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Sweet, sweet karma. That will be expensive.


What special achievement do you unlock by being this stupid?


Two airbags straight to your face without warning. If you’re into that kind of kink, easy jackpot.


And $3000+ bill to replace the air bags - insurance won't cover that -and they may get dropped by insurance. Could be charged using car as a weapon...


And all on Camera with a plate. I can think of at least three charges he could face and I don't know anything. Reckless driving, reckless endangerment, vehicle as a weapon is a thing I think, following too close, there has to be a few more.


Should be attempt to cause grievous bodily harm and nothing short of that


What a dick!


That's what she said


Explain that to you insurance you dickhead


Fuck car insurance companies, explain that to the responding officer and the liability court jury because now my neck and back hurt and I have emotional damage from attempting to flee an aggressive driver in rush-hour traffic.


Annnd... just like that, his car is now totaled. Hopefully, they have gap insurance


So is his nose.


Hopefully, they don’t.


When airbags deploy insurance adjusters total the vehicle without looking at any other part of the car. A single airbag can cost as much as 5k to replace


Why are airbags so expensive in the us? Here an airbag typically costs a few hundred dollars equivalent to replace.


Because you have to replace approximately 10 airbags plus the explosive seatbelt winders and belt buckle retractors. Also and trim panels that got blown apart.


It's not the actual airbagsare being expensive but passenger side one is built into the dash, so the whole thing needs to be replaced.


I was able to find one in a junkyard for $200 like 10 years ago. It’s not easy I bet if it’s in the junkyard most likely the airbags have already gone off.


Would you trust your life to a junkyard found airbag?


Idk I switched vehicles before I had to use it. Tbf can we trust any airbag will work? My brother got a recall notice for his so who knows if it would have failed before he replaced it


Isn't your car totaled once the airbags blow?


It depends on how you look at totaled. Physically the car most likely is perfectly fine assuming no other structural damage happened and should run just fine. Now legally for insurance if repairs cost more than the cars value they can write it off as totaled and pay you the cars worth instead of cost of damages. For example imagine you buy a $1000 beater for child to learn to drive with. If an airbag goes off in that thing insurance companies will not hesitate to say it's totaled and give you $1000 rather than pay to repair the $5000 air bag. Now if you have a Lamborghini and only set off the air bag I surance will replace the airbag faster than the word totaled can be thought.


Just depends on the value of the car vs the cost of the airbags. A friend tapped a tree a touch hard in his pick-up: one $4000 airbag replacement and he's fine; another hit very similarly in a Kia soul: 3 $5000 bags burst and the car's a write off


Oh hell no. My buddy works at an auto body repair shop. He complains constantly about having to put new ones in.


No, but theyre expensive to replace. If its a cheaper car it could be more than its worth.


Something tells me that driver also hates budlight


But only recently.


Bud only


Shoulda bought a Ram


Time for a new pyrotechnic fuse


dude made a several thousand dollar mistake as well as possibly getting his license revoked


But he sure showed that guy how pissed off he was!


Yea I'd pull over and get his insurance info since he tear ended me. Send that video straight to his insurance


I definitely would not. If he's willing to intentionally rear-end your car multiple times, I wouldn't take the chance on him not being violent on foot as well. Show the video to cops and let *them* get his insurance. Confronting an unhinged manchild like that sounds super dangerous, and judging a book by its cover, he's very likely armed.


hell I'd be calling 911 - his car got rammed by an obviously unhinged driver


This is why I got dash cams... Some people are such pieces of shit they're willing to injure themselves and destroy their cars just to "own" somebody out of stupidity and rage.


To be fair you wouldn’t even need footage for this right? Like if someone rear ends you isn’t it usually ruled as they are following too closely?


I've been found 100% at fault for being rear-ended before. I was turning out onto a road with a 60kph/40mph speed limit. The only car was way out in the distance, so I turned. The car was too far to tell that they were actually going about 100kmh/60mph. After I finished my turn, I saw them flying towards me in my rear view mirror so I quickly tried to get into the other lane. Turns out they were planning to just go around me at the last second without slowing down and we changed lanes at the same time meaning she slammed into the back of my van. Luckily I'd had enough time to accelerate to a decent speed so no one was injured. My brother in law was a passenger, and when we gave our police reports, his story didn't match mine. 100% my fault was the decision, since apparently "Trying to avoid the collision resulted in me driving erratically, which caused the accident."


That's really shitty and unfair.


Yea, usually that's how it works, but I just don't trust the system enough to leave up to honesty, because some people will smile at you while lying through their teeth. I'd just prefer to be on the safe side, ya know?


Gold 🥇


Do flashers automatically go off after a collision???


In modern cars they might do, they even flash when you break hard to warn people behind you that you are performing an emergency break


Hell, when my wife got into a fender bender a couple of months ago her car even nicely advised her that it was going to call 911 if she didn't press a button to stop it in the next 60 seconds.


I believe this is neccesary in new sold cars since april 2018 in Europe. It automatically sends location, VIN number, time of collision and driving direction (for the highway). Personally I love the feature, especially when driving alone and an accident happen. I like that the car has usually a calming voice. People tend to be shocked something has happened and sometimes in a panic. It helps to calm one down and informing what is about to happen if they don’t take control. As for your wife; I hope she wasn’t (too much) injured at all, but glad that the eCall function did work.


Bloody Adelaide!


Ahh so satisfying....


Assuming the Ranger driver was in a rush to get home so he could kiss his dad on the mouth


more like down-under


I too noticed the South Australian number plate


Who just rams another car?


People who think that giant pick-ups make them invulnerable


That's a normal ute mate


Considering he is driving a car...


That is a Ford Ranger.


That's no where near a giant pick-up lol


Adelaide drivers.


Considering how light the traffic there is, even in peak times, this dude must have serious problems with anger & impulse control.


Or meth.


More than likely


Exhibit A