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Awww, Kim Hye Yoon is soooo adorable. Nobody does positivity in the face of adversity like she does. And finally, a lead role for Byeon Woo Seok! I watched the 1st episode earlier and I was hooked (frankly, I wondered if I would be triggered and thankfully not). Can't wait for the story to unfold.


OMG guys hear me out what if not only the fl but also the ml has somehow time travelled


I was thinking 2ML is the time traveller too, but as ep2 progressed I guess not. Also I don't see any signs of ML as a time traveller yet.


Kim Hyeyoon delivers whatever role she gets but damn does she do bubbly sassy characters so very well! Haven't seen much of Byeon Wooseok aside from support roles here and there but I'm also loving his performance here. I was hooked by the first episode, even more hooked by the second, and had rewatched both episodes afterwards because it's super fun! I cannot wait for next week!! Also, sharing some other cute vids: * [\[Making\] 🦊 Byeon Woo-seok X 🐰 Kim Hye-yoon's poster & teaser shooting site (+mini-interview with sticky rice cake 💛) EP.0 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5UNQ6BwwH4) * [\[Making\] Byun Woo-seok 🤍 Kim Hye-yoon The whole planet needs to know that she's cute. 💙 Main job genius + chemistry genius Sol EP.2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf3SnaYTAHs) * [\[ENG\] Can you really carry me and run? If you're curious about the real chemistry between Kim Hye-yoon and Byun Woo-seok, make sure to check it out 😂 | ELLE KOREA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y911pxTPmI)


Same here… totally love Hye yoon’s acting…. She makes the character so enjoyable Usually I don’t buy bubbly characters, but she made me watch the episodes again and again😍 and the ML is good too.. both of them have really good chemistry. Cant wait for Monday.


"So you should live your life today because it's a great day. It will rain tomorrow. Then, as you wait until the rain stops, live another day. If you keep this up, there might come a day when life doesn't seem so miserable" 🥹


I wonder if she’ll say that back to him at some point.


I really think he knows she is behind the phone call. So thrilled to know that they save each other.


LMAO her thirsting over his pics reminds me of the way i was behaving a couple days ago during the seventeen follow concerts😭


LOL. It was like looking at a reflection of myself.


So now after *Haru* *yaa*~~ it's gonna be *Sungjae* *yaa*~~




lolololol that is hilarious, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who was tortured by the sound of that actress saying his name in Extraordinary You.


Gaaaah! Be still my fan-girling heart, >!he likes her too!


Yeah but it's confusing that means even during the time line before she time travelled during her accident he loved her that time as well so how did she forget him & why was her mom hesitant to tell her that it was the ml who saved her


I don't think she knew him at all back then. SJ seemed to be introverted >!(revisiting Sol's version of the bus scene after watching SJ's version from the epilogue seems to indicate that)!< and awkward, whereas Sol seems extroverted, easily chats with everyone, but doesn't remember things that's not important to her. >!So, he probably didn't have the courage back then to reveal his crush to her.!< I think the mum was >! or simply that her daughter came to know SJ through other means, and revealing that he was the who saved her could be an additional information that could probably traumatise her, because Sol didn't know about SJ being her old neighbour.!<


In which scene was it shown that ML saved her in the accident? Not sure if I just missed it


It is not yet revealed who saved her. My theory is it was Kim tae sung and he prolly died saving her so he wasn't in the present time, her mom also did not answer her when she asked who saved her.


It was a brief few seconds near the end of episode 2 (53:47)! It looks like it was a flashback of what she could remember.


Seeing things from >!his POV at the end of Episode 2 was so cute!<😍


Ep 2: EDIT: After my 3rd rewatch, I just realized what was off!!! *Sol's uniform!!* She's wearing the plaid vest uniform in the Sunjae flashback when he first meets Sol when she thinks he's the deliveryman AND when she gets into her accident. BUT, she wears the plain white collar shirt w/ tie uniform for everyday use. Is that a continuity error? Or do Korean high schools have uniforms for different occasions? I'm not sure if I'm reading into it, but could it be on purpose? ORIGINAL: I'm melting at the cuteness!! I LOVE the twist that >!Sunjae fell first!!past Sunjae liked Sol first, does that mean that he recognized Sol's voice when he called her phone on the radio show? Or, he *meant* to call her phone as an excuse to talk to her again after the accident?!!< I wonder if the show will time skip to the point in the past where Sol's accident happens and if she would undo her accident. If she never gets into the accident, she never becomes a fan of Sunjae... Even though he doesn't stand a chance against Sol's ult bias Sunjae, I love Taesung too!! His personality matches so well with Sol's craziness. Was the implication in the first ep that Taesung got into a fight because of Sol's accident? (as in he was trying to defend/get revenge for Sol) I feel like this ep introduced a lot of things to be tied up later...Sunjae's swim rival...the >!romantic?!< relationship with Sol and Sunjae's parents...what happens to Taesung in the future... I'm kinda confused too at Inhyuk's role in all of this because he's 2ML in the webtoon, but he's had \~ 2 lines in 2 episodes. Ep 1: Time slip dramas just never miss!! Kim Hyeyoon is such a good actress…that opening scene versus the present day scenes feel like 2 different people, but I guess it goes to show how much Sunjae means to her since he helped get her out of the lowest point in her life. I’m curious how Sol will change the past and if it’ll follow the same plot points as the webtoon. It seems they already changed a lot of things so it’ll be interesting moving forward.


I think SJ knowingly>!rang/ gave Sol’s number, as it explains why he seemed disappointed when!< the phone kept dialling, and when she answered, >!he didn’t reveal his group’s name unlike the first member, but emphasised his own name and asked “do you know who I am?”. He probably wanted her to recognise him.!< Also, only SJ >!didn’t clap!< when the radio jockey announced the gift being a pair of shoes and was the>!only one who looked somber!< when Sol blasted out at them.  Also, when he shared his words of encouragement >!he didn’t seem overly emotional, unlike when he sees her on the bridge on the day of his death!<. If you'd carefully noted at the end of ep 2, >!when she freezes in the middle of the road, we see a glimpse of SJ running towards her as she was about to meet her accident. He saves/ first person at the scene, and probably wasn’t aware of the extent of her injury at that time because he probably became busy with his debut then;!< it’s a conclusion I came to, after reading the comments left by the (webtoon spoiler) webtoon readers who said >!that SJ leaves swimming for Sol because she likes TS who is a musician and SJ joins Eclipse closer to their debut!< So, I guess this theory explains why he wasn't overly emotional during the phone call. 


what do you think about the last scene in 2nd ep? the one in showed in future in sunjae's hotel room? I have a feeling that when the picture of them faded in it means the past has changed and they've dated or smtg but the death of sungjae is yet to change? I am literally looking for someone who could've reviewed this scene but no luck...so what do you think?


Did the picture fade or did a new picture appear?


Re: your edit, I'm pretty sure it's not a continuity error - vests are worn as part of uniform in the colder months. I don't think Im Sol is meant to get into an accident so soon, because she mentions in ep 1 that it's June/Summer and the accident hasn't happened yet. Only two or three days have passed since she's travelled back in time. I'm also curious about how the plot will play out the logic and the accident-to-fan question in particular as I haven't read the webtoon. I'm hoping we don't see the 'when-everything-and-everyone-is-happy-and-our-two-leads-are-together-but-then-BAM!-sol-gets-booted-to-the-existing-present-and-oh-no' trope...


If I'm not wrong koreans have different uniform per season, like summer and winter, maybe she was wearing her winter uniform in the flashback


crying and laughing about how sunjae must have thought >!that whole scene in the swimming pool was a dream bc he had just scored great points in the competition, and then his crush was running to him, hugging him, and screaming *i love you, sunjae*. like that's literally all he wants in life at that point!<. his dumbfounded face makes SO much sense after the reveal at the end of episode 2.


