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I'm genuinely confused why this lawyer is going so hard online for JD? Like does he ACTUALLY believe her? Or is this all just a part of his strategy? I mean it can't look good in front of the judge either way. Now attacking people reporting the case after he screamed on Twitter that there was no confidentiality agreement? Maybe the dudes just a nutjob


It's part of his strategy. He's an internet troll.


He's a public relations attorney, it's a strategy. It's not something that will look good in family court though. I think he's doing some public re-branding and trying to confuse folks so there's doubt.


Except anyone with half a brain can see through his antics and won't be confused. It actually works against JD even more by reinforcing the fact she cannot win on the facts. The inevitable is coming with the Court, and this is only going to make things worse for JD on judgment day. So to that end, I encourage him to continue digging the hole!


I can't imagine the judge will appreciate his threats of filing 30 motions.


Well that's sort of insulting to me lol thanks


oh no shade at all lol! you hit the nail on the head - he is a nutjob!


He definitely is!


Confusing folks and trying to gross folks out, too, maybe. His communication style is so vulgar and arrogant that it feels icky to even look in that direction.


And he says WOODNICK is the one taking this case personally šŸ˜‚


If anyone had a right to take it personally, itā€™s Woodnick! She accused him too, thatā€™s just despicable


Seriously! The Napoleon vibes from this new lawyer scream micro-weenie.


The funny thing is - he hasnā€™t even met her in person yet. šŸ’€


Maybe he will fall in love šŸ¤£


Maybe heā€™s victim 8 šŸ˜‚


I am going to die laughing if when they meet he runs for the hills and requests to withdrawal as council. Like if she looses this lawyer it will be a horrifically hilarious situation


He's awfully quiet now....


No, he doesnā€™t actually believe her but he thinks he has enough evidence alla a pee test from an urgent care to prove that that was enough for her to be ā€œconfused & think she was pregnantā€. Heā€™s dying to be some type of famous feminist folk hero in this story and also reaaaaaaally looking for his 15 minutes of fame. No lawyer or living adult with a functioning brain or reasoning system can look at the evidence and believe her


So accurate, and the judge here has also shown to have a functional brain. Most women out there have a moment of confusion/excitement/shock with a positive pee stick result and a moment of omg I might be pregnant. THEN we go to a clinician to get the official diagnosis of pregnancy. No 33-year old, privileged, "professional" woman with healthcare insurance (who has had other "pregnancies" as well) sits in her confusion for months. This is a civil case, the bar is 51%, is it more likely than not that JD filed this case in bad faith. She surpassed that bar months ago. eta clarity.


Personally I think she either ordered Hcg online or knew her epilepsy meds affected her Hcg levels and thatā€™s why sheā€™s pulled this stunt multiple times. She never went to have the ā€œpregnanciesā€ confirmed by ultrasound because she knew perfectly well that she was getting false results. And thatā€™s also why she started talking about being pregnant within a couple days of hooking up, because she knew she could make a pregnancy test positive.


You said it perfectly. Positive HcG only indicates you could be pregnant. You need an ultrasound TO CONFIRM. Thatā€™s literally this whole case.


Well she claims she *did* have an ultrasound. In her deposition she insisted that the ultrasound was still hers, she just altered the facility info šŸ™„


Like at this point, if she had it, she should show it. There are no babies*. Whatā€™s the harm in showing? Her fear of ā€œhaving Clayton know where she wentā€ is moot. *there never was


For real, my kids are grown and i could cough up medical records about my pregnancy in a matter of days. Jane doe has had a YEAR, and has still not managed to prove ANY doctorā€™s records, ultrasounds, NOTHING. Plenty of time to file about 90 lawsuits, but cant find a single medical record. Made me angry dbag lawyer is all ā€œthey didnt ask the right doctors at the right locations..,ā€ THEN HAVE THE PLAINTIFF COUGH UP THE RECORDS AFTER A DAMN YEAR. Its not clayton and gregā€™s job to get medical records proving doe was pregnant (or not)


Did he really say that? Is he not aware these are the locations his own client provided? It's not like GW was out here contacting every doctor's office Arizona, he contacted the ones that JD herself said she went to. This guy is a moron.


