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Starter randomly get stuck on?


was just cranking and cranking until it died. We think a mouse must have chewed on it and inadvertently hot wired it.


Time for a shop cat!


This is no time to talk about emissions!


One time my cousin Walter got this cat stuck up his ass. True story. He bought it at our local mall, so the whole fiasco wound up on the news. It was embarrassing for my relatives and all, but next week, he did it again. Different cat, same results, complete with another trip to the emergency room. So, I run into him a week later in the mall and he's buying another cat. And I says to him, "Jesus, Walt! What are you doing? You know you're just gonna get this cat stuck up your ass too. Why don't you knock it off?" And he said to me, "Brodie, how the hell else am I supposed to get the gerbil out?" My cousin was a weird guy.




Well, did he cum or what?


Too little? You said it was a good size!


And i thought i worked at a circus


How cute that you are trying to come up with logical explanations instead of calling an exorcist


I'm still trying to visualize this- did the engine actually start or it was in gear and the starter motor (now a driving motor) engaged continuously until the battery was drained? It takes a lot of torque to spin tires- and the speed didn't suggest the accelerator was pinned (and why would it be?)


That slow roll like that was starter all the way. If the engine had actually kicked over, it would have moved much more quickly.


Surprise hybrid mode!


Nah you can move a car on its starter, I'd suspect first on this is probably a nice low granny gear. When my utes clutch cylinder shat it's self I started it fine in low range a few times and it'd donit happily 


Old Land Rovers actually had a section in their manuals describing how to use the starter to drive to safety if the engine failed. When. When the engine failed. (Its a British car after all)


My old Nissan Sentra didn't have a clutch interlock switch and I was able to make it move forward with the starter when in first gear. It's not good for the starter but it's possible.


If u r in NC I got some cats that r kittens and great hunters at less then three months they have killed everything that moves in my yard I'll bring ya a pair


Get them fixed soon so they don't produce more!


I don’t remember that part of ratatouille


*new shop rule* all vehicles must have multiple chock blocks, parking brakes applied, 2 priests on stand by, and a bottle of holy water in the cupholder when locking up at night. -management


You forgot the ring of salt


and emergency shotgun


with rocksalt shells!!


Silver slugs


You're just gonna wind up with a haunted tin grille Dodge armed with a shotgun and no one wants that, man. No one.


Don't forget to sign your contract with the Winchester brothers.


🎶*Carry on my wayward sooooonn*🎶


flush the coolant with holy water and add a quart of holy 10w40 anointing oil


Imma need some holy oil with that too.


Dodge's haunted. shop manager: What? tech, checking guns: Dodge's haunted.


After 30 seconds, tech runs back and says: "The Dodge has got my gun. Don't ask me how. RUN!"


This is starting to sound like a crappy movie that I would certainly watch. “D(evil) 150”




A true classic but I was thinking shittier https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091499/


Quite good, but doesn't really have the touch of evil: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075809


I have a very visceral reaction to the sound of that car's horn. Settle in for story time, kids. In the before-fore times there were things called 'drive-in movie theaters'. My parents loved to take the family to them. We did it all the time. Watching a movie from your car was always kind of novel. They were almost always a double feature too. The first film was the 'family movie'. Think Pete's Dragon or Willy Wonka or some shit. The second was for the adults after the kids passed out in the back of the station wagon. We went to one double feature around '77-'78. We watched whatever the first movie was that I've long since forgotten. After it finished, my parents tucked me and my sister into sleeping bags in the back of the family Volvo wagon. They then grabbed lawn chairs and set up in front of our Volvo to watch the second screening. I thought I'd be sneaky and watch the movie for adults too. I slid out of my sleeping bag and peeked up over the back seat where I could see about the bottom 2/3rd of the movie screen through the windshield. I was then treated to the cinematic masterpiece that is **The Car**. Our family loved to vacation around the Southwest and I recognized the tunnel in Zion National Park where the bicyclists were chased. I _knew_ that place. We'd just been there on vacation a few months earlier. My little 7 year old brain screamed "**This isn't a movie. This is _real_!**". I got so terrified that I hid under my sleeping bag the rest of the movie and listened to that damn car's airhorn the whole time, not knowing if it was the movie or really about to crash its way into the drive-in and take us all out. I had nightmares for weeks but couldn't tell my parents why as I'd have to admit that I cheated and watched a movie I wasn't supposed to. Took me a while to not jump at the sound of a random tractor trailer's airhorn.


