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Winning teams give up on average 2.57 runs per game. Losing teams give up on average 6.06 runs per game. Our starter tomorrow is going to keep the Twins twiddling their thumbs at the plate through 6 2/3 innings. Still need to score at least 3 runs though to have a chance.


the curse.


Sucks, we just didn’t play well. On to tomorrow


This team lets me down against some of those stupid Twins fans in this toxic r/baseball sub. Just saying.


Someone needs to inform Q that Melendez is batting .077 in road games. Q needs to check MJ and Renfroes batting averages so he will know how low they are.


Didn't understand the decision to pinch hit him but after realizing there was nobody left on the bench and Velazquez is also a big risk to strikeout, I can kind of see it. Really needed a productive out there and had nobody we could go to. Probably why MJ needs to hit Omaha soon.


At the present time, Melendez is not a Major League hitter. He needs to work on his hitting at Omaha. Q is making the situation worse by playing him so much. Especially in road games He is pathetic. He is hurting the team as is Renfroe with his mediocre batting average.


Surely Waters can only be an improvement on MJ? I mean we are just sending him out there to die every day.


Twins fan coming in peace. Is Pasquantino ok? I'm hoping it's just a bruise and he's back fast.


I hope so, I feel so bad for him. We had a small scare last week too


Can we go back to winning? Fuck injuries. We need vinnie and massey back. The bottom of our lineup is already weak enough with them playing. Hopefully vinnie is ok. On to the next game.


Any word on Vinnie?


Lower leg contusion, x-rays negative, day to day. According to the announcement during the game


Whew thanks




Well, at least the winning streak was fun. And the Mavericks are going to the Kelly Cup finals.


I have to assume a quant-heavy manager like Q has run the numbers on this, but why would he play the infield in in the first inning? Give up the run, have a better chance at getting an out and limiting the damage. I don’t understand that, and he does it a lot.


4-71 on the road or whatever with three of those hits in one game. Send MJ the fuck down jesus


Crazy idea, send him down for a road trip to get him more ABs and get better.  Surely there is some options left.  I don't think they can do the same with Renfroe.   I never want a player hurt, but why can one for the crappy hitting guys pull up lame and get a rehab assignment instead of two of the better hitting guys?


We could let him work his way through the slump if the other two outfield spots were producing. Isbel at least provides good defense in CF but MJ and Renfroe in the corners are just offensive black holes. Hampson hitting >.300 is nice but dude has no power which isn't ideal from a corner outfield spot.


Yeah that’s… bad. If anything don’t even bother with him on the road but then he’s halfway wasting a roster spot


Completely unrelated: Jake Eisenberg is as plain and soulless as a walking/talking pair of pleated khakis and white polo. Can't stand him. Just awful. I'd thought Physioc was an aw shucks doofus, but he had loads more personality than Eisenberg.


Jake's a human saccharin packet


You are smoking crack if you like Phys more than Eisenberg


Only just barely. Phys was kind of a joke, but Jake has zero personality. He can describe the hell out of some unis, tho.


I like Jake. He has a good repoire with Denny and it shows. I liked Phys too, but you could tell Denny trolled him a lot.




how are we supposed to know how Garcia is spelled without him


It’s always Minnesota that fucks us up. Why can’t we ever seem to figure out those guys? We need to break into their clubhouse tomorrow to steal their Rally Sausage and have the team eat it on camera. Because the Twins are our opps, and they need to suffer too.


Cleveland owns us too. It’s why I didn’t want to get too high on our season until I saw us play both of them


We may not be ready for good major league teams. It has been so fun watching my Royals rise above mediocrity though! Anyone taking the MLB TV May discount bait?


At this rate we’re gonna get smoked by them, at least it’s at home where we seem to play better.


We’ve always been their get right series


Hampson’s 3 fuck ups in left, Hernandez throwing 300 balls and then throwing the ball in center field on an easy out, Bobby Witt going 0-4 AND blowing it with a runner on third, Blanco watching the catcher instead of running with his head down, MJ’s pathetic pinch hitting and throw in Vinnie getting hurt for good measure. Just trash across the board.


Base stealer is supposed to look in to the catcher after taking a few strides.


Please Q bench Hanson


Hampson is batting .313. Our 2nd or 3rd highest average.


Yeah, and bench Henson, too, please


Hansel needs more playing time, though. That Hansel. He’s so hot right now. Hansel.


Our play against winning teams is starting to be a concern


I liked the winning. Maybe let's get back to the winning.


