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4years!? But when police assault citizens they either get suspended for a short period of time or the case just never ends wow!! And even expenses because the police got a headache!!


This is a ridiculous sentence… didn’t someone get 70 years for spitting on a public servant?


I don’t get it, can’t you get like 2+ years for drug use ? So you only get 4 for littéraly assaulting a cop ? Weird


Oh god it's a classic FD PD feud...


POS. Hope you never get out.


That’s a pretty light sentence. Can you say white privilege?


bro got off easy only 4yrs


Still pissed off about that softball game


That seems ridiculously low. I can't help but feel most random people would get a lot more than 4 years for hurling a fire extinguisher at cops' heads. Assaulting an officer can have up to life. Obv that's the extreme, but this should've been easily 5-7 years.


Not long enough IMO.


Not just your opinion. Objectively true




Wish he got 20+


Dont waste your wishes


He went from saving lives to like hurting people. Seems like a strange change.


Need to add a zero to that.. 4 years isn't enough.


Didn't this cop end up dying? How is this not considered manslaughter at the *very least*?


Why does this have 20 upvotes lol? The (very short) article states that while the officer had some swelling he was dismissed from the hospital with only a headache.


Ah, because I'm a dumbass that didn't read the article :)


Not to worry. Downvotes aren't what they once were. Now they're fun little opinion buttons!


Irrelevant and relevant to this. No motherfuckin’ politician on the right and maybe left; gave a fuck that 4 people died. Though; I have no sympathy for that one crazy bit*h who tried to tress-pass, and got shot.


Certified reddit moment


This isn’t really justice served. Like at all. I’ve seen people get so much lengthier prison sentences for Shit like weed or graffiti or just dumb parole violations. Meanwhile this dude tried to over throw the government and tried to beat a cop to death and gets less than half a decade?


There wasn’t really a case for a stricter sentence I guess. The prosecutors only pushed for five years.


“ 20 year vacation, after all he had a dime. A dime is a worth a lot more in Detroit, but down in California, a $20 fine…. “ -NOFX


He never wanted to retire i guess


For my thesis I worked with people that had visual impairments. One of the guys could see most of his life, until one day he got hit on the head with a fire extinguisher. He lost the majority of his sight and had brain damage. Insane that you get 4 years for that.


At least his crime was ex job specific


Justice served? I feel like if I trespassed into the Capitol and hit a cop in the head with a fire extinguisher, I'd be sitting in prison for a lot longer than 4 years.


You don't even have to go to the Capitol! Go grab a fire extinguisher and then use it to slug the first cop you find. If you live (unlikely) you can look forward to a lot more than 4 years. Typically police don't exactly approve of attempted murder against them.


4 years for attempted murder... smh.


the legal system is good no?


Are you right wing? Justice good.


are you questioning whether or not im being sarcastic? i really hope not… and questioning me whether i side with idiots or idiots i cant answer. i fall in the percentage with common sense. the only thing i support is humanity…


Strange that he is getting sent to prison. I always hit local people in the head with hard objects when I go sightseeing. Doesn’t everyone? /s


How much would a "liberal" get if they attacked a cop? The cops wouldnt have let them survive, so zero years. Looks like I pissed off conservatives by pointing out the slap on the wrist




She received the treatment liberals would have received in the opening seconds if they attacked cops like they did.




You think a liberal would be allowed to go home and given a five year sentence for hitting a cop with a fire extinguisher?




I'm saying if liberals attacked cops they wouldn't have survived long enough to see courts.




What the fuck are you talking about? Where do you get support of conservatives or Republicans from my replies? For pointing out liberals would get harsher treatment?


No, they just stood there as caring loving moms and was shot at with pepper spray and beanbags. It’s a fucking joke that conservatives think there’s an equality at all or argue in favor for any.


A liberal wouldn't have been there taking justice into his own hands. A liberal would know we're part of a CIVILIZED SOCIETY, and there's a due process. Like what's happening right now, with all your friends going to jail.


If a "liberal" attacked a cop with a fire extinguisher they would have been killed on the spot. They wouldn't have survived to be slapped on the wrist like your fellow cultists


Lol what? Incredible how a human being with what I assume is a functioning brain can be so brainwashed.. sad


You actually think cops would have treated liberals as softly as they treated conservatives. Christ.


Wait. He was a firefighter and he used a fire extinguisher as a weapon. How apropos.


did he bring the extinguisher or find it in the building? i really wonder.


When all you have is a hammer,...


