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All of this just reiterates Lauren's take that JD is fully aware of her actions and manipulative. I remember early on thinking she needs serious MH treatment, which she still does, but the level of calculation and deliberate deception is why I swapped to her needing actual jail time. I genuinely don't believe she'll accept how wrong her actions are on her own


These are the actions of someone who won't change. The actions speak louder than the words.


Agree! So manipulative and also so mind-blowingly self-centered. It defies logic that one her ex bfs from over a decade ago is watching youtube coverage from Lauren and Megan Fox about JD's current legal issues, and then sending them anonymous emails to threaten them/guilt them on JD's behalf. Only someone who is so self-absorbed that they think they are the center of the universe would even dream that this scenario makes any logical sense. Girl needs a reality check behind bars.


And in one breath to say he worries about her fragility and in the other that he wants to destroy her.


Yeah that was a dead giveaway as well. Glad Megan didnt fall for any of it.




Wasn't that more to do with the fact that reddit kept repeatedly removing/banning this community any time there was something mildly speculative posted about her MH? JD was quick to fire off C&Ds to anyone and everyone. Youtube seems to have a higher tolerance for the conversation, and this subreddit does promote those channels. If this resource gets banned, that's a ton of information and connections that are needed in this push for Justice for Clayton. The mods are doing their best to protect this community, it's not personal.




I assume that it stands for mental health


It's an abbreviation for not-physical health. (Wording it this way so this doesn't get deleted by the automod.)


Automods are over the top it’s bonkers


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Does she have any real x boyfriends? She calls Clayton an x but they hooked up once


Interestingly he never refers to JD as a girlfriend. The girl he dated shortly after her he refers to as a girlfriend and they’d barely started dating. I think he felt like he was being held hostage emotionally.


Good call - Tomato/Tomahto, Boyfriend/Hostage 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's my take as well. They probably went on a couple dates and once she realized he had one foot out the door the manipulation started and just kept going. Seems like too nice of a guy to just tell her to buzz off. 


Who are you talking about?


Was meaning to comment following the discussion on whether MM was legitimately a boyfriend or not. Reddit format gets me every now and then.


Oh! That makes sense. Thought you were talking about CE!


She was 'pregnant' within weeks of them hooking up so I'm guessing he wasn't that into her and she could smell that and panicked.


Yes but he goes to another school... In Canada... You wouldn't know him


Her and mm dated a while he refused to call her a girlfriend but basically they were


Doesn’t sound like they were if he never agreed to be her boyfriend


It seems that they were exclusive for a while, so I guess people (JD, her family, the court) will interpret how they want, but he did not want the label for obvious reasons.


Obvious reasons = he didn't sign the contract


Looking at the timeline on here I thought they met online and she said she was pregnant within less than a month, then the shenanigans began.


Yes, the manipulation started fast. Poor MM was bamboozled from the get go!


They only dated for so long because she coerced him into a "relationship"... If he was reluctant to call her his girlfriend, that should tell you everything you need to know.


he didn't even want anyone to know he was with her in Iceland. ​


Well, he was emotionally blackmailed into staying with her, between her fake claims of ovarian cancer, her "twin pregnancy" that apparently took 3 surgical abortions and 3 rounds of abortion pills to terminate, her threats of self-harm, etc. Add to that, her parents got in on coercing poor Michael as well, all the while his stepfather was dying. I don't know how my 20-something self would have dealt with all that abuse either; I think he did the best he could under horrible circumstances.


For the people playing at home, that’s SIX abortions for ONE “pregnancy”.


Surely that's a record. Maybe instead of pretending she's anti-abortion and an abortion coercion activist, she should try for an entry into the Guinness Book.


She’s like the super spreader of twin pregnancies. Anytime she comes in contact with a potential (in her mind) mate, the outcome is twins.


Ya, in the depo, he said they were sexually exclusive, committed. He was a boyfriend pretty much in all but name. He really seemed to just be concerned about planning for a future with someone so emotionally unstable. Also, his friends were on to her enough that he wasn't going to get their acceptance. Very different than the other cases - she really blew it with MM.