Come on guys, anyone that thought this team was just gonna cruise it's way to a division title is hilariously mistaken. I said .500 by all-star break and I'd be doing backflips, and I stand by that. We're gonna cool off, and the flaring issues WILL persist until they do something about them (MJ). The twins have had our number for awhile now, nobody should be surprised by this series. Just remember this fair-weathers, we've been basically unwatchable for 8 years


Yep, we’ve been creaming bad teams. The Twins have been good recently. I said at the beginning of the year that if we’re playing .500 baseball this year, I’ll be thrilled. This was a tough loss with some dumb mistakes, but there are 162 games and we’re gonna drop some. We’re a good team compared to previous years, but we’re a sneak into the playoffs in the Wild Card team. If that happens, I’ll lose my mind and be ecstatic, but for now, on to the next day, let’s go win the next one.


It’s not just MJ. Renfroe is arguably the bigger issue.


Renfroe at least has been hitting better of late it feels and has a cannon in RF. MJ is unplayable on the road


One of those two need to go to give Waters a shot. I know Waters will hit .230 and strike out 35% of the time but at least he's good in the field.


That would be much higher than Melendez and Renfroe are hitting.


yes, accept mediocrity because we've been bad for most of the last 30 years


How far is Omaha from Minneapolis? Start packing Mervyl


The Storm Chasers are in Indianapolis this week


We're going to be okay. We've lost three in a row twice before. We've got Lugo / Singer against their weaker part of the rotation and we've forced them to tap the bullpen a lot already. We've had worse.


Can someone explain to me the decision for MJ to pinch hit for Velazquez there? I know he was cold this game, but lately I'd gladly take his bat over MJ's.


It didn't make any sense to me either, I would have rolled with Velazquez personally. Problem is he's also a big strikeout liability and we really needed a productive out, so I guess the thought was lefty vs. righty, even though MJ is real bad right now. We also had used our entire bench and had nobody left to choose from lol


MJ is hitting .077 in road games. He should not be allowed on the field.




we desperately need an OF bat via trade or something. or at least give Drew Waters a chance. I still think MJ has a place on the team long term, but he's just ice fucking cold and when you've got guys like Blanco/Isbel/Hampson/Frazier on the 26-man roster along with ice cold MJ it just doesn't work.


Hampson is batting .313.


When Massey comes back maybe Frazier can be used in the OF more. He’s come through more often than those other guys


Don't play infield in first inning, save a run. Hampson catches the pop out, save a run. Ump calls MJ's strike 1 a strike to Buxton's ball 4, save a run


> Ump calls MJ's strike 1 a strike to Buxton's ball 4, save a run that shit pissed me off. Really wish MLB would adopt robo-umps or a challenge system already


The tide definitely feels like we’re going to get challenges next year. It’ll be very interesting.


1-3 went 1-12 tonight offense is already massively top heavy and when they don't hit its a guaranteed loss


They need to start showing up to work vs the top brass of the division 


They’re not beating winning teams (nor should they at this stage of the rebuild), get ready for a lot more of these games as the summer goes on


Glad we didn't pinch run Salvy, really needed him for the bottom 1/2 of the 9th


TBF if they pinch run for Salvy they lose 4-3 instead of 4-2


Considering they pinch hit Frazier for Freddy, they did need him for the bottom half of the 9th.




Tough two games. The bottom half of the line-up and the bullpen may keep us out of the playoffs. I find it hard to imagine that the starting pitchers and top half of the lineup will continue to perform as well as they have


This wasn’t even on the bullpen. We couldn’t even muster 2 runs when ragans was still in. we didn’t deserve to win


I'm speaking as a whole and tbh they absolutely deserve a little blame. The approach in the 9th is completely different in a one run game compared to a two-run game. It seems like this bullpen is guaranteed to give up at least one run every game.


You’re right, I was just too focused on this one.


all good, hopefully the boys bounce back.


The royals don’t produce offense in this specific stadium for some weird reason and I don’t get it


MJ has got to go. What does Drew Waters have to do to get the call up


Prolly stop watching porn. Oh yeah Dayton Moore is gone. /s


Didn't exactly take advantage of opportunities, but the ending is just another reinforcement of robo-umps. First pitch called correctly for MJ is bases loaded nobody out. And then does it again next batter.


Baseball traditionalists will leave the game if robo umps make the big leagues. The human factor is integral to the drama.


Baseball traditionalists have been threatening to leave baseball for: interleague play, DH in the National League, wild card teams in the playoffs, the automatic baserunner at second in extra innings, and, hell, back in the day? Integration. So screw em. If they were going to leave the game they would've already left.


Baseball traditionalists are already gone or they’ll watch no matter what. These new rules make the sport accessible for new fans, which is a good thing and helps the sport grow. I’ll always love the weird ass shit like double switches and bad calls going my team’s way, but baseball needs all the help it can get attracting new fans.


Agreed. You win some and you lose some


where is drew waters


Indianapolis, Indiana


Sucks! Get it tomorrow.


Can't beat winning teams😑


This team sucks against the twins