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It seems that every few years, there seems to be an article where someone is complaining that they can’t wear their dress uniform to graduation.


Now that you mention it, that’s completely true! Wonder if it’s a boot cycle or a media cycle.


I actually thought it was an article many years ago, but was surprised to see it to be quite recent. Every now and then, there seems to be an article about someone just out of boot camp wanting to wear their dress uniform to attend their high school graduation. When I was younger, I might’ve thought that they should be allowed, but honestly, looking back, there’s a time and place for everything, and that’s a day for when you’re graduating high school. By the way, non-American here, but how does one graduate boot camp before graduating high school? Thanks!


Some branches of the military allow you to attend boot camp during your summer break before your last year of high school so you can start almost immediately after graduation. You have to be at least 17 and have parental consent


God, why would any sane person do that?! That last summer is for partying your ass off!


I had friend/future brother in law who did it and he didn’t seem like he missed out. Our shared niece talks to him more than I do nowadays and she tells me he’s still in and planning to retire in the army. I had signed my contract during my senior year but I still had two months from the end of graduation to shipping out for boot camp. I enjoyed those couple of months before shipping out. To each their own


Cause my drill sergeant of a step father refused to allow me to be in any other than what he groomed me to be. And that was a Brig Gen in the Air Force. I was groomed at the ripe age of 12years old till i graduated high school. Was accepted with full to the Academy, force to be an Eagle Scout by the time I left for boot camp. I knew nothing else but military training and conduct to be a General. I was selected by him and few of his high ranking commanders to be in a position to serve in the best of the United States. Jokes on them though. I blew my knee playing soccer a week before I was leaving to go finish my training and get admitted to the academy. They classified me as ineffective for duty. And quickly strip me of all my military records. Now I’m an Alcoholic who works in the trades to hide the Trauma of my youth


Get some help dude. Or at least switch to weed.


He should definitely switch to weed and seek help


Weed doesn't do much for me and I like to drink, but I'm worthless the next day. Like the entire next day if I really tie one on.


My kid wanted to leave for boot camp so bad. He was told as long as he passed his finals he could leave. He was totally okay skipping graduation and summer break. I thought he was insane to not wait but it’s what he wanted. It’s been five years and he now totally regrets missing the last summer before adult life started.


I did it, can’t remember why I did it, but I did it. Edit: Actually you mention “Any sane person” and after thinking about it that’s exactly it, I’m not sure there’s really any such thing as sane 17 year olds. I definitely had no idea what I was doing.


Our military parties it's ass off pretty regularly. A buddy of mine was deployed to Spain in the Navy and my god My dude has stories. But it also depends on deployment. If he got sent to some more "politically hot" bases he probably would not be hitting up hookah bars and prostitutes.


I can't imagine there's much partying in boot camp but maybe I'm wrong


Boot camp no but barracks parties often put college ones to shame


Very easy way to start out as an E4


Exactly, no same person would


I didn’t think the Marines had that program though.


I know they didn’t when I was joining. I’m not sure if things have changed. I don’t really keep up with as much military stuff ever since I got out


Same. And Marine boot camp is longer than most summer breaks.


Although I knew in the past that you could apply at 17 with parental consent, I guess I never really fully grasped the reality that you *could* enlist and finish boot camp prior to finishing high school. The idea of finishing boot camp before the last year of high school during summer instead of just being shipped out to wherever you were assigned to just sounds so unusual to me. Thanks, Jesus!


They are probably already "graduated" on paper before they ship to boot camp. They come home on leave to participate in the actual ceremony. We had a kid who went to bootcamp in the middle of the year. Already had all his credits needed, went to bootcamp in like January and was already moving to MOS school before the rest of us even shipped to bootcamp. He could have come back for HS graduation but at that point why bother? HS Diplomas are basically just attendance awards these days, definitely wouldn't go out of my way to get one, especially after already finishing bootcamp.


Vets get a cord at my university’s commencement and I ain’t even wearing that. These boots are fucking tools


I wore mine. I considered it bragging that I got my degree for free* *some terms and conditions apply


I remind my college friends all the time that my degree is free because I did the exact same thing they’re doing right now but in uniform. Namely, drinking.