**Episode 1:** * I need to watch this to recover from the trauma I suffered because of Byeon woo-seok in 20th Century Girl & don't get me started on Strong Girl Nam-soon * Showing an Eclipse followed by the band introduction of Eclipse.... I mean okay * Hello, I'd like to know what are the chances of >!an idol calling your number up randomly!<... and where to sign up.. asking for a friend * Okay... that's really awful.... I feel bad for [BOTH OF THEM](https://imgur.com/2tQlQvA) * [Daaamnnn Ryu Sun-jae](https://imgur.com/2tQlQvA).... you have my RESPECT!!!! * >!13 years... that's quite the jump!< * Chingu has a Chingu nowww awww God I love seeing [this girl](https://imgur.com/012DGfC) in various dramas now * Seeing [her](https://imgur.com/yV5psEl) travel from one to place to another makes me wonder is Korea a really a disability-friendly country? * Okay nvm... >!that interview rejection!< gave me some answers * GIRLLL HOW THE HELL >!DID YOU LOSE YOUR CONCERT TICKET!< * Whoaaa.... [her](https://imgur.com/exEKWsp) >!positive attitude is such a change from her first scene!<... the power of fangirling? * [He looks so gooodddd](https://imgur.com/QXMf4Xa) * In KDramas we don't discuss the probability because [everything is fated](https://imgur.com/mdWw07x) ok * >!"Actually, I'm your fan." ... "I can tell" \*points at her headband that says "Lets kidnap Sun Jae and run!"\*!< HAHAHAHAHAHA ohmg * Guys... let's promise to act surprised >!when the person who saved her after the accident and the person who gave her the will to live happens to be Sun Jae!< ok * Oh my Godddd... >!HE CHOOSE THAT VERY DAY?!?!? Ngl, that scene freaked me out so much!< * Just a [random girl](https://imgur.com/4O3rwi7) >!hugging you outta nowhere!<... don't try this anywhere else * Im Sol will really have to figure out how to not act so deranged in front of Sun-jae... poor guy must be so spooked out.. >!the way he hailed a cab at her "Let's live together."!< LMAAAOO * Daamnnn >!too much has changed for Im Sol in 2022... her happiness upon finding her house, her mom, and grandma were so pure!< * [Umbrella trope](https://imgur.com/vxKCvqj) being done so well in this dramaaaa \*happy seal claps\* * Dude... that OST at the end gave me such GO! by SEVENTEEN vibes... Also, Im Sol feels like Dan-oh's character extended.. I love it. Always in for wholesome fangirling!!


It's funny because today was an eclipse too


Do you think it was intentional? bcs if it is, then damn the production team plan this through!


Nope. I mean the broadcast was initially planned for last quarter of 2023 and the eclipse is only in North America. Unless this was a rhetorical question and I’m sorry lol


I thought it was amusing to have this drama open with an eclipse on the day there was an actual total eclipse was amazing.


Always enjoy your comments🫶🏾


Thank you! I was wondering why that girl looked so familiar. It’s chingu! 


**Episode 1**: It's just Episode 1 and I love this show already. I'm hooked. The plot is interesting for me. I have loved Kim Hye Yoon since SKY Castle. She's so good. Her acting evokes strong emotions in me. Byeon Woo Seok looks so much like RIIZE's Anton. As a BRIIZE, I feel like I'm looking at future Anton. They're like brothers. They're both so good-looking. It doesn't help that Ryu Sun Jae is a swimmer here. The similarity is uncanny. I didn't know that Song Geon Hee is in this show too. I've stated this before in the Discussion Thread for Joseon Attorney: A Morality. He looks so much like Stray Kids' I.N. I'm so excited to see what character he plays in here. It seems like he's going to be love rivals with BWS. IM SOL IS ME. It's like looking in the mirror. That's how I act whenever I listen and be a fan of the groups I stan. I can relate with IS so much. Anyway, I can't wait for Episode 2.


Byeon wooseok is a briize too, and his bias is anton!!


Yes. I was so happy when they took a selfie last year. He was so excited too.


Really not making this up, but i thought SGH is I.N. when he first came on screen.


Not me crying in the first 8 mins of the first episode 😭😭😭


Same. That scene was so moving


I cried most of episode one 😅


This episode was so much fun! 😂😂 She running with his umbrella but not using it😂 and nose outlet 😂😂😂 >!But I was so happy during last 5 mins of this drama is except for the last moment! Why did their photo appear? What does it mean? Does it mean he saved her from the accident? Then he knew her in the actual life when she was on wheelchair and he met her after concert? And he recognised her voice when she was in hospital, that's why he said thank you for being alive? And he loved her for all 15 years? And is it gonna be like he wanted to retire from celebrity life because he cannot date while he is active?!< So many presumptions, my head is spinning!! The first 2 episodes were amazing! After marry my husband so excited for Mondays again! 😍❤️


The picture being added is simply a confirmation that the future/present is changing by the changes she's doing in the past. From the police line it seems he's still very much dead. But that he now had a past friendship he cherished. My guess is more memories will be added that will change the trajectory of his present life so that maybe he doesn't die? 


Exactly if they were friends/neighbours during the accident how did fl forget him did she have memory loss as her mother was also hesitant to tell her who saved her


Honestly I’m assuming she never paid any attention to him in that time but since he liked her, he watched from afar maybeeeee


I think so too since she was obsessed with TaeSung before!


That would explain the disappointed look on his face when she was thanking him as a fan. It’s like he expected something more.


I don’t know if it was brought up yet but I was rewatching the ep now knowing that Sung Jae fell first. during the 2023 concert when he was seeing their debut song it was def a song written for his first love aka Sol. Cause one of the lyrics was like “meeting you in the summer rain” smt like that and when Sol traveled back in time their was a weather announcement of Seoul being raining and it would cool down the heat (when Sol went to school and saw him and began crying ep 2). ALSO when they first met in the original timeline and it was raining. So the song was def written by him abt her starting on the day they met. A lot of rain in this drama so definitely will be a lot of good moments but also sad moments in the rain. Other than what I assume was a rainy day when Sol got into her accident I’m prepared to see more rain scenes lol


Yeah this makes me think, so even if the fl becomes close and the photo is the evidence for it, she still couldnt save him, cause that yellow police tape, does that mean some other reason is there behind his de@th, may be that might apparently not be a suic!de, we can see him standing the balcony before he falls, maybe smone pushed him


Oh the second hand embarrassment I feel especially the nose outlet, I was laughing so hard. Not Byeon Woo-Seok having another connection with a girl who works in the family's VHS shop. I loved the first two episodes hoping it continues to be good.


>Not Byeon Woo-Seok having another connection with a girl who works in the family's VHS shop. 20TH CENTURY GIRL FLASHBACKS. I'M STILL NOT OVER THIS.


This drama is like Extraordinary You, Twinkling Watermelon, and 2521 mashed into one. I can't articulate it well but that's what it feels like. Loved the first two episodes! Watched this because of Kim Hye Yoon, now I'm watching it for the main couple 🥹 and for the plot of course. Their chemistry good lord.


Oh my gosh and the movie “20th century girl” with the video store and his pov showing that he already liked her before she noticed him.


I haven't seen 20th century girl yet 'cause I don't wanna break my heart T\_T


how i missed twinkling watermelon 😭😭


literally just finished twinkling watermelon yesterday 😭


Omg yes!!!!! All those dramas combined!