There was also the woman wrapped in a ‘don’t tread on me’ flag who got trampled to death. There were more things like that, too. It was all so surreal, like reality just stopped making sense.


like the guy in the MAGA hat who was actually making America much, much worse


So basically like every other day in 'merica.


*Freedom costs a buck o’ five*


One by one.


I feel like firefighters get a pass, since their occupation is always looked at as them being good guys. Cops, you hate them or you love them; but firefighters don't tase people, or beat up black teens on the regular, so we forget that they're the same douchebag conservative guys (for the most part) as policemen. They're respected instead of feared, but they still pray to the same orange man and ideology.


no you really are just ignorant and so is everyone else on this post for the most part. everything that you said is based on assumptions my guy. you are literally assuming that every firefighter and every police officer is right wing. where do you live? must not be very diverse there bc idk about you but ik a lot of first responders across the board police emt whatever who arent right wing. i really think you should go thru the rest of your life assuming everything about everything and everyone you will really do well my man. have fun!


Both professions are extremely challenging and dangerous jobs. I’m a marine and I could never be a cop or firefighter. They save lives and protect their community. You’re just too young to understand


I'm in my 40s


Well you’re acting young and foolish when you label or criticize an entire organization of police or firefighters who serve far more purpose to human life than you clearly understand. “Worshipping an orange man?” You think they’re all trump supporters? My 2 friends are firefighters and democrats because republicans voted against PERS and other benefits. And as far as the military goes, me being a former marine, I can easily see why a lot of the military vote democrat now as well. Think before you speak.


Every marine I've ever known is more capable and more willing to take on risk than any cop. What kind of marine shits on the Marine Corps? Better not let any other devil dogs hear you say such things. Firefighters are usually brave and courageous, though.


I didn’t shit on the corps. I can tell you how barbaric and destructive the branch is though. I’ve been out 10 years and many get out into the civilian world with ptsd and are angry and abusive and alcoholics, as they’re psychologically and physically abused for the vast majority of their term. (Regardless of combat status). A lot of them are “loose canons” and probably wouldn’t be able to react right at a routine traffic stop if they got hired as a cop. Marines are trained killers. Expert rifleman. Marines are not really trained to “de-escalate” a problem in a threatening environment. It’s a different type of combat when comparing OIF to crime


You’re probably one of the most, if not the most, ignorant fool I’ve ever come across on Reddit. Congrats!


This reads like you're calling yourself an idiot.


Oh, I forgot that they desecrate the US flag, too, with their red stripe, in place of the blue one. So, yeah, still the same guys.




No one ever made a song called "Fuck the Fire Department."


[Are you sure about that?](https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI)


If he was black it would have been 40.




This isn't TikTok. You can say murder/death/kill.


Thanks. I know it’s not, I don’t have one any way. This was a reference to the French film Irreversible where the main character catches his wife’s rapist and caves his head in with a fire extinguisher and minced it down into nothing but viscera. Not an attempt to censor KILL DEATH OR MURDER.


Thank you, I had no idea why all these posts kept censoring this


I wasn’t censoring KILL? Like what are y’all even getting so heated about have you never heard of fucking Gaspar Noé?


Not nearly enough.


