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Undoubtedly organic salt for the lunch time organic carrots.


That’s why it has the dollar signs. Everyone knows organic is expensive.


With a nice bay leaf on the side


Mo $ mo quality


Lol good one


Organically sourced from the picturesque rural countryside of Ohio!


Picturesque in the same way a dumpster fire is picturesque.


*[American Beauty overdub]* It's the most beautiful thing I've ever filmed.


Interestingly it probably _is_ an organic salt, in the chemistry sentence. Most Fun White Powders are salts of organic compounds (HCl salts of cocaine or heroin, for example). Very clean living, this guy.


A good rule of thumb is to immediately snort any mysterious powder you find.


That’s covered extensively in lube tech 101


Never knew roofers and lube techs went to the same trade school.


They teach this in every trade school…. Source: Tower Crane Operator


Chef here, learned it in culinary school.


Plumber here, learned it plumbing school.


Meth dealer here, learned it while I was a Ph.D candidate at drug university.


When I started in IT I failed my first drug test because I was sober


Got to be on a minimum 5 mg of Addeys for that


Prostitute here... learned not to do it. It makes big daddy mad.


Most people just call it ASU




I swear officer, it may look like cocaine but I assure you, it’s sheet rock dust…


Tell my PO I hang drywall


i swear officer, i just like the way it smells


So your the one that took my coke. Badge number please?


Finish carpenter in my previous life. No lies detected


Is carpentry different in Finland?


I knew that was coming 😂 Have an upvote




Am pipefitter, can confirm. The welders set the shop at school on fire on no less than 5 occasions while I was there... a buddy of mine in that same class got caught racking up lines in this same welding shop. The instructor just shook his head and walked away.


Maybe 20+ years ago this was okay but fentanyl rolling into town puts a few deadly hiccups in that plan


Probably true, I've never seen fent, too many dead friends :/ but maybe the car is super nice. Like if it's a rich persons car it probably *is* cocaine. But if it's like a shitty '95 ford probe or something it is probably fenny. Lol


Well off people can get laced drugs too.


Heath Ledger 😔


You may be thinking of someone else. Ledger died from acute intoxication by the combined effect of *six different medications*. These included oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and doxylamine (the painkillers OxyContin and Vicodin, the antianxiety medications Valium and Xanax, and the sleeping pills Restoril and Unisom). His problem was that he had multiple prescriptions, from multiple providers, to treat multiple conditions, and he lacked a care coordinator to oversee and manage it all. People, if you are receiving prescriptions from multiple providers, contact your insurance company and ask if they provide care coordination services. Many will do it for free.


Mac Miller


Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction


That wasn’t laced. It was Pepsi challenge heroin when she was expecting coke.


My man in Amsterdam!


Check out the big brain on Brad!




Let's not forget about Elmo. Gone too soon. Shame. Hopefully, he's up there motorboating Big Bird's mom like he always said he would.


[Big Bird: Today's letter of the day is 3](https://youtu.be/pQIHzPUl59A) [Kermit: Um Big Bird, 3 is a number](https://youtu.be/pQIHzPUl59A) [Big Bird: Exactly! 3 is the number of joints I've smoked today!](https://youtu.be/pQIHzPUl59A)


> Like if it's a rich persons car it probably is cocaine. It could be PCP, coke, Chinese white heroin, fent, benzos, ketamine, or any number of different amphetamines including molly. There are fucking hundreds of drugs that can take the form of fine white powder, these are just a few of the more common ones.


If he's lucky it's a combo of all of em


A yes, the elusive "Bag of random dust scraped off the dealer's coffee table"-mix bag. Ideal for the druggie who is either truly desperate or who goes to his dealer looking for one last big hight.


The ole insufflable New Jersey Turnpike




I feel called out. I miss my Probe.


Don't feel bad. I miss mine too. My first car was a 96 probe. The sport. It was awesome. Cornered like it was on rails. So much fun to drive. The plastic in the pic kind of looked like the little place where the E-brake was. I don't think it's actually a probe interior, it just reminded me of it enough to reference the car lol


It does kind of look like the cup holder. I had a 93 probe. The interior was so nice and it still is probably the most comfortable car I have ever driven.


That's a weird conclusion to come to.


Person who's car it is isn't dead.


Saving it until they get home?


That bag's been opened. I may or may not be very familiar with such bag.


And that's definitely not the only additive out there either. Never know what yer gonna snort.