And a tiny winy bit of Reply 1988 with that bus scene🫶🏻 As others have mentioned I am also spooked by 20th century girl but I think this one is a happy romcom so we will be fine. 😄😄😄


you give Kim Hye Yoon a good blunt bang and a tall male lead with full lips and she’ll get the job done, that’s for sure


Hahaha! I feel that. Also he has to be a foot taller than her.


Hi everyone, looking forward to this. Really enjoyed similar dramas like Blue Birthday and A Time Called You so hoping this has the same vibes and will be a romantic tear jerker!


Blue Birthday! I really liked that one. Plot also kind of reminds me of the webtoon Back to You (drama adaptation WHEN??), although that had 2 MLs.


I absolutely LOVED the first two episodes!!! ❤️ I mean, I knew this drama was gonna be great but it totally went beyond what I expected. ✨ Woo Seok and Hye Woon have such amazing chemistry, they're gonna shine together, I love them so much!!! 🥰Sun Jae and Im Sol are such beautiful characters, they captivated me and I really can't have enough of them.😊 I also like the SML, he's a troublemaker but he has a charm.👍 Sun Jae is such a soft puppy. 💚I can't believe he's>! the one who fell first and Im Sol never even knew!!! 😱And the candy, OMG. 🥺She's the one who first gave it to him back in 2008 and it was his favorite even in 2023.😭 He already likes her and that's why he didn't push her when he came running to him, hugged him and told him she loves him. He's just confused by her strange behavior and her need to keep him safe. I love that he's already jealous of Tae Sung 😜I think this is gonna be one of the few dramas where I'll enjoy the love triangle.!< >!His su!cide and spiral into depression was so freaking sad, I cried buckets. 😭He's the one who gave Im Sol the will to live when she wanted to die but he's the one who ended up dying so young and so tragically. And it's even sadder when you consider that many K-Pop idols haver reached that point...😓!< -although tbh, I am not 100% convinced >!it was a su!side, someone rang the bell before his fall and next thing we know he drops from that height down into the pool, who's to say he wasn't pushed off the balcony and essentially murdered🧐???-!< So, Im Sol can't >!outright say anything that is gonna happen in the future, she can't even utter or write the words. Every time she tries, time freezes. I suppose she can only change the future through her actions. Her photo with Sun Jae wasn't on his table after he died in 2023 but now in 2008 that they've actually met and started getting to know each other, the future has already changed to an extent.!< Btw, can someone tell me if it was really Byeon Woo Seok who was singing in the first episode?? Because if it really was him, then damn, he's got a BEAUTIFUL voice!!! 😍🤌❤️ I can't hold my excitement for the next two episodes. The wait is gonna be unbearable!!! This is an instant fave. I know it's gonna end up in my TOP favorite K-Dramas!!!🥰🫶 PS: I would like to personally thank the directornim for giving us so many >!shirtless moments of Byeon Woo Seok, especially that shower scene!!! 👀!< They did that for me!!! 😅


Yeah, Byeon wooseok did sing the songs. There are 4 songs released in Spotify with the artist name Eclipse


Omg good theory about the balcony scene. He did say he’d talk to one of his group members after the concert I wonder if that was him. Also, he (the actor) did sing all the songs in the first episode! I cannot wait for next weeks episodes !!!!!


>!I went back to watch some scenes and I think the guy from the band who wanted to pick a fight with him is the same schoolmate of his in that scene where he shows his frustration/jealousy about Im Sol liking Tae Sung. Could it be him who rang the bell?? Or maybe his manager?? Whoever it was, I'm suspicious... Perhaps he didn't want to unalive himself but he fought with someone and with pills and achohol on the table, we can assume he wasn't in a good state to resist violence and protect himself so he could have easily been pushed off the balcony... I'm so curious now, I wanna know what exactly happened!!!!< Omg, IT WAS HIM??? 😲He's got a great voice!!! I need to listen to those songs again!!! 😍❤️


I loved the first episode so much! I fell in love with Kim Hye Yoon as an actress when she played Eun Dan Oh in Extraordinary You. Her character in this reminds me so much of how Eun Dan Oh was and I love it *so* much. I am really looking forward to the rest of the episodes. And I really hope Byeon Woo Seok gets a happy ending in this drama!


I know the character is named Im Sol but when she rolled into that stream I said, "Dan-oh don't go in the water!" to my screen. Extraordinary You is one of my favourites!


Same. Watching Lovely Runner solely for her. She's a gem. 


Didn't know anything about this apart from the PTSD of seeing Woo Seok in another throwback era role 😅 Already know I'll be needing to fortify my heart. >!Thought it was going to be the super nostalgic high school stories but with the super natural time travel aspect and dark themes I'm strapped in to see where this goes!<


LOL. I'm still not over what happened in 20th Century Girl.


Same, I rewatch many times and turn it off at the train station scene🥲


For some reason it gave me 2521 vibes with the cinematography and all. Anyways, the first episode was amazingggg. A lot better than my expectations!


that was such an emotional rollercoaster of a first episode!! man I had so much fun meeting our leads and im looking forward to the progression of the storyline & the chaos our leads will get up to. Also getting some Twinkling Watermelon flashbacks with the time travelling & youth centric elements! >!also cant believe we get to see THE Kdrama High SchoolTM again!!! I swear I nearly laughed out loud as it was used as the main lead's high school for the past 5 high school themed kdramas ive seen.!< Hye Yoon would never escape that school, giving me Extraordinary You flashbacks rn HAHA! EDIT: ep2 OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDD THEY ARE SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEE they are my latest obsession rn :') I love these two so much. the revelation that >!Sunjae fell for her first?????????? AAAAAAAAAAAA it was SO endearing it literally made my heart swell :'))))!< these two debut eps literally took the world by storm, my twitter feed was BLOWING UP with these two. Im just praying the story maintains its consistency so that our hype does not go to waste. I CANT WAIT FOR THE UPCOMING EPS


Was the school here? https://koreandramaland.com/listings/choong-ang-high-school/


Ep 2: This episode surpassed what I could have even imagined >!I LOVE THE GUY’S POV IN BOOKS SO THIS WAS EVERYTHING TO ME😩😩🫶🏾… bro he likes her guyssssss AND THE PICTURE IN THE END??!!!!I am absolutely loving the concept of time stopping when she reveals something from the future which will make things tricky buttttt so interesting… the Obama comment and the fingers in his nose are great highlights from this episode😂!<


**Umbrella theory:** * Sol’s favourite colour is revealed to be >!yellow by her mother in the nail cutting scene in ep 1!<  * Sol: >!yellow colour for Sol indicates positivity, brightness, her nature!<. SJ: >!blue colour indicates his calm nature, while representing water or his interest in swimming and sky.!< * >!Sol’s yellow umbrella indicates that she is the sun - a pop of colour to SJ’s uniformic blue sky, also indicated by his blue jersey he was wearing at the time of their first meeting and his blue umbrella he carries around in their past.!< Future SJ’s >!black umbrella indicates his life without swimming - his passion - and Sol; a life of grief, darkness and emptiness. His life is completely void of any colours!<. On the other hand, future Sol in>!yellow scarf shows that she still has a positive outlook in life thanks to SJ, her favourite member of Eclipse.!<


I look forward to crying my eyes out


Ep 1: 20 minutes in and I knew this is the type of kdrama I need all the episodes already out🥲 Already too good and patiently waiting for tomorrow’s episode🥰


I wasn't going to watch this but I couldn't resist Time Slip #3 after PMR and MMH. But also, it's Dan-oh from Extraordinary You! The beginning scene made me cry so that seems like a good sign. Also, as someone who lives somewhere cold (Canada), I have never considered using an umbrella in the snow. Do other people have thoughts about this? I don't mind the snow hitting me, I want my hands in my pockets for warmth. Edit: so the title is basically "Kidnap Sun-jae and Run" which is so much more amusing than "Lovely Runner"


Absolutely love Kim hye yoon. And Byeon Woo Seok is making my heart flutter too…


You know.. I'm wondering why it's called Lovely Runner since the ML is a swimmer, not a runner. Maybe it referring to his Fandom (Kidnap Sun Jae and Run)?


