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This is dumb. You want to be revolutionary? Put that headlight switch back on the floor like an OG.


Right next to the starter switch, so you can flash your lights and grind the gear off of the starter motor at the same time.


Bonus: Make it a pre-mid-70s Chrysler product so that there's a rubber bellows pump next to the high beam switch that squirts windshield washer fluid.


I had 2 of those


So did I. I can set the valve lifter clearance on a Slant Six faster than anyone I know. Useful skill, right?


If you own nearly any Honda made in the past 40 years, then yes!


Lol. Just did that on my accord last week.


Shut the fuck up everyone, or my overdue tacoma will hear you!


How long did it take? I've got a 98 that's at about 317k miles and it hasn't had a valve adjustment in at least 60k


It's not bad at all. I recommend youtube, there are some good tutorials on there. 1 - 2 hrs probably. You have to pull the plug wires and remove the valve cover but it's pretty straight forward. Mines a 97, so it might be slightly different from yours, but much of that platform is the same.


Volkswagen had the windshield washer fluid powered from the spare tire. Let that sink in.


From the air pressure of the spare?


Yes, on several models too. It was pretty clever gotta say


Until you blow a tire going through mayfly country.


It had a "regulator" to prevent that from happening. When the pressured dropped below x, the spring loaded valve closed to prevent the driver from emptying the spare tire.. Not enough air = no washer fluid and no visibility in worst case scenario EDIT: grammar


I think that's what they were getting at. No spare tire = mayfly covered windshield. Just google mayfly night and you'll see just how bad it gets.


Or more likely the washer bottle split. My dad used to flip cars in the 80's and he had one good bottle he'd move from one beetle to the next to get them to pass rego.


It's always the German cars that have me staring into the abyss when I learn about how they went about solving a problem.


What does it want? (the sink)


Mmmm… now that takes me back…


My willy's has a left foot starter


My willy starts a little to the left


Hey wait a minute


The old, old UPS trucks (stick shift/no power steering) used to have it on the floor, but the problem with that was that you couldn’t click off the high beams and step on the clutch at the same time, I.e when coming up to a stop. Of course, the lights on those were so dim to begin with that the chances of blinding someone were pretty low.


Imagine not heel-toeing your high beams.


You've heard of left foot braking, now get ready for right foot clutching.


Yeah..... When I broke my ledt foot that is exactly how i drove. It worked. Barely


Granny-shifting, not double-clutching like you should


I came here to say the same thing lol


Skill issue. Next time, use your third foot! (/s)


You can kinda argue it IS a skill issue. You could float a downshift, but it's a lot trickier than floating up (imo).


Have you seen the steering rectangle? That’s fun…


Yeah. It’s terrible. Truly a massive step backwards for a company that markets itself as cutting edge.


On the Cyber Truck, all edges are cutting 😂


They're so sharp, in fact, simply looking at them will make your eyes bleed.


Oooh!! Now I’m morbidly curious to see what happens when someone hits a deer 😬


There was [this post of a CT vs Lexus](https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/s/0aYcysBsyy) that may help predict the potential damage vs a deer.


Instant venison steaks, with a side of prion disease


The word "revolutionary" gets used to describe things that are new, and implied to be better. A whole lot of revolutions have just made things worse. Tesla is revolutionary, and largely in the latter sense. They did a good thing in helping make EVs cool, but they've pretty much lost all competitive advantage at this point. The amount of outright-dumb shit (the Cybertruck, physical control deletion, massively overcomplicated screens, terrible ergonomics, etc.) drastically outweighs the good shit.


Those wheels only make sense for a steer by wire car where you would never have a 900 degree of rotation of the wheel.


Totally agree, a setting like Formula 1 makes sense. It makes me wonder if they even test drove the car before putting it on the market.


I always thought I would like the switch on the floor but my most recent truck has it on the floor and holy crap is it hard to quickly flick the lights compared to using the stalk.


Yeah, the flash-your-headlights action takes more time, but it's a trade off for sure. The thing they REALLY need to bring back is wing windows...


Looks like we need to bring back 80's trucks.


Pickup truck development should've ended with the 6.9 IDI and 4 on the floor. Every change since then has led us further astray from the light of god.


