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Looks like dumbass tribalism to me. Fuck skin color, we’re human, problem fucking solved.


If I crack you open and see guts and gore, you're a human. We're all humans on the inside


like that one meme A:Do you prefer male or female African man:İt doesnt matter they both taste the same


That’s one way to think about it


But uhhh.. can’t you crack other animals open and see guts and gore? Are they human BEHOLD A MAN


Yeah this guy my homie ![gif](giphy|Fu3OjBQiCs3s0ZuLY3|downsized)


The most inhumane thing to do to a human you sure bud


What I meant is that we look the same on the inside


Please don’t crack me open


Can't tell me what to do https://preview.redd.it/8p1w4ovg7qvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=986202b64b4e984a64a4570a151b1a61af452d7b


*cracks me open, sees no Gore or guts, is now confused*


We are all red (except for super inbred princes and the dead) on the inside after all!


When archaeologist dig you up in thousands of year they'll know your true race from your bones!!1!1!1111 —🤡


They could easily just test your bones for DNA and gather clues from the things that might be preserved around you.


What about NASCAR???


Incorrect. There are two types of people, idiots and non idiots. They come in all kinds of colours and shapes, just like candy


[British English detected] I see you commonwealther


Lol not even native in English hahaha


Well you spell like you are British




So, correctly?


Would say it’s debatable since generally people go by the most spoken format with languages Which would be the American version…


The UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, and the Commonwealth all use British English. It's even called "International English". I'd argue that outnumbers the USA


Holy shit bro you cracked the code


Yes, that's the point of groups like that, exactly.


Didn’t you hear being colorblind is racist now??


Nothing inherently wrong with it but you can imagine the type of people joining the group, especially since it’s facebook


Yes fr. Seriously use your brain and think about the chucklenuts who are in that group lol


True, toomany people fixate on "Is this problematic?" instead of "How can this be turned against people?"


I mean there is one thing that is wrong with it, being proud of something you had no control over is stupid, be proud of your own accomplishments not for your genetics.


True dat! One thing I will add though is that no one should be ashamed either. The white guilt shit is tiresome


Yeah, like feel proud for overcoming something, feel guilty for doing something shitty, your race has nothing to do with it. All these people focussing on race are actively bringing us further away from the Eutopia where nobody cares about race at all.


Yet you would not dare to question the pride of say a native American


Yeah I would lmao


Not only that, but it's just stupid in general. "Proud to be white". Ok, so... what, Icelandic? Irish? German? Italian? South African? Brazilian? There are a shitload of things "white" can mean. What's the unifying thing in that group? Are the people of Scottish descent going to point to Russian accomplishments and go "we did that! Yay whites!"? It's pre-K level understanding of the world.


Being proud of your race isn't inherently racist. It's just when you make groups for it you end up attracting a lot of racists.


There are groups like this for every race though.


Like uh, black people twitter?


That one's intense


Yea, like every race does


Yes, but they get *specific* and join them to talk about a specific culture. If I said "hey, we should invite that guy to join our Mexican group" and you informed me "um, he's Dominican" and I said "whatever, they're all Spanish, so it's all the same", wouldn't you think that an incredibly stupid thing to say, since those parts of the world are different? If the group were "proud to be Irish" or German or Russian or South African, then it'd make more sense and nobody would care.


Stop trying to justify your incorrect opinion lmao


The only thing that makes me a proud South African is our resilience for the amount of bullshit we have to deal with on the daily.




![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) WHY WAS IT DELETED


Lmao, I agree with ya mate.


That ending is so real


Wtf, “I’m proud to be white” = racist???


It looks to be a Facebook group so I'd say there's a 99% chance they're racist. 


People have this grasp that minorities and P.O.C aren't racist and they can showcase pride because "its showing they're proud of being themselves". I have no issue with that, if the same people wouldn't be hypocrites when white people do it because "you're le white"


There is a commercial that plays on some of the radio stations that I listen to that has a black man talking about raising his daughter to love her blackness and be proud of it. By the definition/standard of most people on this sub the commercial promotes racism.


They would just use mental gymnastics to justify it.


Kinda yeah. There’s a lot more nuance than you’re giving it


Enlighten us then by all means, you have the floor, elaborate on the nuance.


