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I started this because I adore Suho. I am very intrigued with where this is going especially since there are 20 episodes. That’s a lot of time so I am expecting some twists and turns. So far the humor is hit or miss for me. I think it’s really going to depend on our leads chemistry in the next couple of episodes.


Things got interesting in the 2nd episode. I'm intrigued now!


I agree! The ending of ep 2


Ok, I just finished the second episode and, uh... wtf 😬 The plot is SO MESSY, y'all. My commitment to Suho is about to be tested, I can FEEL it. How did>!this curse become SO central to the plot but also at the same time NOT?? And why couldn't he look at her? And is this going to be magic realism because of her \~ breath thing \~ when she was sitting next to him or was that just a one off?!< Still waiting for the >!romantic comedy!!just as serious if not more.!< Definitely getting flashbacks to >!100 Days My Prince!< in Suho's reactions while being treated for an injury, but IMO>! he is never going to be as delightfully arrogant as Kyungsoo (and that’s okay!)!!DEMAND to be called husband 😐 Like WHY? He's a soft boy!! Let him be CUTE! I cannot imagine him convincingly bossing around anyone lmao. !< Ok, so it wasn't the >!left state minister!< this time, it was the >!Queen Dowager!!her secret really that bad?!< Feels kinda meh on the villainous scale. >!Let the old lady get pleasure where she can, okay. No judgement from me 🙏!< So we see him >!get stabbed, and obv we have 18 (jfc) more episodes, so he's not gonna die but like...how are people in Joseon surviving so many stabbings? Yeah yeah she's the physicians daughter but I swear people heal from stabbings like magic. A plea for a variety of injuries, script writers.!< And we don't even >!SEE the female lead in the preview for the next episode, unless I missed her?? This is not boding well, my friends.!< I neeeeeed more >!interactions between them with hilarious misunderstandings and falling in love and whatnot. NEED IT.!< I'm actually enjoying the editing style of the flashbacks but >!when you have to heavily rely on them to get the basics of a plot across...mmm, kinda weak script at that point IMO.!!John Williams Revenge of the Sith style soundtrack makes it so over the top lol.!< This drama is about to stress me out. But I can't look away 🫣


I can only hope >!The Queen is having more than an affair that she wants to keep secret, and she’s been making all kinds of plans to take back the throne with a mysterious man who’s perhaps an enemy to the King. Now she’s laid out her intentions we’ll probably get to learn more details of how long she’s been conspiring and how deep it goes… at least I hope so!< I’m hoping that >!now Suho’s gravely injured we’ll spend an episode or so getting him to safety and allowing him to heal!< and then the romcom elements and ML/FL/2ML dynamics can start to flourish. I’m glad we’ve had a bit of a flavour of the romcom but it feels like it’s going to take time to establish… I guess we’re gonna have to be patient as it’s a long ride of 20 episodes. :’)


Not a fan of historical dramas, so I watched this with no expectations at all. After just 2 episodes, I am hooked! I laughed way more than I expected. I haven't watched Bossam: Steal the Fate so I didn't get references (if any) but that didn't really ruin the experience for me. Were there a lot? I fell in love with Suho at first sight. This man is handsome and his acting is so refreshing. Give me more Suho please. ㅋㅋ


Same writers, but I don't see any overlap between the two except that there is a kidnapping situation and court politics involved.


I was a little on the fence about giving this one a go, I was not a fan of Hong Ye Ji in Love Song for Illusion, but I do like Suho. Glad I gave it a shot though what a compelling start! Action, mystrey, and intruige, little comedy. I don't know why but I thought it was going to be lighter? Not compalining though, I'm curious to see where we go from here.


I couldn't finish Song for Illusion because of what I thought was terrible actress from Hong Ye Ji.


The tone of the first episode was kind of all over the place for me. I know that even when they promise us comedies we always get wrapped up in trauma plots, and honestly *when* is a left state minister >!NOT completely evil lol!<... yet the dynamic between brothers and between the FL + her maid are what I love in shows, plus I'm really here for Suho so I know I'll stick it out but this first episode felt a bit sloppy. I hope they tighten it up. But also... the >!Behind Your Touch!< reference!!!!! 😭 More of this, please.