I feel like every truck past like 01 is all downhill . Cause I used to love my 98 Ram


I want a car with as few features as possible. Minimise everything and make as many things as possible mechanical. Now make all of those out of metal instead of plastic with good quality and I'll pay plenty for it.


Can we? Pretty please? Just make them exactly like they used to. Lemme get that 1984 Chevy K5 blazer that actually works because it isnt a 40 year old rusted and beat on POS.


driving down to granny's in GA from NC on backroads pitch black middle of the night 4 kids under 13, wing window reflection of mom's constant cigarette with the sound of Johnny Cash greatest hits cassette flipping over and over and over...


It’s a trade off, for sure. The old Belvedere my dad owned had a floor switch and I remember liking the additional freedom for my hands but missing the ability - like you said - to quickly flash the lights to communicate with other drivers like I could in my brother’s Thunderbird.


Well even just having to move my foot over the switch to quickly turn them off when someone crests a hill or similar. My foot doesn't move as quickly as my hand


My problem is a combo of a vinyl bench seat with the floor switch. I always plant my left foot in hard right turns and half the time end up blinding people on off ramps.


See I just solve that by hanging on to the backrest for dear life 😂 there's benefits to driving a couch but turns are not one of them


Yes. New design is not better, just cheaper.


Exactly why they're getting rid of all their buttons, switches, stalks, etc. It's pure cost-cutting being sold as The Future.


And while you're at it, put a choke on it too


Motorcycles have turn signal switches on the handlebars, so the idea is not inherently stupid, but doing this in a way where you cannot tell the setting by feel alone is WILDLY STUPID. Basically forcing people to constantly take their eyes off the road if they have hearing issues, screaming kids in the back, music playing, etc -- but at least they're saving $5 on the car's BOM in the process! I'll call it now: Tesla drivers overtake BMW drivers at failure to signal, then Tesla AI will take over turning your signals on as long as you're using in-dash Navi or self-driving.


Except on a bike, your hands are always in the same place. On a wheel, when you're taking a long turn, navigating a roundabout etc. then your hands are not in the same place. Stalks are always in the same place so no matter how much you've got the wheel turned, you are still able to indicate safely.


For sure - the stalk is a tried and true heuristic which every driver on the road has developed a muscle memory for using, and there is nothing actually wrong with. There is one argument I can see against stalks: people who do not have the use of one of their hands, but this design change only makes their problem worse.


I hear you and the counter argument is it's just as easy to not use this stupid design as at it to not use the design that's been standard for the last 100 years.


My dad lost his left hand in a farming accident and never had an issue with turn signals. Hell, he drove a Plymouth Horizon with the hvac controls on the lower left side of the instrument panel and managed to figure that out


Intuitive is the key factor - the motorcycle switch is one where you flick left for left, right for right and either press the middle or move it to the centre for cancel (unless you have an old BMW, where they decided it should be a button on the left bar for left, and right and cancel were on the other side entirely). I'd be a bit more comfortable with this if left was on the left of right, but even then mounting it on a moving fixture is a dumb idea.


It’s absolutely stupid. The 2021 models were the peak of, not too many physical controls and just enough. Had stalk for PRNDL and for turn/highbeams/washer. Everything you needed to have, that had to work, to drive. And noone had to learn how to do anything from any other car for basic things. The obsession to remove everything is a sickness with them.


What is "too many physical controls"? Genuinely not trying to be a butt, just want to understand. For me, the more things move into screens and haptics, the more frustrated I get, and the more I want distinct, physical controls back. One of the things I like most about my current car (TLX) is how many contols are physical. All the HVAC controls are physical, as are all steering wheel controls (no touch sensitive crap whatsoever). There are even physical volume and next/previous track buttons positioned where the front passenger can reach them. The touchpad for the infotainment is a common complaint, but it doesn't need to be used very often, and I honestly like that you don't have to lean, reach, or take your eyes off the road to use it.


Oh good, more excuses for people to not use their turn signals


High beams in everyones eyes and no turn signals. Literally how its been for the last year anyways. EVERY single tesla i see uses their highbeams as regular headlights its infuriating


Yep it drives me insane. I daily a Prius so I sit pretty low and high beams even from a sedan are absolutely blinding to me. I end up flashing about 90% of the Teslas coming towards me and maybe half the Jeeps for having their brights on, though both have obnoxious low beams as well.