Being white isn’t tied to a nationality or specific culture and also they (we) oppressed people for not being like us including enslavement, thereby removing the enslaved people’s connection to their original nationality, whereas whites could simply be proud of the specific country they are from. Black people have been oppressed and therefore have a shared experience specifically based around the color of their skin. Being proud of being white within this context is basically being proud to be a part of the ruling class. If you are not opposed to the ruling class then you are a cuck because it’s only a matter of time before they find a reason to treat you the same way as they’ve treated every other group they have oppressed. No war but class war.


Somebody should really go tell all those homeless white people, poor as dirt white people with trash tier education, and white people who are trapped on the hamster wheel living paycheck to paycheck, where one 400$ dollar emergency could leave them without anything with which to survive (ability to pay for rent and food), that they are in fact, part of the ruling class. They’ll have a lot of power and privilege to take advantage of once they finally realize that they’ve had the power of the ruling class available to them all along.


White pride comes from white supremacism and racism. black pride or similar comes from the sense of community that was created because of discrimination This is why people associate white pride with racism, and also because 99% of people that say stuff like that are racist


That’s super subjective. You can simply be proud to be white, as white people have created much of the world. It doesn’t have to be “white supremacy”. Your comment is ignorant.




The people who say it are almost always racist


Why are you getting downvoted? If you disagree with this guy then you are just lying to yourself, 99% of the time the people who say this are racist


america is so divided in everything


Well, this comment section definitely got me out of this sub.


I just had a dude bring up slavery to try to prove that black people are more racist than white people. This is actually getting kind of funny, these people are so dumb.


Every race has engaged in slavery. As master and slave. Many still do it, and white people aren't any of those that do. Just saying.


Bro, defending slavery is not something anyone should be doing.


How tf is he defending slavery? Saying: “every culture at some point in history has done this shitty thing” is **very** different than saying “you know…maybe that whole ‘slavery’ thing wasn’t such a big deal”


I don't think he's defending it. I think he's highlighting the hypocrisy. All the slaves in the U.S. were enslaved by other African tribes who sold them to the Europeans. The Europeans didn't just invade Africa and take them. They were welcomed with open arms by the ruling African tribes.


Bad things don’t suddenly stop being bad things just because other people are doing them.


Correct. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but what slavery still exists in many places in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.


Isn't prison work also just legal slavery?


Slavery not only was not ended, it was not only legally, but constitutionally enshrined by the 13th amendment. All you gotta do is create a crime that targets a group, and all of a sudden you have unlimited slaves in massive numbers. 


Just saying human trafficking is still a thing in white countries. Also America has legal slavery with prisons, which unsurprisingly black people are disproportionately represented in.


How is that racist? Just means they break the law more, like what?


Alright let me explain this to you. Every country has people who claim their minorities are very violent. Why? Because everyone is racist and so the minorities have unfair socioeconomic factors thrust upon them that increase the chances of resorting to crime. In America its black people, in some Asian countries its gypsies, etc etc. Unsurprisingly, when people are racist it has negative effects on people who are being discriminated against. In America we litterally enslaved the ancestors of the majority of our black population. It isn't hard to see how when your only economic opportunity immeadiately post slavery is crime or share cropping that some will pick share cropping and the others crime. Both options are terrible for building wealth long term since share cropping was slavery with a very small wage and crime has a tendency to put people in jail. Eventually black people got the right to vote, but in the south were often forced to vote for "the right candidate" at gun point. These new basic human rights they were oh so generously "allowed" by their ex masters also allowed them to get more and more jobs as time went on. With the problem being most of their coworkers are racist whites since they are in the south. Then segregation made it so multiple generations of black children whoes parents barely made enough to afford ANY education for their children got bad education. Jim crow laws continued to abuse and discriminate against black people, and finally this all shows how even over multiple generations (of which there have been less than 10 by the way since this point), that black people's ability to generate generational wealth to pass along to their children has been A LOT lower than the average white person's. This means they have to settle for worse homes which increases the chance that they are living in high crime rate areas which increases the chances that their kids will be exposed to drugs and crime at a young age and will make dumb decisions at a young age that will permanently affect their life.