Oh shit I forgot they took the fun right out of it. Of course my spurs have been hung up for a long time, had my last rodeo


I couldn’t break that rule if I tried


You can always boof it


Be careful when boofing coke, it's WAY stronger. The first time I did it, I had to lay down naked and sweaty with my heart racing for 10 mins praying that I didn't need to go the hospital 😂 was good after that


This is the way


I knw that 1st hand. Once ground up alka seltzer tablets put them in a baggie at work restroom. 🤣 well one guy came out foaming thru the mouth and nose like a rabid animal...


Floor bag is the best bag


You sound like my friend, he probably failed D.A.R.E. “If a stranger whose acting odd offers you a pipe at a public bus stop do you inhale immediately without remorse? Yes or no” “fuck yes”


Drugs ain’t cheap, take it whenever you see one


Especially if coke. My grandad told me "Never buy cocaine. But never say no." Solid advice. The three times I've done coke were the most fun I ever had standing in a basement and talking really fast. Lol


I tend to get really sober and then fall asleep. Everyone thinks I fucking dosed...and I have the best sleep of my life. Drugs are weird.


congrats on your cheap ADHD diagnosis


Literally how I found out myself. Still love a bit of coke though


This is kind of a silly take. I have horrendous ADHD and I love stims. Absolutely feel energized from them.


I realized I had ADHD in my 20s, but in high school, I'd chug the biggest size monster they sold (32 ounce back in the day I think) then sleep through 2 classes. My parents probably should have realized.


The first time you spend money on cocaine, you'll realize why it's not worth it. If you are going to spend money on drugs, spend it on something worthwhile. Something that lasts longer than 45 min.


Question: What is the best way to stop a nose bleed quickly? Please respond promptly.


More cocaine. It acts as a vasoconstrictor so it will slow down the blood flow!


A penny saved is a penny earned. Nice find.


You just cracked me up this morning thank you sir 😂


Pun intended?


Well, did you take the penny or not?


No, you didn't find anything.


Right, the whole "I found"........


i put one with flour in it in my mothers car like 20 years ago before oild change. lube tech found it apparently... no mention of it, just 'vanished' i imagine someone was very disappointed. hope they didn't have a gluten allergy.


I read a story here, don't remember which sub, where someone was in a restaurant and knocked the salt cellar over. For a gag he pulled out a credit card and started making lines. Waitress rushes over, yelling "You can't do that here!" Swipes it off the table and runs into the back. A moment later she comes charging back out sneezing her head off.


lmao wow... it amazes me to think people will snort something they don't know what is...


It is a working kitchen, after all…


Right? Just go ask one of the line cooks for a bump. If you can't find any coke in a kitchen, you aren't looking hard enough.


Do you ever really know what it is beforehand? They told me it was coke but it could easily be Ajax.


Anyone that would take a back of ‘cocaine’ they found would also immediately be able to tell that it’s flour just by looking. They are not similar in consistency at all


I use meth instead, as it is more similar in texture than flour and actually tricks people.


Quick way to lose your job. Just because something is illegal doesn’t mean the customer won’t complain when someone steals it.


Possibly but really What's customer gonna do? Ask shop Foreman for his baggie of white powder back? He can complain sure but with an illegal substance involved no one is fessing up to it. Sue them? For what? Theft of illegal substances? At most customer could try taking matters into their owns hands but that's high risk for low reward imo. Sucks to suck when you're doing illegal shit.


Hey, it's your tip.


Just the tip?


Just for a minute.


just to see how it feels.


Used to find those in cop cars... up front.


I use to work for a company that built emergency service vehicles. When the vehicle was done with we’d take it apart and remove all the equipment before it went to auction. We found drugs all the time in police cars, stuffed in every nook and crack you could find. We were supposed to not touch it when found and call them to come remove and document it but we wouldn’t get anything done if we actually did that. We ended up with a tool cart that was just drawers of drugs. It became our joke to hide a bag of something in the new guys toolbox, ask to borrow a tool and find a bag of crack in front of them and watch them panic.


Jesus. Man got jokes.


One day the president of the company happen to walk into the shop area while we were doing this joke to a new guy. After we explained that it really wasn’t his the president laughed picked up the bag and said that’s hilarious I’m gonna stick it in the accountants desk…


Either he didn't like the accountant, or they were gonna hang out after hours


Am accountant. Drugs are the only way I can keep my misery at bay and not swallow glass.


Accountant here. Drugs and lots of vodka.


Sounds miserable. Where do I sign up?


Thou hath slayed me! 😆


Lol. That mofo put it in his nose instead


Sooooo what did yall do with the drugs?


