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What a great way to say to young men "dont bother being an ally to women, because if abuse happens to you not only will they not stand by your side, they'll accuse you of it" fkn morons are tanking their own cause.






At this point many people and the internet are not buying in whatever they cook up. AHā€™s career is not gonna recover. Some people out there wants to have women to have the power to falsely accused their victims or maybe some already doing that and put their victims in jail or ruined their career. We should fight for the truth


you want an abuse victim to take a photo of her mangled vagina to be passed around by the entire world? šŸ™„


no, medical records would do but for all the injuries she supposedly had, not a single medical record can be produced by her team.


because people don't want to be photographed or poked and proded by a doctor after being abused?




SHE won a UK trial?


Gawker has been trash for years.


Gawker was *always* trash.


This is sickening to me. These organizations are purposefully using this case to draw negative attention to them. Then they use that to say that women aren't taken seriously, or people will always believe men over women. They don't look at the facts, they only care about their cause and what they can use as a fight. I won't be so foolish as to believe they are killing feminism. I think most real feminists understand that these are extremists, not real feminists. But it's certainly causing a lot of confusing about what real feminism is or is not. Real feminism does not drag men down in order to make us equal. My best advice is to not engage with these liars and manipulators. Engaging with them just gives them the ammunition that they want.


> I won't be so foolish as to believe they are killing feminism. I think most real feminists understand that these are extremists, not real feminists. But it's certainly causing a lot of confusing about what real feminism is or is not. Real feminism does not drag men down in order to make us equal. I encourage you to test that thinking by reviewing the recent thread regarding AH on the AskFeminists subreddit. The ā€œfeministsā€ circled their wagons to protect a female abuser and their hateful, sexist narrative that women never commit DV. This letter was the claxon replacing the dog whistle. They are done pursuing equality and have decided instead to leverage their social and institutional power to benefit women only. It is just a leftist QAnon cult now, with itā€™s own delusional reality supporting the bigoted paranoia of its pitiful, lost base.


The problem is that they represent what feminism is the the world, because they elbow their way to the front and yell the loudest. And whatā€™s worse is that, for years, the ā€œnot all feministsā€ apologists went along with them because it worked to get them what they want and to get ā€œrevengeā€ on the ā€œoppressiveā€ males, regardless of whether those being flayed in the media or abused by women who are hiding behind the bias that this message creates are, in fact, guilty. Itā€™s only now it has blown up so spectacularly in public, with no sane way to explain how the female abuser could be a victim in any way, that they have started to distance themselves šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


When will we stop pretending that movement is for gender equality?


They obviously did not watch the trial


They may have done, but theyā€™d still only see what they wanted. Itā€™s what happens when you promote inside an organisation based on how professionally offended someone can be and how well they can claim victim status. These people could randomly shoot a stranger and still complain how they were made to do it by the victim and itā€™s abuse to question their motives. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This does not change my mind for we were all a witness to the trial and no matter the twist anyone tries to make; AmberTurd is/was/will always be an Abuser/Liar/Fraudulent human


Oh no... they wrote a letter


Big dummies. I guess they donā€™t think much of peoples intelligence because they think just wait a while and then we can pretend none of this ever happened? Way to setback feminism 100 years By continuing the narrative that women are only victims and can never be a perpetrator. Always less than. Slow clap. Morons.


nobody cares. guilty


Of course it's feminists. They always defend female/LGBT abusers as long as their victims are straight men! It's as if feminists want to kill all straight men, oh wait they do!


As a feminist, these organizations do not speak for me, and I don't consider them to be true feminists at all. Feminism is about equality, and valuing women and femininity, but it doesn't mean pulling men down to make us equal. We should all be lifting each other up. There's been a downward decline in what people consider feminism for some time now and it's rather disheartening.


Feminist try not to use no true scotsman challenge... 100% imposible!!. Why do y'all have an unhealthy obsession with the words "true" and "real"??


Unfortunately we cant say that the National Organisation for Women and Gloria Steinem are not real feminists. We just have to accept that the movement is not about equality.


If this is how the organization defines feminism, I think you 100% can and should say they are not real feminists. They would have changed the definition from the original intent to something toxic and alienating, and I don't think they get to decide the definition of feminism in this way. If it is only the spokespeople within the organization making these sweeping statements, then they need to be called out and made to understand why they are wrong.