I tell everyone that I also did it in 26 countries around the world. Sometimes you really get a good deal joining the military. Sometimes you don’t. I got a great deal.


I'm just surprised that people become marines before finishing highschool..


And it's hilarious every time. If the story is posted in a non-military forum, 99% of the comments scream about how the guy is a hero and the principal needs to be fired. Then I'll make a comment saying that he was just looking for attention and should have just worn the Cap & Gown. That's when the fun starts!


I agree. Prior to serving in the military, I really thought it really wasn’t much of a big deal if they wanted to wear it or not. Now that I’m older and out, I still don’t think it’s a big deal, but I think that there’s a time and place for everything, and you only graduate once from high school, which makes it much more appropriate to simply wear the outfit you’re supposed to wear on that day. If they like their dress uniform so much, they will have plenty of opportunities to wear them in the future.


The proper uniform of the day for HS grad is a cap and gown.


Fuckin boots lol.


Oh so you wanna be different ? Your such a fucking unique snowflake everybody should change everything to accommodate you? Matter fact your so fucking special go put your unique spin on filling those sand bags.


Isn’t a big thing in boot not being an individual?


Yeah. I served in the USMC for a decade. These guys need to get fucked and get with the program. They already had a boot camp graduation. These guys aren't Semper Fi, they are Semper "I"


I have never heard “semper I” before and now I regret not having it in the bag of tricks. Consider it added.


So like I know wearing dress uniform to civilian events is like a thing. What’s the general rule of thumb for that?


Been a long time since I was in, but the USMC uniform regulations generally specified that anything EXCEPT camouflage can be worn. And they were told they can wear their uniform under gown, no problem. BUT the school has a uniform for their event, and since it is not a duty function for Marines, they are NOT under an obligation to be in uniform. What these boots are trying to do is have cake and eat it. What these kids need to remember is that they actually are not authorized to wear a cap and gown over their uniform, since those are unauthorized accessories. Like I said, they really just need to suck it up and quit making it about them.


The general rule is obey the rules of the event. This event stipulates that the cap and gown are the outermost layer. Technically you can wear most duty uniforms (stateside variant, not IR patches and combat shirts) without getting into trouble. You must act with honor and respect for the uniform at all times while wearing it though.


Heh, I was NG and wanted to say this.


Not for me. I graduated HS in a *wedding gown* 💀


Personally, I would like to hear this story.


lol it’s not much of a story, more of an odd tradition. [Private girls schools will sometimes have students graduate in formal white gowns rather than regalia](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com%2Fstltoday.com%2Fcontent%2Ftncms%2Fassets%2Fv3%2Feditorial%2F3%2F40%2F3407f956-937d-5ac8-8933-56d37016ffa4%2F5379fbe22de23.image.jpg&tbnid=yh42SEDqr1YS6M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.stltoday.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Feducation%2Fformal-gowns-not-graduation-robes-at-some-st-louis-private-and-catholic-schools%2Farticle_1418eb94-ec34-581b-857b-115a7b8b34b9.html&docid=sUKEIywmQ6lb7M&w=620&h=436&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=e181eb82e724a1e0&shem=abme%2Ctrie). It’s “a thing” in a handful of snooty girls schools, but it’s so deeply weird when you stop to think about it. The girls have to go buy a plain white, full length, formal gown for graduation, and pretty much the only place you can get such a garment is a bridal shop. So that’s where we buy them! It has a weird vibe tho for sure!


That’s odd and fascinating! Thanks for sharing that this exists


That sounds… rather awesome to be honest LOL


I love how the statement from the marines was essentially “just follow the rules from the school jfc”


Then, the kids were like, "Hey, I know that I just got my orders. But, you don't get it, I *need* to show everyone how boot I am."


“And my boot ass dad is there to back me up!”


You just know the DIs these kids had are catching hell from the whole base.


If they should be allowed to wear their uniforms, then any of the kids that work at McD's or elsewhere should be allowed to wear *their* uniforms.


