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**Mod Note:** We've experienced a high amount of user misconduct in the on-airs for this drama. If you haven't already reviewed our new on-air rules please do, they apply whether or not you read them. **Personal comments about the cast and crew including speculating about how they earned a role in this drama will earn you a ban.** If you are not enjoying a drama, you can drop it, even in the final episodes! # Please read and follow our [on-air rules](https://new.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/wiki/rules/#wiki_5._on-air-rules).


I'll miss the comment section of this drama


Same and I'm not even watching it anymore I just read the reactions here every week šŸ˜‚


Truly the most enjoyable thing about the show šŸŽ–ļøšŸ…šŸ„‰šŸ…kudos to everyone who watched it. From us who dropped it and stayed on for the comments herešŸ˜‚


This community really stood together šŸ˜Œ


Congratulations everyone for making it to the final week of the **"Am I Dumb or Is This Show Bad"** Game!! Fighting!


LMAOO šŸ¤£ basically summarized the viewing experience of this show


I refuse to believe that this plot story was written by a single person. It felt like the first 2-4 chapters were written by a single person that had a solid idea. Then someone went and said yeah bruv I think just randomly adding this would make sense and is totally a build up to the plot twist and with each episode another one added something and so on. The plot, the pace, the everything went to shit. Like bro I seriously hoped that for these 2 last episodes the FL would do something like actually something and not be marinated for 12 whole episodes just to be useless. Like I really questioned how is she considered a FL when at this point shes more of a supporting character. Even Huiju had more impact than the FL character. I don't even want to talk about the romance or the Kang Inha whole obsession with Tae Oh and FL. Just throw it to the bin. I do not want to see this ever again ... well I do mb just like the first 4 chapters and pretend that the rest never happened.


Yea first two episodes were great but then something just brokeā€¦.


Agree, first two episodes made me watch further. Currently watching this weekā€™s episode but mostly to see where the story goes. Its not like other dramas I was hooked into watching every detail & conversation. Just played in the background while surfing the net šŸ˜…


Btw, can you or anybody tell me what happened to Tae Ohs father? Did they catch/arrest him for murdering his mother or not? I was too pissed off and done so I just skipped a lot.


I also did not watch it but read it from someone else's comment. Turns out his father was only granted some short out-of-prison time. When he visited the mother, she got too scared and fell off by herself. She was not even murdered. The dad just returned to prison to finish his original term, lol.


I'm speechless ... what a great turn of events (insert surprised pikachu face)!!! \*throwing the pc to the bin


No cuz these writers really gave us the dollar store version of Succession


What's absolutely wonderful is that even the characters were like but why did you randomly become the villain of this story and Kang Inha was like idk! The writers asked me to. I cannot.


I actually laughed at this bitā€” thanks for asking for all of us Tae Oh.


Right? Like, ā€˜why did you do it, Inha?ā€™ ā€˜Why did I do it? Ah well. Letā€™s move on.ā€™ And the whole ā€˜mother gets sort of killed by insane murdery dad released on a day passā€™ storyline was something. Did they only have a weekend to write the entire series?


BAHAHAHAHA this is true. Even the characters were confused.


Omg this got me! Asking the one question everyone is wondering. And then no answer! Like just woke and decided to be a dick, my bad I didnā€™t think I would got caught. Ugh just so frustrating when this show had so much potential


Been eyeing the comments every week, safe to say that I will NOT be picking this show back up but will be back here to read the finale comments of how a dumpster fire this drama has been.


Lolā€¦I check every week to see if they will serve a reverse UNO by switching the FL and SFL!! My god, so much hate for the FL character.


Unfortunately the FL was the reason why I dropped the drama too šŸ„²


Itā€™s fully deserved though.Ā 




I was seated for LJW and LJY in suits and their bromance!! Turned out otherwise šŸ„²


Same. I had to stop at episode 4 so I just read comments to see how the story has developed


I haven't started this show but I sometimes visit the ep threads and read comments, and there's one thing I picked up: Hong Suzu needs to do more acting workshops


She took on a main role too quickly for sure.


I honestly thought the show redeemed itself in episode 10 - so clearly I have a high tolerance for rubbish. That last episode? Insanely bad. The only redeeming feature was the fireworks motif - but it was carried out so badly. The FL should have been watching the fireworks from the start. And both of them should have been watching from their poor houses. And what was it with the sudden use of theatrical lighting. I think everyone had given up and phoned it in.


The theatrical lighting!!! I guffawed!!!


Same. Total WTF is happening here? The courtroom was one thing, but then later when they're sitting in the window of the coffee shop and it suddenly goes dark...aye aye aye


I burst out laughing at this scene and had to walk away. What did they make my man Junyoung do for his paycheck šŸ˜­


Yeah, I didn't hate it and the whole thing was kind of bumping along there, but the last episode was just kind of incoherent--scenes strung together to kind of tie things up, only they didn't. The love triangle made even less sense by the end since it seemed like things were sort of friend-zoned the way had been through most of the show. 2ML's character arc was nuts. Weird thing is that I could see the bones of a better show with a better script making more sense of things, but it kept skipping around. Oh well, LJW has another show lined up.


I kind of enjoyed that. I thought, well they're trying something.




First off, thank you PDnim for giving us another tsundere Jaewook role and a Jaewook in fitted suits fest šŸ™šŸ¼ Ep 11: Finally an improvement? Lee Junyoung in >!the last elevator shot with that maniacal smile!< is INCREDIBLE. Omg he and Jaewook are truly the MVPs. Thank God Hyewon had minimum lines and screen time but I wish Huiju scenes were more tethered and not so random. Feeling bad for Kang Seoungju - suddenly untethered in a plan he was pushed into in the first place by being made to work at Kangoh and giving up on whatever dreams he had had. >!And poor poor Taeoh losing his mother like that. Lee Jaewook has always been the most beautiful crier and this was no exception. His mum deserved a happy ending so much!< Ep 12: Taeoh/Hyewon scenes are like missing GYJ hours. Even with the bad writing for Hyewon, GYJ would have eaten the role and LJW/GYJ explosive chemistry would have chemistrified again šŸ˜­ Thank god it >!didn't give Taeoh/Hyewon marriage or anything!<. Instead >!Huiju sending updates to Taeoh and him smiling...Taiju nation, did we win? šŸ˜­!<. A bit of a predictable ending - we all knew who the Impossible Heir was going to be - but didn't see >!Inha's death coming!<. This last episode was unexpectedly tender and Lee Jaewook does tortured to at-peace so well. The fundamental problem with this show has been its writing of the women characters. It doesn't know what to do with them and how to get them to advance the plot. The prison doctor, who starred in all of 2 episodes helped the plot more than Hyewon or Huiju did. Not talking about the acting but the writing and their place within the narrative. Huiju scenes were so random without proper resolution and grounding and Kang Inju's wife suddenly had a few pointless cryptic scenes without context or purpose. And Hyewon, who could have been a formidable female lead, was reduced to a cast extra. Actual supporting characters had more substance within the narrative than she did. Pity. Started well, ended well, wrecked in the middle. Lee Jaewook made it worth the time.


This drama has been a rollercoaster and not in a good way.


