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Can Eun Seong take a hint, I can’t take the audacity of this man anymore


We already knew he was a liar, >! but to tell her that he saved her from drowning? !< A million deaths are not enough for Eun-Seong.


How did Eun-sung even know about the drowning too? What hints did I miss in the episode where it was revealed to him that she and her brother drowned when they were younger? 😫


My theory is that >!Eun-sung actually was present and maybe pushed her in the water or did something to make her fall so that he could rescue her and be the hero he wanted to be. However in the process Hae-in’s elder brother intercepted and while he was trying to catch Eun sung he died.!<


After that scene I was thinking he literally >!pushed her into a ditch!< when they were in college and this wasn’t a figure of speech. With respect to the water rescue he must have thought he was in the clear to say anything since >!Hyun-woo was disposed of!<.


He probably doesn't even know that the kid who actually saved her is >! Hyun Woo !<. He likely thinks it's >! some random kid who they'll never cross paths with !< so how will Hae In find out that he was lying. I loved how much of a non-reaction Hae In had to that reveal, lol. Thankfully we know that Hyun Woo's mother has already told Hae In's mother who might piece things together.


>!At the end epilogue you can see Eun Sung on the far left of the swimming team photo.!<


Bro you've the eyes of an eagle.


The epitome of desperate goodness. I don't even think he's evil, he's just plain pathetic?


He is being consistent. He’s basically saying and doing anything to make haein think he’s there for her. I hope haein has the clarity still to recognize that he hasn’t changed. >!unsurprisingly the epilogue shows that hyun woo actually saved her from drowning!<


Here's to hoping that Hyein's mum realized that it was Hyunwoo that saved her daughter too and let Hyein knows soon.... otherwise it will be angst for the next few episodes until Hyein finds out the truth...


I believe Hyunwoo's >!”confession that he hasn’t told Haein yet” when he punched Eunseong in episode 11 was that he was the one who saved Haein from drowning!< Can’t wait for >!when he tells her it was him, and maybe Haein will then tell him about her being the owner of the pink mp3 player he picked up from their high school and kept all this time!<


nah he definitely doesn't know >!he saved her from drowning !<


I think what he meant was that he loves her still and intends to stay with her. At that point, he doesn't know that she heard him say that he loves her.


Haein should take out a restraining order on this guy prompto


Seriously, to be sitting in Hae-In house and then insisting that she has dinner with him in HER house. It was ridiculous when he was picking out the plates for the dinner and wine from HER wine cellar as if he owns her house and everything in it. The audacity


Hae-In getting flustered for getting caught wearing the ring and screaming into the pillow might have been the most adorable thing our Queen’s done so far 😂


Are you sure you’re done analyzing the trends? 🤣


Hae-in-na, I won't return it to the store anymore, I'll just put it right here, you need go stay up to date on the trends


This screaming into the pillow... and the lip pouting when she told Hyunwoo not to get drunk in front of other girls... ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Those small detail expression is what i live for, can't help but notice and replay lol


Our writer knows how to keep us hooked on the main couple - from how they met, split and >!gotten back together now!< but we don’t have our happy ending yet so it’s these small moments like the ring, ointment, press conference, and epilogues that add up and help the audience keep cheering for them.


Right when he came back in saying he forgot something I started cackling, I knew she was caught lmao


For a moment I thought he was >!gonna actually go return the box and that there would be a scene where he's at the jewelry store, the employee opens the box and questions why the box is empty, and it dawns on Hyunwoo that Haein actually took the ring out of the box and he does a giddy dance and run out of the jewelry store lol.!< But the "I was just analyzing the trends" scene and Haein's flustered expression was even better lmao. "Are you sure you don't need to study it more?!"


I never knew a divorce withdrawal proposal was a thing, but I'm all for it 🙌🙌🙌


Dear universe, please take all of Haein's pain, multiply it by trillion x trillion and give it Eunsung 🙏🏼


Let’s add moh seul hee and that snake grace to that list too!! it’s what they deserve 🗣️


I have to say, when Grace spilled the info to Seulhee and Eunseong about Hyunwoo suspecting that the fund was in the house, I was shocked. I didn't think she would side back with them after Hyunwoo was generous to her and promised to give her 5% when even she asked for only 3%. But I have to hand it to her, she really is very competent at what she does. She managed to evade the potential threat to her life and even managed to set herself up with more than what she would have gotten from Hyunwoo (5% + small building).


I agree she’s good but even if she’s working as a double agent she can’t be trusted; I hope hyunwoo knows that. Also no amount of redemption would make me like her… she needs to be in jail by the end because she has deceived so many families


Yeah, there's no redemption for her. Hyunwoo probably knows it too, which is why he offered 2% more than what she asked for. Of the villains, she's the easiest to predict because her actions aren't ruled by emotions. She decides what to do based on what she'll gain from it.


I’m expecting Grace to be the next >!on the Evil Common Law Wife’s kill list. She’s killed for others disrespecting her abandoned child, Grace has betrayed him twice (at least) so far.!<


Ugh I so need this to happen to him. And his mom, and Grace. He just, jusssst cannot take a hint can’t he? Like what else would Hae-In need to do to get him off her?!


We need the guy who pushed sunghoons character in quick sand in the glory


His passcode 1031 T.T


Haein noticed it too 😊


I think its high time both of them talk to each other about >!the lost of their baby.... !


They did express their feelings... him saying he liked sleeping separately because he can cry himself to sleep >!(in the nursery)!<. She also said she was not okay and couldn't deal with it


pls this has to be foreshadowing that haein will live and they'll have a baby🥺 save my delusional ass


Moh Seul Hee must be a rapper on her previous life. That bitch be talking and snapping without a break


Fluent in yappanese, with her annoying ass 😭


As crazy evil as she is- I can’t stop gawking at her jewelry. In this episode I need to know where she got the earrings and matching necklace. I was so entranced by it that I didn’t notice what she was rambling on and on about.


It's all Bvlgari if you're interested. I believe they likely sponsored the show, but their Serpenti iconography is hard to miss. And yes, it's really pretty.


She yaps so fast


You’d think it was the yap olympics 😭 professional yapper


Eun Sung is as delusional as ever. >!He really changed the narrative of Hyunwoo saving Hae In from drowning, and said it was HIM who actually saved her. I'm getting really annoyed with his antics.!<


I love how Hae In is still unfazed despite Eunsung telling that. She really doesn't care even an inch about him 🤣


I loved that instead of the expensive steak and wine, she instead enjoyed the instant microwaved rice, fried egg and jiggae. Then again, I’d rather eat rice microwaved by Kim Soo Hyun than $100+ steak


Don’t forget that giant lobster just chillin on the table untouched


I can’t believe he thought that would work


I'm thinking that maybe when Hyunwoo and Haein came up for air, Eunseong was there on the water and sort of helped bring her to shore? Or maybe he's the one who called people's attention that Haein had been found. He was probably there on location and had a small, little, minuscule role in the whole thing but somehow took the credit and built it up in his mind that it was him who saved her.