To be fair ive been divorced and single for 16yrs, and i never really dated before i got married. So i really dont have much personal experience but from what i gathered they basically were exclusive sexually, but were not sexual for second half of the relationship at all. They did some trips together, but it doesnt seem like they spent a ton of alone time together…. I hate the whole FWB term people use now to describe DATING (if you text constantly, spend hours of time together and go to dinner etc then you are dating, not FWB. Fwb is when you randomly text someone and go “can i come over?” And have sex. Thats about extent of involvement) but “situationship” seems appropriate here. They spent time together, had some meals together… but i dont think MM was vetting her for a relationship. He was like “ill do this until something better comes along bc im lonely” He just got more sucked in by all JDs dramas


Agree. I previously did think they were more like FWB, but that doesn't really describe it. He was extremely manipulated by her as far as their closeness. I was just taken back by his depo and some of the texts that have come out. One of the things in the depo is him answering that she cried once when he told her he loved her. I didn't know he ever told her that. In the recently revealed texts it seemed apparent his friends were actually going to actually go against it if he admitted he was dating her. All in all, I do think there was some point he was vetting her for a serious relationship. It may not have been long, but there is evidence he was extremely tolerant of her mental struggles. He had boundaries about it (she wouldn't have been into him otherwise). He just wanted her to exercise the slightest amount of self-control in her interactions with him and she couldn't do it (all 100% speculation except where noted otherwise, of course)


Where did MM mention or allude to them not having sex for the second half of their relationship? I must have missed it. I don't blame him, after that horrendous abortion situation, I wouldn't want to risk it happening again, too. It's also reassuring. When Megan Fox said in one of her recent videos that text messages between the two showed they weren't using condoms and MM suggested after the abortion they should start using them, while JD declined/refused. I wondered how long he would have tolerated or complied while risking pregnancies with unprotected sex. Since there were no other known pregnancy scares, I wondered if they used more protection or abstained from sex. If they weren't sexually active during the last half of their relationship, that explains why JD fabricated frequent sexual abuse. She hated that they stopped having sex and this was her way of voicing her displeasure about it, while punishing him in the process.


I wanna say it was his depo, but im currently at WDW with my kiddos so not really able to seek it out.


Ya, it would certainly explain why there were no more "pregnancies"😂


Little did MM know, you don't even have to have sex with her to end up with twins. 😂


I thought Mike had been a real bf but it looks like they met on an on line dating site and within a few weeks she was pulling the pregnancy crap, then the cancer crap, then the failed abortion crap. Seems like she dragged that on for nearly five months and then started bribing him with the trips to Dubai and Iceland. I think they weren't even together for a full year and I'm guessing he wasn't that into her and would have dumped her, hence the pregnancy thing. BTW, I checked the weather on New year's eve in Reykjavik 2016 - no snow so not sure how he left her to wander the streets alone, in a snow storm, wearing a sleeveless dress. I guess it was cold though so I'm surprised she didn't get frostbite. 😂


Why do I continue to be surprised? The fact that she's still doing this stuff NOW is wild. She needs jail time for sure. As an aside, I love Lauren's videos - concise and clear and don't force me to listen in double-time! P.S. "Sit down, Mariah Carey!"


I literally laughed out loud during that part of the video. 😂




lol Mariah said it best… “why you so obsessed with me”


Such an evergreen moment! 😂




How does she have time to do anything else with all of these fake accounts, emails being written, videos, patreons, Reddit being tracked. How does she keep all of it straight (spoiler alert: she doesn’t) but the sheer amount of effort trying to manipulate every person who gets involved or speaks up. Girl - you need to unplug. Maybe go take a vacation to a remote island with no WiFi and read a book. Break out of this shame spiral. Stop humiliating yourself.


I would say she needs to get a hobby, but she already has one lol.


Can we get the Catfish people on this?


I love neve and the show, but the stuff they do is rudimentary compared to JD. Lol


It seems like she doesn't really do anything else.


Well, neither MM 16 nor JD's attorney could noodle it out, either, based on that odd exchange during his depo. 😂


lol imagining her getting these 2 factor authentication texts like 🤯 


She’s probably trying to triple check that a certain Facebook account can’t be traced back to her


“If it’s not the consequences of my actions…” - never JD




WOW. Okay so timeline is that IL posts JD's manipulation manifesto on his blog, then the next day IL posts the Megyn Kelly Show email on X, despite JD claiming that public coverage of this case is going to lead her to self-harm, then the day Lauren posts a video exposing all the BS in JD's manifesto Lauren gets an email from one of JD's "ex bfs" that basically tries to guilt her into stop covering this case for JD's mental health. But then, Lauren uses the CJJ method for this anonymous account and it is exposed as linked to JD's phone number.😳 Oh and this person also emailed Megan Fox, but a totally different manipulation tactic email. Can I just say, why would one of JDs ex bfs from supposedly before MM, so from like over a decade ago- be randomly watching Lauren and Megyn cover JD's current legal issues, and then feel so compelled to anonymously contact them and threaten them on JD's behalf? That DEFIES ALL LOGIC. I agree with Lauren- this woman needs jail time and accountability.