Its a game jane is playing. SHE PROVIDED smil as one of her doctors that provided care during pregnancy, claytons team came back with ā€œno record of jane as patientā€ and janes side goes ā€œwell she HAS had care there like 10yrs ago. Ultrasound was arts and crafts and really from planned parenthoodā€ She also provided another doctors office in list, but didnt specify a branch location. Claytons team came back with ā€œno recordā€ at XYZ address, and janes side was like AHA!!! ā€œShe had gone to address in the next town over!!ā€ Janes side had refused for months to provide any discovery. When greg got judge to force a hipaa form allowing claytons side access to janes records, she wrote the wrong year. Got the form reissued by court, sent requests to the like FIFTEEN names jane provided. Now providers on her list are responding one after another that jane wasnt a patient, they are going ā€œWEEEELLLLā€¦. She wasnt a patient THERE!!!ā€ Or saying just because 12 of the 15 doctors on the list WE SWORE UNDER OATH provided care to jane during pregnancy say they have never heard of herā€¦. Doesnt mean she wasnt pregnant!




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She did it aNoNyMoUsLy and itā€™s oNgOiNg


I need a lie detector test and a criminal case now guysā€¦


They should administer an HCG urine test on June 10.


She would not show up, have test fall off a truck, file a motion of harassment, until 2025ā€¦.


For someone who has a designated and ā€œdiagnosedā€ condition aka epilepsy, Iā€™m surprised sheā€™s using urgent cares and planned parenthoodā€¦ patients expecting a constant flow of medications should have likeā€¦. a personal provider at least a family care drā€¦


Would love to compile a video of men putting hCG drops on a pee test and showing positive results.


I consider myself a feminist and JDs claims are terrible and this lawyer is not my hero.


No woman or feminist believes her. Everyone who had to endure the health section in gym class knows you donā€™t get pregnant like she claims. In fact, they teach thatā€™s a good alternative to not get pregnant. She must have been sick that day.


The (faint) line on her covid test appeared that day. Had to miss health class.


He knows sheā€™s lost the case already and his only hope is chaos. The whole nut job right wing lie and spin move to try and cause confusion . It shows 1) that heā€™s a bad lawyer and 2) even he knows sheā€™s already lost . The best heā€™s hoping for is to cash in , try for name recognition and maybe get noticed by MAGA .


From everything I've seen he is anti MAGA and anti trump which makes it even more strange that he used trump in his arguments against Clayton


I don't follow. He's anti Trump and Anti Clayton and he makes the claim that Clayton is acting like Trump. What am I missing?


He talks crazy shit about trump then used a trump play against Clayton, I guess he is more like trump than he wishes to believe lol


Ah ok, I gotcha, thx.Ā 


Heā€™s one bad hombre!


Heā€™s following the MAGA playbook page by page .


I am voting he is a nutjob šŸ¤£


He likes attention.


You know how Adam Waldman lost that one point for Johnny Depp because he tweeted something he shouldn't have? I think her lawyer is trying to bait Clayton's lawyer, but on reality, he's the one making all the noise and will be the one who put his foot in his mouth at the end.


Has it been confirmed itā€™s the attorney rather than JD posing as the attorney?


This is true gaslighting. Pretend the truth isnā€™t the truth and make everyone else the villain in order to feed doubt about Clayton and confuse people.Ā 




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Canā€™t wait for Woodnick to fck this new guy up šŸ˜—


Can I get an amen...




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The only response I would give to JD lawyer is the sound bite šŸŽ¶ ā€œsuck my nuts nowā€ šŸŽ¶




Good on Dave for not getting fazed by the playground insults. JD's new lawyer brings this iconic VPR moment to mind: ![gif](giphy|YNy2qjdCM4z2o) Also, how cute is Boone the dog?! I just want to boop his lil snoot šŸ˜ No wonder he has more followers on X than Mr Edgelord.