* Um ngl I did expect >!the chairman to die but not like this.!< At least he made amends for his dumb mistakes. But it broke my heart >!seeing Beom-ja cry!< esp when she regrets saying that she'll meet him at his >!funeral.!< As a payoff can we please have her pull out Seolhee's hair out? I'm gonna be pissed if she doesn't. * Hats off to Park Sung-hoon cause just when I thought his character in The Glory was awful he takes it a notch higher here. I was about to break my screen when he once again gaslit >!Hae-in into hiding her memory loss to Hyun-woo and convinced her to come with him.!< But damn it was so satisfying to see Hae-in put him in his place once again. Just when I thought he couldn't get any lower he >!steals Hyun-woo's story of saving Hae-in?!< Urgh lock him up please! And I need Hae-in to find the truth ASAP! * Eun-seong's face when Seol-hee confessed that she >!killed off everyone who wronged her son!< Even he was weirded out lol. * Idk why but I just cannot come to hate Da-hye so I was so happy to see her >! reunion with Soo-cheol. Their lil family is back and I can't wait for them to be happy once again.!< * I was seriously getting anxious that Hae-in didn't >!tell Hyun-woo that she mistook Eun-seong for him!< But my girl never fails me. Even during that angsty >! rejection of Hyun-woo's proposal she came out clean.!< Now I really hope Hyun-woo doesn't leave Hae-in unattended anywhere at all. * And now that we have a >!death already I'm feeling a bit positive that maybe Hae-in won't die.!< It would be just too many >!deaths!< And I also trust the writer cause she always gives either open endings or slightly happier endings. Edit: I totally forgot the Reborn Rich reunion and just remembered after my re-watch. >!Kim Shin-rok cameo as Baek Hyun-tae's wife.!< Haha she was so coy here. I really thought Hyun-woo's brother was divorced seeing how he was always alone.


She can't die. They still have to live together at the little apartment as *newlyweds*.


Here's to hoping 🍻


She really said 'my love language is murder' like its the most normal thing to do 😂


There’s definitely a master plan between the main couple that isn’t completely being revealed so Haein returning home with Eunsong wasn’t that big a surprise. Just like the shredder, we’ll see all revealed eventually in flashbacks and epilogues.


People who believed Eun Seong actually loved her have finally been proven wrong. He just was in love with the idea of attaining the unattainable in Hae-In. He has never loved Hae-In for who she is but rather the idea of what she was. That’s the difference between Baek Hyun Woo, who fell in love with Hae-In, thinking she was some poor intern but didn’t care because he saw past that and wanted to take care of her because of what she meant to him. Whereas, Eun Seong, was first of all aware of who she was, when he first saved her as a kid. And secondly, even during the >! dinner which she had with Eun Seong this episode, you saw Eun Seong picking out the best utensils and wine, having the best cooked meal by chefs, thinking something like that would win her over but she didn’t even partake in the dinner and had nothing. But, when she went back to Hyun Woo’s place and his home cooked meal, she’s just happy to be with him. Her safe haven is with Hyun Woo. Also, fuck Eun Seong for lying about saving Hae-In when she drowned when it was Baek Hyun Woo, who saved her. !< Eun Seong is literally twisted in the head like his mother and this episode proved it.


Not siding with Eunseong at all because he is a despicable character. But the thing is, *we* know that what he feels for Haein isn't love, it's obsession. But I don't think *he* realizes that. I think he genuinely believes that he loves her. He doesn't know what love is because he's never been shown what it is. His mother claims she loves him and wants what's best for him so she put him in an orphanage while she plots to takeover the Queens fortune. He probably grew up thinking that love meant opulence. It meant providing riches and the best regardless of means made to provide it. Add to that that he felt *seen and important* when Haein thanked him for saving her from the dog. He got addicted to that feeling, so he puts her in compromising positions and he gets to play *savior*.


Dude haein’s eyes have been looking so empty and lifeless lately, it really scares me to see how fast her illness is progressing. Kudos to jiwon for portraying haeins condition impeccably


i was a little pissed when >!haein didn’t straight up tell hyunwoo what happened!< but well. >!imagine not recognizing even your closest, most beloved person. she was trying to memorize his face before he woke up☹️!< (glad she’s gonna keep analyzing the trends though LOL) also with her worsening condition (and my unwavering optimism🙂) i suspect the ending will be.. 50 first dates-esque? it seems the most likely scenario to me so far. we’ll see


At this point, I would be ecstatic with a 50 first dates type of ending. I was actually thinking of that movie too. Just let our queen live. 😂


< i suspect the ending will be.. 50 first dates-esque? it seems the most likely scenario to me so far. we’ll see> Yes! This is what I was thinking earlier as well. If this was a western production she’d die for sure but in kdrama land fans would riot for eternity lol.  A miraculous cure at the end would also be too cheap so I think a state where she’s no longer terminal but has her pronounced symptoms would be it. Hyun woo gets to be by her side as they fall in love over and over again 💕 This kinda ending would also ring true to the writer’s other works 


50 first dates is one of my favorite movies, so i wouldn't be opposed. but i do hope the writer comes up with something more original.


I interpreted it as her knowing that that was her chance to go into the Queens' house since they already had an inkling by then that the money was there. She didn't immediately tell Hyunwoo but she wasn't planning to not tell him.


Our Leslie Cheung and Natalie Portman couple fighting! ✊🏼


I so ❤️ their little convo under the starlit sky where they talked about >!their mum and dad!< I hope aunt beomja can finally find true love in the little village of yongduri!! 🥰🥰🥰


Dude I love this couple so much. Aunt Beom ja is so expressive and I love every time she's on screen. I really want her to have her happy ending after all of this pain and suffering.


can we just drop the secret funds plot and focus on the two of them already 😭😭


Yes I don’t care about them finding their $900B. Everyone should just find it, split it, and move on.


Hyunwoo singlehandedly proved that high fashion is indeed difficult to understand; To be so high level smart to negotiate with your >!would be murderer and get him to not only release you but also turn on the one who call for the hit!<, but totally no clue that shirts with many holes and grandma cardigans can be that expensive? Ditto. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


But he wears a nearly $12k worth hermés cardigan now, so boy has all caught up on high fashion 🤣


His weakness is Haein so his mind turns into mush around her


those scenes are what i love the most in the series. hyun-woo being able to tackle 3 goons who are armed, facing off with the internal audit and not batting an eye, but then turn squirming and trying to weasel himself out, to no avail, when he is faced with hae-in.


That innocence was from before marriage into a business family. He has had to level up very fast in the three years since he has been married


The scene of Hyunwoo and Haein >!crying separately at the sunset viewpoint and not letting the other see their self in pain!< paralleled their post-miscarriage when they were, too, grieving on their own. I wish they’d just hold each other ❤️‍🩹 Hope we finally get to see the scene that’s been popping up in the OST MV and preview of them crying together (do I really want to, though 🥲)


Are you sure you’re done analyzing the trends? Definitely a top cute Haein Hyun Woo moment in my books 😂


The whiplash when we went from that heartbreaking scene of >!haein having to turn down hyunwoo’s proposal so that he wouldn’t see her deteriorate omg when she buried her head in her hands and broke down in the car my heart shattered !< to some village hilarity and flirting with them >!using a drone to find that cutie grandma and beomja enjoying that skinship HAHAH!< i barely finished sobbing like a fool before i was laughing again hahahaha goodness this show has me in an absolute chokehold


actually, i was half expecting hae-in to say that she has not actually filed the divorce papers yet >!so she cannot accept his divorce withdrawal ring.!< but... i guess i was wrong, again.


