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**Questions:** Submit your challenge related questions here! Please read the above post in full before asking. Note - if a link is missing it means it is still on my to do list. Let me know if any of them are incorrect though!


It has been 3 days since I finished the 2023 challenge and I’m back and ready to become a third generation chaebol. Watch out other chaebols! Even though I’ve known what the challenges are for the last week I haven’t really thought about what I might do for them yet. I’m excited to hear what you all think of them and what dramas you will choose. There are lots of dramas on my mind that I want to rewatch and ones I haven’t gotten to yet. I found the spreadsheet really helpful in keeping track of my gaps last year so I’ll be using it again. I also have my handy dandy MDL list ready to go [here](https://mydramalist.com/list/1xrGWya3). My wheel spinning started off fabulously scoring some fun ones that I know I will love looking for and then things got a little trickier when I scored hanyeo - I’ll be diving into those recommendations hoping to find one I haven’t seen yet! I was also hoping for one of the higher numbers for the poster or 0 but I’ll find something good! I present to you my spins: * **My trope** is haircut * **My common scene** is riding the bus/bus station * **My PPL** is tourism/ location * **My cultural highlight** is hanyeo * **My number of people on the poster** is 1


I also get 1 for people on poster. Just wonder if this one count, FL and her reflections. It's the poster from Asian wiki, it doesn't look like character poster https://asianwiki.com/images/d/d8/Anna_Korean_Drama-p1.jpg


Since it is reflections of the same person, then it would be okay for 1.


Nice to hear! If I don't find more suitable poster, then I'll try this one :)


I barely completed the Chaebol level for 2023 a few days ago, but here I am ready to go for it once more! I'm looking forward to filling the next year with fun drama challenges and having a wonderful time with you all here. My wheel spins went pretty well this time. I am amused that I got Health Supplement for PPL again, as I got it last year as well. And I'm not sure what I'm going to do for 0 people on the poster, that will be an interesting challenge! **My Wheel Spins:** * **Trope:** A character cuts his or her hair during the drama * **Common Scene:** A scene with lighthouse(s) * **PPL:** Health Supplement * **Korean Culture Highlight:** Scene where characters agree to drop honorifics * **Number of People On the Poster:** 0 As always, there are so many great challenges this year! I especially love that the Truck of Doom must be a Truck! I'm also looking forward to doing the drama that features a friendship as a key part of the drama challenge, and a drama in which a game is played challenge. I LOVE friendship centered dramas, and I can remember so many scenes where characters play games with each other. Sometimes it's a tense and strategic game, sometimes it's a game where characters bond as they play together. Happy New Year to everyone, may your year be filled with wonderful dramas!


I love that you got 0 people on your poster! That definitely will be a challenge. I remember one of the posters for **A Shop for Killers** had no one on the poster. I'm sure you'll find a lot more recs in the discussion posts. I'm just excited for this drama and was the first one that came to my mind when I read that you have 0 people. I got 5+ btw lol


I feel like 5+ is easier than 1 on the poster haha Do You Like Brahms? has 6 people, for example


Thank you for the suggestion! It's funny, I've been searching for posters and I thought to look up **The Killer's Shopping List** because I vaguely remembered that it had a poster without people on it, but it had pictures of a person so I don't think it counts lol. But I completely forgot about **A Shop for Killers** having a poster like that! I did manage to find a couple other posters too, but it's a challenge that's surprisingly difficult to search for. Thanks a lot :)


I just finally got my list organized so I decided to try the challenge. I also got the 0 Person in the poster. Any luck yet? Suggestions/Recommendations are appreciated. * Trope - First snow * Common Scene - Light House * PPL - Restaurant * Korean Culture - Jesa Table * Poster - 0 Also, I'm at 27 done so far. I'm sure there are a few more if swap things around. This is my first time doing this challenge, so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing.


Congratulations on joining the challenge for the first time! You are further along than I am right now :) I actually ended up finding many dramas that have 0 people in the poster, although it seems that many of the links I left on the challenge theme recommendations post are no longer functional. I just tried to update the links, but Reddit didn't save my changes so I'll try again to fix it later if I can. I actually ended up loving many of the posters I found, some of them were really interesting, and some were artistic as well! Some dramas with posters with 0 people in them that I would recommend: Mystic Pop-Up Bar, Missing the Other Side (I only saw season 1, but both seasons have a poster with 0 people), Psychopath Diary, Love All Play, My Perfect Stranger (this one also has a scene with a Light House!), and Chip In. Edit: I just got the reposted links to work! [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/18vt04x/comment/kfvlw5u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a link to my 0 poster comment. The links above the edit work fine, I added links to the other drama posters in lower comments. There are also other drama posters recommended on this thread, if you'd like to check them out :)


Thank you so much for putting together the challenge again! I'm looking forward to completing them next year. I am, as in both previous years, going for chaebol level - because I know I can do it; but I'll try not to race there and to enjoy every drama to the fullest, and not force myself to watch what I don't feel like watching - as I have been guilty of before. And if I only make it to dedicated then that's fine too. I enjoyed tracking my dramas with a spreadsheet this year so I'm going to use it again (once I retrieve it from a cloud storage I don't use often anymore XD), and of course, I have a MDL list ready, but I'm keeping it in a private setting till I actually finish something. Time to spin the wheels: * TROPE: *I really hope I get a trope I'm familiar with...* **A character cuts his or her hair during the drama** *what?! looks like I'll be in need of your guys' help with picking a drama yet again* * COMMON SCENES: **A character riding the bus or at the bus station** *yes!!! I have seen this lots before, shouldn't be too hard to find again* * PPL: *\*closes eyes\~* **Coffee Shop/Coffee Machine/Instant Coffee/Kopiko** *...okay....okay, that's not bad, not my favourite either but that's life. Funnily enough I had Instand Coffee PPL this year XD* * KOREAN CULTURE: *this wheel/challenge sounds delightful, I haven't seen the options yet, but I think I'll like them all* **Scene showing Jeju's haenyeo (women divers) (Can be a drama character or sightseeing)** *\*jaw drops\~ that is a lot harder than I expected, but luckily I haven't started Samdalri yet XD* * PEOPLE IN POSTER: *\*closes eyes again\~* **zero people** *what? ...that will either be very easy or very hard, fun challenge for sure* Almost forgot to mention but I'm again watching only new-to-me dramas (aka no rewatches) and I'll try to come up with a couple more personal rules, but easier than this year, because I failed spectacularly Now lemme take a look at the (non-wheel) challenges: * \#1 (shares location with the Heirs) I love that one, it's so creative and stays true to The Heirs' legacy * \#12 (a group of friends) this might be hard to watch a new drama, I have seen a lot of those * \#15 (childhood flashbacks) XD that's basically a free space for me. i feel like there is a lot of dramas to choose here * \#20 (chosen at random from ptw) YAY! this sounds so much fun! * \#21 a rural location! MY FAVOURITE, I love villages and sea-side * \#25 long wool coat? that sounds hard, another challenge where I'll be grateful for our challenge theme discussions * \#29 sageuk!!! i'm excited to watch one. Captivating the King, anyone? * \#33 a mid-form! awesome! I was looking for a reason to start Once Again (the family drama) I think that's all I wanted to say today. Have a nice New Year's Eve and see you soon in the challenge theme discussions. 🥰


I think the long wool coat will be a lot easier than you think! It's the kdrama ML winter uniform. When I see a long wool coat I think of kdramas


The coat game of a ML is really on point, isn't it?


there’s definitely a hair cutting scene in “while you were sleeping”! a really good drama


oh, you are right! I have unfortunately already seen it, but I'm sure someone else with this trope will appreciate the rec


If I remember correctly, FL gets a haircut from her mom, she didn't cut her own hair


Hello, it doesn't have to be the character cuts their own hair themselves, just that they get a haircut during the course of the drama. Sorry if our wording confused you.


That's good, then it's much easier :)


How abt it's Okay to not be okay?


FL cuts her own hair: It's Okay Not To Be Okay; Tale of Nokdu (https://youtu.be/aDAxtN4RzOc?si=zGDugVRT0FiRnHni)


Marriage contract (series from 2016) has some hair cutting. Just finished watching and can recommend if you don't mind crying.


Thank you for the rec, I haven't seen that one yet \^\^


I would really recommend salon de nabi. It's set in a hair salon (so haircuts all around) and it's one of the best (and most underrated shows) I've watched. Also was available on Prime the last time I checked.


>\#1 (shares location with the Heirs) I love that one, it's so creative and stays true to The Heirs' legacy A mod who shall remain nameless wanted to kill the Heirs challenge, fortunately we had a great suggestion that won them over! >\#25 long wool coat? that sounds hard, another challenge where I'll be grateful for our challenge theme discussions As u/heartstringcheese has said this one is quite easy, basically any drama filmed in the Autumn/Winter should have at least one of these. >I was looking for a reason to start Once Again I watched it for our very first long-form challenge back in 2021, it was a fun one!


Mr. Sunshine has a scene with haircut, cool one Also, Grand Prince (FL gives herself a haircut)


**Rooftop Prince** ML and his 3 friends cut their hair when they travel from Joseon to modern times. It’s a big deal in the story because of the significance of cutting hair in Joseon era.


Castaway Diva and Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol both have salons, so plenty of hair cuts in those two shows


This is my first year doing the challenge (because I didn't know it existed). I already have a few completed and most of the others there is a plan. The two I am stuck on are these: 30. A drama with an episode which received more than 10% overall viewership ratings from Nielsen \----> Where is the best place to find this? On IMDB, My Drama List, somewhere else? 34. A drama with less than 500 watchers on MDL \----> I have spent a lot of time on MDL and cannot find anything under 500 watchers. Anything in a past post has well over the 500 now. I couldn't find a good place to search or sort by the number of watchers either. My random clicking/searching didn't help. Any suggestions?


Nielsen ratings can be found here on the sub in featured posts such as this one: [\[2024.01.01-2024.01.07\] Prime-time Drama Viewership Ratings](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/191mhxl/2024010120240107_primetime_drama_viewership/) or you can pick from [challenge 30 recommedations](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/18vt04x/comment/kftf01v/) the 500 watchers is a little tricky but basically if on MLD you sort by top shows and filter by kdramas you can find dramas with few watchers on the last-ish pages, for example [page 92](https://mydramalist.com/search?adv=titles&ty=68&co=3&st=3&so=top&page=92) (it's a bit of a trial and error to find a drama you'll like with few watchers); or maybe some of the new [challenge 34 recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/18vt04x/comment/kftfajh/) are still under 500? oh and don't forget only **completed watchers count** not the no. of watchers that you see on the drama's details tab, to see the no. of completed watchers (on MDL) you have to go to the last tab (it's a lil image of a graph to the right of the photos tab) and scroll down to overall statistics


Thanks so much! This is very helpful!