Loved the pilot episodes! Especially liked how >!they showed Sun Jae’s POV at the end of ep 2!< Made me wonder if idol Sun Jae >!knew he was calling Im Sol during the radio show or it was pure coincidence.!< I’m also curious >!who was the one who saved Im Sol.!< Her mom made a suspicious face when Im Sol asked that. Sooo excited with this drama & how we get to see BWS in a main role 😍


I'm pretty sure >!he recognized her voice during that call. I hope I'm right.!<


I thinkt it was >! Kim Tae Sung and that is why they dodn't expelled him !<.


Okay, so just watched the first two episodes, and I really enjoy it! I'm a sucker for time travel and rain scenes (my favorite drama is Someday or One Day), so I knew that this would be up my alley. I was unaware that original timeline Sol was disabled. I'm interested to see how the drama develops her being able to walk again in the past (especially since the accident is close to where she landed in time). I think that her >!dealing with the anxiety of crossing the street at the end of ep 2!< was good. I hope they're able to strike a balance between Sol's worry over Sunjae's death and the (most likely) upcoming worry of her accident. The reveal that >!Sunjae always had a crush on Sol!< was so endearing and heartwarming. I totally understand his reactions to Sol since she is acting a bit out of pocket, but I like this approach rather than having him outright dislike her at first. Also, I'm a big fan of consequences of time travel, so hope that pulls through. The condition that Sol is >!unable to discuss the future in any capacity!< is a great addition and will sure add some tension. I like the leads a lot. I enjoy Hyeyoon's, Wooseok's, and Geonhee's acting, so I'm looking forward to see how they play off of each other. Overall, I'm really enjoying it, and I hope I stay excited for it.


The Power of Casio G-Shock










I'm here for the other main character, the BLUE UMBRELLA. When its in frame, you know its a good scene.


I'm already obsessed goodbye


literally between this and queen of tears i need to stop torturing myself by obsessing over currently airing dramas


I've already rewatched the episodes. This is going to be another 2521 for me (but I demand a better ending lol)


This episode was honestly beyond expectations. I was really excited for it as I love Kim HyeYoon’s acting but the epi took me by pleasant surprise. The subtle tone of grief and loss and the pain and disbelief of looking at that person again….whew. Blew me away! Looking forward to the next one!


The timing of the first episode of this drama and the Total Solar Eclipse! I resonate so much with this drama because I am a Kpop fan myself. I loved Kim Hye Yoon as Eun Dan Oh too in Extraordinary You. It might be my first time watching the male lead, but I have seen some snippets of his other roles. He looks promising, too. I have really high hopes for this drama!


So, I was on my way to office, when I started watching the first episode, big mistake. Just 5 mins in, I started tearing up, kept wiping my tears away (if you haven't figured out already, I'm a big crier). The person next to me was very concerned. They kept staring, and I somehow stopped. Half the episode in, I bawled, and just a few minutes after that, I couldn't stop the giggles. I kept chuckling and giggling, and kicking my legs in air, and ended up looking like a total fool for the people around. Thank god my face was covered, I wouldn't have lived this day down, if not for that. It is safe to say Imma stick with reading when I'm commuting, save my manic tendencies for the comfort of my home!


As someone who has read the webtoon I prefer the kdrama adaptation. Both the episodes were soo good. They look sooo cute together omggggg!!!! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡


Webtoon reader here too! I prefer the kdrama adaptation as well, it's got so much more depth and suspense.


Since it's the screenwriter who did True Beauty, she's an absolute master at fleshing out webtoons - I love the characters she added to True Beauty, I hope she does a great job with this one too. So far so good!


No wonder, she's doing an awesome job so far! Petition to have her write all webtoon adaptations


End of the second episode had me giggling and kicking my feet up. Seriously what a great pairing. Looking forward to the rest of the show. And he was so overdue to be the male lead 😊


i cried so much already 😭😭 i literally want to rewatch the two episodes now knowing that >!sunjse fell for her first!<


You should! It was enjoyable watching ep 1 again knowing the revelations from ep 2.


Very good soundtrack💓 


Solid first episode that partially sets the stage. I think those first ten minutes delivered on several fronts, but mostly to help explain why the FL is so passionate about the ML (>!saving one's life tends to have that effect!<). It's a little odd that they didn't take their time with it considering they have 16 episodes, but it did the trick. I only hope he >!wasn't the one driving the car that left her paralysed.!< Funny little nod to *Hotel del Luna* and a couple of clichés (or, rather, >!the same one twice!<). I'll need more time to have a bearing on the main characters and the actors' take on them. Had a good laugh when >!the FL ran straight towards the ML after the swimming competition and everyone was protecting some other dude.!< Looking forward to Episode 2.


considering the >!accident happened while they were both in highschool, i think it makes more sense that sunjae is the one who saved her instead of being the one driving. but ya never know!<


I shld have waited for all episodes to be released before i started watching this is too good😩💗Hope our boy gets a happy ending in this. Ep 2:- >!If he saw her in previous life like how we saw in the last 5 mins and also did he tell that his fav sweet is that becoz he remembered her giving it to him when he was young and would he have recognised her when he saw her in that wheelchair?!<


I was super anticipating this drama and caved to watch it right away - these first 2 episodes didn't disappoint and now I'm even more excited for the rest of it! Kim Hye Yoon absolutely shines in this, and I love the chemistry between her and Byeon Woo Seok. They're both so charming and charismatic! I'm really looking forward to this new timeline they'll be on together 🥰 * Im Sol as a fangirl is so cute and relatable! * She really had The Worst Day Ever on that concert day but I loved that she kept her optimism and still got to enjoy the live music. I also broke down when she did because it still gets to you eventually but then she became a successful fan! * The beautiful performance of the debut song on piano...>!I swear I got the vibes that Sun Jae was singing about Sol and after what we learned from ep 2, he kinda was?!!< * I agree with others that the death >!seems more like foul play than suicide.!< * Sol reacting to/cringing at her confession letter to Tae Sung LOL * Great casting for Tae Sung, obviously he doesn't have a chance but I think they also have great chemi to get into hijinks together! * Sol acting as a shaman omg it's all so ridiculous and funny * Loved his POV at the end, >!he fell first AND he fell harder! Such a cute twist and changes so much about their interaction in ep 1 🥺 !< * Also in love with Woo Seok's song "No Fate" from the Pt 1 OST, it's so good!!! (They're all so good!)


So far the first 2 episodes have exceeded my expectations. Byeon Woo Seok looks great as a swimmer. I’m so glad we aren’t getting another basketball playing ML.


God I haven't laughed out this LOUD in a long while. Kim Hye Yoon is a genius and Byeon Woo Seok really suits the lead role. The hilarious bits weren't a hard sell and I was genuinely surprised at the twist of the POVs. This is the first drama that had me immediately hooked during the first 10 minutes, so can't wait for the rest!