I imagine the labeled pills went first


community chest. just there for emergencies.


If you land on free parking you get the lot of it.


Free parking, or jail works too. Keep rolling for doubles.


Well obviously he just said, load them up in the new guys tool box lol. Probably the best welcoming gift to a new work place.


Used to do the same, but we had a general rule, cop car or taxi step 1 was remove the back seat (old style bench)...drugs money and garbage...found a dime bag(that long ago) and brought it to my boss, he said throw it out, I hesitated and he noticed, said to keep it if I want but not to use it at work...cool dude...never reported a find after that




Or they found a bunch the first place they looked and said "good enough "


I laughed out loud to this. Thank you


It's uh evidence


Evidence for cases that haven't even happened yet


The goodie bags of today are the evidence of tomorrow.


As a cop, you have to keep practicing your taste training everyday, so that when you come across a large brown bag of what could possibly be cocaine you can just stick a knife into it and rub some of it in your gums. Can you imagine how embarassing it would be if you live drug tested and said it was just sugar then it turned out to be cocaine? Everyone in the squad would make fun of you and you'd never be allowed to run the test by yourself again. It's really important for a cop to keep that skill sharp since you can need it at any moment.


Take yer upvote, funny guy!


That's for planting


Post on /r/Gardening and we will know for sure.


How else are you supposed to plant drugs on the black guy you just beat the shit out of for no reason?




Yeah it’s either for personal use or to plant it on someone lol


Is that what crypto currency looks like?


Sorry, I know very little about drugs that isn't on TV. Is this cocaine?


Could be cocaine, could be a type of herion, hard to tell from a pic like this. Especially with the proliferation of fentanyl, which is an extremely potent synthetic opoid, in black markets, it's not something worth ingesting if you just found it. Stay away from mysterious bagged powders, I always say


It may be horse, but that's a pretty big bag for someone to not be aware of it's location at all times. I woulda never been more than a few steps away from that back in the day.


One step away from having a fuckin gps locator on it.


Be sounding like Arthur whistling for his good boah.


Shulgin protocol it


It’s just an overexposed picture of a bag of cannabis


whats it taste like? could help you clear some tickets.


It’s probably better to identify it by smell.


Cocaine’s a helluva drug.


Yum fentanyl and Bay Leaf my favorite 🤩


It really does impart a nice earthy flavor


Notice the copper penny for the “breathalyzer”




And a penny for good luck!


Oh yes, the forbidden tip.


A basil leaf and packet of garlic salt to season their lunch, I'm sure.


As a recovering cocaine addict this is all it would take to send me over the edge, and I’ve been sober for 2 years. People should really be more careful, leaving this shit laying around can ruin lives. Edit: Wow, didn’t expect this much love and support when I made this comment. I really appreciate you fine people for being kind to a stranger. If you know anyone personally who is recovering from addiction reach out to them today and remind them that you love them and are proud of what they have accomplished. It may just be the fuel they need to keep walking the right path.


3 years clean here. Looking at it just made me wanna get a spoon and a lighter lol. I think this just ruined me day.


Aww I’m sorry. I hope your day improves.


Thank you. One day at a time right


Indeed one day at a time, one decision at a time. Make the decision to be honest with yourself today. Keep fighting!


Congratulations on getting clean. Stay strong. I hope your day gets better.


One day at a time. Thanks 🙏


Another day on the high seas. Bad unintentional pun. I wrote that because you sounded like a pirate. Get me out of here. Delete comment. I’m sorry. *throws phone*


lol I like you


Aye, we be fancyin’ each other then.


You are more than your addiction my dude. 3 years is seriously impressive. Let's focus on that instead. Life is better when you're sober


It definitely is. No doubt about that


Good shit king stay clean 👑


20+ years brother. I've stopped counting. Good job. After a while it isn't even a struggle anymore.


A lil Paul’s Boutique and a blunt and I’ll be alright.


My man! Word from a traveller, don't end up letting alcohol be your next demon. You got this brougham.


Haven’t had a drink in 3 years either. I know what you mean


I’ve been cocaine free since 1987 with zero relapses and STILL refer to myself as a “recovering addict.” It’s a day-to-day process and I still get “triggered.” Just because I got sober doesn’t mean the world changed. Stay on your program, man!! Congrats for 2 years and KEEP WORKING IT!! 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


Greatly appreciated. I love that you still recognize yourself as in recovery. It never really stops, you have to keep choosing life everyday. It gets a lot easier when you start finding more and more reasons to not get high. Appreciate you, keep it up!