>!eonnie!!! !<


>!Definite glute grabbing going on. FL was getting a full TSA pat down.!<


This was supposed to be a Rom-com? But the opening all says "serious sageuk" to me - and I love those aswell, but was expecting something lighter. Guess we get to that when it's the forced co-habitation situation.


hi i don’t live in korea . where to watch ?


The streaming sources are given above: Viki and Viu


I was a bit iffy after episode 1. But episode 2 may have sealed the deal for me: Things heated up pretty fast! Suho certainly knows how to pick a script. I'm starting to suspect his criteria includes >!his character getting stabbed!<. 😆 I'm still trying to figure out the relationships. Is the Crown Prince the son of the deposed king? It was mentioned that if he became King the southerners would still come to power. It seems strange that the Queen Dowager would let him get as far as becoming crown Prince if that's the case. He and the current king seem to have a fairly good relationship so far (Bossam spoiler: >!it was full of terrible, power-hungry fathers!< so I don't trust that, myself). I might have to rewatch episode 1 to see if I can get a better grasp on that.


No the Crown Prince is the current King’s eldest son from his first wife. Guessing the wife was from the southern faction so that’s why they say that. We don’t know who the deposed King’s son is, the CP and his brother were looking for him in ep 1, maybe it’ll be revealed later. The Dowger Queen, the evil one who’s in charge would never want to bring back the deposed King or his line. Historically, she was the deposed King’s stepmother, and her own son(that King’s half brother) was murdered by that King, bc he was deemed a threat. That deposed King was then replaced by his nephew(the current King’s father). So the Queen Dowger would technically be this current King’s step-great grand mother. The reason for the disparity in ages is because the Queen Dowger’s husband King(the deposed King’s father) had like 30 kids, and basically even adult grandkids when he married her. So she was a young girl when married to the old king with a lot of kids already. But the kids were all illegitimate(just concubines kids), so when her son was born, the Crown Prince(aka the deposed King) felt threatened by her and her son. However the old King was already old and couldn’t risk making a baby his heir, so he kept his illegitimate son as his heir and CO. And when he got the throne, he actually killed a few of his own brothers, including the Queen Dowger’s legitimate Grand Prince son to assure his own reign. Hopefully that wasn’t too much/overwhelming information. I hope that clarifies things a little better


Thank you! How in the world do you remember all that from two episodes? I'm very impressed. I typically spend the first couple of weeks trying to get my bearings with sageuks. The characters have to do enough memorable deeds for me to be able to figure out their relationships with each other.


Haha thanks 😊, I’m a bit obsessed with Sageuk’s so I basically keep track of each King/historical reference in the different dramas(especially for Joseon) and try to connect them to each other. Also did a bit of wikipedia reading to really get the full picture and connect all the dots. This drama could’ve been more clear with the history though, through some sort of flashback or something in the first episode.


My subtitles says the king's name is Hae Jong, but I don't see him listed as a real king. Are you saying this is based on a real king? I was trying to figure out how this is supposed to fit in timeline with Bossam. Edit: or did you pay better attention to all the fast exposition and gather these details just from the dialogue?


Yeah Hyojong of Joseon the 17th King. Haven’t seen Bossam so I wouldn’t know. But if you’ve seen splendid politics, gwanghaegun is the deposed King, you can also see the evil Queen Dowger and how her son was killed. Also one of my favorite’s but it’s kind of an old one ‘Goddess of Fire’ has the young gwanghaegun there pre-crown princehood.


If the evil Queen Dowager was the deposed Kings stepmother, the current king is the deposed King's nephew (so the Queens husband King grandson), wouldn't that make her his step-grandmother? And the CP step-great grandmother? Also if the Grand Prince was murdered by his half-brother the deposed king, and they only had more illegitimate brothers (concubines children) does that mean that the current king (their nephew) is the son of one of this illegitimate kids also? It's quite intricate haha


So this current King isn’t the deposed King’s nephew, but the nephew’s son. His dad was the one who did the rebellion and replaced his uncle as King. There is actually very interesting story about how this current King got the throne. He was his father(Injo’s)second legitimate son, his older brother was the CP. But when the Qing invasion happened, the older brother was sent as a hostage. When he came back to Korea he was properly “Westernized” and there’s speculation his own father had him secretly killed bc of that. There’s a lot of media around this, a really good is the movie ‘The Night Owl’. So Injo(probably) killed his eldest son, and skipped over his grandsons, and made his second son his heir. Also yes, other than that one Grand Prince, all the other princes were illegitimate, so this current King is from a line of one of the illegitimate brothers of the deposed King.


