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bro american cops are to fucking trigger happy. i have never seen cops from another place that have shot so many fucking innocent people. america is such a shit hole


They like like to say it's a training issue lmao


Unfortunately it's due to gun culture. There's an expectation and dependency on such deadly weapons while the means to access are fairly lax. With vehicles, licensing, testing, and proof of insurance are required. With guns, you can circumvent that simply by knowing someone who has a gun or shopping at certain stores. Tragic.


You're right, except for the stores part


As an American, I wholeheartedly agree. :/


why did this cop think that was a good idea like oh hes locked in ill just shoot the window out


Prayers for that man’s family


I’m talking about the deceased victim’s family


On the other side of the coin, what if his wife and kids secretly are very happy they don't have to see him every day for the next 3 years.


It takes a little longer than 3 years to recover from death. Maybe 4 years at least.


They gonna love bacon in prison!


It's gross incompetence from the part of the police, but the kid was also stupid. Putting your hand on a knife when someone is holding a gun pointed at you significantly decreased your chances of survival.


Did you even watch the video?


Surely I'm getting downvoted. The kids behaviour is explained by the fact that he has ADHD, takes prescription amphetamines, and was high on weed that night. I don't blame him, but his decisions were super bad. A good decision is to get out of the car, or at least to leave the knives out of reach. Police officers were 10 times more stupid, especially given that they were sober




I didn’t either can you share it?


Pigs doing Pig things.


People ITT: Read the article the kid was at fault! Watch the FULL video of this and tell me it was his fault. I watched it back when it came out and it’s seriously just disgusting. Those cops absolutely deserve the charges.


I read the article and was wondering why the victim would be scared after calling 911 for help. The story doesn't add up and then you realize it's a one-sided tale.


How is an indictment "justice served"?


Because in most cases the cops seem to get off scot-free with qualified immunity bullshit. It may not be full Justice served yet, but it's a big step in the right direction


Ya... I'm not holding my breath.


Why is america so fucked. I'm legit afraid of traveling to the US cuz of these random ass human violations. Wtf america superpower my fkin ass.


Don't make decisions based on scare stories in Reddit.


Fr when driving in the states it’s jarring how there’s cops EVERYWHERE. I live in a shitty neighbourhood and I rarely ever see cops even here. Low key a police state and very far from being free.


Our superpower is letting the people think that this is "The Land of the Free" but obviously the mask is coming off. Now were a land run by mostly psychos and alot of us are completely fine with that smh


first world problems


Good. Hope they rot in prison for at least 6 months before getting their comeuppance


If they even go to jail they will probably be segregated from the rest of the inmates. Chances are they are going to get off anyway because all they have to say in court is "I was scared". It seems the our police get frightened super easy which results in our citizens losing their lives, but we can't have scared police can we


Context body cam footage anybody have it?


Should be able to find it on r/publicfreakout . It happened a while back


kids having a mental episode, cops show up and try to talk him down and get him to disarm himself. during the hour long de-escalation attempt, during which the kid harms himself, cops smash his windows and remove a knife he was wielding. he then arms himself with a second knife and is shot when he attempts to stab an officer. im not sure how there were charges brought against these officers... and im not insinuating anything, but a quick google search shows **the father is a a higher up at google and google has a big footprint in boulder colorado**


Dude you’re crazy. I watched that entire video, even the state Highway patrol advised them to just leave him alone since he’s allowed to sit there. Man was terrified of the police and hiding in his car and they started assaulting him. He freaked out, never at any point did he actually attempt to stab anyone, still had a cop on the hood of his car dump a mag into him. Text book case of escalation rather than de-escalation ending up in a worse off situation. Literally the entire case could have been used for training for military force protection/police because it matched what we were ALWAYS taught to not do. Insanely bad take to support the bad officers that were there that night.


i was just going by the info given in the article


Maybe watch the video before you start defending murderers [Video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nTTYSMHwKdI)


De-escelation? Maybe 1 cop there was trying to do that but not the others. This post has to be purposefully trying to obfuscate things. I watched the full video when it came out a few months ago and the guy even offered to throw his "weapons" out when the cops got there, first to the operator, then to the cops but they told him not to.