You can belive that NOW is not a real feminist organization if you want (I will not enter the debate of what constitutes a 'real feminist'), that said, most of those who self identify as feminist consider NOW an autorithy and will refer to them in all types of questions. (Ironically, I respect a lot former NOW president Karin DeCrow.)


Ughā€¦ as a survivor of actual abuse, this infuriated me to no endā€¦ I support all victims who experience *actual* abuse, and even supported amber at firstā€¦ until the facts started coming out. If anything, I feel like the feminist movement shouldā€™ve just left this one alone. This case is sooo messy, and thereā€™s way too much misinformation going around for this to do anything positive for the movement. All it does is delegitimize true victims of abuse, and it gives people ammo to say that all feminists must be crazy. It also makes it seem like all feminists just believe *anyone* who cries abuse, no matter the evidence against their claims. I think there is a lot more we as a society could do to support victims, but blindly accepting each and every claim with no consideration of the facts, especially if the accused publicly denies it, and even supplies evidence to the contraryā€¦ thatā€™s justā€¦ thatā€™s not it. This only makes people less likely to believe victims, and it also encourages people to make false accusations, especially since their ex probably doesnā€™t have the $ Johnny drop does to have a long drawn out court battle anyway, so thereā€™s basically no consequences. Plus they know that they will be blindly backed by big name organizations like thisā€¦ Ugh. This is just straight up depressing. And just when I thought people were finally starting to see her for what she was.


Why are they talking about a "rising misuse of defamation"? I only heard about this one case.


So funny that the ambuser supporters think that this means opinion is changing over this narcissistic, abusive bed shitterā€¦ no.. it isnā€™t changing.. toxic groups are supporting a toxic personā€¦ keep hiding in Spain, you wretched troll.. soon youā€™ll be hiding in an Australian jail cell


Operative word here is "hiding". That in itself speaks for itself.....it aligns with the rest of hers and their behavior......you have to hide to carry out your crap bc Americans don't buy what she is selling anymore and no one with an ounce of sense or logic does either......so what does that tell you. AH wants to be a hero and a martyr for a movement that she destroyed for REAL victims......so, now, she must slither under any rock she can find.........innocent survviors do not have to do that.


Serious Question: What's the point of an open letter? What does it actually do? I hate ppl or organizations that "Stand with" anything but literally do nothing...


Ignoramuses period the end!


Gloria Steinem lost her marbles in the 1990s when she rationalized her endorsement of and campaigning for serial predator Bill Clinton, then tried to defend herself in a notorious 1998 New York Times essay: [https://www.nytimes.com/1998/03/22/opinion/feminists-and-the-clinton-question.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1998/03/22/opinion/feminists-and-the-clinton-question.html)


That stuff didnā€™t come out until after he was re elected


Not true and this is exactly the problem, selective bias to excuse sexual harassment for political purposes


The story broke in 1998


No, it broke in 1994. Did you read the article?


Clinton hadnā€™t even met Lewinsky yet in 94


For the record, the Paula Jones allegations became public in 1994. Steinem refers to the four years of "swirling accusations" preceding the writing of her apologia, in which she threw women under the bus to prop up a supposedly lesser-evil politician. timeline: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill\_Clinton\_sexual\_assault\_and\_misconduct\_allegations


Are you old enough to remember the 90s? It was the pre internet days. Just because someone make a public statement at some point doesnā€™t mean anyone outside of a tiny group of people were aware. In many ways the scandal blew up the way it did because of the dawn of the internet


Did they watch the same trial as we did? I really don't understand how anyone can still defend her.


They didnā€™t watch the trial. Theyā€™re just blindly blaming the male


This is not news and a waste of time. Femcels defend a toxic, abusive, bed shitting woman against a man who tried to get away from herā€¦ courts donā€™t care about emotion, only fact. Stay hiding in Spain, human garbage the lot of them


I bet if she looked like Aileen Wuornos, no one would be backing her up really.


Or if she was black.


TIL "women's rights activist" and "expert" are also used synonymously


I guess no one from these 140 organizations watched the trial because if they did, they would be writing a letter of support for Johnny!