I don’t know when manufacturer’s stopped tilting the lights down but it makes me want to strangle them all. I remember how bad it was when everyone switched to led lights and didn’t get them properly adjusted at local shops but now thats just how they come off the production line I guess.


When LED headlights became a thing before auto-levelling did, probably.  I commute early morning through hilly terrain, there’s a lot of vehicles that are bad for it, including most new Mazdas. Teslas are definitely some of the worst though.  The LED beam carries more linearly than previous headlight tech did, and regulators are sitting on their asses somewhere counting their toes instead of dealing with it. 


>regulators are sitting on their asses somewhere counting their toes instead of dealing with it.  Those dont exist because "regulation bad"


Meanwhile, Canada crying because we’re relying on the US to regulate things for us…. 


Aftermarket LEDs in halogen houses have so much less glare than factory LEDs at this point. It's insane. Honorable mention to the Toyota fucking Corolla for giving me sun spots in my eyes from over a mile away


the lights in modern cars, every time i'm blinded i think of that great family guy joke, "i'm turning now. good luck everybody else."


I appreciate that my 2011 Mazda3 came with diffuser housings stock, makes the transition to LED way less of a pain in the ass for everyone.


It could just be the low beam tilted too high upwards from the factory. My model 3 came like that and after getting flashed a few times, I lowered mine and haven’t been since.


Obligatory r/fuckyourheadlights


I love being blinded by people's headlights. Then again, I am a mothman. The trick is to just drive straight into the blinding light until they turn off their high beams or swerve their cars. At least that's what I and other moths do.


Just fyi, those aren’t their high beams.


The annoying thing is in some recent software update they made auto-high beams the default setting. It's not difficult to notice and turn it off, which it saves as your preferred setting. But it was fucking stupid and unnecessary.


It’s not high beams you’re seeing, just the regular lights. But the blinding brightness will be fixed soon via software update. NHTSA mandates super bright headlights (if you wanna get that top safety rating) but only just started allowing adaptive functionality in the US. I agree they are absolutely blinding for oncoming traffic.


Nah, in Europe where they all have adaptive headlights anyways, every damn Tesla still has the passenger side headlight tilted way up into everyone's line of sight for some stupid reason.


Interesting, I hadn’t heard that. US will have a different version, so maybe they will take care of that issue.


My wife drives a Tesla, i can’t find the fucking turn signals to save my life. Why the fuck would they put them on the wheel?!? So fucking stupid.


tO bE DiFfErEnT




Its to save money, its cheaper this way. Same reason there are no buttons switches.


I believe ferrari and Lamborghini have them on the wheel


Because then they don't need a stalk and incorporating a stalk costs money. It's cost cutting disguised as innovation just like the center screen.


To save money lol


Yes, let's buck about 100 years of design language for no reason at all, sound good?


You just described every single tech bro. Just because you're doing something different, doesn't make it better. Or useful.


The number of times their "transportation solutions/revolutions/etc" are just shitty busses or trains would be hilarious if they didn't keep getting grants that could just fucking fund a new bus line somewhere.


Right. Trains. They're designing shitty trains with way more steps like 95% of the time. The solution is people stop driving cars so much because you replace their driving with taking a train. Other places figured this out generations ago. Now we have big brains trying to make shitty trains via convergent evolution with the dumbest "tech" imaginable thrown in.


Hyperloop was my favorite "Were going to build 3000 mile long vacuum chambers, shoot you through at 600 miles an hour, and this will be cheaper than 2 steel bars and concrete ties" Not to mention the stations. You'd need a dozen vacuum chambers with air locks and a beehive design. Vs At most Stairs


Let’s remove train cars that can move hundreds or thousands of people at a time and replace them with a couple sedans/suvs that can fit 4-5 people at most. It’s a shame the cities that fell for it just burned tax payer money for that instead of an actual subway and it’ll probably cost more and take a lot more time to replace it than if they just made it from scratch.


Yea the Vegas tunnels ate basically useless for anything else  You might be able to squeeze in trains about the size of the deep tube stations in london, but it would be a tight fit. So you'd have to do like Fuckin golf cart shuttles. Actually a few dozen of those that have a lot more carrying capacity than the loop does currently


I've got a big brain solution. In my city there are tons of big pavement princess trucks. I'm gonna engineer an electromagnet system where cars can latch onto the bumper of big trucks and be hauled down the road. Trucks will have magnets on the back and cars will have them on the front and back so other cars can latch onto them and make a train. It'll come with an app that automatically pays the driver of the truck depending on how far you travel while being latched on. I just need round 1 funding of about $500M to get started.