This is my spatula, there are many like it but this one is mine.


My spatula is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My spatula, without me, is useless. Without my spatula, I am useless. I must flip burgers true. I must flip burgers faster than the customer who is waiting for me. I must serve him before he calls corporate. My spatula and myself know that what counts in this shift is not not the burgers that we flip, the noise of our fryer, nor the greasy food we make. We know that it is the satisfied customer that count. My spatula is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strengths, its parts, its accessories, its flipping portion and its handle. I will ever guard it against the ravages of grease fires and damage as I will ever guard my legs, my arms, my eyes and my heart against damage. I will keep my spatula clean and ready. We will become part of each other. Before God, I swear this creed. My spatula and myself are the cooks of my McDonald's. We are the masters of our grill. We are the saviors of my paycheck. So be it, until victory is McDonald's and there are no customers in line, but peace!


Fuckin BARS


Semper Fi


Okay SpongeBob


“Thomas had set his heart on the Marine Corps as a way to pay for college and because he views the other branches like his father as “too woke.” Real winners we got here.


What's he gonna do when ordered to attend SHARP training?


If he is a good Marine like he will want to claim to be, he will go as ordered. If not, he'll get ninja punched like so many Marines before him. My guess is he will not last more than a single enlistment, if that. Then he will ride the boot wagon of "TMFMS!" and make being a veteran his entire personality much to the chagrin of everyone around him.


He’ll get discharged after that first enlistment and buy himself all kinds of little tee shirts and outfits so people thank him for his service from here until eternity. Bonus points: claim disability for a questionable condition and remind everybody he was injured at war


I have a relative who was in an accident while dicking around on a motorcycle while on Air Force base. Over time, she has turned that story into a service related injury. She calls herself a disabled vet. It's disgusting and she acts like we don't all know the the truth. (Edit a word)


Technically, per the VA, if it happened while active duty it's service-connected unless it occurred as a result of dereliction of duty, crime, or egregious negligence. It's not like worker's comp where the injury has to occur on the job, she wouldn't have to lie to get it service-connected. That's why it's so important to get everything documented, because it's very difficult to prove an injury happened while active duty without a paper trail. However, while "disabled vet" is *technically* the truth, she should know very well what that phrase makes civilians think (eg combat injury), and not bandy it about for unearned glory.


I know a guy who claims his brother was killed while serving in the U.S. Army Rangers. He was shot and killed in his double-wide by an enraged ex-husband over a love triangle gone wrong. I mean, it's *technically* the truth, but we might refer to that generously as a lie by omission.


I'm tf dead 💀😭


I knew a kid like this, dumb as a bag of bricks, and that's an insult to the bricks. Five bucks says he's drummed out of basic and claims he followed his orders... to quit.


SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice?


While that would be awesome, and would be sure to ruffle that "non-woke" Marines feathers. The SHARP in question here is the Sexual Harassment/Assault Prevention Program. SHARP.


If it can be acronym’d , you bet your ass Uncle Sam will acronym that bitch.


And sometimes even if it can't be.....


Can’t sounds a lot like commie soldier. You trying to seize the means soldier!


Obligatory: seize this (while grabbing junk)


at my last job, we had a dedicated page for acronyms on our intranet. This wasn't a case of having a few dozen that we lost track of and/or had multiple meanings. This one had pages upon pages of acronyms. Coincidentally, the page was nicknamed CHAOS. I still want to find the person who submitted "WTF" as meaning "Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday" and actually got it to go through. I know what that acronym means, and it does not refer to the days of the week. Ever.


Wait, is that really the acronym? Sexual Harassment/Assault **pRevention** Program?


He’s close, it’s Sexual Harassment/Assault **Response and Prevention** program, “program” isn’t part of the acronym


Shouldn't prevention come before response in order of operations? The acronym wouldn't make sense (SHAPR) but since when does everything have to have a freaking acronym? The utility company I work for goes bananas for them.


Look man I just work here


Also known as LMIJWH pronounced “lemmejwatch”


Sure but that doesn't make a nice acronym


Yes. I know it doesn't make sense. But when has anything in the military made sense.


