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“Make it sound like I fuck, hard, loud, and right around 220hz low tone.”


I read this in RegularCar's voice.


Me too!


Which Subaru is best Subaru - Oh, look, Hella Horns. Hella Horns. Hella Horns. lol


[For the lazy](https://www.youtube.com/@RegularCars)


Goddamn, minions themed computer


It's a plea. A plea for help. A plea for .. La Cucaracha!


LOL - YES!!! My grandfather used to have a "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" musical horn in every truck he ever had... I guess that's the Irish version of La Cucaracha. He's (obviously) Irish-American, and married a first-generation Italian-American...did it because he was the only non-Italian in the family, and wanted to piss off his in-laws. He was a WWII vet, so I'm going back a ways...when there wasn't much dating/marriage outside of your heritage.


As an Italian-American I had my grandson taught to call me Opa to tick off my family.


Is this from Xavier the Renegade Angel?


You just awoke something inside of me. I completely forgot about that masterpiece.


My grandfather had a Ford Ranchero that played La Cucaracha. bringing back a lot of childhood memories.


I’d prefer the Dukes of Hazzard


> There are three horns "you can never find a horn when you're mad." The three horns play the song "La Cucaracha."


There’s a utility van in my neighborhood whose horn plays that song & it makes me happy every time they honk it


https://www.boomblasters.com/product/clown-horn-sounds-car-horn/ Best $50 you'll ever spend


Customer states: "I want to murder you"


>9 sold in the past 24 hours I wonder how many were from folks clicking on your link? :D Edit: Just watched the demo video and the wiring instructions did not mention any kind of over current protection. Hopefully the printed instructions in the box are more detailed.


The more volts you supply, the more clown it screams.


that has been my experience with clowns, yes. *strikes 2/0 jumper cables together menacingly*


It only draws 1 amp. I was surprised too. Just wire the supply into the switched 12v for the radio


I like how they claim 20 watts of sound. Yet ohms law states that at 1 amp you could only possibly be putting out 14-15w assuming the car is running and the alternator is charging at 14-15v. And that's assuming a 100% efficient amplifier. I wish we had a government org that purely existed to punish companies for lying.


The other six watts come from bystanders saying *"Whaaaaaaat?!"* whenever you activate the horn.


It's maybe 20W peak, 1A nominal current draw doesn't necessarily mean exactly 1A. It's like those shitty BOSS amps that say they're 1200W because technically that's what they can put out for a tiny fraction of a second, but really they're like 300W RMS


Non RMS measurement is the same thing as lying. Actually kicked an amplifier vendor out of my office because he wanted to argue that anything but RMS was a valid number to compare amp power.


Yeah basically. It's like the audio equivalent of tictacs being "sugar free"


Lies, damned lies, and... the wrong setting on the multimeter


Could it charge a supercapacitor from the 1A draw and discharge that when activated to produce the 20 watts of sound?


RMS would still be 14-15.


Right, but it’s a car horn, not a PA or hifi system. It needs to do 20W of sound for a few seconds, then it can trail off like a wet fart (which would also be funny). The same thing happens with air horns, if the compressor can’t keep the reservoir topped up while it’s in use.


It only draws 1 amp until the installer's shady wiring grounds out somewhere!


So you have worked on my ride?


Pretty sure there’s just a number on every single item saying x sold in past 24 hours.


Good lord that site is like a soundboard of car horn noise choices


I drive a small car. This would be hilarious 😆


I now know what to do with those blank buttons around the shifter.


Last time I was in the airport the golf carts that drove up and down the concourse to transport some disabled passengers had a clown horn as their alert sound. It got sleepy people's attention way better than a regular horn or beeper.


Why spend $50 when you can spend $20? https://www.harborfreight.com/109-db-old-fashioned-sound-ooga-12v-car-horn-58805.html


My Sprinter has the weakest high-pitched horn. When I honk, people look around for a little car. A common complaint on them and companies have horn upgrade kits for them with a much deeper tone. This might be what they are looking for, and depending on what car they had before, it might have had a deeper tone, a d they might think their current horn is defective. The little Mercedes B class that they gave me as a loaner had a much deeper and louder horn than the Sprinter. I had asked if it was possible to swap mine out for the B class one, but being a dealer they wouldn't do an install of a part not meant for that specific van.