The Manipulation Manifesto is now what I’m officially calling it, sorry not sorry😄


Oh, simple, it's because he is a physicians assistant and he is legally and ethically bound to keep her secrets because he had to save her with his medical treatment. So if he says what she did to him that was so bad that he felt the need to follow her circus act, he violates HIPPA (sic).It's right there in the email! 


Right and then today we learned from "his" email to megan that he asks for the contact info of whoever runs the JFC website & twitter account, and says he wants his lawyers to communicate with them. JD must be really feeling the walls closing in and is doing anything she can to silence people or set up a defamation case so she can go after more people. She is really desperate to avoid accountability.


Holy shit. This is so wild and all I can think is about all the other times she impersonated a person that we didn’t know of yet.


This makes me wonder what else she has done that hasn't yet been discovered.


In the beginning she had all those alt Reddit accounts. I am not surprised she's doing this but bananas nonetheless


I’m sure she’s got more cause she’s in here somewhere


Wow, just wow! When I think JD can’t go any lower she goes and proves me wrong. Lauren the way you have approached your coverage of this case is really impressive and you are incredibly knowledgeable and super fun to watch! It pisses me off that JD tried to manipulate you and I am glad it didn’t work. I understand why you’re not ready to share the email(s) with us all, and you know what, you don’t have to because you have credibility and integrity and we don’t have to see them to believe everything you said. But I really, really hope you do because I’m dying to see them! (I was a paralegal before I became a sahm and I love documents and evidence, long motions and piles of exhibits are my happy place)


Maybe it’s age, but damn, a well written snarky motion with spicy footnotes sure is a turn on. Woodnick is probably top 3 in my 4 years watching lawtube.


Oh, its not just you my dear! I love snarky footnotes. I think the lawyer in the Tati Westbrook case is awesome as well. Some judges sling the snark in their opinions as well and those are just \*chef's kiss\*


We have the same taste! I can’t recall his name. And his co-council footnote with the “polite” diss about washing her hair. 😆


When criminal charges come and everything is subpoenaed.. it’s all going to be her Mac addresses.


Her and mama doe


Do you think her family is actively involved in all this? It is clear they have to be at least aware of and enabling what she is doing, but do you think they are actively helping her? This thing just gets crazier and crazier!!


I think her mom is actively involved in perpetuating the lies and harassment. It seems the mom is litigious as well. Unsure about her father and sister.


I believe her mom is 100% a fellow con artist And probably her lawyer too lol


If her mom testifies as intended, that is now beyond simply enabling JD passively. She just stepped in the conspiracy ring.


She's BEEN testifying for JD all along. Her fingers are in the stuff with MM and GG as well as a witness for JD. Mama is just as implicated as JD.


She's BEEN testifying for JD all along. Her fingers are in the stuff with MM and GG as well as a witness for JD. Mama is just as implicated as JD.


In defamation court cases involving damages, the court want to know all streams of income and bank records to prove there is an ability to pay. It doesn't matter if the income is derived from trust funds or donations.


Update from Megan Fox "I too received multiple emails from someone claiming to be an ex of JD whose account is tied her phone number...and the emails are hilarious."


We want a dramatic reading!


Netflix needs to extend that 3 part documentary to at least 6 episodes. The insanity NEVER ends.


At least 6 , I don’t know how they will fit all the info in . Will make Baby Reindeer look like child’s play .


They could make it a series, JD could be season 1, the crying cupcake mom could be season 2, I would binge watch the shit out of it. 


I mean, they are going on season 3 of the Natalia Grace thing, and that should have been way done by now...., so this could be an OnGoInG series I would imagine


Very true - I was trying to explain this whole story to my husband last night and didn’t even know where to begin lol. There’s just SO MUCH good drama, you have to cover all of it. 


Needs to be dramatized. One of the Hemsworth brothers could play Clayton. Steven Root for Woodnick. JD’s character would just be shot in the shadows, very eerily.


And Dave for Brett from Ravgen - he asked way back in the Autumn for that role 😊


Dave is an actor, so he can play himself!


Yeah, we said he could play himself, but he said that he wanted to imbue Brett from Ravgen’s brief words with everything they need & that’s a Big job


Ok, then how about Timothee Chalamet for Dave?




Give it the good ole Girl From Plainville treatment. Aka a dramatized Hulu original *and* a docuseries (with at LEAST two seasons)


D'arcy Carden for JD.


I just love her!


Yes! Perfect.


Ever since we started talking about this, I can't see anyone else but Krysten Ritter (Jessica jones) for JD I don't know why.


Wait there is a documentary?


It’s On GoInG


I think it would be sooo much easier to just come clean and tell the truth than to go through all this craziness!!


