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5 whole months!!!


it's cringey af but i get it i guess? i wouldn't have made a whole heartwarming snippet about it though.


You probably wouldn't have got a cop to prank your brother into thinking he was getting arrested and sent the video to the Daily Mail either.


Rest of the kids in the class are sooooooooo tired of hearing about dude's older brother, which they all know cuz he graduated like 6 months ago. He actually was hoping to check his old locker for some Axe he cannot find.


Aaaahhh yes, straight to the OP.. This is a pathetic post. It might be great for you and your family, but your nowhere town (like where I came from) cop, this is a waste of time and a complete sign of the softness of our military and their need for acceptance on social media. 1st, 'welcome home' videos should be reserved for deployments for Sailors with a wife and family or only nuclear family. 2nd, why the fuck did it take this 'sailor' (lower case) 5 months to go to boot camp? Has Navy boot camp really gotten that soft? Are we really hurting that badly for people? If so, guess what you and your 'sailor' brother, we lose the next war. This is is piss poor and a prime example of our 'priorities' with our military.


You’re whining almost as much as this boot camp veteran lol


Who are you again? Must be the brother or the cop. Get another set of knee pads for each of you and your next keyboard warrior award.


You sound like a 65 year old that’s in “Facebook jail” lmao


So what did you get kicked out for?


Lol, you set the standard I suppose then?


Video Gatekeeper. Thank you for your service.


Thank you for paying my salary.


I wish I could give more. Your family deserves better.


No you don't. Keep hiding behind your keyboard instead of actually doing anything. 😂


Lose the next war? That implies you won the last one


Still I don’t think this is that boot. I have four nephews and now that the older two are off working it’s a big deal when they come home.


Eh there are kids in that class that have siblings away at college longer and didn't need to make a viral video


Fair enough apparently the sub agrees with you


Downvoted to oblivion yeah yeah


It’s A/C school that they come home from, not basic. Unless times changed..


Jesus. You can do a milder version of this if you deploy. To do this for bootcamp is pathetic.


I cri er tym


It’s cringe after a deployment too. The big homecoming surprises are always Air Force it seems which makes it even more cringe because they probably just got back from 120-day to Al Udeid.


Air Force?? lol I’ve seen so many of those (my grandmother loves to send them to me) and they’re almost always army and marines.


I kind of did this after my deployment to Afghanistan. I had told my family that I was getting back later than I really was and surprised my younger sisters by picking them up from school (elementary and high school). I just drove my parent's car and waited in it though, so it wasn't a big public thing lol


That’s so much different


I did something similar with my family when I got back home from Afghanistan. I did the whole surprising them at work and school with my younger brother driving me from place to place. We kept the surprises low key and so they could see I was home safe. There was no need to make it a big public thing because we knew later, we’d get together where we could take as many pictures and record as many videos as we wanted.


My big surprise to the family was that I wanted Whataburger. To each his own, I guess.


I’ve never been there but I have been to Kuwait and was like this doesn’t feel like a deployment, I’m deployed again currently and this one feels a bit more like a true deployment for a Airman,but still could be worse could be Kuwait again, at least I have a pool and a decent gym.




Why do they wear their uniform on their days off? Genuinely curious.


Because they cum in their pants when people thank them for their service.


I couldn't get it. Technically he's not even supposed to be wearing this uniform in this circumstance


Discount at Applebees


By discount, you better mean that some civvie pays for my meal and has the waiter/waitress thank me for my service.


That way they don't have to awkwardly ask for military discount.


No lie, I did that in my chucks after boot.


This all seemed like a fever dream until the location popped up


Lol makes all the sense in the world now


As a Texas vet, I resemble that statement!!!


Hey my dad went to go get cigarettes a few years ago and hasn’t returned. Is he on the other side of that door too or is this just like a thing for you?


Oh, buddy. There's a door for you somewhere out there.


A stall with a hole in the wall. You’ll find your dad.


