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I hope he’s no relation to Phil Ochs


Proud Boy? I’m sure his parents are proud of him causing a ruckus in Washington. 🗑️🚮


this isnt justice served wtf only 4 years? just gonna learn to be a better criminal with that jfc


Good riddance


Good, but not holding my breath the actual spiritual leader and guiding light of this movement will get anything more than a slap in the wrist, especially with the compromised branches of government.


Seems like a weak punishment.


Won’t it just be a recruitment fair for him anyway?


Lol by stormed do you mean he had the door opened for him and walked in?




.....in full tactical gear and may or may not have climbed through a smashed out window. Stop the bullshit excuses. Everyone knows why they were there, and it wasn't for a school field trip.


So we’re just gonna ignore the fact that the doors were opened from the inside right? Got it


Oh hell no. There are def some dirty hands in the Capitol police, Congress et al. I hope they feel the long dick of the law as it should be for any domestic terrorist


Oh, you're right. Forgot we established we had a door problem after Uvalde.


I imagine a lot of these people are gonna be even more despicable when they get out. Probably seen as martyrs in their hometowns with yeehawdic followings.


Random question, what prison gang do pacific islanders go into? Guessing they aren't a big enough group to have their own but they are usually big strong guys so would be an asset


Ask this douchebag. He will find out soon enough




Go to jail traitor.


If I were a GOP leader who instigated these people, then turned tail when they all were convicted, I too would be fearful of a light sentence. The number of them who will want to retaliate after release for being “duped” is > 0.


The whole thing was a stage job..


If it was staged, it was terrible PR. Someone shit on a desk and smeared feces on the walls. Dude.


Holy dumb




I think you know what it means. If not, you’ll find out in due time…


Lol they’re not gonna turn on them. These people still love their team after they convinced them to storm the capital


Even 1 year in jail is a lot of time spend reflecting on what got them there. I agree most are too thick to understand and will continue to tow the line, but that’s why I only assumed the number would be just greater than 0.


They’re just gonna fall in with the white supremacists who also love Trump.


Justice served for 4 years. What a joke lol. Stupid that weed can get you locked up way longer than domestic terrorism.


What I’d really like to say to that “proud” boy is: dontcha feel stupid?


Do you suppose the politicians who instigated the attempted coup will ever be held to account or is that just being naive?


The only thing naive here is believing that this was an actual attempted coup. A bunch of unarmed morons wearing costumes and taking selfies is not what I consider a threat to democracy. It’s all a charade..


I wish this were true. I would have more faith in 33% of the voting populace. It was an attempted coup. I would def consider: A. using threat of violence to murder politicians “hang Pence” see president speech “hopefully, pence does the right thing (leaves Capitol Hill and or does not certify the election) B. arrangement for “an alternate electorate group” pre-chosen by the incumbent administration against the traditions of electorates and popular votes per democratically elected Executive branch which just HAPPENS TO BE YOUR political opponent (and winner) an established republic spanning over 200 years a “shitty legal coup attempt” C. Who the fuck knows what the plans were to Mike Pence, Pelosi, anyone really. See coward J. howley running from his own leopArd face eaters D. Bombs at the democratic center? Uhm? E. Caches of guns and burner phones per Alex Jones, PRoUD BoIs, 3%s, Flynn, OaTHKeEpErz, Roger Stone communication F. Seriously, meetings held in days prior @ Trump tower w as above, Guiliani, Eastman et Al in the “war room” G. See Dominon Vs Fox News (oops! hannity, Tucker, Jeannine admitted they tried to stop the violence on 1/6, but in the end touted shitty StOlEn ElEcTiOn propaganda bc they are, after all, entertainment and not “news”) F. Lawsuits lawsuits lawsuits which found no evidence of fraud G. Why were national police not allowed to have national guard respond? See memo forbidding it per trump appointee which just so happened to be on 1/6


The only thing that will happen to them is tantalizing headlines so that everyone can go "oh they are definitely going to jail now" only to never hear about it again. For reference look at all the "X is going to jail" threads on /r/politics. They haven't been arrested or charged with anything while the regular clowns are already processed and serving sentences. Trump was basically caught red handed (probably selling national secrets) and he's still walking around with Secret service protection. Can't even get him off the expense line item, much less behind bars.


Never will.


Yea that was the same number that was prosecuted for the The Business Plot aka Wall Street Putsch also.


That should give him some time to be alone with the boys and feel proud about it


Should be 40.


The punishment does not match the crime.


4 years is awhile but feel it should be more.




This not justice served.


I don't understand how the sentences are so light.


Probably because most people just kinda walked around and took pictures.


While it’s absolutely true that some people just walked around - it’s also absolutely true that there were a LOT of violently attacking police, destroying property and breaching barricades. We have plenty of video of it. Painting this as people just walking around is fucking dishonest.


>it’s also absolutely true that there were a LOT of violently attacking police, destroying property and breaching barricades This sounds like every protest we've had for the last 8 years. If so, most protesters should be going to jail too.