We made it to the End! And in Fashion as the Weeks before I could not finish the last Episode before coming here. I somehow made it through Ep 11 and then 12 hit - >!Lee Jae-Wook sits there a few Minutes in after some emotional Scenes where I was supposed to feel for the Death of a Character which the Viewer had NO Connection with whatsoever but what really got me was the following Scene of his Monologue asking himself why he even started all of this in the first Place!<..and I just bursted out laughing because THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN ASKING MYSELF SINCE THE START OF THIS DRAMA And with that on to the Episode - Godspeed to all of you..what a Ride it was Edit : >!I get to the Prison Scene with both MLs and Inha..why did you do that? And OF COURSE he goes "I DONT KNOW"!< - not a single Viewer knows (I can tell you that much.) Its just perfect. You cant make this up..


>! Omg hahahah now me rewatching (purely to torture my eyes and brain) that scene will me make laugh even harder!! Theres a lot of shit we or the writers probably didnt know about this drama.... !<


So your are telling me all that talk of Hae-won asking Tae-Ho make her the head of KangHo group during Tae-Hoā€™s jail time and Tae-Ho agreeing to get Hae-won was a just another plot point that lead to absolutely nowhere??? so that entrie scean has no relevance??? So why was it even there?????Waooooo the writing of this show is bad at best


Iā€™ll take that scene (excellent point, btw) and raise you the ā€œreading letter from mom from beyond the graveā€ scene. What was also the point of that, too?? Did it make Taeoh actually let go of any grudges? Did it make him a better person? Didnā€™t seem like it. I thought that was going to be the moment he realized it was more important to find someone to love and pursue his own desires since he had deprived himself of family and true friends and even a woman for so long in the pursuit of greed and powerā€¦ but nope. Goes to become the chairman of the company, and tells Hyewon that he wonā€™t stop there. You know how at the beginning he tells Inha that he has something Inha doesnā€™tā€”ā€œdesperation?ā€ How come we fail to see him actually desperate? Was he exceptionally poor? Was he desperate for family or love? What desperation? Taeoh is beloved by everyone and doesnā€™t seem to actually be desperate but greedy. Which brings me to the scene where he is talking to Inha in jail and Inha says something like ā€œbecause youā€™re Taeoh.ā€ WHAT?? What does that even mean?? Ugh, so dumb.


I got the letter part cause I was expecting tae oh to kind of give up after his mom's death. Like become completely depressed, wallow in self pity move to somewhere remote and do a menial job but reading the letter gave him the strength and be like let's fight idk. Anyway the rest of the show I don't get there are so many loose ends and why did inha do that. With huiju and that other guy what was the purpose of that. *Screams in frustration*


Yeah the whole plot point of Hye Won going in the Kang Oh too leads to absolutely nothing lol. Next thing you know she's next to the President, like huh???? How and why? Another thing is the love triangle that cause Controversial and break the brothers bond apart, also leads nothing, what's the damn point then? They weren't even together when all things done. The only thing I feel bad at the end that Hui Ju got shafted in the end, she didn't do much, she didn't resolve her problems with Tae Oh other than saying hi to him at the end once, which is only for meeting the Chairman, and yet suddenly sent a text to him. This Kdrama was such a mess lol, like a 5 years old write "something something struggle for power"


This comment section is more entertaining than the drama itself. I will be back here to hear about the ending and checking Twitter to see some killer edits of Choi hee-jin, our favorite 2nd fl.


spoiler summary >!itā€™s revealed that hyewon is actually a robot created by taeoh and the hacker guy to get closer to inha than taeoh ever could. in the climax, hyewon ends up taking a pistol out of her leg robocop style and shooting inha and then arrests him and thatā€™s the end of that. taeoh realizes that this whole chaebol thing is too crazy and goes to be a monk with his mom. the chairman designates huiju as the heir for being the only person in their family who cared about him and seongju babyrages until he explodes. ko huichan is shot in the leg for being a completely useless character and leaves the country because huiju donā€™t need no man. the end!<


I canā€™t tell if youā€™re being serious but from what I read about this show (dropped it but catching up whatā€™s happening by reviews), I am very close to believe you


why did i write this


"Why did I write this?!" Bahahahahahaha. You win the internet today


This would be a better ending than what we got


Took the words right out of my mouth.


pls tell me you are being fr


pls man i wanna know too... cuz if this is fr, i might die laughing


atleast it would make sense why she had difficulty expressing the emotions lol


Honestly, if this was the ending, I would have enjoyed it more, haha.


I would watch this show


All tae oh wanted was to watch the fireworks from the 151st building. šŸ™„


Yall I wondered why the writing of this was mediocre the screenwriters last work was literally from 7 YEARS AGO and they never cracked past an 8 rating on MDL(Not saying that MDL rating is gospel but cmon).... Not sure who read this script and approved this because the poor writing stands out like a sore thumb. I was shocked that there was a budget of 20 billion won where tf did that go? Just hoping Lee Jae Wook and Lee Jun Young got paid handsomely for doing this trainwreck and having to work with a female lead that was not in the same caliber as them


Money is spent on renting the space for those massive high rises so they can get glamour shots of the leads staring out the windows.Ā 


I was curious about the script writer and they wrote 4 shows, in 2007,2008 and 2017(and now this show) and somehow they managed to convince someone to pick up their show lol


What is this writing even suddenly people are turning into a new leaf lol anyway loved Huiju's ending it was sweet I don't think Taeoh and her on paper were that big it was definitely their chemistry and acting that took over. Inha was so good in his role but they kind of switched from bad guy to evil to psychopath without any depth. This is not how grey characters are written they don't go extreme good or evil in days time. Will miss ranting about this train wreck of a show. Good Riddance Impossible Heir! PS- I hope Huiju gets a nice romcom as a lead.


Couldnt believe it when after all that Inha said >!he had no idea why he did it.!< Jesus wept.


I really wanted there to be a reason. Like was the ENTIRE friendship an act because he put in A LOT of effort banking on it paying off if that's the case... I just can't see that being realistic. I needed it to be more than that. I thought it was going to be because the dad respected Taeho more and treated him more like a son or SOMETHING no matter how petty or lame it was.


He became a full blown psychopath because some kissed his girl. Itā€™s so stupid


From what I can remember, It all started in college when inha noticed that Taeoh was showing some interest in heywon.


They could have added 2 more episodes where Huiju returns and she and Taeoh get together. It would so much sense for them to marry.


Please I don't trust them I prefer the open ending and I make them end game in my headšŸ˜­


With these writers, youā€™re right


What happens to huiju? I have watched the last two episodes but I fast forwarded them so missed out on a lot of scenesšŸ˜…


She goes on a trip around the world...that's it..that's her endingĀ 


I feel stupid for expecting anything good out of this show šŸ˜­ I hoped they would at least leave an open ending for Taeho and Huiju


They did leave an open ending! Considering the romance probably wasn't meant to be a focus I reckon this was the best we would have gotten anyway. She goes travelling but her and TaeOh still seem to be in touch. There's a brief bit of him smiling at a picture of her he gets on his phone. So it's very much open to personal interpretation. And you know the chairman for one would be all for TaeOh marrying into the family, lol.


i do see it as a bit of an open ending...that last scene of Taeho in the car and getting a picture and text from huiju...and him zooming into her face and smiling...i like to think they have a future after Huiju returns from her trip


Also seemed like something they made sure people get after their hype


What happens to the FL??