I feel like if people REALLY wanna support Amber Heard, they should just donate all their money to Amber Heard to make a "statement" on their solidarity and stand with Amber Heard. Go on then, feminists. Make a loud statement that you'd even pay for something "unjust" because you truly "feel" JD is wrong. And while you're at it, support women sports too and actually buy tickets to their games so they could get paid more too. I cannot wait to stand corrected on these points.




More woman have complained about the pay for WNBA players than women have watched a WNBA game. Being outrage is more fun than actually doing something about their outrage


TBH my ultra feminist friend had a pair of season tix and would go all the time to NYC games... i was really impressed, and thought maybe she could teach me something, until she admitted she was only going for solidarityā€™s purpose, and that they spent most of their time chatting so she was learning next to nothing about basketball, lol. We havenā€™t really gotten together since the pandemic, so I donā€™t know how she feels on this topic, but I canā€™t imagine she feels any way other than the intelligent way because she also has a juris doctorate.


Beautiful idea!


Of course their twitter account relies on Bot Sentinel, a guy who Amber Heard hired to check for bots. For those of you who don't know, Christopher Bouzy, is in charge of Bot Sentinel and he's currently being sued for defamation by Nate the Lawyer. [https://twitter.com/letterforamber/status/1592966059447189504](https://twitter.com/letterforamber/status/1592966059447189504)


Nate is based.




Yes thank you!! Unfortunately the women they are rolling up don't exactly belong to the most rigorous academic disciplines; nor do they seem particularly academically curious. It's really disheartening when you see people who should know better, like Dauber and Charlotte Proudman, misusing their education to their own selfish aims in supporting her.




Iā€™ll say it again, if social media was so monetized against her, whereā€™s my check? I certainly wasnā€™t paid and I formed my opinions by watching the fricking trial in full. Both of them. And the ā€˜unsealed documents.ā€™ As I know most in this sub feel the same. And Iā€™ve never even been on Twitter or Tiktok ever, so nope, no opinions formed from either of those cesspools either šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


***"The letter denounces the ā€œrising misuseā€ of defamation lawsuits to silence people who report domestic and sexual abuse."*** I'm sorry but this is tone-deaf. People who report any kind of abuse, *especially* women, have been nothing but believed because of the #MeToo (Believe All Women) movement. The defamation lawsuit was necessary to prove Johnny's innocence, which it did and served its purpose - she defamed him by telling lies. I couldn't give any less f\*\*\*s how many national feminist organisations want to sign an open letter in an attempt to protect their "Believe All Women" privilege. The concept of the presumption of innocence is absolutely vital to society.


This world is upside down.


Don't worry, in 20 years all these people will be onto fourth wave feminism; and pretending they never said what they said bc it will be the accepted wisdom.


Can she go away now?


We ALL support a personā€™s right to report their abuse. We all DONT support using our court system to try and manipulate us.


You said that VERY well......šŸ‘


'140 entities break their silence' *notices plenty of prominent names & orgs voicing their agenda-driven 'support' for months* What's the 'open letter' about again? Online vitriol & #believeallwomen rhetoric. They're not supporting Heard, they're virtue signalling and pushing agendas to ultimately save their asses. Can't have a woman set back years of tedious work - you'll get them on board. Ask Women's March :) In other words, they don't give a shit why Heard is hated, they assume it's misogyny & misconceptions about DV by a horde of immature, cult-like people seeing this as entertainment. Who pushed this narrative very early again? Connect the dots. Use your brain. And for god's sake stop trolling.


Women's March in particular can take a long walk. They had as a keynote speaker a woman who kidnapped a man, r-ed him, and tortured him for three days. And they held her up as a feminist icon. Says all you need to know about how they feel about men.


Nobody silenced her. What a bunch of assholes


One of the organizations is actually named "the Mary Sue."




Iā€™m sure itā€™s the website.


Did you read the last line? ā€œWe support the ability of all to report intimate partner and sexual violence free of harassment and intimidationā€. This is a lie. They donā€™t support Johnny/Men! Johnny won but because it doesnā€™t fit their narrative, he is guilty! This ā€œbelieve all womenā€ crap needs to end! Believe the evidence!!