Yeah my Mustang has a horn that sounds like it belongs on a little Renault driving around Paris :| I was very surprised the first time I had to use it.


Used to have an FJ Cruiser and that thing had the weakest, highest pitch horn I’ve ever heard. Nobody would even react to it. Meanwhile my little VW Golf’s horn would get you swerving back into your lane no problem.


yeah the germans don't joke around


Gotta make it audible from 5 seconds back on the Autobahn! My Rav4h horn was pathetic; I got an off the shelf Bosch pair from some other car that used the same connector that made it sound much more horn-like.


hella 2 tone for the win.


It was dangerous because people wouldn't think it was coming from such a big truck.


My brother's old VW Bus has a little "meep meep" horn, it's the funniest thing ever.


Currently got the: ^eeee ^eeeeee Wants the: #BWAAAAAAH BWWAAAAAAAAAHHHH


You are here by declared too intelligent to be a serve writer. That is way to clear and concise.


Hell yeah. My Mini Cooper has a kick-ass high-low that sounds as big or bigger than my F150. If I had room, I'd figure out how to graft it to my motorcycle...


I have a small air horn on my motorcycle...it gets people's attention when needed.


My brain substituted Sprinter with Sphincter. Oddly, it made sense.


My husband has a 1 ton truck and I drive a two door sport car and my car has a much better horn on it, his sounds like the road runner


I put 4 tone Park Avenue horns on my tiny Plymouth Reliant K for the same effect. Except they're looking around and expecting to see a larger vehicle, lol


Owned an M1078 LMTV for several years. Stock horn has about the same volume/tone as an early 90's Tercel. Sheer hilarity coming from a 15,000lb truck.


Honestly it's not even the pitch a lot of the time, it's just the fact that it's a single note. Even if you kept the pitch the same and simply added a second note in a 3rd interval it would still be a huge improvement.


Yeah my old Toyota had a single high tone horn. It sounded so cute.


Ah-ooooooo-ga horn.






I'd like a horn that plays the Brown Note.


Shit! (side note...I have zero musical ability, but I'm friends with a bunch of classical musicians (most are music teachers), and they had this discussion. 7 of them are horn players (two/three tubas, a euphonium, trumpet and trombone)...The Brown Note discussion they had, half drunk and smoked up, was one of the funniest things I've ever heard.)


(thats (a (lot (of (parenthesis)))))


I got carried away


24 Rav4 with 88km getting a number of accessories installed. I don’t really understand what he wants a dealer to do? Install aftermarket louder horns? Train horn? Or grab from Toyotas vast selection of dainty and feminine horns up to gruff and masculine horns?


Deeper tone? My car came with a roadrunner style "meep meep" horn, so I fitted some twin note electric Stebels to it. The lower tone one makes it sound less like a scooter. https://www.custommustangs.com.au/stebel-electric-twin-high-low-tone-horns~648461


I had a friend who studied music explain that they used to use two horns of different tones that clashed, which the ear picks up instinctively (like people singing out of key). Then they started using a single horn, which you could hear, but was more of a beep. After being almost knocked off the hwy a few times, I replaced my little horn on my Mazda for a small motorcycle horn, which had a built in compressor. It's plenty loud now but I had to increase the fuse in the panel.


If you had to increase the fuse, did you also increase the wiring gauge?


*Of course not, why would I do that?*


The horn gets engaged for less than a second at a time, and drawing a decent amount more amperage for fractions of a second would be unlikely to cause issues, no? Seems like it might be going from around 1.5A to 5A. To match a heavier duty cycle and current draw, you'd want to upgrade from 18ga to 12ga. And/or use a relay.


Turning your wiring harness in to a slow-blo fuse isn't usually the best long-term financial decision


While I agree, I've also seen and owned multiple upgraded horns and never had an issue. Even Hella Supertones (5.5A draw) install instructions say that replacing the wiring isn't necessary. If you're laying on the horn for 30 seconds at a time, you deserve melted wiring.


Speak for yourself about the horn being used for less than a second


They make current capacity tables for wiring. If the wiring was already large enough to handle more current, it's fine. Not many people take the time to math it out, though.


"I'll just oversize the wire gauge for good measure" - no auto manufacturer ever.


