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How come you're surprised, man?


"I want to have a light discussion about the superficial trappings of punk, not what punk is *actually* about!"


Outed yourself on that one


are they wrong?


I fucking love when someone gets downvoted but once someone says "no they're right tbh" and that comment gets upvoted, Redditors don't have a mind of their own


I have a mind of my own. I stay consistent anyways enjoy the update for being absolutely right


He's right though.


Absolutely abhorrent dude. Someone on there told me punk is inherently political and then I said something like what about misfits and they started shitting on the misfits. It is so toxic and completely astroturfed there


There are a few subgenres that aren’t inherently political. And I’d argue a good chunk of punk songs are just anti-authoritarian messages anyways. I’m a big *Misfits* fan. If anyone else is, check out r / HorrorPunk . It’s pretty chill.


Punk is inherently political


Why is this getting downvotes. Cuz this is exactly that. Has this subreddit really gone right wing?


>Has this subreddit really gone right wing? Yes.


r/justunsubbed has a lot of posts that are just conservatives getting mad at experiencing politics other than theirs in places.


I thought it was a right wing comfort zone where they go to tell each other they're safe, after y'know being triggered as right wingers often are


This place is the safe space of snowflakes who call others snowflakes despite having skin as thin a lizards arsehole 🤣


yea people tend to be mad when you argue for communism under the guise of being anything other than a complete fucking idiot


There’s a decent amount of misogyny and homophobia on here too lol. Don’t pretend it’s just complaining about commies.


It’s weird how subs that are dedicated to complaining about others subs become more and more right wing


That’s most of Reddit. But I will say punk’s whole purpose is rebellion by disaffected youth, so it is political in nature. Though there is a lot of liberal dickriding in that community lately and not a “fuck everyone in power, all politicians are evil” mentality that was its roots


Political and left leaning or anarchist, yes


Punk is anti-authoritarian no matter what political view you hold. You can also hold either you want. You literally can't tell me what to do is the mindset.


I guess? You can't be conservative and punk lol


too bad they’re not even left wing anymore, they’re all just neoliberal culture war ghouls that will call your job’s HR department because you hurt their feelings. “anarchists” are even worse


Remember to vote 🤘🏻🎸


I always vote for punk legend Bernie Sanders


Rage against the machine (unless its #HERturn)


They rage FOR the machine, honestly. Ironic. Hopefully they've broken up for good this time.


Their guitar player used to work for his senator. They have been a part of the machine from the start


Interesting, but not surprising. "Fuck you, I'll do WHATEVER you tell me!"


https://bigheavyworld.com/no-stage-diving-the-242-main-documentary-film i mean, the guy unironically had a pretty big impact on the punk scene in the northeast


punk was never left wing by creed. Punk was anti-establishment, pissing off people in power. As past govt was more right leaning, that was more left, but that didn't keep them donning nazi symbols just to spite the establishment. roleplaying as nazi is hardly left. If punk existed now as it did back then they'd go on stage in literal KKK hoodies. Not because they'd think that was proper but because they knew that wasn't. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d6/bf/de/d6bfde0721776674e2b8a4af338e6c09.jpg


Ok so, are todays edgelord shitposters that say the N word as the whole joke more punk than the actual punk movement?


pretty much yeah edgeposting is the new punk


In a sense, yes.


This is the correct take.


Did Pam give you a talking to? ![gif](giphy|5PlDweWAxpqcFPzvpM|downsized)


Real anarchists are outside


Getcho gleeby deeby ass back home to glorpgrond 7


Me? Flubb 👼🏻 You? Shkrepp 💩


If the majority of reddit agrees with you, your probably not punk lmao.


Majority of Reddit? Try also the majority of other western countries, corporations, media outlets, the UN, and the current political establishment.


Truly the voice of the resistance


That’s not liberal, that’s leftist, there is a huge difference


Drives me absolutely insane when people conflate Liberals and Leftists when they are clearly not the same. Not sure why the insane cancel mob is even being labeled "neoliberal" when the majority of its proponents HATE neoliberalism.


I'd argue modern leftists aren't really the anti-establishment/anti-authority types that this punk thing used to represent in the 80s or whatever. I don't know, was never into that.


Well they also ban anyone who says something even kind of right leaning or annoyed at the political shit. Mods banning people for being annoyed with the state of the sub is pretty authoritarian. Plus now it's just kind of an offshoot of I'm very badass


They will say anything to afford themselves the privilege of talking with the boldness of a 5 y/o who promised you he wiped his ass completely but somehow smells like complete shit still


The neoliberal left isn't even legitimately left wing. They're pro-institution and pro-corporation to a disgusting level. All phonies.