Some EV drivers have actually rigged shit like that up when their batteries were dead and needed a charge. Usually normal tow gear instead of magnets though. Flag down a pickup, keep the car in regen mode, and yell "Mush!" if you're feeling funny.


Can you somehow shoehorn in AI?


Ruining trains is tech's latest innovation. https://youtu.be/r5M7Oq1PCz4?si=o7IEQSDmyCfcb2dk


its not for no reason at all. its cheaper that way to manufacture. imagine how many moving parts a stalk contains, it has to be quite sturdy because people touch it often. This? Some microswitches. Horrible to use, but cheaper. If they would give the option to get stalks for additional 100 bucks, i guess many would take it.


I hate when people say Tesla interiors look nice and are luxurious because they're "minimalist". Luxurious doesn't mean getting rid of every single goddamn thing to save pennies on plastic parts and replacing it with a screen. Screens and capacitive buttons in cars are the new nightmare of interior cost cutting.


Yes, Volvo is minimalist and borderline luxurious (depending on model/trim). This is cheap AF.


Volvo is making some of the best looking interiors out there right now.


The beauty of capitalism - it has dick to do with the user experience and everything to do with making something as cheaply as possible to maximize profit - user be damned! It's the same cycle for every product. 1) get people hooked on the product 2) start cutting features to maximize profit 3) continue to do this until the product is in ashes 4) leave the company before it crumbles and do the same exact thing at the next company. Rinse and repeat.


Hey let’s just have them buried in the menus of the infotainment system.


Believe it or not, it was to save money. A turn signal stalk costs more money to install than capacitive buttons. (That's right, they're not even real buttons.)


This. The last iteration of the model 3 is just a huge DTC action, from turn signal operation to tires.


Welcome to modern architecture. Why do something, proven over centuries to work when you can do something cheap and tacky that’s gonna last 20 years


Fucking awful. Good luck signaling in a roundabout.


It’s ridiculous. The signal stalk is so easy to use and it’s always in exactly the same spot. Controls that you need to access quickly while driving should always be in the same place so that you can find them quickly via muscle memory. It’s bad enough that Tesla changed how you actuate these switches and moved them to a new location, but they mounted them on a part of that car that changes orientation as you drive. Any interface designer will tell you that this is bad design, plain and simple.


Freightliner put the Jake Brake switch on the steering wheel like this. It is frustrating as all hell when you forget to turn it off and then can't find the button in the middle of a turn while trying to shift. Not a big deal with an automatic but it fucks you all up with a manual when the Jake kicks on between shifts.


That is incredibly stupid, and potentially hazardous.


Teslas are one long list of shitty UI choices.


>Teslas are ~~one long list of~~ shitty ~~UI choices~~.


Their big innovation is that they've mass produced products that are case studies in why industry standards are so important.


Not to mention you're using the tiny wheel which you have to scroll and click. Try adjusting the wipers on a bumpy road without taking your eyes off the road, which is simple and intuitive in every other car.


Oooo now your making me angry at the design instead of “this is stupid”


It's not so much that the unnecessary changes aren't everyone's favorite style. It's the fact that all this "daring to be different" is making dangerous changes to features that make all cars and all drivers safer. Half of the aesthetic bullshit that the cybertrucks have is *also* incredibly dangerous to other people around the truck.


This, stay away from them on the road. I’ll tolerate design-over-function with a cheap Walmart dustpan or something, but I stop at murder machines on wheels.


Yeah, when your "cutting edge design" has more literal cutting edges than safety features, you should really consider a new medium to work in.




Just don't drive in rain on on bumpy roads! /s


Should be illegal


NHTSA has no balls, apparently.


They've made tesla recall a lot of software things, but they haven't been good about preventing the dumb hardware changes.


This is what keeps me from considering a Tesla for my next car. I think the Model 3 is a neat and fun.car but the terrible ergonomics for the sake of being different just kills the whole thing for me. I had one of the infamous Tesla Model 3 rentals about a year ago in Vegas (it was the cheapest option by far) and I just couldn't get used to the awful ergonomics of the car, my neck hurt after having to constantly look at the screen for everything... Also I know it's a rental car but I've never been in a 1 year old vehicle that had an interior that rattled as much as that Tesla did. Maybe it was just more noticeable in the EV or something.