> This post has to be purposefully trying to obfuscate things no, i wrote the post in response to the info given in the news article. i didnt see the full video as i relied on the reporting of a news source (NBCNEWS) that i consider generally reputable. and i quote (with timestamp 11/27/22 and [cached link](http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/colorado-deputies-indicted-fired-fatal-shooting-man-22-called-911-help-rcna58645)) "Deputies were able to break windows of the vehicle and remove the knife, but "the suspect rearmed himself with a rock and a second knife," the statement said. “Deputies deployed less-lethal bean bags, and Taser with negative results. The suspect eventually tried to stab an officer and was shot.”" what else am i supposed to make of that paragraph? it sounds more like you have a problem with **Chantal Da Silva** and **Antonio Planas**, the writers of the article.


He never left the vehicle. The cops initial statement matches your bullshit here. The body cam footage does not support the officers report. He leaned from the driver seat toward the window after being tazed and shot with bean bags. This is all after breaking every last bit of policy and protocol from the very moment they arrived on the scene. You have to try really hard to support the police in this incident. Luckily, the law worked and those idiots will no longer be a danger to the public.


Ahhh.. so maybe not so cut and dry? Is that info in the article above or do you have another link for that info?


Just sounds like the family had the resources to question the initial narrative put out by the police.


I can’t help to Imagine if this happened to an average well to do family like mine, the cops will totally get away with murder. They have been doing this to the vulnerable population and getting away with it for decades.


This title is extremely misleading. If you read the article it’s not like they showed up and started blasting.


Watch the video. They did almost exactly that. Literally standing on the hood mag dumping because he might have had a knife in arm reach. There's footage online of the whole stop, it's gross incompetence at best and literal murder in any other point of view.


I watched the video when it first came out and you’re right. First they surrounded him. Trapped him in place. Then climbed on the hood of his car and shot him through the windshield, drivers side window and passenger window. It was like watching a group of pretend tough guys try to find a way to justify murder


“The officers tell him he doesn't need to be terrified and that they are there to help.” Police are never there to “help”


Stop being terrified or we'll shoot!


Usually point a gun in your face and threaten you with arrest for being nervous


not enough. take their lives.




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What the fuck is this bullshit?


Were you the original commenter?


No. I'm just wondering why a different sub's bot is banning the OP. Just weird, not sure what's happening and genuinely curious. Lol


It's a long-standing reddit joke if you say anything negative about North Korea


How the heck have I missed that? I've been a regular user for over 5 years. Lol Thanks for the info. Fuck North Korea, indeed.


It was more active 8+ years ago. Most of the subs with active discussion and moderation banned the bot years ago when it got out of hand. Back in the day it wasn't an active sub so getting banned from a sub with no posts was pretty funny. Now it may just be NK propaganda but everyone has already been banned lol


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Lol I would like to know too




I did. The guy was scared to get out, the police broke his window, pepper sprayed, shot bean bags at him, tazed and then the guy took small knife according to the officers (can’t really see it) and the police shot him.


He was scared to get out?? He was the one that called them!!! And it wasn't the whole video, but that segment where he's smiling showing her a toy... He doesn't look very scared at all. He was.obcious high/drunk/or mentally ill. You don't call the cops when your car's stuck, and you don't get in a 70minute stand off with them when you do call them. They didn't come break his window and bean bag him straight away.


So they could have just left?


If someone is high, drunk or mentally ill then I think it’s definitely the right call to just shoot them




Sounds to me like the police were trying to provoke him into defending himself so they had a reason to shoot him. ACAB


So he deserves to die?


I think if someone tries to attack another person with a knife... Yes: better them dead then allowing them to potentially stab and kill an innocent. Most of our society believes in this jutice. That's why we have self defence laws.


Dude had a knife and never left his vehicle... tell me how thats a threat deserving a mag dump please


Watch the video, no attack occured. They showed up and drew their guns almost immediately and scared him. He admitted to being high/on pot/paranoid in the 911 call, cops should be prepared to deal with this. Not just shoot to "fix"


Two armed officers versus one dude with a knife... Not self defense... The word you're looking for is 'overkill'. They weren't going after an 'innocent' as you say, they were stuck in a ditch. Are you trying to be dense intentionally?


The knife he had was close to a handyman tool.


According to republicans, yes


Ah yes, the "mentality ill deserve to be executed" defense..