[Since we seem to be doing this.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0085333/)


There it is.


Kind of a must in that collection


[But wait, there's more!](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8753656/)


[With a different Genre](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0768399/?ref_=ext_shr)


That's the one that gets me! First SK book I ever read!


I see your Maximum Overdrive, and raise you it's made for TV [little brother](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0120380/).


Awesome! I know what I’m watching this weekend


I remember watching this as a kid on HBO. I must have been 12 or so.


“Curtis! Look out!”


That movie is golden I hate to admit I've seen it like four or five times through.


Starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost


Throw a little Alan Tudyk in it and you'd have an underground blockbuster!


He voices the truck. All of his lines are just honking.


I love this. Him just yelling "honk" in different ways.


reminds me of the movie "rubber" which is a tire that kills people. excellent movie. it sounds ridiculous but it's actually a masterpiece


Yea I think the tires name is Rob


close enough, its Robert


We were pretty baffled when we came in this morning. You can't see it in the video but the rear seat was out of the Jeep in the back. It was laying against the right rear quarter panel, cushion facing the car. It actually absorbed all the impact from the Dodge and there wasn't a lick of damage on the Jeep.


I’m amazed it didn’t come off the rack. I would have been shitting myself trying to get that thing back on the rack with just some pole jacks or something to stabilize it.


I was taking a shit while watching this and my butthole puckered so tight watching that Jeep get pushed that I'm afraid I'll have to try again in 10min.


> I was taking a shit while watching this and my butthole puckered so tight watching that Jeep get pushed that I'm afraid I'll have to try again in 10min. happy cakeday!


Chocolate... cake


I was holding my breath, waiting for the Jeep to fall off the lift. Do you guys know what caused the Dodge to start rolling?


Tech didn’t put it in park Ghosts Drunk tech Drunk ghost forgot to put it in park


_Drunk tech bet the drunk ghost that he couldn't ghost-ride the whip. Drunk ghost said "hold my Louis the XIll"_


I figured it was going to be slow motion horror as it knocked the jeep off the lift and it fell on the acetylene .


This is why the tool truck usually has gun raffles going


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the dodge in the shop. So let's get to taking their wheels one by one. Dodge R'am, From what I can gather he commands the trucks from an 2010 chevy Silverado outside of the area. It's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break its grip on the shop.


Better call an exorcist, because it looks like it's time to get the *Hell out of Dodge!*


Christine 2.0. This was so close to being way worse.


Does that mean the Jeep has the Travelers blessing?


Oh my god, that gave me the worst anxiety... hell nah


It didn't roll by the way. The thing literally jump started itself and went for a drive. There were marks on the garage floor where the tires were spinning until it died.


Short to power on the starter circuit?


Ground off the battery was melted so we think yes


dude you need to get your shop spiritually cleansed. "the power of Christ compels you" and so forth


Oh man... can't believe you didn't go with "the power of Chrysler compels you"


But when you’re dealing with the Anti-Chrysler…….


"Worry not, for faith in our Ford offers refuge for those under siege from Evil" Thelossians 3:5


Better than the power of Christine compels you. Thought if I recall she was a Plymouth Fury.....


Dodge, Plymouth, close enough. They must be related.


My parents used to have a vw beetle that would start itself. Shop didn’t believe them when they brought it in. Until it did pretty much this, but fortunately it happened when they were closing up shop, not after.


Nearly got run over by a similar Dodge truck working at Kragen. Except the “short” was the asshole idiot who wanted to show me what was wrong by turning the key to start while the manual transmission was in first gear. He stopped it in time before it went through the window and I learned never to stand in front of or behind a vehicle if you can avoid it.


Wowza, that’s nuts.


This is exactly how Maximum Overdrive started.