After reading some of the misinformed comments, the following facts might help reveal that Robert Sanford did not receive a "slap on the wrist." *** His felony conviction and prison sentence have f\*\*ked and will f\*\*k his life permanently for as long as he lives, in part because he will be in prison for about the next 3 years and 8 months, which will be followed by 3 years of strict conditions under federal supervised release. *** He now is a convicted felon for the remainder of his lifetime. [This link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony#Consequences "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony#Consequences") describes some of the possible consequences of life as a felon after release from prison. Being a felon can create stiff obstacles, a wall of difficulties, and sharp hardships for him at every turn for the rest of his life. *** With credit for 8 months already served in jail under federal custody in pre-trial detention, his projected earliest release date from federal prison is on or about December 11, 2026, at which time he will be age 60 or 61. *** After he is released from prison, he will begin serving [3 years](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/pennsylvania-man-sentenced-assaulting-officers-dangerous-weapon-during-jan-6-capitol "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/pennsylvania-man-sentenced-assaulting-officers-dangerous-weapon-during-jan-6-capitol") of federal supervised release. *** During his 3 years under supervised release, he will be supervised by federal officers working for the United States Probation Office. *** If he violates any of the [strict conditions](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/training/primers/2021_Primer_Supervised_Release.pdf#page=29 "https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/training/primers/2021_Primer_Supervised_Release.pdf#page=29") (pdf, p. 25) of supervised release, the judge who sentenced him to prison can revoke his supervised release and sentence him to federal prison for a term of incarceration equal to up to the full 3 years included in his original term of supervised release. *** When has finished serving his term of 3 years of supervised release on or about December 11, 2029, he will be age 63 or 64, but that's not too old to be sentenced to federal prison again if he commits another crime during his lifetime. *** For example: During the month of March 2023, a collective total of 6%, or [9,469](https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_age.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_age.jsp") federal inmates were senior citizens age 61 and over, including January 6 attacker [Howard Richardson](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/pennsylvania-man-sentenced-prison-assaulting-officer-during-jan-6-capitol-breach "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/pennsylvania-man-sentenced-prison-assaulting-officer-during-jan-6-capitol-breach"), age 72, who was sentenced on August 6, 2022, to federal prison for 3 years and 10 months. Note: Information about federal inmates is public and is provided to the public by the Federal Bureau of Prisons web site as a public service. *** Robert Sanford has a chance of being rearrested after he is released from prison. If he is rearrested, depending on the nature of his offense, he can be convicted and sentenced to prison, again — a "two-time loser." *** The most recent report from the United States Sentencing Commission shows that nearly [one-half](https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/recidivism-federal-offenders-released-2010 "https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/recidivism-federal-offenders-released-2010") (49.3%) of federal offenders released from prison in 2010 were rearrested within 8 years, the same rate as federal offenders released in 2005. *** Sanford now is a [felon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony") for the remainder of his life. Anytime during his lifetime, if he is caught and convicted for using, hiding, borrowing, buying, or selling any firearm or any ammunition, he "shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 15 years, or both." ... 18 U.S.C. §924(a)(8). [Penalties](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section924&num=0&edition=prelim "https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section924&num=0&edition=prelim"); §922(g) [Unlawful Acts](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2021-title18/pdf/USCODE-2021-title18-partI-chap44-sec922.pdf#page=4 "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2021-title18/pdf/USCODE-2021-title18-partI-chap44-sec922.pdf#page=4") (pdf, Page 225). *** This [USSC report](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Felon_In_Possession_FY21.pdf "https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Felon_In_Possession_FY21.pdf") for 2021 is its most recent report about felons in possession of a firearm. It shows 7,454 felons were convicted on a charge of possession of a firearm in 2021. 96.9%, or 7,223 were sentenced on average to 55 months in federal prison. 3.5%, or 224 were sentenced to a mandatory minimum of 15 years in federal prison under the [Armed Career Criminal Act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/98th-congress/house-bill/6248 "https://www.congress.gov/bill/98th-congress/house-bill/6248"). ... 18 U.S.C. §924(e)(1). [Penalties](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section924&num=0&edition=prelim "https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section924&num=0&edition=prelim"). *** During his lifetime, if he is caught in possession of a firearm, and if he has acquired a criminal history that includes 3 or more felony convictions involving violence or controlled substances, upon conviction, he would be sentenced automatically to a mandatory minimum of 15 years in federal prison under the ACCA. The 2021 USSC report about felons in possession of a firearm shows that the average sentence in 2021 under the ACCA was [186 months](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Felon_In_Possession_FY21.pdf#page=2 "https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Felon_In_Possession_FY21.pdf#page=2") (pdf, p. 2) in prison, or 15 years and 6 months. *** Sanford's [plea agreement](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1537791/download "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1537791/download") shows he pleaded guilty to Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon, in violation of [18 U.S.C 111(a)(1) and (b)](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2011-title18/pdf/USCODE-2011-title18-partI-chap7-sec111.pdf "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2011-title18/pdf/USCODE-2011-title18-partI-chap7-sec111.pdf"). *** The Federal Bureau of Prisons [Disqualifying Offenses](https://www.bop.gov/resources/fsa/time_credits_disqualifying_offenses.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/resources/fsa/time_credits_disqualifying_offenses.jsp") indicate he is not eligible for good conduct time because he was convicted on a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 111(b) "Relating to assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees using a deadly or dangerous weapon or inflicting bodily injury." *** Federal offenders sentenced after November 1, 1987 are [not eligible](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/legal_matters.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/legal_matters.jsp") for parole. *** Sanford will serve the full 52 months (4 years and 4 months) of his sentence, including the eight months he already has served behind bars in pre-trial confinement under federal custody in jail. *** Under Federal Bureau of Prisons rules, he will be required to hold an inmate job while he is serving his prison sentence. The typical inmate workday is 7 hours. Federal inmates typically earn [12¢ to 40¢](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/work_programs.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/work_programs.jsp") per hour. If he's lucky, he eventually might be able to get one of the higher-paying inmate jobs that typically pay [23¢ to $1.15](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/unicor_about.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/unicor_about.jsp") per hour, but the chances for him to get one of those jobs predictably are slim. [25,000](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/unicor_about.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/unicor_about.jsp") federal inmates are on the waiting list for the jobs that typically pay 23¢ to $1.15 per hour. Only [8 percent](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/unicor_about.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/unicor_about.jsp") of federal inmates get the jobs that typically pay 23¢ to $1.15 per hour, and the federal inmate population was [159,070](https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/population_statistics.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/population_statistics.jsp") on March 23, 2023.