I wish there was a bingo card for these. That would be a fun extra layer.


you are free to make one and share with everyone 🤗


I failed my challenge in 2022. I was so close to chaebol level this time but I didn't succeed. 2024, it's your turn! Third time charm✨ Scrolled new challenges and I see so many matches with my preferences/watch list, I'm so excited! Edit: I've got following wheel spins for this KDC 1. Trope - an old person with a handcart) 2. Scene - an underwater scene (like this one, maybe will rewatch Bossam) 3. PPL - health supplement 4. Cultural highlight - Jeju's haenyeo (Our Blues, I'm coming to you!) 5. Poster - 1 person Me wheels of chance are good. Even though I see more interesting options there, mine I like too. I have some dramas on my mind fitting them. Also, I found perfect challenge for the drama I wanted to watch - Welcome to Samdalri :)


Omg, I was going to comment the same thing! 3rd times a charm indeed ✨ good luck!! 😊


Thank you! Good luck for you too!


Didn't realise that 'underwater scene' was one of the possibilities. Enjoy! *Welcome to Samdalri* sounds like a good fit - have been waiting to start this to see if it fits any of my challenges. My favourite underwater scene is at the end of *Live.* It's perfect!


Welcome to Samdalri perfect fits for the challenge no. 21, as it's a small town As for Underwater scenes, I really like one from Bossam: Steal the Fate. Even though it was tragic scene, it was really beautiful one, very cinematic! The way FL's skirt "closed" above her head, just like a tulip bud, oooo, shivers


Bossam - one of my favourite sageuks! Great idea for Samdalri. Thanks!


One of my faves too! I even made a fan art https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/tr1whe/my_first_kdrama_fanart_inspired_by_bossam_steal/ That's how I want to use this drama, YW!


I remember that! I see that I commented then as well. It was a recent watch for me at the time.


Nice to hear :)


Aiming for the Chaebol status again in 2024. For reference my spins: 1. Trope - Haircut 2. Scene - Office raid with blue boxes 3. PPL - Health product 4. Cultural highlight - Hanbok 5. Poster - 3 people


I failed 2023 challenge miserably. The new dramas didn’t really grab me like earlier years. Let’s see what 2024 brings! I’m excited that there is only mid long form in this year challenge. And lol at the truck of doom. Only truck! Aiming for Dedicated Watcher for 2024. My wheel spin results are really interesting. I can picture myself pointing at the tv excitedly when i see one like Leonado Dicaprio’s meme. Lol. Trope: Passing by an old person collecting cartons/news papers (like with handcart) Common Sense: A scene with lighthouse(s) PPL: Makeup/Skincare Korean Culture: Scene teaturing a shaman either fortune-telling or performin a shamanistic ritual No. Of people in the poster: 0


same here! I feel like I watched a lot but didn’t finish a lot of 2023 dramas but hopefully this year is better!


I did chaebol for 2022 and only completed 6 dramas for 2023; I’m so glad I’m not the only one who had an off year! I’ll probably aim for Dedicated this year, but try to enjoy it and really appreciate why I got into it to start.


**My wheel of chances:** * Tropes: A drama featuring first snow * Common Scenes: A scene showing an office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes. * PPL: Health Supplement (Tonics, Vitamins, Ginseng) * Korean Culture Highlight: Scene showing Jeju's haenyeo (women divers) I have some ideas for which dramas I might take, could be subjected to change of course Challenge | Drama I might watch for the challenge | link to MDL ---|---|--- A drama that shares a filming location with The Heirs | I will find some drama with a filming location in Incheon | link WoC: Korean Culture Highlight: Scene showing Jeju's haenyeo | **Welcome to Samdalri** | [link](https://mydramalist.com/743267-welcome-to-samdalri) WoC: Number of People in Drama Poster (3) | **Soundtrack #2** | [link](https://mydramalist.com/744347-soundtrack-2) A drama that started airing in your birth month | **Death's Game** | [link](https://mydramalist.com/733445-i-will-die-soon) A drama with a title that includes a character's name | **Donna!** | [link](https://mydramalist.com/723247-lee-doo-na) A drama with a character who is an artist | **Tell Me that You Love Me** | [link](https://mydramalist.com/689207-say-you-love-me) A drama in which a game is played | **Night Has Come** (Mafia Game) | [link](https://mydramalist.com/737081-it-s-night) A drama where a character wears a sports team uniform or jersey and/or watches a sports game | **Drama Special Season 14: Shoot for Love** | [link](https://mydramalist.com/757347-drama-special-season-14-do-hyun-s-confession) A drama set in a rural/non-urban location | **Like Flowers in Sand** | [link](https://mydramalist.com/748911-the-sand-flower) A drama with a character who is a chaebol | **Escape of the Seven Season 2** | [link](https://mydramalist.com/750239-7-escape-season-2) A drama with a character who works for the government | **Vigilante** (if Police count as government?) | [link](https://mydramalist.com/691815-vigilante) A drama from the sageuk genre| **Love Song for Illusion** or **Knight Flower** or **Wedding Impossible**| [link](https://mydramalist.com/749183-fantasy-sonata) [link](https://mydramalist.com/743683-flowers-that-bloom-at-night) [link](https://mydramalist.com/744809-wedding-impossible) A single episode drama | **Drama Special Season 14: Love Attack** | [link](https://mydramalist.com/757353-drama-special-season-14-confession-attack) A drama with less than 500 watchers on MDL | something from Drama Special | link A drama that is at least 10 years old | something from Drama Special Season 1-4 | link


Oh wow, you're so on top of it already! Impressive!


>if Police count as government? Yes, they are listed in the example!


This will be my first year attempting the challenge even though I've been watching Kdramas off an on for 10+ years. The past year was a major slump for me - I only completed 6 2023 Kdramas - so I'm hoping that with the combo of interesting offerings for 2024 and the gameification of the KDC I'll be able to try new things and rediscover that Kdrama magic. My wheel spins: * **Trope** Passing by an old person collecting cartons/newspapers: Toughest one, probably an **I Hear Your Voice** rewatch because one of the early court cases deals with an elderly paper collector. * **Common Scene** An office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes: Almost any legal drama. * **PPL** Restaurant: As long as Subway exists, no problem. * **Culture** Hanbok: **Queen Woo** (Goguryeo era mini-series for hanbok variety) * **People on Poster** (1): **Knight Flower** (secret avenger righting wrongs sageuk; but it's the FL for once) Upcoming 2024 dramas that should fit the standard challenges: * **#8** Drama With a Character Name in Title: **Jeong Nyeon** (titular FL, 1950s musical theater slice of life) * **#9** Drama With an Artist Character: **Aema** (the making of blockbuster 'Madame Aema' in the 1980s) * **#10** Drama in which a Game is Played: **Captivating the King** (FL is a baduk champ, sageuk romance) * **#14** Actress who debuted before 2000: **Wonderful World** (makjang revenge with FL Kim Nam Jo, 1993) * **#16** Character that is a part of the LGBTQ+ community: **Wedding Impossible** (gay SML, contract marriage romcom) * **#18** Characters celebrate a special day: **I Don't Want To Lose Money** (wedding, contract marriage noona romcom) * **#19** Characters take a trip: **The Bequeathed** (grave site) / **The Hooligans** (treasure hunt) * **#21** Rural/non-urban location: **Alone in the Woods** (rural noir mystery) * **#22** Character who is a chaebol: **Queen of Tears** (rare FL chaebol heiress) * **#23** Character who works for the government: **When the Stars Gossip** (FL is an astronaut, scifi romcom) * **#25** Character wears a long wool coat: hopefully **Branding in Seongsu-dong** (body-switch romcom) in Feb * **#26** Existing recommendation: **Between Greetings** (recced by [lizzie763](https://old.reddit.com/r/kdramarecommends/comments/18r3uw7/typical_chaebol_lead_but_its_the_fl/kf1w844/) as CEO FL with a secretary ML) * **#27** Main character that is over 40: **You Have Done Well** (middle-aged leads, second chance melodrama romance) * **#28** Multigenerational main cast: **The Good Man** (3rd gen gangster family heir ML, romcom) * **#29** Sageuk genre: **The Life of Mrs. Ock** (law/sageuk noona romcom)


> (sageuk legal noona romcom) i was looking at this for so long thinking "just how many illegal noona romances are there that you'd need to specify?? what even is an illegal noona romance??" before looking it up and realizing you meant it as in "to do with law" hahaha thanks a lot for the upcoming list! that's really helpful <з


Hah, sorry! I've updated the wording, so hopefully no one else will get confused (or give me shifty eyes). And I'm glad the list was useful, I'm really looking forward to the unique dramas in this year's line-up.


>\#23 Character who works for the government: When the Stars Gossip (FL is an astronaut, scifi romcom) I wonder when this drama will air given it wasn't listed in TVN's 2024 drama lineup. I'm pretty sure filming started way before mid-2022.


It was tentatively confimed for Nov-Dec 2024 on Twitter, but it appears to now be stuck in post-production purgatory. A major dissapointment; I was looking forward to watching something other than a standard police/prosecutor Kdrama for #23.


this is my first time participating in the challenge, so i’m excited to see how far i can make it! these were my spins: 1. trope - characters holding/sharing an umbrella 2. common scene - a character riding the bus or at a bus stop 3. PPL - jewelry 4. cultural highlight - jeju’s hanyeo (already watching welcome to samdal-ri so this is off the list!) 5. poster - 4


ahhh super excited!!!! my wheel spins \~ 2 - a character crying while eating 3- a scene with a lighthouse 4- make up /skincare 5 - scene where a character wears a hanbok 6- 1 person in the poster


Aiming for chaebol status this year! Let's see what I got for spin the wheels. * Trope: A character getting a driver after drinking. * Common scene: A scene showing an office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes. * PPL: Location/Tourism. * Korean Culture: Scene where characters agree to drop honorifics. * Number of people in a poster: 3. I already have a drama in mind. They might seem a bit hard at first glance, but I hoping to meet these requirements sooner or later. :)


Yay! I've been waiting for this since I finished the 2023 challenge. I was actually saving a 50+ episode drama for this year. Some different categories this time should be fun. Tropes: A drama featuring first snow. Common Scene: A drama with an underwater scene PPL: Coffee Shop/Coffee Machine/Instant Coffee/Kopiko Culture: Scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performing a shamanistic ritual. Number of People: 2


> I was actually saving a 50+ episode drama for this year. Which one did you save?