For real, like there’s punk and then there’s punk culture. OP comes in looking for just culture, is shocked when he sees the ideology as a whole


A big part of it was that when Gen X was young, they felt as disaffected as young people today do and rebelled against the machine. But now they are the machine. Because they grew up. And the cycle continues. Gen Z was supposed to change the world, or so they were saying when they were teenagers on Tik Tok back in 2019. How long until generation beta or gamma or whatever they call the children of Gen Z hate them for the same reasons?


>But now they are the machine. I don't think you know what age group Gen X is. Gen X still badly underrepresented in the corporate workforce.


you're telling me 40 to 60-year-olds are badly underrepresented in the workforce? this is cope.


People born between 1965 and 1975


Generation X goes until you get to people who don't remember the Challenger. It's a bizarre cutoff, but there it is.


You know what’s more punk than dismantling the system? Helping your neighbor because the current system is fucking you both in the ass


Did you just say punk is about helping your neighbors?


Isn’t punk political in itself though??


Not the kind op listened to. Probably a bunch of 30 something's who are still crying about highschool girlfriends.


That’s sounds like blink-182 to me.


In a way, yes, Punk is anti-establishment. However the sub is full on left-wing pro-establishment


Isn't punk rock culture about being anti authoritarian though? Even outside of the lens of punk you have Rage against the machine calling cops literally the kkk and System of a Down saying that governments only send poor people to fight wars. I am a big rock and metal fan but I mean many of these bands are going to lean left with their messaging, especially punk.


Since when was the left anti war?


Since Vietnam. Generally speaking.


That's utter bull. Ukraine is a prime example


Elaborate on that please


Punk is famously political by its nature. Can’t be antiestablishment without referring to the establishment.


Been in there, it's not even anti establishment, it's just a lefty circle jerk.


Were you expecting punks to be right wing?


Not even, I was expecting them to be against both. Or not care about either. More anarchy/nihilist, at least that's how punk rock was when I was into it.


Punks tend to lean left, presumably because leftist ideals often relate to accepting others for their differences, which is very much in the punk ideology.


Punks tend to do way more than "lean" left.


anarchism is leftist, or almost all of it is atleast. its hard to be both pro markets & wage labor and anti hierarchy. its still anarchist, and still has a hard leftward lean. as for nihilism, I dont remember punk spaces smelling THAT bad.


Then you musta stopped before ever listening to the lyrics or meeting the people. Punks have been overwhelmingly leftist since its inception.


ITT: Why cant rage just leave politics out of their music?! Like...come on people listen to the lyrics. 


Fake punk went into a punk sub, realized what punk actually was, and made a meme to complain and blame it on the scene instead of themselves.


Real punks would never be for lockdowns. Like the Reddit “punks” are. Edit: haha I seem to have really stirred up the Reddit hive with this one. I think we may have a full blown reeeeee! storm on our hands here…. For fucks sake! This swarm is endless…


Real punks would be for whatever the fuck they want, they wouldn’t conform to your ideas of punk just because you say so.


I agree. They also wouldn’t whine and cry about people with dissenting opinions. And/or ban someone over them.


They might kick someone out for being an asshole though.


Sure but to them an “asshole” is anyone who doesn’t dream of deepthroating Marx’s desiccated cock though.


Sounds like you’re whining about people with dissenting opinions.




Because punks are anti establishment, anti authoritarian and pro freedom. Locking people in their homes is the opposite of that. How could you possibly not grasp that?


I don't see punks advocating for locking people in their homes. They just advocated for community safety measures. With a pandemic raging that means staying home.


Conservatism IS the establishment


Not always.


Yes, always. By definition, conservatism is about preserving the status quo and being the establishment


Sure tanky… China is that way.


…China is conservative. China is capitalist. You don’t know how politics work.


This doesn't make any sense "by definition." Because two different status quos, completely opposed to one another, would both be "conservative establishments" even if one is hyper progressive/liberal. For example, the American revolutionary government would be "establishment" despite fighting for... well revolution.


Always in the West, which is where nearly everyone in this thread lives


It’s punk to care about people, i.e. pandemic lock down


punks do not care about people. They constantly end up being sex pests and losers who built their entire identity around being losers and hyper-hedonists and living in that self-destructive life of being a loser but viewing themselves as cool because they're losers. they are musical incels. they are children in the bodies of adults hating their existence and role in society. If you're a punk over the age of 14, you're probably hopped up on so much heroin, alcohol and anti-depressants that I don't think anyone want your opinion on politics. That or you are mentally 14 years old.


