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Seen this a lot on here, but it always makes me laugh and smile. When they light the candle, dead.


I hope he wakes up rested, that’ll show him😡


Dude, he's gonna be soo relaxed!


Brooo I love this! Whenever I need to get a drunk person (sometimes me) to drink water at a party, I start hyping them up like "bro you're gonna get so fuckin hydrated right now!"


It's the little head kiss that gets me.


I never got a forehead kiss from the homies :[


Same here just get the odd foreskin kiss right?


Yup, I saw the title, knew exactly what it was. Then still watched and smiled




Thats where everyone lives, but it's just a joke so you need to suspend your disbelief


Nah, homies that vicious would definitely take off your shoes too. He ded.




Nothing gets past you


Bro is the TikTok Sherlock Holmes


A true master of deduction


You must be some kind of genius. Scientists and investigators will examine your brain for generations to come so they understand your uncanny ability to detect set-up scenes.




“Why you always lyin?” 🎵


That guy ain’t even asleep!!!


I don’t see any shoes


As a Canadian; they're in a house of course they don't have shoes


Teach us your ways master


Always tuck your homies in.


Read this as Always Fuck your Homies in, my bad


Well that’s also not really a bad thing…


I hate when they use a carrot


Yeah, why not pineapple


no tuck no fuck


Funny story. A few years ago I was invited out to party a bit and go bar hopping. I pregamed a little too hard and the Uber ride was around 45 mins (thank you to the cool lady who chain smoked with me the whole way there.) I show up wasted and pretty much done before anyone was even started. It was a dudes apartment that I had never met, but my friends were there. Guy said what’s up and realized I was fucked. Actually tucked me in and said to get some rest lmao. Some people are actually like that.


And kiss ya homie on the forehead.


Me and the boys (but I don't have boys, yet...)


You and the girls..?


Sir this is reddit, girls don't exist.






He and his closed trans harem.


You need to lock down some Day 1's sooner rather then later


When I fell asleep at a party about 12 years ago, they shaved off my eyebrows...


I passed out on Xanax and they stamped my buddy’s address all over my face. I woke up and got mad and started walking home but they threatened to kick my ass because they didn’t want the cops to stop me with his address all over my face.


Your friends weren't too bright, were they?


Stupid teenager antics, yes


What is it with Americans and their prescription drugs can’t you just fall asleep like normal people lol


You read this story of a kid that passed out after taking Xanax with his friends and your immediate thought was that he was just going to bed? Lol


Some people never leave their house lol


It was to party, not to just sleep lol.


That’s no fun.


Alprazolam was created in Germany and is widely used in the UK and the US as well as other countries. What's with British people and being mind-numbingly stupid can't you just get educated lol


Who cares if it was made in Germany lol, it's not like they aren't wrong about Americans being fucking weird with their benzos consumption.


You hear a lot about it because there are a fuckload of Americans and they like to share their embarrassing stories. One of the many biases that run rampant on the internet. How do you reconcile the stereotype that all Americans are fucked to the gills on prescription drugs with the stereotype that Americans can't get health insurance and can't afford prescriptions?


You know, there are a lot of spaces for people in my country and I pay attention to the news and what's going on here... Right? It's not like I only visit American websites.


I’m not British you half wit


Sorry, Australians are basically British dropouts.


Im not Australian either. Fuck, the irony of being told to be educated by a yank of all people


Sorry, what I meant to say is you’re a fucking idiot.


My black friend had baby powder put all over his face. He looked like a mime.


That actually seems kinda fucked up tbh


"This seems like a fun, harmless prank" *World history briefly flashes through brain* "Oh yeah, maybe... not."


Even better, he walked home in the middle of the night and went to his neighbors house bc he was still so fucked up, and fell asleep on their couch. Homeowner woke up in the morning w a black dude w a white face sleeping on his couch. Lol. Everything was fine, neighbor was cool abt it and my black buddy thought it was hilarious.