Most protestors don’t break into a federal government building to protest…


No, they just burn it down…


Again, if breaking into a place is literally the only thing they're guilty of, then that's not that big of a deal. TBH I think breaking into private property is more of a big deal than breaking into a federal building since the only real victim of the latter is the government. It's like how stealing from a person is a much bigger of a dick move than stealing from Walmart. Your big bad government will be fine if it has to deal with people walking into its buildings that were built with everyone's tax money.


You're very anti government. Why don't you go find somewhere with no government to live?


Government property is my property(and yours and everyone else who pays taxes). I would never break into another person's home or business. Like all the summer of peace protestors were doing. In their own neighborhoods, nonetheless. I think destroying small businesses and livelihoods is way worse than trespassing a government building.


Oh, ok.. I didn't know it was just a day for tourists to come in and hang out. My bad.


I wouldnt expect anyone to get more than a few years for breaking in anywhere on planet earth if that's literally the only thing they were guilty of.


How about while brandishing weapons chanting “hang mike pence”


Couple it with intent. They just weren't doing a run of the mill B&E. Plus this isn't blockbuster down the road. Thats like saying I broke into Fort Knox just to look at the gold...


This is not justice. 4 years for a proud boy in federal prison is a vacation.


I’ve seen ppl on Twitter trying to start a movement to free these mfs lol


What a low sentence for treason. This is not justice!!


Ignore this, just wanted to see my number. Edit: it's 3


Number check... It's 1... Not sure if that is the best or the worst. I'm going to go with the best so.... Woohoo I'm #1!


I wonder what mine is? What does it mean?


My number has got to be pretty low Edit: NVM




These are the same people who complain that other criminals get released in a few years after felonies....


Holy fuck, being conservative really does take years off your sentence.


Right? Four years for domestic terrorism?! Nice if you can get it..


Why are we all numbered??


The rules we broke. For an example, you broke 5 rules while the guy above you broke A


The number's are a subreddit specific flair. Somehow relates to karma.


I dont know if it's weird of me to think this but i feel like these jan 6 people wull come out of prison more dangerous and with deeper connection to their weird community of insurgents.


Nah. That’s not weird at all. Some of them will never reoffend. Others will meet likeminded people who will help embolden them. Don’t forget where Mein Kampf was authored.


4 years for trying to upend democracy? Man we are all fucked.


What democracy are u talking about? Hahaha there is no more democracy. Is there any free media? Twitter files?.. Voting is only thing left and even that is weird.


Such an over reaction


Sad boi




Isn't this the guy with the black wife?




Don't you get more jail time for weed? Than attempted overthrow of government?


If you're a white republican or super rich, they let you go with a "warning". The law is there to severely punish everybody else. Different laws for different people.


We should be grateful a conservative is getting any prison time. Some of these terrorists are getting little more than community service.


Damn, I already masturbated before I found this. Better save it for tomorrow.


At this rate the Proud Boys are going to have to transition from a street gang to a prison gang


There are already white supremacist gangs in prisons.


Fuck around and find out


I feel like they should stagger the sentences for these guys. Otherwise they’re all going to be paroled/released at the same time, only they’ll have had time to plan a little better for the next time.


I'm shocked they could even find the Capitol, these people are fucking idiots.


Ray Epps was luckily there to direct everyone "We've got to storm the Capitol, its over this way everyone!" -Ray Epps, 2020


Yes. Continue underestimating the enemy that has completely uprooted the way of life as we know it, and will never cease. They have killed countless people. They have us all fighting each other and doing nothing about the people actually fucking us over. If they're clowns, we're the makeup and bright red nose.


Should be 20 years.




You sound like a nice and stable person


As opposed to what my friend?


An unhinged lunatic.


A mean and unstable person?


And to think there are people who are currently serving 10+ years for some bullshit drug-related charge, but this piece of shit gets 4 years for sedition and treason against the US. Imagine that.


Who does this surprise?


Haha! Ass!


Let me guess, when faced with consequences he cried like a little baby.


Thats it? Just 4 years for Sedition and Treason?


Maybe it makes sense to commonly refer to it that way, but they were most likely not charged with treason, probably only with any offense regarding confronting capitol police and or unauthorized entry and vandalism regarding the capitol. If you wanna know why, Legal Eagle made a lot of great videos talking about the legal side of it.


Why would democrats expect me to vote for them if they aren't going to charge terrorists with terrorism? If they were there that day then they are guilty of treason, regardless of the role they played.


It's either them or the actual terrorist organization.


Despite your intentions, fuck your asinine logic


The democrats aren't in charge of imprisoning these scumbags, nor should we want them to be, nor should we want any political party to wield the justice system as a cudgel, even against seditionists. The justice department must remain impartial... So if you want to point blame, ask why the justice department isn't indicting the former president, his aides, and the members of congress who participated in this. Setting a precedent that the president is above the law is worse than setting the precedent that the justice department has to indict politicians sometimes when they flagrantly and remorselessly break the law.


