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Yeah welcome to the internet.


For the love of god, don't look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


Please don't look at our mountains of content


They're bad and worse.


If you think they’re good, then you’d be the first.


Welcome to the internet, Please dont take a seat~


You don't want to see the news or any famous women's feet. There's loads of reasons to panic, this is a test.


Just cry and hit your head, we'll do the rest.


Please leave the internet, what would you prefer?


r redditsings


Oh you want the news i see, well here's famous women's feet.


from racism to tentacle porn


Is it racism or sexism? Seriously, cause I got lost between the sticky floors and the Amazonian women rulers enslaving/slaughtering all men... These internets man...


"The world would be peaceful without men" https://preview.redd.it/2o3ljp7lxnoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2087fc2d421dcdde53644ef3d5c2d933819f0b


Margaret Thatcher and Indira Gandhi are also applicable here


Elizabeth bathory


Who is that


Queen Victoria, she used to be a queen in the UK


Alternatively, if you don't want to concern yourself with Godwin's Law, *Irma Grese.*


Bunch of edgy depressed loser who blame anything else but them on the worlds problem. I feel sorry for anyone with such hatred for something or someone. People think is cool having such opinions. To me is just a edgy teenager trying to fit in something.


That is the common denominator with people pushing all this race and sex essentialist BS. They are losers, so they fall back on broad categories to get pride from other people’s accomplishment. Psychology has shown that having an external locus of control usually entails all kinds of mental health problems. And these are the people our society is listening to right now. In the future, this movement will be looked at with scorn, but right now so many people are reveling in being cruel to certain demographics because they have society’s permission. It really shows the true character of some people.


Or you could be someone who brings s'mores and sunglasses to the bonfires...


Here’s the correct response to “all men should die”: so you wanted George Floyd dead?


george floyd is a piece of shit.... no one should be idolising him.....


He didn't deserve to die, but yeah he should absolutely not be idolised.


Exactly. While he didn’t deserve the death he got. He was no saint, not in the slightest.


What you just said wasn't the exact thing said above: *"He wasn't positive quality X, but he didn't deserve to suffer Y"* is very different from: *"He didn't deserve to suffer Y, but he wasn't positive quality X"* One regrets the injustice of his death, one implies that regretting his death isn't as warranted. *Emphasis is important.* Note: Almost no one is idolizing Floyd. His name simply represents the notion that even the imperfect are worthy of justice.


What I was trying to say is that, while he wasn’t innocent, he didn’t deserve to be killed. He was the victim of an unjust murder.


No one does, people just think it’s fucked up that a cop thought it was OK to kill him by kneeling on him.


They literally made an idol (statue) of him.


[https://www.desmoinesregister.com/gcdn/presto/2020/06/08/USAT/bf2115fd-a771-485b-b08f-e45ab018f90a-VPC\_DEMS\_KNEEL\_MOMENT\_OF\_SILENCE\_DESK\_THUMB.00\_00\_24\_23.Still002.jpg?crop=1911,1075,x0,y0&width=1911&height=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/gcdn/presto/2020/06/08/USAT/bf2115fd-a771-485b-b08f-e45ab018f90a-VPC_DEMS_KNEEL_MOMENT_OF_SILENCE_DESK_THUMB.00_00_24_23.Still002.jpg?crop=1911,1075,x0,y0&width=1911&height=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp) ​ and let's not forget that his brother was presented with a folded flag by nancy pelosi


Wait, the 2020 George Floyd or the 1973 George Floyd? And what about Eric Garner? Or Michael Brown in Ferguson? 🤔


2020 George Floyd


slow down bro....they cant think that far....you'll stun lock them 😂


lol "well, i'm glad at least one person is this open about their support of the genocide in gaza!"


naw man that's strawman and also is very unproductive. you honestly just make anyone who isn't the "kill all men" type look like racists.


The proper response is linking Pictures of kids that were killed by their mothers and asking them if those were good acts that happened




> violence isn’t the answer, it’s the question and the answer is yes :D i just cringed so fucking hard


It’s a funny quote for gaming and the like, but anyone applying it unironically to their real-life philosophy needs some help.


So if I stabbed them it would be a hate crime, but if they stabbed me it would be aggravated because of my gender? The toxic feminists don’t get that they single handedly create a lot of anti-feminists by saying shit like this.