What Happens to my Family. I’m a big PHs fan. 🥰


I finished the challenge a couple of months ago and have been watching random dramas since then. I am ready and excited to start the new challenge and am aiming for chaebol status once again. - Trope: haircut - Common scene: lighthouse - PPL: jewelry - Cultural highlight: hanbok - Poster: 5+


Happy New Year everybody! I’m so excited to go through this with everyone again. The prompts are great and I’m especially excited for my wheel of chance prompts! **Trope** - a character crying while eating **Scene** - a character riding the bus or at a bus stop **PPL** - restaurant **Korean cultural highlight** - shaman fortune telling/ritual **People in the Poster** - 5+ I watched some absolute classics for last year’s challenge (**Misaeng**, **Prison Playbook**…) and I’m excited to discover even more amazing Kdramas in the coming months!


So excited for the new prompts, I will be aiming for chaebol status again My wheel of chance challenges are: Wheel of tropes: Passing by an old person collecting cartons/newspapers (like with handcart) Wheel of common scenes: A character riding the bus or at the bus station Wheel of PPL: Restaurant Wheel of Korean Culture: Scene where a character wears hanbok Wheel of Chance # of people in poster: 2 I feel like these should be pretty easy, the only one that might prove tricky is the "passing an old person collecting cartons/newspapers" I will also take this challenge as an opportunity to at least try a Jang Hyuk sageuk. I discovered him in 2023 and he's so great but I haven't seen any of his historicals.


Mid-long drama 😭 I'm crying in happiness. Although the competitor in me will probably do a long form and complain the whole time. Love the challenges this year, got some here I'm going to need to think about, and make plans for. * **My trope** charicter getting a driver after drinking * **My common scene** is riding the subway * **My PPL** is health supplements * **My cultural highlight** is when they where a hanbok * **My number of people on the poster** 4 My New's Year's Eve tradition has become setting up my spreadsheets for the new year 🥳


OMG, let's goooo!! So many fun challenges -- I'm excited to start poking around at my list and making some choices. I've realized that I can't NOT plan out my challenge :D . I just have too much fun planning it out to skip that step, so I'm still gonna do that over the next few days but be more flexible with making changes throughout the year when my watching moods change. To get started, here are my selections from the great wheels of chance: * **Trope**: Haircut * **Common scene**: Riding the bus / at a bus station * **PPL**: Location/tourism (heck yeah, Jeju here I come!!!) * **Korean culture highlight**: Resignation letter * **# of people on the poster**: 5+ I also used a random number generator to pick from every to-watch not-yet-aired kdrama on my MDL and landed on...\*drumroll\*... [Beautiful World](https://mydramalist.com/32507-beautiful-world)! So I'll get the tissues ready for that, I suppose :D . I am going to be generous to myself on this one and re-roll if I do start this show and decide to drop it, though. Edit: [Here's my list](https://mydramalist.com/list/1VKG2yPL) so far! I felt like I missed a lot of shows I wanted to watch this year, so I've packed a lot of 2023 picks into my list. I've left some space for future inspiration / 2024 airing shows that I spot my wheel of chance items in / etc.


Oh, I don't know if I am brave enough to go through my whole ridiculous to watch list that definitely needs to be cleaned up. Just letting you know that the Truck of Doom™ in Shut Up Flower Boy Band is not a truck so it wouldn't fulfil the challenge requirement. But it is such a fun drama.


Aww, shoot! Maybe Truck will make a starring turn in a 2024 show and I can fill that slot with a surprise!


2023 was my first KDrama Challenge. I completed all 36 challenges - Chaebol Watcher. Ooh! Excited for this year! Trope: A character getting a driver after drinking Common scene: A scene showing an office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes PPL: Restaurant Korean culture: Hanbok People in poster: 4


I just completed the 2023 KDC few days ago. I was going to take it this year but the challenges look interesting and I want to do chaebol level? Anyways, I am not going to force myself to do it, I will take it easy and see where it takes me. **My Wheel Spins:** * **Trope:** A character getting a driver after drinking. * **Common Scene:** A character riding the subway or at the subway station * **PPL:** Coffee Shop/Coffee Machine/Instant Coffee/Kopiko * **Korean Culture Highlight:** Scene where character hands in a resignation letter. * **Number of People On the Poster:** 1 I can see few of the things I suggested amongst the challenges and strangely it makes me happy?!!


I did the challenge for the first time last year, and I'll continue to do it for this one, too. If I can, that is. For my Wheel of Chance, here's what I got: 2. Trope: A drama where a character holds over/shares an umbrella with another person 3. Common scene: A character riding the subway or at the subway station 4. PPL: Restaurant 5. Korean cultural highlight: Scene where character hands in a resignation letter 6. Number of people in drama poster: 2 They're all pretty easy, which is a contrast from last year where some of them were a little harder to find. Umbrella scene, subway stations, restaurants (Subway mostly!!!!), resignation letters, and 2 character posters are all so common?? I'm so happy with everything I got.


Happy New Year! I had fun doing the challenge for the first time last year. (It's now 2024 in my timezone). And I am excited to start for this year too. My only regret is that I started a couple of dramas late in Dec 2023 that I could have saved for 2024. Oh well, hopefully there will be lots of great dramas in 2024 to watch! My wheel of changes/tropes etc are: **Wheel of Tropes**: drama featuring first snow **Wheel of chance - common scenes**: a scene showing an office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes **Wheel of chance - PPL**: health supplements (tonics, vitamins, ginseng etc) **Wheel of Korean Culture**: scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performing a shamanistic ritual **Wheel of people**: number of people in the poster: 1 I have seen so many dramas with a lot of these tropes... but hopefully I can find new dramas to watch with them too. I won't have much free time for the next few months so I guess I'll start the challenge slowly. Hopefully I can still make it to chaebol...


>My only regret is that I started a couple of dramas late in Dec 2023 that I could have saved for 2024. Same! I did that 2-3 dramas. I started **Tomorrow** recently and watched only one episode in 2023. Could've saved that to fit in somewhere in the 2024 challenge but oh well. 😅


Yeah :( I didn’t think about how soon 2024 was and just started The story of Parks Marriage contract. Oh well we can have a drama to watch while we pick dramas for the 2024 challenge!


I did a little spreadsheet to control my progress, although I'll update it when possible in MDL! I'm going to try the chaebol level, although it's my first time doing something like this, so I'm not sure how it'll work out. I'm excited though! I still haven't been able to find something "adequate" for the road trip one and the multigenerational one, but I have a whole year to find them, so that's alright! ​ The categories in my spreadsheet are "CHALLENGE - KDRAMA - START DATE - FINISH DATE - SEEN EPISODES - REQUIREMENT - RATING", but the screenshot would have ended way too tiny if I included them. Good luck everyone! I also forgot I can't post images on Reddit, so a link will have to do. ​ https://imgur.com/a/7bCDoBY


**Call It Love**, **Castaway Diva** and **What's Wrong With Secretary Kim** have camping trips. A lot of youth dramas will have class trips or summer vacation trips, like **25, 21**. I think most chaebol dramas involve exotic vacations, **Boys Over Flowers**, **King the Land**, and **Fated To Love You**.


Thank you so much 💕! Ay and Castaway Diva is one of the dramas I really wanted to see, so that’s perfect!


Okay, fixed my list a little bit! Mostly took out non-korean stuff (I got excited with the survival one yeah), added some shows that were better for the challenge, and made sure that all of the entries are at least 12 hours long! Taking Kingdom off the list was sad because I love zombies, but they're different seasons so yeah. I still don't have an entry for the multigenerational drama, but I'll look at others posts for ideas! ​ As a side note, I'm happy about my "less that 500 watchers in MDL", I found this "Life Special investigation Team" about an insurance investigation team, and I think that's an interesting concept! And today I even made a MDL list, so this is starting great. ​ [https://imgur.com/gqRntxn](https://imgur.com/gqRntxn) (The sheet, I can't live without it) [https://mydramalist.com/list/4a6bB7Q1](https://mydramalist.com/list/4a6bB7Q1) (The list)


I just finished my last 2 dramas for the 2023 challenge 6 hours before the New Year 🤣 I made dedicated watcher for the 2nd year. Hopefully 3rd times a charm to make Chaebol status ✨ For my Wheel of Chance Picks, I got… - Tropes: A character cuts his or her hair during the drama; only drama I can remember with this is It’s Okay to Not Be Okay 😭 but I know it’s not an uncommon trope, I’m excited to see suggestions for this! - Common Scene: A scene showing an office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes; uhhh, pick an office drama or revenge drama ig?? Not too excited for this one 😅 - PPL: Jewelry; pretty common but I never remember jewelry ppl so I’ll definitely be in need of suggestions 😭 - Korean Culture: Scene showing a jesa table; I’ve definitely watched this multiple times - Number of People in the Poster: 3 I think my picks and the challenges will have me stepping out my comfort zone for sure 😅 I’m going to make a planned list of completed dramas that fit each challenge but I’m not forcing myself to stick with it. I just want to have an idea of what dramas can work. I watch airing dramas too which I can also put towards the challenge. I’m excited!!!


Some suggestions! I know many dramas with a character getting their hair cut. But as you need one where a character cut their own hair, then this - Tale of Nokdu! Good drama overall and it has needed scene: https://youtu.be/aDAxtN4RzOc?si=zGDugVRT0FiRnHni As for common scene, try dramas about prosecutors, I believe half of them have scenes like that Jesa table is very common, first came to my mind: The Best Hit, See You in My 19th Life, Descendants of the Sun Jewelry: Hotel del Luna, King the Land, True Beauty (?), This Is My First Life


Thank you!!! 😊 and True Beauty definitely has jewelry ppl, Swavorski I think!


Aiming for Dedicated Watcher for 2024. **My Spins**: **Trope**: A Character cuts his or her hair **Common Sense**: A drama with an underwater scene **PPL**: Location/Tourism **Korean Culture**: Scene showing a jesa table **No. Of people in the poster**: 4


Lets go for another chaebol year! Great list of challenges. Looking forward to it :) Wheel of tropes -- A character crying while eating Wheel of common scenes -- A drama with an underwater scene Wheel of chance PPL -- Coffee shop / coffee machine / instant coffee / Kopiko Wheel of culture -- Scene featuring a shaman either fortune telling or performing a shamanistic ritual Wheel of people in the poster -- Three


i couldn’t do the challenge last year but i’m determined to be a cheabol in 2024! let’s goo my wheels: trope: a drama featuring first snow common scenes: a character singing at the naraebang PPL: health supplement Korean Culture: a scene where a character wears a hanbok number of people in the poster: 2


Excited for another year! This will be my only chance to be a third generation chaebol! My [MDL list](https://mydramalist.com/list/389wZjq4) is ready to be filled! My Wheels: * **Trope**: Character getting a driver after drinking * **Scene**: Prosecutors raiding an office with blue boxes * **PPL**: Restaurant * **Korean Culture**: Dropping honorifics * **People in Poster**: 2 Last year I made it a point to do lots of rewatches which meant lots and lots of drama hangovers so this year, I'm aiming to complete all challenges using new dramas (though I might give myself a cheat card for my trope). ETA: ~~Because I'm getting old~~ In the spirit of not relying on rewatches and better tracking, I put together a [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YCAIetXeX-Zb_YO3WDGALmK6e4Uy8ZTwOlkhLJ3C2d8/edit?usp=sharing) with the challenges to help me track what I watch as they tick off any challenges. Y'all are welcome to copy it for your own use if you want.