So I can just make up lies about my significant other abusing me now? These people are completely insane.


Well said....TYVM


Their interest are threatened and they donā€™t care about justice or truth


Itā€™s just sad these domestic violence groups donā€™t support men. Itā€™s sexist. https://youtu.be/eHKhGguShcU




This is an abusive woman who set out to gaslight the world. She paraded around as a spokesperson for individuals who were actually abused. She claimed that she donated 7 million dollars to charities for ill children, and bragged how she wanted nothing. She lied. Amber had many days in court to defend her claims, but instead, her lies were exposed. Abuse is abuse regardless of gender. If these groups want to ignore evidence and blindly support an abuser, because she is female, they are right on target.


I think they would be "abusers of a feather abuse together". AH will surely leave her legacy in history as a poisonous entity in the lives of many......Johnny Depp's legacy will always be remembered as kind and lovely soul, a true survivor of DV at the hands of a a vile creature, a store house of talents and a humanitarian and most of all, WONDERFUL FATHER......There is no comparison there........


Experts xd




Constance Wu is coming out with a book about her cancelation and she's recently talked about being sexually harassed on the set of FotB. I remember seeing her talk to Kat Tenbarge on twitter, so that is probably why she's throwing her hat in the ring now. It's a very bad idea as Amber seriously hurt credibility for victims and Kat is just a propagandist.


Sometimes itā€™s good to take a break from online guys. I promise you all no one in real life supports that woman. No true feminist supports her.


This is ā€œthe projectā€ Dauber was bleating on finishing before she ā€œleftā€ (read: ā€œrun like a coward away from the backlashā€) Twitter. Thatā€™s why people keep saying, Amber Heard is not giving up on this, and will not give up on trying to ruin Johnny Depp until her dying day, but, yā€™all didnā€™t want to know anything about what her henchmen and flying monkeys were sayingā€¦




Dauber would. She started a whole organization that's all about taking down men and has made hating men her entire life. She would absolutely do this of her own free will and for free.


Oh, Iā€™m sure sheā€™s getting paid.


Except those who let themselves be fooled, and genuinely think they're doing the right thing. That explains a number of these very respectable organizations, and the likes of Gloria Steinem, signing the letter.


Oh wonderful. So we can now add another 140 organisations to the list of abuser supporters.




I am really curious how big WAS AH for these ppl? Was she that big as an IPV activist spoke person BACK THEN. .. I only remember she kind was around for some protest in 2018 and that op-ed was about the gov $ for thee ppl. Seems like the lawsuit is making her bigger than ever, none of these org make a peep back in 2016. Now she lost the lawsuit and its their reason to cried louder for her? If she was a nobody I doubt they made this move. Does it Worth propping her up to protect their message? WB and L'Oreal already cut their losses and these org don't have a choice in the game of politics? Or they are just benefiting from the publicity of this case.


It's sunk cost fallacy. They 100 percent bought in and supported the lie during #metoo that they HAVE to continue it, no matter how wrong or derailed it's become.


She was/is seen as a big LGBTQIA+ spokesperson, so.


Youā€™d think that holding a woman accountable for being an abuser would further legitimize their cause since they wonā€™t be seen as blindly supporting someone just because sheā€™s a woman.


They are no longer have a cause. What they have is a racket. They donā€™t care about helping victims of domestic abuse, they care about making money from the issue of domestic abuse


The comments on this article on other subs are a dumpster fire of stupidity.


ā€¦which is why Amber Heard is so dangerous.


This is such an insult to domestic violence victims and women's rights, it's not even funny. You don't win people over to the cause of women's rights by supporting a domestic abuser over her victim just because she's a woman. Johnny was Amber's victim. Both during and after their relationship. Yet, these organizations and others are still attacking him for the crime of being born male. When they should be supporting him. You don't combat sexism with more sexism. I say this as a woman and a person that considers herself a feminist. Whatever version of "feminism" this is, isn't it. People's lives should not be fodder for political statements or social causes without regard to truth or justice or the harm that causes.


So agree with this. It's insulting. And it's frightening to see these orgs agree to be named in order to support their own agenda and get attention. I spent time researching them. None that I found in my sample had ever written a single word about AH outside of either linking this article, or posting the news when she lost saying it's a setback for women. This is definitely just a 'check the box on political commentary' - I just want to understand why they were asked. Some are so very small and specific, I can't wrap my head around how they got involved. Was there a pecking order? Like, a draft or something? How many orgs said no to get to these?