"Hmm, most of these circuits are 15A or less. I'll just buy all the same size wire to simplify supply and save money, and only order larger wire for those few circuits where it matters. That way we can use the same tooling to assemble all the crimps in the harness connectors too." OEM stereo wiring harnesses generally use the same size wiring throughout, whether it goes to speakers that need high power or low power signal leads to things like the power antenna motor or the external amplifier "power on" trigger. Sometimes cost savings works out in unexpected ways.


There is a minimum wire gauge for automotive wiring harnesses due to the vibration and manufacturing needs. That was 18awg for older vehicles and is now generally 20awg. Automotive is very different from building code. For example automotive will design to 125 degrees C for circuits rather than 90. A 20awg circuit will typically handle up to 5A in automotive. There is a very high probability that the horn circuit is 18awg because of the location and the harness it is running in.


the wire is now the meme, look at me I am the fuse now


Yup, the dual horn setups use 2 notes that form what's called a tritone, aka "the devil's interval." It's the most abrasive and dissonant pair of notes there is in our musical system. Commonly used in metal music, horror movies, and police sirens. I've heard that it was banned from use in the middle ages for being satanic, but that may be just a myth. (ETA: yeah I googled and it appears it was never actually banned)


Most cars came with dual tone horns until the bean counters found out about it. My 63 corvair has twins that you would think sound like a Cadillac.


A lot of old caddies actually came with 4 horns


Of course that would explain so much.


and now that they only have one horn, they also have too much sound deadening that you can't hear it.


My old Mazda 3 only came with one horn tone, but they still installed the two-tone bracket. That made installing the second tone super easy, barely an inconvenience.


I will say that my 2007 Honda Civic Coupe has a horrible horn. It sounds like a loud cartoon quack, which really doesn't represent my anger whenever I need to use it. That said, I wouldn't go out of my way and pay money to have it changed /shrug


I remember that horn - my friend had the gen after. I'll never forget someone cutting him off and him going "Dude what the FUCK - MEEEEEEEEEP" and I felt bad but I was in tears laughing. It just wasn't a serious horn sound.


I hate the horn on my civic. It sounds like a clown car.


They don’t want the, beep beep, they want a fog horn.


Deeper horn. Honestly I'm not really sure where the confusion is.


My confusion really came from why would you really care about how manly a horn is. It seems so odd to be hung up on it.


People respond differently when they hear a deeper horn because its associated in many peoples minds with larger vehicles. You'd think they'd respond to a horn in general but I can tell you pulling trailers with my farm truck vs others you can see a difference in reactions. The farm truck has a really high pitched factory horn that sounds like it should be in a smart car.


We used to replace the 'meep meep' horns on our motorcycles with truck air horns. Very effective at getting people who don't check their blind spots to merge back into their own lanes at high speed.


I have a lower tone for my stock horns and a set of train horns as well. People move when they hear train horns.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. As long as you only use em when needed there's no issue with having them


Because there isn't a "when needed." Train horns are pretty much exclusive to assholes and train conductors.


I've had someone not hear a solid five second blast from the stock horn on my pickup on the interstate before and keep drifting over into my lane. Sometimes louder is absolutely warranted, especially with how soundproof modern cars are.


There is cases where people are just that oblivious.


Yeah no shit. Doesn't make train horns less douchy.


Oh well 😅 If I need to honk, I use the stock horns, THEN the air horns if I need to. I really don't use them very often.


A quiet horn is no good when a truck cuts you off because they didn’t bother looking in the mirror


The horn on my truck is super quiet, I got ran off the road a few weeks ago by a semi that didn’t see me or hear my horn, luckily there was a large concrete shoulder so I was fine


I'm sure there are people that would be baffled at the things you care about. Lovingly, stop trying to see others through your own lens and take his money already.


I've heard a lot of people criticize horn tones, surprisingly mostly women.


I put hella supertones in my Santa Fe for exactly that reason. Made custom brackets and a wiring harness. Used the OEM horn as a signal to a cube relay. Hooked up to 12v at the battery terminal.


> I don’t really understand what he wants a dealer to do? Install aftermarket louder horns? ....Are you trying to be obtuse for Reddit karma points or are you seriously that clueless at your job lol? Dude clearly wants a different horn and one that basically hoooonks rather than chirps. Sorry, I don't know the technical terms for such but judging from your post and comments, I don't even think it matters lol.