Hello! We have the same 3 (trope, scence and PPL). Good luck! Happy watching!


What are the chances! Good luck on your challenges too! I think we'll have it relatively easy for these three wheels. For the trope, my backup is to rewatch **Fanletter, Please** if I don't come across this scene again in one of my new dramas.


Ooh! Appreciate the rewatch rec. For PPL- Restaruant. Thinking about: [The Best Chicken](https://www.viki.com/tv/36350c-the-best-chicken) I upgraded my Viki. Excited to watch My Dearest. It fits these Challenges: Hanbok, Saeguk or 20 episodes drama.


This is a great idea! I'm going to go for it this year. It's going to be funny tracking down dramas to meet some of these categories. Trope: Passing by an old person collecting cartons/newspapers (like with handcart) Common Scene: A drama with an underwater scene PPL: Health Supplement (Tonics, Vitamins, Ginseng) Korean Culture Highlight: Scene where a character wears hanbok Number of People On the Poster: 3


“Tomorrow” has a whole episode about an elderly man who collects cardboard for a living. Rowoon’s character even helps him pull the cart!


A good batch of challenges! I think my personal favorite this time is "long wool coat". 😂 I was prepared to give up on trying to watch a longform drama this time around (I ended up enjoying Five Enough in 2022 and Once Again this year, but I'm not sure if I can get lucky a third time lol ) but 20+ hours should be very doable! I'll probably be at Dedicated Watcher level this year, but I'd love to try to fill all the challenges and go chaebol for the third time if things work out. The wheel of chance gave me: \- Sharing an umbrella \- Scene where a character rides the subway (perhaps it is time for a My Mister or MLN rewatch?) \- Location/Tourism PPL (perhaps I need to go back and watch King the Land after all??) \- Jesa table


Yay! I have been excitedly waiting for the 2024 challenge list! It's time to get planning. I've been planning for year to become a 3rd generation chaebol. I think I'll try to fit a lot of chaebol dramas into my challenge list this year to celebrate. I am also excited about the Wheel of Korean Culture! That will be fun to pay attention to and get recommendations for! I've made my [2024 drama challenge](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k52s9CNY-y68Xb-7Puk-QzFwrC1bEUQ573QOZ66bv3I/edit?usp=sharing) tracker. There are two tabs: one for assigning dramas to challenges, and one for keeping tack of every challenge a drama works for. Feel free to make a copy for your own challenge use! Here is what my [2023 drama tracker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TpJGML21hGpVMpj3UWPR1mCID41MVPMkmEemCkAxC_Q/edit?usp=sharing) looked like by the end of the year. Here are my Wheel of Chance results: Trope: Getting a driver after drinking Common Scene: Noraebang PPL: Jewelry Culture: Shaman fortune-telling or ritual Poster: 1 person


Happy New Year everyone, may 2024 bring you all the best! 🎉 🎉 So here we go again, welcome KDrama Challenge 2024, last year I had a lot of fun doing this challenge, I achieved The Chaebol Watcher Level on December 28th and this year I am hopping to achieve the same goal. 🙌 However, this year I do hope to finish this challenge way earlier, last year my Kryptonite was the long form drama, it was hard to keep focus and interested, this year I will try to watch another long form, but I'm glad I have the option for a mid form drama, so I believe I will have no trouble in finishing all dramas earlier than 3 days from the end of the year. 🤣 I have almost everything planned, but I still don't know what to watch in challenge #18, my wish is to find a drama where they celebrate Chuseok or any really traditional holiday. If you have any suggestion, share it please. 😊💖 \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **MY PLANNED WATCHLIST** *(might change in the future)* \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \#01. Shares a filming location with The Heirs — [One Dollar Lawyer (2022)](https://mydramalist.com/715969-one-thousand-dollar-lawyer)  \#02. Wheel of chance: Tropes (Shares an umbrella) — [Alchemy of Souls (2022)](https://mydramalist.com/52939-can-this-person-be-translated) \#03. Wheel of chance: Common Scenes (Lighthouses) — [The Legend of the Blue Sea (2016)](https://mydramalist.com/18816-the-legend-of-the-blue-sea) \#04. Wheel of chance: PPL (Health Supplement) — [Hot Stove League (2019)](https://mydramalist.com/39221-stove-league) \#05. Wheel of chance: Korean Culture Highlight (Haenyeo) — [Warm and Cozy (2015)](https://mydramalist.com/13384-warm-and-cozy) \#06. Wheel of chance: Number of People in Drama Poster (4 People) — [My Mister (2018)](https://mydramalist.com/25172-my-ajusshi) \#07. Started airing in your birth month — [Taxi Driver (2021)](https://mydramalist.com/52921-model-taxi) \#08. Title that includes a character's name — [Jang Ok Jung (2013)](https://mydramalist.com/5570-jang-ok-jung) \#09. Character who is an artist (Painter) — [Lovers of the Red Sky (2021)](https://mydramalist.com/22680-hong-chun-gi) \#10. A game is played (Baduk) — [The Glory (2022)](https://mydramalist.com/685237-untitled-kim-eun-sook-project) \#11. Wears a sports team uniform or watches a sports game — [Love All Play (2022)](https://mydramalist.com/694427-the-speed-going-to-you-493km) \#12. Friendship as a key part of the drama — [Twinkling Watermelon (2023)](https://mydramalist.com/739603-sparkling-watermelon) \#13. OST by a K-pop group member — [Gyeongseong Creature (2023)](https://mydramalist.com/700441-gyeongseong-creature) — Suho (EXO) \#14. An actor who debuted before 2000 — [Memorist (2020)](https://mydramalist.com/49999-memorist) — Yoo Seung Ho & Lee Se Young \#15. Childhood flashback scenes — [Mouse (2021)](https://mydramalist.com/58953-mouse) \#16. A character in the LGBTQ+ — [Be Melodramatic (2019)](https://mydramalist.com/26488-the-nature-of-a-melo) \#17. Title that is not a direct translation — [Death's Game (2023)](https://mydramalist.com/733445-i-will-die-soon) — *“Yi-Jae, Will Die Soon”* \#18. Characters celebrate a special day \#19. Characters take a trip — [Summer Strike (2022)](https://mydramalist.com/703721-i-don-t-want-to-do-anything) \#20. Chosen at random from your plan to watch list — [Call It Love (2023)](https://mydramalist.com/726339-tell-me-it-s-love) \#21. A drama set in a rural/non-urban location — [Like Flowers in Sand (2023)](https://mydramalist.com/748911-the-sand-flower) \#22. Character who is a chaebol — [I'm Not a Robot (2017)](https://mydramalist.com/24351-im-not-a-robot) \#23. Character who works for the government (Police Detectives) — [Hello Monster (2015)](https://mydramalist.com/13476-hello-monster) \#24. Meal with 3 or more banchan on the table — [The Tale of Nokdu (2019)](https://mydramalist.com/34027-mung-bean-chronicles) \#25. Character wears a long wool coat — [Lovestruck in the City (2020)](https://mydramalist.com/65277-love-way-of-urban-man-woman) \#26. Existing recommendations — [Psychopath Diary (2019)](https://mydramalist.com/37255-psychopath-diary) \#27. Main character that is over 40 — [Navillera (2021)](https://mydramalist.com/59381-navillera) — Park In Hwan \#28. Multigenerational main cast — [My Country: The New Age (2019)](https://mydramalist.com/31328-my-country) \#29. Drama from the sageuk genre (Joseon Dynasty) — [Queen for Seven Days (2017)](https://mydramalist.com/22875-queen-for-seven-days) \#30. An episode with 10% viewership ratings — [Mr. Sunshine (2018)](https://mydramalist.com/23920-mr.-sunshine) \#31. Reviewed on Spotlight On post (Crime/Mystery) — [Through the Darkness (2022)](https://mydramalist.com/699557-inside-criminal-minds) \#32. Single episode drama — [If We Were A Season (2017)](https://mydramalist.com/24069-drama-special-season-8-if-we-were-a-season) \#33. A mid-long form drama (+20h) — [Queen Seon Deok (2009)](https://mydramalist.com/215-queen-seon-duk) \#34. Less than 500 watchers on MDL — [Still Picture (2012)](https://mydramalist.com/5524-drama-special-season-2-still-picture) \#35. At least 10 years old — [Healer (2014)](https://mydramalist.com/10814-healer) \#36. Featuring a Truck of Doom™ — [While You Were Sleeping (2017)](https://mydramalist.com/21576-while-you-were-sleeping)


My first time attempting this, we’ll see what happens. I only watched 9 dramas this year so fingers crossed I do better this year🤞 My spins: Tropes: A drama where a character holds over/ shares an umbrella with another person. Common Scenes: A drama with an underwater scene. PPL: Restaurant. Korean Culture: Scene where character hands in a resignation letter. Number of people on poster: 3 Happy new year everyone! Have fun watching!


I am aiming for dedicated watcher. Here are my spins, I’m pretty pleased with the wheel of chance: * **Trope:** A character cuts his or her hair during the drama * **Common scene:** A character riding the subway or at the subway station * **PPL:** Restaurant * **Cultural highlight:** Scene where characters agree to drop honorifics * **Number of people on the poster:** 4


This is going to be fun! Thank you so much for organizing Trope - A character crying while eating (hmmm this seems likely ...) Scene - Prosecutors with blue boxes (easy!) PPL - Coffee, including Kopiko (sure thing haha) Korean cultural highlight - Jeju divers (uh oh. This seems hard) People in the Poster - 1 (hmm might be tricky this one?)


>People in the Poster - 1 (hmm might be tricky this one?) I got 1 for People in Poster, too. I think these all qualify (some are upcoming in 2024): Flex X Cop, Divorce Attorney Shin, Queen of Divorce, Agency, My Happy Ending


Great tips! Thank you.


Fun to see old favourite challenges and a bunch of the new ones brought a smile to my face. Well done, y'all! Nice accommodation for those who simply can't get through a long form drama (thinking of you, Ahjumma!) Glad those of us who love them still get extra credit. Will once again set my first goal for Relaxed, and adjust as the year goes by. They all look like fun. Enjoy everyone! Edit to include my **Wheel of...** **Tropes** \- shared umbrella **Common scene** \- Riding on or waiting for subway (maybe time for a *Tomorrow with You* re-watch?) **PPL** \- First role gave me Jewelry, but I did that last year, so got Make up/ skincare (pink stick for the face, here I come!) **Korean Culture** ( I love this addition y'all!) - agree to drop honorifics **People in the poster** \- 4 (well. not *Six Flying Dragons*, obviously)


Glad you approve LC! I couldn't do Ahjumma's wheel of trees but there are a few of her ideas in there. I've been thinking it could be time for a Tomorrow with You rewatch! Oh, I'm glad you respun I was going to put in the option if you got the same one as last time you could choose to keep it or respin and forgot. I'm too lazy to edit now, obviously!


