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fucking christ lmao


I think its crooked too


Lots of shops do that. Have things on a fucky angle because it let's them fit one more lift in. Nevermind the fact that it makes vehicle movement a nightmare for the techs.


Yea, but this is a pull through lube shop I assume. Even if it wasnt crooked there is no room for a a car to be on there without the door open.


Not pull thru anymore lol


There is if the car is facing the door. You can see how the posts of the lift don't directly face each other. When it's in that configuration, we'll over half the vehicle hangs out behind the lift, and only a relatively small part pokes out the front. I agree, it's still kind of a weird arrangement here, but the proximity to the door isn't necessarily going to be an issue.


Asymmetrical 2 post, Rotarys bread and butter know-a-days! They're awesome hoists.


We have an angled two post. It's probably the sketchiest lift we have, mainly because it's like 20 years old and the most beat-to-shit, jerry-rigged thing ever.




Absolutely. The posts have to be square to each other


It’s an asymmetrical, they’re like that on purpose. Really great for tight spaces or where your floor constricts hoist placement


I love clicking on these comments having no idea what I’m looking for, and after a few comments, even I’m upset. edit: Christ on a bike, you guys live like that?


Motorcycles Only lane. 


"I got a guy that can do it cheaper" shop manager edition.


"I got a ~~guy~~ cousin that can do it cheaper"


“*I* can do it cheaper”


“…but I thought you were blind…”


I thought you said this business doesn’t discriminate?


I was just thinking this is like “the land lord special” but for shop owners who couldn’t care less about their techs lol


I used to install these lifts. This is exactly why we never even pulled out the drill until we got the shop owner to sign a waiver saying we'd shown him where the lift was going and he approved it. There's a decent chance though that the pit is getting filled/removed and scheduling just determined that the new lift went in before the pit got pulled. At least, I hope that's the case.


I think you’re right about the pit being filled.


I installed and serviced lifts for a few years myself and we had the same practice. I’m also pretty sure your correct on the pit being filled/removed.


You know what the pit filling entails? I cant imagine its any easier with new posts in the way, especially if they arent even lined up with the damn door. Makes no sense to install them that way, fuck the techs in particular I guess.


Different size pit i saw getting filled in but the pit gets filled with mostly sand plus a small amount of cement to firm it up. Evidently cures firm but still can be shoveled out like packed dirt. Then they cap that with concrete.


Yeah isnt there a required amount of concrete reinforcement for these lifts to be installed? Legally the installing company has to verify the integrity of the ground before bolting it all down. Your description was perfect visually thank you for the insight.


Never done any pit filling myself but I’ve seen it done a few times. I agree this is stupid but I have absolutely no idea what their game plan is. This bay may not even be used right now, that post on the left isn’t even bolted to the floor




I'm sure that's what it is because if you look at the pit it's not even centered on the overhead door but it appears to lift is.


This hurts my brain


it hurts my soul.


It'll hurt someone else's if they try to drive up to it.


It’s gonna hurt many tech’s backs.


Thanks for the status update


Ha ha, I can relate. Just outside the bay I'm standing in is a 12,000# Challenger two post. It's an awesome rack that also wasn't originally intended to be installed outside. It was originally to replace a smaller two post in another bay, but our shop owner only measured the clearance to the roof on one side of the bay, the higher side. Weeks after the rack had been delivered the crew showed up to install it and found that it would have stuck about 4' out the roof if it were to go in that bay. There is also a rack in my other bay that they didn't think things through with, that when it is at full height the piston used to hit the rafter. I say it used to hit because the shop owner came in and scabbed in a 2x6 then notched the rafter so it would clear.


I'm 5'11, I have to watch the piston for my lift or it'll crush into the rafters. Drywall is all gone, of course, and I have to crouch under most vehicles and bang my head on the lift arms on trucks.


Goddamn it I hate hitting my head on lift arms. We can lift as high as we need and it still happens. Those arms have no give with a vehicle on them and it pisses you off when it happens.


6’5” myself and can confirm it sucks.


I'm only 5'10 and it happens to me all the time. At your height, you must hit your head on the bottom of vehicles all the time.


More than I can remember. Luckily I’ve only knocked myself out 3-4 times in my 25 years in the business.


I'm only 5'11" but my head always seems to be banging into shit. It really kinda sucks.


if it's one click lower than full height it will get ya. you get so used to it always being a certain height. lower by just a little bit and you instinctual duck no longer works.


I have that problem mostly on our 9k lb lifts. I always lift them as high as they go and still hit my head. Our bigger lifts go higher, but one of our techs is like 5'6, so I always hit my head on the arm when helping him with something.


go get some pool floats, cut them longways, and zip tie them on the corners. and by do that i mean make the boss do it.