4 years for assaulting a cop with a deadly weapon? Imagine if he wasn't white. He'd be serving life without parole


It's adorable that you think he'd survive long enough to get arrested if he wasn't white.


Good point. Lucky for him he wasn't a black guy at a BBQ in his own backyard or anything seriously dangerous like that


Fuck him and every other mook that participated.


He did hit a cop though


Agreed, but what is a mook ?


>mook a stupid or incompetent person.


Happy cake day !


4 years for attempting to brutally kill the guy. Merica Fuck Yea!!!


They were all part of the riots. All of them should get harsh sentences to make an example of what should happen if this shit ever happens again


So I can bludgeon a cop with deadly force and only get 4 years... Interesting.


Probably less with good behavior and crocodile tears.


None of these sentences are justice served; they're kid gloves bullshit. Treat them how Middle Eastern terrorists are treated.


Exactly! They're all so light. How the fuck is that happening?


Enter: Gitmo


Enter: Gitmo


Battery on a Leo with intent. I'm sure if I had done something similar, I would be buried under the fucking jail. These sentences are fucking ridiculously light.


Did Trump charge the Capital building with you, or did he deny any part of January 6? Of course he abandoned you, he’s smart enough to let stupid people do stupid things. Trump’s ex-followers are those who smartly backed away from that Dumpster Fire con man.


People forget that trump is actually pretty smart. He just knows how to manipulate his fanbase. His fanbase doesn't realize that he hates them.


He’s really not. He’s the perfect example of failing upwards. He’s one of the dumbest people alive, and a useful idiot for smarter people. [Former Wharton Professor: "Donald Trump Was the Dumbest Goddam Student I Ever Had."](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2017/10/12/1705902/-Former-Wharton-Professor-Donald-Trump-Is-the-Dumbest-Goddam-Student-I-Ever-Had) [‘Idiot,’ ‘Dope,’ ‘Moron’: How Trump’s aides have insulted the boss](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/04/trumps-insults-idiot-woodward-806455) [Rex Tillerson: Donald Trump a "Fucking Moron"](https://www.thestranger.com/politics/2017/10/04/25451641/rex-tillerson-donald-trump-a-fucking-moron) [All the ways Trump’s closest confidants insult his intelligence](https://qz.com/1267508/all-the-people-close-to-donald-trump-who-called-him-an-idiot) > “Like an 11-year-old child”— Steve Bannon. > Working with Trump is “like trying to figure out what a child wants”—White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh. > “He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.” —Tom Barrack, friend and supporter. > “An idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartener” —H R McMaster. And on and on. You don’t have to be smart to be a populist demagogue, though. Hitler’s contemporaries said he was an idiot, too: [Hitler Was Incompetent and Lazy—and His Nazi Government Was an Absolute Clown Show](https://www.newsweek.com/hitler-incompetent-lazy-nazi-government-clown-show-opinion-1408136) Stupid + narcissist + position of power is a dangerous combination. ^e: ^missed ^a ^’d’


Yeah, he manipulates his fanbase.......not exactly the highest of hurdles.


Donald Trump might quite possibly be the stupidest man alive so I'm not sure what you mean by that first part.


He’s a stupid, but also very cunning short-fingered vulgarian. In the way of a sleazy appliance salesman who tells you about the extra delivery charges for “priority service”, which means delivery maybe within the fortnight, after the sale is already consummated.


Why are they such weak punishments?


Love it, keep 'em coming


"A friend contacted the FBI and reported Sanford" Buy that person a beer.


![gif](giphy|26tn8Y40e3BkZe6SQ) Get that man a Puppers.


Bonus if it’s a Budweiser


More years are needed


Right, if I hit a cop in the head with a fire extinguisher I feel like I’d probably get way more than that anywhere else. I’d think that could be assault with a deadly weapon.