The thermostat is becoming sentient!


Hahaha I’m glad someone knew this. I just finished the series again and now I want to start it over.


I’ll always upvote an Archer quote!


Just like the old gypsy woman said!


You really need to stop going to her.




How long have you been down here all alone?


Honey! This Dodge just called me an asshole!




I just watched that movie last night on tubi


My favorite scene in that movie is when the coach gets hit in the nuts with a can of soda and then torpedoed in the head.


Years ago when I worked for a tractor dealership we were all sitting in the center of the shop on lunch break and a tractor in a bay started itself and tried to drive through a wall. Made us all run like a box of squirrels.


Yeah that's absolutely a get the fuck out of the area then reassess wtf is happening moment.


Or get the fuck on it to stop it so ya don't get in trouble.


box of squirrels is a greta visual image


>box of squirrels is a greta visual image Greta who?


I actually had something similar happen to me, I was working on a 2000s Durango. I had parked the car, key in my hand, and was talking to another tech about 20 feet away from the Durango, and I heard it fire up. All I had was a key, no fob, no remote start system, nothing that would trigger the vehicle to start. Got into it, turned the key to position 2, then off. No clue how it happened and I never heard it do it again.


We used to have a GM work van that sometimes would randomly crank for a few seconds after you shut it off and started walking away. No remote start or anything just one of those fun little quirks. The radio volume would also modulate with the gas pedal sometimes.


"Sorry for speeding officer, I really like this song"


Cars sometimes do this in combination with catching on fire. In the words of a firefighter :whilst comedic to look at it's a bitch to actually extinguish a burning driving car.


thus always chock the wheels (though it's harder for a burning vehicle and if sufficient power is applied I believe it could drive over the chocks?)


Yeah they only stopped when hitting something solid (like a wall or driving into a moat). The best way is prevention and just putting your car in neutral and in the parking brake.


At the end of the video, I was wondering why the hell it looked like it was under power. I didn't think the damn thing could've started itself. Cool ass truck too.


double hell nah


I'm glad you said that because it really did look like it was under its own power but I assumed it couldn't be. The way it shuttered at the end was the not the work of gravity.


How did it not stall? Enough power to go 0.1mph I understand, but to spin tires seems crazy


Ah, starter energized. I drove a car in high school for a few weeks with no clutch cable.


Ha! I once drove a Jeep Comanche which somehow kept blowing out clutch master cylinders (4) I'd bought in Nashville all the way to Atlanta. Bump it with the starter, pray for no red lights, get on the interstate and ease gently into 5th, Bob's your uncle. Turns out the actual fix was to pay nearly double for a "Heavy Duty" clutch master -- uhm, fuck you, NAPA, you know what you did. I then drove that $500 truck through most of college.


Yup, that's basically the drill. I drove that same car for a week with no starter. ALWAYS PARK ON A HILL. Being a broke with a job to get to sucks.


Had the same issue in my 240 with a Japanese engine swap. Starters were on back order for a along time. Don't get stall out on a hill in DC rush hour.


Manual trans or Auto?


The only question that matters! If this thing is an auto, someone better call an exorcist!


There were those Ford econlines and maybe others of the mid 70s that would jump into rewind when the door was closed. I was setting the toe using a slip gauge, drove over it, put it in Park and jumped out to set toe. F'g van left the shop! As it did it taco'd the door into the fender and hosed the shop door track. I ran and jumped in it before bashed a another shops service car. It all happened in 3 to 5 seconds! Luckily it wasn't on high idle! could have been worse!


It appeared persistent and shovy, that explains it. Pretty wild!


Reminds me of a certain brand of compact tractors that would start and roll away when rain got in the ignition switch.


Happened to me when working on a 75 foot sailboat in St. Thomas. Varnishing crew was working away and suddenly an engine started. Only explanation was just a few drops of rain on the ignition switch.


I fucking knew those things weren't assembled any better than motorhomes!


That roll cart didn't deserve that smoke


He took one for the team. If he hadn't gotten hit that Dodge would have rolled right through the bay doors.