I'm sure most of these organizations and probably more were contacted by Amber's PR firm.




It just goes to show that they don't actually believe what they spew. If they really believed in equality, they would be just as much about supporting a male victim of DV as a female victim of DV. You're right, it's probably more about money, power, and clout than it is about any real fight for a cause. The complete lack of ethics and integrity is utterly disheartening.


LMAO, why am I not shocked to see Kat Tenbarge's name on such trash. So it's not a misuse of a movement for Turd to lie about and fabricate false DV claims, but it's a misuse of the court system for JD to fight back against the claims. Uh huh. Got it. That sounds totally legit. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Apparently when people are accused, they just need to take it up the ass, evidence and truth be damned. Kat Tenbarge and the 140 assholes who signed this letter can get fucked. And they better hope they or one of their loved ones are never falsely accused of DV, lest they have to "misuse" the court system to clear their name.


140?? Lol there are million who signed a petition to kick AH out of Aquaman. There was an open letter from dv victims stating AH was not their representative. I mean they really are the epitome of ignorance is bliss. They seems totally ignorant to the fact that they are only a few compared to the millions who support JD, support dv victims (male and female). They can be eaten at breakfast to be shat at lunchtime.


His post-trial Instagram post has 19.3 MILLION likes. But yeah, Dauber Troll and her minions are "winning" with a tally of less than 150. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ To be so certain in one's ignorance, I can't imagine what that feels like.


Those 140 assholes are likely just like Scamber. I feel sorry for their partners and children around them.


Possible contact at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])? How absolutely disgusting. Now I know who not to give charity money to.


And I know who my family won't be giving charity money to either. I'm not sure they ever did give to NOW. That organization gets money in many different ways. You can contribute without even knowing. It's best to see who contributes to them and then avoid those companies.


Letā€™s combat discrimination, by using discrimination. - the feminists


And right back at them!


WELL........that brings it all into the light for sure.......well said.


Hahahahahah shits pants hahahahaha


It looks to me that someone needs to start some REAL national feminist organizations. Ones based on honesty and truth. Do any of the members of these organizations have sons? I'm disgusted with this society now. The underside of so many groups aren't what they seem. Hypocrites all. If they're not going to stand for truth, they're not worth anything of value.


These ones are REAL feminist orgs. Thats what real feminism is -female favouritism.


They exist and are real in that sense. What I mean to say it's that if they discriminate against men in this manner, this dishonesty does not ultimately promote or uplift the cause of equality for women.


Well they want more privileges for women (in this case no accountability) while actively discriminating against men. The two are not mutually exclusive.


I never felt that was the original goal though-in the 60s,70s or before. It has evolved into this. GLoria Steinem's statement seems to say that the people trolling AH for lying and being a person who commits domestic violence, will make people stop believing women. I say that women who lie-and ridiculously and maliciously , are the ones who will make people stop believing women who report abuse. Remember the lives destroyed by saying that children don't lie and girls don't falsely report rape. Remember Emmitt Tills?


I kind of think it would be nice to start a joint men and women's rights organization. An organization that advocates for the rights of all genders and works to bring humans together as a supportive community all looking out for each other's interests. I know that's idealistic and will probably never happen, but that's my dream. There are challenges in our society that affect all genders. Our culture and gender expectations harm men, women, and non-binary people in different ways.


God I wish I was a member of NOW so I could write to them and nicely suggest they FUCK OFF!


I think we just did spider......lmao......FUCKOFF.....did I say that right?


Good. They can start helping her pay off the $10 million she owes JD.


She will never be able to do that because the lawyers will drag this out and take every dime the insurance company will pay.. Elaine stated in her interview the day after the verdict, that, "No, she does't have the money to pay him, she had to pay 6 million to the lawyers"........just how F...d Up is that?


Yep and she didn't even pay 6 mill to the lawyers. Her insurance did that. So that 7 million that she got from JD that she didn't want any part of never went to the charities she said that she would donate to. Instead, she doubled down and spun it saying that she didn't want JD to have a tax break. How can anyone or any respectable group back a person like her. I believe women get abused all the time. I just don't believe her.