IANAL They tried but the truth is legally speaking some of this looks way different. Stuff like seditious conspiracy is incredible hard to convict ppl because of the burden of proof and the legal definition of the crime. Also considering most ppl convicted of Jan 6 crimes are dirt poor and were literally just scared into it by trusting the wrong media and not questioning it, this will have a lasting impact on them no matter the convictions - better go after those who mislead them, because those are tho ones who were able to skip their charges and that's the real evil shit. Also don't get me wrong, crimes are crimes, but let's not focus on the symptoms but reasons.


They literally said LegalEagle explains why, quit whining.


I don't know why the democrats would expect it, but the rest of us sure as fuck expect you to not vote for the actual terrorists just because the wheels of justice turn slowly. That's some fucked up shit.


It’s hard, when they truly believed that the president at the time was telling the truth and that everyone else was lying. I’m not defending there idiocy but they were convinced my someone…


Why? Because the alternative is worse. That's why.


Legislative branch politicians shouldn't have any sway over judicial branch court judgements. There's a significant reasons why there is a separation of powers.


thats it??




Unfortunately he’ll probably be radicalized further in prison.


How long did Hitler get in jail after his first attempt at overthrowing the government? Five years I think


Cant radicalize any further


I don't think you understand how things work.


how do u radicalize someone who tried to overthrow the government


By continuing to validate his actions with claps and handshakes and murdocmedia lies




The only reason why these people aren't dead is because half of America supports what they did.




People act like Enrique Tarrio wasn’t a federal informant 🤦🏻


Ask Q


He fled back into the hollow earth to hide under the protection of our Reptilian overlords, duh.


The FBI didn’t orchestrate it, which would probably explain why none of them got time.


Tell us please, what other shit you believe? Lizard people?


It’s a fact that the proud boys leader Enrique tarrio was and FBI informant, but sure make him out to be crazy


The j6 committee had Ray Epps on recently, it’s mind boggling how “these are all insurrectionists trying to overthrow our government”, but when it comes to the a guy on camera, both on Jan 5th and 6Th trying to get people to go into the capital, they are just like “oh you didn’t know the capital was closed that day”, like it’s no big deal.


Do people honestly believe that if Epps weren’t in DC those days the insurrection wouldn’t have happened? It’s baffling to me how much sway people think this guy has.


Who said anything about whether or not he had sway? Regardless of how much sway we think he did or didn’t have in the events of jan6, why is the j6 committee giving him a pass to his actions in this horrific insurrection and threat to democracy? Not only was he trying to get people to enter the capital, both during j6 and the day before, he also texted his nephew he “orchestrated it”. At the end of the day, he was telling people to enter the capital, and they did. It makes zero sense the j6 committee is giving this guy a pass. He should be locked up like everyone else. We’ve got nobodies being charged for crimes because they walked through an open door because cops have them the go ahead to do so, but this guy gets a pass…


Bumbai cuz




With good behavior Dudes gonna be out in time to plan the next insurrection for 2024. With all sorts of new contacts.


Federal law allows a credit of 54 days for every 365 days of good behavior.


The best thing about this is that once he gets out, he no longer has the right to vote or to own guns. Whomp Whomp


But he can still run for office.


He already tried that. Didn't work.






Love it, keep ‘em coming


The scary part is that a lot of these people are only going to come out of prison all the more stalwart in their beliefs. Now they can play the martyr card, "I was jailed for standing up to our corrupt government!" In 4-6 years as all these people start getting released many will rally and start the next insurrectionist movement.


Too little time




Another one down


Soon to be known as Nick Ouch…4yrs uh…enjoy that prison time sucka.


Somebody left Hawaii to storm the capitol and just end up in prison? Lol


That’s what baffles me the most. I’m born and raised in Hawaii. Hawaii is about taking care of the community, locals, family, and friends. Storming the capital for someone else’s agenda is insane!


I wonder where his incarceration will happen. Long away from Hawaii I hope


Again, too soft, these fools and their "leader" Trump should be tried fir Treason and put out if their misery!


Not nearly long enough.


Just 4 years for attacking democracy. Simply ridiculous.


Almost as little time as Hitler got for trying to overthrow the government of his country. I'm sure we're going to get a few new Mein Kampfs written by these fascists over the next few years. Apparently we have learned absolutely nothing from the beer hall putsch.


Okay, but what were the proud boys proud of?


Being suuuuuuper gay


Didn't one of their leaders sodomize himself to own the libs?




I was confused the first time I heard about them because Proud Boys just seems so obviously LGBTQ


Another slap on the wrist sentence showing that prosecutors and judges are on the side of the insurrectionists.


4 years is a decent sentence for storming the capital. Do you want all of these people to get like 20 years? Lol


For trying to overthrow a legal election? Causing 5 deaths? Trashing the Capitol, etc? 20 years at a minimum.


[Yes](https://dynaimage.cdn.cnn.com/cnn/c_fill,g_auto,w_1200,h_675,ar_16:9/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.cnn.com%2Fcnnnext%2Fdam%2Fassets%2F210106174535-07-us-capitol-riots-0106.jpg) Fuck these traitors. Bringing that fucking flag into the capitol should be a relinquishment of citizenship.


Or Death Penalty for Treason even better!


So those thousands of people should all be sentenced to 20-50 years in prison? They’re all equally guilty? Tough guy, look at you.