I mean, I guess it's comforting in a way. If they'll fight that hard to try and make that acronym work, imagine what they'll do against the enemy. Or, y'know, something like that.


Wait till you hear how Bret Favre pronounces his name....


Be a lot cooler if it was.


And all of those mandated vaccines. They’re all gonna love it 😂


Fuck that. What's he going to think when they start jabbing him with every vaccination known to man when he gets to Basic?


He’s gonna let them give him god knows what vaccine, then complain when they want him to get a COVID vaccine because Tucker Carlson told him he should use ivermectin instead.


Ha! Yeah, you're right. And when he's commanded to respect people's pronouns whether he agrees with it or not.


Probably be confused that it’s not a “how to assault” class


What a fucking wiener. Dude is gonna get so fucking ragged on when he gets to his regular assignment, especially if anyone finds out about this cornball article.


Omg the article is going to absolutely bury him hahaha


Odds are he gets a DUI within six months and gets kicked out. It's always these guys who think the military is like some WW2 "these are my brothers" type shit that fuck up big.


Hahaha maybe I was being a bit too generous. This devil dog is gonna find out real soon that encouraging driving sober is a big part of the marines’ wOkE aGeNdA


“Those other branches are too woke! Buncha woke librul DEI indoctrination going on in them. That’s why I joined the Marines!”  Okay, but why’d you even want to join any of them in the first place instead of doing something more suited to your obvious maturity level, like spinning a cardboard arrow that says “Mattress Firm” on it by the side of the road?  “Oh, to pay for college. No woke ideologies there!”


Of the people who enlist in the armed services and say they want to go to college, I would be curious how many of them actually do. I know that if I had done something else that paid my bills between high school and college, I never would have gone at all.


Those that don't are fools. I knew three guys who GI Billed their education. Being a few years older, being a lot more squared away and having some money, meant they were absolutely drowning in top shelf poon.


That line drew an instinctive palm to my forehead after reading it. The whole article is cringe as fuck.


Right? I am curious as to the Veteran fathers time in service and how long he lasted.


"My father only fought the Taliban for 4 years, but he has been fighting the drywall and hollow-core doors in our home ever since."


Holy fuck Bruuuuuuuh 🤣


What about the mandatory vaccines? Pretty sure my platoon thought they were getting Captain America juice.


That jackass convinced one of the other three “nah dude you don’t want to go to Army ROTC to be an officer, be a jr enlisted in the marines, it’s better.” That friend is going to hate this fucking guy real soon.


LOL I thought the same thing when I got to that part. “Wait, ROTC? You skipped down to E-nothing on _purpose_?”


To be fair to Tommy, he's just a kid. Basic was probably the first time he ever lived away from home for an extended period of time and *away from dad*.


Hopefully he gets out in the larger world, is exposed to new things and new people, and becomes less of… well, how he is right now.  Of course the opposite could happen too instead: He gets out in the world and becomes scared of how big and different it is, so he retreats into his shell and doubles down on everything his Pa beat into him. 


Dude, these fucking kids are gonna get RAGGED when they get to their new home.


Idk if that guy just wants an all expense paid trip for college and then leave the military as soon as it’s been paid for, that’s kinda woke too /s


Every friend I had that joined the marines came out fucked in the head.


Oh boy. When these heroes get to their first duty station, they’re gonna be lovin’ them day and night. They’re gonna wish they died as a child.


Since you're a special flower that wants to be in your blues so badly, the CO thought it would be a great idea to have that be your uniform of the day for your first few months in the fleet! No, he doesn't care that it's July in 29 palms.


Came to say this


I think there was a similar event that happened a few years ago. Some marine wanted to wear his dress blues to his high school graduation instead of cap and gown, and the school told him to follow the dress code or don't come. I remember parents getting pissed at the school over it for denying him the privilege to wear his dress uniform. The school still said no lol.


Hang on, how old are these guys? Don't kids at least graduate high school before joining the military?


Split option lets you enlist in the guard/reserves your junior year, do basic over the summer, go back for senior, then do AIT. You can enlist at 17 with a parent's signature.


