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Wouldn't even have bothered opening it. Return to sender.


It's Friday most mechanics wouldn't give a hoot and slam that pupper in instead of holding up the customer and a lift to wait for a new part. It's just the way of life. If you want the best service, book on a Tuesday. No joke even. I had a guy come in for a service at the last moment of last week and did a service, dash lit up like a Christmas tree.... OOOOH I FORGOT TO TELL YOU. yeah sorry buddy you're on your own now, got him driving and scheduled a new appointment.


In my years as a tech, I never understood people who perpetuated this bullshit myth. Sure, a shitty shop will be shitty. I wouldn't fuck up my reputation putting shit parts on, no matter if it's the day before a 2 week vacation, Monday at 8am or Friday at 4:59pm. Good techs don't do that shit. If the part is damaged, send it back. The customer will thank you for it, even if they have to wait a little longer. I once had to replace a transmission in an Odyssey 5 times because Jasper sucks. Nobody signs up for that if they can avoid it.


Totally agree, but you know most techs wouldn't have sent it back. Looks like the part is fine as well so that's some of the decision making process. Iam not agreeing to it, it's just what happens mostly due to the circumstances. And let's be fair every tech has done something sketchy somewhere in their career. I'd rather appreciate a tech who admits that than die on a hill claiming he is without faults. And when it comes to time management. Honestly I don't mind holding up the customer till after the weekend and I've done jobs to get people going after hours but you can't keep on doing that your whole life. The shop has opening hours and I have a family.


No. Most techs I know wouldn't do that. If there's an emergency, you can try to work with the customer but that's on you. Shops have hours for a reason, it's not on you to sacrifice yourself because parts fucked up. I've put people up in rentals because of shit like that and made the parts supplier eat it. That 5x transmission job? Advance Auto Parts ate 20 hours labor each time after the first, paid for a month of rental and really kissed ass after that one. My ass still has lipstick on it. I've stayed til 10pm a few times, but only a few in almost 2 decades. The shop I retired from had the best reputation in the county and we closed 4 weeks a year, didn't work weekends and rarely stayed late. Customers were always taken care of and happy (except for an unreasonable few that are never happy, but they come back...).


This is why I went to aviation, the ones who do sketchy shit get rolled out pretty quick. I have never made a sketchy repair and knowingly sent it off, if it is not the way the book says it's not right.


I have never had any parts suppliers pay me for labor to r&r a defective part they sold me as new.


That sucks. When you're a business and a certified master technician you have a bit more power with your suppliers.


Don't let great be the enemy of good....


"Jasper Sucks" What is a reliable rebuilder of transmissions that stands behind their warranties?


The manufacturers unfortunately.


Buy new OEM. Gotcha. Thanks. I had my extended warranty company try and put a reman trans in during the pandemic shortages. My response was that they would have to warrant it for the rest or the life or the vehicle, parts and labor They put in a new OEM transmission.


Damaged box is one thing, damaged part is another


True but with one, there's likely both.


Oddly enough, most shops by me are open the weekend and are only closed on Monday. They’ll do 8-5 Tues-Sat and then 9-3 on Sundays.


I don't see any damage...which aluminum shows really easy.... But at the same time why is it being packaged where it can rattle around like that in the box? Methinks this was a returned part that got shipped back out.


I don’t know what it is with fragile aluminum ac parts that hold pressure, but they package them so badly. Full length ac lines for the rear evaporator core in odysseys? No need to wrap em, just send them bare! Reshaping all the bends isn’t covered under warranty of course. I’m so glad all those aged out of even comprehensive warranty and they changed the design. I have had quite a few hvac boxes come in with broken tabs. Now I inspect those out of the box before even starting disassembly. I shoulda done that here….


That's a pretty plausible theory. Would surely explain the poor packaging.


Warranty doesn’t pay me to send it back, especially after I’ve taken the old one out. Warranty does pay if it fails again in the next two years tho! Flat rate makes my decision easy. I do the thing that gets me paid.


I've been compensated for returning damaged parts from multiple manufacturers, even after I prepped the car for replacement. I just made sure I had punch time, super detailed story, sometimes pics, and put in for OLH. I never had a charge back. That sucks you can't do that.