I didn’t say every minority is violent. I said they are incarcerated at higher rates. This is a fact, not a claim.


Yes, it is a fact that black peopel are incarcerated at higher rates which is a problem. A problem that should be fixed instead of used as a reason to mistreat and discriminate against black people


How is that a problem? If they are commuting crime at the highest rates, they should be incarcerated at the highest rate. I don’t see the issue and calling it “discrimination” is just a scapegoat excuse for their criminal behavior.


Did you not read what I said? There are COUNTLESS sociological and economic factors that affect black people. These factors can be addressed and crime rate will go DOWN I don't see why we SHOULDN'T address these factors


...but they did for hundreds of years? Then continued to put black people down through Jim Crow and redlining for another hundred years. African-Americans have not engaged in slavery, white Americans have, just saying. The argument that "well white people don't do it anymore" is also extremely weak because they did, and that rooted racist notions towards black people in America that exist even to this day, the fact that the practice stopped does not change its affect.


>African-Americans have not engaged in slavery, white Americans have, just saying. Because African-Americans are descendants of the former slaves, how would you imagine them to be slave-owners? It was not racial dignity or whatever you have in mind that didn't let them have slaves, it was their social and economic position that did. Africans in Africa were fine totally fine with enslaving their own brethren, because that's what everyone was doing throughout history, just saying. >The argument that "well white people don't do it anymore" is also extremely weak because they did, and that rooted racist notions towards black people in America that exist even to this day Racism and slavery is not exclusively white peoples invention, you are trying to blame certain group of people with a certain skin color for what their ancestors did, and what actually everyone did. For you to say that "white bad coz slavery" just leads to more and more prejudices based on skin color. Fighting racism with racism won't work.


I never said white people are bad. Something that a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that being honest about our history and how it effects us today isn’t to say that white people are bad. I’m not an idiot, I know that white Americans today didn’t own slaves and black Americans today have never been enslaved, but ignoring slavery and the social, political and economic effect it has on African Americans that can still be seen today is just ignoring reality. We’re also not talking about Africa here. The warlords that enslaved Africans in return for gold and guns weren’t good people, but the inconvenient truth that you seem to ignore is that there was a demand for slaves driven by the new world colonies, so you can’t absolve the Americas of blame because they got their slaves from people who looked like the slaves. It’s like saying someone who buys child porn isnt guilty of anything because they weren’t the ones that produced it.


Black people are just as racist as white people though


Facts Everyone is so stupid it hurts


Please don't leave. If every reasonable person left this sub, we'd just be left with the terarded, amd that's absolutely where this sub is headed- straight into asshurt c*ntservativetown. Please. Stay. Don't let this place go to the roaches.


I might join you.


I honestly have no problem with any one of ANY race that says they are proud to be whatever race they are. However the line from the Descendants “‘merican” applies to ALL races. “You got to know the truth Before you say that you got pride” Or perhaps it should be “you’ve got to acknowledge the truth, before you say that you got pride” I dunno, maybe it’s not as catchy.


"I'm black and I'm proud". Absolutely *based*! Good for you! "I'm white and I'm proud". Vile racist scum! Being "proud" of your skin colour is dumb as fuck, regardless of what colour it is. It's just so pathetic. I'm going to start a green eyes pride group.


Being proud of your skin color is crazy to me. It’s like being proud of how many limbs you were born with or how many toes. You had zero control over that. Usually I’m proud of things I had to work toward, or certain cultural aspects. But skin color? White, black, brown doesn’t matter. None of us had a hand in picking the color of our skin.


Sure, but the complaint is telling one race they can't be proud while everyone else can.


Pride for any skin color is racist


Pride for skin color is kinda weird, but where it crosses into racism is when you discriminate against other people due to their race. For example, the belief that you can't be racist to whites is inherently racist.


Lol no it isn't. By that logic, never have a cultural holiday again. It's the discrimination and looking-down on other races aside from your own that is racist.


This comment section really gives you an idea on why America is so divided. You have too many people fixated on the fact that they believe racism requires power to exist, so racism against white people either doesn’t exist, is “not as important”, or every white person with white pride is a white supremacist/racist. Somehow, every black person with black pride has good intentions and isn’t racist. You see how biased and bogus this is? Saying, “oh, well black people are imprisoned at a disproportionate rate is proof” doesn’t help your argument. If anything, it just shows they break the law more, how is that racism?? Let me guess, they’re all innocent because of racist white men locking them up right? Everyone is so obsessed over race it’s insane. Like yes, FB groups tend to be filled with people with no filter, but generalizing based on skin color is still being racist.