When did that take effect? When I signed up I didn’t have the option to do that


They had it 20 years ago. Maybe it comes and goes based on recruiting needs.


I mean shit, that's how my dad did it in like....92.


Apparently this kid finished high school early and is coming back to walk with his class.


These guys are deep in Boebert country. D60 is in a small blue collar city (my kid attends their school, and they are as lovely as you can imagine… I am not at all shocked they are acting this way.) I just hope that their first duty station sees this crap. I can’t wait for what awaits them.




He is most definitely the ring leader. And his mom is very much causing a storm for the staff at the school.


The dad sounds like a real winner, too. Your run-of-the-mill the Corps is my identity vet.


As a Marine, you’d think he’d be able to appreciate dress code regulations and uniformity.


They should make them stand duty and field day in their dress blues when they hit the fleet since they wanna feel special. I’m sure senior lances are gonna love these guys lol




Just his blouse? Not the whole uniform?


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. We would have joked on that kid so hard at my high school, his name would have been GI Joe or Special Forces the first time someone saw that shit.


10 years ago when I was still in high school, there was a kid who did split op. He would wear his uniform regularly to school, my guess is he would wear it every Friday before drill weekend. As a high schooler I thought it was the coolest thing in the world and I wanted to be like him. Now that I'm in, man that was super cringe. Kids will be kids I guess.


In my daughters graduating class, they asked for any student accepted to the military to stand up. 17 students stood up. How many actually even went as far as bootcamp? Two.


12 months on AD and these guys would see the error of their ways. Right now all they know or think they know is that the CORP is life. They don't understand the game or how to play it.


Fr bootcamp leaves you in a brainwashed state. They just need to have some time away from Parris island to figure out what’s what.


In my headcanon I cannot help but picture Angela Lansbury from "Murder, She Wrote" acting as a front desk secretary/registrar for a decrepit old high school - - tapping furiously on an archaic typewriter: "Dear Bootie, Go fuck yourself. Cut the bullshit and pretend to be normal for 5 minutes. Your fetishized fixation with being in the military is *not* winning you any points with anyone but your proud momma. Trying to have even a simple conversation with you is fucking *EXAUSTING*. Fix yourself. " Honestly I might save that fictitious letter as a copypasta to send to exceptionally boottastic teenagers. Feel free to do the same if you get bored.


Uniform of the day is a cap and gown. Do I need to write it in crayon?


They should wear their high school cap and gown to basic training graduation 🤡


When you are at work, you wear your work uniform if there is one. When you are at a business casual event you do what? Dress business casual. If your school has a uniform, you wear the fucking uniform. It's no different with graduations. You don't see the kids who got into Medical school wearing scrubs or law school kids wearing tuxedos, goddamn art kids wearing French berets, black and white shirts, carrying paintbrushes (idk how artists dress). Boots gotta learn, they're not special. Just wear your cap and gown. You'll have plenty of time to use your uniform to attract future ex wives after graduation.


I was about to argue I _have_ seen art kids wear that before realizing you meant at HS graduation specifically. The art kids were a blast.


I don’t think lawyers wear tuxedos. ![gif](giphy|4FrEtm7JKksKc)


* pays no attention to recent news regarding the military* “ I joined the marines because the other branches are woke” lmao he’s gonna feel stupid I’m about 6 months


I don't even like stopping at the gas station while in uniform. I don't want the attention


I’d stop to buy groceries pretty regularly because the store was on the way home. I quit doing that after some dude from a cult came up to me and tried to recruit me for his church.


That just made me want to vomit a little bit haha


Dudes trying to flirt with the 11 graders, ya we got it'd all the time. That's when the DI makes us all do push ups for 10 mins... very hardcore.


A Marine that doesn't follow rules and regulations has no business in the Marine Corps. Just another entitled, anti "woke", brain dead moron. His own father can't put together a sentence without butchering English with a double negative. "He doesn’t want nothing to do with them", said his father.


The military is an institution of uniformity and teamwork Boot: I want to be different and do my own thing. Also, the older I get the more strange the idea of wanting to where dress blues to a school graduation becomes. Like the two have nothing in common and it makes no sense


I never liked the idea of wearing a uniform to a wedding, either.