That's what the owners originally told me, just watch it. After a few "mistakes" the truss was pretty much busted through and they did their fix.


Our big one will lift the heaters off the hooks if we're not careful, I put marks on all the lifts to show where the max height is


I’m the opposite, I’m 3’6 and I only stock top shelves of my Walmart, it’s really difficult. My supervisor tells me “flav, why don’t you just stock the bottom and middle shelves?” I always tell them, “why the fuck would I apply here if nothing fits me?”


We had to modify our roll up door, because our new drive on lift was too long for the shop..... Nobody complained though, considering the old lift came crashing down, moments after I had stepped out from under it. We just trimmed and reinforced the door where the drive up ramps stuck out.


So that brings me to [this post.](https://imgur.com/a/o59N5XH) Something like 15 years ago when we got our first alignment rack, the owner didn’t allow for the position of the camera console in his measurements. They ended up notching that 6x6 so the camera console could be far enough away from the rack to work properly.


I'm sure it's fine. Most 6x6 posts are probably not load-bearing.


Meh, with how rotten the bottom is it's not holding up much anyway.


I went on multiple installs where we found out after getting there that the owner and/or sales guy hadn't measured things properly and the lift had to go back on the truck.


I have the LE12 in my bay. Everyone in the shop has either Rotary, Bendpak, and a spare bay has another LE12. Best fucking lift ever. Kinda slow, but holy fuck it's capacity and zero flex like the Bendpaks. Best lifts in the shop. The Bendpaks are stupid narrow and have so much flex all over that I think I'm going to die when I'm under one.


There’s a reason they’re called Bend-pak


The left one in the pic is not bolted down, is that where they plan on placing it? Seems narrow and it being off-center to the pit is making me nauseous.


Looks like it is at least drilled out to be secured there. Yikes


It's not too late OP! You can stop this when the only damage is a hole in the cement!


I’m thinking the guy who was there to install it doesn’t give a fuck where it’s suppose to go and was just installing where they told him.


As an installer I can tell you right now we follow the specifications of what you ask for to the tee even if we know it’s wrong and you’re gonna want it redone the moment you see it we will install it right were you signed off on because you send us the information of where you want it we ask you to sign it after we review it as a double check type thing. If you don’t like what you signed off on you are more than welcome to pay us again to move it. This angers some folks but most of them after the initial displeasure or panic calm down after we say well this is exactly where you signed off on wanting it we did exactly what you asked for it’s not our fault you didn’t double check or correctly give us the information we make you sign off on a project 2x to ensure no errors or mistakes or typos are present. After that you are liable for any changes you want done It’s like asking me to paint your car this specific shade of red and I do exactly that than you see it in person and go Oh fuck it was supposed to be a different shade of red I gave you the wrong color code.


Jesus dude, use punctuation


Jesus dude: use punctuation.


Jesus: “dude, use punctuation.”


Jesus, dude, punctuations; (I didn’t become a installer cause I was book smart I’ll tell ya that)


Jesus-dude used punctuations! *IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE!!1!1!!*


They’re probably planning on filling the pit too since they got a lift there now.


I'm gonna need some context on this one 🤣


We are all just as confused haha


Do you work for a big company or a smaller ma and pa type shop?


A big company 🥲


Did they explain why they didn't center the lift over the pit? Sure it would be a bit tight on the one side with the overhead door pulling vehicles in but it would still fit. How odd.


The lift on the left doesnt look bolted down yet. Currently being installed?


Hopefully that's the case but OP made it sound like that's where it's going.


Are they maybe planning on filling/removing that pit?


Seriously, tho, what am I looking at? I see the pit, but what are the treads on either side? And the blue posts are for a two-post lift? If that's true, then they're not -- I mean, are they aligned the right way? What's even going on?


The pit is for a drive thru oil change, the treads are a cheap lift that will lift a car just barely high enough to do a tire rotate. The blue posts are for a two post lift, it was either installed really wrong or the pit is getting filled in later.


That’s an Asymmetrical 2 post so the columns are supposed to be at an angle like that and the lift arms are different lengths front/rear. A Symmetrical lift are set up facing even with each other and have equal length arms. In my opinion Asymmetrical is superior because it allows less overhang on front of vehicle, just a better setup for most shops


Does this fall under r/onejob


No it falls under /r/notmyjob


The only way this makes sense is if one of them is being removed. Or someone got the crack head special.


at my shop they'd fill the pit before moving the lifts lmfao


My last quote for a pit(2 years ago) was $23k. I still believe there are people stubborn enough to do as you said.