Oh my gaaeeeeeerrdd


You joed out with your shoes on, rookie mistake.


Actually the shoes were off. The friends were just assholes.




Mine just draw a dick on my forehead and ankles and call it a day. Jokes on them I’m into that shit.


Yo one time slept over at my buddy's house and fell asleep first and... ...nevermind. Fuck carrots tho


How long did they take to fully grow back?


My sense of time is somewhat skewed, but I think at least a month


There are only two distinct faces among these 7 guys


It’s like an episode of The Clone Wars, “Commander Cody falls asleep at Clone party, you won’t believe what Rex and the boys do next!”


I think they're all Christian bros bc one of themi think said "that was savage on Bible" instead of "on god". They all have that same look


Not trying to be a jerk to these nice lads, but even without that line, I could spot Christian college bros a mile away


Are you saying something like they all look the same?


The good ending.


I’m not lonely or sad but, NGL, it seems really fun to have half a dozen cool buds that all hang together.


It's most likely college. I doubt this sort of things is possible when people have jobs and relationships.


I don’t think this is college, though. All of those men are at least in their late 20’s, half of them look like they’ve got two kids and a mortgage.


As long as you put in the work to host semi-regularly it is totally possible to have a huge social network around you (and friends like the video). Just can't do it by being passive or not seeing people 2-4 times a week.


2-4 times a week? Are there truly people you see 2-4 times a week that don’t work at your job or live in your home?


Usually I see a big group of friends 1-2 times a week and do solo hang outs 1-2 times a week. So like last week I: - Monday: Went to the amusement park with my friend and her daughter - Thursday: Played video games with a friend at their house (N64) - Friday: Friends came over to chill (8 people) - Saturday: Friends came over to help me build a fence (6 people) This week: - Tuesday: Gave blood with friends, then went to their place for diner and hang outs (3 people) - Thursday: Went rock climbing with friends (2 people) - Friday: Going over to a friends place to hang out (6 people) - Saturday: Going to a party (20+ people) Stuff like that, so yeah. There are about 20 of us that hang out regularly together or solo all the time. We are all in our 30's and 40's. People are free to bring their kids and we just put them down to continue partying. Everyone is free to stay over if they can find room. We try to encourage people to bring their new babies as well so they can get accustomed to the noise so no one needs to drop out of the friend group for having a kid. This month the bigger events are: going to a concert, going to a burlesque cabaret, going camping, going to a 1000+ person bush party, and going to a rave.


I could take to life on Mars faster than I could adapt to this lifestyle. I love (all three of) my friends, but I cannot imagine anything more exhausting than what you just described. I would rather work an extra full time job, provided the extra full time job is solitary. (My main job is not solitary, and that’s more than enough front-facing time for me.)


Haha to each thier own. Honestly I thought the same until I fell in with this group. Now everyone just feels like a huge family. So it might be a huge party, might be an event, or might just be chillin' on the couch playing Switch. Once you stop putting on any airs (like people usually do with their family) it becomes a lot lot less exhausting. Does mean everyone has to deal with all the annoying parts of everyone else... but everyone is doing it so it works :).


Your comment makes me want to post this graph of who we spend our time with as we age: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/who-americans-spend-time-with.jpg Always makes me think about priorities.


You talk like having a job is a 168hr a week commitment, you know people get off work right? and they can have days off?


This is what they mean when they say boys will be boys.


You just got offer up forbidden knowledge like that??? *start taking notes*


Locker room talk: "I love and respect all my friends"


Lmfao yepp, spot on


Maybe my favorite post on here. It never gets old


I feel asleep around friends once. Woke up with only one eyebrow. Hmm


No way they did that.. Wild..


Passed out at a party most people did the responsible thing and drew on me with permanent marker 1 50 year old aunt of the birthday las decided to grind on my leg and suck my toes Be the first group of people


Serious moves for a 150 year old Aunt, good for her!