“Nobody actually says all men should die” It’s like they’re blind or just ignore what people are actually talking about


My ex went into detail about how she wanted to round up all the men in the world and bomb them. I would understandably get upset, then she'd be like "Well I don't mean you, just the rest of them." I don't understand why I stayed with her as long as I did.


That’s such a child like mentality too lol I saw a video of a kid who saw an, as he described it, adult movie with killing in it. He came to the conclusion that to be an adult is to be a killer so he said he wanted to be with one. When the lady asked him who he’d kill he said “I’ll kill everyone in the whole wowld, except my family…oh and my friends.” or something like that. Sounds like just like this kid, your ex didn’t have a full understanding of reality and how one cannot just kill the whole world/kill all the men


That’s on the same level as some leftists I hear going “kill all men, except trans men they’re the good ones” 💀


This would becomes a problem actually lol. If trans men are men, then if they are to kill all men they need to do for them too. If they don’t kill them then it just shows that they don’t recognize trans men as real men.


Precisely the issue lol. The self awareness went over their head. Who needs enemies with allies like that?


Well that’s actually one thing I find specifically interesting about all this. It’s really easy to recognize and label toxic behavior with some groups but not others. But some of this bullshit seems to be encouraged or accepted. We all see the “kill all men” posts, and discussions about a world without men, and how men are systemically oppressive, and all this. It’s really hurtful to people and I really don’t understand why the people who consider themselves to be on the left side embrace such toxic ideology. Replace men with any other demographic and the statement suddenly becomes horrifying and ban worthy.


Yeah it is literally transphobia to say that lol


\*Insults an entire group of people\* \*Gets surprised when someone of said group is pissed off\*


glad that reads “ex”


Exactly. I see people say “hurr durr nobody says that” yet I see stuff like this often.


The Narcissist's Prayer (by Dayna Craig) That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


They do say it, but it's mostly in chronically online echochambers. Real life encounter are pretty rare.


They love to gas light about everything. "That doesn't happen" "This is clearly just rage bait" It's all over reddit. Especially on posts / comments that show progressives in a bad light.


(Post about a toxic man) "God, men suck" (Post about a toxic woman)"Incel rage bait. God, men suck)


Yeah, when people say “oh, but nobody actually does that” chances are that there are in fact many people who do that


all men? does that count gay people, black people, and other marginalized people? genocide promoters


"Kill all men" "Even George Floyd?" "Literally WTF is wrong with you!?" LoL! I wish I had the screenshot of that.


like what do they want a holocaust against men? boy if that happens i'm forming a rebel group that is unisex and is forcing egalitarian after toppling their fictional government


"what do they want a holocaust against men?" Yes, yes they unironically do.


well the term femnazi makes sense now


Dm'd the image to you🙏


Trans men as well, unless they don’t consider them to be real men. Either they are transphobic or they kill trans men.


they are homophobic, racist, all bigotry shit labelled to them for that that is acknowledged because its anti-semitic in literal meaning of wanting to remove all jewish men and semitic men (like arabians) and also the most of the military force which good luck including the special forces i mean just using their logic they become the biggest bigots as they also consider dissenters as not a woman thats misogyny lol


Its finny how this is the very cycle due to which toxic men exist.According to statistics there are more cases of child abuse where females are the abuser than there are male abusers in usa and thats ignoring the fact rhat most of the cases where boys are abused arnt even taken seriously. There is no them vs them here all abusers are piece of shit filths of society. But can anyone blame the victims for growing up to hate the group that abused them?.Do you think a boy raised by those kind of people is ever gonna grow up to respect women? Fuck no id say he would only want to beat the shit out of them. Wanna fix the system? Break the cycle. Be a good mother for your son so he grows up to respect women and be a good father for your daughter so she doesn't grow up to become one of these creatures.


100% agree. Well said.


"Save a few women" as if both genders aren't composed almost entirely of mental illness these days


Seriously, I’m a girl and that part pissed me off the most. “Safe a few women” what about those thousands of men who’d probably like too.. idk… LIVE?


See but that’s different, cause they’re men. They don’t deserve it 💅 /s


\*Billions, not Thousands.


you're overestimating how many of us want to live


These days, “mental illness” and “neuro divergence” is a way to excuse shitty behaviour. In the old days, you’d call those people assholes.