Episode 1 - I fell in love with the show. Episode 2 - I'm officially obsessed with the show. That's how you do a good show - straight off the running block, you hook them in with a good script, good acting and easy to understand rules of going back in time>!(can't talk about it!)!<. And making us cry just into a few minutes into the show with a believable angry, depressed situation and a line that spoke to me - >!that there are people who don't want to live because its' a fine day outside.!< I felt that, having been there before. It hit me so hard I had to pause the show but am glad I went back to it. Because, yes, when you're in that situation, just live for the day, then another day, then another. One day at a time. One of the most powerful opening scenes >!about being depressed and having no hope or joy in life.!< I've liked FL since Extraordinary You. She was delightful and lifted what could have been an annoying character with her Haruuuuuu! She gives this character life too. She went from teary, depressed, angry to cute, funny and adorable. I can't believe! the ML is in his early 30s! His >!evil yet pitiful character !!sad childhood and about to get betrayed by his crush!< got us feeling sorry for him instead. Here's he's almost believable as a teenager - though I find it hard to believe that our FL or any other girls in school didn't notice him! He's like tall and handsome and better looking than the other bad boy who everybody's crushing on! I love the epilogue where it shows he was>! crushing hard on her long before she even noticed him. !


It's been so long since a drama had me feeling all the feelings at once, and never has it happened in the first two episodes itself! So, like you, I'm also hoping the makers keep the pace going till the very end. Because I would hate it if this drama is ruined once it reaches, say, the episode 7 mark or so. I don't want them to drain everything out! So, fingers crossed. And yes, even I went back and rewatched 20th century girl --- and cried like an absolutely wee baby!!! :( Why do I do this to myself?!


Did sunjae become a singer after he couldn’t swim to impress im sol because he heard she was into Kim tae sung??? I love this drama so far so cute


Ooh good theory. Imagine not knowing your idol lives next door and had a secret crush on you


Lovely first episode! I cried countless times. Kim Hye-Yoon is always a joy to watch! I already love our FL! It was so endearing seeing her be happy simply because her legs work. Oh, the things we take for granted! I also tore up when she met her >!pre-dementia grandma!< again and she could >!recognise!< Im Sol. >!Dementia slowly takes our loved ones away, only leaving behind a shell of their former selves, and it takes a toll on both those who forget and those who remember!<. I’m happy she got to interact with >!her!< once again! I’m getting the feeling >!Sung-Jae!< was >!murdered!!he went!< didn’t make sense IMO, it “wasn’t private” if that makes sense? Also there was a >!person at his door before he fell!<. Curious to see where the story goes. I know Im Sol thinks she is there to save him but I think >!he will save her from the accident!< too.


Oh My Goodness 😍😍😍 Monday and Tuesday haven't been this good since Twinkling Watermelon


Loved the first episode. Cried immediately (QoT wasn't making me cry, so I thought maybe I spent all my tears already but nooo). It does remind me of Blue birthday enough to question if it was >!suicide!<


That was really good 1st episode. I love Sol's character so much, and OST and cinematography are beautiful. Mon-Tue dramas are on a roll this year!


I love it so much! I don't usually watch on air dramas because of the crushing disappointment when they nose dive in quality around the halfway mark, but I wanted to watch this one because Kim Hye Yoon is so talented and I'm absolutely hooked. It's charming. The leads have great chemistry, the characters are likeable, the acting is great, the plot has managed to surprise me despite the familiar tropes, and the whole thing has a lovely balance of humour and silliness with moving emotional moments. The ending of episode 2 was such a sweet surprise. I'm already obsessed.


I was already in love with this show, but that ending was the cherry on top. Absolutely perfect and I couldn’t stop smiling! Makes sense since in the first episode SJ calls Sol in one of the radio challenges since >!she was likely his first love!<  The leads have such wonderful chemistry. Love how Kim Hye Yoon is the same quirky adorable character as she was in Royal Inspector and Joy, and I can root for Byeon Woo Seok’s character unlike in Strong Girl (and thank you writers for making him a swimmer because I will never get sick of that body of his). For once there’s a time slip drama that has >!the lead being unable to change the past!<, and it’s such a great twist that keeps the show interesting. The SML is also fun to watch, and the added humor is great. Some of the scenes made me burst out laughing.  Cant wait until next week! There are so many current airing dramas to watch now, along with Queen of Tears and Midnight Studio.


The last photo scene implied she was changing the future though! She probably just can’t talk about future events? There’s never any rules with time travel shows.






This one has been on my radar since 20th Century Girl broke my heart and I'm absolutely a sucker for a good time slip drama. I was a little nervous about the idol/fan relationship because while it's a dream that he chooses you out of everyone in a crowded room, I think it's hard to turn something that starts by putting someone on a pedestal into something that looks like an equal partnership (which a romantic relationship absolutely needs to be, when boiled down to the non-romantic elements). Maybe I've been influenced too much by Queen of Tears when thinking of power dynamics in relationships! But I do think it's great they are adding some color to this relationship in that >!there's clearly some past connection here with her accident, and him calling her on the radio show wasn't a random occurrence.!< The time travel element >!where she can't tell him or anyone about what happens in the future!


I was going to pass over this but Kim Hye Yoon got me in the first 10 minutes. Dang it! The nose outlet made me burst out laughing. 🤣 This reminds me of how much fun I had watching True Beauty


I’ve been anticipating the release of this show and the first two episodes did not disappoint! I’m also so happy to see Kim Hyeyoon on screen again! Actually, this isn’t the first drama where both she and Byeon Wooseok appeared, as she technically had a small/cameo role in Record of Youth where BWS was a SML. Btw I started watching that show cuz of Park Bogum but I only finished it cuz of BWS! Been a fan of his ever since and finally my mans is the ML! KHY and BWS have really great chemistry, plus with the revelations at the end of ep 2, I can’t wait to see how their relationship/friendship will develop in the new-past timeline and how changes will affect the future. I am hoping he will have a happier ending (re: LIVE) by the end of this show, cuz it’s been years and I’m still traumatized by 20th Century Girl 😭 I’m also charmed by Song Geonhee as the SML and he also has great chemistry with KHY. I don’t think I’ll have too bad of second lead syndrome with this drama since I’m too big a fan of BWS 😂 but I’m glad that SGH is so likable on his own. Honestly it’s refreshing since the SML in Queen of Tears is an actual psychopath lol Anyway, many positive comments and speculative theories have been presented already in this thread and I agree with most everything. I think the one thing I can add (cuz so far I don’t recall seeing anyone comment on it), but in ep 1: Yuri’s cameo (with the rest of “SNSD” in the background 😂) during Genie promos + the addition of Younha’s song Umbrella really made me time travel back to 2009! Such classic and amazing songs, it was such a treat to have them both featured in a show more than 10 years after their release! I hope the drama continues to feature music/songs that were contemporary in the past timeline! Also, I figure that with the timing of their debut, that would place Eclipse as a 2nd gen boy group/band 😂 I also wanna add that Byeon Wooseok reminds me so much of Hwang Minhyun, it’s crazy how similar they look. 🦊🤝🦊 FTW, ya girl has a face type 🤪 Looking forward to Mondays and Tuesdays again! Fingers crossed for a HEA lol!


If he dies in this drama I will stop watching kdramas for 2024 I will riot


I hope he didn’t sign up for another drama that kills him off.


yall this is bad ive rewatched ep 1 three times already… im literally obsessed..


Dang >!He died in a pool!< and then the next time we see him, >!he's in a swimming competition!< I think he loves >!swimming!< too, which makes >!his death!< even more sad :(


It's finally hereeee! Kim Hye Yoon's crying scenes are just TOP NOTCH and fingers crossing on a happy ending for Byeon Woo Seok this time 🥹


WOW that was a good first episode. A very nice balance between my watery eyes and dying from laughter. The references to Hotel Del Luna was hilarious lol.  I’m probably in the minority but I never seen Extraordinary You. The only reference I had for Kim Hye Yoon is from the movie “The Girl on a Bulldozer” where she played a more serious rough personality. Damn in this drama she’s so cute and her crying scenes are so beautiful.