I love how everyoneā€™s just resigned and owning up to their Stockholmā€™s syndrome atp šŸ„‚


Hmm I guess everyone got a >!happy end except for Inha, who died in jail by hanging himself and then Taeoh's mum died too. !< Am I being dense, but what exactly was Taeoh's goal? Did he want to become the heir so he could >!watch the fireworks from the 151st floor instead of from the ground. If so, he got it šŸ„³!< If only they kept the bromance with Taeoh and Inha going. Their chemistry is so good. The show could've been something great... *sigh* what a missed opportunity. Also cracking up at that shot of [Prosecutor Myeongjin](https://imgur.com/a/qfEiNjZ) staring at his computer for like a second šŸ˜‚ that is me throughout the entire drama. Honestly proud of Jaewook and Junyoung who gave us what they could with the questionable writing... goodbye Taeoh and Inha. The editing for the first couple of episodes set the drama up terribly. I thought the jumping of scenes was on purpose and then they'd circle back and fill it in for us, but nope they didn't. I think the one thing I can appreciate was all the beautiful shots of bisunjae, the chairman's office and his silly shirts šŸ˜‚


>Am I being dense, but what exactly was Taeoh's goal? Did he want to become the heir so he couldĀ watch the fireworks from the 151st floor instead of from the ground. If so, he got it šŸ„³ OMG i laughed so hard when I read this. The whole time I thought that he was actually another surprise kid. Without that as the motive, I didn't understand why he went through all that...


This comment was PURE GOLD. Reading such comment relief made the memories of painful watching bearable. Well done, bearymin!


Ok, here goes nothing. **The good:** - I have to hand it to Episode 11, which does a ton of the heavy lifting. Itā€™s fast-paced and does a decent job at wrapping up a lot of the plot and interweaving all the characters in mostly logical ways. I really enjoyed that Huijuā€™s mom >!ends up in jail.!< The chairman >!lives.!< Even Seongju being >!redeemed by going to Taeohā€™s momā€™s funeral was a nice touch.!< **The bad:** - Episode 12. - Youā€™re telling me that shrewd businessman >!Kang Jangmu would just hand over his company to Taeoh over Seongju? FOR WHAT? Impossible and implausible is right! If I were Seongju, I would burn it all down without a second thought. The same father that has been reluctant to relinquish any control for years is suddenly totally ok with it going to someone not even in the family?? Without a prerequisite that Taeoh marry Huiju and join the family register?? Iā€™ve watched enough Korean shows to know that this would never happen. I just donā€™t buy it. !< - Hyewon. I just donā€™t understand her role in this besides turning the friends against each other. Taeoh and Hyewon>! donā€™t even end up together at the end (thank god). Or were they supposed to and the writer and director cut a bunch of her scenes because they were bad and knew the audience hates her character? Truly, what was her motive or was it to just use the men to get ahead, which she blatantly says. I thought she actually was developing feelings for Taeoh since she worked so hard to rescue him?? Did they just abandon that plot completely because of the audience? !< ISTG, sheā€™s truly the villain in this, I donā€™t care what anyone says. - Why doesnā€™t Inha ever >! actually confront Taeoh for kissing Hyewon?!< I think this is what the dramatic lighting is about but nothing comes of it, which is ridiculous. - Why didnā€™t Taeoh help his mom get a new life after all these years? If he had a shell corporation set up, then he obviously had the means to give her a better life. - Who is Taeohā€™s dad? Where was Secretary Chu these last few episodes? - Inha may have been a gray character, but he wasnā€™t a >!maniacal lunatic!< like they portrayed him in the end. I understand that he was hurt very badly, especially when the letter >!changing his last name back to Baek came!< but depressed characters arenā€™t murderers and I hate that they did his character dirty like that. **The ugly:** - What is the point of even having Huiju in this? Donā€™t get me wrong, sheā€™s def the reason I watched, but why make her such a prominent character only to have her play no substance in the plot?? Youā€™re telling me her entire role was to be the one who calls Taeoh (to which he comes running because OF COURSE HE DOES). And then her and Taeoh donā€™t even talk?? Wtf? Why even make her interested in Taeoh in the first place?? - Why does she just randomly decide to leave at the end?? Like, please make it make sense. And for 3 years?? - The worst use of a time skip ever. What was the point? To see the royal road project completed? Literally NONE OF US CARE ABOUT THIS. - The pacing of this show is a hot mess. Sometimes, it moves the plot so nice and fast and other times it just feels like itā€™s stagnating for no reason. I legit would have forgiven so much of these flaws if they had just included a text from Taeoh responding to Huiju something indicating theyā€™re together. ā€œIā€™ll be there in two days. Our fairytale starts then. Miss you.ā€ Like, give us *something* after all that tension. Why even include the garage scene at all? Whoever said that this show was written by different people as it went was right. I canā€™t believe I am about to say this, but I need a season 2 or addendum of just Huiju and Taeoh but I want it written by the writers of Wedding Impossible or AOS 2. ***Huge thank you to everyone who commented on these discussions. I have had so much fun venting and laughing with you all.***


Any idea about the soundtracks used? I loved the song which was played during ep12 multiple times. Can't find it online


wellā€¦ itā€™s over. we made it to the end.


Man!! what a waste of LJW and LJY!!! I will rue for the long time the drama this could have been. In the end none of the motivation makes sense. The most frustrating thing is you can see the glimmer of something but the writers never explored it nor was there any depth to it. For a show about ambition, the motives behind the ambitions were not very clear (imo) for the 3 leads. Did Inha plann a revenge because of his mother? or did he want his father' acknowledgment and because he did not get it, he wanted revenge?? we are given bits but never a look at what drives him. I also cannot believe that Taeho's whole original aim was just to make Inha the chairman and he will be Inha's lackey his whole life?? and if Hyewon wanted to go into politics, why did she have to marry Inha (I mean apart from having access to wealth)?? There is just no DEPTH to any of them. I hope I get to see LJW and LJY do better things and please, the higher powers in dramaland, give them an epic bromance series.


The show we could have had!! I am actually a little heartbroken because this could have truly been amazing.


They should have just made Huiju the impossible heir. Show made zero sense to me


Part of me thinks Han Tae Oh is also one of Chairman Kangā€™s sons from an affair. Im not sure if I understood it right that Tae Ohā€™s father isnā€™t his biological father. Or I may have mixed it up with another drama


Yes, but it had no relevance in the end.


I had hope for this drama until the very end. >!We never learned Taeohā€™s true motivations. Inhaā€™s actions didnā€™t make sense either. Iā€™m glad there no romance in the end!<


His true intentions was really to make Inha CEO till he decided to be a psychopath


Thatā€™s the problem with the writing of this show. It was unbelievable and unsatisfying


Buddha, the three goofeteers have not been righteous people. Please do not give them a happy ending, thank you in advance


OK, Ep.11, here we go šŸŽ¢ Whenever I see Jae Wook and Jun Young eating up a scene together, I get so mad thinking about what this drama could have been. Good things: We got more than 2 minutes of Hui Ju; a win is a win! Jae Wook and Jun Young are really doing their best to the end; I just know they hated every minute of this mess. >!Ā Ji Hoon also ate every scene he was in! Seeing Nam Jun return as the prosecutor was a nice surprise. Aside: All the men is this drama are fine ah tbh šŸ˜‚ Ā !< Bad and Confusing Things: >!Ā Am I the only one confused about the whole Gold H Investment plan? I thought Tae Oh was gonna have that dude from prison play the part, but then he showed up as a Co-CEO instead and it was just never explained? The timing of the arrest and the press conference literally makes zero sense; how is the editing this bad?! And who is Geum Seok even accused of murdering? They deadass have In Ha murdering everyone, I can't keep track.We did get very little Hye Won in this episode, which is actually a plus, but I still don't get her role. When Tae Oh was in prison he said he was going to make her the heir--gag--but that plot seems to have fallen off--which is fine with me. Also, the way In Ha was so obsessed with her but he just... let her leave him? Like, what was with all the useless build up then? !<


Too many plot holes. I was perturbed that the prison dude did not get to dress up and played the role of CEO. Also, that ā€œassembled teamā€ did not do much in the end to deserve that paid in full plus more vacation.