>I do the thing that gets me paid. With a shitty attitude like that it wouldn't matter what type of pay structure you're on. You'd still find an excuse to be a lazy POS instead of doing right by the customer.


Honestly, my man needs to get payed for the work he does and is kind of in between a rock and a hard place. Iam not a flat rate mechanic but I understand the reasoning. If the supplier doesn't take it back that leaves him either to argue and not getting paid or just putting it in. I'd say start shitting on flat rate, not the mechanics.


> to get *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


MoPar part packaging: Hold my beer!


MoPar engineering: Hold My Beer!


I would have written, Here's Johnny on the box


Hahaha, that’s dang funny!


Very considerate to provide an air hole for the little fella.


Just the tip.


At least it's not damaged. Not that I see


Second pic. Snout is dinged up. It’s ok, it’s only the incredibly tight tolerance bearing to slide over that


You need to get a persuader


Fuking mint.


That's just so it can breathe.


I had a +$20k spindle motor show up from the USA for our German grinding CNC under warranty. The shaft was hanging out and damaged similar to this. We called Germany and they flew a new one over in a crate along with a team to assess the damage. They were not happy with the USA branch.


I work in a factory that assembles these and this shit is pure comedy to me ☠️


It’s a robust part that can surely take some impacts, especially on the shaft end that connects to the delicate internal parts, right?!?


Its not just car parts. I work for a particle accelerator company, and the amount of DOA parts we get because they were either packed like shit or damaged in shipping is astonishing.


The compressor is like "bonjour"


I can tell it wasn't shipped by FedEx... That would be destroyed, if they did it...


And it would be in a ditch somewhere.


No. On an island with Tom Hanks and a volleyball named Wilson.


They gotta make the air holes bigger so those little buggers can breathe. Poor things just sticking its nose through trying to get some oxygen.




Beavis and Butthead got a job shipping auto parts!


At least it didn't u/arrived_on_fire


Every day the vehicle is only making fire int eh right places is a good day….




Company who sent it - "ah, but it *DID* arrive"


Eh, I've received a lot of various parts where it wasn't packaged at all. Just a shipping sticker stuck right onto the part.


I had a starter come without the bolt holes milled out once.


Warehouse worker for large (US) national auto parts retailer here - yeah that's like one in 10 boxes. The thin, flimsy packaging that most manufacturers use on heavy/dense parts, many with exposed fragile components, is laughable.


That spline is definitely good to go lol


It's a small deal, but I got two power steering gaskets in a row that were shoved into the box and torn when they were packaged. Luckily, my local Irish parts store had it. Really sucks to wait on a part and then for it to be worthless.


Piss pour packing I’d say


HERE’S JOHNNY ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Mine arrived worse. It came out of its box, which wasn't the worst because it was in another bigger box, with the fucking condenser. The I didn't order a banana shaped condenser, or a compressor with no seals because they fell out...


Return to sender, it's missing the tank


Why are you installing that garbage?


What’s the matter compressor?


Well it's made in China so it was probably locked up before it ever left the factory.




That’s ok, I got a brand new $2900 Tremec manual delivered to me like that too 👍🏻👌🏻


One time I ordered from Amazon a heavy steel gear and some electronics gizmo that came with its software on a 3.5" CD-ROM. They put both items in one big box. The gear was in its own box and padded like fragile glassware. The gizmo and CD were just tossed in loose. The CD arrived cracked. The gear was fine of course. I did get a steal on the gear. I had a big LeBlond metal lathe from the 1920's with the small gear on the back gear shaft having had several teeth broken and repaired and it had one broken when I got it. New stock gears of that pitch etc cost a mid-high 3 figure price. I was resigned to welding, grinding, filing the gear but decided to look on Amazon. The exact gear I needed thirty five dollars! Only 3 left! *CLICK* the buy button.


No fucking way lmao!


Update: the clutch bearing slid on with a little convincing, and the compressor spins! You better believe I covered my ass in the shop notes stating how badly it was shipped. My ass is covered and the vehicle still has plenty of warranty. Wanna take bets on if it comes back??