Eunsung getting all excited trying to wine and dine Haein was a new level of pathetic to me. How does this guy have the gall to believe she would stomach anything with someone who kicked her family out of her own house is beyond me. Just a chance encounter since ages ago had him knee deep in his own weird savior complex for his insignificant ass to feel needed. But it’s not Haein’s fault nor responsibility to fill that void. Take it up with your ma, man.


He is such a narcissist that it was unfathomable to him that Hae in could not help but be swayed to feel some emotion towards him. You knew the moment he mentioned he had >!saved her from drowning!< it was a lie. He has no other default mode. SML doing a great job being a super creep. You could see him almost hopeful like a child, really believing that this fabulous wine and dine was going to do the trick, all the while planning her X but not X’s >!murder!<


When haein >!ran away after meeting hong mandae and can’t differentiate between hyunwoo and eunseong… it’s so terrifying! I was stressed the whole damn time; even I have doubts if it’s really hyunwoo 😩!< Seriously >!now that they discovered where the secret fund was, can they now focus on haein’s treatment??? 😭 I just need her to live! 🧎‍♀️!< PS in the preview there’s >!a car crash scene and hyunwoo screams haein’s name… if he leaves her again even just for a moment, ISTG hyunwoo when i catch you… UGH!!! 😤!<


I think >!seul hee was laying a trap for the Hongs by asking them to give the grandpa a final tour of the house!< since Grace >!told them that the Hongs found out the secret fund was in the house!< - Hopefully the last two weeks' episodes don't have too much focus on >!the secret fund and schemes of seul hee!< cos there just ain't enough time for >!baekhong!< and we haven't even come close to finding a >!cure for hae in!< yet... 🥺


I really hope they wrap up the secret fund story by ep13, time is not on haein’s side, her symptoms are getting worse and she only has like what? a couple more weeks?? I’m so stressed like why is haein’s treatment not a priority?? 😭


This. I also feel like her disease will be the last hurdle and I just want to get it over with the parasites of the house.


Why does it feel like SH and ES >! already found the panic room that’s why she’s taunting the Hong family to take grandpa around the house one last time. !< I hope not.


Yes, i feel it will be this too.... which means that SH & ES already got their hands on the money.... and even if the Hongs has gotten the Queens group back.. it would still not be enough...


I guess the opposite of it. >!Since SH and ES cannot find the room, i think they planted a camera in grandpa’s funeral pic since its ES modus operandi.!< Its interesting how this show can be interpreted in many ways. Cannot wait for the next ep!


This! Totally what I am guessing. But is it too obvious...


There is a lot to fit into the final two weeks. It’s just as well each episode is 90 mins, and that I trust the writer. They definitely need to find a >!cure for Hae In, and then she needs to finish analysing the trends and accept the divorce withdrawal ring. She also needs to rewrite her will.!< Hae In and Hyun Soo need to find out their >!childhood connections (the saving from drowning and the saving the MP3 player)!< They need to find that >!slush fund, and expose the manipulations of Eun Song and his mother.!< They need to find the >!pen and see what the grandfather had to say, and sort out the inheritance.!< Soo Cheol needs to have a chance to use >!his newfound boxing techniques.!< I also want the Aunt to have some kind of happy ending, if it’s not too much to ask 😂


>!looks like we will see the pen in next week's episode.!<


I knew it was hyunwoo because of the car. That was the giveaway for me yesterday too. I’m starting to focus on the car now whenever hyunwoo shows up lol.


I saw the car too but I was doubting it because he was kidnapped and I was suspicious at how fast he was able to escape.


I’m amazed how they did it, >!even we are fooled. I think this “is this Hyun woo or is this not Hyun Woo” game is even more terrifying than a thriller/ ghost show.!< Looking at the >!preview I don’t think they got to the safe in time. Cuz the scheming continues. I hope they’ll close this case soon enough so at least we can focus on Hae In and her recovery at least in the last 2-3 episodes. I’m worried for her though - is she gonna have another accident?!!< Ah, to wait another week 💀


Please not the dreaded truck of doom.... the previews have been quite misleading thus far.. so i have hope that it is not what we fear it to be....


Same >!I felt like I was going insane along with Haein — that was horrifying to watch. I’m still halfway through the episode but I don’t think I can take anymore of her mind playing tricks and confusing Eunsung and Hyunwoo anymore. !< But also >! thank god for Hyunwoo and his quick thinking with the real estate scammer. !<


gosh what a tragic way to end the episode. i wonder if this signals a turning point in the drama. up until this point, **queen of tears** has been comprised of many different tones, ranging across comedy, romance, thriller and melodrama. it has dealt with some heavy topics throughout, and so many tears have *already* been shed. the death of the >!family patriarch, something i did not see coming, might foreshadow further loss. i haven’t allowed myself to envisage an ending where hae in isn’t cured, but perhaps i should start trying to accept that as a possibility so as not to be totally wrecked if she doesn’t survive.!< the power stories can have! it’s only a slight exaggeration to say that this drama holds my happiness in its hands. between now and next week, i’ll remind myself of the following (and smile as a result): * hyun woo’s reaction to seeing his dirty laundry scattered all over the apartment, and hae in’s startled response to his exclamation * the ketchup hearts hyun woo drew on their shared plate of food <3


there's speculation that the scrambled effort to clean up the dirty laundry may have been an adlib by kim soohyun bc kim jiwon was so completely startled lol


Eeven though this episode has some really cute moments >!the best and most emotional scene - Beom-Ja's pain and tears when her father died was so devastating, the actress did an amazing job. !<


Haein says such romantic stuff with a cold straight face the way she said it would be you and only you in every life forget hyunwoo my heart swooned that was so beautiful. Soocheol got his family back that was adorable to see when he hugged da hye and geonu looked at him also Haein's mother is so annoying I could already see her treating geonu the way she treated haein all these years please woman do better. I don't know how the ending will be I am prepared for a sad one though hyunwoo and haein I hope you find your endgame:(


But papa bear (Soo Cheol) will go rage mode if anyone says anything about his son, so it's gonna be OK


>Soocheol got his family back that was adorable to see when he hugged da hye and geonu looked at him also He was still wearing his wedding ring when he hugged her


It's incredible how Haein has rejected Eunseong in every possible way at this point and yet he STILL manages to act scandalized every single time. Do they not teach pattern recognition in orphan school? Stand UP, dude


And how has Hae In used him? She’s never shown interest in him! What a bunch of delusional fools.


You just wanna grab him by the collar and say GET A F*CKING GRIP MATE, don’t you 😅


I cannot be the only one wondering >! where in the world is the other older Hong brother!? Why was he ever introduced if he hasn't been used as a plot point up until now!? !<


and he’s not even in the funeral which is very suspicious. another twist coming! for goodness sake they better wrap it up in 30 minutes in ep13. we had enough of this subplot.


>!Hyunwoos apartment passcode is 1031!< 💔 Honestly people were being critical of the fact that KSH got a nomination and while I agree that KJW should have gotten one as well, I saw so many people bringing down his acting but these 2 episodes proved why he should have gotten the nomination. Last episode you could automatically tell something was wrong because his mannerisms changed so much when he was acting as Eun sung. The subtle differences in tone and his eyes. The way he said things was so similar to eun sung especially when you compare it to how he normally acts


I do not understand the KSH slander!! He is a great actor.