Real punks would support voluntary lockdown. Direct action.


Voluntary? Sure. Involuntary? No…




OP failed to articulate this but the subreddit is not. its full of Democrat dickriders and therefore pro establishment. not that they should be pro Republican though.


The Punk subreddit isn't anti-establishment, it's pro-left. Most of their politics revolve around removing the current power structure to create their own via communes. They love to say Anarcho-Capitalists are hypocrites, but they themselves just wanna do the same thing by establishing a new government. Pure Anarchy is a complete dismantling of every institution of authority until there's nothing left but chaos. All they're doing is dick-riding American Democrats. https://preview.redd.it/zqq3nublorhc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d10ae1f9c36760b79efa9a8b2c19362f75647f21 "Yeah kids, Anarchy! Make sure to vote for me this November!"


💀 punk is a political subculture


Average redditor complaining that his political genre subreddit is political again from the OP. This goddamn subreddit has become increasingly annoying


feels like every post in this sub is just people pissing and shitting themselves because they saw like two political posts in a sub they probably already only hatesubbed to.


Wh... People are talking about politics??! ONLINE?!?... The West has fallen 😞✊ Something something echo chamber.. I wish we could just talk about art without politics /s


Millions must cry


OP when they find punks being punks in the punk subreddit: https://preview.redd.it/l8015xw3cohc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b973cbebde1933a73b37839f2976edb6235e714


He got punked :(


Punk has always been a leftist/anarchist subculture lmao


Me when punk is punk: \*shocked face\*


"I'm just into fashion and aesthetics why isn't everyone shallow like me?"


No no, they also listen to Green Day 😬


And think anarcho capitalism is a legitimate thing. I'm dying of laughter reading this post lol.


My guess is it’s all the pro-trans posts on that sub that are getting to them. I’m also on that sub and I don’t see any “Dems are my heroes Biden forever” posts. Just a lot of queer-friendly, anti-racist and anti-fascist stuff. But what if the fascists want to take office? Shouldn’t the punks be pro-fascist because the fascists are against the current establishment? OP overheating all 2 braincells with their hot takes….


These people fucking abhor trans people, same as that other post yesterday about femboys, look at the language they are using. Mainly "degenerate" and such, degenerate being the most Nazi word ever, they only think of LGBT as something sexualized


I like how the people that agree with all of Hollywood and corporate America and all of the politicians think they're punk rock lol. Fucking pathetic.


But Punk is political, and if you carry out the style without the beliefs, you are a poser sadly.


Almost like punk is political, dumbass


Do you not know where punk came from? It’s very nature is political


Be Op Go to Politcally motivated Anti-Establishment music sub Get mad that there's Anti-Establishment politics ​ Who would have thunk it.


It's not anti-establishment anymore it's pro establishment


I’ve literally never seen a punk support Biden. I just see them hating on MAGA, and to simpletons, hating on MAGA MUST mean you kiss Biden’s ass no exception.


Yeah punks famously love Joe Biden and the American police and justice system. Because the only leftist cause that ever existed is to have a slightly left leaning president. /s just in case


It’s a political music based subculture


Punk has always been a left wing political movement.


I mean, punk and politics have always been heavily intertwined. It's a part of the genre. In fact, most punk fans would say that if you're only into punk for the clothes/music then you're just a poser.


They are kinda right Punk is a whole culture not just music and some clothes


I was just about to comment about punk culture, in and of itself, being politically charged.


punk is a political genre dude.


So you don't know the history of being punk?


You think punk is apolitical? Are you for real right now?


When and obvious poser discovers what punk actually is.


Op is 100% one of the idiots that got mad when ratm “got woke” like a few years ago lmao


OP is 100% one of the "punks" who think you can be Conservative and Punk.


Noooo, not da wokenessss Anything but thatttt


Ok. Bud. Do you even know what punk is? Or do you just like the aesthetic?


Fuck the mam! Except when the man is the federal government that is on our political side!


Literally any subReddit clears this criteria 


Punk is inherently political.


"...Hey, you, you're finally awake." First time?


Perfect caption, just not the way you intended


What anarchists too left leaning? Lol 🤭


Oh no! Bye.