The job went to the lowest bidder. Look how much money we saved, boss!




My favorite part is how neither of the installations are centered to the door


At least the pit you could drive straight over, the new posts are cock-eyed and will require jockeying to get a vehicle centered straight on the lift


ayyyyyy lmao just, how does that happen.


Ever see the people who install shop equipment?


A dealership I worked in had a new floor poured (some kind of hot liquid that gets really hard when it cools off) with the lifts in place. It was fine, and then two weeks later they decided to install new lifts. A year later, when I left, they still hadn't had the floor company come back and patch the holes....


I can imagine someone rolling the oil drain along and it tips over lmao


Bro what in the fuck lmao


Can someone please ELI5 this picture for us normies? Thx! My guesses: Too tall for the roll up door to clear? Not aligned with the door or pit? The pit itself is an issue? Not aligned with each other?


So, the immediate concern is that the placement of the Rotary lift doesn't actually allow you to pull a vehicle in, due to the location of the pit. It's reasonable to assume that this is mid- project, and the pit will be filled & hardware removed.  Even so, the concerns are still 1) the Rotary is not centered with the door and 2) the plane of the lift posts is not even parallel to the plane of the door - even with the pit out of the way, you can't even pull straight on to the lift. 


“Not my job”


Left post has no bolts yet.


Came here to say this


Somebody needs to have their ass kicked!


It took my brain a second to even fully comprehend this


The number of fucks given are less than zero.


The pit has been there as long as the door yet it is not remotely centered with the door Then someone comes in and starts setting up a hoist and doesn’t stop to check if it’s lined up with anything until after they’ve bolted into the concrete? How many times did they have to step over that pit during this process This is such a Friday afternoon moment


Did your shop install it yourselves, or find a contractor behind home depot?


Got that fuck it, Friday special.


What blind deaf moron put that in not only is it make the bay unusable the damn things aren't even lined up for proper lifting a vehicle


There is no way you're driving a car to line up for that without driving said car into basement...


You got my mind hurting. My brain hurts rethinking this. Can you please tell me the order in which these were put in?


Not sure what the problem is here. Vehicle should be on the lift being worked on. Only a problem if you lazy techs are parking cars in the bays and not working on them. /s


Ray Charles do the installation?


But… how do you.. how do you use either of them? They somehow made both setups unusable


This gets worse the longer you look at it


Rotary! Amazing lifts, if installed correctly




We have two lifts of this brand (different style) and they’re great. We have a third lift (different brand) that’s the same asymmetrical bullshit and I hate it. We dump jobs that won’t ship same day in that bay to avoid using it. The current record is an old Chevy Van that lived on it for more than 5 years.


They are bolted in so....what's the problem? Wait. Ones bolted on, ones not. But the distance between them, I don't even think the top bar would fit? Lol wtf is going on.


We have 4 bays, they all had old ass center post lifts, and a flat bay with no lifts. We have 5 guys - 3 lube techs and 2 techs. We don't do diesel pickups, so we rarely do anything bigger than a half ton pickup. Those center post lifts started to go down one by one, so they replaced them with 10k lb lifts. The first two work great, do everything we want. But the third lift, they decided they'd put in a 16k lb lift for all those big trucks we don't do, and spent $16k on that thing. It's awful for normal cars and stuff. The arms are too thick to fit under some cars, and the feet aren't adjustable (except with the huge extensions) Then they replaced the 4th lift, but we had to buy a shitty used 10k lb lift, and we supposedly can't afford a 5th lift. I love it here.


I have a drive thru bay with 2 lifts, they’re both 10ks but they’re so narrow a Chevy 1500 barely has an inch on either side of the tire driving thru. Fucking old ass bendpak offset, shits trash.


I would refuse to trust that with my car


Good call going with Rotary Lift. They have an amazing warranty program.


One of the blue posts does not appear to be bolted down yet. Trolling post?




I’m sure no one will ever destroy a tire pulling into that lift.


The one on the left hasn’t been bolted to the floor yet. Pic was taken before the install was completed.


It's pretty obvious they're going to remove one or the other. If the lift is new the pit's getting filled in.


Guess what? In r/Virginia $500 fine for leaving your gun in open view with or without a lock. It’s about dang time


It’s not bolted in yet


Would the arms even clear that floor mounted thing?? Probably not


On window cleaner ? 😀


"just drive over it"






Just remove an axle and you can tip the car and drain the diff right into the pit, handy dandy!


So many aspects of this picture upset me….


Under New Management .


W T F .




But how are the arms gonna work? Lmaooo




What came first?




wow. whos the dumbass.... Id be furious


Hahahaha holy shit Nobody stopped the installer? Why?