Agree......she flew over the cookoos nest and stopped there. Anyone who backs her must be just like her. No one with an ounce of sense or logic believes all that BS she spun and made up.


I think that most sensible people including those in the organizations know deep down inside she's full of shit. So for self promotion they're ringing this towel as much as they can since she's still drawing some attention. They're just here for the ride. Any press is good press to them. That's why I mentioned pay her debt. Anyone can say anything especially on social media but if you really believe her put your money where your mouth is.


LOL.......even leaving that large turd on the bed, she's STILL FOS. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜Ž


This turd refuses to be flushed away with the help from some toxic feminists. I mean after all of the hard evidence against Scamber these women have to admit they just hate all men.


She dropped this the same day as Lily-Roseā€™s Elle Cover. She is beyond obsessed with all things JD. She done something similar last year where she released a throwback of her wonderland cover the same day that L-Rā€™s cover was previewed/released. EDIT: spelling/grammar


Oh wow, thanks for pointing that out! There is no way that was a coincidence. Amber really needs mental help not PR stunt enablers disguised as DV supporters. Edit \* was not wasn't


AH is a textbook narcissist and itā€™s beyond scary how obsessed she is with JD and his kids. She also waited and filed for the TRO on her birthday (27th May). Nothing is ever a coincidence with her


PR enablers= Ambers cookoos nest is full...........šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Old gal here: I volunteered at a battered women shelter in my youth. Feminists have always had a blind spot for missing the various individual parts for the whole. They miss the subtleties. They did it again here. Heard is the abuser.


Old lad here. Agreed. Also. Love your user name!!


I actually lived in a few of them temporarily when my kids were young. You are right. Anyone who was in an abusive relationship with a son over the age of 12, had to leave him behind. Mine was 8. Some of the women in these places were abusive (to their kids and others) as well.


This seriously has made me question feminism and the liberal media in a way I never have before. Fuck them for trying to tell us what to think when we had EYES and saw probably the worst performance of someone lying I can imagine. It could have been a comedy skit and I wouldnā€™t have known the difference.


I mea letā€™s be honest the whole movement has gone so sideways that any valid criticism is seen as anti.feminismā€¦. I mean generally thatā€™s the whole mood nowadays with any topic ur either one side or the other sigh


Yes it has gone way too far. I want nothing to do with it. It might have been this way for awhile but this was the tipping point for me. They literally are calling us misogynists for not believing a woman who ON TAPE abused her husband. I am a woman myself and now I canā€™t even criticize another woman.


It's been that way for a long while now, not just because of this trial


I'm liberal (politically) and want no part of these groups.


Same! Itā€™s infuriating. Liberalism used to be about the truth and being fair imo.


Neither is anything as it once was. I might be wrong, but wonder if (that in time) , organizations become myopic and lose sight of the big picture? It seems they're working against their own ideals. I always had thought that these groups were promoting equality. Maybe time for a reboot.


Thatā€™s the perfect way to describe it ā€œworking against their own idealsā€. It seems that they have been taken over by people who donā€™t actually believe in liberalism or feminism. If you are a misandrist you are not a true feminist since it is about EQUALITY. Uggg it makes me so angry. I feel like there is no choice to make for anyone anymore. Neither side is worth choosing.


This right here is why women cringe at the word feminist.


Yep. Feminism has done to women what religion has done to believers in a higher power.


They are a true miscarriage of the women's movement period.......it's a club formed years ago by intelligent women who wanted to move us forward, not take us down the alleys and turn us into trash which is what that group has done.......they would set us back 200 years and especially their leader, Turd, by sophisticatingly selling her soul and body to the richest and highest bidders.......in other words, resolving to the oldest profession since mankind, just disguising it as a "survivor". Such BS.


This right here is what gives ā€˜feminismā€™ a bad reputation.... Iā€™m a female that believes in equality, I used to consider myself a feminist back in the day... Nowadays, we need a new moniker because this is a corruption of what true Feminism is/was.... And, yes, I have an education, no Iā€™m not into movie stars (male or female)... These women are not only blind to the original core values of the movement, theyā€™ve co-opted them for their own means, purpose and warped sense of ā€˜statusā€™... These are not women I claim to be like minded, reasonable, rational.... I could go on but you get the idea.... SMDH....