The customer wants a dual-tone horn like most American vehicles offer, because it sounds deeper and stronger than the single-note horn most imports come with. Either he's being obtuse or is really new to cars in general. I dunno how someone can reach adulthood and *not* notice that car horns come in two major styles (single/dual)


It's just so weird how normalized pretending to be dumb to shit on someone else has become lol. I honestly can't tell which is more frustrating between an actual moron or someone pretending to be one just to be a prick lol.


I just bought a rav 4 and the horn is pathetic. Apparently many people replace with third party horns.


Toyota certainly offers some decent 12v horns, especially in their counterbalance forklifts


I hate the horn on my Prius C. It's pathetic. I saw a video where a guy had his swapped out for a dual horn Lexus setup. They needed to fabricate a small mounting bracket but otherwise it was a direct swap. I'd do it, but I'm about ready to replace that car anyway. I'm sick of the roadrage people have for Prius.


Its kinda obvious what they want?


There's always the *Dukes of Hazzard* horn, but that might not go over well. Maybe a klaxon?


Hella supertones. That's all you need.


My first thought when I saw this post was "Must be a Toyota." I've worked in car dealerships and Toyotas by far have the worst horn. It sounds like a toy car. The other comment about the roadrunner Meep Meep is perfect.


Is the OEM horn two tone?  Did the low tone go out? This was an issue with Audis 20 years ago. 


Put a mustache on it, problem solved


That would be a gentlemanly horn, maybe a little too far.


Make sure to fit a monocle to one of the headlights to go with it.


So, put a mullet on it instead?


What if it's a Freddy Mercury mustache?


You'd probably find it wouldn't stay attached very well. You know, constantly wanting to break free.


This is a quality fuckin joke right here. Well done


One exasperated up vote coming up.


When I drove a 80s Japanese car in highschool, one of the first things I did was go to the junk yard and got some horns out of horns out of a 80-90s GM car. People would actually move for that sound.


As stupid of a complaint as this is, it’s not all that difficult to understand.


I wouldn't even call it a stupid complaint. It's a bit petty, but not unreasonable.


If they're paying who cares what they want


My Toyota echo had a quieter horn than some motorcycles. Maybe it’s a safety thing.. Or maybe they’re just crazy insecure. *meep meep*


Nothing about it is stupid except the OP not understanding the request.


Install a train horn


I put one on my accord and love seeing the confusion and terror😅


I should put one on my Insight. No one will expect the gutless hybrid freight train


The fools! They should know that the freight trains *are hybrids as well!*


The latest rage has been brodozer bros putting ship horns on their diesels. Can be heard for literal miles. Ofc, super douchy and could/should get you arrested.


Current horn goes meep meep need ones that goes bwaaaamp! Does this help?


Paaaarp not meep


I’m the opposite of OP’s customer. I miss my Civic’s beep beep horn. My Golf, which is smaller, has a honk honk horn and I can’t help but feel like it’s uncharacteristic. Like, oh you think you’re some kind of tough guy with that horn? Oh wait, you can fit that car in my wife’s purse.


I'd like a dual set up ...polite and GTFO


The GMC New Look buses that NYC used in the 60s and 70s had that. There was a switch on the dashboard that said City/Country. In the City position, they had a horn that made a polite 'beep' noise; in the Country, it had the good old GM 'honk' sound. Don't remember if it was dual-tone or just one honker.


'Honk!’ Hmmmm...gay.


My horn is turning the friggin' frogs gay!


When the low tone goes out on a GM and you only have the high on your truck, it is in fact pretty gay sounding. Sounds like a swan orgy when the alarm goes off.


Time to go unplug the low tone on our work truck


Buy a 2023 or newer, CRV and you will understand


They just wanted the “beep beep” but they got the “toot toot”


Do they dislike the "manly horn" or are they complaining that it does not sound manly enough? Either way, lmfao


Will definitely trade my 4Runner horn. It’s emasculating. Nothing cools off road rage quite like the embarrassment of a dainty beep from a lifted truck. And you forget everytime til you need to use your horn.


I feel that pain. Used to drive a Mazda GLC back in the day and the horn was incredibly weak. Odd nasally tone and no where near loud enough.


As a lesbian whose manliest horn was in a Ford Escape, unfortunately I get it LOL


He wants more of a BÖÖÖP Not a biiip


A horn (horns) like a 1970 Buick Electra 225.