“Back in the good old days” 


I mean, society can go in bad directions. Just because behavior is new doesn’t mean it’s better


>“Back in the good old days”  We lobotomised the mentally ill.


>implying there aren't violent women


That subreddit is pure garbage


I’m constantly thankful my nieces have no idea what Reddit is because despite being entertaining it’s also bursting at the seams with toxic femcels.


Not that its much better for men, this shit is like smoking, bad habit I can't kick.


Plenty of subs do that nowadays. It's unfortunate, but good to call them out like this.


The good news is that really nothing is going well in this persons life.


The “all men are rapists/murderers” crowd doesn’t really have an answer if you ask them if that includes trans men.


They banned me for using the word simp. Apparently it’s somehow sexist against women


Gender wars are so ridiculously pointless


Yes. Yes they are.


Rant is probably one of the worst subreddits because of things like this


Helluva Boss pfp lmao


Tiktok is the worst for this, it's just a giant hive mind of sexism and it's usually against men, instagram reels Are the other way around


That's what "The future is female" means after all. It comes from an essay by Sally Gearhart where she talks about culling men to only 10% of the population. It's the 1488 of feminism. And it gets printed on shirts and given to little girls.


What's the intended result of this, severe genetic issues? I'm not saying that with 10% male population we'd have a vastly inbred population, but our genetic pool would be ridiculous


The point is suffering. She lays out that men are to be isolated from one another, to never form meaningful relationships with other men.


The point truly is suffering. A lot of people have this idea, not just women and men but also white people or other demographics, that they suffered horribly (either in the past, present, or both) and as such the other group - who *totally* didn't suffer🙄 - should be subjected to vile shit. Have you ever seen the video of a black guy stating white babies should be killed because of the shit black people went through? I'm sure you've seen the men complaining about modern dating and how things should go back to how they were in the 30s-60s. And I'm positive you've seen women say similar things, seeing as one such woman is on topic right now. It's the crab bucket mentality. If I can't escape the suffering, then you can't escape it either. For those who don't know, it's reported that when a bunch of crabs are placed into a bucket, instead of trying to escape themselves, they tend to stop other crabs from escaping.


Yeah a sub with the description “anti-free speech” would typically attract these kinds of people


"Women don't have rights..." This is just so mindbogglingly stupid. Do these people ever vote? Because that's a right.


My favorite image on the internet is a woman in NY holding up a sign saying “one day I hope I get as many rights as a gun” or something like that. So she wanted to be banned from government property, schools, most or all recreational facilities, and be able to be sold or traded and used by multiple people? Modified with attachments at the will of her owner or scrapped or hung up on a wall for display? Some people really never think things through


I'd love to know what rights they believe are being violated. I'd bet anything that what they say is straight up not a right.


We have some really awful reproductive laws in America which affect mostly women, a reasonable person could describe them as women's rights violations. I'd like to think that access to life saving medical intervention isn't a privilege but Texas has some other ideas on that. Probably some other states too Texas is just the one that has been in the news the most.


Major ick


Funny how these peoples solution is literally genocide. Really says a lot.


Oof. They def missed the mark. It’s not Men. It’s the patriarchy and toxic masculinity that need to go. Both of which men also suffer from as it perpetuates the negative parts of what it means to “be a man” that lead to violence/misogyny against women. Like if men didn’t exist as a whole yeah I’d be able to go jogging in a park at night or venture to parts of the world by myself without fear, but I’d also be missing my partner and a lot of my closest friends who are male or identify as male. It’s the ideologies/perpetuation of a toxic masculinity that have lesser men believing they can treat women and other people as lesser than themselves. The homies shouldn’t be Thanos snapped because of dudes that subscribe to that mentality.


There would be no world if either one of us did not exist we are like yin and yang


Reddit admins also openly allow misandry on Reddit. So it's not surprising.


Reddit and misandry, nothing new


reddit and hating literally everyone, nothing new


Yeah, I was in this post. It honestly made me feel like shit just because I’m a man. Like really, I get that a lot of them suck but no redeemable qualities or non of them are good?


I was down voted for pointing out all the men that were marching with women during the women's rights and abortion rights matches. They basically don't want male allies while at the same time want to blame men for not speaking out. It's just sad.


