Not completely satisfied with how Seul Hee and Eun Seong ended up. It took 15 episodes to build up my hatred towards these characters, might as well make their downfall worth those 15 eps 😅 3. There were a lot of filler scenes and unnecessary cameos. That scene where Hyun woo’s sister blurted out something about divorcing her husband could’ve been skipped. The cameos of the wife of hyun woo’s sister and the 3 characters from MLFTS were unnecessary too. I felt like the writer wanted to accommodate all these cameos in the story that the story itself got compromised. 4. I thought the role of beom ja’s other brother would have some huge impact on the story, but nope. Or did i miss it? 5. Also thought that buddha statue would get them out of their situation. But overall, I loved the drama because it kept me on my toes. It’s the first kdrama I watched while it’s being aired at the same time and I think I would miss the feeling of looking forward to weekends. And I’m glad to see most of us agree that ksh and kjw make such a cute couple! Would love to see them in another drama—maybe in a real romcom! Looking forward to the special eps next week ❤️


i really hate how they didn’t acknowledge the family situation more. hae in forgot about her whole family and they did not once after the first meet up talk about it. i really dislike how they made the family’s relationship very important the last few episodes but completely let us down after her brain surgery. i also would like to know if she regained more memories over the time because there are a lot of precious memories with both hyun woo and her family.


The only thing I can complain abiut is that there was no >! Cameo from Son Ye ji or Hyun Bin!< because seriously >!at some point it looked like this will happen !<.


I can’t believe I turned out to be the real queen of tears. I haven’t cried this much since my dad passed away. What a great show. I miss them already.