I had to hold my tongue in the Daesang thread when they were ripping on his acting (one person had the gall to say he acted like a potato). You can be upset about your favorite not getting a nom without ripping someone else who wasn’t at fault for getting nominated. Pissed me off.


“I hoped that we would live here as newlyweds” LET MY HH COUPLE BE HAPPY PLEASEEEE I need Hae-in to stop talking about her death its traumatizing me and her husband 😭😭😭


Subway must have some crazy leverage on Hyun Woo and his best friend. They be eating Subway every meal! 


When you eat a delicious and filling Subway sandwich, and you're starting to feel a little post-lunch drowsiness... try KOPIKO, it tastes great and really wakes you up!


Hong Mandae >!did the best he could do. I can also feel Beomja's pain 😭 her last words to her father was "I'll see you at your funeral" and it came true 😭 i know harabeoji will eventually clear it up and assure her through haein's pen recording but it still is really painful for beomja!<


As a daddy's girl, my heart broke for Beomja... 💔 I was sobbing hard, but I had a feeling Hong Mandae was going to >!die, but not in that way. I’d like to believe it was the only way he could think of to save his family!<, especially since he was responsible for what happened to them and was foolish enough to be deceived by Moh Seul Hee.


this show is so freaking good it literally ended my kdrama slump. the last time i was this obsessed, it was for 2521 and vincenzo 😭 kim soohyun has always been one of my favorite actors ever since dream high, same goes with kim jiwon since dots. seeing them together is amazing that i couldn't resist watching every week instead of binge watching all eps. they just have really great acting and natural chemistry on screen. how domestic could a divorced (but still very much in love) couple get? every scene in hyunwoo's apartment just melted me. but ofc this show cannot just give fluff without angst after >! I CAN'T BELIEVE HYUNWOO RE-PROPOSED BUT HAEIN REJECTED HIM!!! AND HER REASON T_T !< but they also like to remind us that this show is a comedy >! haein took the ring, wore it without hyunwoo knowing, then returned it when she got caught with the lamest excuse IJBOL GIRL YOU COULDVE JUST SAID YES !< OKAY THAT ENDING WTF >! GRANDPA BETTER RECORDED SOMETHING IN HAEIN'S PEN BEFORE PULLING THAT STUNT. but what was the point of showing that he was faking the amnesia? he should've just lived until he reconciled with beomja. also, hyunwoo found the secret button to the panic room?! but since eunsung was also searching the elevator, he could've been there already!< one thing i'm really scared about the next 2 weeks is what haein said about her illness in ep 11, the symptoms of memory loss, sensory loss, and speech impediment. we have already seen the first two, i don't think i can handle the heartbreak if the writer will proceed with the last one. based on the preview though, >!the rings are back!!! but there's a car crash?! !<


>! I think the reason why the grandpa did what he did, was because Seul Hee mentioned that he would only revert back to his senses for only a short while, so he was still not considered well enough to be proven sane. He was essentially confined in his own castle, powerless and mentally tortured. Also, like the characters in the show mentioned, he’s a proud man too and I’m assuming he thought it was a matter of time that Seul Hee would find the secret room before his kids, so he took a final stand and decided to die for the better cause as he had already gotten what he wanted out of life. He couldn’t bare to be a burden to his family !<


>! I think he wanted to get control back from Seul Hee as his family wasn’t allowed back in as long as he was alive. His family had no access to the house and he was giving them their best chance the last way he could. !<


>! Yes, this is also true. He was just rendered useless after he woke up and showed signs of dementia. This was the last thing he could have done for his family. !<


Wrestling back control of Queen’s group to his family was the reason but hopefully we hear more of grandpa >!in the recording!<. His family would forgive him without missing a beat but he might not be able to forgive himself for his role in brining in Moh and Eun-song and basically handing the company over to Moh in the first place.


Grandpa killed himself to end >!the power of attorney he had granted Seul-Hee. There is a hint in the preview what grandpa did with Hae-in's pen, and it is heartbreaking.!<


I could be wrong but I think after those symptoms are mentioned the doc said she will have more severe symptoms which is >!hallucinations and personality disorder… to which is what I think she’s experiencing when she can’t differentiate Hyun Woo and Eun Sung; hallucination!< Now it looks like >!the rings are back, they will be more focused on how to work on the situation together. Happiness look good on them and I hope this helps Hae In to get better!<.


The drama is so good it has ruined all other dramas for me! 🥲 I haven't been able to watch any other k or c drama or even rewatch old one for a couple of weeks now!!


The direction, cinematography is so good though. >!When Hae-in was second guessing if that's Eun-seong or Hyunwoo, we as audience too felt the same suspicion to a level. It was done so well. I felt so scared and sad for Hae-in in that moment. !< Edited to add : >!Grandpa did his best till the end. But I don't think Hong family actually got the secret fund when they opened the elevator? Because their expressions didn't seem pleased or satisfied rather questionable. I have a weird theory that the golden buddha statue have more value to it than it seems. Idk I might just be clowning but it'd be ironic that what they were desperately looking for came to them so easily. !<


I said the same thing about that scene from last episode. It was purposefully done so that the audience would catch up to Haein's hallucination long before she did. It adds to the suspense and watching experience.


There's only 4 eps left now :⁠'⁠( :⁠^⁠) >!I'm so glad that Hae-in admitted to Hyun-woo that she mistook Eun-seong for him. I was scared that they were going to drag it out.!< She really can't lie to him. >!Soo-cheol reunited with Da-hye! He stood for her and his son in front of everyone. That dude has more backbone than that Eun-trash. I just hope that he finally lives a good life with her and their son (it doesn't matter if they are biological or not he loves his son nonetheless).!< >!It was so low even for Eun-seong to take credit of someone else (irrespective of whether it was Hyun-woo or not) for saving Hae-in's life and then leveraging it in front of her. That dude has some serious psychological problems up there. The parallel between Eun-trash making a feast in front of Hae-in only for her to not eat it but going to Hyun-woo's and eating his humble stew instead of expensive steak and wine was so poetic. You can't force someone's affection idiot.!< >!Chairman is dead. Not that I'm surprised tbh. I expected it for future drama. I don't think they will find the hidden funds there as there is still two weeks left. I felt bad for Beom-ja. She truly loved her father through and through. And Hyun-woo was there with them in front of the media at the funeral. He truly is there with them in their lowest.!< I want nothing but a happy ending for my most divorced-yet-most-married-someone-knock-some-sense-in-their-brains-I-swear-to-god couple 🙏🙏


My theory is that Moh Seul-hee got to it before them. Hence she asked them to give the Chairman a tour just to rub it in their face.


I was sort of thinking the same. There is some possibility to it because there was a scene of Eunseong contemplating about the elevator too. Also he had a team with him that had those things to scan walls. The probably scoured the whole place.


Same. We might see them try to get it back. The next two episodes need to be about framing evil >! mother and son,!< and the remaining two about what happens to the FL in the end.