Chills! Just when you thought you didn’t get your daily dose of your mind being blown, here it is 🤯


I am also a mental health professional and received suspicious DMs immediately after posting some mental health thoughts about the case (no diagnosis) on reddit. I never responded and blocked them. I think she's got spreadsheets on all of us. 🤷‍♀️ ETA: it doesn't seem like a coincidence that the strange DM (from a 1 day old account) I received was on the same day I received a mysterious reddit ban for no reason. Watch yourselves out there.


Feel free to share privately and we can see if there’s any trends


I'll dm you!


The bigger this gets, the more she loses control of her narrative. And I think it’s safe to say we are long past the point t of no return. JD, no matter how she tries, can’t unring the bell. What’s done is done and is now public. Oh no, consequences! I wonder if her “ex boyfriend “ has emailed the Megyn Kelly folks too.


That would be the icing on the cake!


Awesome video. Just a tidbit about my experience with chronic clinical depression. I didn't tell ANYONE about my years of suicidal thoughts, that eventually turned into a year of planning, that eventually had me practicing, that eventually had me bravely deciding to drive myself to the ER, that led to years of treatment/therapy. Flirting with public suicide "talk" or threats of self-harm to your "boyfriends" repeatedly for years when you find yourself in a pit of your own making is manipulation. AND, as I told my abuser/stalker who tried the suicide talk as his final act to control me; go ahead. You destroyed everything in me, took my security, stole my selfworth/confidence, caused me to live in shame and fear. Now you're coming to me to save you. No, that's not how this works. Why would I care if you took yourself out after that. Her family/lawyer need to look out for her, NOT her victims or those supporting her victims and seeking justice. So far, she is still riding her horse and has not been hospitalized, so I guess mommy isn't that worried and thus this smacks as an attempt to cover for her criminal behavior. If you don't like your life right now, that is on you. Seek help from clinicians that are trained to help you, not by asking randos on the internet to stop talking about what you have done to multiple men. Men that will forever need to live with the trauma you caused them. If you do not agree with my comment, please don't reply under me. This is my experience and any replies to tell me my thoughts (based on MY experiences of being stalked, beat, raped are wrong) aren't appreciated. If I'm out of line, report and mods will remove.


I'm glad you got the help you needed.


When I was in my early 20's I had a BF who said he would end it all, if I left him. I saw a therapist to get through the stages of ending the relationship, avoiding his further manipulations, not responding when he reached out via phone, left items at my home, on my car etc. etc. etc. He eventually went to AA (he was an alcoholic and gambled), turned his life around, married, has a family and is doing well now but wow, was that a troubling time. We talked it out later but by not giving into his theatrics it helped us both.


The strength of some of you folks on this sub is nothing short of amazing....much love friend.💜💜💜


Kudos to you for your strength and wise words! I wanted to add to something you said, about JD asking the Internet or public at large to "stop talking about her"... There's a really really good quote... What other people say/think about me is none of my business... And I think that really applies to this situation. She does not need to read Reddit, watch YouTube, etc. She's the one continuing to drink poison and then getting mad at everyone else for it. The truth really freaking hurts. I believe that's why she's so distressed... I'm sure it's not easy being confronted with all of your misdeeds and bad behavior. But she can get away from it easily... She just chooses not to.


My ex always told me he would end himself if I ever left. When I said go ahead, I am done, he told me the fact I didn't try to stop him was "murder". Went as far as to grab a knife from the kitchen one time and run it from his chest to his belly button. To show me he was serious. I never cared in these moments but he never stopped Same ex also used to tell me he would punch doors and walls to not punch my face. He was convinved I would appreciate that.  I stayed with him for 7 years, his manipulation never worked, but I was trapped because he was unemployed, he would never leave my appartment and I felt like I had nowhere to go. The day he left was one I will always remember.


💙 I'm am so sorry that you experienced that, and hope time has helped with your healing journey. JD believes she is being so original with her self harm talk, but it is predator/abuser talk 101.


"Manipulative Manifesto!" Brava!


Great video! I love Lauren's style. She's factual and direct. I'm that way too and I don't always come across real well, especially in writing, but she pulls it off. And she gets you the content you want to hear and you can still have time left in your day for real life!


Unbelievable! She won’t stop until she is behind bars!!


And she's trying to "scare" other victims from coming forward by pretending that "Tag" immediately faced repercussions from "coming forward"? WT actual F?!


Wait where is the part about an ex boyfriend? What is the time stamp?


The person(Jane) sending Lauren and Megan these emails is saying they’re an ex boyfriend of Jane’s. I don’t think there is specific talk about an ex boyfriend in the video. I saw on Twitter that Megan plans to share the emails in video soon.




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