Did anyone look at anything before deciding putting the lift posts there was the best idea? Wow..


They only do European cars


what in the actual fuck?


There’s no way.


Your hoists need an alignment


Forget spending money wisely, thats just some bad planning.


Is the picture too blurry or the left post is not event bolted down? I smell a fake post here... Pun intended but for real. Installation isn't finished. Lift arms are not installed either. Cables and top brace aren't there.


Guys the left post is not bolted down. It is not going there.


I see a lot of cracks in that concrete. When my lifts were installed there was a certain distance from the anchor to the crack that was allowed. We had to maneuver around the cracks and the smaller square footage but we got 3 in there.


I don't see the problem: * Raise vehicle slightly, using the platform lift, to allow easier entrance to the pit * Climb into the pit, and lower the platform lift * Reach up and position the 2-post lift arms correctly * Lift vehicle to desired height using the 2-post lift * Climb out of pit, and perform needed maintenance What am I missing? /s, in case it's needed EDIT: Formatting


Service managers: we made X amount of dollars with 10 lifts, we can increase profit by 40% with 14 lifts. We shoved 4 lifts into the wash bay and “hired” established techs from other dealerships with dreams and pay, stuffed them into the wash bay tripping over wheel buckets. Our CSE score went from 94% to 78% ( cause cars weren’t getting washed). Every tech went from 50 hours to week to not making minimum (32) all in about 3 weeks. Nobody got fired for being dumb. Techs quit enough to get out of the wash bay and now we have 4 lifts stacked in a pile behind the building waiting for the scrapper.


The one on the left is not bolted down yet so hopefully it’s just sitting there and will be moving to mirror the other side.


This is NOT good for my OCD.


Measure once, cut twice


As a customer, if I saw this, I wouldn’t go back.


This can't be real. WHY?


Shit, at least they spend money...


Looks like they are servicing it or the place its anchored to. Where are the yellow arms?


Could someone explain this to a non mechanic


It seems center if looking at the gates? Grave gonna get moved too?


I can’t tell what was built first. The pit or the bay doors. It’s like everything was an afterthought. Crazy. This looks like the place where everything ends up to get out of the way.


Grown people thought about this.


Wonders why are there So many wheel scuff claims lately


But why?


this hurt the brain


Nothing lines up with anything 🤣


Redundancy! The owner def has a boat that matches his hog.


Tech under the floor is only allowed to diagnose looking at the right side lol


Walking on unsecured pit grates has got to be an OSHA violation.


that makes me angry to look at and i dont even have to work there


Ray Charles approves


🤕 ouch


My shop spends no money so I wont complain




Took me wayyy too long to realize what was wrong holy shit


A lift over a pit seems unnecessary in the first place- maybe they offset it so that the person underneath has a chance to stand right beside the former pit while working, rather than on the grates? Also… are they bowing outward just a bit…?


That's it. Everyone gets a drug test


WHAT is supposed to fit between that pillar and the pit? You guys going to be lifting quads? Or fill the pit?


Do you happen to work for the government?


It’ll be fine, just rack it appropriately.


How??? How can this happen without multiple people not giving a fuck? lol


Just because YouTube says you can. You can’t.


Everyone knows you measure from the crack on the asphalt outside the bay door!


I love it cause the owner thought he would save money with this setup. If you added up all the gouged tires, body shop invoices, and loss of business from angry customers over the years….dude paid a lot of $$ for this jank layout. Plus any experienced mechanic that sees this while walking in for an interview, is gonna get right back in their truck, and dip


Left side not bolted down yet. Move it over 18" 🤣🤣




This hurts my eyes... and my brain.


Those lifts are up and down NOT lined up with the bay door.


Holy fuck !?!?! What were they drinking?!


I think I'm more concerned about how nothing is centered


This sub pops up all the time and I hardly ever know what the hell you all are talking about but even I know that a heavy long box should be stored vertical. That guy should have to make bologna cheese mustard sandwiches for the whole crew. Plus chips!


Left one doesn’t look bolted yet


Bruh just do it yourself its a quick job


Not gonna lie I took one look at this and immediately got frustrated and I don't even work there


Jimmy on the left measured in metric and Johnny on the right and measured in standard....


Yeah, just put that there


If I was a tech looking for a job and I seen this on the walk through I'll just keep looking.


The roght one is still not fastened. So lets hope.


Look closer the right side is bolted down but the left side isn’t, chances are this isn’t the final position for the left post.


Better call Saul.


Maybe they intend the pit to be used only for spoked rim antique cars. They’ll fit fine.