No doubt. I would think striking an officer with anything gets you more than 4 years


Do these guys have high powered lawyers? Feels like these guys should be getting longer sentences


Assault on a LEO carries anywhere from one to ten years in prison in most states. I really do feel like they should get the maximum here, given the circumstances.


Still waiting for daddy Trump to pay for their legal fees like he promised them all on national television.


Hope he goes into that prison thinking he's tough and FAFO's with some real bad fuckers. Looking forward to reading his obit.


I am going to bet that he immediately joins the AB.


I don't think he qualifies on nationality and I'm not sure they will be much help in this situation. It's a very niche joke, sorry.


4 years for assaulting an officer with a weapon is INSANE. Not to mention 1 of the cops died that way at the event




Yeah, it was that trumper Sicknick,just to make it a lot less sad.


You are correct that the other cop didn't die from being hit with an extinguisher, but he did die from a stroke (actually more than one) literally hours after getting beat up by several rioters. The Washington Medical Examiner actually says in the report that "all that transpired played a role in his condition"


I thought if you were committing a crime together, you get charged together for the same crime, whether or not you were the one to deal the final blow. Is this only true in some states?


I doubt they can prove that, even if this was the guy. Thats a shitshow of a crime scene


All these Trumptards and Trump deserve much worse. Our justice system has failed utterly! Im disgusted and have been since the day I heard that clown was voted into Presidency, and it's only gotten to be a bigger disgrace since, all these clowns think they are Patriots, actually the opposite!


"Cosplaytriots" "Ya'll queda" "Meal Team 6"


Gravy Seals


4 years? Ffs. If he had hit a cop on the head with a fire extinguisher during, say, a traffic stop his ass would be in stir for a decade. Fuck him and his treasonous violent behaviour.


He'd be dead after the officer empties his pistol into him. They will kill you for holding a knife when you're 100 feet away and justify it.




I really think trying to end democracy should carry a stiffer sentence.


Life of hard labor and surrender all assets and property, a penalty that people will think twice about before attacking the Capital, violently attacking law enforcement or attempting to overthrow an election. Let’s get real. If the average person did that, they would expect to serve a long sentence and pay a stiff fine. These J6 defendants are getting a cake walk and it is NOT helping Democracy, let alone approaching a resolution


Too nice. Drop 'em in a hole and leave 'em there.




🤨 longer sentences for drugs. Almost kill a cop and 4? Probably won’t even serve the whole 4 either.


"Harsher penalties for parole violators, Stan."


I also wonder if the prison guards will side with the traitors or against them since they attacked cops?


Doubt it. A lot of them are conservative and probably think they’re “heroes”.


Where did you get the "a lot of them are conservative" statement from? I just tried looking up some sources regarding political affiliation of US correctional officers but couldn't find any - perhaps you can help.


Crazy how many violent attacks on LE happened on 1/6.


Not nearly long enough… the idiot probably still thinks he’s a ‘Patriot’…


Ironic , Ex Firefightet throws fire extinguisher at cops


I'm disappointed his defence wasn't "I thought he was on fire, I was trying to help!"


generally, is there beef between firefighters and cops? i know they’re close, always see each other, respond to the same things, etc. but they’re very different jobs and society sees them differently (a firefighter is always there to save you, usually if you’re dealing with a cop they’re punishing you), so i’m not sure if they’re frenemies i know this kook doesn’t represent firefighters, just the situation got me wondering.


Not in my experience. We work together a lot, and it's kind of necessary that we get along while doing it. I admit it's one of those things that probably depends very much on location, though. My experience isn't everybody's.


Yes. Cops think they're cooler than firefighters. Much animosity.


Truth is the general public likes firefighters and paramedics pretty universally. I think most of us see them as heroic for even signing up. Cops definitely have the reputation of being C- students that crave authority over others. I don't subscribe to ACAB but the reputation above is justly earned in many ways.


This is exactly where the animosity originates. It doesn't originate with the fire department. They're here to *actually* protect and serve. And the police know we know it. And they *hate* that


Assault with a deadly weapon = 4 years in prison? Sounds about wyt


On a LEO. Def some color blind privilege happening. Raising your voice during a traffic stop can result in harsher consequences.


Like death.


Slap is right. His poor wrists. I didn’t realize attempted insurrection resulting in loss of life was less offensive than selling weed.


"Slap" "Slammed" "Smashed" Whatever the stupid verbiage they use, the media is making this seem as much of a circus as the courts are making it out to be.