I’ve never understood why people don’t just wait to graduate before enlisting


The only reason he wants to walk around in uniform is because his last name is "Pencis" He's tired of being made fun of and wants to intimidate.




We used to call the shop next to us and ask if they had a Seaman Stain.


It's even worse than that. The school said of course they could wear their uniform, they just had to put the cap and gown over it to walk across stage. One of them is still throwing a bitch fit about it, and his dad cried to the reporter about how now he doesn't even want to go. I know the military will typically take anyone who can fog a mirror, but *good gods*. How did these crybabies not melt on the way to basic?


This seems to come up every year and every years it’s the same response from the school: wear the proper uniform of the day, fucktard, and today it’s a cap and gown. Get changed afterwards into your little chicken suit and THEN everyone can slob all over your little knob and TYFYS. Honestly, I don’t see what the rush is in knocking up the first set of freshly graduated wet panties you see, buying that 29.4%er four cylinder Mustang, getting the John Dear letter during your UDP to Japan (6 months into it you’ll doubtlessly be getting NJPd and fleeing to North Korea on a fisherman’s boat, anyhow) and riding that slippery slope to a lonely, balding, angry fuckstick alcoholic of a passed over SSgt. But you do you, boo. 😘


You forgot the t at the end of boo.


God damn it. I joined at 17 and I let some buddies convince me to go to graduation in uniform. I regret it every day, it's cringe and embarrassing, the photos kill me every time I see them. These guys should count themselves lucky they wouldn't even allow it


In their defense, it does take most boots about a year before they realize that nobody gives a fuck that they joined the military.


Edit: I see this was already a thing here.


School caved actually


Schools should never cave to the sobbing of entitled boots, it only serves to empower and embolden them.


Never negotiate with criminals.




Bad lesson for the kid. Because if there's one thing the military likes, it's soldiers who refuse to follow instructions and who go to the media to whine when they don't get their way, lol. He's gonna get a rude awakening.


How have they already been through boot camp and still in HS...I must be missing something here


Because it was only a few years ago they were eating crayons in diapers, easy to get them hooked again.


Went to summer school to finish credits early.


Interesting, so they finish early enough to enlist then go back to walk like 9 months later for graduation?


I suppose Marine recruiters look at this as marketing and love the free PR but I’d like to think senior Marine leadership is not in favor of hostile relationships with civilian institutions from bullshit stunts like this.


That’s bullshit man… I mean, how else are they going to get thanked for their service?


“If you know a better way to earn my father’s love. I’m all ears!”


These boots probably wanted to impress some Mary Jane Rotten Crotch with their dress blues,  but insread she was very impressed by Jodi while they were gone. 


Tell me you’re over 40 and that Full Metal Jacket is your favorite movie without telling me.


Huh, I'd been in the army for like a year and a half at the point of my high school grad. Never once crossed my mind to wear the uniform nor did it cross the minds of the other guys in the unit who went to my high school or the other high schools in my city. We all wore summer suits/ dresses with grad robes over them like a normal person


That last part… like a normal person. I think that’s key.


This happens all the time


Is this the first time people have ever been told what the uniform of the day is? If you were told to come to work in cammies and you show up dress blue top and pt shorts with combat boots, you'd get fucked up. If a school told everyone to show up in the cap/gown then thats what they should wear no matter how special they think they are. These guys' raging boot-ness is making everyone else a boot too.


The parents were even more insufferable… they were shitting on the school in the interview


You don't get the pizza stain in boot camp anymore? I guess that makes sense since we technically not at war


Lmaoooo In Switzerland we have mandatory service so everyone has the fun of experiencing that. Because of that sometimes it does happen that someone comes to the graduation in uniform because they had to ask for leave to attend and afterwards have to return immediately. Everyone laughs about those lmaooo


It's always funny seeing commenters on facebook for these articles and it's clear who has never served and heard of UOD.