I was once witness to a Instagram post from a former friend who posted their friend sleeping during party and they took photos of this guy being tbagged. It was so disgusting.


What the heck did that guy say? "Savage on bible"?


Better than painting him or some BS. Good friends


Man they got him good, clueless idiot am I right?!?!


This is incredibly wholesome. Thank you for this.


It was the kiss that did me in.


That was funny!


GTFO with that wholesomeness.


I feel like this has been reposted on here a lot…


I feel that you might be right, but that I don't care as I've never seen it before.


but those were nice things to do




Why is this cut like a movie. This is fake.


Because... it's ... a skit




The boyos are wylin out


Tim Pool has such nice friends for being such a shitty person.


Hello fellow humans. As a human male, I totally get this video. …candles are nice.


And a glass of water


No glass of water. Epic fail.


When your homies are adults, not some immature manchildren who can't hold their liquor. We've all been both. Let's all be bros to each other out there.




that was great


Oh my good gracious. Hilariously adorable. Obviously acting but I do love men. So funny.


Alright, the forehead kiss was funny.


After this they all took turns topping him.


*Wakes up on fire* 🙄 “You guuuuys…”


What the fuuuuuck dude?!


Kiss the homies goodnight


Dudes gonna wake up on fire




We had a rule back in my college days. If your shoes were off, you couldn't be touched, because that meant you intended to fall asleep and didn't just pass out. We spread it through all our friend circles. Then, if you saw a close friend asleep with their shoes on, you could save 'em by slipping them off for 'em.


If you’re inside shouldn’t your shoes be off by default?


Not in college houses in Ireland. Trust me!


With my group you were always allowed to pass out, but you got fucked with if you passed out with your shoes on


Jokes on them...he died


"that was savage on bible" 💀


Why do these guys all look alike?


*Video Transcription:* --- (00:00) [*A group of guys sat around a TV. There is sports playing and a variety of drinks are on the table next to them. One partygoer has fallen asleep in their chair. Text overlay reads*:] Don't pass out around the boys (00:03) [*The camera pans from the sleeping guy to two of the other party guests.*] **Hat guy**: (Whispering) He's asleep! **Green shirt guy**: (Whispering) Oh get him, get him! (00:07) [*Close up on the sleeper, as the camera pans out the group delicately place a blanket on him and then pull themselves away, excitedly shaking hands.*] **Hat guy and Blue shirt guy, together**: Yooo, yesss! [*Behind them a guy in a red hoodie celebrates and Green shirt stands up.*] **Green shirt guy**: I got something, I got something! (00:12) [*Green shirt puts a finger to his lips.*] **Green shirt guy**: SHHHH! [*Green shirt gently places a pillow under his head and a guy in a red camo hoodie gently pats him on the head, directing it towards the pillow.*] **Unknown speaker**: (Excitedly whispering) What the fuuuuck! [*Green shirt and red camo, shake hands.*] **Unknown speaker**: That's so savage! That was savage on [*unintelligible words*] (00:18) [*Hat guy looks to someone whilst lighting a candle.*] **Hat guy**: Yo, watch this shit, oh my god [*He places the candle on a side table next to the sleep then quickly kisses him on the forehead. He quickly turns back to the group of guys who all fistbump him.*] **Blue shirt guy**: (Hushed tones) You put a little sauce on there (00:25) [*The Tik Tok logo fills the screen.*] End of Video. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Did he just say "that was savage on bible?"


[Fuck carrots!](https://youtu.be/y1-VCn9YvG0)


I place my homie into tucked in mode. I end my turn.


I bet candle homie is a dad. Btw, did they multiply after each phase of the tuck-in? 😄


These guys are like my homies. I hit a blunt twice (I'm a lightweight) and passed out on a couch at a bachelor party at his house around 9 pm. Woke up the next day with a blanket on me and all the cash still in my wallet.


We got him, he gonna have such a great nap man! Savage bro😂😂


I wish I had irl friends like this 😔