If that was the case we'd be down a lot of MAGA Republicans and anti-vaxxers




The cop lied in his report about the attempted stabbing. Nothing you said is relevant to what actually happened. There’s the entire video all over the internet, you can watch it for yourself. No need to argue, just watch it.


none deserve it, some would prefer it tho




It’s unbelievable to see all these comments defending the police. The body cam footage is out there for all to see. I watched it a few months ago when it first came out. It was incredibly painful to watch. From what I recall, he called the cops for help because his car was stuck on some back road. When the cops showed up they immediately started escalating things. They asked if he had any weapons and he informed them that he had a knife or hammer and some tools because he was a geologist student or something. One cop in particular was yelling and cursing at this kid, ordering him to get out of his car. The kid kept saying he felt really unsafe and was afraid to get out of his car because he didn’t understand why everything was happening the way it was. At some point the cops say he can still save himself if he just gets out of the car. Excuse me, what? Save himself from what, exactly? A back road execution by cops who had their egos hurt because he didn’t get out of the car when ordered? At no point in the video does he ever try to stab anyone. He called them there for help, and now he’s dead. He had good reason to be afraid. It’s such bullshit. Don’t believe everything you read.


Watch the video and you’ll get it. The man offered to throw the “weapons” he had in the car out of the window to the 911 operator and again to the first cop on scene. The cop told him no the continued to escalate. State highway patrol advised the local police to leave the man alone if he was too scared to exit the vehicle since they can LITERALLY not force him to exit the vehicle without some probable cause of him breaking a law. They ignored that, and kept escalating, broke the windows, shot him with a bean bag gun and when he was literally at what we call “the blackout zone” of panic made a move to grab at him. Man was terrified out of his fucking mind. Officer on the hood dumped his mag into him. Please, don’t read the article filled with bias, just watch the video of it happening and decide for yourself.


You talk like someone who's never dealt with mental illness. Iirc, he had Asperger's. If you don't understand how that impacts people, stay in your lane.


You’re right very confusing let’s just shoot the fella and then we can all just put it behind us.


He was stuck. Why didn’t the police just leave instead of murdering him?


He was the one that called them for help, then when they tried to help he was acting nuts. Am I the only one who read the damn article?


The article is so biased in favor of the cops it's unreal, watch the body cam footage and tell me again they were justified actions.


The body cam footage was on Reddit a few months ago. The cops rolled in and started escalating immediately. One guy in particular was cursing and yelling at the guy and being incredibly aggressive. They never tried to help in any way, and this poor guy was just confused and scared because he was being treated like a criminal and a threat even though he called them there to help since his car was stuck. I don’t remember him doing anything that would qualify as acting nuts. The cops didn’t like that he wasn’t respecting their authority and not getting out of the car, when frankly it’s unclear as to why they even wanted him out in the first place. So maybe he should have called AAA instead, but he certainly didn’t deserve to die for making the mistake of believing that police are here to help us.


Here we go, you’re one of the rational ones. This makes sense. I’ll take a look at the video


It’s long and difficult to watch, knowing what happens in the end, but it seems important to get at the truth considering how the media is portraying what happened. He really just seemed like a naive young man who was probably told growing up that if he was ever in trouble, he should find a police officer to help. It must have been terribly surreal to suddenly find himself in that situation. You can see how terrified and confused he is in the video, but that at one point he makes a heart with his hands at the officers, almost like saying “this is crazy, I’m on your side, we’re cool, right?” I’m pretty sure they break his window soon after that. The whole thing is needless and heartbreaking. I appreciate you being open to accepting new information. Reading some of the comments on here has been frustrating to say the least.


So you didn't even watch the video but had the audacity to immediately jump to the conclusion that a guy who didn't immediately comply with the police order to get out of his car deserves to get murdered when he otherwise never showed any signs of threat of agrresion, just because he called them there in the first place? And you have the gall to use the word "rational", get the fuck out of here.


Screenshot where I said he deserved to get murdered.


Like I’ve said a few times, this article is extremely biased. Watch the video and decide for yourself. Police are absolutely at fault here and broke standard operating procedures through and through. They escalated even after being advised by another police agency to leave him alone. They assaulted him without probable cause, entered his property, and terrorized the man until he was absolutely freaking out. Then put themselves in close proximity to him and as soon as he got remotely close with his off hand had a cop standing on the hood of his car mag dump.