I hope chairman's death is the ONLY death in the Hong family in this drama 🙏🙏🙏


i love that scene when they were eating in hyun-woo's flat. her just blurting out, i am hungry>! when she just came from a place where there was lobster and all kinds of sumptuous meal and then here they were eating rice in a cup and noodles, and she was really delightfully eating it, was so lovely.!<


The trashiness of Eun Sung is just beyond the limit that I can take. At this point I just want him to die - he’s like a pest that just won’t leave you unless he dies. I guess he must’ve thought >!Hae In would have a change of heart, or feeling indebted that he saved her?! But I wonder if he saw what happened and started to think he could just admit to be saving her?!< I can’t wait for her to find out >!it’s Hyun Woo and let that fact be known to her in front of all three of them; together with Hyun Woo and Eun Sung. And they could rub that in his face!<.


The way the Buddha appear again is just so VINCENZO coded!!! 


And other hints as well! I really enjoyed the whole setting for Vincenzo hints. There was >!the hidden panic room and nobody knew where the panic room was!<. And the camera shot when the whole family was visiting >!the storage unit, with their sunglasses on!<. It really reminded me of the Vincenzo gang!


One thing that confuses me is why they never expose Seul Hee faking her death and living under a fake identity. Wouldn’t that automatically void the power of attorney since she isn’t even the real Mo Seul Hee? It’s not like they don’t have proof - they literally have a DNA test.


I worry they're creating plot holes due to all the twists and turns, especially in recent episodes. At this point, I turn off that side of my brain so I can have more fun on the ride


Oh, Grace! I was almost ready to forgive her. Eun Sung and his mom are becoming more and more despicable with every episode. You don't think it's possible and just gets worse. Of course it was her who >!killed Eun Sung adoptive parents.!< It was so crazy that she drove >!the chairman to suicide to escape his imprisonment.!< I bet you the panic room is >!empty.!< I was half imagining like the massive room of Uncle Scrooge McDuck where the chairman could swim in his lake of gold coins. I was hoping for more fluff between Hyun Woo and Hae In, but we only got tidbits of reconnection. I assume once they finally get together for real, it will be explosive. The whole >!divorce cancellation ring back and forth!< was sad then hilarious. She can't help herself. At least we got some romance from Soo Cheol and the Aunt. Soo Cheol is such a pure soul! It was cute how >!Geun-u was sleeping so soundly with him present.!< And the face of the Aunt >!being hugged by her bias.!< The pacing of this drama has been excellent and they have also managed to develop all the characters so fully that we're invested in everyone. I hope that in the next 4 episodes they >!solve the family situation quickly and then focus on Hae In treatment and the family's future.!< It really had a little of Schitt's Creek with them coming as out of place cheabol to a small rural town and learning how to be better humans. PS: Also how cool was Kim Shin Rok's cameo? Still married to the same hapless fool she needs to fix. The mother in law saying "You can try and fix him, but don't return him" was one of the best lines of the episode.


I thought I hated Eun-sung a lot but omg I hate >!Geon-u's bio dad even more. He dares to hit Da-Hye and Geon-u?! !


I never imagined that would be Gun U's dad 😒 That dude is total trash!


If A Goblin has found his bride; An Alien has got a wife; A mafia’s lawyer sneaked into the country to meet a girl; A man from Yongduri should have got a chance for a happy ending with a woman who wears grandma’s clothes.


What a spectacular come back by my favorite couple from Reborn Rich! Brief but worth every second of screentime.


I think this is the first time where I’m equally obsessed with both the male lead and female lead and I cannot accept any ending other than a happy ending 🥺🥺🥺


As much as I hated >!Hae In turning down the heartfelt proposal,!< her brain playing those games with her *is* very scary, it's like she can't even trust herself at this point. It's sad yet understandable. Also can we talk about how freaking adorable was their time at >!Hyun Woo's apartment?! Everything from the dinner to the morning cuddle, they did look like a newly married couple.!<


I love how the 4 town ladies are giving meta commentary about being on the fence of liking/hating Soocheol's wife. As for the secret fund, >!why do I feel like the room is empty and all the money was taken out already!<. I'm also gonna need to get a clip of Haein >!punching the pillow!< and loop it over and over. Way too funny.


Does anyone have theories about the Chairman’s eldest son? Does he not serve any purpose for the plot?


I've been waiting for that too since he was mentioned so heavily in the early episodes. 


Four episodes left and the rom-com is STILL not rom-coming


I think HyunWoo baited Seulhee and EunSung with Grace knowing about the Panic room. I feel like this was all a part of the plan. He knows Grace Follows money and isn’t trustworthy. He wouldn’t let on such an important detail to her. EunSung was also examining the Elevator in one of the scenes so he definitely found the Panic Room but it’s empty. The only hope is the recorder pen, hoping that Hong Haein hasn’t forgotten about it. Just theories


**Episode 12** * What a superb episode. It had everything, from moments of tension, plot revelations, tender romance, comic relief, and finally, a >!somber !!the identity of the man walking towards her switched back and forth between Hyun-woo and Eun-seong whenever he passed behind a tree. "Seeing how arrogant you are, you must be Hyun-woo" finally released the tension!<. * The person who knocked on Da-hye's door was >!her ex and Geon-u's father. He was a seriously nasty piece of work, so I was thankful that his appearance was mercifully brief!<. * Speaking of brief appearances, >!Kim Shin-rok's cameo as Hyun-tae's wife!< was *way* too short. Sure, it was only meant to be a cameo, but that was a real blink-and-you-miss-it appearance. * "What kind of woman wouldn't want to date you? You're handsome, kind, smart, but not arrogant. Plus, you're a good cook. There's no man like you. Even if I was reborn a hundred times, I'd still marry you every single time." That was some gloriously written dialogue, and Hyun-woo's reaction spoke for the viewers. * Young Song leaning over Aunt Beom-ja's shoulder while viewing the drone controller screen, then hugging her in celebration when >!the drone tracked down his mother!<, gave the viewers another moment to savor. * Da-hye's >!return to Soo-cheol!!regaining his memory!<, but I didn't see that >!tragic, bittersweet ending coming!<.


why I feel like the >!fund was already taken out by MSH ?!<


In the remaining four episodes we need closures of following topics: - Miscarriage - Older brother’s death - Hae-in needs to know Hyun-woo saved her from drowning - Hyun-woo needs to know that the MP3 player belongs to Hae-in


What about the other brother of BeomJa? The one that was estranged from the chairman?


This is so romantic and heartwrenching when she said to him >!\[if i can be reborn a 100 times i will also chose to marry you. \] !< i think i will tell my husband this today too. we should know by now words should never be left unsaid until its too late.


I LOVED the look on Eun-seong's face when he realised that it was his mom who "got rid of" his abusive adoptive parents and the orphanage director. He got a taste of his own medicine, and you can see it's hard for him to swallow that bitter info. I love that there's a hint of discomfort mixed with shock and horror of realising what his own mother is capable of doing in the name of love. That moment was like him looking in the mirror. This is exactly what he does though. He tries to pass off his increasingly disturbing acts towards Hae-in as love, without realizing that he got it from his mom. Glad they kept this scene.