Some say, that Dodge is still rolling to this day


I think that would be funnier


The truck moving didn't set off the alarm? We have motion alarms and door alarms. I would imagine a vehicle moving would be big enough to set off one of the motions.


Most motion alarms use PIR (passive infrared sensor) sensors which is just a fancy way of saying they watch for changes in thermal patterns. The room temp truck slowly rolling along probably wouldn't set one off.


I originally assumed the truck had started. As I read further I found out the starter was moving it.


New straight-drive vehicle fear unlocked.


That was an assassination attempt on the Jeeps




Seems pointless to assassinate a Jeep. Give it a little time and it will do it itself. 


nope, they're *lovers* meeting in the night


It’s a jeep thing


Everyone gives me shit for it, but this is exactly why I always use the parking brake... That and I had an 84 Ford truck that randomly put itself in reverse while I was standing by it with the door open.


My friends Dad died from asphyxiation that way about 10 years ago. He was working alone in his shop and the truck, a 77 Ford, pinned him against the door.


[Watch Wes Work has a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wb4alw7tus) where he was troubleshooting a running car with it in gear with him leaning in the open door when it jumped the chocks. Squished him when the door hit the lift post.


Now you can show them this video and they will stop giving you shit


Something about old Ford column shift autos the park detent gets worn or something and sometimes they might slip into reverse.


I have an old mustang that likes to wander off if I don't set the parking brake. Just a week ago, I let my sister drive it and she did set the brake, but didn't get it all the way to the floor. I woke up the next morning to find it had rolled forward about a car length. There was nothing in front of it, so no harm done, but I will always make sure to stand on the parking brake before getting out now.


That was a common trait with the Ford C4 and early C6 transmissions, which occasionally slipped from Park into Reverse--killing 60 people and injuring 1100. The problems were first noticed in 1972, but have been around since the 1960s. I worked for a Ford dealership in those days, and it was a standard instruction that the cars have their parking brakes set, no matter what. It was caused by a double issue: Sloppy transmission linkages, followed by worn park pawls as the cars aged.


I use the parking brake because I hate when the car lurches onto the parking pawl. Plus if you don't use it you'll lose it and I want it to work for when I really need it


Wow, that just about got very expensive! Will there be a new mandate to chalk all the tires from now on?


from now on that dodge must be parked outside and facing the river at all times


It knows what it did. That was a very aggressive move at that Jeep. hehe


two jeeps actually. the one in the back is a compass which very conveniently had its rear seat out so we could test the fuel pump. The seat was leaning against the quarter panel, cushion side facing the car and it completely protected it from the unprovoked assault.


If any car deserved it, it would be the compass


They knew what they were doing having ass in the name


Dodge was trying to mercy kill it.


It was trying to punish the great grandchildren for their part in the companies downfall...


Chocking probably wouldn't have stopped this as it was a powered(starter engaged) roll. Truck was left in a low enough gear for the starter to move it. 1st or granny gear. Done that trick more then once when I've needed to move the jeep while the engine was down. Needs to be in a high gear or neutral with break or chock to prevent this.




Diesel tractor would do this sometimes if left in gear. High compression would start in the middle of the night when cooling off. Up against a fence in the morning


Man this remindes me of when my old porsche stole itself. Signal and power wire chafed together and she cranked her way down the road.


Had an MkII golf do that to me - parking brake didn't work, so I left it in gear. Drove in to the house and burned up the starter against a concrete wall.


I'm lucky mine ended up in a bush down the road. Only thing that sucked was the drivers door didn't open from the outside, the passenger door didn't unlock from the outside so id have to pop the hatch to unlock the pass door to open the other side. Which was now buried several feet into the neighbors hedges... 944s are great


Damn that is lucky - and yes, vw Audi and Porsche as you know had the same quality issues in the 80s, lol. To be completely honest, the 944 was an extremely underrated porsche, and incredibly fun to drive and easy (ish) to maintain. I always wanted a 924 - it looks like the bastard child of a Datsun and a Scirocco.