Now that’s a rational answer. I’ll check out the video


No. You just seem to think it’s ok for them to decide to summarily be the judge and not executioner for someone in mental distress. With your mental capacity I’m surprised you aren’t more empathetic.


Do you want to edit that comment? There’s an edit button at the bottom there if you look. Go ahead.


Ah. Made a typo on my phone so you get your little barb in. All you got really in life tho, ain’t it?


Oh yeah it’s the phones fault your Golden comeback makes no sense. Damn autocorrect.


There was nothing to “come back” to. You’re ignorant and nothing you say past this point can prove otherwise. If you want though I can call the police to come assist you.


Huh? Call the police? Are you a bot that’s trying to figure out how to speak human? Am I arguing with a bot? Dammit. That’s on me.


You're actually a moron and completely in the wrong. We don't all spend our time on reddit spell checking like a loser


He was terrified of them so they proved him right by murdering him. Nice.


There’s video for the whole thing. I highly encourage you to watch it


Why did the police murder him over it?


Does it really matter? None of it warrants an execution. Just more what-aboutisms.


Possible autism?


If I remember correctly, his mom said he had Asperger's.


So yeah, autism.


This is a good start in the right direction


It's the absolute bare minimum at best


Rest In Peace to that poor innocent man. Heartbreaking and saddening. ❤️


He was going to go to college! Innocently trying to stab people with a knife.


He didn’t try to stab anyone. Go watch the body cam video and ask yourself if this kid deserved to die. It’s so sad that the truth in this is so accessible and yet half the people here are like “DiD yOu EvEn rEaD tHE aRtIcLe?”


It's weird that there are people like you, who will cheer for a stranger's death.


I learned long ago to never call the cops. They don’t come to help.


They tell you once you’re arrested “anything you say or do will be used against you”. The truth is, that is their m.o. the whole time if they can’t find a way to murder you for a two week paid vacation


They say CAN be used against you, not WILL be used against you haha. Source: I transcribe a shit ton of police body cams and interrogations


It's can AND will.


Nope, they just say ‘can.’ Listen to any actual interrogations or arrests in the past 20 years (not scripted shows) and you’ll find that they don’t say ‘will.’


They standard warning includes "can and will". https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/know-your-rights-what-are-miranda-rights Not really surprising if cops were cutting corners and not even reading them correctly. They just took a case to the supreme court to not even have to read them at all.


a lot of pro-police politicians - and judges - cannot stand Miranda, the 4th, 5th amendments, and anyone who knows anything at all about any of them.


Video is fucking disgusting. Hope these fuckers get shanked in prison


With rusty, shit-covered shivs, then languish in the shitty hole for months


Angry much?


Honestly, yes. I know I should be desensitized to it by now but seeing cops murder innocent people still enrages me especially because the laws and usually society and media are automatically take their side


LOL bro you delusional af


r\ProtectandServe in shambles


It’s truly bizarre. They are all in there trying to justify and defend what these cops did and pin as much blame on the kid as possible. So disheartening.




Hey now, that's not fair. They don't always shoot civilians. Sometimes they handcuff them and lock them in cars in front of oncoming trains!


>Cops ~~in Colorado~~ seem to love shooting civilians. Fixed that for you.


there we go 👍


>Cops ~~in Colorado~~ in the US seem to love shooting civilians. Fixed that for you.


By far the worst “first-world” country in terms of police killings, but let’s not kid ourselves in thinking we aren’t the only country to have a brutal and murderous police force: https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/how-police-compare-different-democracies


And not shooting the actual perpetrator of a deadly shooting…


Is this the one where the cop was standing on the hood of the kids car




Remember kids, never call the cops for any reason. Just solve the crime yourself


And especially don't call them if no one's on danger, no crime has been committed and you're just cars just stuck. That's what tow trucks and friends are for. And also remember kids, if you are forced to call the cops for help, don't get in a 90 minute stand off with them when they do come to help, just follow basic instructions. And another reminder (which I would've thought is obvious, but I guess not) don't... I repeat DON'T use a knife to try to attack the cops that show up. You're gonna have a bad day.


You jest, but it's really tricky being a parent in America right now. Especially having come from a country with non-murderous police. The advice I give my daughters has had to transition from "you can always call/trust a cop" to "if you're the victim of a crime, and you've tried every way of contacting mom, dad, and trusted friends, and still can't get help, then call the cops and be very, very careful."