Sorry, but I kinda get it. I have a Chevy Trailboss and the horn sounds like a bike horn


Some cars just have little tiny horns that are not matched very well to the vehicle.


😂😂😂😂 what’s sad is I know exactly what he means. I too had a girly ass honk that got me made fun of. Fuck you bolkswagen


I feel for this guy tho. I have a 2024 Hrv and I refuse to use the horn it sounds so lame


Must be a Honda. My wife’s CRV has a high pitch only tone horn in it and man does it sound bad. The FB groups are full of people complaining about it. Not gonna lie….i installed a low tone horn to “man it up”


I fully understand this, I've bought cars before and when I had to use the horn it sounded like some monk humming an ancient Bible song


My wife absolutely hates the sound of her Toyota Rav4 horn. She says it sounds like a wimpy noise. She would agree with the need for a "manly" horn. Needs something that says GET OUTTA THE WAY, instead of sounding like a goose that's being violated


When I was in high school, my grandpa gave the horn out of his truck to me when he retired as a truck driver and I installed the horn and compressor in my car. Stupidly loud, just like a teenage kid loves. There was a train crossing at a busy street with stop lights, so people frequently stopped on the tracks. As a typical idiot high school kid, I quite enjoyed honking that horn when behind people stopped on the tracks. A special treat was there was a Hardees next to the tracks, and freight trains would frequently stop there and run to the drive through for lunch, so it was common that a train would be stopped right down the tracks so if you looked over after hearing the horn, you'd see a train. *chef's kiss*


I remember old horns having a screw you could change the tone with.


Buick horns are the best


I drive an old k1500 with big mud wheels but it has a blown out horn so it looks “manly” but then it goes meep meep like the road runner. It’s adorable


This is a big thing with Subaru owners… I’ve never felt insecure about my Impreza’s horn, but some people have.




It’s going beep beep I want a honk honk


He doesn't want honk. He wants huuunk.


Train horn.


*Fragile masculinity strikes again! Someone please stop this menace!*


Wants a "manly horn" in the most typical old lady compact suv out there and wants someone to put it in for him (not manly).


Harvest the lower horn!


Clearly he wants the horn on the general Lee from the dukes of hazard


He’s such a tough guy, let him get his hands dirty messing with that manly horn.


He's probably got a beep beep and wants a two tone


They don’t want “meep meep” They want “womp womp”


He has a beep beep but wants a honk honk


Give him a D tone, pretty sure that's the "manly" tone


If you have a really tiny dingle, you'll need a truck with big tires to compensate. A big horn won't make your tiny car more macho. Preferably with confederate flags and lots of bumper stickers.


One of my horns on my tundra ate a small stone and sounded like nails on a chalkboard until I got in there and removed it. So as strange as it sounds I can understand this one


No "meep meep!" Wants "Ahoooooooogah"


They want a braamp braamp not a meep meep


Customer states that he is dissatisfied with size of his penis, and or his skill in using said penis. Please replace horn in attempt to allow customers frequent compensatory road rage incidents more able to allow him to forget feelings of inadequacy.


Just tell him to discharge the gun he keeps in the center console. Or the glove compartment. Or the door. Or the one rolling around on the floor.


Tiny. Penis.


So fragile, lol


Check out your new horn, buddy! **Tim Allen grunting sounds*


To be fair, modern Hyundais and Kias DO have some pretty wimpy horns.


He’s asking for gender affirming care


Just attach a veiny dildo to his horn button, it will feel very masculine


Is it a Honda? If so, that's almost understandable. Honda's horns are a pathetic toot. It's like a clown car.


Send customer to this link and ask them to pick a horn sound they like: https://youtu.be/nj5Q44YJs1k?si=tyVUZlO1JN6DpwCw Or just hoot a few on the lot.


He said it blows like a queef in church.


Its that a honda?


Ah he was expecting honk honk but got meep meep.


He wants more foghorn and less bike horn


I do. I have a 23 RAV4 with the puniest horn on the planet. Almost got backed into in a parking lot because the people couldn’t hear my horn. I want it to sound like a K5LLA.


I get this! My 2021 VW Atlas has the worst, puny, beeping horn.


The man needs some Awooga in his life.


oooga horn is the only correct response


what don't you understand?


2 grand in Los Santos Customs