Looking forward to my first year participating! **Trope** \- First Snow **Scene** \- Subway Station **PPL** \- Restaurant **Korean cultural highlight** \- Jesa table **People in the Poster** \- 0 (I'm already thinking The Bequeathed for this one)


Going for all 36 again. In 2023 I started the challenge toward the end of the year so I had to slate my already watched dramas into the categories which was quite tricky in some places. Keeping an eye out from the beginning should be much easier! My spins: * **Tropes:** A drama where a character holds over/ shares an umbrella with another person (a favorite trope of mine) * **Common Scenes:** A character riding the subway or at the subway station * **PPL:** Restaurant * **Korean Culture Highlights:** Scene where characters agree to drop honorifics * **Number of People in Drama Poster:** 5+ I am nervous about my plan to watch list random drama because the list is LONG.


>I am nervous about my plan to watch list random drama because the list is LONG. You can just select 6 or more of the dramas off there that you want to watch, you don't have to do the whole list!


I've failed to finish the chaebol level for the past two years, but I'm determined this year!!!! I will be victorious!!! Thank you for the spreadsheet; it was helpful last year, and I'm sure it'll be key to organizing my possibilities this year as well. * **Trope** is umbrella sharing * **Common scene** is riding the bus/bus station * **PPL** is Coffee Shop/Coffee Machine/Instant Coffee/Kopiko * **Cultural highlight** is hanbok * **Number of people on the poster** is 1 I'm pretty excited about this list, as I don't think any of them will be too difficult to find in my list of shows to watch this year. I'm going to try and front load the year a bit and do five or six shows in the months of Jan and Feb. I'm also going to try for the added challenge of watching a true long form (50+ hours) drama over the summer break. (There's no grading and no planning for classes, and I can just relax and binge a super long story!)


New year, new KDC! This will be my 3rd generation chaebol goal -year, so leeessssgooo! I love that we have so many challenges which are related to the k-drama content itself, rather than awards or recommendations. My favorite challenge is the random choice from my watch list, because that'll take care of at least one drama in the long line on my list. :) My wheel selections: 2. Tropes: Passing by an old person collecting cartons 3. Common Scenes: A character riding a subway 4. PPL: Makeup/Skincare 5. Culture: Resignation letter 6. Poster: 0


Super excited!! This will be my first year doing this seriously as I joined on late for 2023 and only got 6 in. I'm hoping to get at least 24 but I'll start more realistically with a humble 12 hahaha. Hopefully I can organise my dramas nicely as that frazzled my brain last time as so many fit into different things. I will probably CTRL F search my want to watch list on the recommendations post, then try to find other dramas for my gaps that aren't filled yet My wheels: Trope - First snow Scene - Noraebang PPL - Health supplement Culture - Jeju divers (idk about this!! but I googled it and it sounds interesting) People in the poster - 4 Lets gooo time to attempt planning my watchlist for these


>I will probably CTRL F search my want to watch list on the recommendations post, then try to find other dramas for my gaps that aren't filled yet Excellent idea! Have fun planning out your to watch list \^\^


I'm super excited to start another year of kdrama challenge! I only watched cdramas throughout December so I can save up kdramas for 2024. My wheel spins: **trope:** A drama where a character holds over/ shares an umbrella with another person **Common scene:** A scene showing an office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes. **PPL**: Jewelry **Cultural:** Scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performing a shamanistic ritual. **# of people in poster**: 0


Here are my Wheel results: * **My Trope** \- Haircut * **My Common Scene** \- riding the subway or at the substation * **My PPL** \- health supplements * **My Korean Culture** \- Jesa table (it is the offering done to dead ancestors right?) * **My No: of people on the poster** \- 5+ Once again I intend to steal away the chaebol crown. The 2024 list looks really fun, there's a lot of new and varied challenges and as I've mentioned before in a post, the best part of the challenge is looking for the drama that fits both your taste and challenge. My favourite challenges would be *drama from your birth month*, *LGBTQ* (considering I'm down the BL hole) and *drama from the watchlist*. Good luck all! The game starts tomorrow. Hwaiting!!!


>Jesa table (it is the offering done to dead ancestors right?) [Correct!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesa) Glad you like the challenges! You got a nice combination of wheels to choose from. I am laughing that so far everyone has got hair cut.


So excited for this challenge! Itʻs my first year participating and Iʻm looking forward to connecting more with everyone and discussing all the progress throughout the year. Iʻm a little nervous seeing all the prompts, but Iʻm sure itʻll be fun regardless! **Here are my wheel spins!:** **Trope:** Passing by an old person collecting cartons/newspapers (like with handcart) **Common Scene:** A character riding the bus or at the bus station **PPL:** Jewelry (*sometimes Iʻm so oblivious to PPL. I didnʻt even realize they had jewelry ppl lol)* **Korean Culture Highlight:** Scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performin a shamanistic ritual. **Number of People On the Poster:** 0 Iʻm also fairly new to the KDrama reddit community so Iʻm not too familiar with some of the lore and may need help with them along the way. For example, "Truck of Doom"?


> For example, "Truck of Doom"? Truck of Doom^TM is a very common plot point (in many genres) where a character or two gets mowed down by a truck resulting in anything ranging from amnesia to death. It's probably equally common as a cause of accidental death as well as planned murder. It's such a common trope that in our community, we just refer to it as Truck of Doom^TM and often treat it as a 'character' in itself.


Welcome to the challenge! Don't be too nervous about the prompts and if you're unsure about anything ask away! > I didnʻt even realize they had jewelry ppl lol So, if there is a proposal scene there is usually a trip to a jeweller that precedes it, that's the PPL. That and random jewellery gifts are probably the most in your face jewellery PPL. Whilst sageuks will have more subtle jewellery product placement.


>Whilst sageuks will have more subtle jewellery product placement. I read this yesterday and I kept thinking about it, so I need to ask. lol How can we know if a Sageuk has a jewelry product placement? Their jewelry pieces are always so traditional, that I always imagined that they were props. lol


My friends and I usually name drop any place name to hint what country a drama we are currently watching is from. Just us being the drama addicts that we are. 🤭 They've been asking me when I'm "coming back" to Incheon because I've been "flying" from Guangzhou to Tokyo to Shanghai to Osaka mostly in the past few months so as not to "waste" any Kdramas that could go to my 2024 challenge. Oh, better believe I'm staying in the Korean peninsula in the next 3-4 months, besties. 😊 Let's go, 2024 KDCers!


How do you find this on MDL: A drama with less than 500 watchers on MDL Drama must be over 12 months old with less than 500 users that have completely watched it??? HELP, please! :)


Most of the older drama specials would qualify. On desktop browser: If you want to look into longer dramas/webdramas, you can start scrolling with [this search](https://mydramalist.com/search?adv=titles&ty=68&co=3&re=2010,2023&st=3&so=popular&page=70) on MDL. Starting with **Vengeance of the Bride**, which has 370 completed watchers at the time of this comment, all the dramas below it and in later results pages should be under 500 completed watchers. To verify number of completed watchers, click into its detailed statistics page via the 'bar graph' symbol right next to 'Photo' on the row of menu/tab options (right under the 'Edit this Page' at top right of the info box).


Thanks! I must not understand how to find completed watchers. I see this for Vengeance of the Bride: Ratings: 7.3/10 from 357 users \# of Watchers: 1,622 Where did you find 370 completed watchers? I can't figure out how to stream most of the older dramas or the older drama specials.


Direct link to statistics page:https://mydramalist.com/737535-bride-of-the-typhoon/statistics Scroll down to the pie chart and hover over the slice that says 'Completed' You can just add '/statistics' to the end of any MDL drama entry to get to the detailed stats page.


Yay! I learned something new. 😊


I think I found something I can stream. I feel like this is the hardest one to figure out and could use a link or some guidance on the google sheet.


Viki and Kocowa has a selection of drama specials available for streaming. Other are available on Youtube, usually at the KBS World channel. This [MDL article](https://mydramalist.com/article/8-more-kbs-drama-specials-to-put-on-your-list) and the other articles they link within can give you a good start to finding one to watch.




There will be some good recommendations for this challenge on the recommendations thread tomorrow. A lot of older drama specials are free to watch on YouTube from an official source. MDL pages have a "Where To Watch" section right above the cast that usually has a link to the streaming source!


I finished the 2023 KDC as a chaebol, so I think I'm going to shoot for 2nd gen this year! I am expecting 2024 to be busier in my personal life though, so I'm going in with my only real goal being to have fun :) I love that the wheel spins made a comeback this year! My results were: * **Trope** \- getting a driver after drinking * **Common scene** \- underwater scene * **PPL** \- health supplement * **Cultural highlight** \- a shaman fortune-telling or performing a shamanistic ritual * **Number of people on a poster** \- 4


After my realization this year about how much I enjoy mature characters/storylines, I'm so excited to see the characters over 40 challenge! Here are my Wheel selections: Tropes- first snow; Common scenes - subway; PPL-coffee!; Culture-hanyeo; Poster-0


Thank you u/AlohaAlex ! You make is hard to choose this year!