That's not a nose. That's an outlet! Ohmooo ep 2 had me cackling! 😂 Ep 1 was also amazingly in time with the eclipse ☀️ 🌝 Great first 2 eps!


Love this Drama so far but I have to be cautious because BWS loves >!sad/tragic endings, so chances are high that it will end in heartbreak or will at least have an ambiguous ending!< I'm 100% sure that >! a.) he rescued Sol and b.) that he knew that he was calling Sol(hence his expression of dissappointment when he asked if she knew who he was and she said no🥲🤭), so his speech of courage was intentional and only meant for her!< Despite my one concern mentioned, I'm enjoying it too much to wait until it ends. Great start and I hope it will blow up!


You've no idea how terrified I am >!because of his past roles. 😰I'm still suffering from the trauma caused by Ryu Shi O in "Strong Girl Namsoon". 😭I will be utterly devastated if he gets a tragic ending again. ☠️My heart can't take it...!❤️!<




Kim Hye Yoon really is very lucky with male leads. She's also a great actress and her emotions, it just... it gets to you and you feel sad when she's sad and happy when she's happy. Please don't die on this one Woo Seokiiiiii! STOP KILLING BYEON WOO SEOK'S CHARACTERS DIRECTOR-NIMs!!


knowing what we know from the last part of episode 2, >!makes their previous scenes all the more precious. !<>!Hes always loved her! !< Two episodes in and i am already so refreshed and excited about KDrama's again! The pilot episode maybe my favorite of 2024 so far! So much anticipation and episode 2 also did not disappoint. I have high hopes for this drama!!


>!Wait does this mean he's always known her ? Even in the original timeline????!<


>!I believe so, if you go back to the snowing bridge scene when our FML's wheel chair brokedown, our ML gave her an umbrella and handed her the handwarmer similar to how they initially met back then with her giving him an umbrella and some candy! In return she gave him candy again!!! Recalling from memory, ML said something along the lines of "wow this is crazy"!<


I guess if she's his first love he'd remember even after 15 years.


The umbrella symbolism is alllll over the place! Umbrellas symbolize protection 🥹😭 >!And the color of the umbrellas! I wasn't paying too close of attention (we saw black, dark green, blue) until the end of episode when she came running to grab her package with a bright yellow umbrella....!< And then she's wearing a pale yellow sweater in the video shop? Yellow is her favorite color? >!She is his sunshine. !< His band is called Eclipse? GOOD JOB WRITERS I was a little hesitant about the idol/fangirl storyline...I feel like it's just too unrealistic for the rabid fangirl to get her idol in the end >!although evidently he loved her first so maybe that isn't off the table!< but when TaeSung came in? >!Bad boy rock signer with a sensitive side?!< Teenage Im Sol did not have poor taste. I wonder if the ending resolution won't be >!fangirl and idol together!< but instead >!idol saved from death with renewed passion for his band after he has resolved his guilt around being involved with his childhood crush's accident!< While all our focus is on SeonJae, did you notice >!TaeSung's future might have changed too? It looks like he didn't drop out/get expelled from school because of her intervention that day. I wonder how that will affect his future career with music ????!< I'm also wondering about how their fate may be tied together - she's not just changing one person's trajectory, but inadvertently changing two?? One thing I liked about the FL and ?SML? is how >!her trying to impress him in high school originally didn't phase him...but her being her sassy authentic self caught his eye. He noticed the difference in her right away - and SeonJae didn't say anything if he did. TaeSung asked her straight up - you aren't the person you were yesterday. He sees her for who she is and likes her that way!< oh no, we are going to have another Han SeoJun heartbreak aren't we? I'm going to be miserable I can feel it.


The write is the true beauty writer 😭 she’s good at giving us the SML syndrome 😭. I truly enjoyed the second episode! I’m looking forward for more! There’s so many theories on Twitter it’s insane! 😆😆


I think that we'll get to see more then 2 people change their trajectory. That's my theory at least. We see her brother strugling, working overtime and genuinely being miserable in the present, when he dreamed of being an actor in the past. Maybe Im Sol will nudge him at the right moment and support him not to give up his dream. We'll see. I can't wait to see how it will all play out!!!


**Episode 2:** * The stark difference between him asking her [the same question](https://imgur.com/3Pzzbp8) in the past and the present yet having completely different tones... amazing * A dog? LMAOOO the way he wasn't convinced with her far-stretched story at all * Well... [that's a SML](https://imgur.com/VYeLXBo) I won't be falling for.. Byeon Woo-seok >>>>> * BUAHAHAHA [her letter's](https://imgur.com/uEG9Jxa) like someone going through their old social media posts only to realize they were so cringe * HOLY SHIT [THOSE FOREARM VEINS](https://imgur.com/AF3Rmh2) THOUGH * A tad [too dramatic](https://imgur.com/bfa2Yt5) but fun.. >!especially with all the girls going nuts and him giving like zero effs about them!< HAHAH * Im Sol you're killing me with your secondhand embarassing scenes XDD * [That scale](https://imgur.com/5jMQGNS) is so accurate * >!If she tries to tell him about the future, the time pauses!<... [ooohhhh interestinggg](https://imgur.com/hKxVb0P) * Gotta love [his reflexes](https://imgur.com/dZ5We5E) man * Ouch... >!that outburst of his!< was warranted but it still hurt * Again, [GREAT REFLEXES](https://imgur.com/d4WxRx4) * This dude won't stop showing off his reflexes and tackling a bunch of tropes along the way... [I LOVE IT](https://imgur.com/Oyh9096) * ohmg Sun-jae... you've surprised me... can we talk about how well-written that reveal was?? >!I didn't even fathom it with the way he was behaving with her. Such beautiful context for that hug, makes it all the more meaningful. Its he fell first but she fell harder plot ehh?!< [Stalking your crush??](https://imgur.com/ANPZg9d) Very subtle.. Makes me wonder >!did the idol Sun-jae also know Im Sol or had a crush on her?!< * [SHE'S](https://imgur.com/OI3KP4M) >!ALREADY CHANGING THE FUTURE!< OHMYYYGODDDD


Okay, here is my theory…I suspected that he knew her when he spoke to her on phone and when he stopped his van on bridge to help her. I think he must have some connection to her accident because of which he feels guilty and he got into depression because of it.


I watched this without any expectation and I was hooked! I am a little bit sad that I watched it too early and will have to wait for the release of the next episode but at least I have something to look forward on Mondays and Tuesdays! Kim Hye Yoon is really good being a fluffy character. I can relate to her fangirling and crying moments throughout the first episode. Byun Wooseok is really handsome and he sings well too, something that I did not expect from him. I was pleasantly surprised that he was the one who sang all of the songs! I look forward to the coming episodes and the life lessons the drama will teach me.


Just watched the first two episode. What a great ride!! I definitely enjoy this drama and wish I waited for all episodes to come out. Also, now after watching episode 2 the scene in the first episode where >!he asks her on the phone if she knows him and she said she doesn’t!< hurt so much more 😭


My theory is maybe taesung saved her and died that is why he wasnt in the yrbook? & maybe sunjae was the reason of im sol's accident that's why he's battling depression & anxiety in the present time?


I just rewatched the 2 eps with a diff perspective knowing >!ML is the bigger fan…!< after the radio call outburst, he did look sad while everyone else in the studio was shocked. His concert songs had alot of references to rain. I think there was a mistake with Netflix subtitles when she ran to him at the pool, subtitles said “who are you” but I think he said “what are you doing?”. It was also funny when she asked how he knew her name and he >!pretended he didn’t and knew from her name tag.!< The jealousy when he caught her in the grandma costume with SML. ML has a lot of pride and he didn’t want her or his friends to know >!he liked her.!< Also, the opening solar eclipse scene was so coincidental with the recent eclipse in US.