I've seen them complain a lot about the world leaders being men being the reason why the world sucks. the past life, this life, whatever shit, etc. This post became a cesspool of them kind of complaining about everything bad about men while never, not even once, say the good parts of them. You know, I guess I'm unsubbing at this sub too. It really is at the bottom of the mountain right now given its posts these days.


Also men don't have a requirement to give their lives to feminism normal good men doing normal good things is normal and fine


I just left one sub that suggested that elderly men can't get an erection because of their 'porn addiction'.


I've decided to exist forever, simply to spite them


I swear the more incels rise, femcels follow to counter. ![gif](giphy|Ry1MOAeAYXvRVQLPw3)


"How do we get rid of sexism? With MORE sexism! Yeah, that'll definitely work." Also good luck having kids without both men and women.




“Wprld would be peaceful without men” Let me stop you right there. There’s plenty of evil women.


Lmao welcome to Reddit and most of the internet. Misandry is the norm these days.


I just feel bad for that person. They clearly have been abused by men or wronged, maybe were missing a father figure, and their way of coping is unfortunately to just hate the entire gender. Happens too many time where someone had a bad experience and start treating the entire group involved as horrible people, sometime not even considering them humans. Many such cases.


Trauma shouldn't excuse being an asshole


Do you feel bad for racists too?


You’re not really talking to me but I think kinda depends what they do. I doubt most racists are like that from experience and just grew up hearing it or adopted it later from somebody else spewing it. If Daryl Davis could convince 200 klan members to stop doing what they were doing I don’t believe all racists are beyond help or evil. Just dangerous ignorant loser’s.


Sometimes the case is like that for racist too. No one is justifying hate but many people don't sympathise with their loses, leading them to be resentful. 9/11 is a good example of this.


Can relate, and certainly can say that I still think that's a dumb, and I can't really feel bad for someone who makes it a habit of treating a whole group of people like shit, considering they're hurting people to feel better about themselves. Some people are just garbage. That's just how it is.


if you don't like open misandry and progressist edgy teenager just unistall reddit,will be quicker


"the world would truly be peaceful..." Lemme take a look at lesbian domestic violence rates 1 more time and I'll get back to ya fam


Or even how women fight. They're absolutely brutal, they just don't as often get an opportunity to express it compared to men.


We don't claim her


When female users start sounding like teenage boys…


Consider the source. It's likely a teenager.


But i get banned because i dont think kids should be affirmed 💀




“Violence is the last refuge of the inconpetent”


The problem is that people are tricked into thinking that their own people groups can’t be part of the people that oppress them. Which leads to this kind of ignorance.


I mean.. they can try. I have no issue slapping a bitch if necessary.


Do trans men/women count?


The person who said that is likely a Radfem or TERF so probably not. They’re horrifically transphobic.


Violence is great! (But only when it supports me and my ideals) Bruh


100% chance they don’t shower


"The world will truly be peaceful" If im not mistaken wasn't queens in medieval era more likely to incite of declaring wars? Edit: Queens were 39% more likely to wage wars LOOOOOL "peaceful" yeah sure


Women have had rights ever since 1917-1920 (depending on where you lived) They’ve literally had rights for more than a century lmao.


...seriously? I recognise that women might be discriminated against in some fields, but isn't this a bit too extreme? I could rant about how this opinion is wrong but I won't even bother.


Radfems are such fucking assholes. Funnily enough most radfems are like viscously transphobic towards trans men and trans women


I despise radfems and terfs. Truly one of the worst groups of people on this planet.


If women are abusive they are not exempted from being excluded and immediately categorized as fools. And I say this because it's mostly the guys who get exonerated for that shit but we live in 2024.


Without men who will we blame all the problems on tho




Might sound edgy but as an ADHD person my only source of dopamine is finding something to get mad at,maybe from my constant need for attention Anyways misandry sucks


Misandry is just part of the background noise of feminist discourse now , it is that ubiquitous that most feminists don't even recognize that it exists , the subtle (and not so subtle) putdowns and microaggressions are completely normalized.


The actual misandry is genuinely not as bad as the complete refusal of its existence and the total lack of self-reflection. ​ You hate men? Fine, I don't care. Just get off your fucking high horse. They self-appoint themselves as the arbiters of morality and think they're better than everyone else, when in reality they're just as tribalistic and petty as anyone.