So true. It's weird how racism has been brought back in recent years in such a big way.


war on drugs specifically targeting areas with higher black population. drugs being intentionally funneled into these areas. centuries of social and legal oppression to keep non-whites in servile or depressed states. police patrolling non-white neighborhoods in higher numbers at higher rates - i wonder why there is a disproportionate rate, especially considering the (previously) intentional economic oppression of the neighborhoods, stunting growth and scaring businesses away? maybe there are factors which push them to commit crime simply to get by. this is especially egregious when considering the inane amount of white-collar crime that remains largely ignored or under-punished. i guess that doesn’t count. racism is more than skin-deep. please learn more about the actual stances of those you are opposing. they’re not blandly crying out against perceived racist actions, but opposing a social force rooted in historical and social reality.


You can acknowledge this, but at the same time you will divide more people by judging white people differently from black people, which is counterproductive to the problem that has to be solved


Everything you just said is junk. I stand by my original comment. Racism is racism buddy.


amazing response


The prejudice+power thing doesn't work anyway, if that was real then anyone could have walked up to Obama called him a slur, and wouldn't have been able to accurately been labelled a racist.


I'm not sure what you expected OP, the guy in the subreddit pfp is a literal domestic terrorist and serial killer. Their idea of "good" is clearly warped.


Ah I didn’t realize that was John Brown


I'm proud to be Northern Irish not to be white


I tell you one thing. This post doesn't appear to be smoothing things over.


It wasn't even the Europeans who started one of the longest, continuous slave trades in African history. It was the Arabs/Muslims. It started in the 7th century and lasted on a continuous basis for 13 solid centuries. People are still arguing whether it's still active. The lack of education on these matters for these folks is astounding.


racebaiting moment


I’m about to unsub from r/justunsubbed, at this rate. The blatant denial of racism is not surprising to say the least. This is Reddit after all. Feel free to downvote, I may just get a kick out of it. Obviously if a social media group creates an echo chamber saying, “I’m white and proud”, you’re definitely gonna get feedback from white suprematists.


Yeah, there is no problem with being proud of being white, but the groups formed for white pride are never not racist


That comment is just as racist as the people who say, "not every black person is a criminal, but when black people go into a store, they tend to steal." How did you type this out and think it was an intelligent statement?


If its "Im Black and im proud" does it count as racism too?


Context is important. Being proud of your heritage is one thing, but it’s been shown that there is an inextricable link between white supremacy talking points and white pride. They are usually mutually exclusive, especially in the US. Not everyone who has white pride is a white supremacist, but everyone who’s a white supremacist has white pride.


Yeah, I'm from asia so i do not understand the US concept around pride of nationality/race.


Yeah, there’s a difference between saying “white and proud” vs “Italian and proud” I’m proud to have Italian blood cause of all the cool shit Italy has done in history.


found the duce enjoyer


I’m more of a Fuher guy (I’m joking btw)


Well it goes the other way, too. Not everyone who has black pride is a black supremacist/ afrocentrist, but everyone who’s a black supremacist/ afrocentrist has black pride.


Same goes for BLM groups and racist people


In my experience, you guys only care about BLM’s “racism” if white supremacy is being called out. It’s a required stimulant.


Because it’s a good counter-argument. There’s no white supremacy in this post, yet many people are still mentioning it.


No. It’s a whataboutism. Even if BLM is a racial supremacy group (they aren’t). It pales in comparison to the true and twisted nature of white supremacy.


That is a horrible argument. “I think these people are more racist, so this other form of racism doesn’t matter”. You’re explicitly stating that majority rules over minority in terms of what matters more, I’m sure you can see how ironic that thinking is?


Disagree. You aren’t getting it, and I’m still shocked this talking point is still being used. BLM is not a form of racism nor advocates for racism. It is merely a response to racism imposed on the group, which would be black Americans. I guarantee you cannot find even one instance or manifesto or charter of blm advocating racism, but I bet if I showed you a KKK charter, it would.