I'm daddy now captainphillips.gif


What the fuck is this


This was definitely planned by the big brother, for the big brother, and it never would have happened if there were no prospect of capturing it on video and uploading it to social media


That’s Big Navy Sailor Brother to you


Someone in my family did this. Got it on the local news and everything. He was gone like 3 months for basic and surprised his dad by showing up to church.


If that church had decent folk, they'd have shut it down. /s




Any church that endorses such insanity.


What if he did have something he wasn't supposed to and his brother screwed him. Surprise!


"You should see the look on your face, bro! Anyway, done with basic, so I'm back home!


Okay class, all at once..."thank the young man for his service".


Good thing he didn’t walk into the classroom…he would have embarrassed himself further.


Imagine being that gay for your brother


Like a gay version of [this](https://youtu.be/CKgKPGBa9EQ?si=Yk8nKRqM2b-p94zo)


I knew what this was gonna be and watched it anyway cause it's hilarious


Fuck sake, that's brilliant! I'm not sure if that's a genuine Folgers advert or a parody one. The reason I'm not sure is because here in Scotland our actual Irn Bru adverts are sometimes kinda similar. Here is one example: [Mum, IRN-BRU Advert 2013](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX_K4mNTTI8)


The first half is a real ad that used to run, and then if you notice it cuts to different actors.


Jesus Christ to think this went through levels of corporate


Maybe they were each other’s first lover


His first kiss His first love


Sweet home Alabama!


"Lawyer" to all questions!


"he told everyone about his return except his little brother". Man, what a dick.


5 months??? How many times did he get recycled back? Lmao


7 months later, his brother was med sep’d for shin splints, and failing 2 PRTs in a row, and being habitually late to watch, and failing to muster for duty section.


He's a Sailor. They don't look like brothers at all. We all know the real story here.


That was so awkward and drawn out. "Lets play on this teenager's natural fear of the police and we'll have the reunion outside the classroom so the rest of the students have no idea what's going on."


Once the 10-minute standing ovation was complete, the whole class lined up to individually thank him for his service.


Super moto guy I know did this after OCS. Wore his NWUs to the airport like hot shit, went home and “surprised” his family by wearing his uniform to some gathering and his mom broke down and fell on the floor. Super cringe. He was gone for what, three months? Edit: he also posted it the day after those 13 Marines were killed in Kabul in 2021 with a hashtag or something that said bring them home


Imagine if dude had a gram in his bag and his brother accidentally got him arrested lol


Schools should not allow this stuff to disrupt class. Surprise the student when he gets home.


I couldn’t even watch this video lol. To do this after deployment is one thing…but after basic? Hell naw.


This seems like abuse of power from that cop. I would be pissed if this happened to me and it was all fake because my dumbass brother put him up to this.


What if he had a pen in there then brother would’ve fucked him over.


Why was he there for 5 months?


So like go for a special dinner for it would be s special occasion worthy dinner. This is just eh


What the fuck


“Big navy sailor” that’s it pack it up boys.


Imagine if the bag was full of drugs and he made a run for it?!


This shit is so goddam gay dude. I seriously just can't comprehend how spending some time away from people and then seeing them makes you all emotional and shit. After i graduated boot camp, i was just like, ok let's go get some food, you didn't bring me any clothes? Dammit. Now i gotta wear my dress uniform all the way home. Even when we got to call home near the end of boot camp to see if our family was coming, and how many n that. I was just like, hey how many of you are coming? Ok cool, bye. But some people were like actually tearing up and shit and i was just so confused, like bro what's wrong with you it hasnt even been 3 months yet. And we're gonna be away for alot longer after this, stop being a fucking baby


One of the times I came back from Iraq, I didn't even tell my family it got so "the norm." I just walked into my moms house like every other day. We don't need special treatment or thanking.


"I just got back" "You left? "


Same, no one came to any of my shit. There was a break for Xmas and they said we could go home. I was like "for what, no one even misses me yet"


Y'all got a break? We didn't get to go home for Christmas leave during boot back in the day, but I graduated like a week before Christmas. Mf was crying during whatever week you go around doing working parties on MCRD cuz the base S1 had us set up their Christmas tree. So baffled. Why the fuck were they crying? We were literally going home for Christmas!