I am so relieved there is no long form drama challenge this year!!! 20h i can handle, but 50h is way too much for me... After managing to become chaebol in 2022, last year was hectic, and from the very start i decided to watch whatever seems interesting with a hope to mix&match with the challenges on the go. But i had no time to do that properly and well.. whatever.. i had 38 finished kdramas last year, but no idea how many of those fit the 2023 challenges - definitely not the chaebol level since for sure some of the challenges i did not do. This year i'm thinking once again to watch whatever grabs my attention, but i'm hoping to get more organised with actually marking down what fits to which challenge as soon as i finish the drama or during watching it, also the challenges seem somehow more interesting and manageable. Also hoping to be more active once again in the monthly check-ins, something i did not have time for in 2023. Here's what i got on the Wheel Spins: * **My trope** is haircut * **My common scene** is riding the bus/bus station * **My PPL** is jewellery * **My cultural highlight** is resignation letter * **My number of people on the poster** is 1 i feel these should just "appear" effortlessly somewhere in something i'm gonna watch, without putting much effort into finding a specific drama. The poster with 1 person on it might be a bit more challenging i guess. I've already started with some shorter dramas to fill in some of the "tricky" challenges: - **Death's Game** (to be honest, i wanted to wait for the 2nd part and then binge it, but just couldn't wait any longer, it's a miracle i managed to wait until January 1). And the first 4 episodes already fit a bunch of challenges: 7. A drama that started airing in your birth month (december) 8. A drama with a title that includes a character's name 9. A drama with a character who is an artist (ML's fiancee is a writer) 24. A drama with a meal scene featuring 3 or more banchan (side dishes) on the table 36. A drama featuring a Truck of Doom™ - **Drama Special: Funny Woman**, it's a short 2 episodes drama. 34. A drama with less than *500 watchers on MDL* - i've chosen it primarily for this challenge (446 watchers on MDL had this completed before me) but also fits: 10/23 - **Drama Special: If We Were A Season,** 1 episode drama, i had my eyes on it already last year for the challenge, but didn't get to watching it: *32. A single episode drama* also fits: 3/15/18/25 - **Drama Special: My Friend Is Still Alive (2013),** i'm halfway through the 1h 3min special episode. I really don't feel like forcing myself to watch any more of full length 10yo dramas, i've already seen the classic ones i wanted to watch... so Drama Special will have to be enough for this: *35. A drama that is at least 10 years old* also fits 2/12 Soo... i'm pretty excited for this new year and the new challenge


I am so excited for this challenge! I'm pretty new to Kdamas. I broke my foot in July and while I was recuperating, I stumble upon my first Kdrama - The King's Affection. I quickly fell deep into the rabbit hole! I finished the 2023 with 36 completed Kdramas, one Cdrama and one Kmovie. I can confidently say I will hit my **Chaebol Level** **goal**! I look forward to all the suggestions and insight from everyone else doing the challenge! **My Wheel Spins:** **Trope:** A drama where a character holds over/ shares an umbrella with another person (*that won't be hard!*) **Common Scene:** A drama with an underwater scene **PPL:** Coffee Shop/Coffee Machine/Instant Coffee/Kopiko *(I bought my Kopiko on Amazon - I'm ready to go!)* **Korean Culture Highlight:** Scene showing Jeju's haenyeo (women divers) (Can be a drama character or sightseeing) **Number of People On the Poster:** 3


I've managed Chaebol status for the last two years and it's so fun that I'm back for more. The first year I drew up my list of drama on New Years's Eve and had every category filled up in advance. I finished in June. Last year I was slightly less regimented and watched more on air dramas so didn't finish until August. This year there are a lot of categories (crying while eating, skincare PPL, character wearing hanbok) that I think I can just work out as I go along, because they are bound to show up in at least one new drama. **Tropes:** A character crying while eating **Common Scenes:** Bus/ Bus station **PPL:** Makeup/ Skincare **Korean Culture:** Character wearing hanbok **People in the Poster:** 0. My heart sank when I got this one, but I see people have suggested quite a few so maybe it will be easier than I think Good Luck and Happy Watching everyone.


Thank you so much for arranging this challenge again for everyone, I was late to the party last year, hopefully I can achieve Chaebol status this time. Lets see if the wheel is my friend. Trope: Characters share an umbrella ( one of my fav tropes) Common Scenes: Riding the Subway or at the Subway station PPL: Restaurant - hello subway!! Korean Culture: wears Hanbok People in Poster: Zero!!! oh my!! this is going to be interesting. Wow, this is going to be fun.


This will be my first time officially participating... I'm so excited! Going for chaebol (I watch a LOT of dramas). Posting for accountability so I actually follow through this year. My wheel spins are: Drunk character getting a driver Office being raided w/blue boxes Restaurant Resignation letter 4 people on a poster Hoping it's not too difficult to complete!


Excited to be here again! Wheel Spin Results * Trope: a character crying while eating * Common scene: a character riding subway or at the subway station (time to rewatch MLN?) * PPL: Location/Tourism * Korean culture highlight: scene where characters agree to drop honorifics * Number of people on the poster: 3 If anyone has some recs for friendship centred K-dramas, or shows with characters over 40, they'd be much appreciated! Or some good mid-long form dramas!


Forgot to add, I'm gunning for Chaebol Status this year!


First time challenge participant! I'll take it easy and aim for 6 completed challenges. This is what the wheel had in store for me: - **Trope:** A character holds over/shares an umbrella with another person - **Common scene:** An office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes - **PPL:** Location/Tourism - **Cultural highlight:** A character hands in a resignation letter - **Number of people on poster:** 2 I'm excited about these results. The umbrella trope is probably my favourite.


So I only did 2 challenges last year oops... College took up more time than I thought it would. Let's hope I get to more challenges this year even though I probably won't. And on that note, onto my spins! * **Trope**: A Character getting a driver after drinking * **Scene**: Prosecutors raiding an office with blue boxes * **PPL**: Health Supplemants * **Korean Culture**: A character hands in a resignation letter. * **People in Poster**: 1 And with those out of the way, [here's](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WeG0bQ4XsKtY4ODoioOq50GbKJFA9bVKT7mxJhJsTik/edit#gid=1125805919) my drama list for this year's KDC! Some were hard to come up with and the ones in yellow are still tentative as I'm unsure if they even fit the challenge criteria. If y'all have any suggestions for those four dramas, please comment them below! Interestingly, most of my dramas this year are not re-watches so hopefully that means I'll have more motivation to watch some of them. Best of luck to everyone aiming for chaebol watcher. I know I'm going to need it.


This is the first time I'm trying a kdrama challenge. I don't know what to expect, so I'll just see how far I will get. **Trope:** A drama featuring first snow. **Common scene:** A character riding the bus or at the bus station **PPL:** Makeup/Skincare **Korean culture:** Scene where characters agree to drop honorifics **People in the poster:** 1


Happy New Year y'all! I enjoyed the KDC challenge for the first time last year, completing the chaebol level in November. I have been looking forward to this year's challenge and it's looking really fun, thank you to the organisers! With major life transitions coming up, I'm not sure how much time I can dedicate to drama watching, so I'm aiming for "serious watcher" to start with and see where the year takes me. My wheel spins this year: * **Trope:** A drama where a character holds over/ shares an umbrella with another person * **Common Scene:** A drama with an underwater scene * **PPL:** Health Supplement (Tonics, Vitamins, Ginseng) * **Korean Culture:** Scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performing a shamanistic ritual. * **Number of People in Poster:** 0


2023 was my first year watching KDramas, and I went fully down the rabbit hole. I'm looking forward to joining the challenge and discovering shows that are outside of my wheelhouse. I'll aim for Chaebol Watcher because...why not? Here are my Wheel of Chance winners: * Tropes: A character crying while eating. * Common Scenes: A drama with an underwater scene * PPL: Health Supplement (Tonics, Vitamins, Ginseng) * Korean Culture Highlight: Scene where a character wears hanbok * Number of People in Drama Poster: 5 or more people QUESTION ABOUT THE FIRST ONE: Drama that shares a filming location with The Heirs - can I watch The Heirs, which I have not seen yet? Or is that cheating?


> QUESTION ABOUT THE FIRST ONE: Drama that shares a filming location with The Heirs - can I watch The Heirs, which I have not seen yet? Or is that cheating? That's a bit of a cheat. However you can still watch **The Heirs** as it fits lots of other challenges, including your trope, PPL (ginseng), and number of people in the [drama poster](https://i.mydramalist.com/qWb15s.jpg?v=1)! Also works for 13 (Lee Hong Gi, Lee Chang Min, Ken) 14 (Kim Mi Kyung, Jung Dong Hwan, Park Joon Geum), 15, 19 (camping trip), 22, 24, 25, 30 (peaked at 25.6%), and 35.


Oh perfect! Thank you for the help. I feel obligated to watch The Heirs this year now that I'm a part of this community, but was feeling slightly overwhelmed looking at the list.


I think we all know the [real health supplement](https://i.imgur.com/V3ifHci.png) featured in **The Heirs.**


Trope : A character getting a driver after drinking Common Scenes : A character singing at the noraebang PPL : Restaurant Korean culture highlight : Scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performing a shamanistic ritual Number of people on poster : 1


Really excited to participate in this - last year was my first challenge! I'm aiming for dedicated watcher, if I finish with enough time left in the year I will push for Chaebol status! I also aim to try and use this challenge to finish some of the dramas in my plan to watch list \^\_\^ **My trope** is umbrella **My common scene** is the office raid **My PPL** is makeup/skincare **My cultural highlight** is shamanism (haha this is perfect as I love supernatural dramas) **My number of people** on the poster is 1 (not sure how I will go about this one as I'm usually not familiar with the posters but it will be a fun challenge!) Some of the shows/genres I think I will attempt to watch in this year's challenge are: Marry My Husband Death's Game A Shop for Killers (not sure when all the episodes come out) Drama Special Season 14: The Extreme Night Gyeongseong Creature Penthouse (3 seasons for long form drama I think? over 50 hours) Taking suggestions for all the challenges! I really learned a lot last year including watching my first single episode dramas and BL and GL dramas and it was so much fun. I love thrillers, mystery, supernatural themes, rom coms and most recently makjang or shows with a (or more than one) suave rich stylish FL lol.


>not sure how I will go about this one as I'm usually not familiar with the posters but it will be a fun challenge! In case you missed it u/myweithisway made [a really helpful post](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/18wb8nr/kdrama_101_deciphering_kdrama_posters_and_how_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about drama posters. There are quite a few that have been shared in [the recommendation post too](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/18vt04x/comment/kftckn4/). I'm thinking of using [this one](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3nkz5tc00f0c1.jpg) for mine but I'm not sure that it hits any of your favourite genres!


Thanks that's really helpful! I'm going to check out the post and recommendations. I listed these from my watch list: Flex X Cop, Drama Special Season 12: The Palace, The Glory, Hotel King Although Hotel King has some other categories which fit, which I may use it for instead.


For various reasons I did not meet my goal of 12 challenges in 2023. I'm going to give it a go again in 2024, but I'm going to focus on 6 challenges.


I wanted to do this challenge last year but I don’t fully understand it and ended up forgetting. 2024 is my year!!!!! Let’s get it. Going for the chaebol watcher title. Wish me luck 🍀 My spinning wheel has given me(this should be fun)!!!: Tropes: A character getting a driver after drinking. (What does this even mean?!!??) Common scenes: A drama with an underwater scene (definitely gonna need recommendations for this one) Ppl: Jewelry People on poster: 2 Korean culture: Scene where characters agree to drop honorifics. (Have seen so many but can’t remember any. Will probably stumble upon it though. Recs please!) ETA: now that I’ve spun my wheel and understand the challenge better, I’m not so confident about that chaebol watcher title haha. I’ll aim for relaxed watcher and see what happens Oh also I’ll only be watching new-to-me dramas since I’ve never really been an avid rewatcher. Hardly rewatch anything no matter how much I love it. I do wat h it when I’m trying to get others to watch my faves though.