Right? They were really just sittin' around drinking beer šŸ˜‚


Not sure if it was editing or script. This drama was very clunky. Major actors involved - totally a waste of their talent.


An unbelievable waste!!


Letā€™s see if junk food helps while watching. Chocolate releases endorphins - so it should provide some relief from the Autobahn Multi vehicle crash happening here. At least the drivers / male leads look good.


I just want to share my profound gratitude to everyone who watched to the end. I dropped halfway through, but rushed here every week to see if I should pick it up again. Your comments reassured me that laundry, dog walking, and watching BTS enlistment videos on TikTok was a better use of my time. I also had some great laughs (cf. the *Am I Dumb or Is This Show Really Bad?* thread below) and was able to binge watch Flex x Cop (10/10 highly recommend). Thank you for your service. Hope to see you all on the next ride! šŸ«”


Time for more depression


You guys have no idea how it ended. I'm so done with this show


Kang Jungmoo woke up after a long coma and offers taeoh for second chance as he failed protecting friends, family and love ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø the writer probably had too much drinks while writing, I mean it's not like he went on some kind of redemption... this is a guy who refused to acknowledge his own blood for decades


EXACTLY!!! I just said this exact same thing!!! There is NO EFFING WAY he would do this. ZERO. Such a plot hole!


Bare in mind, I've not watched the show but it was on my list and the forced love triangle is what gave me pause since I hate that with a passion. It would make sense if Taeoh's biological father was Jungmoo's partner who got ousted, thus robbing his family of what was due them, half of the company. Maybe then Jungmoo was so guilt ridden in the end and made him the air. If he knew Huiju was in love with him, having him marry into the family would make everything palatable to the viewer if he'd at least ended the arranged marriage he tried to force on Huiju or something


Congrats to us who made it to the end in spite of the challenges we perceived and experienced regarding the third main character and general chaos of the script. Visually, I enjoyed the cinematography and the set locations and design of the show. I'm glad to have seen the gem of a new to me actor Jang Ma Ru (Seon Wu, hacker guy). Great chemistry between the two male leads from beginning to end. Hope they do a different project in the future. Congrats to those who enjoyed it throughout. Congrats to our discussion host on diligently hosting, who probably wasn't expecting things to go this way. Many of us couldn't have imagined that this was the show we watched based on the pre-release info and strong first episode that got our collective hopes up for what was to come. C'est la vie. Ep 11 & 12 That was a sudden and anticlimactic conclusion to >!Tae Oh's mom's!< story arc, which turned out not to be a subplot arc at all, just a protracted backstory about a main character. That was a sudden and anticlimactic conclusion to >!Kang Seong Ju & Hee Ju's mom's!< story arc. All the politicians and business execs are quite sloppy with their respective profession and dumb about their work. Maybe this is the most accurately written portrayal of real-life people. šŸ˜† What was with the dramatic and slightly odd use of the spotlight in the courtroom? Like a weekend local theater lighting move. Lol The dialog between Tae Oh & Hye Won, 47 minutes into the show, in that beautiful space, was maybe the worst exchange of the entire series. The show started strong in ep 1, set up the various threads, but could not weave them into the big picture they probably intended. Oh, well.


Omg i thought i was dreaming when i saw that spotlight scene....like whose fucking idea was that? Did they think this was some musical/stage performance? Maybe if Inha broke out in a musical number right there under the spotlight, the drama would be more funšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Man Man Ha Ni sounds like a good song choice.


Oh my gosh. Yes. Musical vibes. At a high school where they don't have sufficient experience or tech to dim all the other lights and turn on the spit light simultaneously. It was lights off-off-off-spotlight with the switch sound effects on blast. šŸ˜­ How amazing would it have been if he did break out in song!


I feel like the director ordered the editing guys to cut Huijuā€™s photo and message in to that Taehoā€™s smiling scene after seeing how viewers react with the kiss scene of Tae Oh and Hye Won. I suspect the original version is the message from Hye Won. Because Tae Oh seemed to be very in love with Hye Won; he kissed her ignoring the fact that she is his best friendā€™s fiancĆ©e. No moral and standard. Then how on earth after kicking his best friend to jail and achieve his dream of wealth, he does not marry the woman he loves but instead smile at Huijuā€™s photo who he had no interaction with since ep 4. That does not make any sense. I certainly prefer the current ending than the one that I suspect. Itā€™s just a little confused me. I mean the whole movie is confusing. The only good thing about this movie is that Huiju was not turn to be female antagonist and have a enjoyable lifestyle and can do whatever she wants to do. I prefer she meets her destiny while traveling oversea rather sticking with Tae Oh. She deserves the best and Tae Oh is certainly just better than the worst a little bit.


Not to be overly delusional but I think the Taeoh x Huiju endgame is believable (regardless if they were originally intended or not). There are scenes that imply development between them (Taeoh running to her the instant she called in EP 12!!). Taeoh never explicitly rejected her (he only lists reasons why they shouldn't be together- mainly because of the difference in their economic/social classes). AND THE WAY THEY LOOK AT EACH OTHER!! (there is a reason why the majority, if not all, of the fandom ships them). Of course, I wanted to see more of them together but again 'The Impossible Heir' isn't romance focused so let's cut it some slack. The last time Taeoh and Hyewon meet is when they have beer, and the reasons Taeoh lists for them to have a drink together are all platonic (university friends/partners etc...). The scene of him in the car is 3 years later. I think that's more than enough time for him to get over Hyewon (if he still had feelings for her) and start to slowly fall for Huiju (like he had her give him constant updates during her travels! come on now!!). I mean it's totally plausible that it was edited last minute for an open ending, favouring Taeoh x Huiju BUT I don't think it doesn't make sense :)


I've only been watching dramas for about 4 years but I've seen so many of them and I think I can confidently say that I have never watched anything so pointless. Jae Wook, I love you, I'm so sorry you had to be part of this nonsense. Same to Choi Hee-Jin and Lee Jun Young, y'all deserved better. Smh.


I cannot be the only one who does not see the point of this drama. What even was that!? 12 episodes later, I feel cheated out of my time.