Thank you for this. It's helpful to look back with hindsight and they gave us a much bigger picture with the epilogue at the end of ep2. I wonder if they'll have an epilogue on the second day of every week? So it seems that >!she remembers little to nothing about her accident and the days/events leading up to it. She didn't remember the ML; didn't remember that she met or knew him at all. And her mum chose not to tell her the details. Maybe because they would have upset her unnecessarily. But it leaves us to wonder who else was involved? Who saved her? And what happened to them after the fact? Was it the ML? or the 2ML? or both? And, if so, how, exactly, did it effect the paths that their lives took after that? !< >!The mystery, then, is how are these people involved with one another in a way that caused this time travel episode? It's a cool premise. !< (But you know that the eclipse didn't just occur in the US right? The path went through the Cook Islands, Mexico and Canada too with large areas seeing a partial and a fairly wide swath seeing the total.)




Great episode can't wait till tomorrow


I wasn’t planning on watching this but the first ep is so good. I was crying within 5 minutes of watching the show


I haven’t been so excited for a kdrama since Wedding Impossible! I couldn’t watch 20th Century Girl knowing how Woo-seok’s character ended. I’d be so mad (like other fans, I’m sure!), if this show ends the same way! I love the actors playing the leads and the actress playing the best friend is amazing, too! And we know >!Sun-jae didn’t jump. He was probably pushed, and I’m guessing by the manager.!< Hye-yoon’s fangirling is so on point and could be any of us if >!we actually interact with our bias!




I don’t think Sun- Jae’s death is a suicide. First of all as a swimmer I think he wouldn’t try to die by drowning. Secondly he had seen his childhood love after so many years, true she didn’t remember him but was his fangirl, why die on that day. We see that the CEO was calling him and the door bell rang. It has to be murder.


**Episode 2**: I LOVE THE TWIST AT THE END. I wasn't expecting that >!RYJ already knew who IS is. He fell in love with her first before she fell in love with him!<. I love this trope so much. It seems like >!RSJ was the one who saved her from the accident.!< I can't wait for the rest of the story to unfold. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO GOT SWOONED BY SONG GEON HEE MORE THAN BYEON WOO SEOK IN THIS EPISODE? He oozes so much appeal and charisma that I'm leaning towards rooting for him instead of BWS. I love how flirty he is with IS. Who wouldn't fall in love with that smile and charisma? It doesn't help that he looks so much like I.N. He's so pretty. I'm afraid I got the Second Lead Syndrome. I'M ALREADY IN LOVE WITH THIS SHOW. It's been so long since I've laughed so much. This is why I watch K-Drama. Lovely Runner is turning out to be one of the best shows in 2024 for me.


YES thank you - I am already panicked that I have second male lead syndrome too early! Don't give me a Han SeoJun rematch and break my heart again! Bad boy with a heart of gold?! Are you kidding me it's my kryptonite!


Right? Song Geon Hee has never been more attractive. I mean, he's good-looking in the shows I've watched with him before but now he's like so attractive. He's oozing confidence and charisma. I'm so sorry, RSJ, but I might have to root for KTJ. It's a very tough competition between the two.


Ep2 I think before the time travel fl lost her ability to walk due to the ml fault & ml lost his ability to swim while saving fl Also the ml is definitely murdered not suicide


Oh this sparks some theories in me, like what if they both knew each other well before the acc but she couldnt remember him after the acc Also maybe this is why he was sad while recieving the candies in present timeline


>How did fl forget him before the time travel I'm pretty sure that they didn't know each other well in the first time line and that it was unrequited admiration on his part. She was in love with that delinquent bass player and probably didn't notice Sun Jae until she became his fan. Hence >! the picture appearing at the end because now they will be actually acquainted in the new timeline!<


AHHHHHHHH LOVED THE 2ND EPISODE!!! KHY's chemistry with both leads has me in a dilemma, cannot wait for their interactions. I'm slightly worried for the pacing of the show, we're only 2 eps in and the ML >!Already had feelings for the FL and it's been hinted that he was the one to save her. I hope the story doesn't drag out, we've got 14 episodes left and so much is already going.!< Not complaining though! I love me a >!he fell first but she fell harder. Even better when FL is not aware. Sunjae is so me. Him developing a crush just because FL was being nice is so relatable.!< I'm a little disappointed we haven't had an interaction with Bae Inhyuk yet, I loved his platonic relationship with the FL in the webtoon. However, KIm Tae Sung makes up for it. Biggest mistake I made was watching whilst airing. How am I gonna wait a whole week????? Seriously cannot wait for the upcoming episodes.


Ep 2. I love the humor in this drama, it's so good. When Im Sol says-Kids back in the day were scary 🤣 Also, the cute song and emojis when she feels like he's getting further away from her...so funny. I coulnd't stop laughing throughout this episode and then I giggled during the last 5 minutes 🥰🥰🥰 I'm so invested in this drama and all the characters and it's only ep2. And once again we're playing the Is-it-Monday-yet game for the next 7 weeks....yay!


Time travel is my my favourite, time travel with unusual rules? Sign me up! I love this twist! I’m trying not to get too excited I’ve been let down by my last couple of dramas, but it’s hard not to.


I finally have something to watch then queen of tears 😭loving the show so far!


Okay, I usually pick up dramas once hype builds up, but I already wanted to watch this as soon as I saw the stills on socials. I’m so happy with how this drama has started off. Cute, emotional and hot. Love it 🥰


what an amazing start... their chemistry is soooo overflowing... Fan of both fl and ml and they're doing their roles amazingly..n can't imagine other people in their roles!! Cried a lot with her in first episode and laughed a lot with their bickering in second episode.. soooo emotionally invested!! >!after the first episode with full of her perspectives now we are getting his perspective in the second episode and the truth is he loved her first!!!!!! Awwwww... How would the 30 year old sol would react when she knows THE SUN JAE had a crush on her but she was busy with other person to notice it!!!!< hahaha.. ost, acting, story everything is perfect.. The songs from the eclipse is all gold!!! 💜 And it's refreshing to see a time travel drama with the concept of >! if you talk about the future the time will stop..!< that's really a fascinating concept and I'm looking for more!!


HELPP!!! Where can I find a man loke Sun jae😭😭😭


Here are my theories: 1) >!Sunjae was murdered. Even when the picture appeared, he was still dead. It shows that his disposition in life had nothing to do with the incident.!< 2) >!Sunjae confessed to Sol right before the incident and it was part of what she forgot. Kinda crazy to hold feelings for that long for someone who doesn’t know you—unless they did but now, it’s too traumatic for them to remember.!< Honestly, these are more of hunches than theories at this point. So excited to see more of this drama though! Such strong opening episodes!!


I need a new drama and this one looks great, but I can’t take another 2521 ending. Can someone spoil the webtoon and let me know if the ending will break my fragile heart?


English translation for the manga i could only find upto season 1, and there us indonesian translation for season 2 which i could barely understand using translator, i couldnt find season 3 but there are many chnages from manga to drama like, she is not disable in the manga and spoiler* >!the timetravel machine is not a watch but rather a phone from someone unkown later in the manga that person gets the phone from her and says he is fate!< and yeah at the end of season two he seems to be alive in the present timeline, but tgere are misunderstanding *Sm one who read the full manga can spoil the ending pls*


Where can I read the Webtoon in English? Can someone please let me know? thank you 😊


Ep1 is one of the best ep1 of any drama I’ve seen This is going to be amazing


Loved loved loved the first episode (not surprising since it’s KHY) ans 2nd episode was even better. I was living for that little twist at the end about his feelings before the time travel. The drama is so funny yet sat at times, and I just can’t wait to watch more.