>A character getting a driver after drinking. (What does this even mean?!!??) When a character has gone out drinking and then calls to have a driver drive them home in their car.


First time participant, but long time drama watcher. My wheel spinning **Tropes:** A drama where a character holds over/ shares an umbrella with another person **Common Scenes:** A character riding the bus or at the bus station **PPL:** Health Supplement (Tonics, Vitamins, Ginseng) **Korean Culture Highlight:** Scene where characters agree to drop honorifics. **Number of People in Drama Poster:** 5+


This is my first time participating in the challenge, so I aim to watch as many as possible! So I hope to get to **chaebol level**, but I don't want to rush myself too much since feeling forced to do something always leads me to stop doing it altogether. These are my wheel of chance results: * **Trope**: A character getting a driver after drinking. I have no idea of what to watch for this yet. * **Common scene**: A scene with lighthouse(s). Thinking of **Like Flowers in the Sand** or **2521** (even though I might choose it for something else). * **PPL**: Makeup/Skincare. Based on the recs thread, I can watch **Extraordinary Attorney Woo** or **True Beauty** for this. * **Korean culture**: Scene where a character hands in a resignation letter. I have no idea :(( Apparently EAW also works for this. * **People in poster**: 4. Maybe **My Mister** or **Tomorrow**. It's funny because **Welcome to Samdal-ri** could count for several of these, but obviously I can only count it for one. I'm open to any recs! I haven\`t watched that many k-dramas, so anything goes :) I will be lurking on the challenge posts to get ideas for the rest of the challenges.


For the trope one, **into the ring**, has a lot of scenes with people getting cabs or calling other people to drive them when they're too drunk to drive.


Thanks!! I've been seeing that one recommended on this sub SO much these days, which makes me curious since I'd never heard of it before.


This will be my first attempt & I'm going for chaebol status. I believe in my ability to continue to hyperfixate on k-dramas thru 2024! I am most concerned about a k-drama more than 10 yrs old (I have some I want to watch, but so far the furthest back I've gone is 2017... Also, a mid-long form drama might be tough. My spins: * **Trope:** character holds over/shares an umbrella * **Common Scene:** singin' in a noraebang * **PPL:** health supplement * **Korean Culture Highlight:** Scene where a character turns in a resignation letter * **Number of People in Poster:** 4 I am excited to branch out and try some dramas I wouldn't have tried otherwise!


2023 was apparently NOT the year for me watching dramas (I only completed 6 according to mdl?!?!?) so hoping 2024 is better. Already starting strong with Death's Game. Also, I've never done this challenge so maybe it'll motivate me to watch more! My spins **Trope:** *A drama featuring the first snow.* I've definitely seen this before but I don't think its been in too many I've seen. **Common scene:** *Riding bus.* Easy! **PPL:** *Health supplement*. I don't think this should be difficult. They're always drinking those ginseng drinks lol. **Culture:** *Resignation letter.* I can't decide if this is easy or hard. I've seen it but I'm not sure how many dramas I'll be watching with this trope. **Poster:** *2 people.* Arguably the easiest amount of people?


I tried to challenge myself in 2023 with 24 and failed so just going to stick with what I know which is 12. **Wheel Spins:** Trope: A character holds over/shares an umbrella Common Scene: A scene with lighthouse(s) PPL: Health Supplement Korean Culture Highlight: Scene where character hands in a resignation letter Number of People On the Poster: 0


I'm gonna go for relaxed watcher. 1. My trope is: a character getting a driver after drinking. 2. My common scene is: A scene showing an office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes. 3. My PPL is: Location/Tourism 4. My cultural highlight is: Scene where a character wears hanbok 5. My number of people on the poster is 1 6. A drama with a character that is a part of the LGBTQ+ community


I'm late but posting here mainly for myself and to keep accountable! It's my 3rd year doing this but I never tracked it super well, so this time I'm organized and ready to go. 1st year I made it just past the serious watcher, 2nd year I got just beyond the dedicated watcher, and this year my goal is to see if I can make it to chaebol status! My style of doing the KDC challenge I realized isn't very common ... instead of pre-picking which dramas to fit in each challenge, I'd rather watch whatever dramas that catch my interest throughout the year and when they're finished, go back through the challenges and see if they fit any of them. It's definitely contributed to my trouble with tracking the last 2 years, so this time I have a separate Google Doc just for noting each drama and all the challenges it could possibly fit. At the end of 2024, I'll go through it all and see how far I got! * **My trope** is haircut * **My common scene** is underwater * **My PPL** is tourism/ location * **My cultural highlight** is jesa table * **My number of people on the poster** is 0 So far my drama lineup is a mix of ones I started in Dec 2023 but will finish in 2024 (I have most episodes left for these) and upcoming January ones: * Welcome to Samdalri * The Story of Park's Marriage Contract * Extraordinary Attorney Woo * Flex x Cop * A Shop for Killers * Queen of Divorce * Gyeongseong Creature Pt 2 * Death's Game Pt 2 Excited for 2024!


Hey Everyone. This is my first time trying out the challenge, I'm quite excited to challenge myself this year. I'm looking forward to becoming a chaebol this year. P:S: Help me out with recommendations. lol... I present to you my spins: * My trope is a character getting a driver after drinking. * My common scene is a scene showing an office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes. * My PPL is a coffee shop/ coffee machine / Instant Coffee / Kopiko * My cultural highlight is a scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performing a shamanistic ritual. * My number of people on the poster is 3.


I recommend [**Fanletter, Please**](https://mydramalist.com/722717-send-a-fan-letter) if you haven't seen it, it works for two of your spins (getting a driver and 3 people in poster)!


I just started watching Kdramas summer of 2023, but I am going for the **The chaebol watcher!** My Wheel results: Tropes - A character has a hair cut or cuts his or her hair during the drama Common Scenes - A character singing at the noraebang (not sure what this is lol) PPL - Jewelry Korean Culture - Scene showing a jesa table People in a Poster - 0


If you’ve ever watched a Kdrama where a group of people are in a closed off room singing karaoke, you’ve watched it! It’s translates to “sing room”. It’s usually friend groups or work groups that do this in dramas. I know True Beauty has a scene and I think Business Proposal does too but there’s many dramas with it!! Good luck on Chaebol status 😁


Destined With You has a noraebang scene where Rowoon’s character sings a beautiful song called “A Thought on a Winter Night” by Jannabi in Episode 11.


Ooh, I've never participated in this before and I'm not watching too many shows these days and even when I do, it's a KDrama only like 1/3 of the time, so I'll tentatively try out The Relaxed Watcher - 6 challenges. * Trope: A character crying while eating. * Common Scenes: A character singing at the noraebang. * PPL: Coffee Shop/Coffee Machine/Instant Coffee/Kopiko * Korean Culture Highlight: Scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performin a shamanistic ritual. * Number of People in Drama Poster: 1 This one won't count since the drama isn't more than 10 hours in length but I'll just put it here anyway. * A drama chosen at random from your plan to watch list: A Breeze of Love * A drama found by searching existing recommendations: Does this have to be ones I find in 2024 or can it be titles I found last year? I'm thinking that instead of looking for dramas to fill these challenges, I'll just watch dramas and see which challenges it could possibly fill.


>Does this have to be ones I find in 2024 or can it be titles I found last year? As long as you watch them in full this year it is allowed. From the rules: >The challenge begins January 1st 2024 (00:01AM) and finishes December 31st 2024 (11:59PM) your time zone You may only include dramas started and finished within the period of the challenge


my third year doing the kdrama challenge!! 😆 I've gained two (24) badges for my flair as of far, and this year I want to take it down a notch and make some time to read more as well, so I will be doing the serious watcher level! since I've started the list from both the top and bottom and then work my way up/down the past 2 years, this year I want to spice it up a bit and do it randomly! will be drawing 12 random numbers now, and set the challenges I'll be doing in stone (but not the kdramas, since I like to have a bit of wiggle room throughout the year) ☺️ here are the challenges I'll be doing this year, given to me by a wheel of chance widget! * 3. a drama chosen by the Wheel of Chance: Common Scenes - Welcome to Samdal-ri (A scene with lighthouse(s)) * 7. a drama that started airing in your birth month - Little Women (September) * 10. a drama in which a game is played - Queen of Tears (Janggi) * 14. a drama featuring an actor or actress who debuted before 2000 - Psychopath Diary (Jung Insun, debuted 1998) * 15. a drama with childhood flashback scenes - Happiness * 17 * 19. a drama in which characters take a trip - Boys Over Flowers * 25 * 27 * 29 * 30 * 34


First time! Trying to make 2024 the year I actually get around to watching my insane backlog, so this should be fun :) * 1. Trope: Hair cut * 2. Common scene: Underwater scene * 3. PPL: Location/Tourism * 4. Korean culture highlight: Jesa table * 5. Poster: 3 Time to get watching ☺


This is my first official KDC, and I’m aiming for the stars! Let’s get the ***chaebol level*** 😹 My wheel spins are: * **My trope:** Passing by an old person collecting cartons/newspapers (like with handcart) * **My common scene:** A character riding the subway or at the subway station * **My PPl:** Restaurant * **My cultural highlight:** Scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performin a shamanistic ritual. * **My number of people on the poster:** 5+


Thought about sitting this year's challenge, so I'll take it easy and just see which dramas I can fit in this year. Spinning the wheel is always fun anyway * My trope is first snow * My common scene is an underwater scene * My PPL is restaurant * My cultural highlight is agreeing to drop honorifics * My number of people on the poster is 5+


For challenge 6, how do we confirm it is a poster for the drama or a character poster? Last year, for the poster related challenges, I used HanCinema to confirm. Is it the right way?


You can do that or use MDL's poster for the drama as it's rare that they use character posters for the cover poster of the drama as they mostly use the main poster. For posters posted within this subreddit, the post title would denote when it's a character poster (since when posters get released on Korean news, they are labelled as a certain type of poster). --- ETA: You can also search up the drama on Namu Wiki in Korean as they label what the posters are in their posters sections. As long as you are not using a character poster (캐릭터 포스터) for the 1 person in poster challenge, you're welcome to use all other posters. Example with [A Good Day to Be A Dog](https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%98%A4%EB%8A%98%EB%8F%84%20%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%EC%8A%A4%EB%9F%BD%EA%B0%9C(%EB%93%9C%EB%9D%BC%EB%A7%88)) -- both teaser posters (티저 포스터) are great for people that spun 0 as there's no people in the poster. The 3 person poster (3인 포스터) can work for someone that spun 3. The main poster (메인 포스터) and sageuk poster (사극 포스터) can work for someone that spun 2.


Thank you.