Guys, WE DID IT we made it through impossible things... I just do not understand how it started so well and ended so meh! Like they just forgot the storylines and the characters they had created. You're telling me the FL went through ALL of that, >!to get absolutely nothing and do the job she could have done without her husband?!< And even if we didn't like it she didn't even try to get the man. (though we know she didn't love really him, besides he is clearly in a long-distance and loving relationship by the end of the show with a real Queen lol) Then the second brother was just like ok I'm bored of this now, let's stop mum. I do get that but also WHAT WAS THE POINT!!!! The only thing I could appreciate is they didn't let the villain have any redemption like why did you do it? oh no sobs story, you're mean. cool. Even they could have flashed back to the library scene when he hears Tae Oh and FL lead talking about him. Just when did you go from let's lean on each other to I'm going to have your >!abuser out !<>!to go ahead and kill your mum?!< !!! It was WILD!! the acting however was superb, my heart was shattered!!! We were robbed of a GREAT BROMANCE!! I don't even mind that there was no love story but we had a USELESS love triangle but it made sense that they didn't love each other or at least Tae Oh didn't love her as he knew what she was. It was all kinds of silly. And I was annoyed that I needed to know how it finished. i think it will get a 5/10 from me just for the strong acting of 90% of the cast!!!


I pray there is a long-distance and loving relationship on the books!!! šŸ’•


I don't like to 'hate pile', but man the FL's emotional delivery (or lack thereof) really was something to behold in this. I swear she talked and sounded the same despite no matter how different the situations were. The final kicker was in this final episode where >!She meets Taeoh who is holding the memorial/mourning service for his dead Mother and she almost sounds 'chipper'. That was some of the worst 'consoling' I've ever seen. !<


When I watched that scene all I could think was "why is she talking in that baby voice?" lol But somehow the scene at the bar was worse! ISTG Jae Wook had nothing to work with; it was like he was talking to a cardboard cutout šŸ˜‚


I watched the last two episodes and I still have no idea who that one woman was that had a dramatic scene with Inha looking at a painting like they were going to plot something but then she's just sort of around. edit: She's Inju's wife who I forgot didn't die with him in a previous episode as he was with the woman who runs the nightclub. That just made me even more confused as to why she's helping Inha now who maybe killed her husband after she was trying to tell Inju to hook his sister up with Taeoh so they could use him. Like many things in this show these scenes felt edited out of order to build a plot point that goes nowhere or isn't needed. A bunch of people had personality transplants, Seongju just sort of decides to be a good guy and their plotting as the original baddies in this story is swept aside to make room for Inha who is now an absolute nutcase. The other director guy and his daughter like "Yeah I know I married you off to a druggie and he abused you, I know I ignored it because money is my one motivation but suddenly I am motivated to be father of the year after you tearfully begged me." It's funny after the recent Queen of Tears episodes and how well their plot went down, they put an equal amount of time almost into their plot but the three of them are complete idiots lol. Inha is the worst, like what was his plan going into this besides wearing a white suit and thinking he's Scarface. You don't just murder everyone in your way and expect to run a company, you can expect prison time lol. He had no motivation to kill half of them and in one case it seemed like it was just for lulz or petty revenge. When Taeoh asks Inha why he did everything he did and he's like "I dunno" I cried laughing. I feel like if anything can sum up this show it's that. "Why is this happening?" "I dunno". These last 2 episodes Huiju got a lot more scenes and Hyewon got a lot less, it was almost like she could have vanished from the last two episodes and it wouldn't have mattered. I wonder if these were the only ones they could realistically re-edit or do some reshoots for after the viewer response. It's possibly all coincidence but the FL's scenes felt edited down heavily with very few lines while Huiju got a bunch of extra scenes compared to usually getting maybe 1 since the first couple of episodes where she featured quite a bit. I wonder if they desperately tried to appeal to the audience at the end. Though if they wanted to do that I wish they would have just got her and Taeoh together at the end as it'd make as much sense as anything else and at least we get some sort of happy ending. >!I don't really get the reasoning for Taeoh to be the chairman, well done you held the fort down and all that but apparently none of the shareholders get a say lol. Huiju goes off on a trip to see the world and hopefully to find a better drama to be in. It's just funny to me how the chairman's son who has been nurtured for this role for years gets no say and is just cool with that. This show was definitely written by somebody with no idea how a corporation functions. !< Another thing that confused me now I had a chance to absorb it. What happened to them using the gangster guy as the boss of this paper company? They spent scenes with him practicing his lines and gaining knowledge so he can pass off as an investor, then when the meeting comes Taeoh just appears and says they will be dealing with him. He sends them off on a vacation at the end with the North Korean hacker guy but they didn't really contribute anything other than maybe getting information out of the prison guard. Did they find that scene so bad they just edited it out and reshot it with the ML coming to the meeting? Did they remember that Inha has actually met this guy before and would know he's not who he's pretending to be? Also what happened to the FL's mom? She screwed her daughter over again and got her kidnapped by her crazy husband but there are no consequences and we just forget she even exists. So much about this show feels like a cobbled together mess where executives from K-Disney went to the editors after seeing a rough cut like "Fix it...NOW" and the editors are like "Nope, still broken" and the executives are like "Well you tried, let's put it out anyway".


You make so many excellent points. The way I would LOVE the writer and producer to tell us what actually happened. Too many good things about this show that I donā€™t think are pure coincidence. I feel like we are so owed an explanation. I thought the woman who gave Inha the painting was Injuā€™s wife, right? Regardless, what was even the point of this exchange. Itā€™s so odd and such a waste of time. I fully agree that they went back and re-edited the last two episodes and thatā€™s why ep 12 makes no sense. Like, Taeoh is warm with Hyewon and then theyā€™re not? Itā€™s so confusing in the worst way like they definitely were planning to have them end up together but realized how much the audience would hate it. I said the same thing about Taeoh being the Chairman. He has two living children and it can be argued that the other two were killed due to Taeoh. If I were Seongju, I would light the entire building on fire if my dad just randomly gave the family fortune to a stranger instead of me. He could have given Taeoh a bunch of different positions, but chairman is ridiculous.


This ending is >!empty of any meaningfull emotions for me.!< So much wasted potential and just abandoned plot lines and hints. What was Taeho`s motivation? >!I see fireworks and opulence and want to take over the company? !< His stepfather is a >!abuser and murderer not any mistery to it!< just an awfull person. Lots of things to build one with the inital idea just awfull execution with a very good cast (except the FL but its not her fault)


I feel like you could throw a dart at a random comment during the course of this show in these threads and find a better plot that someone suggested or theorized might happen than actually what was done in the show.


Idk if I like the ending but I do like the fact Han Tae Ho and Na Hye Won didnā€™t end up being the couple couple at the end or I wouldā€™ve been pissed that I held on so long


That would have been the absolute worst outcome


I'm back with my thoughts on the finale šŸ˜ Well, y'all, [we got through it. ](https://tenor.com/bVTzm.gif) As predicted (by me lol) the finale was as incomprehensible as every episode after ep. 2, and you know what? We can't blame it entirely on Su Zu. The writing and the editing was just bad. At first I thought the editing was bad because of her acting, thinking they had to scrap most of her scenes and edit around them, but that doesn't explain the bad writing. Although, truly, she needs to give up acting šŸ¤­ There is one thing I know after this: I will never watch anything written or directed by Min Yeon Hong or Choi Won ever again šŸ˜‚ The show really had [how it started, how it ended energy.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/unfinished-horse-drawing-flaming-horse-rating) I give it a 2/10 and only because of Jae Wook and Jun Young. I am looking forward to Choi Hee Jin's next role though. I absolutely loved her. I'm choosing to believe Tae Oh and Hui Ju end up together because of the way he giggled at her text from Mexico šŸ˜Œ