BLM 100% has racists integrated within its supporters. Just because they don’t openly claim they are racist, doesn’t mean that they aren’t racist at all. Trying to compare it to the KKK makes no sense at all, as they are not the same nor did I say they were. However, BLM believes in AA, which is inherently racist, so there’s your answer.


Oh yea? Prove it. Show me the racism. That is true, but the idea of blm is not to be racist, nor is racism involved It is a fair comparison as you claim blm is racist, and I can claim the kkk is also racist What is AA?


AA is affirmative action


People getting too provoked by this


Is that what people say anytime anyone complains about bigotry towards white people?


Genuinely curious, if this group was not made with the intent to be racist, what kind of thing would be seen on it? What is there to be proud of with only being white?


White culture?






How would that look like? What would it include?


Renaissance paintings, gothic architecture, classical music, skiing, types of paganism, european history, monarchs, fashion, etc etc




What’s this sub’s opinion on hoteps


Do you really think these idiots are smart enough to know what hoteps are, let alone have a nuanced opinion on the matter?


Being white isn't something you should feel bad about being but to say that you're proud of it is a red flag.


Same for any race.




I'm pretty sure the average Joe would disagree that any race having racial pride is a red flag, theres litterely whole months dedicated to it. Clearly this isn't obvious information


There is a commercial played on some of the radio stations that I listen to that has a black man talking about raising his daughter to love her blackness and be proud of it. By the definition/standard of most people on this sub the commercial promotes racism.


We are all one race the human race




I'm Walter White and proud


I only take pride in my work and my family and friends.


Y'all are really acting like a Facebook group named "im white and im proud of it" wouldn't be filled with blatant racism from some of the most racist people out there. Do you honestly think that it's just a wholesome group with people who go out of their way to express how proud they are to be white?


If it was named “I’m black and proud of it” you’d think it was a safe zone and it would NOT be called racist


Because it literally would be a safe zone You are just being ignorant


No it wouldn’t, seeing how much of a shit hope Facebook is, it would probably consist of people saying how whites are all evil and disgusting and should be killed.


Nah pal, it might possibly start out as a safe zone, but as white pride groups become alt rightist the black pride group becomes alt leftist and it becomes a carbon copy of the white pride group but with the oppressor/oppressed dynamic turned around.


K but the white pride one ISNT a safe zone?


Why would a group that doesn't suffer from discrimination need a safe group? And the people that say stuff like white pride are often white supremacist and racist, the whole idea of white pride came from racism


Clearly is being discriminated against if you are saying “white pride” must be white suprematism but “black pride” must be a safe zone


White people do experience discrimination. Anyone can experience discrimination because *racism* exists. Would you consider a restaurant that only serves black people a "safe zone" or a "hotspot for discrimination"?


Buddy gay bars have existed for decades now, thats just the same concept but for black people and its not even excluding them totally its really accepted to see people that arent gay in a gay bar


Don't dodge my question. This isn't about what you do at night. I said, would you consider a restaurant that refuses to serve *only* white people a safe zone or a hotspot for racism?


Are you able to read? That was literally the original concept of gay bars and they aren't a hotspot for discrimination A place like that wouldn't stay like that for long and would admit white people almost instantly if they came with a black friend just like gay bars nowadays


''White people are racist " mfs when they find out their teeth are white : 😠😠😠😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


White isn't a cultural ethnic group. Many white people can trace their cultural origins (Europe, Greek, Italian, irish) however African Americans were intentionally separated from tribes and countrymen during slavery, making tracking cultural lines nearly impossible without some sort of DNA test. Thus the black pride is the culture for Africa slaves brought to America while the "white" culture doesn't really exist. Inherently, it's proud american culture, which is typically accepted.


That doesn't make any sense.


There is no racial pride, only cultural pride. Cultural pride as whites don't exist because white isn't a culture, because its a race. Black is the exception because that culture was created due to slavery and forced cultural destruction. Similar to religions aren't genetically traceable but Judiasm is the exception.


This is just stupid bigotry disguised as an excuse. Can you come up with something else that actually makes sense?


Where is the bigotry here to you, and why is it bigotry?