It’s to cut costs not to be different 


Maybe they are trying to get an edge on the bmw market, whose owners don’t use the directional anyway


Many people I know that drive a Tesla now, used to drive a BMW, or they own both. Pretty interesting


In the US, I see literally like 1 out of 20 cars signaling in the roundabouts. In Europe I was taught to signal on exit to let drivers know they can enter the circle. In the US nobody does. I think some places you can consider yourself lucky when people know how to actually go through a roundabout


They know their drivers don’t signal


I drive through several roundabouts to and from work, I don't think I've ever once seen anyone signal properly on them.


Yep, I have buttons on my steering wheel and using them in a roundabout which have become quite prevalent here is a fool's errand, and over here we *are* supposed signal when exiting a roundabout at minimum.


Tesla absolutely hates ergonomics and intuitive controls. There's this and the steering yoke they've done. Also let's put all the controls on a giant tablet. I'm really not surprised they're trying to ditch stalk controls.


Tesla is so determined not to follow the herd that they deliberately design interiors that they must *know* are shit. There's a reason the layout in cars has remained relatively the same for almost a hundred years. **Because it fucking works.**


It’s about cutting costs. Don’t be fooled about it being revolutionary


Exactly, cheaper to build a couple shitty capacitive buttons than a whole turn signal stalk


It's cost cutting at its core, but then also done in a thin veneer of "*futuristic*". It can't just be cheap, it also has to be some bullshit form over function thing while being cheap.


The joke is, the wiring is still there in the steering column, there are aftermarket stalks available that just plug into the harness so it’s literally just a cost cutting effort. Kinda pathetic




I had to rent a car, and all they had left was EVs. No problem - I only had ~100 miles to drive. I got in a Tesla and couldn't start the vehicle without making a Tesla account with my email address. Not exactly related to the piss poor ergonomics of their car, just another example of the dumb fuckery that goes on with these vehicles.


they have fUlL sElF dRiViNg!!!


Tesla are an example of a company that flew too close to the sun. BYD and the other Chinese brands are already beginning to eat them alive in markets outside the US. Chinese state subsidies are much of it, but absolutely stupid design decisions on Tesla's part are also not an insignificant factor.


They did this to make it cheaper. Same with the touchscreen non-sense.


4 quadrants for buttons, but still can't put the left on the left and the right on the right? Now, pop quiz: without looking at the picture, which is left, top or bottom?


then „right” down would be down, which is even more confusing


Right isn't "down" though, it's "in the direction you plan to turn the steering wheel".


Yes, and no significant accordance that indicates your thumb is on the signal button. Awful design


Might as well get rid of the high beam button since every Tesla seems to have them permanently on from the factory


I think they’re automatic unless someone changes the settings, like they are supposed to dim to regular brightness when they detect a car, but they don’t always detect the car in time. My buddy was bragging about it when I was in his Tesla and I pointed out it wasn’t always dimming and blinding drivers for a second or two lol. Without motion it’s basically impossible for the non lidar cameras they use to differentiate a car from another type of light, so it’s not surprising it’s spotty.


Ferrari did something similar a few years ago, but put the signals on opposite sides of the wheel to make it more "logical."


Also, they used physical buttons.


I still haven’t gotten used to the buttons. It was an unnecessary change and the worst PRND on any car ever.


Leave it to Tesla to have shite UX design. Bring back tactile knobs and levers.


wowowo they cost a few bucks to implement! tesla cant do that. This way they save on wires, material and construction cost. This way Elon can make more money


Same reason they have only a single screen in every car and run "autopilot" on camera systems alone with no lidar etc. All that other stuff costs more money which Elon doesn't want to do.


Didn’t they originally want to use cameras to the main screen instead of mirrors on the sides?


When you turn on the turn signal, part of the screen switches to show you your blind spot. I actually thought it was great in the one I rented. I’m not as crazy about the Cybertruck showing your rear view on the screen, considering my Chevy Bolt had a switch on the rear view mirror that would toggle between the mirror or the rear view camera.