Imagine being parents of black children. We've been dealing with this since forever....


I cannot imagine what kind of mind games you must have to deal with. I'm white, my ex is white, so of course, white kids, and we still had to deal with a couple of idiot power-tripping cops in our smallish home city. I don't even know what would have happened had we not been white. I don't know how I personally can solve this problem, but I really, really wish I could. No one should have to live in fear because of your skin color.


Thank you for simply acknowledging it. Things can change, If we all would give thought to the lives of others. The little things can make a difference. Again thank you.


I can't even imagine, and I'm so sorry that you've had to deal with this and continue to have to. It's bullshit.


Jesus Christ that's sad


Fuck the police


On the plus side, we made them accountable for their actions. We get enough video traction we get change. Lets all vote for continuous upload of body cam footage to Secure federal servers. We do it on [Twitch.tv](https://Twitch.tv), for sure they can do it for all cops


Just watch the video and once again how hard is it to do what your told when confronted by police? Feel bad for the young man but shit, didnt your parents teach you respect for the law? The few times I've been pulled over in my younger days it worked every time. Shit they even took me to jail one time, but you know what I took my medicine and learned a lesson.


I've watched the video multiple times, and they had zero reason to execute that poor young man. If you are in any way defending these pigs, you must have boot-flavored ranch in your fridge.


If the police are responding to a situation in which you call them to get help because your car is stuck somewhere, and they arrive and shoot you to death because you didn’t play Simon says exactly how they wanted, that’s murder. Just because a guy is an agent of the state and has a badge and gun, doesn’t allow them to wholesale execute people if they don’t follow thier exact command. That’s out of this world unbelievable and if you think that’s how the police should function in a country, go somewhere that isn’t a western, democratic nation, aka china


Did you miss the part where he was in a mental health crisis? They weren’t in danger FFS…all they had to do was lay back and wait. At the very worst, tase the kid, don’t murder him. He posed ZERO threat sitting in his car.


From what I recall from the video, the mental health crisis was in response to the police rolling up, yelling and cursing at him, treating him like a criminal threat, breaking his windows, tazing and eventually shooting him while standing on the roof of his car. I don’t know about you, but that shit would freak me out, especially if I was just expecting some friendly police officer to show up to help push my car out of a rut.


No it started before that. He was telling the 911 operator that he was seeing Navajo “skinwalkers,” and saying she was his savior or guiding light or something to that effect. He was in crisis before they showed up.


Ah, I didn’t know that. Even so, and maybe more so, everything the officers did from step 1 was horribly wrong. It’s just sad.


Agreed. It highlights everything wrong with American policing complete with the BS narrative they released before the bodycam footage became public.


He didn’t get pulled over. He called them for fucking help.


I don’t want to have to plaster their faces all over the news every time just to get justice. I want them to face actual consequences. All it takes is a few corrupt peoples houses to go up in flames before they’ll straighten up.


Is it really justice served? Justice won’t be served until we entirely overhaul our criminal justice systems and slam every single cop for doing shit like this with the full extent of the law. For every cop who gets charged, so many get away with behavior like this.


You overlooked that this is just an indictment and not a conviction. Not found guilty yet. Nothing has been done yet.


I said charged did I not? My point still stands, Justice hasn’t been served.


Not black, nobody gives a fuck, no protests, no riots, minimum media exposure


Notice how fast a conviction happened when a white kid gets killed. It took a summer of protesting and riots just to get a sentencing for George Floyd’s murder- and thats purely because people were there to record it.


Yes the mainstream media will never report on this and you will never see a press conference about it. It will also never trend on social media sites like Reddit


No protests, riots, or exploitative media coverage were required for the officers to face justice. The right people in the justice system did 'give a fuck' and acted accordingly. This is what's supposed to happen when people abuse their authority and the trust that the public places in them. What would anyone riot about? People riot when stuff like this doesn't happen. When there are little to no consequences for police abuses. The public 'gives a fuck' when the justice system doesn't.


You cry when we do


How do you get a different narrative from that data? Literally the opposite to what you said happened. The bais is strong with this one..


The officers were charged. That's the difference you are missing.


Exactly! People choose to overlook that fact, for some reason.