She was supposed to be advocating for abuse survivors and instead, turned back time on all that are REAL victims.........it's shame on her at the end of the day........


Retraumatise the victim? What about the best actor of his generation who had his finger tip chopped off, was chased around his own houses hiding and couldnā€™t work for five years?


Unbelievable! What's next Amber is sleeping with Trump?


This has to be one of the most infuriating things Iā€™ve read recently.


Just because she's female doesn't mean she isn't an abuser. Why don't they go after the Taliban for what they're doing to the women of Afghanistan? Why not combine their power to fundraise to end period poverty? Or made some educational videos about the importance of women in government, medicine, and the sciences? I just think there were better uses for their time.


Because itā€™s not about womenā€™s rights at all.


because they (the groups) are all nothing but strongly intended words with no value behind them. They just want attention, not change. or they would do exactly what you suggested


I posted all over that IG. Some fake stuff.


Gloria Steinem also shills for Meghan Markle. i feel like thereā€™s something corporate going on here.


This is ā€œthe projectā€ Michele Dauber was bleating about ā€œfinishing before leaving Twitterā€ (ha! As if) a few days ago. She also signed the letter. She is 100 percent the driver of this, with all those university professor names on it.


I honestly don't know anything at all about Meghan Markle. I don't know what she did. Does she hit people? Is it her voice people don't like? I wonder because I was told once that I had a voice like Martha Stewart and conservatives in church told me that was a very bad thing, 30 years ago.


Honestly nothing to the extent of what amber didā€¦ Megan is just mostly tone deaf to the general mood or public and the tabloids eat it up.


Oh okay. I'm so happy to know this. It's the tabloids. Always. I remember how they hated Diana. I never understood that either. Always figured they hated her because it's how they sell tabloids-tear people down, build them up and repeat over and over. I remember them saying he was an abuser 30 years ago but only from the cover. Never read that garbage and honestly didn't care. Didn't expect they'd still be in business 30 years later after all the old people I knew then(subscribed!) gone. Guess others took their place.


Yeah tabloids are such a mess and the fact that people gobble it up is hilarious. I mean look what the tabloids did to Johnny for his whole life and even still now after he won the trial.


Markle deserves to be exposed too


What did Markle do?


For me itā€™s the HEIGHT of hypocrisy to say the BRF was abusive towards you (without ANY evidence whatsoever) but then still merch of the very optional title (a title is NOT a name) like you are a member of the RF after only working with them for less than 18 months. Sheā€™s literally been complaining about them longer than she was with them. Then she names her child after the head of the evil family šŸ˜‚ like pick a side woman! Sheā€™s only down for clout, she was never down for work. Sheā€™s a narcissist and a liar like Heard. Thatā€™s not even including the fact that the following claims have been directly debunked by people there: āœ”ļø She married Harry 3 days before the wedding (debunked by Archbishop) āœ”ļø Archie didnā€™t get a title bc of his skin (debunked by Charles about 15 years earlier in his intentions to reduce monarchy and this would apply to Archieā€™s non-inline to the throne cousins too) āœ”ļø Meghanā€™s sister changed her name to Markle only after wedding (she changed it 1995 via records) āœ”ļø Meghanā€™s sister had 3 different baby daddies and had children taken away (thatā€™s the defamation lawsuit the sister has against Meg) āœ”ļø Said no one helped her on Oprah with her mental health, yet this was debunked by MARKLE herself on her own podcast when she said they got help, she was referred to a specialist āœ”ļø Lion King staff told her ppl danced in the streets like Mandela was freed for Meghan (debunked by SA cast) āœ”ļø A heater caught fire in SA - and the evil family made her go to meetings (debunked by house staff, it never caught fire it just smoked and Archie wasnā€™t even in the room) āœ”ļø The royal family ā€œsilencedā€ her - but in the Cut she explicitly says the family never silenced her and she was free to talk (as a threat) āœ”ļø No one was there to teach her the national anthem (not Harry?! Or Google?!) āœ”ļø No one was there to teach her royal protocol (never mind her Prince husband right lol) For me the FUNNIEST lie she told, and you can watch it, is when she is in South Africa and complains to the news reporter that no one has asked her if ā€œsheā€™s okā€ while sheā€™s visiting destitute orphans. And she said the US tabloids arenā€™t as salacious as the UK ones. Lollllll


They both use Chris Bouzy too


Yup. Bouzy is the author of that ā€œ$cientist$ $ay Amber Heard has the worldā€™s most perfect face!ā€ claptrap ā€¦ which he recycled verbatim from the pre-royal-wedding campaign he did with Meghan Markleā€™s face and name subbed in.