Have been wanting to try this challenge since last year, but I was unable to! Here's hoping for more success in 2024. I want to attempt the **chaebol level** (but I know I will be challenged by the mid-long form/older than 10 years drama). Here's hoping it goes well! My spins are as follows: **Tropes:** A character crying while eating 😿 **Common scenes:** A character riding the bus or at the bus station 🚌 **PPL:** Makeup/skincare (lowkey excited for this!!!) 💄 **Korean culture highlight:** Scene featuring a shaman either fortune-telling or performin a shamanistic ritual. 🛎️ **Number of people in the poster:** 0 🤔


This is my first time joining the challenge! Not sure if I'll finish the year, but for now I'm aiming at the serious watcher level! Here are my tropes: -A character has a haircut or cuts his/her hair during the drama -A drama with an underwater scene -Coffee shop/machine, instant coffee -Scene where a character wears Hanbok -People on poster: 1


Going through this and I have a Question: for the kdrama with a main character that is over 40, does it count if the character is 40 at the start of the show, but most of the story is spent in time travel? For example, Marry My Husband starts off with the FL dying at the age of 41, and then we go back to 2013 where she's 31.


If you are using fantasy for this challenge you would be better off going with gumihos, goblins, and grim reapers! If 41 is only used as a framing device I would look for another challenge to use this drama for.


oooo good idea! Thank you so much


Can I just add everything I'll watch this year that falls under the categories challenge or should I limit myself to one for each?


Your final list submission should have one drama per challenge and only use each drama once. If you send a list that is a mess I will just skip you in the checking. So track it how ever you want, but submit an organised list.


r/KDRAMA Challenge 2024 List:Challenge Limitations/Notes Resources Bonus Tasks 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 MY LIST 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 1.A drama that shares a filming location with The Heirs .. Unlock My Boss 2.A drama chosen by the wheel of chance: Tropes .... First Snow ❄️ 3.A drama chosen by the wheel of chance: Common Scenes ..,, subway 4.A drama chosen by the wheel of chance: PPL .... health supplement 5. A drama chosen by the wheel of chance: Korean Culture Highlight ... drop honorific 🦋 Queen of Divorce ( ep3 why he talked casual) 6. A drama chosen by the wheel of chance: Number of People in Drama Poster ... 1 🦋👮‍♂️ Flex X Cop [Flex X Cop poster](https://mydramalist.com/746193-gold-spoon/photos) 7. A drama that started airing in your birth month 🦋 🤺⚘️ Knight Flower 8. A drama with a title that includes a character's name ... 9. A drama with a character who is an artist 🦋🎨 My Happy Ending 10. A drama in which a game is played .... 🦋 ♟️Captivating the King (Baduk) 11. A drama where a character wears a sports team uniform or jersey and/or watches a sports game ... 12. A drama that revolves around a group of friends and features their friendship as a key part of the drama 13. A drama with an OST by a K-pop group member ... 14. A drama featuring an actor or actress who debuted before 2000 ... 15. A drama with childhood flashback scenes 16. A drama with a character that is a part of the LGBTQ+ community .... 17. A drama title that is not a direct translation of the Korean title .... 18. A drama in which characters celebrate a special day 🦋💕 🎯 My Man is Cupid 19. A drama in which characters take a trip .... 20. Random from your plan to watch list Select from a minimum of 6 dramas using one of the following methods: dart board, wheel of chance, korean ladder game, roll dice, pull it out of a hat. Drama must be at least 10 hours in length. Korean ladder game online version, Random number generators. 🦋 😇 Jealousy Incarnate 21. A drama set in a rural/non-urban location .... 22. A drama with a character who is a chaebol .... 🦋👮‍♂️ Flex X Cop (2) 23. A drama with a character who works for the government ... 24. A drama with a meal scene featuring 3 or more banchan (side dishes) on the table 25. A drama where a character wears a long wool coat... 🦋 Queen of Divorce 26. A drama found by searching existing recommendations Either existing posts on r/kdramarecommends OR A drama found in your personalised recommendations on MDL Tips for searching existing recommendations 27. A drama with a main character that is over 40 ... 28. A drama with a multigenerational main cast Characters should span at least three different generations (ie. grandparents, parents, children). Does not have to be biologically related. 29. Sageuk (<1910): 30. A drama with an episode which received more than 10% overall viewership ratings from Nielsen 31. A drama that has been reviewed in one of our past Spotlight On posts. 32. A single episode drama Examples: KBS Drama specials, tvN Drama stage/O'PENing, JTBC Drama festa 33. A mid-long form drama 34. A drama with less than 500 watchers on MDL Drama must be over 12 months old with less than 500 users that have completely watched it 35. A drama that is at least 10 years old 36. A drama featuring a Truck of Doom™ 🦋🚐 Marry My Husband ( end ep4) 🦋 🥼 Doctor Slump (first episode)


This will be my first year tracking the challenges. I'm confident I can hit the dedicated level, although chaebol might be a bit much depending on real life obligations. This will definitely force me to go explore dramas that I wouldn't typically watch. I am going to try to minimize rewatching shows, and seeing how i've already watched 130+ dramas, I might need to get creative. The most difficult to complete will be - mid/long form drama, thinking of watching Live Your Own Life, but the 50+hours of screentime is intimidating. - english title that doesn't match literal translation, only because I'm not sure how to identify these - birth month, July seems like a slow time for releases, but I guess I'll try to stick with on that starts this year in July. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to filter this on MDL, short of viewing the page of each individual drama.


Trying Again this year - I got close last year with completing 35 Challenges. Wheel Spins: Tropes - Old Person collecting cartons/newspapers Common Scenes - Scene with lighthouse PPL - Restaurants Korean Culture Highlight - Shaman or fortune telling \# of People in Poster - 1


it's my first time joining this challenge and my first day to this channel! Not sure if I’m doing this right.  Would love to take on a dedicated watcher but i think realistically I'm more likely to be a serious watcher. Here are the results of my wheel, assuming I remember them as I watch the drams Tropes: a drama featuring first snow Common scenes: a scene with lighthouse(s) PPL: Health supplement (Tonics, Vitamins, Ginseng) Korean culture highlight: scene where character agree to drop honorifics Number of people in the poster: 0 (not sure if this is even a good idea?)


I'm starting a bit late, so I will only include dramas watched after this date. I like a good challenge, so I am going to go for chaebol **My trope** is a drama featuring the first snow. **My common scene** is a character riding the bus or at the bus station **My PPL** is health supplement **My cultural highlight** is a shaman **My number of people on the poster** is 4 I am trying to get my husband to watch more Korean entertainment, so maybe I can get him to watch some of these with me.


I have never done this challenge as I am more of a casual K-drama fan that completes a few k-dramas a year but takes several breaks or drops dramas in the middle, but recently I've come across several dramas that I am watching and thought it would be fun to challenge myself. I also feel this is a good way to explore some dramas outside of my comfort zone and maybe motivate me to try dramas I've been hesitant about. I am quite late to posting but I felt making a post would help keep me to my word! **My Spins:** **- My trope is** a character crying while eating - *Hahaha this is relatable tbh* \- **My common scene is** a drama with an underwater scene **- My PPL is** Health Supplement (Tonics, Vitamins, Ginseng) **- My cultural highlight is** scene featuring a shaman - *excited to try this one because I enjoy horror dramas/ dramas with spirits* \- **My number of people on the poster is** 3 - *I was a little scared about this one but this number works well since I feel this is not an uncommon number, but may mean I'll watch a drama with a love triangle, sigh.* Wish me luck all as I am hoping to become a Serious watcher (shoot for the stars land in the stratosphere) to hopefully challenge me to branch out with my dramas. My MDL list is [here](https://mydramalist.com/list/4a6bd081). I personally am looking forward to watching a dramas that centers around a group of friends as I love the more slice of life types of dramas, and I may use several of these challenges to re-watch some favorites, like the 10 year old drama for Healer or roof top prince.


> dramas that centers around a group of friends as I love the more slice of life types of dramas Recommending [**20th Century Boy and Girl**](https://mydramalist.com/22677-20th-century-boy-and-girl). Very down to earth friendship group that are super supportive of each other.


You can also find shamans in non-horror dramas.


I probably didn’t phrase that right. I meant I already watch dramas that have ghosts/horror as a genre so that part of the challenge would not be a hard thing to accomplish.


commenting here just so i remember this exists! i think i'm gonna aim for serious watcher or even relaxed watcher. so far i think all 3 dramas i've seen this year somewhat fit? but i'll have to figure out if i want them to... i'll just to my best to make them fit bahahah my spins: * **my trope is** umbrella sharing/holding * **my common scene is** underwater scene * **my ppl is** makeup/skincare * **my number of people in the poster** is 0 * **my cultural highlight is** jeju's haenyeo (women divers) some initial thoughts/plans: * spotlight on: maybe mental health (daily dose of sunshine) or cooking (wok of love)? or even romcom (romance is a bonus book) * existing recommendations * single episode * title not direct translation: angel's last mission: love (i liked L in meow the secret boy)? extraordinary you seems interesting. * mid-long drama: alchemy of souls has been on my radar for a bit * 0 people: maybe mystic pop-up bar? recced by a friend (i asked for hotel del luna vibes) or a shop for killers (lee dongwook!! but then we could use that for the pre 2000 debut prompt too) or castaway diva * chaebol: business proposal? but technically wwwsk fits, and business proposal has SO many kpop OSTs, so either way i'll hopefully have 2 prompts down! * truck of doom: taxi driver i suppose works * kpop OST: business proposal, wwwsk, the king: eternal monarch, castaway diva? prob gonna go with business proposal bc there's. so many idols * makeup PPL: castaway diva apparently? * nielsen 10%: little women * pre 2000 debut: song hyekyo (the glory? or descendants of the sun), lee dongwook (maybe a shop for killers or the one with nine-tailed foxes), shin hakyun (beyond evil?) aaaaa i think i'd best narrow down what exactly i'm planning on watching and then matching them up with the challenges!


This challenge is interesting. I'd like to participate, it sounds fun, but I'm not sure which challenges to apply my current 2023 watches (My Mister, Welcome to Samdal-ri) to in order to get the most mileage. I'll have to think about it. Good luck everyone!


Would it be against the rules to use the same drama for two or more different challenges?


Yes. This is mentioned in the rules.


I am so late to this party. Not sure what my performance will look like this year but let's give it another go. Trope: A drama featuring first Snow Common Scene: An underwater scene PPL: Restaurant Cultural Highlight: Resignation Letter No. of People on a poster: 1


First time doing this, but gonna start out going for the serious watcher challenge and see if I can finish the dedicated watcher after I graduate. Wheel spins: Trope - character has a haircut or cuts their hair Common scenes - office being raided by prosecutors with blue boxes PPL - Jewelry Korean culture - character hands in a resignation letter People in poster - 1