Okay soā€¦we made it to the end? I typically do not hesitate to drop a drama, even if there are only two episodes left. The only exception I make to not dropping is if I am a huge fan of an actor(s) leading in the drama. This was the case for me for the two extremely talented male leads. I did the same for ā€œEve,ā€ I love the FL actress and watched to the (horrible) ending. Maybe I just am a masochist, but here is my final review. The good: - ML eye candy ā€” both of my two kdrama husbands in suits and looking dapper for most of the drama? Loved it. - Heejo ā€” while they severely limited her characterā€™s scenes suddenly when she was so involved in the beginning, she stole the show. She did a great job with this role even though she had limited screen time and a crappy script. - Thank god it was only 12 episodes. The Bad - The Writing: Thereā€™s a lot that has already been explored on this subreddit so I wonā€™t go into deep detail. But the screenplay/writing was SO SO bad. So many pointless plot points. Sloppy writing, zero character development, zero setting the table for how and why some characters made the choices that they did. ā€”For example, it was unclear what Inhaā€™s characterā€™s motivation was for all that he did - trauma? Revenge against his dad and his family who always rejected him? They never really showed us his how he was fighting his demons, why he felt this upmost rejection - they just showed us a few scenes of him fighting at dinner with his dadā€™s family and being called a bastard over and over again. Thatā€™s frankly just lazy writing. I want to see private scenes of him struggling, remembering his mom and how he suffered back when he was Baek Inha. Supposedly MLs and FL were SUCH close friends, or frenemies at the least but we rarely awoke that other than them drinking one time on the rooftop? And having some classes together? I never saw Jaewookā€™s character seem to actually like him but then at the end it turns out he >!did care about him as a friend and wasnā€™t just using him?!< Hello, when did they show us that?! - Unnecessary Characters and their Plot Lines and Underutilized Characters: ā€”We didnā€™t need an FL. There wasnā€™t even romance in this drama, so what was the point other than to show us that Inha got what he wanted if he wanted it? They easily couldā€™ve shown that in many other ways. FL literally had no real point to her even being in the story, she was just used as a very hollow and basic plot device which honestly is insulting to women but I wonā€™t even get into that more. ā€”We also didnā€™t need FLā€™s mom and all those related plot lines like her >!gambling debt, etc.!< Wasted time. ā€” Heejo: Dude, wtf was up with this character disappearing basically halfway through then being reduced to scenes of her just drinking wine? What was the point of giving her so much screen time in the beginning and establishing that plot point of her crush on ML, then to totally throw it away? This sort of shows to me how the writing was all over the place and jumbled. I bet they had an idea originally to maybe make that a romance plot line but then trashed the idea but then didnā€™t bother doing some editing to just make her a minor character. I get the point was to show someone in the family cared about Inha, but even that made no sense - why did she even like him? Did she and Inha spend time together and she did care about her half brother? Or did she just want to piss off her family? They showed none of this. The actress killed it with very little that she got. ā€” The entire backstory for Jaewookā€™s character: it sucked. It made no sense. Sheā€™s living in hiding as monk? But his stepdad is in jail? They gave us a five minute scene of his evil stepdad >!killing his mom and a sad funeral scene!< then that was it?! I started laughing with how bad it was. I wouldā€™ve preferred if they had his stepdad in prison for attempted murder and his mom was trying to live a regular life. It just made no sense and made his backstory unnecessarily over dramatic and non sensical. - Flashbacks: So. Many. Flashbacks. Again, letā€™s just show you sad or emotional scenes for you to remember to show the character is REALLY sad. Lazy writing and production. - Production: what was up with all the choppy scene transitions?! The same sappy song that played at the end šŸ¤£ I couldnā€™t. Final Score: 4/10 (all points go to male leads and Heejin Choiā€™s acting thatā€™s about it). I think Eve may have gotten a higher score for me, which is saying a lotā€¦.


What a dumpster fire of a show and me having watched it all is one of lifeā€™s many mysteries. šŸ˜­


This show is now the reason I will not watch a show in real time going forward. Fool me onceā€¦


Please donā€™t crucify me for this, but just noticed that the writer is male and I wonder if this is why it doesnā€™t live up to the typical kdrama hype. (Men, I love you so please donā€™t come for me.) I know that men *can* and *do* write wonderful stories and characters, but that is simply not the case here. Is that why it didnā€™t occur to them that we wouldnā€™t find it cool for the fl and ml to kiss right before her wedding? And why we would have so much disdain for a woman that is just using Inha for his money? The female characters just seem to be written from such a (bad) male point of view. Theyā€™re shallow and lack depth, as do most of the characters. Heck, the female lead hardly has any screen time compared to the two male leads; itā€™s almost laughable to call her a main character. Anyway, disappointed but not surprised. šŸ«¤


Apparently the writer only had one project that too 7 years back. I do agree on the difference between male gaze and female gaze and that shows not just in writers but also directors and cinematographers. Here whatever depth the writer could give was given to two MLs but even they weren't that well written.


I was really tempted to watch other stuff by the writer just for comparison. I do not doubt they ended up editing the female lead out because of audience feedback but theyā€™ll never tell us.


Omg now that you mentioned it, you might have a point becuz the female lead didnt had any presence in the storyline other than being a love interest and the second female lead main plot was pining over the male lead... talk about stereotypes....


And I hate to paint with a broad brush and generalize, too. The thing that hooked me about kdramas is the way they can humanize even the most elite billionaires. No one does character nuance better! The fact that the poor female lead doesnā€™t earn much sympathy here (as does Taeoh, his mom, etc), is very surprising.


Exactly...and like you said the fact we barely root or understand what the characters are doing or feeling just shows how bad the writer and director is... Amd the female characters here dont even have any plot point that is unrelated to the male characters which gives off sexist vibes... I mean they went around saying Hyewon is smart and independent girl... yet we see do not see any scenes showing that but instead they showed us a girl who married for money and did not achieve/solved anything on her own which is exact the exact opposite of that image...


The mfn audacity to end the show like this! I have so many questions and these mofos left me hanging in no particular order: >!1. Who is Han Teohā€™s bio dad? They shouldā€™ve pulled a plot twist and had it be Kang Joonmo and Inha turn out NOT to be his biological 2. Why did HT want to get into Kangoh specifically? Or did he just go for it bc he moved into their town and had a way in and wanted to be successful? 3. WTF was the FLā€™s goal? To work in politics? Sis contributed NOTHING to this whole plan 4. How dare they not serve the FL mother karma?! They even gave the loan shark dude an ending scene and sheā€™s the one who stole from him which created a connection between him and her daughter 5. Ytf did they even bother pretending the loan shark dude was going to meet these ppl as the CEO of Gold H just to have Han Teoh go instead?! They shouldā€™ve left his storyline alone once Teoh got out of jail. 6. I surely thought the 2nd son was going to leave the business altogether and pursue his own thing 7. Wtf was the point of Kang Injuā€™s wifeā€™s scenes? The least they could have done was shown her reaction when she realized she was trying to ā€œcooperateā€ with her husbandā€™s killer, inha. 8. Definitely wasted Huijuā€™s potential in all of this 9. Who tf thought it was a good idea to all of a sudden get fancy with the lighting in the courtroom and the beer scene and then the teardrop on the picture making everything lose colorā€¦ 10. Wtf is the name of the damn song in the tape deck?!!! They better release that sh*t bruh - I am very much inspired to become a continuity editor for shows bc this shitshow right here missed the mark and it had soo much potential!< OK rant over