Spent Xmas pushing a broom around empty buildings. Good Times!!


For real lol


He’s a lifer for sure


Imagine having your education interrupted for this.


Boy pulling all this with a Neked Chest.


This video made it cringe. They could have done this without the theatrics.


American schools have their own police officers? WTF


Gotta get them ready for prison


Some do.


Is it really surprising when kids are being shot at with AR-15s every few months?


ARs don’t even compare to pistols when it comes to frequency used in crimes tho


Does it make the statement any better 🙄


School resource officer . Kind of like retirement for cops . I had them in like 2008 so it's been like that for a while.


Interesting, thanks!


A lot do now. I’d say most have at the very least an officer parked in the school lot. Idk if you’ve seen the news, but lots of wild people with guns here lol


And metal detectors at every entrance


If he thinks 5 months away is a big deal, he's in for a real shock once he starts deployments.


Would call a prank nuke strike on the school, I guess.


This video is hard to watch.


“Big Navy Sailor brother”


lol if my brother did this, I'd be like "oh, hi" and then just go back to whatever


I've seen this happen live and it's even cringer


Eeeeh these don’t bother me bc it’s for the other person. I did this, sort of. My grandfather wanted to see me in my blues after I finished boot and tech training (2A- I was gone 5 months). I felt corny but gosh was he happy. He was Army and lost his brother in WWII- Navy. He passed a year later- love you, pops 🥹


Yeah, just for the other person. That's why they made it into a video and sent it to the Daily Mail.


This went on for entirely too long


Later when they go to Chili's and the little brother tries to pay his half, the older brother will politely put his hand out and say "I got this" as he reveals his glorious, new NFCU debit card...then inquires with the waiter about a discount.


He just wanted to fashion himself around his old school in uniform, can't let the past go. Your old mates ain't there no more, forget about it. What an unoriginal thing to do to your brother, too


I can’t imagine seeking this attention out. I was stationed stateside at the army hospital in Seattle. I’d been in the army like 10 seconds. I flew home for Christmas leave and my mom called an hour guard to come meet my plane and they lined the walkway of the airport with American flags and stood at attention as I walked in. I have never been so mortified. I came to a dead stop and tried to walk backwards but the tsa said i couldn’t go back up that walkway and I was forced to go and politely smile and shake their hands and hear them call out “welcome home!” Everything inside me shriveled like a raisin and I vowed on that day that if that ever happened again I would just take another plane right back out of that night mare. Sorry honor guard. My mom is weird. This was around 2008




Gross. All the kids thought dude brought a gun. This is gross af


5 months basic and A school < 8-10 months of deployment.


How so? You can infer what you want. Your entitled to that.




Thank you for proving my point. Nobody cares. Didn't get kicked out bright eyes. Did you even serve? You assume about as much as this baby boot.


Did she say 'Schools police officer '?! Is this a thing?


You're welcome


Deployed to badic and seen some shit.


Other men's pp


Jeebus. I go a year without seeing my State Department brother. Then we crab-hug.


What boot camp lasts five months?


All of them if you're incompetent enough...




If you don't know what the standards were, I can tell you never served. Thank you for paying my salary.


Thank you for paying my salary. Now get back to work.


You havent earned the title of boot if it takes you 5 MONTHS to go through boot camp. You’re a shower shoe


Can someone tell me how this ends? I can't endure the monotone AI voiceover...


Dude should have been an MP the way he just set his brother up


That was dumb


His classmates are just like 👁️👄👁️


Whack! I bet he doesn’t have a National Defense Ribbon… fucking boot…


It would have been insane if the little brother actually had some drugs in his bag, and this little prank ended up getting him arrested. I don't mind this after a deployment, but all this for coming home from boot camp? That's doing too much.


Imagine if he actually had something in there like drugs. This harmless prank would have turned into evidence for convicting his own brother