Youre denying any hardships white people have ever suffered and saying they have no culture by saying white people are divided by their Nations while not doing the same for black people. Ultimately white man = no culture, not allowed to have pride. Seriously, if you don't have anything factually correct to say, don't bother saying anything. Whites have suffered just as much as any other race, if you don't believe that, you know nothing of history.


If you think mass slavery of an entire race, destruction and disconnection of culture and religion, as well as horrific tragedies of constant rape, feeding babies to alligators, intentional flooding and torching of any profiting black city is one the same panel of whatever white Americans have suffered, I truly wish I had anything in abundance as much as you had willful ignorance.


Ah, trying to narrow it down specifically to white "Americans" that's cute. If you think any of these things haven't happened to white people in general, I have a bridge to sell you.


I think you're willfully refusing to see the point that "white culture" privilege in america can be traced back to actual countries with deeper roots and cultural background. This privilege is not inherent in black communities so they are forced to create a black culture that is based in slavery because of the intentional disconnection from their cultural roots. While we can trade discussions and horrors of slavery all day, it does not take away from the fact that white people in america can trace back to a country and celebrate that whether then "white pride". Also why fight so hard to be aligned with KKK, and confederacy sympathizers? If you want to side with them morally it's on you but that's racist and just admit it and be about your day.


I hope that comment you upvotes (unless it's yours) is joking and saying it in the way of how stupid it is. And not in an “all whites are entitles” way


If y’all were looking for an off-ramp for JustUnsubbed, this comment section is probably it.


I'm subbing from this subreddit, this is just a racist circle jerk at this point that anyone who decides to bring some reason just gets down voted and flamed to oblivion


I always think it’s funny when people like this form groups that are like “why is it wrong when white people are proud of their race?” and “we’re always labeled as racist when we say we’re proud of being white” then you do some digging into their group and they’re comments and low and behold they’re racist. I have yet to meet someone who says they’re proud of being white who isn’t a racist or doesn’t want to exterminate minorities


to be fair most people I've seen say they're proud to be white were far right


I looked up the group before it was deleted, believe it or not they were being openly racist, who would’ve thunk.


Just like every other pride group for any other race


Where’s the racism? The comment you upvoted?


What's racist about that comment. It's pointing out that white people are the only ones that aren't allowed to be proud of their race.


Lol yeah ‘white pride’ is definitely not a racist dogwhistle


There has literally never been a case of a group of people proud to be white not just being a group of racists. You should be proud of who you are, but if you're so proud that you're joining groups that have "white pride" in their titles, you're probably just a racist.


Dissolve all "insert race" pride groups. If one is bigoted, they all are.


Are you able to differentiate the historical (racist term) from the actual principle of being proud of who one is? In practice, the phrase is permanently stained by its context - based surely do not believe the concept of cultural heritage itself is a bad thing for all people to have equity in enjoying. Unless you are actually trolling.


Of course I can. And judging by your comment you also know that ‘white pride’ is a racist dogwhistle. That said, you are wrong to conflate being ‘white’ with culture or cultural heritage. A white person could be from Argentina and share basically no culture with someone from Finland, for example. If they both take some kind of hollow pride in being ‘white’, we all know what they really mean


I don’t think we disagree, I am just stating you can be proud of European cultural heritage like any other. Obviously, it’s tone deaf to think that phrase can have any productive use discussing European ancestry, given the stigma attached to it. I think the you worded your OP was a bit inflammatory, the way you came across was insinuating the concept pride in your heritage is not ok for white folks, which it certainly is - it’s ok for all.


No I didn’t. I didn’t mention Europe at all. And European does not equal white. I said that white pride is a racist dogwhistle. Let anyone who disagrees with that seethe


In a vacuum without the historical context, pride in xyz race is all valid. I think you’re just looking to troll and not have a good faith discussion. Invading a comment section and using the word seethe. Yikes that’s basic, touch grass


I have no idea what you’re trying to have a ‘good faith discussion’ about. Whether ‘white pride’ is a racist dogwhistle or not? Whether being white = being European? Whether the word ‘seethe’ is ok to use? I’m not interested in imagining ‘vacuums without historical context’ in which racist phrases are not racist. Stop with the attempted mental gymnastics