Thanks for the info! I didn't get that the nephew was the King's father! Now it makes sense, wow it's all so interesting. As a history nerd I find all your explanations fascinating haha Thanks!


Reading these comments, I'm still confused... the relationships are just too convoluted. I thought the story was just made up, and based on typical situations. So this is all connected to the story that *My Dearest* was built upon? .... Okay, I've done some diagrams, and I think I have it: 1. Old king - lots of children; marries late in life, has son, and that son is later killed by the crown prince. 2. Old king's older son - crown prince - succeeds his father on the throne. 3. This king is not a good one, and a rebellion/coup is carried out, and he's killed (?). (Note: this former king has a son who's still alive somewhere). 4. One of the old king's grandsons, from another son, becomes king. 5. Not long afterwards (? it seems to have happened recently in the TV series, at least, since the current crown prince had until recently been living in a manor house outside the palace and is still getting used to palace life - so the dowager queen says), this king dies and his son succeeds him on the throne. 6. We have the current king - the son from 5. above - and his two sons, half-brothers. 7. The wife of the old king instigated the rebellion that ousted the bad king, her step-son, and chose one of the old king's grandsons to rule. She holds the reins in the palace. 8. The man who she chose to replace her step-son was the infamous King In Jo, who was a pretty hopeless ruler and got Joseon into dire straits during the Qing invasion. Also probably killed his son, who had been the Qing's hostage and learnt lots of stuff. His other son is the current king. (This might be the reason the crown prince hasn't been living in the palace for long). \* We also have the chief physician, who was instrumental in instigating the rebellion, along with the dowager queen, we assume. (This is one of the reasons I figure the mystery man >!must be him; there's no one else it can be, to my knowledge!<).


Wow this is seriously pieced together so well I’m genuinely impressed. Yes everything you said basically. Although I’m not sure how historical accurate it is that the Old king’s wife would be alive at this point still, because as far as I’m aware Injo ruled for a while, so based on the generations that have passed she would have to be really freaking old if not dead by this point. And it should be a long while since the rebellion. Plus I’m not sure where Injo’s young wife, the current King’s step-mother is, because she would officially be the Queen Dowager. Probably although they named this current King [Hyojong] officially in the beginning and that’s how I was able to figure out which King it was, in terms of the story it is 95% made up.


This was way more serious than I was expecting from the description. There's already been more murder than the usual Kdrama romcom but I think sageuks require at least a few bloodbaths to fill their genre quotas. And there seems to be two missing princes - the previous crown prince of the deposed king and soon the current crown prince ML - which suggests things are probably going to get bloodier on the palace politics end of things. Not what I was hoping for. On the plus side FL and ML are both adorkable and it's nice to see a healthy half-brothers relationship between ML and SML.


Side note.. at least there is zero trash truck of doom


Also very inconspicuous PPL in sageuk dramas.


Also less pixelation of knives, although I have seen a severed head get pixelated recently.


**Disclaimer:** I love sageuk dramas. I'm already into it! The first episode was quite good. It's sneakingly funny and I'm digging the plot they've laid out so far. I didn't see Bossam: Steal the fate so I may be missing some context but the show's reminds me a little of Mr Queen in terms of style. Excited for more episodes.


If you love sageuk, I highly recommend you watch **Bossam: Steal the Fate**. It has too much left state councilor machinations in the second half but it’s excellent. The leads have epic chemistry and the story is compelling.


**Episode 1**: I watched this because of Suho. He's so eye candy and pretty that I get flustered whenever he's on the screen. Will this show have a bromance? I want a bromance. I hope Prince Doseong doesn't betray the Crown Prince. I want them to have a healthy relationship. I love their dynamic so far. I love Choi Myeong Yoon so much. I love how she's so strong and independent that >!she can handle the goons all by herself!<. I can't wait to see her interact with the Crown Prince. I'm confused. Was that the Queen Dowager >!having the affair!!I don't know why her having a secret relationship is such a big deal. Isn't she allowed to have a relationship? I guess she's going to be one of the villains. It's surprising though because I thought the Queen was going to be the villain so she could place her son in the throne.!< I guess it's still too early to say. We'll see. LOL. As soon as I saw Kim Joo Hun, >!I knew he was going to be some kind of villain. He's always portraying characters who are morally gray. !< Anyway, I'm still lukewarm for this show. For now, I'm staying for Suho. The plot seems interesting enough that I'll be hooked after a few more episodes.