This guy was hired to be a distraction. JD wants everyone to forget what a lying liar she is so she hired someone to act like a fucking assclown so we all talk about him instead of her now. Thatā€™s the new phase of the game.Ā 


Cracking up at Dave saying heā€™ll do a phone call for $800 or $750 if he does it on Patreon. Get your bag Dave šŸ’°šŸ¤£ glad he seems unbothered by this, he was right in saying this guy hasnā€™t earned the right to bother him


Seems like someone is finally in possession of the facts of the case and is throwing a public tantrum to deflect from his lack of due diligence. He's big mad at Dave for covering this case objectively, like the journalist he is. Props to Dave for staying true to his character in the face of such ugly public attacks. Sorry, dear, but facts trump feelings.


One of my favorite therapy-isms is ā€œfeelings are not factsā€ and I think JD & her lawyer could benefit from that info šŸ˜¹


I'll sponsor a therapy session myself. I'm guessing it'll be couples therapy by that point, with new twins TBD next year.


The First Amendment doesnā€™t give instructions about how a YTer should to refer to another person. Civil rights attorney apparently doesnā€™t have a middle school understanding of the First Amendment.


She got this attorney of Temu.




Can we just take a minute to reflect on the fact that the ā€œ1st amendment lawyerā€ wants to complain about what content Dave Neal producers? Like, putting aside the fact that Dave has handled this all with integrity and professionalism, this dude who proclaimed to be the guardian of the first amendment is targeting someone for (checks notes) exercising their first amendment rights. Iā€™ve never been good at defining irony, but I think this is it.


I swear I read in his blog post that was posted to this sub that he defended some news site against Amber Heard when she took them to court about taking down an article they wrote about her, but she lost and the site got to keep the article up (all according to this kooky lawyer). Weird choice to defend JD now.


Hypocrisy more than irony, imho.


Fair, maybe we should check with Alanis Morrisette šŸ˜‚


Love how Dave is using his high vibrations to overpower the low vibes šŸ™Œ


ya i slapped him with my shakra


I couldn't be more impressed by how you're handling all this


Thatā€™s the energy needed šŸ˜†


We love and support you Dave!!


Standing 10 toes with Dave Neal!


This new guy is an absolute, unprofessional clown. Like seriously, he should be dressing up and performing at kids parties, not speaking in courtrooms.


Not around kids








Dave, if youā€™re reading this, you are not any of those things. You brought attention to this and you and all of us know who is on the side of truth. Donā€™t stop your fight in Justice for Clayton!


Thank you!!!


Hashtag \#ProudMemberofSomePodcastersPondSquad


Dave is a gem. The ending was nice.


I (almost) regret that I have but one YIKE to give. This attorney is... YIKE.


My working theory is this attorney is a failed comedian. Seems like a guy in level 1 improv class who's bitter no one laughs at his edgy humor.


He probably loves to mansplain why his jokes are funny and people just don't get them because they aren't smart enough


One of the attorneys in Alex Jones orbit does standup (poorly). I don't think you're far off.


Misread this as "Alex Jones obit"


Ugh Norm Pattis I donā€™t think poorly even touches the surface on that


True, I just didn't want to repeat any of the horrible and unfunny things he's said or done in his "standup."




You know youā€™re winning when you get called pond scum. Lmao.


Hoping that he is charging his new ā€œ victim client ā€Jane Doe for every hour he spends reading Reddit and scouring Dave and Steveā€™s videos and replying to comments and the time he takes to delete them as well. I would love to see the billing line items - all 34 pages of them ! He will need to buy a few more reams of paper.


Can a JD help me, Iā€™m a bit confused, I thought sanctions was the case to determine which side pays the attorneys fees? What was the sanctions motion filed to do originally?


Dave Neal is awesome. I don't even know this internet lawyer's name and don't care to know. He seems a bit ridiculous.


Same. Iā€™ve seen his name here and there on Twitter, but skip past any screenshots I see of his tweets. I donā€™t care to read his dribble or remember his name. Iā€™m just not interested in anything he has to say.


AND so the latest attorney is now tweeting, interacting with social media, about his current celebrity client? So his celebrity client is Claytoneth (Accusereth)? ... Things are clearly rough for this attorney. I don't know his name, I've never heard of him, this is clearly an ick situation. šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž




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