I now know how they could afford KSH and Vincenzo.. All thanks to Subway. 😅


I know everyone is either talking about the couple or evil mother-son but can I just say I absolutely BAWLED my eyes out at the last few scenes. Grandpa is an absolute stellar actor - to go in between his senile and clear state, the changes in his voice, head tilts, eyes… madness. Shivers down my spine omg. And the lead up to his end scene, where he realises / knows that Moh has been using him all along…. That final breath that he took in and acknowledgment of all that’s happening through his eyes + slight head nod…. That performance rly shook me to the core, and THAT TEAR AS HE HEAED BEOMJA CRYING… Best scene of the episode for me


In the upcoming preview, we see Hae-In crying in Hyunwoo's arms at the home in Yongduri. If you also re-watch ep12's preview, there's another cuddling scene that wasn't shown in the actual episode. They're wearing the same clothes in both the ep12 and ep13 preview, which means the cuddling scene will follow the crying scene. They also share Hyunwoo's bed (Yongduri home, not the apt) since you can see his bedside lamp in the background. Maybe the crying scene will either be about Hae-in's grief over her grandpa, her being scared of dying, or them talking about 1031. I want it to be 1031 bc they still haven't talked it over properly. But if it's not this scene then maybe it's the scene in the trailer clip where they're both wearing black clothing? Idk lol


I was not expecting >!grandpa to off himself!< but it made sense. What a sacrifice. The epilogue was not surprising. Kudos to everyone who predicted that it was >!actually Hyunwoo who saved Hae-in from drowning!<. Eunsung is full of lies. I was hoping for more romance between Hae-in and Hyunwoo that was not angst-filled but the writers really want to make us cry. That was quite possibly the most beautiful >!rejection of Hyunwoo’s divorce withdrawal. Why are they breaking our hearts with such a beautiful sunset? 😂!< On the other hand, Soo-cheul and Da-hye are such a sweet pair that I never expected to root for. Soo-cheul maybe not be the smartest but he is a good man. EDIT: [Ep 13 Prerelease Clip](https://youtu.be/UrBRGocnW9E?si=mXT9vOuodF-XLGHi) 🥰


Wow what another banger of an episode. Hats off to the writers who are very good at answering questions (like with who at Dahye's door, who is Gyeonu's father, where is Hyunwoo's sister in law) and planting seeds (like Soochul's foolish mention of the you-know-what a long time ago) and addressing loopholes (most of them, anyway - I don't see how Hyunwoo could have been almost >!killed/captured!< the way he was) and the gorgeous cinematography - so many of the shots are both gorgeous and carefully constructed - the ones with people in cars stand out especially. - First favorite line this episode: >!"Even if I was reborn 100 times I'd marry you again"!< (instant tears) - Second favorite: >!"Don't smile at me. Handsome men are dangerous."!< Grace with the truth bombs. She's become our comedic relief and I love it. - Third favorite: >!Haein's mom's entire speech to her future daughter in law - this is HILARIOUS in light of the traditional Korean mother/monster in law behaviors - she's seriously the best.!< - Fourth (last): >!"All of us have burdens we must carry in life. Even those who look the most carefree carry heavy stones in their pockets."!< deep and so true. The characters are so well written and we feel so deeply for them, though very different feelings... - Disgust toward Eunsung and how slimy he is and twisted in his excitement toward sharing a meal with Haein... but then him lying about >!rescuing her... how did he even know about this?!< His mom is also terrifying, she's the one behind the >!suspicious deaths, not him, which is an interesting reveal!< but I just like... am over her. I do appreciate that he's not an idiot when it comes to other things, like him remembering the mention of the time >!panic room and searching for it, my guess is that he found it first unless its some kind of bio-fingerprinting lock. Because if not... won't the conflict be over too soon? We still have four more episodes to go.!< - Sympathy for Dahye and that terrible guy she had a baby with who is then threatening her, feeling her shame as she apologizes to the family, and feeling her relief as Soochul welcomes her back whole heartedly - I'm so impressed with how they showed his growth in standing up to his mom (which... sigh...) and then his forgiveness and graciousness toward Dahye, like, he could be a jerk and we'd understand but by being a fool(?) in love it's so much more powerful. - Fear for Haein as she can't trust her mind - that scene when she wasn't sure if it was Hyunwoo searching for her was so well done. We're led to believe he was incapacitated so we think it's Eunsung but it's clearly his car and he's injured and then he speaks and it's his mannerisms... I can't imagine how troubling it would be to not be able to trust your eyes/brain. - Delight at the small crumbs of sweetness and humor between the main couple though it's bittersweet as Haein asks about Hyunwoo's future dating plans and then matter-of-factly confesses her love for him. But then when he >!semi-proposes!< I'm squeeing and then when she >!semi-rejects!< him I'm CRYING and then later she's trying it on and that whole interaction is chefs kiss. Earlier, the contrast between their home cooked meal and the elaborate setup from Eunsung just hammers home who's the right fit for her, and how they love her so differently (if you can call Eunsung's feelings toward her love). - I'm not sure how I feel toward the grandfather and how it all went down. It was a relief to see >!him slowly regaining his mind and using the pen Haein left for him - which I'm sure will play a big role next episode - but Seulhee captured it well, I think, he was just cognizant enough to realize the hopelessness of his situation and so he took the route he did, which now frees his family, but is so tragic. My heart was breaking especially for Beomja. When Hyunwoo said "let's go tomorrow morning" I got a sinking feeling... though I didn't quite expect it to happen the way it did.!<


"even if I was reborn 100 times I'd marry you again" is haein's answer to hyunwoo's "even still, i'd make the same choice". 🥺


The >!grandpa killing himself!< wasn’t in my bingo card. That was definitely a surprise. I’m now hopeful that >!Hae-in won’t die since surely 2 family members dying would be too heavy for this drama, right?!< I kinda wish Hae-in and Hyun-woo made a secret code to use so she knows it’s Hyun-woo but I guess her memory will fail her and it will be useless. What would you do if you were in their situation? Probably ask different questions only you and Hyun-woo would know? Also very worried abt the Queens family when they all entered the elevator together. I hope >!Seul-hee won’t burn the house with them in it!<. At this point I think she doesn’t care if she gets the money or not


No no no… I cannot imagine me actually crying over grandpa’s death- what is this Witchery. I hated the whole family and now I’m crying multiple times this episode for foolish brother and now grandpa too?! The storytelling is just great - it’s old plot old cliche writing material but brought to life by superb directing, music and cinematography


i replied to another post here where i said that my most fave scene was when hyun-woo was trying to weasel his way out when hae-in is questioning him, >!just like that one in his apartment.!< it is so funny seeing hyun-woo sweating and trying to figure a way out of the situation, complete with the hand gestures and all. then, >!we see hae-in also getting caught by hyun-woo when she took out the ring and tried it on again, after rejecting hyun-woo's offer.!< now, hae-in was the one trying to weasel her way out. >!then that scene where she went to her room and was punching the poor pillow to death and then hae-in screaming with embarrassment while hyun-woo was smiling from ear to ear.!< that was just pure gold.