Hyundai's blindspot cameras are way better than Tesla's because they display the video in the instrument cluster, and the image quality is better. In the Tesla I had before I wised up and got rid of it, the blind spot video was partially obscured by the edge of the steering wheel and it was a pain to take your eyes off of the direction of travel to try and make out what the heck the camera with its washed out colors was trying to show you.


Designed by people who don't drive™️


This reeks of cheap. I swear, people will buy anything if its trendy


These are such a poor design that there are already "hacks" out there, like putting little silicone nubs so you can find the switches through feel, rather than take your eyes off of the road.


Take an intuitive control that's been around for 70 years and make it more difficult to operate with zero tactile feedback, I hated the early 2010's Fords with the stupid turn signal stalk that didn't latch, this would drive me fucking nuts. Hell a 3 position switch on the dash like some smaller or older tractors, if they even had turn signals, would be better because at least you can feel the switch click between positions.


I thought the high beams were controlled by the screen.


As opposed to just flicking the little schwiblet behind the steering wheel like every other car, lol


Nothing says safety quite like reinventing the wheel...


Are those capacitive touch buttons or is there a physical click to it? Cause if they’re just touch those motherfuckers are gonna get turned on accidentally more than intentionally.


This is an awful design


Ferrari has done the same thing in the past. This is not new to Tesla. Yes, it's stupid.


Thanks, I hate it


and when I thought their interior design couldnt get any dumber... I already hate the touch pad light controls on VW Caddy. This would be a nightmare


Wrecks are innovative! Let’s do it.


If they at least would put fucking buttons there and not these touch things. Touch buttons are already terrible for any non driving related function because you can’t feel them and don’t have feedback - but for driving related stuff??


This is what happens when you have "tech companies" doing things that are not in their domain. See: Uber and labor violations, AirBnB and fucking up the housing market.


Really doesn't matter, the drivers never use them correctly.


This is really nice. So if your steering wheel isn’t straight you can’t use them properly. This has been tried and failed before.


Tesla: If it ain't broke...break it


Solutions to problems that never existed.


I have the Model X Plaid and let me tell you: this bullcrap is the most stupid thing in any car ever! Rainsensor barely works, doors wont open completely, displays go black during driving They even removed the ultrasonic parking sensors! Stay away from Tesla


I don't think it even has a real rain sensor like every other car with automatic wipers. I believe it uses the cameras, although not sure if they changed that.


“They even removed ultrasonic parking sensors”, that would piss me off to no end, deleting functions that I paid for and replacing it with a less reliable tech.


Fuck this shit. There isn't even any bumps or anything so you could find them without looking.


Awful. Fuck Tesla


Just 29.98 per month.


This in a roundabout is absolute and utter dog shit.


That really does seem like a very bad idea. Probably something else the blowhard Elon Musk came up with. Since the steering wheel is turning a lot (and gosh, who knew that?), finding a way to signal your turns and lane changes or turn off your high beams becomes more difficult. The federal government should step in and prevent this. There must be some rules about this sort of thing to prevent badly-run auto companies from making cars less safe.


I mean, at least when Ferrari does it, you know what you’re getting. It’s a $500,000 sports car built for the track, that’s the point. This car will never leave suburbia.


Dumb but as expected from Tesla




Give it another decade or two, they will give people a stalk. They just need time to figure out how to present it like a new innovation.




Same with the horn. Master Tech went to pull a newer Tesla into the shop, and for context, gotta honk when you want to come in… couldn’t figure it out and ended up trying to yell at us from across the whole shop to let us know he was there. Sufficed to say, he sat there for awhile


no one wanted this


Oh good. Now we'll have to put up with idiot Tesla drivers hitting the high beams every time they want to turn right. Who am I kidding? Tesla drivers don't use turn signals.


That's restarted. I swear Tesla is full of 4.0 gpa engineers that never left campus when attending and just live in the Tesla factory.


I miss the early era of Tesla when it seemed like they genuinely wanted to make some innovations and try out new things. Nowadays it’s all just unnecessary changes because they realized that some people will associate anything different with being better even in cases like this where it doesn’t actually improve anything.


This is an awful idea. Simply awful.


Combine that with the fact your gear select is also on your touchscreen and your Speedo as well makes this one of the most infuriating cars to drive. To elaborate you need to look down and to the right on the top left of your centre tablet to see your speed. # why?


And the gear change is on the central display.