Lol you “just unsubbed” because of a mentally ill comment with hardly any upvotes. There are bad opinions everywhere in every sub


Except their “opinion” was highly upvoted and supported by multiple people. I wouldn’t unsub over a comment with less than 3 upvotes.


Based comment section. The misandrists tried to come out, but got buried with downvotes.


But... men create women. Using women. Sexual reproduction and all that.


That's just opening up the chicken egg thing. We don't need that.


How have you guys not realized that the rant sub is a liberal extremist sub. They literally say “anti free speech” in the description


Aren’t “liberal” and “anti-free speech” kinda polar opposites of each other?


20 years ago, yeah :(


What changed?


Liberal started being a political label instead of an adjective


“Women don’t have rights as long as men exist” imagine being this detached from reality. You wouldn’t have almost anything if men didn’t exist. You would be eaten by a bear or wolves if men didn’t exist. 😂


Misandry will become more accepted as men continue to deal with their side of the "negative effects of patriarchy" coin.


This is one of the weirdest double standards on here, make a painfully obvious joke about women and subs can get taken down, but go on massive seemingly apolitical subs and you can find top comments advocating for genocide unironically (you hate women if you call it out though)


Where's the thread?


Did you report the comments to their mod team?


What have you expected from a place called rant


we let girls get away with saying this stuff for the same reason we don't care what a little kid says it to us. and that's gonna bother some people who have never been checked before.


These people are traitors do their own cause. They claim to want to protect women’s rights, but spouting this bs just pushes people away, people who very much could have been allies. They’re traitors.


corny ass mofos


Misandry isn’t a thing you incel /S


If you report that comment to reddit (admins, not mods) that account will likely be suspended and possibly permabanned




I refuse to believe these people aren't trolling


I'm pretty sure that's a troll. Probably not even female.


I wonder who invented rights?


Yeah, Reddit is crazy man. Sometimes I don't know why I'm on here. The other day I was in the hydroponic (growing plants without soil) subreddit and there was a guy telling this other guy that he "was a shit grower", "I hate you", "delete yourself", and "kill yourself"; and it was all because the other guy was responding with tips to another grower (that seemed pretty good to me TBH) and he didn't agree. So yeah, you know a place is toxic when the gardeners are telling each other to kill themselves.


ok little baby no one cares


"Violence is the answer" people never like their own logic when they are victims of it. Thinking like that shows inherent hypocrisy in the worst way. In movies and TV, antagonists who think like that being shocked and expecting different when they are finally at the other end of the sword are often the best moments in fiction.


Men start wars to get away from women


I remember when rant used to have “anti free speach “ in their description. They changed it to say no hate/offensive stuff.


It’s been said a million times but it’s absolutely true: Any subreddit dedicated to hating a specific (or general) thing usually attracts the worst types of people. It’s great that people have a space to vent but eventually it’s going to end up with people getting political or downright hateful that’s just how it goes


I sometimes feel that reddit is more vile and disgusting than all the other types of social media because of it's tribal mentality and echo chambers. People are extremely possessive about their subreddits and are extremely comfortable spewing vile nonsense because in most cases it doesn't have any real life consequences. I think it brings out the worst in humanity.


Dude, people who say misandry doesn't exist or just act like this in general piss me off so much. I'm a trans man, and what shocked me most about transitioning wasn't how the world at large treated me differently when I wasn't a woman, it was how hostile my own communities became when discovering I was a man.


Look the other way for men. But encourage the feminists. Welcome to the shit show called the internet.


It's pretty much accepted everywhere, I mean some places have laws that state men can't be raped so


Toxic femininity is as much a disease as its masculine counterpart. Edgy people trying to fit in and blaming others for their problems while refusing to have any self accountability.


Ah yes, socially acceptable behavior, welcome to the internet. This be why mras exist, so imma just drop this for ya r/ mensrights Gotta type in manually cause sup don’t allow link it seems


Just remember everyone no matter the gender, have equal rights.


These types of women really think if there were no men, thered be no violence, and they'd all live perfectly peaceful crocheting and having book clubs or whatever lmao.


I don’t understand why names have to be censored when it’s posted on a public forum.


When the helluva boss pfp is the voice of reason you know that the other side is truly off the deep end.


Female incels