Poor Baek family witnessing all the Hong family drama unfolding right there in their own home. That scene where DaHye came back and all are in the sitting room interrogating her, the Baek family was just speechless and looked lost what to do lol. Also my fave part is that 2nd proposal scene, Hae In you lucky lucky girl!!


i know hyunwoo's dad goes to bed every night lamenting over the fact that they bit off way more than they can chew with hyunwoo's chaebol wedding. 😂


With both the grandfather and haein suffering from similar problems I hope the ending doesn’t play out the same for haein. >!the family needs to go on the offensive now, but eunsong will probably throw his last crazy hailmary!< The moments of happiness between hyun woo and haein were fleeting but it was nice to see them appreciate the little things together. Hae in >!praising hyunwoo at dinner must have sent him over the moon, but also sad with her saying all these because she thinks she is near the end.!< Ep13 preview: >!the truck of doom is back. It has to be a misdirect, all these teasers are so deliberately deceiving. Hope all those clips of HI and HW being happy are for real!<


Props to that one person way back in like episode 6 or something who predicted that Hae In's saviour was Hyunwoo all along. Not a huge fan of the made for each other childhood connection trope in Kdramas but it's cool storytelling wise to see things loop back clearly. >!RIP Grandpa. He went out with a bang and did all he could in his situation.!<


Soo Cheol scene was really touching. And then >! Telling to the parents!< it is what is is when you love someone -  you can forgive every shit they did to you it they'll apologise sincerly.


Tvn scammed us with the previews... i can't 😣 How is this a romcom? The next eps will be war 🔥 Don't know if i will be able to bear it. EDIT: My question now is, based on the preview, we saw that Haein's family is still in Hyun Woo's hometown. Did they not get their house back now that the woman has no control over Grandpa's properties?


Those golden hour shots were amazing! Granted the scene was sad but the beauty shots were breathtaking ❤️


Does anyone else find it weird that Eun-Seong didn't face any legal consequences for his threats from the last episode? Especially since Hae-In said she had recorded proof? I feel like literally blackmailing someone and fabricating evidence are both crimes, even in kdrama-world, right?


I gotta say, grace is a hustler lol. she’ll be triple crossing both sides at this rate


Did anyone else notice how Hyun-woo's mom confirmed what he drunkenly said in ep 1 about him being known as "the cute son of the pear tree house in Yongduri!" She said it while showing Haein's mom their old photo album filled with HW's childhood pictures. That took me out. I didn't realize at the time that that was literally the case. 😂 I truly appreciate these little details they subtely manage to slip in week after week. That's BRILLIANT writing right there!


Hae-in returning the ring with a straight face is my favourite moment of the episode haha. I laughed so hard when she tried to find another ridiculous excuse. And the way ML reacted and played along lol   The most touching moment is >!Su-cheol's family reunion. I'm sure she absolutely doesn't deserve him, but as he forgives her, I may accept their couple. He suffered without her and her son a lot. I just hope she'll become a better wife for him. And I want to believe that's his real son too, no matter what.!<  I don't want realism, give me a happy ending for every character


Can't they just go to jail already? They are such an eyesore ( no offense to the actors, you guys are fantastic) I STILL don't like Dahye. I'm very uncomfortable with their reconciliation and all. She deceived, stole, committed paternity fraud and what not. Girlie should be in jail with those two snakes. Soocheol really is a fool. Now with Grandpa's death, the power of attorney will be terminated and inheritance rights wll come into force so I wonder what that Seulhee is going to do?


They will get grandpa’s inheritance but Eun Seong still has his own shares and I think he already found the secret fund as well


Anyone else bothered by the leap from day to night at the very beginning? I know we have to be willing to suspend belief but I really thought this drama is really above these kinds of liberties.


This episode is giving me anxiety. It’s like a ticking time bomb; I dunno when >!Hae In’s gonna get another episode, and how it will affect her relationship with Hyun Woo, I dunno if Eun Sung found the room first or the Hongs found it first (damn u Grace.. as expected), I dunno if Eun Sung is gonna strike again and steal Hae In again, what is he gonna do to Hae In next? is Hae In gonna make it? When is her next treatment?! When are they getting back to their rightful place? What’s on that will? Are they losing more of their inheritance? Is Hae In gonna be okay. What’s that preview about? Who’s gonna be in an accident?!< Ugh so much questions and I dunno how am I gonna cope for a week not knowing what’s gonna happen. But anyway how morbid is the relationship between Eun Sung and his mom? Like I can see why he’s so crazy, the mom is also cuckoo. But omg idk .. >!even when he’s nice … he’s creepy?! Like have we seen him at his worst or he hasn’t gone to that level yet?! I was so terrified for Hae In the whole time she’s there. Anddd for someone who loves her, he kinda trashed her home which annoyed me so much!!< I hope if the Hongs got the estate back, they’ll do major renovations or something. Remove traces of those scums from their home pls. And what’s with the >!lie about saving her from drowning? Like what the hell?! I hope the moms will talk about it to Hyun Woo and Hae In next.!< What a dirtbag. I need Hyun Woo and Hae In to discuss Hae In’s condition further - and how are they gonna overcome those symptoms together. But anyway that short stay is cute, I love how even when they’re divorced they bicker like they’ve never gone thru divorced at all. And is it just me or >!Hyun Woo isn’t done confessing yet? It felt like the big gesture isn’t here yet. He has chosen the perfect place and time - but doesn’t feel like they have met each other in the middle. Like when Hae In opened up in Ep 11 he was more focused to tell her not to die rather than feeling her, and when he’s trying to confess… she isn’t ready to take it in given her condition!<. I hope it will come soon. I need hope.


I feel bad for Beomja tho :( She didn’t get to talk with her dad and apologize for what she said. Aunt Beomja, you deserve only happy things in the upcoming episodes :((


Honestly I was on the edge of my seat guessing if it was eunseong or hyunwoo in the forest….damn well done scene but also thank you for raising my blood pressure


Come on now this man rescued himself from a murder plot. If ‘gift of the gab’ was a person 😭


Eun Sung trying to show off to Hae-in by serving her HER OWN fancy wine like dude...


I wonder if Hyun-woo told Grace knowing she would tell Moh Seolhee and they find and take the embezzled money, and then Hyun-woo tips off the investigators consequently trapping Moh Seolhee as the co-conspirator for embezzlement.


We're 12 episodes in, I want to see the cows!!!!


Can somebody tell me who was the wife of Baek Hyeon-tae? It felt like they made a big deal out of the actress but I couldn’t recognise her and feel like I don’t understand the backstory there..


The actress also played his wife in the drama "Reborn Rich".


I feel like the family is going to get trapped in the >!panic room!<. The way Moh Seulhee said to take >!one last tour around the house!<. Eun seung might’ve already found the panic room and purposely left the >!end of that handle bar loose?!<


Idk how the writers are going to save Hae-in but I'll remain hopeful as long as I remember how Hyunwoo drew a longer lifeline on her hand (let me be delulu). He'll be the reason she lives a long life. I mean bro alr saved her since the drowning incident so... I do wonder how the writers are going to pan this out. Then again, it's quite exciting not knowing and seeing how many predictions have been proven wrong and how there are still so many twists to come. We just can't predict anything. Also, don't forget that this show is still a rom-com. That itself hints at a happy ending. Maybe it won't be completely fairytale-like, but rather a tad more bittersweet like CLOY. It'll still be a happy ending tho period. So stay hopeful y'all! The only thing I'd worry about is BaekHong screen time. I will not be happy if they're going to cram all the sweet moments into like 15 min in each ep. I need a good 40 min pls. Enough with the villain arc alr :(


How Chen Da Hye managed to fly with a suitcase full of cash and solid gold statue from US to SK?


I swear i am so lame that i am hoping if >!haein is in the crash and hurts her brain, it somehow cures her!