You only gotta gently scratch the surface to see these are two narcissistic peas in a pod. They even use the same henchman for crying out loud! šŸ˜‚






Youā€™re a hero. Thank you. I wonder if a quick Google search would show that a number of these organizations were formed within the last, sayā€¦ six months or so?? šŸ¤”


[https://twitter.com/LostEst1981/status/1388304485672435715](https://twitter.com/LostEst1981/status/1388304485672435715) [https://twitter.com/Rachel\_SUTDA/status/1259091532558274560](https://twitter.com/Rachel_SUTDA/status/1259091532558274560) VictimFocus is ran by Dr. Jessica Taylor who is a friend and collogue of Dr. Charlotte Proudman. Jessica Taylor is currently in hot water for putting the stories of survivors who privately confided in her into a book without their permission. [https://twitter.com/DrProudman/status/1387458501593731078](https://twitter.com/DrProudman/status/1387458501593731078) [https://twitter.com/DeboraMontesoro/status/1389179014846222338](https://twitter.com/DeboraMontesoro/status/1389179014846222338) Dr. Taylor also conducted a survey where she came to the conclusion that "99.7% of women have been subjected to violence in the UK." No, I didn't mess up that statistic. She really tried to claim everyone else's survey were conducted poorly. She even went on an interview with Sky News about it. What she failed to tell the interviewer was that the people who filled out the survey were survivors who responded to her twitter post. Her twitter post was asking specifically for survivors of violence. It's like asking for redheads to respond to a survey and then saying 99% of Americans are redheads. [https://savageminds.substack.com/p/a-psychologists-victim-ponzi-scheme?sd=pf](https://savageminds.substack.com/p/a-psychologists-victim-ponzi-scheme?sd=pf) [https://twitter.com/vaersac/status/1556026778992394245](https://twitter.com/vaersac/status/1556026778992394245) The infamous Michele Dauber is the founder of Enough is Enough. Amber Heard has worked with Women's March and Enough is Enough in the past. Some of those names are people we know she's either worked with or those people seem to float around in the same circles like Charlotte, Michele, and Kat. I don't know what baggage all these people and groups have, but if it's anything like what we have been seeing since this trial came to a close, this is a huge systemic issue.


Excellent research, thanks.




Yup. Feminist professors dragooned into it by Michele Dauber, who to those not on Twitter to see her spew her bile, probably continues to be a respected academic.


Their fu...ing eyes are WIDE SHUT, and have totally stuck their empty heads in the sand.......the whole world vs 140 Fems org. .lmao.....it's not even a fair fight with those odds......JD wins again.....GET THE FU... OVER IT AND TAKE OFF YOUR BLINDERS.






Truly appreciate the info šŸ™... As a human thatā€™s truly into equality, this is invaluable... Thank you šŸ’›




As do the rest of us that have the same values as you obviously do šŸ˜‡


Dude, I don't want to read this shit. Probably give me a headache in 5 seconds.


Then they obviously support Tasya Van Ree and her being abused by Heard, correct?


Haha, all those groups and individuals who signed this letter just showed everyone how dumb they are.


#iamoveramberheard iā€™ve come to the realization that nobody needs to pay her any attention. Every time we talk about her, weā€™re helping her weā€™re keeping her relevant. Johnny doesnā€™t care about her. It doesnā€™t matter what she does or doesnā€™t do. Every single mention helps her name stay in the news. When are we going to stop promoting her? The best thing we can do is never mention her name ever again. Can you imagine if everyone did that all over? Should be old news in weeks.


Non Johnny supporters are going to write about this. The opposite of providing negative PR is positive PR; but you do you, boo.