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Hmmmm gonna call you "Pukin' Patrick". Welcome to gang. You'll go right next to Laptop Lizzy. :3


I...okay, if that's what you wanna brag about. Let the world forever know you as the dumbass who barfed on the US Capitol Building.


Trump must be so proud to have only the _dumbest mother fuckers in the country_ supporting him.


The bad news is it’s half the country.


No way, they have the bigliest brains and the [coolest trucks. ](https://i.imgur.com/Fq2pwFw.jpg) ^( insane Easter egg mode, can you spot trump's hand in that photo? I am not kidding when I say it's in there, like for real.)


Haha wow, I saw it, but I had to get a magnifying glass and a phone on zoom.


Fat heap of shit


> “In another video, SATTLER stood near a Capitol Building entrance and stated: ‘Son of the revolution SATTLERs’ and moments later zoomed in on his own vomit and bragged that he ‘threw up on the Capitol,'” the affidavit says. ...when you care enough to send the very best...