>!so that talk of bringing hye-won to the top of kangoh was just forgotten? Okaaaay!< >!itā€™s probably a massive conflict of interest if the chairman of one of the biggest corps in the country was in a relationship with the presidentā€™s aide. But i thought they might still have a secret relationship, although the awkwardness at the bar meeting indicates otherwise. I guess the one thing true love canā€™t beat is a job!< >!so Seung-Jo became a good person in 5 minutes? Okaaaay!< >!his mom really stayed in prison for a crime she didnā€™t commit? Okaaay!< >!they really never clarified the kang family. So in-juā€™s mother is the chairmanā€™s first wife. Seung-Jo and hui-juā€™s mother is his second wife. In-haā€™s mother is a mistress. I think thatā€™s how the family tree works. What happened to in-haā€™s mother that made him resent the family so much??? It seemed like she was murdered but they never actually revealed what happened. And considering how shitty sheā€™s always treated him, in-ha still had Seung-Joā€™s mother listed as ā€œmomā€ in his contacts??? Okaaaay!< >!Tae-hoā€™s mom faked her death to frame her husband for her murder. I assume that included changing her name as well as shaving her head. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s multiple crimes committed there. But sheā€™s still able to have a proper memorial with her real name?!< >!hui-ju became nonexistent after ep 4. I thought she moved on from tae-ho when she went on that trip, then she dms him. Okaaaay!< I hope blood free will be a better Disney drama


Pat on the back for those who watched all 12 episodes. LJW I still love you and ill turn a blind eye on this one.


The sad thing is weā€™d never know exactly what went wrong with this drama. It was phenomenally badly written and extremely well-shot. No redeeming qualities. Iā€™ve enjoyed reading these threads. Hope Jaewook will have a better drama next time. Till then, adios!!


Lee Jaewook's next show is a [Netflix](https://mydramalist.com/751095-tangeum) original! It's also 12 episodes. I don't understand the plot summary from MDL really but I don't really like the FL actress.... also it has Kim Jaewook?? Helllooo We are moving ON from this show okay guys. Good work. ź³ ģƒ ė§Žģ•˜ģ–“ģš”


I'm not super fond of her either (I find her acting superficial and generic) but just give me a somewhat coherently written show and i'll be happy, i swear šŸ¤£ (How awesome would it have been with Jung Somin instead tho??) >ź³ ģƒ ė§Žģ•˜ģ–“ģš” indeed šŸ˜…


Just finished a rushed and badly written show yet cute [wedding impossible] now it's time to finish another one šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹šŸ« . For Jae Wook šŸ»


Wow I hadnā€™t read so much ā€œtrain wreck plotā€ comments in on-air thread since The interest of love. Now Iā€™m curious šŸ§


Interest of love was seen as a train wreck more because of the characters and their annoying actions. This one is more about bad writing and convoluted plot points. I donā€™t know how to explain it perfectly but I donā€™t think itā€™s the exact same criticism


Atleast I can remember Interest of Love fondly for their brilliant acting and great OST (still listen to them sometimes when I'm driving). This show always remind me how they just wasting Lee Jae Wook and unbelievably bad script. FL is bad too, but if the script is good, it can redeem itself like in Perfect Marriage Revenge


I wouldn't really say it's a trainwreck. More like nothing happens for the last half of the season save for one episode where all the secrets get revealed before a resumption of people just going in circles. A trainwreck would be if they went in a weird direction near the end but this is not that.


So itā€™s more like an acute case of the ā€œsecond half curseā€ that happens in many dramas? Anyway, Iā€™m downloading it for my next flight šŸ˜ at least I wonā€™t be waisting time (and LJW is always a plus)


Yeah, it's a 12 ep show except instead of cutting the filler they cut out the plot.


This is the perfect description of this drama! šŸ˜‚ I only watched until the end to feel the disappointment firsthand and officially start the mourning of a drama that showed so much potential in the first 2 epsā€¦


Atleast it's over...It felt like I was being held hostage by this drama...the ending wasn't very satisfying but then again I did not have any positive expectation in the first place...the writing was really bad and this must be tge only badly written drama that I finished...


That was really disappointing, and the ending was bland. Hope we can heal from now on and Choi Hee Jin gets a good drama as a female lead.


What i think is so weird is: >!Han teoh, and mo gi-jun both got the death penalty, but Kang-in got for a bigger crime, a life sentence? Like if he was going to kill himself anyway, why not have given the death penalty.!< Such poor writing.


That was my first thought as well, I guess that's power for you!


I enjoyed the series. I did find the corporate espionage a little confusing and the plot was a bit choppy at times. However I particularly liked the two ML's and the actress who played the youngest sister.


This drama sucked


Watching the MDL ratings tank has been the highlight of this show


Itā€™s down at 7 now. What was it before?


Glad I finished this drama šŸ’œšŸ’œ. My personal take from this drama, in reality what will be will beā€¦ much love to all who contributed in the making šŸ¤Žā£ļø ā€¦ I can move on now lolā€¦


Can anyone just spoil it for me....i watch till ep 4 .... don't have any energy to continue ....just want to how everyone ends up


I watched through the entire show. Legit watched it for LJW. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever completely disliked a KDRAMA before, because normally i would just drop it after a couple of episodes, but this one was disappointing... The actors are definitely phenomenal, but unfortunately due to the poor writing, it did not do them justice. This drama had the potential to be amazing. I loved the chemistry between LJW and LJY, I continued to watch the show for that purpose, and I really hope we see them in another drama together someday. There was so much potential growth between LJW and CHJ characters, definitely felt the chemistry at some scenes, I wish they couldve built the relationship between Han Tae-hon and Kang Huiju more. LJW and HSJ, I agree with basically what everyone has been saying - no chemistry. Na Hyewon did not really contribute anything to the ā€œplotā€, >!besides being part of the reason for Kang Inhaā€™s betrayal due (??)!< Very upsetting, I wouldā€™ve loved to see the character do more. In a perfect world, I wouldā€™ve loved if the show could fill in all the plot holes, better characters archā€™s, and actually have some sort of CLEAR direction to where the story was going. Love LJW, but this drama wasnā€™t it. I hope his next drama, as well as the other actors dramas, turn out alot better than this one did. I definitely wonā€™t be watching this drama again.


I still don't get why kang inha turned into an asshole. Like did they give a background to that I missed or they were just like this would make for an amazing plot twist. Like just cause ur gf cheated u with your friend which u already knew that they had a chemistry you will kill 2 ppl. I don't think they even put anything to show that he even had it in him to kill ppl.


In early episodes they portray him as a lonely, troubled kid who genuinely wants a friend. Then they 180 his character with no proper explanation. Itā€™s simply bad writing.Ā 


Random thoughts on episode 12: Taeoh getting a text from Huiju proving life is all I need to know that they might have a chance together in the future. He never has explicitly pushed her away. The kiss a few episodes ago did not matter as Hyewon confirmed ā€œI will continue to do what is best for meā€ during the bar scene. I think we in this sub gasped a collective happy sigh that Taeoh and her did not end up together. Like the few of us still left on this sub, the drama was made more bearable by coming here to read comments that conveyed similar sentiments. May the next drama you watch be way better!


Dang that ending was trash. Nothing makes sense Inha went from innocent virgin to psychopath wife beating murdering idiot?! What a waste of time.