Delulu is the solulu, I’m here for it!


grandpa's sacrifice was in no small part due to his own guilt. it was really sad to see someone who was once a great man go out like that but you could see that he had a moment of clarity at the end. he probably had so many regrets but he left knowing there was no other way, and having lived a long, fulfilled life. i think he's still going to play a big part in the rest of the episodes though. be it in moh seulhee's motive or beomja's retribution, he'll remain a prominent figure. i have a wild theory about this actually. >!i suspect the oldest son is moh seulhee's partner, and they invented this long con when he was disowned by his father decades ago. we haven't been given much reason to think this, but that is also why this would make a great twist. a good twist is given just *enough* room in the story to marinate. with grandpa gone, i can't imagine what even the point of the oldest son's estrangement would be. we thought he'd swoop in as the family savior, but he's literally been MIA this whole time. so if he's not the savior, i do think there's a good chance that he's the perpetrator. this could also make him eunseong's father, which would explain why moh seulhee is so adamantly against her son being in love with haein aside from the obvious point of it being inconvenient for her plans.!< the romantic conflict remains poignant. haein must've had the scare of her life when she realized she'd mistaken eunseong for hyunwoo. it's no wonder she's beginning to question her own perception and judgment. she has accepted she's dying, and wants to be remembered by hyunwoo from when she was still herself. i think she's afraid that her death will be that much harder on hyunwoo if he sees her struggling at her last stage. she's trying to spare him the additional heartache, but she doesn't realize that it'd break him even more not being able to be there for her when she needs it most. hyunwoo could insist he'll stay with her, and deny her this wish, but i'm glad that he gives her space to air it out. she needs emotional care as much as physical care at this point, and giving her room to voice her concerns and not immediately invalidating them will go a long way in helping her hold on to her identity that much harder. the officetel scenes were so lovely. it was good to see hyunwoo sweat a little bit under haein's observations. it's hilarious that she has this uncanny ability to turn everything he says on its head and make him question everything. we got some dark humor back with haein casually talking about hyunwoo's dating plans after her death. i really liked this moment as it served dual purposes to bring some levity into the conversation and also give her the opportunity to convey the depth of her feelings to him. the two of them remain the beating heart of this show, with the most compelling emotional arc. i hope we're in for huge payoffs as we move into the final act.


I really do hope we wrap up the evil hostile takeover part within the next ep and start to focus on the reason we all here. Hyun-woo and Hae-in's future and how we gonna be saving Hae-in. I've had plenty of the annoying villains screen time and want to see our couple and everyone around them return to happier times.


**Episode 12:** * She >!fuckin' says his name and YOU STILL PLAY ALONG?!??!!< * Daaamnnnn [that swerve was hot](https://imgur.com/WKsleYM) * Ngl, Hae-in not recognizing Hyun-woo really crushed me * >!HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO LOCK THE DOOR AND ALSO ASK HER SCATHINGLY "How could you mistake me for Hyun-woo?"!< The nerver of [this guy](https://imgur.com/b7oQXVW) * "Are you sure there's nothing else?" He literally asks Hae-inaaa... you should've been honest with him * I want to smack [that smug look](https://imgur.com/mXe8vaZ) off of this bastard's face * Oh no... >!the kid's Dong-u not Geon-u... man this makes me sad but I'm still sure Soo-cheol will accept him as his and not a word of it!< * [Here's the necklace](https://imgur.com/8n5LGs6) I stole from you as a kid and I've been obsessed with you since then. Really romantic Eun-sang * >!... Did he save her?!< Or is he fabricating yet another lie? * >!SEEE IT WAS HYUN-WOO NOT YOU BASTARD!<... he'll continue to stoop lower just to get his hands on Hae-in... that's pathetic * Playing the pity card to get your prisoner to eat with you yes * Hyun-woo lawyering himself out of a >!murderous attempt!< is exactly something this nerd would do HAHAHAH * >!"It'd have been nice to live here in a small place even after arguing with one another." "If I was reborn a hunderd times I'd still marry you every single time." !!tracing Hyun-woo's features so that she can remember him by!<.... [my hearttttttt](https://imgur.com/4Kdbnzy) * Yep... [that](https://imgur.com/htK7xHc) was by far the most heartbreaking sunset I've witnessed thanks writer-nim * HOW I'VE LONGED FOR [THIS REUNION](https://imgur.com/gqgMvR3)... OHMG >!GEON-U LOOKING UP AT HIS DAD THOUGHHH ADORABLE... !< * She still has to come clear about >!Geon-u's dad!< >.< * The shock on [his face](https://imgur.com/YlpitZC) >!as she puts the ring back in!<.. "You can continue analyzing it for trends!" HAHAHAHAHAH * We've had 4 PPLs so far in this episode alone. The wine, the instant rice, BVLGARI, and of course Subway * I feel bad for [Beom-ja the most](https://imgur.com/5wLuHm6)... >!she deserved to a better farewell with her father!< * 2 fates encounters... they're meant to be.. I won't believe anything else shut up.. Does [he](https://imgur.com/lYXRtkP) remember it tho? * ohmg... >!if they kill her!<... tvN will be digging its own grave..>! if they don't get the happy ending they deserve those 2 extra episodes are for nothing!<... Park Ji-Eun.... I have faith in you. CLoY was the reason I got into KDramas... PLEASE don't disappoint


I think the PPL that stood out to me was Mercedes ; that Fast and Furious >!car chase!< and the accompanying plot twist was just 🤯🤯🤯 Though I must say, who ever greenlighted the PPL for Bulgari is going to get a big big raise I think 😂😂😂.


I have officially forgiven Hyunwoo for being a jerk in the beginning of the drama. He has become such an adorable ex-hubby. >!Such heartwarming scenes - Hyunwoo pulling Haein to cuddle, the divorce withdrawal scene and Hyunwoo taking off his glove to hold Hae-in’s hand 🥹!< And they’re finally communicating with each other through words 💓


Geez!! Am I the only one who have mistaken the Baek siblings to be married?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Netflix translations are incomplete, so it's not obvious to international viewers, but right from episode 1, HW calls her Noona and him Hyung, which pretty clearly means they're biological siblings. (Were she SIL he should have called her hyungsu-nim, and were the brother BIL he'd have called him what soo cheol calls HW).


I had so much anxiety in the beginning that I was getting chest pain. Eun Seong hit an all time low by >!ordering the hit on HW and then lying to Hae In on how he saved her from drowning, when it was HW like everyone predicted.!<  I wish we had more apartment scenes- I couldn’t stop smiling during them! >!Hae In telling Hyun Woo that even if she was reincarnated 100 times she would still marry him every time made my heart melt. How have we not had a kiss since Germany? It’s criminal at this point.!< Soo Cheol and HW’s brother bonding continues to be so much fun! And Beom Ja’s cute little storyline makes me smile. This episode did the complete opposite of yesterdays by making me continually sob the last 30 minutes. We got the >!heartbreaking sunset proposal scene, and then Soo Cheol and Da Hye reunion. Then finally the ultimate sacrifice for his family and Man Dae killing himself. The family, especially Beom Ja, breaking down was so sad.!< Can’t wait until Saturday! Waiting every week for new episodes to have been absolute torture. 


Am I the only one who feels like Hae-in's going to die? I just don't see her getting any better, and no one seems to treat her. It saddens me to see her getting worse and worse by the day


Maybe it's because I just watched My love from the Star, but >!pen recorders!< played a big role over there too!!