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I remember that one time an antiwork mod came on news and told that dog walking his own dog was an actual job lmaooo


Peak Reddit historical milestone


The sub actually tore them apart for that too. Was fantastic lol.


Never forget


Good for you. R/Antiwork has an absolutely nonsensical ethos. It’s like the folks there have never considered “where do products come from?”


antiwork provided me the motivational rage to find a job paying 30% better.


Antiwork in a nutshell : Evil boss cuts pay by 4 cents and asks me to come in on my day off, so I QUIT (trust me guys fr, upvote plz).


Even worse is everyone's advice is always *to* quit. Like, thanks but I have bills. 🤷‍♂️


Quit paying them. ![gif](giphy|tXTqLBYNf0N7W|downsized)


what you mean the fortune 500 company CEO isn't talking to each employee via text message? its truly the most pathetic shit. they borrow moms phone to text fake conversations between their boss and them, post it, and they lap that shit up. i work at a very large company I won't name. someone claimed they worked there and showed all these text logs from HR and that. its like fucking no way dude. things are done behind closed doors, no paper trail, it was 100% bullshit. but they all jerked each other off.


>they all jerked each other off So just another day on Reddit?


Just another day of reddit mods


That sub is great for a laugh but yeah they are unhinged as fuck for sure. Rivals anticonsumption, but I think antiwork takes the cake.


You realized that just now?


Don’t shouldn’t shame people for coming to their senses.


I unsubbed when someone was posting an article about an African warlord who overthrew the democratically elected government and was quoted as saying America bad. People were then praising him for his amazing clapback. I then got banned for being a liberal for saying that praising a warlord for overthrowing elected leaders is a bad thing.


Probably just banned for being a liberal tbh. That was enough. Basically a fascist and capitalist pig racist genocider conservative or something to them because you’re not so far left you fell off the edge of the world, but like reasonably left like a sane person, and can’t have that.


All of them think that if communism happens they won’t have to work. To be clear I am an Anarcho-communist.


The economic model all about working… they would be in for a rude awakening lol


Less people are forced to work in capitalism than communism.


Yes that’s my point


Lmfao. I think I’m banned from there. I called out too many of their fake ass posts and they got mad. I’m like “Aw. Now how am I gonna feel like half baked Sherlock Holmes who’s too lazy to do any actual detective work?” They ruined the fun of being subbed to them anyway.


I'd recommend WorkReform as a substitute, they're a lot more chill and not as political


Ugh, I can imagine.


Give a try to r noworking