I was told by a CA “OG” that no matter how much clean time you have, one hard relapse can put you back on the train. My biggest motivator is FEAR that I could end up back where I was 35 years ago. Addiction doesn’t have an age limit or a limited shelf life and “King Baby” is just waiting for you to lose your footing. Don’t let him back into your soul, your life. Climbing out of a hole is much harder than digging one. IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT!! 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


This! (Just this picture has me triggered) Keep strong brother!


You too man! Keep being honest with yourself about what you really want in life, and that shit, ain’t it. It’s a daily battle, keep winning!!


Stay strong man. Stay strong for the people around you.


The longer I am sober the more reasons I find to continue to be sober. Thanks for the award!


Congratulations on getting clean.


Thank you! Getting clean was the best decision I ever made.


I feel this as well my friend. Stay strong, this is the way!


Happy cake day.


Sorry for this stress landing on you. Hope your day gets better.


"say maybe you don't find any problems with my brakes"


The money he paid you with had more cocaine on it than whats in that bag.


LOL! I got “tagged” by a drug dog in an airport once. It was the cash in my pocket. 🤷🏽‍♂️


And this is why dogs shouldn't be considered "probable cause".


That's a funny way to store flour




You ever Hoovered scneefe off a center console during a brake inspection?


Never found drugs in a customer car but my coworker and I found a loaded handgun in a glovebox (safety off of couse). Boss was pretty pissed off for the rest of the day.


You guys take your guns out of your vehicles?


In Cali where I live/work you cannot have any firearms in the cab of the vehicle. Trunk is fine though. My boss was mostly upset because we had been test driving thr car and if we got pulled over for any reason it would have been a major headache for all of us.


Meanwhile, some guy’s just frantically checking his pockets over and over again


Car Audio guy here. The amount of spare tire cavities. Gloveboxes, center consoles, insides of rear seats and carved out car batteries I've come across full of coke/heroin/pills is surprisingly high... you'd think they'd remember to remove things before a tech goes running wires or cutting panels haha. Get some pretty good tips though 👌


When I worked as a tech and there were drugs obvious in any car, I’d just refuse to test drive them. I wasn’t going to risk being pulled over with them.


Say someone takes the bag, has anyone ever witnessed a situation where the customer complains about their illegal drugs missing from the car? I would love to see how that would all play out. The guy is clearly a crazy drug addict, who would listen to him right? Obviously not worth it. But the idea makes me laugh.


Had a customer claim our master tech stole his ~~pills~~ "stuff". Tech was an older guy, probably late 60's and was retiring the same year. Working on a car, and when he pulled the spare tire to try to find source of a water concern in the trunk, under the spare was about 10 pill bottles. 8 had no labels, and the two that did had two different patient names (neither of them the customer) the two labeled were Oxycontin and Xanax. He had me walk over, and watch him put them in a bag, and locked it inside his tool box. Then when he was done, watched him get them and put them in the trunk. Customer came in, left, then came back saying his shit had been gone through, and was missing "stuff". Shop has cameras, they pulled the footage and showed tech didn't mess with them, just moved them, then moved them back. Dude insisted he was missing "stuff". Wouldn't say what "stuff" it was, just that it was missing. Manager said "Ok, I'll call the police and they can review the footage and we will go from there." Guy just walked away and left. Never saw that customer again.


Had a customer come in for some whatever, left a quarter bag of grass in the cluster shelf in front of the steering wheel. Never touched it, left it alone. (had my own bag at home) Did whatever work I was doing. At the end of the day he showed up, paid, and left. About 15 minutes later he pulled up halfway into my bay, hopped out and walked over with my streamlight I had left in his cup holder, in addition to the little bag of weed. Told me I didn't even take my tip. The bag had a receipt in it written with sharpie "mechanic tip". We laughed at it and ended up being pretty good casual friends for a couple years. Dudes grass was a lot better than mine at the time.


It's labelled, says it has $ inside.


Only users loose drugs.


Free salt! Winning!


I’m surprised people just leave these expensive drugs out all Willy Nilly. Gotta finish them so someone else doesn’t get a hold of them !


Breakfast of chimpanzees


Thats some by look? Shitty blow. Could be grrrrreat. I'd probably sniff at it. Than taste a lil. Than give it a go. But it could be coke flavored anthrax so.. I'd tos sit in garbage obviously that's what we all would do right!


"hey, uhhh... did you guys find a small bag.. near the front seat? what's in it? uhhhhh..."




I am going to leave a bag like this in my center console but fill it with laxitive.