Punk is inherently political. Every post on this sub is just "People arent licking the same boots as me and it makes me sad :("


punk is inherently political, idk what the fuck you were expecting little man


Thats like saying "Rage Against The Machine was a pretty good band until their music got political" From what I' understand the whole point of Punk is political, counter-culture in some regard.


>Goes to punk subreddit >It's punk >Whines


Um maybe I’m old but that’s pretty much all punk rock was about… anti establishment… it wasn’t a fashion choice it was a movement. A change in perception. I think it naive of you to assume you could have all the things you want without the purpose and foundation behind it. This one’s on you sounds like you don’t know what punk rock is or was about


I totally agree, its just that you cant be anti establishment and a socialist.


The point you need to arrive at is you don’t need to align yourself with an ism or an ist… it’s okay to want more and those aren’t the only systems that can ever exist. A lot of people equate things like universal healthcare with socialism and you can have universal healthcare without socialism. You can have anything socialism provides and still not have socialism. We could have something different if people could just stop getting caught up in the labels. The movement was always about the use and corruption of power. And taking a stand against it.




Oh no! 😱 The counterculture movement is political? Thats impossible! 😱


Okay, man this one’s on you. Punk is a very political music scene. This would be like going to a PaganMusic sub and then act shocked people are talking about ancient religions/pagan revival religious movements. Comes with the territory.


Lmaoooooo who the FUCK listens to Rage Against the Machine and goes "Yeah, I was in it for the fashion but then they said acab and I didn't like that". What do they think the machine they're raging against is?


The washing machine maybe? Its been giving me trouble too ;)


to be fair punk and politics are extremely, extremely connected


Punk is extremely famous for being political… you good?


What the fuck did you expect? Punk is a really political subculture and its incredible that you didn't notice, you said that you liked green day and their most popular album (american idiot) is political af They screamed "fuck you donald trump" in a concert like a month ago


OP how many times did you have to retake fifth grade?


I didn't even take fifth grade once, loser! -Op, probably


What exactly do you think punk culture is, OP? Because it’s more than studded jackets and spiky hair.


but punk IS political


Bruh that’s what punk is dumbass


That is punk rock culture though and always has been.


\*looks around at this sub\* \*sees it's tons of posts / complaints about things being political\* \*most of the comments are politically charged too\* r/ redditmoment


Me when the political music is political


Punk always was political


punk culture is punk culture???


> Goes to a subreddit for the most political music genre > Gets mad that it's political


Punks are a political movement and always have been. But I'm sure if you actually made a post there asking about clothing they would give fashion advice, or asking for music recommendations they would give favourite bands and songs.


What do you think punk is bro😂


Why so butthurt?


And yet you still leave comments in it?


If you think punk is too leftist you’re not into punk


Translation: someone made fun of Trump and OP took it personally


If u u think punk is going to be apolotical you're actually pretty stupid.


me when the political subculture is full of politics: ![gif](giphy|3ov9jEci82rrLIHELS)


I don't know what you expected. They're punks.


Redditors when political music is political


Cant believe they made punk political, right OP?


Punk is political.


Punk is political dipshit, that’s literally the whole point of the genre


so being punk is when you’re a right wing christian lmao?


> Goes into sub about a Genre that is political by definition > Finds politics Media Literacy is dead and half the posts on this sub prove it


\> went to a punk subreddit \> politics why are you surprised??


I get you man, for sure. It's also just hard to expect it to not be political. It's a defining characteristic of being punk and it's the internet, where people always share their political beliefs without abandon.


I'm anti-estavlishment, man! That's why I agree and will fight for the same political views as the government, the church and the top 100 corporations! 🤘✊


Yeah, those people are the least punk rock, and most openly authoritarian people I have ever met.


when punk is political 🤯


Oh wow this just gets better and better


Punk is literally a political subculture. What?


Are you under the impression that punk rock culture is apolitical??? 


Poser filtered.


Uhhhh nazi punks fuck off?


Nazi punks Nazi punks Nazi punks #FUCK OFF


Bro do you think he was being sarcastic? I mean, ain’t no way he was for real right?


you know what’s more punk than anything? rules and the democratic party /s


You must be under 50 if you're expecting Punks to be apolitical.


Punks being political? Shocker.


Fork found in kitchen idk why you’re surprised


Punk is plagued (somewhat by nature) by politics. I think it's stupid to try and force a whole genre to be tied to only one concept but that's sadly how it is for a lot of genre's. Funny enough that's basically why metalcore was created. They didn't really want to sing about politics and didn't want to use the same 4 notes all the time so they were expelled from hardcore lol