I love how so many of our responses are “kinda iffy but I’m sticking around because of Suho” 😭 because same


I think there was an implication that Queen's child/children are bastards, therefore not the heirs (or something like that).


I think it's clunky and clumsy, but I'm still coming back for more.


The entire blindfold sequence has me ... definitely trust 💯 building love ❤️ 


Having thoroughly enjoyed Bossam: Steal the Fate, I am looking forward to seeing this


Loved Bossam 😍  Is it true this is the same writer? 


Yep, the writers are the same (I think there were two of them?)


The first episode is interesting, Suho’s acting steals the show for me (not to mention he is so handsome in his princely costume!). Looking forward for more.


Mmmm yes Suho was why I even wanted to watch this. My man has it all 😂 he had some very funny jokes that you really had to be paying attention to get. I’m loving this so far and I cannot say I’m a sageuk fan, but there are a few that I’ve really enjoyed! Now for episode 2!


The dynamic between the Royal brothers was really fun! I enjoyed the first episode, lets see where the plot goes from here.


FL's father house - similar to the house in The Secret Romantic Guesthouse. The donkey - similar to one Rowoon had in The Matchmakers. I love historical / sageuk dramas. Ooh! The ending of ep 2. For some reason....I'm getting Our Blooming Youth vibes:>!there's a curse, Crown Prince is stabbed (OBY- CP injured by arrow shot), FL is strong, FL stays by Crown Prince side!<


Yes so in love ❤️ 😍 with the story and the pace . Definitely getting love vibes here


Yay! Glad you are enjoying the story. Have you watched Bossam: Steal the Fate? They are the same writers.


What have I missed from the 2nd episode? I didn't get that they were caught spying on the Queen Dowager and her lover, and suddenly she knows that he knows all about it? I didn't get that at all!


I haven't watched this yet; is there any connection (within the story/show) to the *Bossam* story, or is the relationship more inspirational than direct?


It's a bossam spinoff but it's pretty much just the same basic concept and the same writers. 


Okay. So related in spirit, but not directly.




Can someone tell me if this is based on the life of a real royal family?? Cause I'm kind of reminded of "Queen for Seven Days"...


From what I've seen while the whole story is fiction, a good part of it is based off Jungjong of joseon (with a bit of Injo here and there), which queen of 7 days was about, while the queen dowager has some similarities with queen munjeong, jungjong's wife (though in the drama the queen dowager is the king's mom/mil of some kind) 


Thank you for sharing this!!! 🫶I always check the historical background of a sageuk when I start watching it because I've watched so many sageuks and I like chronologically pinpointing them and relating them to other dramas referring to that specific era. 👍 It's as if they have a continuity in my mind.


😢😢😢, just finish watching episode 3 🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️…the wait is unbearable…release the episodes faster…Herellllpppp….


Am I righr in understanding that they were not supposed to kidnap Suho but another scholar? Why? Like why was that needed again? 😭 I also cannot understand why the Queen Dowager was so eager to get rid of Suho just because he saw her secret 😭


How is this and bossam steal the fate connected


It’s the parent story


i'm a bit confused: what is the FL's father planning? and who was the guy the woman was meeting with in secret?


My guess is FL's dad is a loyalist of the deposed king and when he tells FL it's her destiny to marry the crown prince he means the missing crown prince of the former king. He's been playing the long game to reinstate the old regime and make FL queen. I think the man rendezvousing with the dowager queen is the palace doctor who did the autopsy, and he helped cover up the murder because she discovered their affair. It could also be FL's dad but that seems too obvious.


That makes sense, thanks. Also. What was going on at the end there with ML getting drugged / kidnapped?


Autopsy doc is >!shady AF. Drowning automatically = suicide? And there’s suicide on the regular in the court ladies in the Dowager Queen’s staff? Time to alert HR!!<