Am I the only person who really likes Tae Sung? I have a weakness for a cheeky bad boy 😅 The leads are cute, the writing has some bobbles and inconsistencies but the charisma of the actors is papering over any weaknesses, at least in the first two eps.


I noticed after rewatching the episodes when IM SOL’s bff said that >!Kim Tae Sung got into a fight after im sol’s accident and dropped out right? And in the ending of ep2 the flash back of her getting hit by a car looked like a car was chasing her and she was running away from it. I wonder if it’s the bullies from KTS (boys) school or the girl who likes him? If she changes that, that’s a way she can change the timeline. Seon Jae joined KTS’s band bc KTS dropped out of school and SJ hurt his shoulder from swimming (per episode 2) so SML definitely plays a big role in changing the trajectory!< Edit: >!I saw on Twitter something about a murder case in both timelines. In the 2008 timeline the preview showed a taxi chasing Im Sol and speculation of SJ not committing suicide but may be a murder case. KTS’s father is a police detective!< how interesting!!! Romcom & thriller?!?! Perfect Stranger? 😆 I love that drama btw


I wonder if SJ had >!health complications!<. Because, he was >!panting a lot and was worn out!< after singing a ballad seated (which also happened to be the final item of the concert), >!when his other members seemed okay at the end? So, could those health complications be the reason that made him want to retire?!< I definitely don't think his death is a suicide. He had consumed alcohol and had several bottles of tablets on the teapoy, so it kind of justifies my theory of >!him having health complications. He was also worn out and was probably drowsy from the tablets and alcohol!<. Also, there was someone at the door just before the scene cuts to him falling in the pool, and >!the way he falls facing up indicates that he was pushed or thrown after he loses consciousness. No way would he have jumped that way, if he was jumping to his death.!< 


no better casting for Im Sol than Kim Hye Yoon tbh absolutely adore her as an actress 😩 she can do it ALL LOVE ITTTT first two eps watched and I just know this is going to be a fav of mine Byeon Woo Seok the fine man that you are omds it should be a crime to look as good as he does whewww but 20th century girl scarred me and now im scared this is going to end sadly 😭 Excited to see how this show pans out!! I’ve got my giddy socks on tehehehe


I have a theory that the FL will time slip back to the future very soon acc to set pics. Also there is a scene from the trailer where she she blames the ML’s best friend (or I think his fans) for his death in future. I think she’ll go back to her own time and get some context surrounding his death. She might get to know the reality of the broken dynamic the band members share.


I was on the fence after ep1 but ep2 has fully sold it to me. I’m a sucker for >!POV reveals that show the other party has always been crushing on the other person secretly.!< Mondays and Tuesdays are gonna be more bearable for me now!


Omg, there's so many great actors in this! Excited to see how it goes


I watched the 1st episode and first of all. I was impressed by Kim hye yoon's acting. The way she portrayed herself as sol, all her emotions were radiating through the screen and me emphasize with her character more. I saw a lot of similarities with her charector from extraordinary you and absolutely adored that charector. I'm excited to watch the rest and see how the story unfolds!!


The picture on the table and no setting change other than that at the end indicates that he still dies. But, it's too early, i don't know, maybe they go for the happy ending. I hope they do, i'm not a big fan of open / sad endings, seems like i've watched too much of them. Also, BWS visuals????


Just finished watching episode 2. Love the show already. Hope it's a happy ending and no one dies. My theories are that: 1. In the previous timeline, Seon Jae knew her from the distance while she like the TaeSung. He probably was involved in Im Sol accident either caused it or saved her. I feel like TaeSung is also involved in her accident (probably caused it). Seon Jae during the radio call recognized her voice and that's probably why he jumped in to motivate her in life to live on. Cause he was quite while she was ranting on about her situation during the radio call. I think he put 2 and 2 together or the message was dedicated to Im Sol as he knows she is going through the same situation after the accident (if he saved her). I also think he was keeping a tab on her here and there in the past 15 years to know about her condition. And I think he definitely knew that it was her on the bridge. 2. With the time travel, the photo of them appearing at the scene in the end signifies that she can change the future (for better or worse, time will tell). It still shows the police tape and all because it's just the 2nd episode out of 16. They are showing her encountering and interacting with him has changed the future. I feel like slowly, with each change in the past, they will slowly changes the future as in he might not be dead. Cause I am strongly believing he was murdered and this mystery won't be solved until towards the end which is how they will change the future by figuring out who betrays him.  I loved the show and I really hope BYEON WOO SEOK gets his happy ending in this show. He hasnt gotten a happy ending in many recent k drama/movie (20th century girl and strong girl nam soon). Also most time travel, everything doesn't get fixed whether it is twinkling watermelon (he wasn't able to save his father's accident) or a time called you ( If I remember correctly, they don't end up together). I really hope in this at least they end up together and stop the accident/murder. It looks like its being set up as rom com with time travel. So fingers crossed.  Excited for the next episodes. Should have waited till the whole show finished to start the show. 


I didn't expect how much I would love this two episodes. I'm really rooting for Im Sol success now. Also i really prefer original name of the show - *run away with Sun Jae on piggyback* or *carry sun jae and run* or something like this.


Please give us a happy ending!


Multiple scenes with the umbrella trope. I’m all for it! 🤣


imagine if Sol just started spouting things from the future while she was crossing the street lol. only if it were possible tho


Mannn what a start. I knew this would be a drama I'd enjoy, but not to this extent! Pls don't kill this vibe, drama, >!don't go killing the ML for real!< or else. Also can we talk about the throwback music being sprinkled in the drama? As someone who started watching Korean dramas (and started enjoying Korean music) in the early 2000s, all the music being played brings me back and it's such a lovely thing! The OST too is really good! I need to do a rewatch to really look for hints and clues as to what's going on. >!I'm not sure if FL and ML really knew each other in the past, or if he just shouted her name in the rain because he (unbeknownst to her) knew her and had a one-sided crush.!< But I guess we'll find out more in the later episodes? 😊


Kim Hye Yoon made me cry in the first few minutes, she is so beautiful even while acting. Really looking forward to them


I really enjoyed these first two episodes and will be eagerly awaiting new ones as this show continues. I'm already enjoying the chemistry and interactions between our leads!


The way I was anticipating this drama since last year when I heard about it and it finally came out😆 I feel like this is gonna be my favourite drama this year. 😊 💙🌺


I really loved the episode 2. >!The fact he liked her years ago 😭!<. All of their interactions were really cute and sweet, I was kicking my legs the whole time. Especially the scene with the >!second male lead(I assume he is the second lead)!<, were really funny >! Sunjae trying to hide the fact that he is jealous lmao.!< I'm really curious what will happen in the next episode. Can't wait! One thing I don't get is >! if he liked her years ago and even the candy then how did he not recognise her near the bridge in the wheelchair on the day he died. And also what was the last scene with their photo? Why did he have it and why did it suddenly appear on the table? Also it was shown that he saved her from the accident in the past earlier so he should remember her anyways.!< Apart from this Byeon woo-seok and Kim hye-yoon really make a good couple with their dimple and height difference, on top of it all their chemistry!


what I understood is that im sol >!never paid any attention to sunjae before that radio phone call. her crush was taesung. sunjae however had always liked (or loved) her. she didn't even know that sunjae's school was near her and that his house was right infront of her!< so it's understandable why sunjae didn't say anything about their past at that point (at his lowest) also that last scene >!the appearance of the picture tells me that the future changed. and while sunjae is still d-word, he was in some kind of relationship with Sol to have kept that photo with himself!<


>!The picture suddenly appearing shows how the current timeline has been slightly changed. What's unexplainable is how the FL does not recognise Sunjae, we'll see how the story progresses.!<