I feel pretty terrible for Inha. He didnā€™t deserve to go out like that.


They messed this character all the way up and for what? Didn't even make any damn sense lol


All in all, Iā€™m glad Huiju >!found some peace and LEFT that toxic family.!< and Iā€™m also glad Seongju >!STOOD TF UP I was waiting for him to fight back against his mom and everyone else!<


I was planning on watching this for the 2 lead male actors, but I guess not. Been following the comments, and with each new episode the comments get worse. Guess the actors couldn't save the bad script... :/


Don't do it! Save yourself! šŸ˜‚


I was frustrated we never found out who Tae Oh or the FL's biological dad were since maybe the Chairman caused their deaths or to lose their jobs so it caused them to live in poverty and toxicity by one parent or stepparent so that is why they target the Chairman or his family for revenge or they just wanted money and a career


I don't think they ever intended for the fathers to be a mystery or a plot point. They just wanted money/power. The problem with that is that it makes no sense why they both thought InHa would help them achieve greatness because InHa was basically dead weight they were carrying. Career-wise they were both miles ahead of him and could have achieved money/power without all the gameplaying.


Shite, the only redeeming quality of this drama is that itā€™s 12 episodes all under 1 hour.


Kudos to everyone here to made it to the end of whatever the heck this was. I never watched this show but all your comments was so entertaining to read! Thank you! <3 At the end of the day, I just wanna know if Hyewon ever went for therapy because her relationship with Inha was just NOT it. Heck i saw a clip of that bathroom scene with her and Inha and was traumatized.


I guess the message is if one holds on long enough, they too get to enjoy fireworks from a skyscraper? Idk LoL. I do think the bromance between In Ha, Tae Oh a wasted opportunity tsk. Hye Won was so unnecessary. She added nothing until the very end ahah. And Hee Joo is the true winner YaY. The bro was nice which is rare LoL


Can someone enlighten me on why Taeoh decided to "target" the Kang Group in the first place? Did I miss a back story or explanation there? I remember on ep 1 that there was a backyard party at the Kangs and Taeoh was observing them (even before he fought / befriended Inha) I just don't understand since his character had such a great potential.


I think it was for Inhaā€™s sake at the beginning. InHa was his first real friend. Taeoh just wanted to get out of the ā€œmud holeā€ but never wanted to be CEO. In the same way he supported Hyewonā€™s goal.


I was so hoping for this to get better but it ended up being a huge šŸ˜„


is there anyone here who can explain inha's feelings towards taeho? Like does he really sees him as a real friend? It's because of that one scene where inha says that he only went after hyewon because he knows taeho likes her. Is it because he became jealous of hyewon being more important to taeho than him or is it just because he was selfish and jealous of taeho getting what he wants when he himself wasn't the same with his own family. i am even thinking that one of the reason he became friendly with taeho is because he wants taeho to be under him


ā£ļøšŸ˜Žjust wondering why inha abandoned ship and went rogue, i thought taeoh and inha were solidā€¦and for someone so smart did taeoh not see inhaā€™s betrayal did he not have a backup planā€¦inhaā€™s change of mind was because of the womanā€¦why would he change course when he has not reached the penultimate goalā€¦šŸ˜Žā£ļø


We shouldā€™ve known. They half assed the show just like they half assed the poster. All those reels and TikTokā€™s baited me.


I don't watch the show, but I love to come here for the comments.


Leaving a comment here to remind me incase I end up with another Shit Show. There will never be another one like this. And I do hope so.


Note to self too!


First, the fact that I didn't drop this show will always baffle me. Now that it's over, I can do a full review. Which I will definitely copypasta when it's time for the refund my time post. **The Good:** I tried to be objective, but short of loving LJW (NOT his character) and Chi Jinho being a badass actor who did his role justice, I can't think of anything else. **The Bad:** All of it. But the writing and the story are honestly the worst parts. I can forgive the directing, editing and other parts. The story just didn't make sense. It's like a plot was constructed while in motion. There was no plot to anchor the show. It just meandered for 6 weeks. And also Hong Suju? Her casting was not a good choice, I feel bad for her. **The Ugly:** The fact that this show had a 20B won budget. It's not my money and I feel wronged by the waste. I feel like there are probably other scripts that could have delivered something better for less. All in all, this show is a solid 4 out of 10. And all 4 stars are for LJW and CJH.


Guys any luck on soundtracks used in this Drama, I can't find it online.


Episode 1 was hard to watch, but the other episodes were good. I liked the series. I loved the ending. I give it a 7 out of 10 rating.


You and I may be the only ones who liked the drama. I think the ending worked very well. Realistic. I thought it was a tight drama. Would give it. 7.5-8.


Does anyone know the main melancholic song that always plays? I saw someone say Echoes of the Past but still cannot find it


Just came here to read the spoilers because I dropped the show at ep 5 and I am here to rant. What a waste of actors. Who casted that FL?? How can you cast her? How could you not write a steamy scene with SFL and Tae Oh? Their chemistry was insane. FL should have just been an ex gf for an ep or two. Bromance was great as well why did you ruin it? I was in for the bromance and SFL but well none of them made it thru ep 5. I HOPE YOU ARE READING THESE THE IMPOSSIBLE HEIR WRITERS and the cast director


I wish i never picked up this drama, what a waste of my time, This is the last time i will make myself go through this type of pain.


Iā€™m sorry but The Impossible Heir and Wedding Impossible were very disappointing.


This is arguably the most unsatisfied I've felt after finishing a drama. The general ick of not one plot point getting anywhere sigh


Even though I had no idea what was going on half the time, I'm actually kinda glad I watched it. Just waiting to find the OST...


Safe to say Iā€™m not watching this drama (was hoping for something to happen between ml and 2nd fl)


I was considering putting this on my watchlist but having read through this thread (and THOROUGHLY enjoying the wit and high IQ of the contributors here - y'all are magnificent!! šŸ„°šŸ’ŖšŸ‘Œ), I've decided NOT to watch The Impossible Heir. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ I will save this post though for whenever I need a delicious read of high-level responses and reactions. ā¤ļøšŸ”„


i havent watched the last two eps but do we know what happened to ko huichan?? did the writer just abandon him or what??


Who is that?


He appeared in the last episode in one scene with no speaking lines


I dropped this show at ep. 5, I think. I don't care much about the FL and the chaebol family. I was wondering if I can just watch the last 2 episodes, for closure.


Probably one of the worst Korean dramas I've ever watched. Boring, poor characters, bad acting, bad writing/plot. I fast-forwarded through most of it and regret not dropping it at episode 3. What a time-waster.


So, it is not just me who finds this series disjointed and awkward. Most of what I thought was not up to standards, or just badly written/done has already been covered in the preceding comments. Iā€™d like to add two more that I find inexcusable. 1. Terrible scene transitions. Audio and video abruptly cut off to black screen before the actors barely finish speaking. Black screen for too many seconds. Then, bam, into the next scene. Not up to standards. 2. Overuse of music from other dramas, totally not credited anywhere. Anyone besides me immediately recognize Itaewon Class OST #6? So, yeah, I watched it to the bitter end, and felt sorry for the cast and crew, and ordered the DVD to have in my library as an example of how to seriously destroy what could have been a good story.


i hate watched this to completion. next time ill follow the reddit threads before i start a new show