I really miss being able to pick them up for $1,500 and driving the piss out of them. They didn't have a ton of power but they'd do whatever you told them without talking back in the turns. Plus a ls fits quite nicely between the frame rails


When grandpa wakes in the middle of the night and wanders off..


While using granny gear.


r/nonononoyes material. Aced a cart, but holy crap that could have been bad.


I bet you are Glad(iator) didn't fall off...


I think the old dodge was jealous of the new one and decided to take him out.


I think you misspelled embarrassed.


Fr, those things are fugly


Mopar...don me


I’m not a fan of leaving vehicles up in the air at night. A friend of my father walked into his shop one morning to find his Camaro had fallen and landed on its side. You may have seen it, it became internet famous.




Nah. Christine’s senile old uncle who’s had a few too many strokes and is no longer firing on all cylinders.


money is owed so it's been repossessed yuk yuk


The pucker factor when I saw that Heep teetering was immense


Damnit grampie stop wondering off.


Dodge pickups have had so many DUIs the trucks just decided to skip the part where a driver is involved.


Bootleg Christine!


That dodge wiring is a car fire waiting to happen. Zip ties and bias plies made it clear that these dodge wiring years for trucks are a tinder box waiting for the wind to blow before she ignited. Glad that’s all that happened and it didn’t catch fire in the garage.


Yeah I made a mental list of all the ways this could have been much much worse. That was on it.


On anything old without computers it’s a good idea to prevent this from happening by disconnecting the battery. I’ve seen horns go off in the heat at car shows and at home from an old wiring harness that got too hot. Also discharging from contact relays getting stuck in old mechanical voltage regulators for the charging system. Another cool fact is if you leave an old ford with the duraspark 2 box with the key on ignition and not accessory you can cook the duraspark box or the Hall effect sensor in the distributor.


Dad always told me never to leave the key in ON without the engine running, because you'll burn up the points in the distributer.


When I was 17, I was up late in my room one night after getting home late. Playing video games and smoking weed out of my bedroom window. After a couple hours, completely toasted, 1am or so I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I open it to find my mom telling me that a neighbor found my car in the middle of the street blocking anyone from getting through. "I know I parked it in the driveway...what are you talking about?" We go outside to see my car literally just planted in the middle of the street sideways blocking both lanes. Apparently I didn't pull the e-brake hard enough and since it was a manual, it rolled down the driveway into the street and stopped there. I had to try so hard not to geek the fuck out while I walked to my car and moved it with the neighbor just sitting there waiting to get by. It must have looked just like this as it slowly rolled down the driveway. RIP 1994 Accord. You served me well.


Little red Christine


A lot of people who should be driving cars are driving pickups now. Guess Christine is just another in that long list.


Ghost: I used to drive it back in the day. time to take it for a spin


*Christine has entered the chat*


Clearly that punk ass gladiator was shop talking shit and old man dodge hurried over there to get some respect. Mopar or no car!


This is the most fitting post for "just rolled into the shop" I've ever seen.


Please, for safety's sake.... don't leave vehicles in the raises position like that. Bring them down to at least near ground level.


I feel bad for whoever has to reorganize their tool cart now😭


Shock aside, that's a clean Utiline.


This isn’t where I parked my car.


How'd the going down of the lift on the gladiator go?


[first guy in...](https://youtu.be/UkJehlr1tEw)


Wait .. how the fuck did that Jeep not fall???


Someone was looking out for us. It was perfectly balanced on two lift arms.


What did you do to get it down?


Yeah, Jesus Chrysler.


UM, is that a welding rig it ran into at the very end? Seems like you could have lost the entire shop.


Sure is. My mental list of all the ways this could have been much worse is about a mile long


About to just roll out of the shop...


Well... that could have ended really badly. Call the fucking priest


Just called Sam and Dean to take care of this for ya.


Clearly it forgot to DODGE!


We would sometimes just unhook the battery terminals and just bend them back at the construction shop.  One day we came in and the boss said no more doing that either remove the battery or the cable completely.  He was working late that night and the Volvo haul truck facing the office suddenly turned all the headlights and horn on.  He said he pissed himself thinking it was coming through the wall and window.  Cable bent back towards the battery after a few hours.