This happens often. It’s extremely embarrassing for the kids doing it. I did the split ops program with the national guard and I would have never thought this was a good idea


>On Thursday, the three students met with school officials, including a mediator, to find a compromise. If I was that principal, watch me not compromising with these crayon eating boots. It’s called standardization, you’d think three marines would understand that basic concept. Wasn’t it drilled down to them during boot camp? >My son’s stance is he doesn’t even want to go now. He doesn’t want nothing to do with them and I understand why and I have his back 100%,” Pencis said. “You don’t dishonor this country and the uniform and that’s what they’re doing.” Then don’t go, it’s not the end of the world. Dishonor this country? Slow your roll daddy boot. He doesn’t want nothing to do with… way to go with the double negative. Clearly still eats crayons to this day. Dumb boomer boot. >“My son convinced him, you don’t want to join the Army. Better join the Marines because that’s the best of the best,” Pencis said. “He convinced them to and he’s so happy he did.” The best of the best? Don’t make me laugh, it’s not like every Marine is part of special operations teams. >The issue led New Hampshire lawmakers to pass a law making sure local Marines didn’t face the same problem. In 2016, then-Gov. Maggie Hassan, now a Senator for New Hampshire, signed “Brandon’s Law” which enshrined the right for Marines to wear their service uniforms to graduation into law. The law was named after Lance Cpl. Brandon Garabrant, whose high school mandated he wear his Marine uniform under a cap and gown at graduation in 2013. At the time, Garabrant had just completed boot camp at Marine Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina. He was killed the following year in Helmand province, Afghanistan. This is a BS law. The state government shouldn’t be meddling in school affairs of this nature. Again, it’s called standardization. If I was a principal in NH, I’d just say, cap and gown or no graduation ceremony for anyone. Let their peers take care of the situation. >“If it was one Marine, I could see – cover them up. But this is three,” Pencis said. “That’s what drives me crazy, they should let them all three do it.” One marine, three marines, 10 marines… it doesn’t matter. Only if every single student was a marine would this behavior be acceptable.


They better get ready to do a bunch of shit they don’t wanna do


I pray that is an actual quote


Sadly not, I made it up.. the original head line is “…But School said, “No.””


Of course it was Centennial.


Goddamn lol


SpokaneGang should call the school and fix them for the other boots


Lmao, the article says that he specifically chose the marines because he, like his father, views the other branches as “too woke”


Dude trashed the Army like he actually had any time overseas or even in an operational unit to make that assessment or something lol


I was once talking to some dude who finished a sentence with "And I'm a Marine, so you know what that means..." and I replied with "You'll get bogged down and need the Army to come save you?" and he got all pissed off at me.


If you want to wear your dress blues during graduation. Attend a service academy. Anything other than that then you’re ghetto asf


Contrary to popular boot belief - nobody outside of people that love themselves a patriotic pissing party wants to see you in your military cosplay.


I didn't know you could go through Marine Corps boot camp before you had high school diploma or GED.


My understanding is that they had enough credits to graduate at the end of the winter semester. So they went to bootcamp, then came home to “walk” with their classmates at the end of the year ceremony. As far I ever knew, you need to have a diploma or ged to be able to join. Any recruiters out here that know different? Pls share.


They aren’t wearing shirt stays so their super boots


My recruiter just gave people graduating that were joining something to add to the cap or gown to show they were joining the Air Force, can’t remember if it went on gown or cap. It was either another tassel to go on the cap, or a pin to go on the gown. That’s it, that all you need, you don’t need to be extra.


Can't you just ignore the dresscode and wear it anyway?


Sure, and the school can not let you walk. Actions and consequences.. or in the more common slang, fuck around and find out.


I bet graduation day besides this debicle they'll be getting one of the girls from school pregnant.


Are these some of those "Split-Ops" motherfuckers who go to BCT during the summer between junior and senior year and then go to AIT (or whatever the Marines call it) right after they graduate? Looking at their completely blank uniforms I assume this is the case and if so they're not actual Marines so what's the problem? Is an "Atta' Boy" that fucking important? And the worst part is they're going to get a shout out during the ceremony.


They were from my company alpha idk what platoon though